The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY J. A. EBERLE, Merchant Tailor. Second Strc&t, opposite Mays & Crowe, as humnu life will stop when the blood ecasos to circulate. 15y aton' .TTXE 22. 1!01 J 110 1,01 '"can 10 cease nnsoiutoiy, - -. but the heart will beat more slowl), 'ami the bloott will How in paucity of 1 amount and speed. I do not believe that the placing of our products of iron and steel upon the free list would break up a , single trust or impair the value of ' the stock of tho United States Steel Company or any other of the combi nations. I do not believe that it would wipe out the small manu facturers, and that the great combi- , nation would control absolutely the markets ot the United States in com pany with and upon a basis of di- t vision of profits with the trusts now organized abroad. 1 do not care to 1 discuss this subject now. J believe I the whole matter to be an inspiration of the devil of free trade, and it has I been seized upon because of the We have an excellent line of Spring supposed anxiety of the people to i t prepared to uinke up in the latest styles, and guarantee it perfect tit. GROSVEXOR OX TARIFF TISKER-1XG. The following vigorous and com- prehensive presentment of the quest j ion of tariff tinkering is from the j pen of General Grosvenor, the Ohio congressman, who has been said to be in a peculiar sense the reilector of the views of President MeKinley on the floor of the house of representa tives. It is in response lo a request by the American Protective Tariff League for an expression regarding the reopening of the tariff question, either by direct legislation on the break down trusts and combinations, but my point is that h present agita tion of a serious character, backed by force enough to make it effective for a general revision of the tariff laws would be absolutely destructive of the present prosperity. "There is no trouble about the trusts. Under our constitution, as at present formed, congress, in co operation with the state legislatures, has ample power to do all that is necessary, all that is just, all that is fair, in the regulation of combina tions of money, capital and labor.'' NOLAN'S Profit-Sharing Association. The first monthly dividend has boon distributed to tho profitable satisfac tion of thirteen of my customers. The only regret is that 1 was not .able to give a valuable present to each of my customers. I think they all deserve one. On Saturday. July 6th, 1 will give away two mimic boxen-ono worth $27 iil), Hyi! itlpht tunes, and one worth $7,611; a nui-k of KUBiir and a barrel ot Hour. 1 will !lv a riihIi relmte nf f MM) ' mer pavinu the moat numeMv that date, mid il 00 " tho t paying in the m-cond larireHt amount. Un each Saturday, commencing on the loth of .lane and including July (Uli. I will, in addition to tho two prii. onts given each week, give a $1 00 ndmto to tho customer paying the lariat amount during tho week. PiireliaBure of uoodfl in my lino will do well to keep in mind that 1 sell goods hh low us tho lowest, at) well as share tho prollt with my customers. M. T. NOLAN. 011 YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tiro of usinir so-called kidnoy remedies without any huiictlt, use Lincoln Soxual Pills mid be forever rid of those dull pains in vour buck. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in tins kidneys" and have nil your bladder und urinary troubles cured, and your nights nniile restful by the ue of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Soxual Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ot yonrdrngw'iHt or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. Fort Wnyno, Indiana. M. Z. Donnull, Airent, The Dulles. Just What You Luant. Sve Twii 1'iiim Ofiitli. "Our little daughter had an almost fa , tal attack of whooping cough and bron Ichitis," writes Mrs. V. K. Haviland, of subject or by the more round-about Armonk, N. Y., "bnt, when all other method of special treaties framed ' remedies failed, we saved her life with for the benefit of a few industries ! Dl'- King's New Discovery. Our niece, 1 i..i n. ,.,.,.,. ...,., ; .... ...i.,.. ....... i and at the expense of the general , , .. , , , stage, tuso usea uue wonuerim meuicine expense body of industries, General Gros 'The great danger to the future and to-day she is perfectly well." Des perate throat and lung diseae3S yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other welfare of the American people lios I medicine on eartli. Infallible foi Coughs ' ' .... .1 rnl.lo '.fin nr..) iM fill 1. ....... mm VJMIUG. UUl, U1IU Ol.lU UUillCC UUUI in the shortness of their memory. Two things have made this country prosperous and rich, and are moving forward with enormous strides anteed by G. O. Blakeley, the druggist. Trial bottles free. 0 lluu't Itul It In, Just wet the affected part freely with toward making us the richest country . ,. . . ' , . . . v J and the pain is gone. Sold bv Clarke & on earth. Those two things are, Falk. flrst, the Dingley tariff law, and,i Clarke & Falk have received a carload second, the confidence which up to a 1 of the celebrated James E. Patton recent period .the American people ' 3trictl' mue litaiA paint9 PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-kno"wn Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. 15 'A my M Oregon Shot line ahd union Pacific llSCI'AKT KOU TIMU HCIHIIll. l.KH KUOM thk iau,i:h. OlltOiiKO- IMrthuut H'dt bike, Pmiver, VI Hinfiliil. I Worth, Oiiuihii, Kiiii-Vl-Xi p. in. KitKClty.Ht.ljmlN.Clil vlii Hunt I (nii;ip mill the llust. IllKtuli. Atlillltll' Kxiiri'NN, 12. .VI a. m. vln Hunt luiitmi. Ht. I'lllll I'HHt Mull, '.i:'ii ii. in. vln Hi-kiiuu. Suit 1.iiUi, llonvur. I't Worth, Oinnliii, linn HiiK(;ity,Hl ImiIh.CIiI i!ii!n mill tliu I'uHt. Wllllll Willlh, U'WlHtlill, rtlHikimu.W'iilliii'isl'iiii iiniii, Mlinit'iitiniiH, hi I'nul, l)uluth,.MIIwitii keo, t:iilt'it!oimii ;,iHt. 1 Aitnivi: I'lliiu 1 '.0& p. ni. I I n. m, 'n m. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From I'.trt IuimI. h:W i. in. (All xiiIIIiik iluti-N suit i Joitt to ohiiliKi,' ) ! Fur Run Frniicliioii, 1 nll evury ft iliiyn. New ideiih in Wall Paper horn. Hncli wide variety an wo are Hhowint; novtn be forti graced a hiiiIh Htuclc. Kcul niiitii tinn croton eHectn at ordinary prictib. Good papere at cheap paper prices. Eleuant dusimiH, tiiHtefnl colorinu'H, yourH for a h in it 1 1 price, at our Htoro on Third Htreet. AIho u full line of Iiouho iminto. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Dully Kxeojit Similtiy, p. in. riiituriliiy, to : tx 1 1. in. Dully exrept j Siiiuliiy, il'im ii. in. Tiifiliiy, T liuixluy, Silllllll.IV, 0.00 il, in. Tlii'Mliiy, ThurMliiy, Siitiuiluy. l :W ii. in ('iillinihlii lilvi'i. To AHtorlii mill Wny l.miilliiKx. W 1 1 1 li ! t i Itlvxr. Iri'Kiiu Ulty, Neivhrrc, Hali'in, lnili.'iii'iuli'iiir, mill W ny ljHii'.liiK ("nrvulllH ami Wuj IjinilliiKM. 1 W l'. m. I p. m. except Mllula '" p. m. t'srept Hliliilny I M m, Mmiilflv, WllllClliV l-nun- W'll Iiiiiikiio mill (ji, Viniiliill IlivurK. Monilny. OrcKimCltv, lMiytoiinnil Wnlm-day W115 IjllllllllUN TUlH). Grandall & Barget DEALERS IN RobeS, fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. " The Dalles, Or. " It' 1 p i' ( ( V Y I L. Lane, U'llVC Itiiuirln liiily, .1:10 a. m. Siiitlin UlTiir. Itluirlii to Ixivvlntnii. I.uuo U'MlltOII daily, h (iKNKItAI. Biacksmnn Horsesnoer 11 3: 'd 1 1'iirtlcd .tiwirliiK to 1:11 111 Ili'pinii'r nr ,9 1 piilntK on (.'nluuitilii Hoiitliuru vin 1IIkk. hIioiiM iiiiiI:1iik illrcot ('oiinvotions nt llt'iigiiiur Junction Mini IIIkks. liiitiiruliiK iiiiikiUKillrtt:ti.'iiiiiii.'rtli)ii nt II!iiinir Jiiiintlmi mid HIkkh wltliiNu. 1. nr- rivniK m j uu tmiicK 111 i;u.- p. m. For furtlmr jmrttctiliirM. cull on nr iiililn-ss J AH. IUKI.AM), Ak'i'lit, Tliu l)ulks, Own. HA;Mmw;iwATAiATAWA;;Apnaw j had that we were to have steadfast adherence to the status quo was to be maintained, and that dis turbers of the peace and prosperity of the count:' were to be relegated Floral lotion will cure wind chapping that it aDl 8Unuurn' Manufactured by Cams Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress after eating, to the rear. The demand for tariff! or any form of dyspepsia. One little reform, tariff revision, tariff anything 'tablet gives immediate relief l rrrt tiii t 1 whatever other than what we have uuuJUClB- 23 cts. u Htenmcra nf thf lii'L'Uliitnr 1.1ml- will run ms ixt tin, fnl. l ow,iik fecliriliile, the Comiimiy rwurvliiK thu rlslit to cIiiiuko'3 schedule without notice. Str. Regulator now, comes altogether from two 1 Blakeley, the druggist. follow Danger, disease and death 1 a r ii.. 1 i tt T-vtifii.t classes of people. First, the free " OOWB8' "10 '""'" ., 1 Little tarlv Kiaers to regulate them and trader, mall his forms, semblances you wI ad( year8 toyourl,feaninife t0 and phases, and, second, the mnn ; your years. Easy to take, never gripe, who, stampeded ubout trusts, and j Clarke & Falk'e P. 0. Pharmacy, combinations, has been carried off, For sprains,-ewellings and lamenesa bis feet by the cry of the tariff re- there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's former that we ought to repeal the ffrixJiZ by B,akB" tariff on certain products in order to . . ; to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel ( DOWN. 2 I.v. Dulles 5' Ht 7 Ai m. r Tuewlrty . . . . p Thurwlay A Haturiliiy . . . B Arr. Portland 5 ut lilW P. m. ur. I.v. Portland III. 7 A. M. . . .Monday . Wwlne.-Hay ,. . . .Friday Arr. IJalleH 11 fi l'. M. Str. "Iralda" Leaves Cascades fi a. Arrive Dalles 10:110 a. Leave Dalles 15 p. in. Arr. Cascades 7;.'10 p. Daily ex. Sundav. Str. Dallas City. in. in. m. IiOVPN I.V. DllllCH lit 7 A. M. Jlomhiy . .. W-diie.diiv . Krldny Arr. l'ortlmid nt l:.T0 r. m. up 4 I.v . Portland .3 111 At m. j Tuenlay ; ThurMliiy , .Hiiturilay j Arr. DiiHuh ! iito r. m. Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third aufl Jclrn, Phouc 159 REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA SAY. COMPAKYlL : Tfie coiumDia PacKinoGo an PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF 31ANDFAmntKKH OK hxcumon lUUw every Saturday lor parties of five nnd npwanln: Dalles, For an evenlnc trip take the "Iralda" at .'! n. m. to Hood Hiver and i turn on thu up boat. Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON r!-' i)RIKD BEKF. F'.TC. break up the trusts. It is a small matter to get up on an elevation , fjalve eaves all that expense and never where there is a reservoir of water j fails. Beware of counterfeits. Clarke & and bore a gimlet hole through the 1 Falk'B p- - Pnarnmoy. structure and let a strenm of water A full line of Eastman films and snp tho size of a straw project itself out , PHea i"9t received by Clarke & Falk. upon the city below; but when it is entirely apparent that there is that BALDWIN OPERA HOUSE sort of a gimlet hole which will be-. come an auger hole, and finally a J breach in the wall, and that the Hood , will come down on the town, then the old Bible illustration becomes forcible, 'It is the beginning ofj "Admitting that the repeal of the ' PllOI10-Ster80 duties upon certain products of American industry might injure and even destroy certain of the trusts, agitation of the question of the modi fication of the present tariff system would do more financial injury to tho welfare of the country in one month than all the benefits that the most enthusiastic rainbow chaser of the luggeation has ever dreamed of. Let a party with political power enough solemnly deoldo that tbey will eater upon the reorganization of tbe fcchedulog of the present tariff law and business will atop as quickly ji' FOR OOMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, E Travel by tliofiteiiniurh ol tho lkn,'ulntor Line. The Compmiy will ernlwvor to give Its put g runs tho kcrvicu jioslblo. For lurthor Information aildrtfts C, Portland Offlce, Ouk Htrcot Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. At. J. H. HCIIKNCK. M I'ri'NiiliMit Max a. VOIST. CmhIiIij! Monday Evening, June 24th. Grand Free Entertainment (ilVKK IIY 'fill: Head Camp, W. of W. Under the Auuplues of the Camps of the Pacific Jurisdiction. An evening with Perfected Woodcratt and with the Beat Muelciane of the country. Children are debarred from attending ge the entertainment will be of no inter eat to them. WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Barden Hose Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. If you are in neod of anything in our lino, figure with us, for it will pay you. , Wo oporato a PLUMBING, TIN and BICYCLE HEP AIR SHOP. All ordors ontrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON t WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. f , First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Buaineas trauauoted Depoflite recuived, oubject to Kiglit Draft or Check. Collections made and proceed a promptly remitted un dav of collection, flight and Tolegruphiu Exchange uold ou Now York, Ban Franciaco ant! port. land. UIKKOTOK8 D. P. Thomi'hon. Jno. 8. Hohknok. Eo. M. Williamh, Gko. A. Liiwik. H . iM. liKAI.I, FRENCH & COT, BANKERS. Trannaot a Gonoral Hanking Biisinefls. LetterH of Credit iwiiiod available in thu KuHttun HtatitH. Sinlit I'v-,, I, ,..,.1 M'..l.........l.l.. I ' 'IraiiHferH Hold n New York, Chicago, Ht. LuiiIh, Han KranciHco, Portland Ore gon, Healths WhhIi., and varioua points in Oregon and Waahington. Collectiona made at all poiuta on fav orable turiiiH. Complete of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUOOIST. Spring Suitings The time will hooii be here when v'r' HtvliHli drcHHed man will want an "P-10'. date Spring Suit. TIiohd are the Kl" ! patroiiH 1 am tailoring for. ('''." 1,1 and look over my .Spring lint' J-uItinH- mm Bestauiant Tho W, W. Wilson Co,, Props. first-Class in Every Respect MBAI.H AT AM. IIOUKH, Oyetera Served in any Style. 87 fivconU Ht Tliu UiiIUk, Or iVIl the latewt novtiltieH for IDIH. Suits to Ordor, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In all iti Rtni;en there) ilioulil lio ckanlliiciH. ( Ely's Croim Halm cluaiiHMi,tontlicMnillii'als tliu dUvanvil iiieinliraue, Itciirtcl(irrlinliltlvc wny cold lu tlto bead J renin Italm Ii placed Into tho notr li, over tbo memliraua and la lorM. K"')M mcdlato and a euro follow. It la not urjries not produce anting. Largo HUo, 60 wnw aif gliti .ir hy mall ; Trial HUo, 10 cents by tM. W.V JHtUTlIGHU, 6fl Warruu tHrwt.Jiew