He Tried a Sample Bottle Nearly every ihi people oomc into drill stores ami ufc the I'riiKcists to recommend Eotuo medicine lor their trouble. Very oucn they re fuse to do so, because, as n rule, they ilo not believe it proper to ml-vi-oanyonoto take n patent medicine ol 1 which they do not know thu iiigredionts.lt is the physi cian s bnri- ncs.-s U pre scribe. Some make an ex ception, how ever, win. n isnyono has n couph. did or throat and '.rnrr Iroubln ,-l ;ihvav , ,-muncnd Acker' . 1 : . rr - ( I know just wliat it 'I every cae when I i- the best expectorant l!el in my J4 years' :- o just one instance of had been troubled for itackiiur couch. 1 ad- 1 4? IL ica. They nay also Unit it is equalled by few in any other part of ttie world. It weighs 10o urains uud is poar-ahaped, mensuring uum than three-quarters of mi inch in length and live eighths of an inc i in di.imotor. It is u perfect pink, and 60 lustrous that one can tee thu re flection of hi? face in it. AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER! The People's Naiionai Family Newspaper All vrtll I. (titer. rollowinp ia thu list of letters remain inj: in the poatoflice at The Dalles un called for lutio "1, 11)01. 1'orsoiiB imIHiu; fur the same will pvo date on which they were advertised: Aiding. Mav Mt-Kee. Will Clark, Van " 15eid, .Mrs 0 Cleddenmi;. V K-vuul.is. E M Dunicau, Calvin litipo, Lee ii-h HeimVn , b will do. i' luive sen i mid tonic I . ' ' experience. I will si gentleman who yean with a na.-ty. Fisher, Mrs llessie Gilliam, Mrs S li Hill, C M He's, C W Harvey, Jack 1 Imniltoii, J 11 Hall, Bessie .1. M. Huberts, Chae Smith, Edith Shnrte & Wier Co .lohn-ton, .Mrs A C Jacobs, A C Slater, D C StinirT, A M P.lTTKltSOX, P. M. c.u ,,1111 .1 lliu-l... IliU hHU .v- vised Acker' lmciNh Keniedy. lie tried a s-ample bottle, and wa cured before he had! taken half of it. at m cost whatever. Tht3 however, as it usually n - ;. IXVContainc, Ohio. ' " ' :, inttb. thronph . i Canada ; and in :i!.. 4. 0d. If you buyins. return tlio i an exceptional takes two or three (iMPlltli i A P. . Fold a: ?" ' . out tb I"! Enplnm! '- i rr Hi if ... . - tii .1 ottle to our dru'ijiit, and yet your luoiiey back. n aui.'i-jrUe ti aoov guarantee, it; m. xoozsi: d- ca.. .p.wi::. .r- ro.-.. F i- a' Biakele v's I'.'iarmacv. Kxeiw i-iuii l. iiu- i oust. MoNHiOMKUY, Ala..Juiie "1. The Ala buna State Press Association, after a two days' session adjourned today and tonight a party of 90 started on an ex cursion to the Pacific Coa-t. To nil old and now subscribers paying one year in nilvaneo wo oll'm - Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi Weekly Tribune and Semi Weekly Chronicle for S2.00. Weekly Chronicle for SI. 50. NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY Published Mmiilny, W etltiCMlay ami Fri day, Is In reality a line mid ftesh evory-other-day Dally, kIvIiik the latest news on dny.N of Is-iie, a n (' covering news, of tlij other ;;. It enntiilns nit lmpor taut fnrelea calile news which appear la the Imlly Tribune of Mitau date, ubo do iiiotle nail foroluii correiponrteneo. hnrt slnrles. cU-Kiiat hiilf tone illnst tat Ions, liu morons Jtetn, iuilus trlal Information, fashion mites, ticrtcul tiirnl iniittt'r.i, unci oomproliensl ve iintl re liable IlliMIK'llll mid market reports. Tn lie Kttalill-tli.ul lij- tin vernmt'iil. j V vNcoivirn, H. C,, June 111, The j Dominion irovenniient announced today, that an assay ofliee will be established j in Vancouver by July 15. It will he' maintained by the federal government. TRIBUNE. lti-Riilar tlmi price, soar. Milwrlp .tl..vi per NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. We turnl-di it with Petal Weeklv Chroni cle for f.'.Cw per ear I'uhlHhi'd onTlinrx day, ii.ul known for nearly M.tv veins In eory part of the fill ted States as a tiii'hili nl finally newspaper of the hit;W'st. cliis, for farmers and villa Item. It i-ontalns all the mott Important Itoaeml news of the lifllly Ttlhiitu- up to the hour of uolue t" pre.-, ni' iimti'uluira' ilepartnu'iit "I tin niclu'Kt onlor, Iiu- en tertiiinliiK riMdlilR for everv nic'inticr of tin fiiml"lv,old ami younir market reportK hti-h lire nceeptiil as im'h orlty by farne ri. mul inoreaiiiitN, ami In clean, up'-tiMl itc, in tetesiltiK and initrlie tivi-. lii'Utilar Milocrip tlon price, tl per year We furnlhh It wltn H-ml-WieUy Chroul i!le for $l..ri per ye ir J. E. FALT & CO., proprietors iJ?HG OWI" 7 Purest Liquors for Family Use ) 1 Delivered to any part of the City. 173 Second Strepr 1 . " y Phoncfi: 51 Local, 85S I.011K Hietaticc Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or BUSINESS LOCALS. SOUTHERN MAN You will not have boils if von 1 Clarke & Falk's sure cure !oi boils. take White Collar Line. SUGGESTED 'Con-'rcssman Gaines Names a Dozen Men, Any One of Whom in His Opinion, Could Sweep the Country New YoitK, June 21.. A opecial to the Trtimne from Washington pavs: Con gressman John Wesley Gaines, of Teu-ue-ee, in nn interview, favors the nonii nation -f a southern man for president m 1004. He says: ' "Mv proposition for the noniuuuion of a S nthf-rn man for president in 1004 is taking like wildfire. Since I made it a Aeek, age I have received stacks of letters from all parts of the country com uifiuiint: me. For more than fifty years thi country was ruled by the honth, nod I iin "atistied we can regain control if we go atiout it in the right way. Hie firi-t tep in this direction should be the nomination ot a straight, old-fiishioned Soothe-n democrat for president in 1004. The tn in wtio says that the South does not now possess an abundance of presi dential material is a feel. I can name a doz-n men or more, and one of whom would make us a winning candidate." Tnen Mr. Gaines mentioned these name-?: Senator Morgan, of Alabama; Sr-natnr Cockrell, of Missouri; Senator Carmack and former Senator Turley, of TeunH!.-eu; Sna'.ors Culberson and Bailey, of Texas ; Senator Bacon and Clark Howeil, of Georgia; Associate Ju-iic White, of Louisiana. "And," said Mr. Gaines, "you might add to this list the names of John Marshall Harlan, of Kentucky, who, though appointed to the United States supreme court as a republican, has enunciated line old democratic doctrine fn..i the bench more than once. "The war is over, and the South is an integral part of the union, and not an insular posseselon or a Porto Kico; and besides, have not numerous former con federates served on the bench of the supreme court and in other positions of the federal judiciary by appointment of both democratic and republican presi dents? Also, have not several former confederates served in the cabinets of both republican and democratic presi dents? Congress has been full of former confederates for thirty years. Surely, if former confederates can be trusted to make and interpret Iawt, they can lie trusted to t-xecute them. Theiefore, my voice from this time on shall be for a Southern man for president." New Kind of Mulienuau' Luck. Some desirable city property for sale or rent. For particularo call on Gibbons iV Marden. alltf , Paint your house with paints that ara fullv guaranteed to last. Clarke A Full; have them. ' We ofl'er for a limited period the !Str. BAILEY-GATZERT. t wice-a-weei; CmtoMCi.K, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregotiiau, price $1. 50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions tinder this otTer must be paid in ad vance, f the Baiies-Perdawl We DAILY liOUMD Tlal'S, Except Monday, j Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and coustipation. A ; delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cte and 50 cts. Blakelv, MiHdrugist. Your fiiCB Shows the state of your feulings and the i state of your health as well. Impure I blood makes ifelf apparent in a pale j and sailow complexion, Pimples am. Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and vorn out and do not have a j healthy appearance you should try i Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood ' diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and I so called purifiers faTl ; knowing this we i sell every bottle on a positive. guarantee, i Blakelei the druggist. Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. Just Received A full line of Freh Printing and I)e velo iug Papers direct from facti ry Solio, "Hex, Deko, Yolox and Aristo in all sizes. Also a lino of Platef in Cramer, Crown, Seedf- and Stanley. Tnms l'rinting Frames. Alliums, Ai altigraphs, And all ucc (cones to complete the outfit of either thu amateur or pro fessional photographer. rwwwww r y t i I ' r- i A r"r- rv d HH I . r- I r rs fr-s. I r- I 1 r III N kfc-. 1 ' A 1 1 ft 1 ki .. .GOIiDjVLBlA BHEWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of thiH well-known brewery the United .states Health KoportH for June S, 11)00, nayn ; "A more supei lor brew novel' entered the labratory of the United States Health reports. It in absolutely devoid of tln Hlii-hti'Ht traeo of adulteration, but on the other hand 1h eo'i'iinat.it ni j the best of malt and choic-nt of hops. Hh tonic (iilalllieH are of the high, i est and it can be tiHctl with the greatest benefit and Hatlnfaclion by oh nm ? young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed hv the physicians with the cersaintv that a bettor, purer or more wholesome beverage could not ' J posoibly be found." ! East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. m i mm Mil TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. ii. Arrive The Dalles l 1-..M. Leave " " 4 " Arrive I'ortlnnd 11 " Meals the Very Best. i Killed to .San l'"ruiiuivo ami Kiiturii. I The O. 11. & X. Co. will make the following rates from The Dalles, Oregon, i to San Francisco and return for National I Convention of Enworth League, July I lS-'Jl, 1001 : Via rail to Portland anil ' O. Ii. & N. steamers from Portland to San Francisco and return, fi,2'.l 50. Tickets on sale and honored on trains from The Dalles and on steimers from Portland only on July llth and Kith. Returning tickets will be honored on steamers sailing from San Francisco not later than August 1st; final limit, Aug ust 4, 1001. JKaift includes meals and berth on steamers. Il-servationn for passengers going via steamers should be made in advance to insure accommoda tions, for which a deposit of 5.00 will he required. All rail in both directions, via U. Ii. & N and Southern Pacific, jpr"Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. CF'Thiti Kouto has the Grandest Scenic Attractions on Ivirth. Portland-Astoria Route I Our Eureka Combined Toning and J Fixing Hath is a dandy. Try it. j The A. E. C. Developer for plates, I films or developing papeis hap noeijual. ; Enough forll'je to developc ( dozen ntateo or b dozen elox 4x5. Perfect blacks and whites tire guaranteed, if diteetinm. are followed. Ask for the A . K. C. De veloner, and see that you get the genuine. We are prepared tocompnund any and all of your own formula- and guarantee satisfaction. At the old place, 175 Second Street, Tin- Dalles, Oregon. Geo. C. Blakeley. Headquarters for Headquarters for Headquarters for Headquarters for Headquarters for tOTl "FlmiT This Hour is manufactured expressly for family k'-'-1-- use : overv pack it) gnariuiteed to give eatinfactioa. We sell our goodB lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think n call and gut our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whoa.t. Barley and Oats Seed Grain of ail kinds. Feed Grain otriiidn Boiled Grain, ail kinfe Bran. Shorts, TmitfS "Byers' Best" Pendle- Str. "TAHOMA." Daily Hound Trips except Sunday. CARD 61b ffiUMM3$ TIME Leave Portland Leave Astoria OWE' FOK A DOSE. . I A. .7 v .M. j Hi4 UtH sic r "I'l't'tT-.f, ln.n. kf '' . .1 ' '" ' '-li I t , ', Landing and ollice Foot of Alder1 Street; both phones, M U31, Portland, Oregon. E. W. ClilCH TON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOK, Agent Astoria. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'. e. LjiiiiI OHIi.'v, Vancouver, Wash,, ( ' iliiy I'JUt. i Notice; la licroby given that in conii1iuneu with the jirovhioio- of the Mi!t of (.'wiuress n( June :;, ln", untitled "An act for the ntlu of tun bsr liinij"- in the .stnte.i of CntlforniH, Orexmi, Nevailu anil Wii.ihIii(lnTc'rritiirv,"ii,i cxtanleii to all the public imiil utittus by act of AtiKiist I. lHJ, Krntik Htevvart, of Low Itook. county of (illllitm, htntu of Oregon, has this iluy lik-il In , . , r i ii linn iiiiii;c jiin nuru niiit:iuviii .11 fi i ir nit- first class, good for stop-overs in Cali-1 ..urehHi.fof the N a of sec U, In Tp No I N, K .m i.i r., . nun win oiiur pioin to hiiiiw 1 fornia, $28.00. Second class, including I berth in tourist sleeper in both direc tions, no stop-overs, iUo.fiO. Tickets on j wale at The Dalles July loth mid 10th, and will be honored by Southern Pacific on trains leaving Portland July 15th and 10th, and on morning train July 17th; good for return passage leaving San Francisco up to and including July ill, 1901. Tickets will not be Bold good in one direction via rail and in another via steamer. For further information communicate with .las. Ireland, agent, The Dulles, Oregon. m2l-jlyll A Wisconsin fisherman put his hook down into the muddy waters of the Mississippi, near Lansing, la., recently, and floated in his boat with the current until he reached Prairie du Chieo. Somewhere between these two points tie caught on his hook a clam, in whose shell was hidden the largest and most perfect pearl ever found in those waters. This pearl ia now locked in a vault at H, Deakin'a art rooms in the fine arte building in Chicago. Mr. Dnukin was offered flO.OOO for it. He refused to sell it, because he thinks the pearl is worth foO.000. It was bought from the fisherman by a Prairie du Chien man (or $17,000. The connoisseurs who have seen the pearl since Mr. Deakin bought it pronounce it the most wonderful ever found in Amor- that thu hunt icumht Is more valuable fur Its timber or Mtonu than for iiKriciilliinil pnrpoeii, and to eitahlhh his claim toxulil Imiil before the UcKlstcr anil liecelvt-r ol IhlK cillicc at Van (.-Oliver, Wash,, ou Wednesday, the llth day of Aiiitiist, 1WJ1. Hu iihiiich as wlt:ii;ses Homer V. Wood worth, (iixlfrey I. Kmtth, K. K. Koburttcm and Many M. littrrett, all of Portland, Or. Anv mul nil i.-rMini claiming iidvernaly the ubovu-dwcrlbed lands are reiiumted to illu their Chilian In thin ofliceou or before uiild 1 Ith (1h of AtiKimt, 1'JUl. Junl lOt . It. DL'NIIAti, ItculHtur. NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. Lnnd OIKteat Vancouver, Winh, Jliiy 17, Itioi. Notice Is hereby iclvcn that thu following uariifd Kettk-rit have lllvd initlce of their iutun tlun to make llnal proof in mippnrt of thuir cliilm and that nalii prouf will be Hindi! before "The Doctors told me mv cough was w.- I'rwby, L. H. CoiaiiUMloniir for Dl.strlutof VwihhhiKtKU, at IiIh o'llce In (ioldeiidulo, W imh,, incurable One Minute Cough Cure made me a well man." Norris Silver, North Stratford, N. II. Because you've not found relief for a stubborn cough, don't despair. One Minute Cough Cure has cured thousands and it will cure you. Safe and sure. Clarke & Falk't P. O. Pharmacy. Dressed spring chickens at the Stadel man Commission Co.'h LM-tf Subscribe for Thk Ciiiionici.k. Executor's Notice. on bitlurduj, Auuu'2'j, U"U, viz. KIKuiiah II. liylton, II. j:. No, 0700, for the NJ NII!, NUH mid SKh of bKi, Kee ;il, Tp I N, It III K, W, il., who niimeii thu follovvhiK wltne.i.H to prove IiIn con tlnnoiis rcalilt-nci ujioii and cultivation uf mild lund, viz. , Orlc- IC, Khlijiv, (,'orllx hiirenst'ii, John lliif frou, James O. I.yle, all of l.ylu P. u.. Wnih. Voillx HoroiiHBii, II. K. No. V.r,A, for thc!HW'4 HK'.Hec! I.'!, and of fsKK nnd NKJi of NWVf, Kto iil. Tp il N, K U K, W. M., who iiamuH thu folhmlng wit neiiii'H to prove hii u iiitliiiioiiM rutldcnco upon mid cultivation of said land, viz. - Klkiimih JS. HyltoiipUrlc K. Hhlppoy, John Jinf f rem , James O. Ly lu, all of Lyie 1. U Wuih. Orle K. HIHiKy, II, K. No. W5J. for tno fraotlonal rlW ol NV.'i; I f rU..l..til IV nl HWl ii ml flu, H 'i nl v. I, nr Notice is hereby k'lvc-n that SI. 'A. Donucll hah 1 t..i w ft in v (8 if u im iUi.h. tin, rni. liecn duly uiiolntul execulor ol thu lant will iowIiik Vltii"u to prove hU contliiuciui. renl and tunturaent of Ann LuchliiKer. decenkiil. i (it.nc4, ,iwm Hud cailtlvmion of siild land, U.: Alllt-rbOiiH httvniK cmim mkuiiim wiu untate Klkanuh II. liylton, Corllx Koruiuuii, John if Mid Ami LucliliiKt-r ru hereby not lied to i)r(m und James O, Jjrlc, all of Lylo 1'. 0 resent the shiiio to inc. verified a by Uw re-1 u-iih - of sal present ino shiiio io inc. vcrinc-u hh oy law re-' Wuh )iureu, WHiiiu iix laoniun irom inu ante or cms . W(g IIUUCV. Dated ut UAlles City this 7th clay or June, 1901 jUUH M. DONNKLL, Executor. W. II. DUNHAM, KeglHtcr. Subscribe for Thk Cuuomulk. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aido Natu.ro in strenBtheniug and recon- atructlng the exhausted digestive or- fjans. It is the latest discovcreddlgest- antand toulo. ISTo other preparation can approach it in etllcicticy. It in siantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Iudit'estion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. PrlcoSOc. and SI. Lar(?08liocontalnR2'i times ! amallslie.lIookaUr.buutdyfipopsiiiinalledtrtie "c?arodbi'E r Dc'."iTT ft CO.. Crjlcag I Sold by Clarke AFalk' P () P i . uy oj) dry catarrh; they dry up tho KuurntioiiR, which adhcro to tho mciubrano and decom pose, canning n far more Kurioua trouble than tho ordinary form of cafarrh. Avoid all dry. iug iuhulauta, fumes, mnokes nnd tmiiirn and tuo that which cleansers, soothca and heals. Ely'H Cream Jlalui ia ftuch u roniody and will euro catarrh of cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial aizo will ho mailed for 10 cents. All driiiim'shi well tho CtJo. aizo. Ely UrothorH, 5(! Warren Ht., Tlio liahn cureii without pain, doeB not irritate or caiiso Huco.ing. It Hpreadti itiiulf over nn irritated and angry Hiirface, roliov ing iintuftdiatoly tho painful inllainmation. With Ely'H Cream Jlahn you nro armed against Nasal Catarrh uud liny rover. NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION. Land OrricK at 'J'iih Dam.kh, on,, I Jiimi", l;)i ( Notieu Ih hereby mIvcii Hint the followliik' named kuttler bus II led notleo of bin luiimtloii to makii final proof In Mippnrt of hlxrliilin, ami that siiid proof will bu inadu buforu thu Ken Inter and liecelvcr at The hallux, Oremm, cm tiatnr day, July ai, JWil, viz.; Fred Htitokll. of Thu DaMuk, Or., II. K. No, ran, for thu NWK of MVKofBec.i!7,Tp I N H lit K W. M. He name thu following wltiioxi.e to prove his coutiiiiicniN resldeucu upou and cultivation of said laud, viz.: Osmer W. Cook. Alux. Kruxor, It. 0, llrookH, liliniiva i.unnuii, .1,1 m iiu hiii n, wi.,flJII. IA1'fA'IAliltAIAt'IA'rArA f A'l Al A t A'tAIAI A1AUJJWJ1 I." C. J. STUBLillMb, M1I0I.II.K AM) KCTAIL 11 Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to Firat National P.nnk. ; Oiiiiiinii riiniiK an 1, :(; 1. one nint. loin. THE DALLES, OREGON. p. S. GUflfliriG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -IlKAI.IMt IN- junl-J JAY I'. LUCAS, Iti-Klntcr. Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Aent for Itilhsull A, Co. I.ni'liiex, TlirenherM and tinw .Mills. Cor, Sccouil & Lai! Sls THE DALLES, OB, Telephone 157. Loin: Dintiuicu 107!!. IT i .p. SOUTH and EAST via Yellowstone Park Line. THK Dl.N'l.Vfi (!AK ItOt'TH PP.O.M I'OUTl.ANl) TO TH K KAHT. THK ONI.V 1MKKCT LINK TO THK VKLI.OW- HIONK 1'AKK I.KAVK, Union Depot, I'll iliac I Sis AKKIVK. No. No. J'liBt mall for Tncoina, 1 M.-iittie, Ulyiiiiin, (iniy'h Harbor and Kouth llitml liolntN, hp.ikiUKi, Koss-' land, II, (I., I'ullman, MllM-OW, U-uIhIiiii, f- 11M5 A. M, faloHllinpialuinKeimii- f,;M) P. M, try, Helena, .Miiini-uiMi IIm, Ht. I'liul, Omiilni, Kiiihiiin (Uty, Ht. IouIh, CIiIciiko mid all pnlniH No. -I. eakt mid HimiheiiNt. No, :i, I'nicel hoiind Kxpros 11;.M 1'. M. for Taeoina and heattlu 7;00 A. M, ,111111 hiteriaediatu poiutki I'nlliiian flrHt cilimH nnd timrUt oleotKirH to Mlniieapo llH.Ht. I'aiil mid Mlimourl river point without (iliuiiKe. VoHtthnle.1 trulim. Union depot eoiuieutloim hi all priuelpal el tie. lliiKKHKu fllieekod to destination of tioketH, f or ImiitlMonioly llhinniiteildeoorlpUveiimtter, tlcketB, HieepliiK-uar renervutlonti, ete., unit ou or write A. D. CHARLTON, Awiliitant (lonunil 1'aiweimer AkoiU. 2M Morrl son atreot.uorner Third, rortlaud Oregon. Shasta Route TraltiH leave Tho Dalles fur rnrtlanu mid NtntlotiH at l:'Jtl a. in. and :i p. in. lA'ave I'ortlaud " Albany Arrive ANhland " KiKirnmi'iito . . . " Han Kniliuliteo n:nn a m ,12. Hi) a ia 7l00p io:50 p Arrive OKdoti " Denver " KmihaNCIty. " Ulileai0 .... UWnm 11;30;S . 7 . p ia Arrive 1-os AiikuIuh ... " Kl I'axo " Kort Worth " City of Mexico . " lloiuton " New Orleaim . " WllHllillKIOIl. . - " New York ... y . . 1 "0 p ia d'Uipia ():;) il in II. Mil "1 . I IN) a HI . fl W Ii I" , i ii il li '.Vi Clpm 7i00 B 6:00 pin 1;U0W f,;i1' I'lilhaaii and TourlHt earn o toln eu0l OliiilreiirH Haoriimento to OuAun ' m or und tcmrUtnarHtoClilettK". um"' lealix anil WimlllllBtoa. Coniicfltlnir ut H'tu. Kramilxco with ,, HteuiiiHlilp lTnuH for H1''1 irlci. Phlllpplnwi, Cuatral mid Hoath Awcra" Beo agent ut The Dalle Btatl"". or di- C. H. MARKHAM' o, Oouoral Piwuifer Agcut, foW