The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 26, 1901, Image 3

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    PEHSB 5t MAYS.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Fljvuros.
HAHT, BCHAffNtH fc MAtt j(
Men's Neckwear
:. .1 i 1. : l.
See display in window. (kJ -mJ
For Originality of Design,
For Workmanship,
For Material,
Our Suits stand pre-eminent
possessing merit, quali
fied only by the highest am
bition of manufacturers in
sustaining a reputation al
ready established.
Every new thing in Cloth
ing worth having, which men
or young men ot fashion will
want to wear, is always to be
found at Tease & May's'.
Military Cut Sack Suits
in fancy cheviot, eassimere,
worsted-cheviot fabrics, gray
and greenish tints made up
in plaids, stripes and mix
tures. Trices ranging from
$12.50 to $25 00.
Men's Crash and Linen
Suits, 1-3 off this week.
K. it W. Collars and Cull':' 'J5c
Arrow brand Collars and Cud'-'. .2 for 'Joe
Shawknit 1Ioc-i 23e
New Straw I hits ."Ov to $2.00
Offers that assure
Great Selling....
Last week's sales of Linen Cloths and Lawns
were most gratifying. Tt is because we are offering
the best values the department ever gave.
We will make a special offering
of our entire stock of
High-class Organdies & Silk Mulls
They're tlio latest goods that Fashion has created.
Soft-finish Cotton Foulards, regular 30c values;
"Wednesday price 22c
Satin-finish Foulards, our regular 40c values;
Wednesday price ' 29c
Silk-stripe Ginghams, our regular 45c values;
Wednesday price 31c
Silk-stripe Organdie, our special 05c; Wednes
day price 44c
Silk Grenadines, regular ODc and 7oc values;
Wednesday price 49c
Silk Mull, special 90c; Wednesday price 67c
...One day (Wednesday) only...
for Men,
Women and
Men's Canvas Lace $1.50
Men's Canvas Oxfords.. 1.50
Men's Tennis Shoes. . . 1.00
Men's Bicycle Shoes .... 1.75
Ladies' Tennis Shoes.. . .90
Hoys' Tennis Shoes ,65c, 90c
Boys' Canvas Lace 90
Child's Tennis lace 60c, 75c
Ladies' Tan or Black Ox
Ladies' Tan Lace
Hop It I'ny to Idly Clieni?
A cheap remedy for coiighs mid coldg
is all right, but you want something
that will relieve nnd curt the more f
vere nnd dnngeious results of throat nnd
lung troubles. What shall yon do? Go
to n warmer and morn regular climale?
Van, if possible; if not pocdnlf for you,
then in either chbc take the only rem
edy Hint linn been introduced in all civil
ized countries with huccivs in eevero
throat and lung troubles. "Bo'chee's
German Syrup." It not only heals and
stimulates the tissues to destroy the
germ disease, hill allays inflammation,
causes easy expectoration, gives a good
night's rest, and cure-) the patient. Try
osn bottle, Recommended runny years
by all drncuiets in the world, mid fold
bv Clarke it Falk. Get Green's prizo
almnnac. "
Dyspeptics cannot be loni; lived be
cause to live requires nourishment Food
is not nourishing until it is digested. A
disordered stomach cannot digest food,
it must have assistance. Kodol Dvepep
sia Curo digests all kinds of food with
out aid from the Momuch, allowing it to
res-t and regain its natural functions.
Its idemeuts are exactly the same hh the
natural digestive fluids and it simply
can't help but do yon uood. Clarke &
Falk's I'. O. Pharmacy.
Why not spend the vacation at Ya
quina bay, where can be had excellent
fare, cood ftohiu,:, enod boatinc, sifo
J iMthtni;, alluring rids and rambles,
I l'lie courses and exercises at the summer
i school of 1901 at Newport will afford
ureal variety of instructions, diversion
nnd entertainment. No other resort
offers equal attractions and like advan
tages, junll-tf
Drop into Mays & Crows's store and
see the Perfection oil stove work. It 13
simply perfect. One valve does the
whole work. No complicated parts to
get out of order. Cheaper than wood.
No hot kitchen. There are no others
just, as good. Investigate before buying,
for these stoves are not sold by any
other tlrtn in The Dalles. 19-tf
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
wi' dni;si)a v
.11 WE 20. 1901
'other examiners are Prof. It. S. John-J plosive within Dalles City, shnll be I xn Small itoy and nu I'lrwracker,
j ston, of the Portland Academy, and j guilty oi a misdemeanor, and upon con-
I'rincipai ,1 . a. Uliurelull, of the linker : viction thereof before- the recorder, snail
City school. n. I bo punished by a line ot not less than
... five dollors nor more than twenty-five
ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
lid Kurt, today shipped to Henry
Doech, commissioner from Oregon to
the Pan-American exposition, a crate of
Royal Ann cherries he procured from
the Kobert Cooper orchard on Dry Hol-l
low. They were a magnificent, sample
of this delicious fruit, even for The
All Vhm (bounty uurrauth reentered
prior tit .Inly .', 1K!)K, will lie iu.lil
mi (irefii'iitnl lim nt my ulllce. Intern!
emiMiR lifter ,1 inn- !i(, 1 '.III I .
i (Mi n r. iiA.iirsnir.ic,
County TieiiKiirer.
Girl wanted
To do general housework ;
The best of wages paid ;
Apply at this office;
Plugs at Menefeo -k Parkins
Aibln Ducktngham has established a
stage lino between Fossil and Shaniko.'l
If you celebrate ut home buy your fire
worku at Menefeo it Patkins. If you go
abroad buy them before you go. j-ti
J. II. Gilbreth it Sons will keep at all
times a supply of hay, grain nnd feed
which thov will retail at the Ijwest
market rates. j2i-tf
Itov. D. V. Poling moved ins family
yesterday from tint (iourhty residence
south of the hospital to the iiettingen
residence corner of Tenth and Union.
Umatilla, Wallowa and Union coun
tieH have applied for space for county
exhibits at the coming state fair.
What's the matter -with Wasco county?
A. Holm, of Twickenham, lias written
to Fish Warden Van Dusen advising
him that the location of a hatchery on
the John Day would bo Impracticable.
The stream to very t lrbulont Mr. Helm
says and the rock would probably be
washed away,
An Indian, who goes by the Celtic
dollars, or by imprisonment not exceed
ing twelve days. Provided that this
ordinance shall be suspended in its
operations by a permit signed by the
mayor and recorder.
Tin: CmtONici.K is very much pleased
to learn that the account in vesterday's
D.illi'H wlmqe rherrien nresecnnd to none
in the universe. YTthey i rrive at tlHsirl paper concerning the runaway accident,
destination in trood condition, as it is near the Mount Hood Echool district, in
hoped they will, wo shall hear from
them. Dy the way, whose fault is it
that this is the first shipment of any
kind of fruit to tli'i exposition from The
DhsI Friday Miss Katie Davenportfh
at Mosier, with exercises of unusual
merit. The whole neighborhood turned
out to enj iy the day, 1 11 is" safe to say
that the expectation of everyone was
fully realized. A basket dinner was
served on the ground after which all rt
tired to the house where for two hours
they listened with much pleasure to our
future Webslers and Florence Nightin
gales, every pupil tnkiug part acquit-
ting ) iinself or herself in the most
creditable manner. The room was
tastefully decorated with flags, flowers,
and black-board drawings, which evince
much skill on the part of the teacher.
It is only justice to say that the entire
work has refllected the greatest credit
upon Miss Davenport who leaves next
Thursday to attend the Portland Jiuei-
ness College.
Thr Km
, , , i , i i i i- : yllaworth's mother
lersbv school closed last Jri-
One feature of the day which lequires
special mention was the trip to and
from the picnic grounds, each one's at
tention being called to the sun above
and the roads beneath. An interesting
program was renuereii uy mu pupn
which it was eaid that the victim, Mrs.
Maggie Reid, was dragged a distance of
two miles and a half and left uncon
scious, is very much exaggerated. This
much is true, as was learned last night
bv direct communication with the fam-
ly by telephone: The horse that Mrs.
Iteid was ridint: home froir school ran
away with her, and after galloping
'between two and three miles, during
which Mrs. Iteid stuck fast to the saddle,
the animal fell and rolled over on the
rider. Mrs. Held was, of course, badly
shaken up and considerably bruised in
numerous places, but Btrange to say no
bones were broken and she was not un
conscious for a moment, in a few days
she was able to be around the house as
usual, although there are still numerous
sore spots that remind her of her almost
miraculous escape from broken bones, if
not death.
I'kicso.vaij ji n.NTio.N,
Mrs. Uethune, of Boyd, passed through
town yesterday on the way to St.
Martin's Springs.
Mrs. J. F. Haworth and children have
irone to Portland on a visit to Mr.
Clinton Aldun, brother of Capt. Allien
of the Regulator, was u passenger on
this morning's boat for Stevenson.
George Anderson.of Chenowith creek,
day after a live months term. The last
day was spent by teacher, pupils and
friends in the woods of upper Eight-
Mile about nino miles above hndeisJjxJleft Q1 lh(J (,l!il,lor this moining for a
short stay at St. Martin's Springs,
J. Malone, of Antelope, is in the city
on his way home from a visit to his
former home at Petaluma, California.
Miss Hess Isenberg, who has been
, visiting friends in this city, MHuined to
.iter which a picnic dinner, which H K70"t Hood Hlver on this morn
only he gotten up in me country, was
thoroughly enjoyed by all. They all
reached Kndersby lutein the evening,
Mr. ami Mrs. Alex Scott and family of
Grass Valley ai rived here today on the
way to Ocean Pnrk where they expect
to spend the summer.
Volney Driver left on this morning's
piitronvmlo of McGull' was arrested last
night by oflicer Paulsen and booked as a tjr,,,i .U1(j Justy. but all declaring they
drunk and disorderly. Recorder Gates jima ,v flIltJ time. A handsome library
this morning sentenced him to a fine of ,.,lH(, hae i,een added lo the futniture of bout for Portland to submit to the ex
W which ho to working out or rather ! tl() K,iorsby school which is the pride aminntion, which convenes tomorrow,
loafing out In Uiu city liastlle. 0f )0h teacher and pupils
The young people of the Christian
church will give a jmssing social in the
church parlor Friday, June 28th, at 8
p. m. Knell one who attends is request
ed to brinjf the article, whatever its
character, which they most desire to bo
rid of, Ice cream and cake will be
served, Admission 15c. Kverv one in
vited. j'JO 2d
Prof. J.T. Ned' to one of the examiners
appointed by Representative M. A.
Moody to conduct the competative ex
animation at Portland tomorrow for the
appointment to a navel cadetship. The
and adito
greatly to the appearance of the school
The following to the section of the
city ordinance relating to the explosion
of firecrackers and other explosives
within thu limits of Dalles City. Tun'i.i: publishes the ordinance at
the request of property holders and the
marshal instructs ue to aay that he is
fully determined to enforce it until
other wtoe ordered by the proper au
thorities : That any poreon or perilous
who eliall fire or explode any flrecrack
era, bombs, torpedoes or any other ex.
for a naval cadetship,
Leon Hunting, postmaster and mer
chant at Collins Landing, came up here
this morning on the Irnlda and went
back on the return Dip.
Kx-Statu Printer Frank Raker came
up from Portland today by rail and left
on the Iralda for Hingen, from whence
he will proceed to Trout Lake, where
his family lias been camping for two or
three weeks.
This morning to Mr. and Mrs. I. G.
NIeleen of this city, a daughter, the
seventh in a family of ten, all of whom
are living save one, a boy, who died in
This is the time of year when the
small boy and bis fliccracker will bear
watchins. About 1 o'clock this morn
ing William McCrum was awakened by
a choking sensation nnd the moment be
became conscious lie discovered that hi?
bed-room was full of smoke, while a
slight blaza bad penetrated through the
floor, close to the west wall. Mr. Me
Crum's bed-room is back of ins carpenter
shop, and immediately back of the room
is a covered alley in which the delivery
horse of Mr. Duncan, the grocer, is kept,
the ends of the alley being enclosed by
gates. Mr. McCrum jumped out of bed
and threw what water was immediate
ly at hand on the blaze and then ran
outside to discover the source of the fire,
which be found to bo in the board wall
of the basement under his bed-room.
The call of fire brought a number of
persons from adjoining houses to his
relief, when the gate of the alley or
horse Bhed was broken in and the fire
soon extinguished.
An examination of t he premises made
it clear that the fire had started in the
horse manure and damp bedding of tiie
fched, and had probably smoldered for
hours before it caught in the plank wall
of the basement. There to no reason
to imagine that it was started by nn
incendiary, nnd the probable theory of
its origin is that it started from a lire
cracker that had been thrown into the
shed by some thongbtlees boys who
wanted to see the horse jump when the
craker went oil'. At any rate some lads
who had been caught doing this very
thing yesterday afternoon were detected
in the act and driven away from the
place by Engineer Georgo Hrown, of the
lire department.
It was a close call for Mr, McCiuin,
and bad he not providentially waked up
when ho did ho would in all probability
have been suffocated or burnt to death.
The incident ought to servo as a warn
ing to the citizens to look out for the
small boy and his firecracker, till t'.e
agony of the Fourth is over.
htiieKiueii, Attention!
Owing to tlit) fact that the Eastern
Oregon Hanking Company, of Shaniko,
Oregon, is situated at the entrance and
outlet of the largest and best stock
raiding country in Oregon, inquiricri are
constantly being made here by buyers
in regard to the amount of stock for sale,
the prices asked, and when) tho same
can be obtained,
lu order to be of some accommodation
to the stock raiser and to keep ourselves
well Informed, we should appreciate
very much to have them send us, at any
time, a list of their marketable livestock
and postoflice address, that we may
enter the same in our list kept for that
purpose ; and if at any time they wish
to obtaiu any information in regard to
the market or to know when buyers
will be here, a letter addressed to F, T,
Ilurlburt, cashier, Shaniko, Oregon, will
be answered promptly and will contain
all the information and news at our
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing between
W. Wii'lace Wilson and L. Y. Honp in
this city under the name and style of
the W. W. Wilson Co., has been dis
solved by mutual consent of both
parties nnd that Mr. W. Wallace Wilson
will retire from said business and that
Mr. L. Y. Hong will continue said busi
ness and will pay all debts contracted
bv and that are due from said firm, and
collect all money due to said firm.
Dated at Dalles City this 25th day of
June, 1901.
L. Y. Hong,
j2o Otd W. Wai.i.aoi: Wilson-.
Poj: iaiants ami Children.
file Kind You Have Always Bough!
Boars the
Sojnaturo of ltfz&ffl&744
Lost this morning, a new Smith it
Wesson hamnierless revolver. Finder
will lio rewarded by leaving it at The
Dallea Employment office. j2o-2t
If you want to retain your hair you
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
will make your tinir harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the very
be3t preparations for cleansing tho
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your hair soft and glossv.
Price, 23 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's
barber shop, The Dalles. tf
Dyspepsia can be cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. . One little
Tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded. Sold injiandsome tin
boxes at 23 cts. Rlakeley the druggist.
If anything ails your hair, go and see
Frazerj lie's tho headquarters for all
hair remedies. Remember that be
ninkes a specialty of these goods. tf
A surgical operation is not necessary
to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve saves all that expense and never
fails. Beware of counterfeits. Cl.irke Si
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
(Jill Wanted.
A thoroughly competent girl to do
genural housework; good cook. The
best of wages paid. Call at this ollice.
A full lino of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke it Falk.
Subscribe for Tin: Cuho.num.i;.
It is rumored that a very rich strike
in oil has been made near Pendleton,
and the housewives of Tho Dalles have
struck just the thing in oil stoves at
Maya it Clowe's. 19-tf
Subscribe for Tim Ciiho.nici.k.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third nnd Washington Sts.
All orders ntten.led to promptly. Long
distance plume Local, 102.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Stroot.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Men's and Boys1
Summer Underwear.
Wo lmyp just oponod t)u best line of Un
derwear oxov shown in tho city, and wo uro
solium- thopo uoods at tho lowest prices.
Hoys' line ribbed, light weight, shirtB
and drawers, per garment 25G
Hoyh' jeisey libbed, heavy silver grev,
shirts and drawers, per varment 25C
Men's blue mottled, light weitriit,
shirts and drawers, per garment 25G
Men's white, blue mercer i.ed silk
Btripe, ribbed, light weight, shirts and
drawers, per garment 5QC
Men's jersey ribbed, heavy, silver grey,
shirts ami drawers, per gaimeut 48C
Men's fancy striped, heavy ribbed,
shirts and drawers, per garment 50c
Men's urey mixed, merino, shirts and
drawers, per uariueut 30C
Men's brown and ecru, lace weave,
lictit weight, shirts and drapers, per
garment 50C