The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY - Jl'XE L'o. 1901 i , T A T7TT7'D T "C ample of our sister state of Wash J . A. Jll J3 JuU Xli J.J XL 9 ington in imposing an annual license Leadingv---aisEs- Merchant Tailor. Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe, We have an excellent line of Spring Suitings, Pantings, etc., which we are prepared to make uu in the latest styles, and guarantee a perfect fit. ' WHO ARE THE RICH PEOPLE' "We have no doubt that many i wnnld consider the elderh and middle-aged millionaires who ride behind their mutilated horses, up and down the streets of iS'ewport in sum-1 mer, to be the rich people of Aroer ica," says George T. Angell m Our Dumb Animals. "We wont down to Newport one hot day many years ago, and at the hours of fashionable drive ss.t out in the band stand in front of the Ocean House and studied the faces of all who passed, and among all the elder- lr nnfl m iflHlp.ncTPfl normlp whn were ! J -r I 1 - ' driven past us thought we did uot see one happy face. Jt seemed to us j simply a cold and heartless show. , We went into the creat tiarlors of I the Ocean House (then the ceuter of fashion) that evening and studied the faces there, and at the close of the evening concluded that among the elderh and middle-aged people there we had not seen one really happy face. "We do not believe that the men who rule our stock exchanges or the women whose ambition it is to be numbered among the fashionable , four hundred are any happier than their fellow countrymen and country- women who never ride behind inuti- lated horses or figure at what the newspapers call fashionable enter-1 tainments. i ,, , , . il "Wfcsawafew days since that a . . , , , 1 rew 1 OrU millionaire, who bad worn , . ... , .. .1 OUt his eyes M the accumulation Of , .... i n ! monev, Offered a million Of dollars ,, . ,. , . to anyoce who would restore his lost I sight. j "Our impression is that there are on the average no richer men o.-j women in America than those who j have good character, good" health, j good sleep, good cars to hear and good eyes to see all the beautiful , things in this world of ours, i -i 1 wuttyU r,,a nt.or,, 1 o In tt,n lor. nn1lo,l I areiven every day to the (so called) ,. .,, .,,, poorest among us without money n.i w:.iir.t ' anU WllUOUt price. Tlio nnnnln nf 1,nnr1lptnn nnnrpni- 1UC people Ol J enciietOll lippreci- Bte the Value Of a local hospital "tO j siifli nr. pvlont tint mnnv rif llipm &ucu an es.tent inai manj oi mem , nrn ilianneoO in nffonr tlio nfffr nf i are llispose.l 10 accept Uie OIILr OI the Franciscan Sisters, who propose to build a hospital if the citizens of ( Pendleton will contribute S1000 to 5000, or half of the cost. Heie unaided private enterprise has (lone j fnr Tlir. Hnllnt: ivlmf Vnnrllptnn wnulil i ior Ilie UnllCS WUai X entlieion WOUIU j ,,. n nri rrinnrl nrlnn tn rlit.i!n pay a gOOU round price to OtHain. Tlin Vnol rirftfiniilnn fti vnro tlin nrin me Jvast uregonian iaors tue con- i tribution and says: "An institution i , , . ... . . . I of this character is of great value to j , . , . . a tOWIl from n business Standpoint, und it is of inestimable value to unfortunate and olllicted." the They are (hiding so many things in the soil of Texas and Louisiana, says the Mobile Register, that when a man of the last named state, a man of Rapides parish, found u blacc fluid in bis well be immediately be gan to bottle tbe stuff and call it natural ink. No man out there lias T I s d i as yet struck a cheese sandwich mine. ' but the thing is considered possible. Oregon wight profit by the ex- t fee of a dollar for the privilege of hunting game and in using the fund so raised for the protection of game ' from thecal hunting. Bradstreets is credited as saying that eight)' per cent of the failures of the country are of business con corns that do not advertise. Knte to run-American Kximsttlnn, Round-trip ratee via O. U. & from The D dies, ?Sl 90. Tickets on sale first and tnird Tuesdays during June, Juh , August, September and October, good for continuous passage going on date of sale, i Return limit thirty days from date of i sale. Stop.overs will be allowed west of i Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip J ; within limit of ticket. I Arrangements can be made by apply inp to agent O. P.. . Co., 1 he Dalles, whereby tickets will be honored on lake steamers in one or Iwth directions be- tween Detroit and HuflV.lo. e , t . j. " IAilt '", .igmu Dull't IlllD It 111, I Juat wet the affected part freely with! Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold bv Clarke & Falk. ' Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly unre liquid paints I Floral lotion will enre wind chapping j i and sunburn. Manufactured bv Carts ! & Falk. ! It Tlie Win hi. No Disi' iv-ry in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement i that has been caused bv Dr. Kinu's New Discovery for Consump' ion. It's severest tests have been ou ho; eless victims of Consumption, Pneumoi .ia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of . whom it has restored to perfect hea'th. Frtr Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever. Hoarseness and Whooping Cough t the quickest, surest cure in the ......i.i t. t.i n -in.. i..,i.... iutut. xi ic cuiu vt. v. umtwuitrv , hue druggist, who guarantees satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles 50c and 1.00. Trial bottles free. 1 It Glrllt Till' UloliH. The fame of Bucklen'e Arnica Salve, as the best in the world, esterule round the earth. It's the one perfect healer ol Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felone, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only in fallible Pile cure. L'oc a bos at G. C. I Blakeley'e, drug store. 1 For eprainSt gwdlin,,g Bnd ,amineH there 5s nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Biake- l1. the druggist. - STATE TREASURER'S 4TH NOTICE State or tBEfsox, Tr.EAsup.Y Deit., ( salkx, June j, 1901. i Notice is bcrebr clven thiit there nre now funds in the treasury with which to redtwm nil outstanding state wurrHiits drawn on the scn- erallund and endorsed "i'reented and not ptld for want of funds," jirlor to this date- nUo to all warrants drawn on the Bute rcnlp bounty Fund, and endorsed "I'reentnl and noc pan ior want of funds, prior toiiny i. ujo. , anu nil sncn wairanis, proieriy eniiorseu. win be paid upon prueutatlou at thl olliee. interest thereon ceasing from and after this date. CllAI'.I.Es S. MO'JI'.K, lun.Vlitw -State Tref,urer. , j NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. I V. b. Liind Oflice, Vnneouver, Wash., ) I May :'. 1W1. i , Notice is hereby civen that in compliance with tiie provif'.ons of the act of CoiiKres of C June a, 1S7S, eniltleu "An act lor tne tale ol tlm Itur larulh In the states of California. Oreuon. Nevada and Washington Tcrritorv," as extended onll the public land slates by ant of AUKilit 1. I rranK hteWlirl, Ol Ullllj JJOTIC, COII UtV Ol ' Giniam, a tutu of omcon, ha this day pied n this otlice his sworn Htalurneiit .No 'i'U, for the ,miehaaeof the.Nwj, of .-ee lorn Tp No i n, n I No 13 K, W. 11. , and will oiler prwif to show ,,mt the land soiiuht is more valuable for its i t!inbr or stone than for agricultural jiiirioes, 'and to establish his claim to mid land before ,ne liesister anil I'.coelver ol this oilice at Va'i couver, Wash., on, the llth day of Al,,K,'uj- ,4, wltnees: Homer V. Wood vorth, ijmlfruy I. niuith, H. . Hoburtson and ii,iry jj, narrett, ail of i'ortlaud, or. A,,v H"(1 H" Ierous elalminK adversely the ,,tw,-.t..decntii lunils are requested to We their lu,n . oRlt(; 0,1 or bt-,'oru hflId 1 11,1 'J0'. Wl " 'Na ittsinw NOTICE FOP. PUBLICATION, Ux:iU 0vr"SK AT VahSiXwi!'' i i Notice Is hereby ulvcn that th'o following- 1 pMmtdttlorshavellkilliotlceof theirlnteutiou 10 ""ike fill proof III HllppOrtof tliclr e)nlril.,illl(l lmtBld ptoofswlUJU made Ix-forethelttKister Hefeiver V. K. lnllll olliee at ViillCOUNer, 1 wusMnBtcn, rriday, August o, iwi. viz. 1 iiiihih k. i'.shi, H. E. N'o.'jtill. for the N'l of NK, XK'i of NWV see n. ami kk4 of nwjj see 11 .s, 11 n K, w. 11., who iianies the followiui; witneies to prove hln continuous residence upon and cultivation ui aiu lauu viz Huskiil 11. awnln. deoreu A. Bolder. Will him II. llopjier uud John IJall'roii, all of Lyle 1'. O. WaahliiKtou. llUKlll II, HtOllf, H. K. No. 'Jiai. for the .S'J of NK( See- Vi, Tp .1 N, li )'.' K, 'A'. H, who Hume the ImIIowIiik wit nesex to 'prove Ills cotitluuouH residence upon uud cultivation of ealil laud, viz.: William K. O'Neill, (Jeorve A. Hnlder. William II. Hopper, John Uartron, nil of I.ylc I', O,, Wttsblngton. William II. lloppnr, II, E. No. m lor the NJJ of HWli, Sec :, Tp 3 N, U Li E, W. M who liuinca the JollowiliK wit neMea tn prove hu contlnuoun residence uiion Nnd cultivation of naid laud, viz : KukMill B. Hwaln, William O Neat, George A. Bidder aud John Uartron, all of Lyle I'. O . Waah. Jun2 W, It. Uunuab, Heglster, NOLAN'S The first monthly dividend has boon distributed to the profitable salisfne ion of thirteen of my customers. The only regret is that 1 was not able to ivo a valuable present to each of my customers. 1 think they all deserve one. i tion present On Saturday. July 6th, 1 will Kiv away two music top-onn worth VJ ..0. j 1 K i tune?, and one worth 7.5u ; n ck of miliar nnil tmrrel ol Hour. 1 will rivii n cal. relmm ol .1.00 to i-ukUi-m.!r pmint: the most miinrv hv that date, anil 2 00 to thn on,. inyin in th tjecoii. laru-Ht '""""J each S.uunlav. eo.nmeneiin; on tlio lnth of June and including July th. I will, In a. ill ion to the to r-b-ent8 given each week, give a $1.00 rebate to the customer paying tins largest aiiKiunt during thi week. Purchasers of goods in my line will do well to keep in mind that 1 sell poods as low as the lowest, iih well as share the profit with my customers. K. T. NOLAN. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Grandall nT? a T.v.irs; T j j JJJJ kiflfJS Of i UNDERTAKERS s$5 EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. j . . "Un6ral OlippilcS E BJtiil!IJ.T.gjS ritfiinu'rs owiNK sehfdtilc. eLcdule without u s Str. Regulator Str. " Iralda" Leaves Cascades 0 a. in. Arrive Dalles 10:I!0 a. m. Leave Dalles 15 j. in. Arr. Cascades 7;30 p. in. Daily e.-c. Sunday. Wit jiow:;. UP. I.v. I'ortlitnd at 7 a. it. .Monday . Wtilneniy Krldny Arr. Dalles a 5 l'. m. Dalles it at? a. st. r Tuesday lnurtuay Saturday . . . ,rr. Portland K al at l:S0 v. M. h' Excursion lUtes every Saturday for parties of five and upwards' : Dulles, jv White Salmon and intermediate points, oOc Dalles to CaHcadoH, $1.00. 5' For an evenltiL' trip take the "Iralda" at 15 i). in. to Hood Uivor nnd re l( turn on the up boat. tr fe- FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, f. Travel by the Steamers of the Uesnlator Line ft runs tlie lA.-st service jioHslhlu. I'ortlaud Oflice, Oulc -Street Dock. W. WINDMILLS, PUMPS and RUBBER and r Lawn Mowers. Sprinklers. If you are in need of anything in our lino, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. AH orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. THE DALLES, Profit-Sharing Association. to eacli ol my YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of using so-called kidnev retni'dies without any benefit, use Lincoln Soxuul Pills and be forever rid of those dull pains In vour buck. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidney." and have all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nights niiule restful bv the" ue of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Sexunl Pills. Price. $1.00 per box buy ot your druggist or sent bv mail on receipt of price, in plain urantmr. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. Fort Wayne, Indiana. M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dulles. & Burget Robes, Burial Shrouds Ete. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k AS TOHIA KAY. COMPANY : of t tic, Iti'triilntiir l.lnn will run Hh i,r tin- fol the Coimianv roervlne thu rieht to ehanee "S notleu. Str. Dallos City. DOWN I.v. Dalles at 7 A. i. .Monday Wednvsdav.. - Friday Arr. I'ortlaud at 1:U0 v. M. 1a . I'ortlaud M at7:W) A. M. J Ialuniay'3 i ui,iiiiy j Arr. Dalli h The Company will endeavor to (jive its pat Kor further information address C. ALLAWAY, Con. Ayt. PIPE Garden Hose, OREGON. Jast What You tuant. IVp3 r1 Now Ideiib in Wall Paper hero. Sucli wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single Htoek Real linit. tion cretim eU'ects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. j Elegant desigiiH, tiiHtofui colorings, yours I for a small price, at our Htoro on Third I ?rjlt"',,ll street. AIho a full line of house pniritH. 1 ni'jy ' ID. W. VAUSE, ThirdSt.!7:W" ",; L. Lane, UKNKKAl, BiacKsmiifi ..AND. Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. im Piioue 159 tub GoiumDia PacRinp Co PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MA.NrJFACTt'KKKBOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON )RIF.D BEEF. ETC. I J. 8. HCIfKrH'K, President. .Max A ih.t. Cashlei Sitffst Rational Bank. 1 THE DALLES OREGON A General Banking BiiBineHB traimaeted Deposits received, oubject to Bight i Draft or Check, j Collections tnude and proueedrs promptly ruiiiKittu on uav oi tsoiiection. SiKht and ToleKraphic iJxclmriKo aOld ou New York, fian Franciuco atu! Port land. DIKKCTOltM D. P. TlIOMI'HON. JKO. 8. fsOUBSOS, En. M. Wn,MAMH, Gko. A. Libhk. H. M. Bkat.i.. .FRENCH & CO., j BANKERS. ! Transaot a Genoral Bankiug Buuinoas. i 1 I.etterH of Credit iHHtiod avitilutile In I the KiiHtiirri htntt-H. I Kiuht Hxolutnue and TelenrHphlu ,'lraiinfurH huUI ui New York, Cliii:no, I St. LoiiIh, Hun Fraiiclsco. Portland Ore. moo, Seattle WaHh., and varioiiH pointH I In ll.i....,,. .....I ll'! . ' ColluetioiiH made at all pointu on fav orahlu tonne. mm Bestauraot Tho W. W. Wilson Co., Props. First-Class in Every Respect MKALH AT ALI, UOUKH. Oysters Served in any Style. 7 SuconU St., Thu DnIIm, Or Horses .Oregon Short like and union Pacific D1C1MKT roii ChlriiKO l'nrthillll Hiieelul. i 'X . in. vIh limit lllKtllll. Atlantli! KxtirenN, 11.!) it. in. vln limit ItlKtdll. Ht. l'mil timi: sciii:i)lm.i:s I'llOM THE llAI.l.r.H. AllHiVE KR0JI i Slt I-tiko, Dunvi-r, ft. Worth, Ouuilm, kutt HiihClty, Ht UiiiIh.cIiI-1 ciiro mill the Kiint. 1 '05 p. m. Suit IjiUo, Denver, Kt I Worth, Ouuilm, Ciut hiin City, til ciiro mill thu KiiNt. I 15 n. n, Vtiillii Wnllh, lwldtim,' hiHikniiu.Wiiliiico.ptiii iiiiiii, MImiiciiikiIIk, Ht, l'mil, linlirtli, Jllhvun kee, ChlciiKiimiil Kant.! I KriHl Mull, ll-Ai 1. III. via Hx knnu. " 30 n. m. OCEAN AND EIVER 80HEDULE Kriim I'tirtliiiiil, (All xullllif; iliili'N hui Jcct to chmitte ) Kur Pun Fnuirlwo, iSiill every f iIhj'n. h:ix) p. m. I OU ji. m. Dully OXI'UIlt biituluy, "'.Ml IP. in. Hiitiirilny, Ilium i.. in. ('lllllllllllll ItlVIT. To Astorlu mill Wuy UilullliKii. I ro p. m. uxeept .Sunday, j Dully t'Xt'L'Ilt I biiiuiiiy, I .'.wi ll. ill. U'ltluiiiKttx Klvnr. Oregon City, Neu Imtj;, Sllll'Ill, IlKk'IKMIlllMin', nnil uy-LnmlliiKk. I i p. m. except Htiwlny. !. ;.. I 10 p. in, MoiiJiij-, Wed limit jr Frluny CorvnlliH nnil Wny 1-mitlliiKi r'Ullittl.O , (i.LH) ii. m. wiiiiiiui.tit. himI ,; :ii)p. m, ViiiiiIiIII IIU,t. MnuiUy. Oickoii City, DmvIoiiuikI w 'llH'lay Wuy IjiiiiUiikh. ttMty, U-'nvi' Itlnnrlu .5 I ilitlly, 3 :! ton. in. 't Miukti Itlriir. Klpiirlu to UnviHton. Iahtc Ij-'witiin dally, :wn.iu. 2 tMF I'nrtii'i .IcHirliiR to r to Ilvpimcr or 3 I jHiliitK on Coliiinhlii Koutlivrn via Hikch, nlmula tuKe No. 1', luuvliik The Dnllw tit U .' . p. m. fl . iniiklne illn-ct L-Diuii.'i'.tlonv at Hcinmcr Imiotinn hiiiI IIIkks. I'.e'.nrnlni; lnuklnKdlni'tuniiiifctlon nt II c-1 1 i it i ; r Juiu.'tloii mid llliinh Mtli4No, 1 , ar rlvliiK nt The Diillci, in 1 iitt p. m. Kor further piirtliMilnrH. mil on or mlilrois JAri. lltKI.ANl), AKent, The Dulles, Otveon. 3!' ft Complete of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings The time will Hoon be here when HtvliHh druHHcd man will want u , V1! r date SprhiK it. TIiohd are the kind m patroiiH 1 am lalloiini! for. L'1.""." 111 and look over my Sprini: linn of Hiiitmt,e. All the latottt novoltieH for H'01. Suits to Order, $IO.OO. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In all Hu rtai:ca there ihoiild hu clvttiiliuuna. Ely'g Cream lialm cli-annea, oo then and heala thu dUuMuil inuiniiraiie. 1 1 curoa catarrh anil drlvea away a cold lu tho bead quickly. mntUi$ Cream Balm la placed Into tho ntW;'IJV orar tbe membrane and la auwrbed. ' ' mediate and cure f ollowa. It la not W'B DfUg. not jiroduce anceitliiK. lrjse t!Ue, 60 cent! a gl.U .ir by mall i Trial BUo, 10 cenU 1 " fc MLV WWTHEUU.OO Wurreu Wrt,ei mm