VOL. XII 1 THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1901. NO. 113 & CAST0RI4 AStgclable PcparallonforAs similaling IhcFMdandRcguIa ling the Stoinaclis and Dowels of Promotes DigcslioaCheerPur ness and Rcst.Conlains neitlier Opnim.Morphine norIiicral. ,OT'NiRCOTIC. Xtript nfOMDrSAMVELPnVHUt himJim Srcti' stlx.Seiiiut ll.A,tU .Wit -sillier iCnrr Jtojrmm( -lliCarbMutbSotta HunpSrrJ -CttrnfirttMiMr hinknMen tUnw, Apeifccl Remedy forConslipn non , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish ic5s ami Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signnturc or NEW YOfclC. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of w ff CXaCT COPY Or WRAPPER. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THt CCNTAUH COMMNV. NEW YORK CITT. IIxHi'ty Ki'il Inn tit ltuttriluiii. Kotti:im, June 20. Mr. Krug-r, president of the lute South Afrit; in te puhlic, was welcomed ut tho railroad Htution on hid orrivul here today by the Hurgomaster deputations from nuiueroiiH Bocietiee mid ninny ladies. Tho bunds of music on platform played the TrHtis Vital itnihtmi, and hundreds of workmen') aojieties were drawn tlj along the streets leading from the elation to the town hall, to which Mr. Kruuer was driven, escorted by a guard of former Transviial oliicera An official reception followed. Great enthusiasm was manifested everywhere. In u speech of welcome at the town hull the JJurgomaater apoke U the slini lurity between the Transvaal and Dutch etrugglea for liberty, and said K itterd.tin wisbed tti ronh Mr. Kruuer to pay homage to the little lioer nutii n which had Hhown hiiuIi faith and confidence in itt own strength. Mr. Kruger, in a brief reply, deplored the fact that bin country wae cut oft' from supplies und ammunition, whereat the Dutch had their own supplies during their strugglea. He was fully convinced the Lord would deliver his country in His own good tlino. A luncheou followed the delivery of the speeches. Ail In KIiik. Ahtouia, June 25. A. N. Judd, a prominent fruitgrower of Wrttaonville, Cat., is in ttie city, having come North to look over the fruit situation in Oregon. He will visit Hood Kivor and other eeotlons of the state. According; to Mr. Judd the apple is king in California now, und ia being more extensively cultivated than any other deciduous fruit. Last year the Parajo valley, in which Mr. Judd reaideH, turned out 2.'J00 carloads of apples, while thia year the output, he huvb, will be fully 3000 carloads. "The outlook for other deciduous fruitB is gloomy," says Mr. Judd, "on account of frost. The prune market ia demoral ised, and growers are dicing "l prune trees to plant apple trees. When the pruuegroAere' truat, including Oregon growers, first organized, prunes were held at 8 cents. The price wout down cents, aud then to 2 cents, and finally roached iy centi. As o result of these low prices the Industry is not at all prosperous." fee idbld had been erected to repair the cornice of the building and the un fortunate man was at the extreme top of it when the brace g.tve way, precipitating him to the stone sidewalk below, a distance of forty feet. A fellow workman, Moll Saddler, fell at the same time, but itt a point six feet below he caught to a projecting board aud saved his life. Jones died while being taken to hospital, lie leaveB a wife, a eon two daughters. Mr. Jones was Eminent Commander, Washington Commandary, Knights Templar, of Walla Walla. Mr. the and .StrllicM l Kli'h l'lml. "J was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion ami nervous de- I bility," writes F. J. Green, of Laueas- ter, N. H., "No remedy helped me un j til I began using Eleetric Hitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Klectiic Hitters are just splendid for female troubles; thut they are a grand to.iie and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family." Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. 1 ratal fall, Wam.a Walla, June 2G.-J. P. Joiim, the well known contractor, met with a fatal accident this morning while work ing on the old Day building, corner of Third aud Main streets, of this city. A Gatarrti Cannot It" Cured, with local applications, us they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh ia a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it vou must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood aud ujucoub surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, and ia a regular piescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the beat blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surlaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Kend for testimonials, free. F. .1. Cukney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggistH, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Kcaema, saltrheum, tetter, chafing, Ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are quickly cured by DeWitl's Witch Hazel Salve. The certain pile cu.re. Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. Why pay 11.75 per gallon for inferior palms when you can buy James K. Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 6 years. Clark & Falk, agents. ml BIG LINER ASHORE ON NEWFOUNDLAND Steamship I.tisitania, With 500 Pas sengers Aboard, Crashes on Rocks Dnritif! Heavy 1?ojj. Sr. John's, N. F., June 20. The Orient Steam Navigation Company's steamship Lusitania, Captain McNay, from Liverpool,JJune ISth, lor Montre.il, having COO passengers on board, was wrecked last night off Cape Ballard. The Lusitania was bound round Cape Race for Montreal, with a large cargo and a ehipload of passengers. She mis took her course in a dense fog, and went ashore near Kenews, twenty miles north of Cape Race, before daybreak. The ship ran over a reef, and hangs against a cliff. The passengers, who are mostly emigrants, were panic-striken. They stampeded and fought tor the boats, but were overcome by the officers and crew. The rougher element among the pas sengers used knives. The women and children were first landed, and the men followed. The crew stood by the ship. A heayy Eea was running, but at latest advices the Lusitania was holding her own. It ia thoueht that she will prove a total wreck. The passengers of the Lusitania had a terrible experience. The first knowledge which they had of the disaster was when, owing to the ehip scrapingover the rocks, they were hurled from tneir births by the shock. A scene of great excitement ensued. Five hundred people were clamoring to escape while the ciew tried to pacify tiiem and launch the boats. The male passengers in their attempt to seize the boats, trampled the women under foot and fought the crew with knives. Some of the more cool-headed of the passengers asBiated the crew in the efforts to gtjt out the boat. One boat was upset and its occupants were immersed. It Is supposed that some of these were drowned. Another boat, having on board twenty passengers, is supposed to be adrift in the fog, and this may have ti veu lise to tho report that twenty persons were drowned by the up setting of a boat. The women and children, almost nude, were pulled up the cliffs by the coast people. This nnrning the unhappy passengers, after shivering for hours on the hilltop, tramped weary miles to reach the houses of the fisheriaen, where they are now sheltered. Previous to reaching the cliffs, the passengers passed two hours of terrible anxiety on the wreck. As a furious raitiBtorm and heavy sea raged all night, it is feared the Lusitania will be a total wreck. The last reports re ceived here said the steamer was break ing up, that her foreholds were full of water and that her cargo was being salvaged. There is hope of saving the effects of the passengers, as, where pos sible, they were stowed above decks. Six steamers are now on their way from here to the scene of the wreck. It ia expected thut the 500 passengers will be brought here tonight. DuulNli KlUK (iruoU I'rrHltleiil M c 111 II ley Washington, June 20 Mauritz ft. Swenson, minister of the United States to Denmark, called on the president to convey the greetings of King Christian IX and to express to the chief executive ot this country the heartfelt congratu lations of Denmark's ruler that Mrs. McKlnley is recovering. The king of Denmark greatly admires President Mc Klnley, and when he learned that Minister Sweneon was coming 10 this country to spend his vacation, he re quested that his congratulations and best wishes be personally extended to the president. To Kofuml Unfilled Htainjoi. Wabiiimiton, June 20. The Conimis Bloner of Internal Revenue, Yerkos, has decided that tho value of the proprietary stamps properly allixed and canceled on proprietary articles not removed from factories for sale or use before July 1, 1001, may be refunded on proper applica tion to the collector from whom the stamps were purchased. To Htuuip Out (iheep ticult, Washington, June 22,-The Bureau of Animal Industries of the Department of Agriculture will thia summer continue See Otar Show-case Display of Fine Laces INSERTIONS, GALOONS, Etc. Next Saturday j MEN'S Patent Calf Oxfords Special per pair ? j $2.50 A real swagger style. Thor ougbl' up-to-date, and an ex tra good value at the regular price of $5.50. Limited Quantity only. Next Saturday jZ? You can take your choice from an assortment of near a hundred Fine Hats ranging in price from 2.50 to 3.50 and, by the way, fully a third of the lot are 3.50 qualities at the Special Price Each of $1.95 New Line Linen Dusters. A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. New Line Straw Hats. its effort to stamp out the sheep scab, which has proved such a terror to sheep owners in every part of the West. Special agents of the bureau have been sent into every sheep-raising state, where they are working along tho lines of the railroads. Aside from recom mending remedies to the sheep-owners, these agents are cautioning them against allowing infected animals to mix with the herds. They are also throwing out precautions to prevent the transporta tion of infected animals from one point to another, hoping in this way to pre vent the further spread of the disease. It is said the disease can effectually be ftamped out in time, if the sheepmen will but co-operate and use their beBt efforts in this direction. No reports have been had indicating the progress or success this season. IideH)inleiic) Day nt Btevenaon. Stkvenso.v, Wash., June 0. Exten sive preparations are being made hero for tho Fourth of July. The military band of Vancouver has been secured. A barbecue at the grounds, sports of all kinds aud a pyrotechnic display on the Columbia river in the evening, will be the principal events of the day. Hon. A. L. Miller, of Vancouver, has accepted the invitation to deliver the oration. Iliiliiitiiat, tint I II rile. Los Banos, Cal., June 20. An im mense grain file is raging nine miles south of here. Ten thousand acres of grain have been burned and a still larger area of grazing laud has been swept by tho flames. BUSINESS LOCALS. You will not have boils if yon take Clarke & Falk's sure cure tor boils. Some desirable city property for sale or rout. For particulars call on Gibbons & Mardeu. alltf We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Ciiuonici.ic, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregoniau, price $1.50, both patters for if2 a year. Subscriptions under tuts olfur must be paid in ad vance, f Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea, A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation aud indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back, 25cts. and50cts. Blakeley, the druggist. Paint your house with paiute that are fully guaranteed to iaat. Clarke & Falk have them. LODES SUITS Just Received. A delayed shipment of and Duck and Crash Skirts has just been received; these goods must be sold, and wo will offer them at prices you can't a fiord to pass by. Ladies' Plain Crash Dress Skirts 25c Plain Denim Skirts, latest style, at . 70c Trimmed Denim Skirts 85c Circular Flounce Skirt, 5 rows braid $1.10 White Duck Flounce, trimmed with insertion 1.40 Fine Denim, with double circular llounco trimmod with braid, at 1.50 The last two lots are better than anything in the city at $2 or $2,50, Tailor-Made Suits, in all the latest styles, at $6.00, $7.50, $8.00 and $9.75. ii THE FAIR" The Place to Save Money. Second Street. The Columbia Southern Warehouse Co. Will receive Wheat for Storage in tho Wilkinson Warehouse during the Coming .Season, A General Warehouse Business. Grain Sacks for Sale. Will pay the Highest Market Price for Grain. THOMAS BOLTON, Agent, The Dalles.