The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 26, 1901, Image 1

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vol. xi n
;the dalles, Oregon, Wednesday, .june 2g. 1901.
no. 112
il mm .iuhhihI
ASl'gclablc PrcparationTor As
similating IhcFoodandRcgula
liii'4 the Stomachs andBowds or
Promolcs Digcslion.Cheerfur
ruiss and Rcsl.Conlains neither
Opium, Morphine norIiiicral.
ittifx oroidJirStWUELPITCIW
IimJan Srrd-"
luKhillr Satis -sftusr
StYtl f-Ji-ttfiininl
IKnftSrnJ -Clmtfird
httlrtywrn flawr.
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
Uon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Sigmilurc or
new' york:.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
H ""i
For Over
Thirty Years
A Seattle Gambler Shoots and Kills Ex
Chief of Police W. L Meredith.
Skattlk, Wash., .1 hum L'5. At 5:23
this afternoon John W. Com-idim-, one
of tliu proprietors of the Standard
Gambling House mid People's Theatre
in this city, Hhot and killed ex-Chief of
Police VV. L. Mereditii. The shooting
occurred in Guy's dru store, (n the
corner of Second Avennuand YeslerWay,
in tho heart of the city. Considine was
also wounded slightly in the bend, by a
bull from a double-barrelled shot-gun in
Meredith's liandH.
Tlie stories of tho shooting arc conflict
ing, and it cannot yet be f aid wlio was
the aggressor. Tlie men hud threatened
to shoot one another on sight, and botli
were prepared for trouble. The drug
store nt the time of the shooting was
crowded with people, and one bjMtander
was ahot through the arm by a stray
bullet. Mereditii wuh killed while
struggling with John Considine mid Tom
Considine, who had come to hiB brother's
Three bulletB from ConsldlneV re
volver, fired at abort range, pierced
Meredith's bodj one in the head, an
other in tlie client uud another in tho
ubdomen. CoiiHidlue was at once ar
reted by Sheriff Cudihee and two police
ofl'ieers who were in the dm store when
tho fatal stiots were ilred. Ho was taken
to police headquarters, and from there
transferred to the county jil in a closed
carriage, to avert lynching, of which
there was some talk in the greut crowd
which gathered about the scene of tho
OonsidWiB and Meredith had been
mortal enemies for ubout three years,
although they weie prior to that time
warm personal friends and associated
together Id the theatrical business of
Spokane. Mereditii, who resigned his
oflice last Butuiday on account of the
pressure brought to hear upon him by
Mayor Humes, was city detective before
made chief. While in the subordinate
position he and Consldine never spoke
but avoided open battle. After Meredith
was made chief, however, he served
notice on Cousidlne that the latter could
not remain in the city and do buainesp,
nnd followed up the threat by making
several police orderM which affected
Conslilne's business In retaliation
Considine publicly made charges of cor
ruption in oflice against Mereditii, and
reiterated them until the Law and Order
League took the mutter up and called
for a council investigation of the police
department. Tlie council committee
investigated, and last Friday night niBde
a report to Mayor Humes advising the
removal of Meredith and one of his
detectives, G. W. Wappenstein. Mayor
Humes therefore requested Meredith's
Strike A Klt-li Kind.
"I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion arid nervous de
bility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancas
ter, N. H., "No remedy helped me un
til J began using Klectric Bitters, which
did me more good thau all the medicines
I ever used. They have also kept my
wife in excellent health for years. She
says Electric Bitters are just splendid
for female troubles ; that they are a grand
to.iic and invigorator for weak, run
down women. No other medicine can
take its place in our family.' Try them.
Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by
G. 6. Blakeley, tho druggist. 1
Catarrh Cannot It Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reucli the neat of the disease. Catarrh
ia a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it vou must take inter
nal reined!. Hall'B Catarrh Cure ib
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians iu this country tor yecrs, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the beat tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on tlie mucous surlaees. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results In
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. .1. Ciiknky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggiHts, pi ice 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Kczouiu, saltrheum, tetter, chafing,
Ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are
quickly cured by DeVVitl's Witch Haeel
Salve. The certain pile cure. Clarke &
Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
Why py $1'7 per gallon for Inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 6 years, Clark 4
Fa'.k, agents. ml
Man Persons arc Drowned in Plain
Silit of Their Friends Majority
of Population Sought Safety on the
Kr.Ys-roxi:, W. Va., June 23. The fol
lowing story is told by an eye-witness to
the great flood :
"Keystone is the metropolis of the
Klktiorn mining country. It lias but
one narrow street, nnd because of limited
space many houses are built on piles or
walls over the Elkhorn or close up
against the mountains. The town follows
the meanderinge of t he stream for a mile.
Friday night at 11 o'clock the storm
struck tlie mountain, and for six hours
rain fell in torrents. Houses, barne,
bridges, fills, livestock and human beings
were swept away by the mighty current
and dashed on the rocks or trees below.
"I was stopping at a hotel. At the
first warning many of the inhabitants
took refuge on the mountain Bide over
looking the town and river. More than
100 people, however, remained in town
to look after the women and children
who did not escape early. The bridgo
leading to the depot was soon swept
away, and then tlie angry waters rushed
through the only street in the town, and
we found hundreds cut off from the
mountain retreat. The hotel was made
fast to the telephone poles by means of a
line. Hundreds of lives were saved. But
in attempting to cross the muddy, surg
ing waters which swept like an avalanche
down this street many lost their hold,
and in plain sight of friendB were carried
out into the river and drowned. Houses
plunged and dance i in the mighty stream
with Bcreaming women and children on
the roofs. Horses, cattle and other
animals were drowned around us.
The Norfolk & Western Kailroad fill
at thiB place gave way, and more than a
mile of track now lies in the bed of the
river. In fact, it is hard to tell how
many miles of track and how many
bridges have been swept away. The de
struction is tremendous to the railroad
alone, and it may be many days and
perhapB weeks before trains can run.
"The loss of life cannot be estimated
from here. It is known that eight lives
were lost here. Six bodieB have been
recovered at Eckmaw, two miles below
here. Several were drowned at Swawnee
and a good part of the town spept away.
"All the women were conveyed from
tiie hotel to the mountain side by means
of the life line. Then tlie men left, as
tho place was unsafe. When it came
my turn I seized ttie line and plunged
into the muddy current. In an instant
my feet were swept from under me, and
It was the fiht of my life to reach the
houeeonthe south side of the street.
The distance was not great and the water
not more than three feet deep, but the
current was almost irresistible, and even
cows and horses were swept past me as
I clung to the rope, which was the only
hope. Frieudly hands pulled mo out
more dead than alive. Tho hotel is still
Married Woman Shoots Down the Man
Who Betrayed Her Husband
Stood by and Encouraged Her to
the Deed Woman Not Molested
For Her Act.
Skatti.k, June 25. The following Btory
is from tho Dawson Doily News of June
Dick Beales was shot to death by Mrs.
Thomas Herndon near thiB city, while
the woman's husbaud stood by and
prayed that her hand would not full at
the trigger. Herndon hud been search
lug for hiB wife for the last three years.
A chance clew led him into the Klondike
region last winter, and near Dawson,
Herndon found his wife, deserted aud
suffering. She had been persuaded by
Iinlnnc of lvummuit." of Wiih Goods left over from
Saturday's :ile will be closed out nt Half the rem
nant price.
See our new line of
of fine wash fabrics.
Ladies' Komonos, made
When planning your
slimmer outing, bear
in mind that here you
will find all the nec
essary carrying para
phernalia Trunks,
Suit Cases,
Bag's and
This is the only store in town where
you can buy the well-known and justly
celebrated DrucKer Trunks.
A. full lino of sizes, styles and prices
now on hand.
Hosiery j&
was never so popu
lar as at tho present
time. To see is to
The original color
ings are simply irre
sistible while qual
ity has not been
Our prices range from 35c to $1.75
and at 50c and 75c pair we show ex
ceptional!' good values.
DucK and
Crash Caps
Men's, Boys' and Chil
dren's. A complete variety at
23c, Hoc and 50c.
We nre well pqninned to supply the demand for
Summer Hats, Etc. Anything from the new
style in sailors at $2,00 to the "Hay Hat" at oc.
The "Sulmatra" Helmet,
gray cloth with green under-brim;
Cobbler Shop in connec
tion with Shoe Dept.
New lot of
Men's Linen Collars.
Dick Beales that Herndon was dead and
had married Beales.
After 'lonfessing his duplicity to the
woman he had wronged, Beales, fired
with whisky, went to the cabin of his
partner, Jeff Alexander, and demanded
his share of the clean-up. Alexander
tried to argue with the liquor crazed
man and refused to give liim anything
thing until he was sober. Beales drew
his revolver and shot his partner.
Alexander fell to the floor and the would
be murderer seized the gold dust in the
cabin and started for town.
Beales took possession of the dog team
loaded with provisions and started off,
followed by several parties of men who
had discovered Alexander wounded in
his cabin. The first of tlie parties,
headed by a man named Andrews, was
overtaken at Anvil by Herndon and his
wife, who too were in pursuit. Andrews
had broken his leg and tho outfit had
stopped. Leaving Andrews at Anvil
the remainder of his party, with Mr. and
Mrs. Herndon started on the trail again.
After a long chase tho party overtook
Beales near McKeon'a cabin on Anvil.
Bealee Btood at bay and whipped out his
revolver. Herndon also drew his gun
and the two men exchanged shots. Beales
was hit in tho leg but continued firing
Herndon had dropped his revolver after
the first shot. Mrs. Herndon grabbed
the still smoking weapon and fired three
shotB at Beales, who fell dead. The
body was left in tho trail and the party
returned to Anvil, from which place Mr.
and Mrs. Herndon took the route to St.
Michael. None cared to stop them.
There was no need of other than miners'
law in that country.
You will not have bois if von take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure loi boils.
Some desirable city property for sale
or rent. For particulars call on Gibbons
& Marden. ntf
We offer for u limited period the
twice-a-week Cnnosioi.K, price fl.50,
and the Weekly Oiegouian, price ifl.50,
both papers for 2 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid iu ad
vance. Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. 25 els. andSOcts. Blakeley,
the druggisL
Subscribe for Tun Chuonioi-ic.
Just Received.
A delayed shipment of
and Duck and Crash Skirts
has just been received; those goods must be sold, and we
will ofler them at prices you can't a fiord to pass by.
Ladies' Tlain Crash Dress Skirts 25c
Plain Denim Skirts, latest stylo, at 70c
Trimmed Denim Skirts 85c
Circular Flounco Skirl, 5 rows braid $1-10
White Duck Flounce, trimmed with insertion 1.40
Fine Denim, with double circular flounce trimmed with
braid, at 1.50
The last two lots are better than anything in the city at $2 or $2.50.
Tailor-Made Suits, in all the latest styles, at
$6.00, $7.50, $8.00 and $9.75.
The Place to Save Money.
Second Street.
The Columbia Southern Warehouse Go.
Will receive Wheat for Storage iu the Wilkinson Warehouse
during the Coming Season.
A General Warehouse Business.
Grain Sacks for Sale. Will pay the Highest Market Price for Grain..
THOMAS BOLTON, Agent, The Dalles.