The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY JUNE 21, 1901 J. A. EBERLE, Leadingv--nflflz, Merchant Tailor. Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe, We have an excellent line of Spring Soilings, Pantiiigs, etc.. which we are , prepared to make tin in the latest styles, and guarantee a perfect tit. SCHWAB'S BIG SALARY Ifcllll1!! j! fj j j llfflilil! ;!, d! If .T. Pierpont Moipan has been , .Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip quoted correctly. Charles Schwab, within limit of ticket, the president of the billion dollar Arrangements can be made by apply . j . n- ing to agent O. K. A X. Co., The Dulles, steel trust, does not receive a million ...... , . , , . whereby tickets will be honored on lake dollars a year and in fact gels no leamers in llti or uoth directions be more than the ordinary railway 1 tween Detroit and Buffalo, president. The story goes that tf Jamks Ikki.a.vd, Agent when Schwab was in the employ of the Carnegie com pan, as one of the ! highest officers, he received several j offers from Germans to leave the Pittsburg compan' and take hold of , foreign steel plants. He declined, ' i,Mrnr to loovo tho nnmimnv i which had taught him all he knew ; about the steel business. Finally Mr. Carnegie heard of the offers I I made to Schwab and decided to re pay him for his loyalty. One day he called Mr. Schwab into his office and told him what he had heard. Schwab admitted it to be a fact, and thereupon Mr. Car negie drew up a contract agreeing to ( pay Schwab a million dollars each year for five years. When the combi nation of the big steel industries was talked of Schwab had a conference with Morgan, and Morgan unhesitat ingly said that a million a year was more than a company could afford to paj one man as a salary. Schwab J agreed with bim and pulled the Carnegie contract from his pocket , and showed it to Mr. Morgan. It , had run for two years and Schwab j had only drawn 200,000 of his money. He took it back from Mr. Morgan and tore it into little bits, saying bis salary did not now stand in the way of the consolidation. Morgan afterwards related the circumstances to Carnegie, who promptly sent a check to Schwab j For epraine, swellings and lameness for the 4,800,000 still due on the there ienothlmrsouood asChamberlain'e , . . . , . : Pain Balm. Try it. For Bale by Blake- salary contract. Ihatj it is said, is ; ley, the druggist. the basis upon which the president ; A' aurB,caI 0pert.on is not necessnry of the great steel company gets his , t0 cnre 1ii-e. DeWitt'e Witch Hazel salary of $1,000,000 a year. Salve eavee all that expense and never fail's. Beware of counterfeits. Clarke &. A former governor, a Catholic ' Falk'fi p- - '""""" priest and a lawyer formed the1 Paint your house with paints that ara awarding bench of judges at the j ful,-v Kuarantc-ed to last. Clarke Falk . "1 . . .1 . . have them, oratorical contest in the state uni-(. versity at Eugene last Thursiluy. 1 Another evidence of the cosmopoli tan character of the American people, says the Salem Statesman. And the t Statesman offers to wager a bottle of soda water that neither the governor nor the lawyer can pronounce the priest's name when they see it in print, or spell it when they hear it pronounaed. It was leather I'rzybylski, the pastor nt Eugene. One of the numerous excellencies J of the demo-pop, sixteen-to-one, free silver currency is finely illus- tratcd by the following extract from the letter of a Honduras correspond ent of the 'Boston Herald. The correspondent writes: "Having oc casion to use some money in the interior, I went to the local banker sad, taking a single United States bill from my vest pocket to purchase the same, was asked, 'Is your mule t the door?' My reply was, 'He ia reaily.' Anil for the single bill, weighing less tlmu one-quarter of nn ounce, J was obliged to loud the mule with one hundred and fifty ; pouuds of silver money niici transport 1 it sojno ninety miles into the interior. Surely the sixtoen-to-onc doctrine is soon knocked out of even the most rabid silver man after a short cx i periencc in this country, and j-ou ' can't get rid of the burden, as the I entire bustness is carried on with I this silver currency." A. M. F. Kircheiner, Jate editor of the Antelope Republican, is making a very newsy little paper of the Prairie City Miner. The initiative and referendum, or .direct plan of legislation, is pro nounced to be a direct failure in South Dakota. Unto to 1'nu-Aiiif rlcitu Kxpomtlon , Round-trip rates vin 0. K. A- N. from T,u Diles ?S1 00i Tickets on sale first and tnlrd Tuesdays during June, July, August, September and October, good for continuous passage going on date of sale. Return limit thirty days from dute of , sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west ol j llim't Kill) It 111, Just wet the afl'ecied part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the nain is none. Sold bv Clarke Sr Falk. Clarke Lt Falfc have received a carload of the celebrated Jauiea E. Pattou atrietly nre liquid imil't- Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and sunburn. Manufactured bv Carte ! & Falk. It ltu.zleH Tim World. No Diacovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It's severest teats have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to, perfect health. For Cougbe, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarseness and hooping Cough it ia the quickest, surest cure in the world. It is sold by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist, who guarantees satisfaction or refund money. Large bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. 1 It Girdle Tlir tilnl. Tne fame of Bticklen's Arnica Salve, as the best in the world, extende round the earth. It's the one perfect healer ol CntB( Corne, Bums, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only in- fallible Pile cure. i.'5c a box at G. C. B'akelev's, drug store. Danger, disease and death follow neglect of the bowels, Use DeWitt'e Little Early Risers to regulate them and you will add years to your life and life to yuur veara. Easv to take, never gripe. Clarke & Falk'e P. 0. Pharmacy. BALDWIN OPERA HOUSE Monday Evening, June 24th. Q-pgmd IpTQQ PhoilO-StereO Entertainment OIVK.V J1V THK Head Camp, W. of W. Under the Auspices of the Camps of the Pacific Jurisdiction. An evening with Perfected Woodcraft and with the Heat Musicians of the country. Children are debarred from attending, as the entertainment Kill be of no inter est to thew. J NOLAN'S Tho first monthly dividend has boon distributed to the profitable satisfac tion of thirteen of "my customers. The only rogrot is that .1 was not'able to give a valuablo prosent to each of my customers. 1 think thoy all deserve one. On Saturday. July 6th, 1 will give away two music hoxeH-ont, worth i!7 MW"'? tunes, ami one worth $7.60; a 8, ami one womi .ou; h suck 01 miliar ami ii hum .- i num. ...... ., pntine the most monev hv that .late, and $2 00 tn the one paying in the second amest a mo int. On i Saturday, commencing on the loth of .lime and Including .Inly lull, 1 will, In hi dition o the two prs givon each week, give a $1 00 rebate to the customer paying the latest amount during the wecK. mer each ents Purchasers of (roods in my line will do well to keep in mind that 1 soil poods as low as the lowest, as well as share the profit with my customers. Iff. T. NOLAN. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Grandall DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies owing fcchedulc, Kuhcdulo without Str. Regulator Str. " t vowa. 9 l. Dalit C' nt A. M. g Tuesilay. . .. UP. I.v. Portl.ind Arnve Dllll;B Monday Leave Dal ea lnutMiav . .. Wednesday Friday Arr. Caenadee Arr. Dallea M Haturiliiy. C Arr. Portland g ut4:30 P. M. u o r. m. iauy ea.. k fcxcnrBion Kntee every Saturday for C, White Salmon and intermediate points, For an evening trip take the "Iralda" at 3 p. in. to Hood llivur and re- H turn on the up boat. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, 8, Travel by the Steamers of tho IUuulator Line The Company will endeavor to give. ItH pat K rims the hest hervieo ponslhlu. For lurthur itiformatlou uddrujts Portland Ofllcc, Ouk-Htreet Dock. W. WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. Jf you are in need of anything in our lino, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. THE DALLES, - Profit-Sharing Association. sack of Miliar anil a barrel ol Hour. J win YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of using HO'Culled kidnev remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Soxuul Pills and be forever rid "of those dull pains In your back. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nights made restful by the use of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills Price, $1.00 per box buy ol your drngiiiflt or sent bv mail on receipt of price, in nlnin wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. Fort Wayno, Indiana. M. 'A. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. Pioneer Grocer. & Barget Robes, Burial Shrouds Ete. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY Bteamern of the Kej;ulutor Lino will run as per the fol tliu Conipany rei-urvliiK tho rlKht to cIiiiiiku 'J notice. Iralda" Str. Dalles City. Leaves Casuadee 0 a. tn. down re. 10.;jo a m I.v. Dallea Ia . I'ortlanil . lit 7 A. to. nt 7:00 A. 41. Ii n. in . Monday Tuemlny Wednesday .. Thursday, i JO p. ui. Friday Haiurday Arr. Portland Arr. DiiIIck ouuuur. at !;.) v. x. ut& v. m. partiHB of live and npwardn : Dallue, 5()c: Dalles to CaBcadee, $1.00. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt. WALTHER, - - OREGON. give, a cnmi mi ni. ... . - t Just What You uuant. Niw itlifiih in VVull I'aptir hcri. Suoii wiih" variety ac we art showing msver h, loni uriu'iul ii Hinirlt HUick. Heal imitii Hon orutun fll'iTtH at ordinury prici-H. Cf(M(l liapnrH at i;iit'iip inpt;r priccc. Hli'jriuit duHiniiH, tiiHtefni eolorinuB, yours for a suiall prict-, at our Htoro on Third street. Mho 11 fnli lint' of house puintH. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. I .3 L. Lane, OKNKItAl, ii i .AND... Wagon and Carrlago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mcwii. Phone 159 TTje columDia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF jPORKand BEEF j MANUKACTPUKKHOK i Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON x)RlKD BKEF. KTC. J. H. HCIIKNCK, . Prenidem. Max a. Voot. CaNhlui -First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Bunking BusineHH trunimcUfd Deposits received, imbject to Bitfht Druft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly rumittud on dav of collection. Hirht mid Telegraphic Exchange sold uu New York, Han KranciHco and port liind. 13 1 H KOTO S D. P. TllOMI'HON. J.VO. fri. KCHKNOlt, El). M, WlLMAMH, UUO. A. IjIUIIU. M M. IlKAM. FRENCH & COT, BANKERS. Trausaot a General Banking Business. Letters of Uri-dit isnued iivulluhli) In tlu KitNtitrn Htuti-H. .Sitflit ICxcliunuo and Tuluuriiphlc TruiiHfrH Hold on Nmv York, Chiciiuo, St. I.oiiIh, Sun l''riinciti:o, I'ortliuuJ Ore Kon, Kimttle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and WiiHhington. CollectioiiH iiiude at all points on fuv orahli) lorniH. mm mm Y'-W -a 1 tt UT r" 1 Biacksmnn Horsesnoe The W. W. Wilson Oo., Props. First-CIass in Every Hespect MEALH AT A 1. 1. HOUKH. Oysters Served in any Style. 7 bucuua Ut Tho UmUuh, Or Oregon Shopj line and union Pacific tlKI'AKT ion I TIMK HCIinnUUIB rutin I THE l)AI,l.i:s. Aiutivr. I'ROU Chll'iiKO- , I'lirtlilllll Hlioillat. IliiiU l. 111. Vlll 1 Mill t hlghilt. Atllklltll) lCxiiruxK, l'J.'N) 11. III. vlu Hunt liiKlim. nt. I'nitl I'llHt .Mill), 11 :'. 111. vlu Hlo k ii mi. KU Ijifce, Denver, Pt. Worth, Otniiliii, Kim. NttHClt)',Ht.UlllH,Ul. ciiro mill tlie EiiHt. 1:05 p. in. 1 Suit IjiWu, Denver, Kt. Worth, Omiiliiv, Kiui ' . If HiihClty.St ' ''"m. ciiko mid the KiiHt. 1 1 Wnllii WhIIh, U-wlNtiiii.1 hiiikiiliu.Wiilliiee,l'iil. mull, Mlinieiii(ilH, Ht. 1 I I'mil. Dllllith.Mllvviiu I , keu, ChluiiKitmiil i:Nt. s.30k, m. OCEAN AND EIVER S0HEDULE Krniii I'.irtliiiiil. (All HIllllllR lIllICK Hill) jectt 10 eiiiuiKc ) Kur Han rriinelBeo, Kill I every f diij h. m:(hi p. hi. 1 1 00 1. m. Dully exrept lllicliiy, MWi Ji. III. HutiirilHy, IlitlXi ).. 111. Coliniililu Klier. I'o Astoria unit ny UililllllKh. I 00 p. m. fXl'l'pt hiinilay. , Dally . esiffiit hlitiiiay, U'lllUllltlll), IUvit Ort'Kiiu City, Newhcri;, Milem, InileiMMiili'iii r. mill v 11 -l.uiKl! its. 1 ai i. m. except Huiidnj'. 1'.: IX I a. in. ' Tut'Mliiy, ' I liutxiliiy. Siiturila) , li.WI 11. in I '91 p. m .Miiniluj-. iiliie(iy Irlilajr CorvnlllH anil Way IjiiiiIIiiKK Tiuwlnj , M'iIIuiiipMi' Mini .(Dp. tn I'liursd.i , Vuitiliitl IIIvkik. MniuliiT haliinliiv. ).,.,,,, ritv. Iiiit'tnn W rUttcMlnv M a. 111 liuiiilnKH -ti'luj- I .rave lllpiirlii iliilly. : lllu. m. Siiuko Itlri'i. Hlnirlii to lxnvhtou. Leave h'HlntOll ilnlly, K . II, 111. I'lirtlen .IcNlrltiir 111 ro to tleimnvr nt poiuU on Columbia Southern via IIJkkh. hIiiiuIiI tnKC No IchvIiik 'I lie DiiIUm at la p. in. making illn't eotiueutloiih at IlcpjiiHT juiictlim mill IIIkkii. Ite'.itriiltiK iiiiikliiRdlreoteoiiiiuctlnn at iloppner Jiuietlon mid IIIck" ulthNn, l.tir rlvliic at The Dallex at 1 :().' )i. m For (tirther parllimlarfc, eall on or nililrenn JAri. JUKI. AM), AKi'lit, I The DalleH, Onvmi. Complete Cir;e of I I at i i , i j M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. i i i Spring Suitings The tiinu will noon hn herd when '""j Ktvlish dniHHi'd man will want , i r dute Spring Suit. TIiohh arc lh klntl" patrons 1 am tailoring for. C'"'u 111 and look over my Spring line of SuitiiUB All the latest novelties for 11)01. Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH III Oil ItH HtAK tllWC IioiiIU liu cluituliuvm. ( Ely' Cream Balm clcaiici,o(itbi!H mid heal tliu dlneaned iiiomlirnne. 1 1 curoH catarrh mid drive awiiy cold ia tlio liuad Jru Blin Ii placed Into tbo ntr Ii, P" over the mewbraita and U l)iorUciL 'i,!l",ott mediate and a cure followa. it U drf .t Dm not produce ineexinj!. Urge SUe, 60 ceuti ai v illiU or by mall ; Trial 8U o, 10 cent by m ULY UUOTUKHH, 60 Wrreu Ww'i