fit" ; mm wmw The finite fiailv Chnnninle .! t,ckct 18 !ls follows: governor, I flnnrrrri J" Plm mlinl'ln ! n. nf lorl In nil WEDNESDAY - - .1UXE 120, lttOt ! for secretary of stute, George Nolanri, i -r - . - of Astoria; for state treasurer, W. E. i T A Tr"RTR T TT inico, of Uakcr citj-; for state priiit U. IX. Jll J3 XLJXV Jl JU, , AViirhoilv. of ttosnhnr.! for superintendent of public instruction, ilohn Gavin, of The Dalles; for at torney general, J. K. Weatlierford, of Albany. I 3j e a d i n g .aflBizsz Merchant Tailor, Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe NOLAN'S Profit-Sharing Association. We have an excellent line of Sprinc Suitings, Pantince. etc., which we re , surplus abroad prepared to make up in the latest Etvlts, . ... , , . ud guarantee a perfect fit. llmlt manufactures. I As to the claim that American i manufacturers arc sold abroad for less money than they arc in this I country, savs nn exchange, no one J who examines the situation will find ! complaint. Such is the case, and the only deduction from it is that Amer icans will prefer to sell their products ! at home, or in the higher market, ( and consequently that what we sell I abroad arc surplus manufactuies, manufactures in excess of the Amer ican demand. The proposition is, then, that wo must either sell the at a low fiirure or The first monthly dividend has boon distributed to the profitable satisfac tion of thirteen of my customers. The only reijret is that. I was not. able to give a valuable present to each of my customers. I think they all deserve one. On Saturday. July 6th, 1 will k'ivo away two mimic hnxef one worth $'J7 M), playing elht tunes, ami one worth $7. BO; it ack of Hiiuar and a barrel ol (lour. 1 w ill cjve a caNli rebate of $11.00 to cuMo nijr pinine the tnont monev tv that date, uml $1! 00 to the one paying in the hocoimI lan:ent amount. On each Saturday, commencing on the loth of .June and including .July Oth, I will, In addition to the two pres ents given each week, give a l 00 rehate to tho customer paying the largest amount during the week. Purchasers of goods in my line will do well to keep in mind that 1 sell goods as low as the lowest, as well as share the proflt.with niv customers. IKE. T. NOLAN. -Oregon Short Line l ) m V and Union Pacific tlRl'A 11T I'Oll ChlCIIRO' Portland s4fCllll. timk sniutn,i:s I'ltOM tiik dai,i.i:h. Aimivr. riioM ItllKtllll A SOVEL DOCTRIXE. Astoria papers are making them selves supremely ridiculous by con tending, not only in effect but in words, that "government appropria tions to enable sea-going vessels to ascend the Columbia river to Port land are a fraud upon the rights of every producer in the Columbia basiu." As the Spokesman-Review well 1 says: I he producers of the Inland j gate receipts were almost nil. Empire have slight concern in the! The advance iment for the Bloomer rivnlrv between Astoria and Port-'t;lrls nrru with Superintendent land. If the little citv near the HIlMlllHT- j;nIII, The "Boston Bloomers" an apgrega tion of female alleged ball players, are j not making triends at every point where they appear, according to comments of newspapers. The latest illustration of this fact comes from Salem, where the "Bloomers played Saturday. The Statesman says : The Boston Bloomer Baseball Club came to Salem yesterday and played a came with a picked up nine at the fair ! grounds, the "sweet . ?) things" winning out by a score uf KJ to 11. The audience was Beleci mid small so small tint the YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of uslnc so-called kldnev remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and he forever rid of those ti nil pains In your hack. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, anil your niglits niHtle restful by the n"o of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ol your druggist or sent bv mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wuvne, Indiana. M. '.. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. Just What Yoa uaant. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. m jt vin limit i lllttton, Atlantic KxprvNN, Vi-M it. in. via Hunt ItiKtim. Ht. I'lltll KlINt Mull, ll 'i'l p. III. Vlll .SK). kimu. Suit Utlte, Denver, Kt. Worth, oiniilm, knti i,! chro mid tho Kant. i Milt Luke, Denver, I't Worth, Omiihii, Kmh mi City, HU-iiiiIh, nil. cmkii mill the Uiwt. Wnlln Wnlli,, U'ttlKtim. Kpokiiiio.Wiilhiee.l'iiIl mim, MltitifiitHiiio.Hl. i'utll, Dtilutli. Mllwi'.u 1 Wit, CIilcii;(i mid Kiiht. I nii.m. 3 IlOn n. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE Krnin I'.trtlHiiil. igtris arranged with Superintendent J j L. Lambmli of the street-car line, for a ' band, and made an fi -renim-nr tht. if mouth of the Columbia can build upiMr. Lambrith would secure the Salem a great ocean commerce, well and J Military band and pay half the expense, good. But whether the produce of 1 the Bloomers would pay the other half, the Iniand Empire shall take ship at ' would admit b9 pubUe to the game at -o .i , ...,. . , 25 cents, and the girls would parade the Portland or at Astoria, the interests , , , c , , . H , ' ' streets of Salem bfifnre the r-ame. Mr. of the interior will be benefited by I Lambrith secured the band, and that 5 the improvement of the Columbia j aggregation played stirring music on ' g river. The deeper the channel from ! streets ol Salem and drew a large crowd. , ii Astoria to Portland, the cheaper our i ,can-v of w,,om ""owed the hand to the ..., . , . , grounds to witness the game. wbat will be carried from Portland i , , , , Arrived at the fair grounds, the band to Astoria by ship; and the cheaper enl,.re(1 tne closure the girls carry the ships can carry it, the lower the .canvas walls to fence in their diamond" rate the railroads must make to anu" cave several selections, while Mr. divide the haul between those towns. Lamorib called upon the girls' manager If there were no river, the railroads j f! ftlement, and that gentleman , , , , refused to pay for the band. This vio- would have all the haul, and would j Iation cf contrBBl .nMrm1 Mr. r.,iiti. especially as the parade part of it had also been violated. But when he dis covered a few moments later that in stead of 25 cents admission, 35 cents was charged, his cup was full. In scathing terms he denounced this robbery of the public, and he at once ! New ideas in Wall Paper hero. Such I wide varietv a- we ate showing never be- ; fore graced a single stock. Keal tton creton ellects at ordinary prices. t Good papers at cheap paper prices, i Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, vours 1 for a small price, at our store on 'l'hird street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. V00 p. in. Dully OJceujit Similii, x:i . in. Sittnriliiv, 10:00 i. in. Dilly oxeiiit Siltidiiy, f,-U0ii in. (All BalllllR dlltl'H Kill, Jeot to chuiiKe ) l"nr Fun rninelHCd, Kali every fi iIiijk. CiiIuiiiIiIh Kltt-r. To Akturlit unit Why IjUI(JIIK. Klvnr. , Urejltm City, Nenheri:, Siilem, IlKluixMiilenei-, mill w ny-ljuiRliiRh. 1 IW i. 111. I no p. m. t'XPtpt Sunday, t 'm p. m. IXfl'pt fltilidny. i....u.t.... luiita- i . Sntunliiy, li Oti ii. m. 'I'uehdnj , Tlnirixtii) , hHtnrdiiy, 7 (10 ii. m. t'orwillli uml Whj UitidltiKx. I p. m. Molality, WediM'diy t rliliiy. V. IIIi.iikMIk mill Vlllllllltl lllrH. Olt-Boii (rity, Divton ,u, ,1 edtiiwiuy .111 l-JUIUIllh iiuttj. ' m p. m .Miiiiuay, P. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAV. COMPANY :1 .3 4 Htenmurs of the I'.vculntor Line will run iin per thefol Mjhedtilu. the Comimny reuring the rluht to clmttRv sei.cdulu witnimt notice. Str. Regulator Lv. at : DOWN. Dulles A. M. Tneailuy 7 Thutsduy entunlity . . . . Arr. I'ortliind Ht 4 :Xfl p . V L'l'. Lv. I'ortliind lit T A. M. . . Monday . Yedne(lHy . Krldny Arr. Dallen a 6 J K. Str. "Iralda" Leaves Cascades (5 a. m. Arrive Dalles IOiIIO a. m. Leave Dalles .'! p. m. Arr. Cascades 7. .10 p. m. Dailv ex. Sundav. Str. Dalles City. DOWN Lv. Dulles lit 7 A. i. Mondiiy Wedneidiiy. . Friday Arr. Portland nt I :.J v. . CP. i. . i-oriiiinn , j III T Oil A . K Tneiiliiv 'S ThtirMluy , niltnrihiy Arr. DiilleH ' lit 0 1' it. . L. Lane, Itlpnrin dully, .1 lu ii. in. Hiiuld, Hirer, lllpiirln to Unvintm,. ol M ltAI. l.cao U'Wlslou dni'y, h .1) u, ll'l. Biacksmun ...AND... ifsesfioer gW 1'nrtieh JeMritiK to n to llepnner nr iioititf on Cidiiinbhi Southern vln Iln;i; ktmuM take No. 2, leiivlntt The Diille nt 1-' .' . p. in. niiikliii; direct conneutiotiK nt llcppner Junction Mild llliies. Itetlirnlni! innlllnrdlriy nt ileppner Junntloii uml Itlntti with .No. l. nr 3 ni!iK ut The DiilleMit 1 ;06 p. in. l or further piirticnlnrx, cull on or nddresn JArt. IIIKLAM). Aitent, The Dnlleti Ori'KOll. Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. set their own rates on the service." Instead of subscribing to this, novel doctrine of the Astoria papers, the people up this way regret that il is not practicable to ask for govern- j ment appropriations to enable sea- going vessels tt ascend the Columbia ' called upon the band to leave the dia- and Snake rivers to the grain fields i ,uond' Goi" outeide hu invitt'(i the , . T i i r- public to come outside the fair grounds and ranges of the Inland Empire. ' , , h , mmmmmmmmmmm (the diamond was near the race track; From nearly everv commercial ! "nd,tlfT "fl? lm"d ?nwrl' The . , " , , . band followed him to the street-ear organization of the Inland Lrapire ; piatforIU( Bnd there BBVB u free ronuertf strong protests are reaching the Port-j enjoyed by hundreds of people who land chamber of commerce because would not pay exorbitant rates) to see of the abandonment of the trip of the baaebal game. The result was the ... ... Bloomers' nliivlni iras win. In. I,n tue congressional rivers and harbors ., , .' . .. . ' CnnnK5l Cnnnlinr , , , paid admission, and their manager's TuDeFQl bUPPlieS committee to the da es of the : k ,,mw.muvj Columbia. It is due to the com- treasury, while the public generally ap mittee on entertainment of the cham- plauded the action of Mr. Lambrith, and ber of commerce to say that they ! eni'fcd the splendid concert at the fair claim they did everything in their Kround attij; . . PI..I.,. 1. T7..II. L . .. . . i nower to inc uce the vis tup eon., uiwwu mm imye remveu a cariona " 57 gressmen to include the dalles trip in their itinerary, but without avail. It is said that Chairman Hurton, of Excursion Jlates every Saturday for parties of five ami upwards : Dalles, While Salmon and intermediate points, 50c Dalles to Cascades, $1. 00. For an evening trip take thi "Iralda" at !J p. m. to Hood Itiver and re turn on the up boat. Third auu Mcwn. Plioiic 159 5' I m .3 I 3 J; Tne columDia Packing Co.. ? FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, r Travel by the Steiimers of the KeRiiliitor Line. The Comtrntiy will ende.ivor to Hive ltn piit JJ, t"11 best i-urvieu jiothlhle. For further information nddrir Z, l'ortlund Olllce, Oiik-Street Dock. VV. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Afc't. g PACKERS OF TPORKand BEEF JIANOFACTtlKEKH OK DEALERS IN All kinds of of the celebrated James E. Patton I I strictly oure liquid paints Floral lotion will cure wind chapping ' 1 and Hllnhllrn. M :lrlllfni'tnr.(l I,i. Pluri.o the riveis and harbors committee, & pttjjIi and a number of the members of I it i)u..iK tiib oriu. ' the committee will return in July to ; No Discovery in medicine has ever visit and inspect the Upper Columbia , created one quarter of the excitement and its tributaries. ! u,Rt nuH l't'L'n t,luls,!tJ by Dr. King's New ( Discovery for Consumption. It's severest Senator Ilanna blowly climbed the , t(!HtH havu hwii 0,1 hopeless victims of etairein the White House the other "u'nptiou, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, , ... . . ., Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of. day, pufling at everg step. "Mark," w.ll0m it hltB reBlore(1 1 )(Jrfe(!t IjeBU , said Senator Scott, who was with i For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay , him, "why don't you get the presi- 1 Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough denl to nut an elevator in the build-i'1 ie the liekest, surest cure in the ing." "Did suggest it to him," said ! "orId: tJl l eM hy (i' ' , , . 00 , ., , druggist, who guaranteeu satisfaction or nanna, oeiween gasps, uui ne saiu reund monuVi j.HrKe bot,leH 50c Hn( be noticed I got here just the same $1.00. Trial bottles free. 1 without one." j it"oiMi77. 1011.. The fume of Bucklen'H Arnica Salve, as the beat in the world, extends round the earth. It'e the one perfect healer ot Cute, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions, Only In fallible Pile cure. 25c a box at G. C. Biakeley's, drug store. 1 Clark & Falk are uever closed Sunday, Don't forget this. Grandall & Bar-get UNDERTAKER i tP EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shrouds Etc. -iFine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKI) BKEF. ETC. J. 8. hCIIE.NCK, I'reHldeiu. .Max a 'ii. r. C'llhhlui The Times-Mountaineer has se lected the next democratic stale ticket and tbere is now nothing for the democratic primaries and con ventions to do but confirm tbe nom inationa, and nothing for tbe candi dates to do but take a bee line as usual for tbe soup tureen. Tne WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. Jf you are in need of anything in our lino, figuro with us, for it will pa' you. We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. THE DALLES. WALTHER, - - OREGON. First national Batik. THE DALLES - - OREGON A General Bunking Bubuiuhb trammeled uenoBiiB received, oubject to Siyht Draft or Check. Collections made and proeoudu promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sijfht und Telottrapuio ExcuatiKe sold on I'iow York, San Francisco unc! worl lund. ri I lv vnTnuu p Thomson. Jno. H. Hohknck. ' fc.0. M. WlLMAMH, GKO. A. LlUK. I H M. flKAM.. ' : - a - ! FRENCH nn j BANKERS. j Transact a General Banking Busiuoes. U'tterH of Credit iHiiud nvniluhlu in tin; huHturn fstutcH. Sijjht KxclmiiKc nnd Tulonrnphic JraimferH Hold on JS'hw York, Chiciiyo, nt. LouIm, Hun Frnnuinco, rortlnud Qui. Kon. Huttlc WuhIi., and vnrlotiH noiiitu in Oregon und WaHhitiKtou. CollbctioiiH made ut. all orahle termo. ft Complete of . Drugs at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. mm mwn The W. W. Wilson Co,, PropB. First-Class in Eyery Respect MEALN AT ALT. IIUUUH. Oysters Served in any Style. 7 Bocomt Bt The UhIIch, Or Spring Suitings Tho timo will Boon ho hciii when ewrr hIvIIhIi drcHHcd 1111111 will want an up-to dale KprhiK Knit. TIioho arc tlitt khi" 01 imtroiiH 1 tun tailorink; for. Cohiu in and look over my Spring line of SultniisB. All tho luteal uovultlcH for 1 001 . Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In oil Iti ttai; tUwo liuuia ho cltmulluuti. Ely'n Cream Balm cldiuixca, tixitlivH and livalf tliu ilUuuud inmiitiraiie. It curua catarrb ttnil drlvo way cold lu tlio hud ....1. .1.1.. JuiVKljr, Creum Balm ii plwcd Into the notrlli, pr oyer tbe mcinbrne and ii ibwrbed. '""'., mediate ud euro follow.. It U uoi iWvsl"Z out jiroduco ineezlHB. Urge Blw, 60 e"11 l glit .ir by mall j Trial HUc, 10 centi j nm". H.y WK)TUKHS,6U Wiirruu btrwli