Workmen ...... . - ...i i li-itiilri-L.).- tt nnmnnntna wte away In mill a tut foundry with 11 insistent Uregon roupn. vou nave seen nuimreusui wiciii uie wmi that toiTilik'Ulsca. Consumption. Yon have seen wives loft pennlle.s. anil children thrown upon tho mercies of the cold world, lvenuse the father rouclm! his life away Tin) air you breathe over (lav Is full of .-turn, metallic dust which is inhaled into the luna and irritates their delicate lining, Iu the case of clasps blowers, the ticree one direction via rail and In another via steamer. For further information eotiiinnnieate with .las. Ireland, aeent, The I).llet, tul-jill ..nwh "The l.'oetors told me mv ?..uh was incurable Oat' Minute Conh Cure tttadi' tut! a well man." Xorrix Silver, North Stratford, N. II. lU'ean-e yoti've not found relief for a rimhhorn couirh, don't despair. One Minute Cough Cure lm cured thousand:! ami it will cure vou. Safe and sure. Clarke FalkV P. O. I'hunnucy. Sotnuthint: for little folk?, new kinds of harmless and beautiful parlor displays at Menefee it Parkine. j'.M L'G Paint your house with paint!' that tiro fully gunrnnteeil to last. Clarke & Falk have them. NOTICE FOR Pr 15 LI CATION. I-iind Otlice nt Yanriun or. WhsIi , XI.. 1 ,.U licr.i. of hc molten class forces '.t. way up the I v,..,,,., , tiorebv clven tlmt'thV Wil lowing V'11Vl',r,,.U'.i1.".,,,S-t,1:r; VSXflluui 1 "'"' ot leJLC have t?kni not "e ot It.'"" Mo I Im-nmt ..v,..I I., tin ftl" Oust ntul :m " )'.""" "v . ""."" .'.Iv- inteno heat. What you ami ntir friend', need i;.Aeker'i. English Hemedy Till will mnkevour tcv?Ji. The Columbia Southern Warehouse Go. Will receive Wheat for Storage in the Wilkinson Warohouso during the Coming Seatou. A General Warehouse Business. Grain Sacks for Sale. Will pay the HiRhost Markot Prico for Grain. THOMAS BOLTON, Agent, The Dalles. throat und luno strong acaiti It will heal the irritation, brace up vour strength, and you need never lo-e a day's work. I have noticed that in .iie mills there are no eaes of Consumption. The rea.on is that AekerV Eugliih Iteniedy is used by the men workltnr then;. told at 25c., 50c and SI a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; and i Knplaud at is. d..s. Sd., 4s. 6d. If you are o. satistied after buyius, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money buck. TIV ntithri;- the above guarantee. W E. SOUKI'-i: .. .Pro;, i(t's. Xew Tot);, For imle at Btakeley'e Pliurtnitcv. lKl:SO'Al. .llKM'JON, .1. N GulHford. of Ontario, Oregon, arrived in the city today to look nfter the -ale of his wool clip of 7i,0l)0 pound?, which lie shipped here from Hunting ton. Ben Allen, president of the Prinevilie National hank, and W. Wursweiler, a prominent merchant of that place, ar rived in town todav on their Why home from Portland. Whiie tiere they will look after the sale of a lare quantity of wool which they have stored in The Dalles warehouses. bj. I" S. t'omml'.-ioiier for Pintrict of Wti.htn i ton, Ht (ioldeiula'e. nMiington, on .-aturilay. j June -.nth. 1W1, vir UlinrlfK Wlckeriliinii, I of I.yle P. O.. Washington, who uiniie 11. h. No. !M.tO for the quarter of tec. 15, T. ." N.. K. 1J E.. w . it I Who nanus the foltowins to provi ! hi? couiinmiui residence upen and cultivation of inui land, vl i l orneltU!-Hall, Thomas it. Whltcotnh, Alliert 1 T. Hlehv and lmne 0 l.yle, all of Klickitat l'. o., w tismngton. CoriixltOH Halt, of l.vle V. O., Washinu-ton. who jmv'e H. K. No. 10 UV for the southeast quarter of sec. !", Tp. :s N.. H. 12 K.. V. it. I Who names the followlnc witnejses to prove! his continuous resilience uion and cultivation uf $nid laud, viz: Cliarles Wiekersham, Tlionins I! Whitcnmb, Elis 11. Ileweit and James U. I.vle, nil of l.yle 1'. O.. WnshhiRton. n:15 V. It. DUNHAK, ltefiister. Strllirs A Kleti I'llul. "I was trouhled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous de hility," writes V. .1. Green, of Luticas- V II 'Vi r.itn.iflf lit.tliiifl till til J heL-an using Klectric P.ittore, which I Solio, Kt., 1 lko, cU'X did me more good than all the medicines Ulld Al'isto ill Jill sizGP. 1 -ver used. They have also .kept my i wife in excellent health years. She says Eleetiie Bitters are just uplend'ul for female t rou hies ; that they area grand to.iic and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take ite place in our family." Try them. Only f)0e. Satisfaction guaranteed hy G. C. I'.lakeley, the druggist. 1 Just Received A full line of Froth Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing F rami's, Albums, ,M altigraphs, And all arc 'ssories to complete the outfit of either the amnteur or pro fessional photographer. 1 1 J. E. FALT & CO., "Tne Owl" Proprlotors of Purest Liquors for Family Use J Delivered to any part of the C -ity. F 173 Second Street. 1 PhoneB 51 fical, S5S Long Dimniiee. i Our l'he old pioneer hunch crass wn? and is the hest natural foruce plant that ever grew, tint it could not be expected to stand the stocking it had to and contin ue itf 'siBtenee. It was given no chance to ?e"d rttid perpetuate itnelf, go that in many localities where it flourished it is now almost extinct. To take its place many other graspes ar rie'ni: experimented with, and Prof. Scrihner, a government erase expert of V Hhitigtun, is comintr out to see how tbv are coming on. lie has given the subject nf forage plants for semiarid area a "Teat deal of attention, and it was upon his recommendation that the m-ir successful varieties, the Turkestan alfalfa, smooth brome, ;romus biennis, find hairy vetch were distributed eo widely. These three varieties are fitted to rlightly different physical condition?, and where one will not thrive to any great extent, another produces excellent remit-4. All three of these grasses yield heavy crops, and are today believed to be the best forage plants known in this country, ae H-inpted to localities where there is but u pHuht rainfall. Speciaiens of each grnwo at the department in Washington have proven excellent grasses, both as to hardihood and to the amount of pro duction pet acre give heavy yield", the patch produoiuir three- crops a yuar, and averaging 18 ton" to the acre for the season. Both the brome and vetch are heavy growers, the former being a pure grass, and the latter a specie of vine. Turke stan alfalfa, in its early stages, closely resembles what is commonly known ae wild clover. The only difference is that the alfalfa growe much thicker and generally higher. j;ulen to Suu Kraiiclsoo untl lteturn. Illiiwn To Alums. NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. Land Otlice nt Vancouver. Wnshiniiton, May IS. 1U01. Notice is hereby clven that the fellowiiiK- ....... ttl.w4 .....J. ..t t .(.... r make final uroof in suii ort of ids cliiiin. and eee uf impure tnood. that sld priMif will be made before the lieiktcr I Our Eureka Combined Toning and ' The old idea the liody aotnetimeB ' Fixing linth is a dandy. Try it. I needs a powerful, drastic, purgative fill j Tht. A L c. neVeloper for plates, I has been exploded ; for Dr. king'H New films or developing papets has no equal, i Lite Pills, which are perfectly harmless, ' Eunuch for :i.V to devolope (i dozen plates ' gently stitnutute liver and bo'wels to ex- ur U dozen Velox 1x5. Perfect tilacks j . . , ., ....... ! and whites aie guaranteed, if directions pel poisonous matter, cleanse the ayatem lln, foONVl,(L (or thl, A. I: c and absolulely cure CoiiHttpattou und veloner. and see that vou net Hie ' oick rteauacne. uuiy Iilakelev's srim store. -oc at G . 1 i genuine. I'layed Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts , Batisfaction. of ihe bodv, Sinking at the pit of the, We are prepared to compound an and all of vour own fonnalie and guarantee -- " -- - t i rnn ATrr 1 nt on.L-n.DrtM i cu .. .GOliUjWBIA BREWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of thiH well-known brewery thu United States Heidtj, Reports for June 1W, HUH), sayf: "A more eupetior brew never entered the lahrutory of the United .StatoH Ilenlth repot tH. It in atcolutely devoid of the HlighttiHt trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is eon poped 0f the best of inalt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities aie of the high est and it can he lined with the greatest benefit mid Hiitisfacllon by old und young. Its use can conscientiously he prescribed by the physicians with thecersaintv that a better, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. U TTT was i Will! Mill At ..I..... irr. c,.,..,.i . i stomacli, Loss of appetite, hoverishnesa, Tlit, t,,t ()r.K,)U t'unplesor fcores are an positive eviiiou. and lttceiver of the V. S. Laud othee at Vhii comer, asbttigton. on Mondny, June 'Jl. VMl. vir. Alfred 1'iiuual, of I.vle poitnfllce. Wash., who made II. E. No. lu.'jeii. for the nutbea.t quarter of northwest quarter, pouth half of southnet quarter, and northeast quarter nf southwest quarter nf M-e-tton ii, towiiMhiv I north, rause l"east, W. M. He names the followiUK witne.-es to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph Sllva, John Spltzeubcrser, James El lard mid Frank lteynolds, all of I.yle 1'. O.. Washiuctor.. mla V. It. DL'NIIAR, lteftister. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Tourt of the State of Oregon for Waco County. 1!. S. Huntinston, plaintill', vs. Charles- H. Matney. AV. R. Winans und Almudu H. Ilarrett. as executrix, defendants. Hy virtue of an execution, decree and onler of sale, duly issueu out of and under the sent of thu Circuit I'ourt of the Mnte of Oreaon for the County of Waco, to me directed ant) dated the l'Jth day oj .tune, iwl. uixin n decree for the foreclosure of a certain mortsace and jitdement rendeied nnd e"terwl in said court on the 7th da;, of June, l'.Dl. in the above entitled eausc, in favor nf the phdntitVand ncainst the defendant Charles II Matney us j idcment debtor, in the sum of four bun red and tiftv dollars, with in terest thereon finiu the 12th day of August, W, at thi late of ten jereeiit er annum, towi', the sum of iXttM't. anu the further stun of se.oniy live (lollarp (75j us attorney s fce.s, and the fur ther iuii of thirteen dollars (ti: cotts, and the eistso.' and ujMin this writ, anil eomniHiidiiiK me to make sule of tlie real prqiurty eiubraeed in such decree of foreclosure add hereinafter de scribed, I will, on the -!tli duy of July. 1)101 . at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon o; said day, and at the front door of the county court house In Iialles City, Wa-eo county, O-egou, sell ut public miction to the hiuht-st hid.ler for cash in hand, all the rteht, title and which the defendants Churles if. Matney and W. It. Winans or either of thcin had on -the l.'th day of Is'J'J. the date of the mortKMire foreclosed herein, or which sueh deiendalits ur any of the defendants, herein ha- since kc quired or now have in nnd to the follow Int; oe seri'ud tea: pmiierty, tltuate and Ia-'iiib in Wasco county, Oreson, towit The northwcht quarter of setdlen twenty six Tkn o.,,...:,li.. " '""""' one hi iiurwi, raiiKc nine The alfalfa especially ,, W. M.. or so much of said pronertwn win sausiy sain jurnpnent ana Uecree. wltheostnaiio accruinc co-ts i -aid jironerty will be suit) subject to eotilin. lion and redemption as by law provided Dattsl at The Uulles, Oreaon, this I'.UI (lui o' June. HWl. ItOiii:itT KKI.I.Y. juntM Hherifl Wasco county, Urc..e. CON TEST NOTICE. L'MTKIj hTATKS I.ASI) OllICK, ( May 11, Ksjl. A sufficient context atlidavit liavinc lcn filed In this otlice hi O. August KiliqtliKt. content ant, aCHliiKt home-P'Hd entry No. til-1, nnide April 11, lb'JT, for W3 NWli faw; Xi and i;'a Nhki Sec Tti - N, li 12 K, by Itlley .1. (iiu.con- testee, In which It 1h aheced that said Itlley J No matter how it necame so it must bo purified in order to obtain i:ood health. Acker's Dlood Elexir has nevet failed toctire bcrolulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood disearos. It is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Dlakeley, the drug- irist. Mr. .Tames Brown of Putstnotith, Va., over HO years of age suffered for years with a bad sore on his face. Physicians could not help him. DeWitt's Witch Ilaz-jl Salve cured him permanently. Clarke & Falk'e '. O. Pharmacy. Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain 01 rii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, axi kind TToorln nCTOTC! frT "RtCT1 RIt nrfo nnd all kino ONE FOR A DOSii. 0 "1-v-M-',--vl VJX AV' WUUA Uk,i of MILL FEED &'zF:J: g!Mw Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Jb lour Geo. 0. Blakeley. W If I 1T iiro- .ir7 Experience ie the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded -'5 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggists. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure This Hour is tnanttfaciured expressly lor family use; every Hack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. We del! our goods lower than any house tn the trade, and if you don't think w call and got our prices anil be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats Digests what you eat. It artificially dicests the food and aids , Ilature iu HtretiL'tbeniuK and recou- ,)...,,,, ...... ... t..ul.A ,v lldi,1L, 1 structinp the exhausted digestive or- LHspepsiu can bt uuui i.j i idit . itisthe latest discovereddiBest- Acker'e Dyspepsia lablets. One little j.nt and tonic. 3S0 Other preparation Tablet will give immediate relief or can approach it ill etllcieticy. It ill- money refunded. Sold in'liandsouie tin stantly relieves and permanently cures boxes at ,5 cts. Bhikeley the druggist. , gIa, -ur huie. j Slcli Headache, GastralKia.Cratnpsand ,. , . aUotherrcsuksonmperfectdiacstion. A etvhsh black drivine horse, very ! rrIco30c amlsl( Large sire contains 'JW ttmos gentle. Also a uearlv new open buggy, j smallsize.llookaUr.tKiutdyspeiisiiiniiiliedfruo harness, blankets, etc. Very cheap. ( "cparcd by E n. DclMITT 6 CO.. Cblcaga Address, W. It. Ihii Kwi.i.t , m27dw-ww Jniftir, Ore. Dressed spring chickens ut the Stadel inau Comtnisaton Co.'h LM-tf Subscribe for Tin: OmoNici.K. S.j Id bv Clarke Fall;'- P. O. Pharmacy White Collar Line. TUB Daiies-Porilan. Route (iirt has from the 1 Ith day of April, 1-1)7, up to the pret-eut date never been on the place, never ciiuioiinneu nit renounce tnerenn. anu inai tic ltieu. li. a t. jQ. will mae tne tiaaahandoned the tract. And that the alleced fr.ll,..n( n.tK frnm THp Ih1Imb. Drpinn. ahanddiirneut h not dneto Oefenil mt h enitiloy- ,u. ....,... - , j ment in the military or navHl cervlco of the to San Francisco and return for JSational i fnltcd utateb bnid partieoare herehy uotltied to r iv ..,.tv, t .......... r.,i "Pliear respond and oiler evidence tonchhiK Convention of Epworth League, July I Safd alleBHtloii at IU o clock u. m. on June 18-21,1001: Via rail to Portland and I 1JU''r? ,e r1l.,,crl """J w-Jver at the --, . United btates land otlice In 'Ihe Pallet, Oremm. O. R. & N. Hteamero from Portland to The t.ia contestant haviiiK, in a proper mmiH- . . ,i .,, too no vtt, filed JIa l. 1'jOl, et forth facts which hlmw San .rancieco and return, ?-o 0U. )atatterduediliKeuce iKjrsonal -orvlce of thin TicketBonsale and honored on trains ' XLtt$lX from The IWIee and on steamers from proper publication. Portland only on July 11th and 10th. ! JAY I'. I.UC'AB, Keghder. Returning tickets will be honored on Executor's Notice. Notice Ih hereby Riven that II. 7 Douticll hio Ijeeu duly atiiHiiuted executor ot the lait will Mini liMlatneiit o: Ann l.iK.'lilimer, deceased, j All lertoiiii havlui; claim uxulnat thu estate ! of said Aon I.uchiuKer are hereby notllied to ) present the same to me. verllled ashy law re- ijiureti, wunin mx iinniiiin iroin tnu oate ot inib iiutlcc. Dated at Dallet) City thin 7th day of June, l'joi, JunS M. ., DONNKI.b, Executor. NonoE Foit I'UhnoAiiuM. " Ukau Omen xt The, OitK..f May 11, IMJI. 1 Notice i hereby given tliat the following immed hettler haw tiled notice of hit. inteu i .i 4. .: oi. .... , .t, ,ii,n t tton to make final proof in uport of IiJh berth in tourist sleeer in both direc- ei,lm, ml mat bald V""'' will i made l tlone. no Btoo-overs. 125.50. Tickets on ' i"t0 . the. f'Wer mid receiver at Tim Dalle, , . ureK"Ui iju oauiruay, June.., ivui. vu; sale at The Dulles July 15th and 16th, irmik itoi.rrt-, and will be houored by Southern Pacific of Mmier, Oregon, it. K, No. f75, for the HW on trains leaving Portland July 15th aud j fctue"uuVnesNinoWoiiowlnBJwltn to prove 10th, and on morning train July i SftJEw iiU vte,,,," ' ,:mvBt,OI, good for return passage leaving tsau Bteatnere sailing trom San Francisco not later than August 1st ; fiual limit, Aug ust 4, 1001. Rate includes meals and berth on Iteamers. Reservations for passengers going via steamers should be made in advance to insure accommoda tions, for which a deposit of $5.00 wil) he required. All rail in both directions, via O. Ii. & N and bouthern Pacific. ! first class, good for stop-overs in Cali fornia, $28.50. Second class, including Francisco up to and including July 31, 11)01. Tickets will not be sold good in D. J. Uoberts. Hldnev Ilrlcim, John Lolnineer. C'alviu DuulKeu, aM of ilonier, Oregon. Jryinjr jr('i:ir:itionH ninijily devel op dry catarrh; Uu-y dry up tho t.ecrctioiiK, which adhcro to the membrane and dncoui tioso, canning: a far more KcriotiK trouble than j tho ordinary form f catarrh. Avoid all dry ! iug iuhuliuiU, futuon, nuiokcs and umittH ( and uso that which cleanseK, kooIIick and , healh-. Lly'a Cream Halm its mich n remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head eamly aud pleasantly. A trial fiizo will bo mailed for 10 cfntfi. All druihtH Kell tho fide. Hize. Klylirotliers, fd! Warren .St., N.Y. J iio if.-ilm cures wituout iaiu, doei; not irritate or cattho micnzing. It Kprcada itself over an irritated nod angry uurfaco, reliev ing iuitucdiatcly the painful iullatiimation. ll'ill. T'l.,c ('.. It,,t., r.m ov,.w.,l Str. BAILEY-G-ATZERT , ; against Kauai Catarrh and Hay Fever. DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday, Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m. Arrive The Dalles I! i-. ji. Leave " " I " Arrive Portland 11 " Meals the Very Best. NOl'ICK FOR PUIiLIOATiO.W I.asji Orrn ! t Thk )ao.h On ; June V , l'Kli. 1 Notice i hereby mveli that the fnlhiu tin,' named settler ban hied notice of bin Intention to make linal proof in mipport of hi-dalni. and that kald proof will he made before the IteKlxter and iteeelver at 'l'he Dalleti, Oregon, on natur day, July jo, I'M, U.- Frud Stoelcll. of The liHlIeti, Or.. H. K. No. V.'JI, for tht MV . of MVMofht.e.7.Tp 1 N It l:S U., U. M. lie imiut.-h the folhiwiiiK wituexNeM to prove IiIk coiitluuniiH reitiilutieu uiou aud cultivation of ald laud, vl. - twiner W. (,'ook. Alex. Kramer, li. C. Iliooks, Charlen UiiWMin, all of The DaheH Oregon. Jittili! JAV P. 1.IH AS, lieKlMtcr. NOTICK FOR PLULICATION. I.aud Ulf.ce at VaucMiser, Wuili, .May 17, IMil. Notice Ik hereby 1 von that the followliiK named Mittlerx have tiled notice of their ititun- thin to make Html proof in ntippnrt of their riunduy Trips a Leading Feature. ., . , .i ,. i . ! claim and that ha 1(1 proof will be made before Route lias the Grandest w. p.. i-ieiby, v. a. CouiuuoMoner for lilhtricttd Lions on Earth. Washington, nt bin nine.' In (ioldendale, WiihIi , 'This Scenic Attractions Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 A. . Leave Astoria .7 i. . in 15 JAY 1'. I.UCAH, He (iiwr. Landing and office Foot of Alder Ktreet; both pbonea, M 351, i'ortlaud, Oregon. E. W. ORIOHTON, Anent Portland, J. M. FJLLOON, At. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria, oil haturda), Juiut'Ji, 1WH, vl.. Klkuuuli II. Ilylton, If. t:, SupWiii), for the H4 NK'f, bi;i.,' Ni;i, and HWa of KK.K, hen ill, Tli 4 N, It lit K, W. M., who names thu followitii: wUnexiiuii to pmve hihcou tliniuiih renldcuca upon and cultivation of aalil laud, vl.. Orlc K, HlilMiey, (.'orllx horuiiMcn, John llaf. Iron, .IniiR'b O. l.yle, all of l.yle P. O,, Wuidi. Corllx horeiihKii, II. K. No. 'JiiTii. for thelHWi; HU',,riec Ki.and NJ.,, of NK'4 and UK H of Ke(! t!l. Tp it N, K li K, W. M., who uaineii thu fnllowiiiK wit iichhch to irovu hit. coutluiioiiH reiilduaco upon and cultivation of Mild land, vl. Klkaiiuli II. Ilylton, lrh K. Hhlppey, John Daf (ton, Juiiien O. I.yle, all ol I.yle I', U,, WuhIi, (trie K. hlilpjiey, II. K. No. tfl, for tno fnuitlottul nWu of NW14! IrBOtloiml WU of tiW'V und the Hl!4 of SVU of hecli, Tp ii N, ft 1,1 K, W. M who iioincx the fol lowiiiR wltneoneti to prove IiIk contiiuioiiN ru. dunce upon aud (niltlvatlon of mild land, vl..: Klkiiuuh H. Ilylton, Oorllx HoreriKen, John Dulirou aud Juiuub U. l.yle, all of l.yle 1', O., Wash. nils W, R. DUN1IAR, Ueglhter. TATA I !A r. I .-, At JL. U1l ATA1 At At M lATAlAlAIATATATATA'-lil At A I AlAVjSJ C. J. STUBhlHG, W ll'd l M.i: AViJ Ul.TML t 4 5 i w r. K ' u' 'i' ' r ' i Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. fitijet door to Firet National Hank. t'lihilon I'liooi. ;t I . l.on lllhl. IOIII. THE DALLES, OREGON. J F- S. GtlirG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker. I.S- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Aceut for lltih.cll iV Co h l.uKiues ThrcMicra and baw .Mills. Tolephtitie 157. Lou DiNtauce 1071!. Cor, Second & Lartii Sis,, THE DALLES, OR, SOUTH and EAST via HT-xi n P' i iiVUHimU G : Sout Aero PaBiric ee. Yellowstone Park Line. TIIK lll.VlNti CAlt ROH'K KKOM I'OKTl.AND TO TIIK KAHT. THU ONLY DIKKCT LINK TO Till-; VKl.I.OW- HIONK PARK i.KAVt:, No. 'J. union Depot, rinhaiui! sis! AltlltVK. No. No, II. 7;0U A. M. 1'iiNt mall for Tacoiiia, Hcattlc, Olympla, dray'ti iiarnor ami noiiiit iieuil piilnts, HpoKane, Hohk laud, II. C, I'ltllmau, Moscow, IaimIhIoii, lluf tlilSA.M, falollump iiiltiltiircoiiu- fi60 I', M try, Helena, Mluueapo-! IU, Ht. Paul, Omaha, Kalmiix City, Ht. aiuh, Cliieiien anil all t.oliiik No, 1, 1 eat nnd houtheiiHt, .. ,. . ,'".'"lt Wonii'l KxprcH.s Il;30 J. M, for 'lacoma and heattlu I Mild llitorinedlate iiolntk ' J riillman flrKt ehu.8 and touriit nle.iierH to M itieapollH, Ht. Paul and MUnourl river iiolutu without chatiKe. i..Vl'!7t."j!!!u,I"r."',,,.H; l,,l,(m ,lul,(lt oennectloiiK In all principal i'IIIuk, liiiKKiiKechwikwl UideMthiatloti of tlokctH, Mir haiiilMiinely IliiiHiiatcd deHorlptlve matter, tlckotH, uleepiiiK oar rwairvatloaii, etc., call ou or A. D. CHARLTON, AHKlHtant (luneral Pwmeniior AKont. Morrl Mia Htrcet, corner Third, I'orliiuid Oreuou, Shasta Route TruIiiN leave The DalleH for l'ortlaiiU and w7 Htalloui. at a. in. and il p. m. U;ave I'ortlaud " Albany Arrive AhIiImikI " hacrameiito . . . " Hau KrauclHCO f.:;iaiii 7:JI' .l..;iUain lU.Mpm l::til o tn Jl . i.;(Kina li . 7 bp in l 15 Arrive OKdnn " Iienvtir " KanmiNClty. " UhlcuKO .... f. I.'"'"' ! tillHl a in . 7 :'! a ' .. 7. I'm I" li.ixoip 7 i ra u;;iiW Arrive Iih AiikcIch . . . " Kl I'awi " Kort Worth.. .. " City of Mexico , " IIOUHtOtl " Nuvv OrleatiH. .. " WiiNhltiKton " New York . . 1 ".'0 p m (, :0ll p III .. i,.;i ii in .. ICfk'Hl in , . I.iki a in .. ti :: a a" .. ti i.' a in ,ll!:i:i P "' 7;fXl rfl f.:tfl"n (.li'.ia WW V I'ullmati and TourUt enrti nt btli ' OhalrciirH Hacrnmouto to OkUuii " lS'ewi andtourlHtnarhUit'lilcaKO, ht l"Wi f leunn and WunlilUKtou. ConneotltiK at Han KruiuslHCO wtli Mft Hteatiihlilp llliOM for Uolioluhii J ' VM 'hlllpiltiwi, Central aud Boutti Atauricu. Hue agent at The DhIIch Htatlon, 'f dd',M C. H. MARKHAM, Ueuoral l'uiiKr Agtinti I