2lK Dalles fflprmikle. VOL. XIII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY. JUNK 2-1. 1901. NO. 110 'in;,ai;iiVi;MT' CAST0R1A AVfcgctable PrcparaiionTor As similating IhcFoodantlRcguJa ting the Stoinuclis andBowcls or Promolcs Digcslion.Cheerfur nessandRcsl.Conlains neither Opium .Morpliitm norIuicral. ot "Narcotic. .Vtttc nrOMJIrSAKUlZPiTCIIElt lnnikm A'ml t!x.A'mntt yillLw Srrtl Jtyrrminl - M CurbauUrSeda Clmfifi Sugar IHnltiyvm flavor. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jcvcrish ncss and Loss of Sleep. Vac Simile Signature or NEW YORK. CXACT COPy OF WRAPPER. -.""il GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 35311 In Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THE OCNTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. Will Cllllltt 111 lt0!J. Washington, June 22 President M Kinltsy this nioruini! to d ex-Senator Car ter, oi Motitiuiu, tlutt lie would vinit the Northwest and Northern Pacific Const next your. The (incident's intention is to complete the itinerary which was abandoned because of the lllniaiGf Mrs. McKinley in San Francisco. Among the (Hates which were to have bi-on visited by the preriident on liin recent trip were Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Mit faonri and Jnwa. ISxeept (or parsing through on the return trip to Washing ton none of the states wub visited. Ah near an pciHut I)1h all the pointH will be in cluded in the .new tour. The chief point of interest tnism-d on the last trip wan the Yellowstone National I'.irk. This is one of the very few places in the United States that the president himself ha" not visited. The president feels that there was keen disappointment, in the cities and towns which were scheduled to he visited in the West, and he thinks it is nothing more than fair that the people should realize their expectations. I)ii,i8 It I'ay to iuij t)lieiti'.' A cheap remedy for coughs and colds ia all right, hut you want something that will relieve and cure the more se vere and dangerous results of throat and luiiK troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate? Yee, if possible ; if not possitile for you, then in either case take the only rem edy that has been introduced in all civil' izod couutries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Uosehee's German Syrup." It not only heals and utimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the patieut. Try one bottle, Kecoinmended many vears by all druggists in the world, and sold by Clarke & Falk. Get Greeu'a prize almanac. " Mew York HovIuIiiUn, Nkw Youk, June 22. The municipal convention of the social democratic party w8 held today. Among hose present were Job Harrlmun, the party's candi date for vice-president at the last elec tion, and Benjamin Htuiford, cindidaie for governor at the same el ction. Han ford, who ii a member of Typographical Union No. 0, was nominated for roainr. The platform calls on the workiugiueu of the city to recognize their own interests by opposing the "capitalistic" class, and oils for the complete overthrow of the capitalist system of production and the ' substitution therefore of the co-operative commonwealth through the powers of the state and Nation." ' Tho platform J any!" : ! "We will at all times use the police j and other physical powers of the city on i the side of and for the protection and j benefit, of the working class and to the I detriment of the capitalist class, and in every case of doubt we will oonetrue the ! law in favor of the worklnir class and to ; the detriment of the capitalist class, and, so far as we can, we will use the city ! exehf quer for the benefit of the working chifi"." Profoor (ieorye D. Hereon was preeent j and addressed the convention. I llnllitiid PluiiH lii litrliilin Ziij-drr Zen. Washington, June 22 The addition jof a whole province of water-covered 1 land to the kingdom of The Netherlands j is the subject of reports received at the state department from Consul Hill, at Amsterdam, and Consul-General Gueu ther, at Frankfort, Germany. The plan proposed lias in view ttie closing of the Znyder Zee, which for centuries is said to have been more harmful than helpful to Holland by a dike running from the North Holland coast to the island of Wieriugen, and thence to the Frisian coast. The part of the bay encompassed will be gradually drained, and it is tt.oueht that in eighteen years 115,000 acres of fertile land can be recovered. The total cost of the wore is estimated at about $98,000,000, which includes an indemnity of $1,809,000 to be paid to ZuyderZeo fishermen roblud of their vocation. The completion of the entire work is expected to produce 500,000 acres of soil valued at $100,000,000. It is intended to call this 12th province of the Netherlands Wilhelmina land, in honor of the young queen. Ori-itl CroiN urn Had. Washington, June 22. Jt is now recognized as inevitable that the cereal harvests of 1001 in Prussia will show the largest and most disastrous deficit that has been recorded in recent years, and the reanlretuents of the Germau empire in respect to foreign grown food- stuirs will far exceed those in any recent years. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior paints when you can buy James K. Patton'u Bun proof paiuls for f 1.50 per gallou, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Kalk, agents. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line of paint ond artist's brushes. THE STRIKERS ARE ENJOINED Sweeping Order Made by a Judge in Wisconsin They Must Not Inter fere With Men Employed in Factories. Mii.waimcki:, Wis., June 22. A sweep ing injunction of wide spread scope and importance relative to the strike of the machinists was issued today to the Vitter Manufacturing Company. The order prevents the strikers from in any way interfering with workmen that are em ployed at the Vitter works, from gather ing about the works in any way, from posting pickets, from combining for the purpose of preventing tradesmen, celling of workmen who have refused to quit, and from doing anything that will in any way operate to result in damage to the Vitter Company. The injunction equals in its effect the combined strike order issued by Judge Jenkins in the Northern Pacific case, withoutembracing any of the defects of that order which led to itB revocal in the court of appeals. There is not a single reference to the strike in the injunction, tho men are not restrained from striking aB they were in the Northern Pacific order, but they are eimply restrained from taking any action or doing anything which will in any way tend to cause damage to the Vitter Com pany. While thfl action is brought in the name ol the Vitter Company, it ie really the National Metal Trades As ejciation that is plaintiff. The in junction is directed anainst each and every member of the International As sociation of Machinists and all pereous connected therewith. The order is returnable in Judge Elliott's court. A KlKlitetiui, Protest. Special to The Ciihonhjle Bakihi Cnv, June '24. The Baker City chamber of commerce has written the Portland chamber of commerce, pro testing against a reported change of the program of the river and harbor com mittee of the house of representatives, which is said to leave out of the itinerary a visit to The Dalles and Celilo, the scene of the great obstruction to the Columbia. It is stated to the local com mercial body, by the Lewiston chamber of commerce, that it is now the plan to conduct the committee up the Will amette and along the lower Columbia. The business men of this city, like those of Lewiston, take the view that all of the Inland Empire is vastly more in terested in seeing a canal constructed at The Dalles than they are in having further work done now at the mouth of the river, or in the Willametie. Tli,) llalluH Might Copy Tills Kiumple Special to Tin: Ciutoxici.u. Bakek City, June 24. Merchants of this city are organizing a protective as sociation, which has for its objectB en- couragementof industries in this district, and construction of roads connecting Baker City with interior points geo graphically dependent upon this railroad point of supplies. Much of the interior which is regarded naturally tribulary to Baker is drifting to other trading points, particularly Blnce completion of the Sumpter Vallev extension of the narrow gauge railway. Baker business men will j make an earnest fight to retain this trade, also to penetrate into the Harney and and Malheur county districts. Cliokt-d by Haw Meat. Bakkh City. June 22, Joseph Keil, an old resident of this city, was choked to death this morning about 9:30. He attempted to eat a piece of raw meat, which lodued in his throat and lie strangled before medical aid could be summoned, Mr. Keil was a shoemaker by trade. He was horn in AuBtria in September, 1823. He owned considerable propeity . .I.., i. .i in this city, ami is saiu 10 nave imu uuu siderable property in the bank. He leaves four children, William and Agnes, who reside in this city, aud two in the insane asylum at Salem. Eczema, saltrheum, tetter, chafing, w tioisoulnir and all skin tortures are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Haeel Salve. The certaiu pile cure. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Balanc of Remnants of Wash Goods left over from Saturday's snle will be closed out at Half the rem nant price. See our new line of Ladies' Komonos, made of fine wash fabrics. TRADE MARK When planning your summer outing, bear in mind that here you will find all the nec essary carrying para phernalia Trunks, Suit Cases, Bags and Telescopes This is the only store in town where you can buy the well-known and justly celebrated Drucker Trunks. A full line of sizes, styles and prices now on hand. Fancy Hosiery j? was never so popu lar as at the present time. To see is to buy. The original color ings are simply irre sistible while qual ity has not been slighted. pur prices range from 35c to $1.75 and at50c and 75c pair we show ex ceptional!' good values. ft ?. 4 ... Si .s ' f We are well equinned to supply the demand for Summer Hats, Etc. Anything from the new style in sailors at $2,00 to the "Hay Hat" at oc. DucK and Crash Caps -e Men's, Boys' and Chil dren's. A complete variety at 25c, ."5c and 50c. The "Sulmatra" Helmet, gray cloth with green under-brim; Only 40c Cobbler Shop in connec tion with Shoe Dept. A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. New lot of Men's Linen Collars. Catarrh Citutiut Ite Cured. with local applications, as they cannot reach the Beat of the disease. Catarrh ia a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it vou must take inter nal remedies. Hali'B Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country tor years, and is a regular piescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drrugitists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Iuvailon of Capo Colony, London, June 24. Lord Kitchener lias sent no report of the Waterkloopf mishap. Recent events in Cape Colony seem to prove tho Boer invasion of that country to be serious. A letter to the Daily Mail, dated Cape Town, June 5, confirms the pro-Boer report and says the invaders number anything from 7,000 to 10,000; that they are swarming all over the eastern and midland dis tricts and iretting recruits and horses. The Daily Mail remarks thai confirma tion of these assertions is needed, but if this inforuatiou is correct the country hus been entirely misled regarding the extent of the invasion. "A few months ago, food which I ate for breakfast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour. I used one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and cau now eat my breakfast and other meals with a relish and my food is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troubles" H. 8. Pitts. Arlington Tex., Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Killed Hy u Full. Nkw Havkn, Coi ii,, June 23. Adel bert P. Hay, son of Secrerary Hay and ex-consul to Pretoria, was found dead on the sidewalk outside of the New Haven House at 2:30 this morning. It is believed Hay became ill and went to the window for air, and was overcome by a fit of dizziness and fell to the ground below. For rent Two furnished front rooms. Inquire of Mrs. K. J. Sylvester, Third street. J10'1 LET THE EAGLE SCREAM! An Old - Fashioned Celebration. July 4th, 1901 at... Hood River Music by the Band and Glee Club ! Reading of The Declaration of Independence. ORATION. GRAND PARADE Patriotic, Military and Civic. Log Rolling Content $100.00 in Prices. Greased Pole, Wheelbarrow Race, Etc., Etc., with Liberal Prizes to Winners. BICYCLE PARADE with Cash Prizes for the Handsomest Exhibits. $700.00 Display of FIREWORKS IN THE EVENING. Baseball Game--Dalles vs. Hood River Cool groves and romantic lulls and dolls for tho lovora of nature. Keduced rates by railroad ami bouts. Como everybody, and bring tho childron. 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