The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FIIIDAY JUNE 21, 1901 ; - --ir- J A TTTT7',RT "E1 Ej-D-CiX'J-'-Cj' Leadings Merchant Tailor, Second Streot, opposite Mays & Crowe. We have an excellent line of Spring Sailings, Panting-, etc., which we are prepared to make up in the latest atyltti, and guarantee a perfect fit. FREE FOR ALL WilO WILL. , , , It has been announced that Sena-1 i tor J. 2s. Williamson, of Prineville, t Crook countv, is a candidate for the 1 nomination for secretary of state, Whether or not this is true, says the , ' J Tl 1 , l . - r itp 1 1 1 jTvuiiiuiuu xnuune, iur. Williamson Las not said, but the mention of his l name is the first slight recognition of Eastern Oregon's political rights that line hoon mnln Tt opens subject, that of succession in otlice. Frequentl' it is assumed that an officer who has filled his position well during the first term should be favored with a second election. Secretary of State F. I. Dunbar has made a good officer, but his seat for four years more is far from being , , . , . . sure. Others are after it, and in the machinations of politics he may not be renominated. The same may be said of the offices of state treasurer, governor, attorney general, superin tendent of public instruction, con gressman, senators and all. Not a man in the whole list has a title clear to his place again, and any good man with sufficient political strength iruuj my Vm i vi me state uas a rigui to become a candidate for olhcial honors. The fact also that the west end of the state holds all of the eond ofllces does not preclude any suitable aspirant from proclaiming his rights in Eastern Oregon. The field is open find HlP rnnp tins nnt vof l.nnn nr.ll,l There is plenty of time to prepare iur me contest anu several eastern Oregon men ma' win big purses they go into training at once. it THE SOUTH AND THE NEGllO. E. L. Piper, of the Oregonian edi torial staff, is touring the South. He ft writes ins paper mai "uncioutnecuy ; there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's every Southern state will soon have ; Pain Bairn. Try it. For sale by Blake found some way to dodge the j '"'' th" drmmiat. (fifteenth amendment." Here is the A surgical operation is not necessary way Mr. Piper saw things "down j ,0 clUB ,iIe9' lMViu'B Witoh Hazel South" I Salve saves all that expense and never I fails. Beware of counterfeits. Clarke Sc "I-rom my observation I am pre-' pak'e P. O. Pharmacv. pared to say that as a closs the negro 1 : n...i c !.; . tt I 1a uut mien iur uui.eusuip, iiere one sees the darky pun's naturalibus, from the most grotesque negro -minstrel type to the solemn, long-coat-tailed preacher and the old black mammy. They are ignorant, shiftless, care free and dependent, as a rule, though there nre among them ( many notable exceptions of honest i industry and genuine thrift nnd ca-! paeity. Whether the Southern nogro , is what he is because of his environ ment, I will leave for others to Bay; but as long as he is what he is the South will bo better off if he does not insist on his right to vote; and the republican party will be much better off in the South when it ceases to lend its moral nnd legislative support to an impossible effort to make oil and water mix. This may seem a blunt statement of the situa tion; but it is a condition, nnd not a theory, that must be met here." It is said the Oregon state food and dairy commissioner is making it quite tiopical for venders anil pro- (hicers of adulterated jellies, a few 1 convictions having been made. The subterfuge for getting around the l''10'1 a noticing on buckets 'of jelly that, they contain one-lialf fruit and one-half starch and glucose, when in reality the only fruit in them is the flavoring, is not working to teir ."atisfaction, as the goods are being sent to the Oregon experiment station where they are properly analyzed. 1 "Xine and ten cent wool is not I making many Dingle converts this season in Eastern Oregon," says the Portland Dispatch. How could it? G rover's five and six cent wool con j veried all the Eastern Oregon sheep men years ago, and thev have Btaid i converted. rKUSO.VAL MENTION. Duncan Chishohn, uf Kent, is regis tered at the European House. Esther Beck left today for Arlinutou, where she will spend a elmrf tune visit ng her sister, Miss Hilda Reek, Mr. and Mrs. George, of Huntington, who have been visiting for it couple of weeks with the faiuilv of Mr. Isaac .loles. If ft on the Regulator this morning for Portland. A. E. Mcintosh, of Paulina, Crook county, was in town today on the way to Portland to bring home his daughter, who is attending the convent echoo! at tl,nt plce- While in .Sl.aniko on hi wnv lierH Mr. Mi'lntnqh snlil Ins i in nf -. ... ' ' wool, realizing ll1.. cents a pound A. K. Thompson and two children, Alfred and Edna, left on this morning's bout, for Hond Tiiver. frnm u-1 inn mi. tliv will proceed tomorrow to Portland and J""i Mrs. Thompson. Lois is still in the hospital hut is recovering rapidlv. hen able to stand tin trip she will he taken to iuie point on the North Reach to spend the summer. Why pay $1.75 perg-illon for inferior paints when you can buy James E. Patton's sun Droof paints for 1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 vears. Clark & j ' am mi i , iimi't uun n m, , Just wet the affected part freelv with j Myeteriou8 Prtin 0uref tt s,otch reme(iyt ad the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. 1 I- . T Clarke & Falk haye received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly on re liquid naint? Floral lotion will cure wind chapping and -unburn. Manufactured by C'ars &Falk. Dresseu spring chickens at the Stadel man Commission Co.'h L'4-tf Acker'e Dvspepsia Tablets are sold on ' a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn, raiini; of the food, distress after eating, . or an Iorm OI u.vspepsia. One little '50 tablet gives immediate relief. 'Jo cts Blakeloy, the druggist. I Banger, disease and death follow ! neglect of the IjOWelH, the bowels, ILse DeWitt'e j Little Early Risers to regulate them and you will add years to your life and life to 1 VlHlr years. Eiipv to take never gripe, j Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacv. Eczema, ealtrheum, tetter, chafing, Ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are quickly cured by DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve. The certaiu pile cure. Clarke A: Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. For snmiriK. mwcIIiiich nm lamented A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. BALDWIN OPERA HOUSE Monday Evening, June 24th. GTELUCL Fr66 PllOllO-StGrGO Entertainment (iiVKN JIY Tin: Head Camp, W. of W. Under the AuhpIchh of the Camps of the Camps of the Pacific Jurisdiction. An evening with Perfected Woodcraft and with the Beat Musicians of the country. Children are debarred from attending, as the entertainment Kill be of no inter est to them. i t NOLAN'S The first monthly dividend has boon distributed to the profitable satisfac tion of thirteen of my customers. The only regret is that I was not able to give a valuable present to each of my customer's. 1 think they all deserve one. On Saturday, July 6th, I will give awav two mimic boxen one worth !f'J7 50, playing eight tunes, and one worth $7.50; n Hack of miliar and a barrel ol Hour. I will give a cuhIi rebate of .f.'t.UO to tinnti mer paving the moat monev bv that date, and 00 to the one paying In the weeond largest amount. On each Saturday, commencing on the 15th of .lane and including July (Uh, I will, in addition to the two prea ents given each week, give a $1.00 rebate to the uustnmur paying thu largest amount during the week. PurchaoerB of goods in my line will do well to keep in mind that 1 sell goods as low as the lowest, as well as share the profit with mv ciiHtomers. Iff. T. NOLAN. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Crandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. DEALERS IN fill kinds of Funeral Supplies .Stenmers i Str. Regulator Str. " S' R' down. J I.v Dulles H' lit 7 A. M. h' TueMliiy. . . . CP. I.v. I'ortlanil III 7 A. M. Miiiiday . . Weilnc-Oiiy . . Krldiiy Arr. Diillei n 5 v. M. Leaves Cascades 0 a. in. Arrive Dalles 10:110 a. in. Leave Dalles !i p. m, Arr. Cascades 7 p. in. Daily ex. Sunday. iniWMjiiv Kiitunlny . . i Arr. I'orUHrui utnao p. m. r.xenrBion uateH every haturday niiu oiiuiiuii uun uueriiieuiaie nointe, ? For an evening trip take th "Iralda" at .'! p. in. to Hood Hiver and re- turn on the up boat. I FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, $ Travel by the Hteiimer.s of the ItettulHtnr Line. The Companv will enileavor to clve ltd pat ( tons the Ijvst fcervluo possible. For further inforination aililress C, I'ortlanil Olllco, Oak-Street Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Afjt. Euei, i,irttrttww,Swg,twTyirflejcj . ' WINDMILLS. PUMPS and RUBBER and Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. Jf you aro in need of anything in our lino, figure with us, for it will pay you. Wo oporato a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All ordors entrusted to us will have prompt attention. &EX.TON WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. Profit-Sharing YOUR KIDNEYS. After von tire of using fo-called kidney remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Soxual Pills and lie forever rid of those dull pains In your hack. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and Imve all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nights made restful bv. the use of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ot your druggist or sent bv mail on rreeint of price, in nlain wrammr. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. Fort Wnvno, Indiana. M. Donnell, Agent, The Dalies. Hobes, Burial Shrouds j Etc. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY- of tlio ItcKUlutor Line will run h.s ter the fol- zonwuy rrv,,iK ,hu r,K,,t to u,,miKu: Iralda" Str. Dnllos City. DOWN I.v. DiilleN Ht 7 a. n. MiMiilny . . WtilnesiJiiv.. , Krliliiy Arr. I'ortliuul at 1:3) v. u. Uf. I'ortlanil ,3 I.v n 5 i uesiiay 1 1 lllirHluy fititlinluy Arr. DalleM ' at.'i P. u. for partieH of live and upwarde: Dalles. one- dalles to Uascadefi, ?1.00. PIPE, Garden Hose Association. Jast What Yoa uiant. Am New ideab in Wall Paper here. Such & I wide variety us we a:e showing never be j fore graced "u Mingle iitoek. Heal linitii- Ihiirwiiiy, tion cretun etieetH at ordinary prices, sntiiiihi.v,' (.io(id papers at cheap paper prices. I'-W". m. i Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours j for a small price, at our store on Third j Tuo'luy. I street. Also a full line of house paints. J Tj!;'' !D. W. VAUSE, Third St. 1T:n0 " L. Lane, (iKS'l'UAI. 'a ! Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third aud Jcflcon. PilOllC 159 LM r i me uuiuiiiuid rdUMijy bD.f PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANUKAUTIIKKKHOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)KIKI) HEEF. ETC. J. K. HCIIKNCK, I I'ruNlilvut. .Max a. (kit. (.'Uhlllul ji First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Hanking Buninoas traimacted Deposits received, subject to KiVht fiit. ui CollectioiiH inado and proeeudfl proiiiptlr roinitted on dav of collection. Hk'ht and Ttilotrraphic Exclianno sold on Now York, Ran Francisco am! Port land. DIKBOTOKS i- Pl T'OMI'HON. JNO. 8. KOHKNOK, mi. M. ii.MAMii, Giso. A. Libuk. H.M.ISkam.. FRENCH & CO BANKERS. Tranfiaot a Gonoral Banking BuninoBs, l.nttorH of Crutlit tbu KaHturn HtatcH. iHHiicd iivalli.M,. I,, iHHiitd available in bilit hxiihanuu and Talci-rapliic , JraiiHfnrH mild mi Nw York, C'liiciiKo, I ht. Loiiih, San Krancifco. rortlmui fir... ! Kon, Kuuttlu JViwh., aud varloiiH pnintH in OriiKun and WiiHbinKton. ColluctioiiH inaild lit llll tlOlllIu in fun nrablo toriiis, mm Besiaunmi BiacKsmiin ...AND... Horsesnoer The W. W. Wilson Co,, PropH, first-Class in Every Respect HKALN AX A 1. 1. IKIUHH. Oysters Served in any Style. 8" Becuna St., The Uullcs, Or Oregon Shohf line and union Pacific DKI'.UtT KOIt sciii:im;i.i:s I'IKIM tiik I)ai,i,i:n. AIIBtVK KROJI CIlK'ilKli I'lirllillill HlH'fihil. l;'l' p. in. vlii Hunt Inctmi, Halt Uiku, IHMivor, l't. Wurtli, OiiimIiii, icii,. KiiKCIty.Ht.UnilN.ciil eiiKo nnd tlie Knit. l:0f' i'. m. Attillltln Hxiiri'iN, vi-.m ii. in. vlii Hunt tiiKton. Ht. I'nill Kimt .Mull, y:!W i. Ill, via HM. kiinu. Suit l.nke, Denver, I-'t. i Wurtli, OiiiiiIiii, K. miHCIty.Hl I)Uk,(Ji. 1 I'lIRO Mill) till KlIHt. 1 Wiillu WhIIh, liUwlHtuii, hliiikniKj.Wiilliicu.l'iill inilli, MIiiIiimiihiIIh, Ht. I'nill, IMiltlth, MlHvuu Uws, Chlciiijomiil Kimt, OCEAN AND EIVER SCHEDULE From I'm tin ml. '(All HIllllllR (llttCK Mill-' I Jret In (ihiuiKe ) Tor Hun l'riuiclM'n, Hull every fi (Iiijn. snx) p. m. Iinllv l!X(M!lt HllllltllV, Mim i. in. Kiitunliiy, 1(I:(mi i. in. Dully except Similiiy, il liOii in. CollllllltlU ItlVlT. To Astoria mill nj UlliillllKfi, I ro p. m. except Hliniluy. V llliiiiuittK Klvur. Orcuoii (Jlty, Nch-Ihtk, .yuli'lll, Inilt'i ilciuv, mill iiy Uiiiiilnnh. I p, m. except HuiiiIa)- I 10 p. m .Moiiiliiy, WeilncMlny tildiijr orvnllln mill Wny binitiliKH U'iiimiiikhi, itnii :a, m Vitiiilntl Itlvorh. Mnmliiy, Uivgim City, Diivtoiimiii Wvilni-wy Wiij -LiukUukn. rrlilny. Ij'UVi Itlimrlii Hiilly. ! Ida. m. Niiukit Itlrtir. Hlpiirlu to l.eulitnii. Leave U'H'Islon ilnlly, ; it. m, 1: t KWt 1'nrtieH JeilrliiB to po to llcppncr or lioiiits on Colninlilii Southern vlii IIIkki, nlinuM tiiUe No , leiivliin The DiiIIim t .'j p. m. miikliin ilireet connection!! at lleppner Juurtlon mid IIIkk. ltetiirnlni; linikliiKillreiiteoiiiu'ctloii at lli'iipnur jiinetlon anil IIIkkx with No, l.iir rlvuiK at 'J lie DallcMit l:U,j p. in. For further particulars, call on nr mlilri-M JA.S. IKIM.ANI), AkciU, The I il !. OiiKim. 3; Complete Lipe of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suiting's Tlio tiinti will hooii bo hnr wlu-n "l;rV HtyliHh droHHtid man will want an (lain .Siiriiii' Suit. TlioHi) au the kin" " 1 patroiiH 1 am 'lailorlni: fur. J HIlll ,0Hk t,vr my Kprliiu of Suiting. All tlio lattiHt niivttllicH Iur nan. Suits to Ordor, $IO.OO. John Pflhfik' TllO TailOl' itioiiii irasJlOK., xiu J- Nasal CATARRH In all ItH hIiikch tlicro (lllllllll Ijo cIvuiiHiiuk, Ely'u Cream Uulnt clvini(!a,iiotk(iHiiillivsUi tliu tllveanvil iiiuiiiliruno. ItcuruH catarrh anil drive awny a cold In tlio hvad Ornwin Balm U placed Into tho nontrlK, over tlio liiomLrniio and It abwrbed. uiedlato and a euro follow. It U not drnu. not produce aneeilnic. Utgo HUe, 60 conti ' Klitt ,ir hy mall ; Trial ftlzo, 10 cent If " fc il.Y 1KWTUKUS, 0(1 Wurreu Wrwt, Nuff