The Dalles Daily Chronicle. - - JUNE 20. 1901 THURSDAY not go to bed. When he is not tinkling the tocsin he is composing his epitaph. "If 1 were the only 1 opponent of republicanism in the United States," he cries, "I should ' be glad to have the fact written on I my tombstone." Put it m the Com moner. That is a tombstone, too. J. A. EBERLE, Merchant Tailor, General Grant thinks Aguinaldo Second Street, opsiie Mays & Crowe. ought to be put to breaking stone on i the highways. To what base uses I may a bogus George Washington I come at last! Philadelphia Inquirer. The liakor City Democrat consoles , itself with the consideration that the ! late frost up that way, that almost totally ruined the fruit and vegeta i ble onp, never touched a mine. We have an excellent line of Spring Suitings, Pantings, etc., which we are prepared to make up in the latest styles, and guarantee a perfect tit. A Pan-American sight yesterday was a Japanese in American clothing riding iu ti jinriksha drawn by an American garbed as a Japanese. Buffalo Express. Kuteft to Sun Frunclitco anil Kotlirli. THE IDEAL EDITOR. TheO. R. & N. Co. will make the ' following rates from The Dalles, Oregon, to San Francisco anil return for National I Couvention of Epworth League, July You hear talk of the "ideal news- 1S-21, 1901 : Via rail to Portland and paper." It is, says an exchange, ' 0. R. & N. steamers from Portland to like the llower that never withers, ' San Francleco and return, $l3 50. ,. , . A, , , i Tickets on sale awl honored on trains the bird that never alights, the 11 j rom The Dile8 lind on 8te.,merp from where sunlight never fades it only j portittnd only on July 11th and 10th. exists in the imagination of the Returning tickets will be honored on sucker whom we are told the ele- steamers sailing trom San Francisco not ments consume. ! ,BtBr1th1B"Au "att l9.t; f,nal limit', A"8; , . , , , . . . ust 4, 1901. Rate includes meals and Writing frotr the standpoint of a beMh on gteumer8 KegerV;Uiong for country editor, if you have ever , pJ83eigerp aom via steamers should he been in his shoes, 3 oil know lie is the 1 oiade in advance to insure accomnioda- repository of the secrets of the com- , tions, for which a deposit of $5.00 will munity, none of which he has ever "rfe1q"!rL"i: All rail both .Iirectloj.8, ' , .... i via O. R. & and .Southern Paciiic, divulged. He must publish a paper . fim casg fm gtU).overs 5n Ca. chuck full of local news, whether J forja $28.50. Second class, including anything happens or not. His judic j berth in tourist sleeper in both direc ial mind must be far superior to the tione, no stop-overs, $25.50. Tickets on ..,,. uale at The Dalles Julv loth and 16th, district judge, and give him pointers - ' ' 0 . 0 and will be honored by Southern Pacific in instructing the jury. on traine leaving Portland July 15th and He must discourse with equal j i6tb, and on morning train July 17th ; good for return passage leaving San Francisco up to and including July 31, fluency upon the silver question and Farmer Jones' Jersev calf, China , , , ... 1901. Tickets will not be eold good in painting and Poland-China pigs, 1 ,. .. .. , , ... 1 . 0 . , one direction via rail and in another via preserved peaches and the persever-1 gteamer ance of saints, foreign wars and local For further information communicate strikes, justification by faith and 1 with Jaa. Ireland, agent, The Dalles, justification by type, the doctrine of I Oreg0Dl m21-jlyll election, the election returns, the! Danger, disease and death follow doings of the last synod and the de. "ee'ect f ")e bwe u eVitt'e A ., , , n . . ml - . Little Earlv Risers to regulate them and tais of prze fights. The receipts of ... - ... , 1 1 vou wi 11 add veare to your life and life to church socials and the squabble in your year8 Ea8y to takC never fe,ripe the town council must bfa- equally j Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy. familiar to the versatile minti. Eczema, saltrheum, tetter, chafing, ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The certain pile cure. Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy For epraine, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggist. With all this he must wait on the delinquent subscribers, discount the bill of the patent medicine fakes, stand off his wash bill, always go well dressed, pay his printer on Sat urday whether a cent has come in or not, write free puffs, teach the city administration how run the city, and A surgical operation is not necessary iin nninni will, fton n vpnr fnr print. ' to cure niles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel ing the proceedings, when it is worth i Salve saves all that expense and never $2o0; never ask for any honors but Fa,k,8 p Q Pharniacy. heln others to get them, boom the ' stntosmnn wlm nm him three ! A full line of Eastman films and sap- awwit uwvw w - . , . , , i ,,t Plies just received by Clarke & Falk. years subscription in short, be all i things to all men, make no mistake i CONTEST NOTICE. in dates, take the cussings of the' lnitei status i.a.n offick, f community and never cuss back, a fciinicientcontctiitiiiiHvit waving teen niwi J in this oflico by O. Auxiiit KrmiuUt. contort- Tbis is the ideal editor and his paper mt. aiMinjt hoint?uwi i;i:try no, 0121. mmiu ' 1 I April 11, Ih'J", for V -t htc .'H uwl 12 is a daisy. We never saw one. see ; as. ii n. k . r. k, hy micy j. (Mjt.coii Potter Democrat testw.ln which It Iff nliveeil that huiil Kiluv J. (iirthuK from thu lllh day of April, lb'JT, up to the present flute never been on the place, never established his reldeuee thereon, and that ho, TillS fine piece Of Wit and sarcasm I abandonment Is not due to defendant s employ. - ., t.-. .r c. . : 1. ,,i meat in the mlllUiry or naval eervlco of the from the Is. 1 . btlll IS Worth pcrpel i nlUHl States km(I parties are hereby notified to uating: 1 ti 1 1 4ii! I Hiiear respond oiiii oiler evidence touchiin.' uryan una uuen luiuuy . taM niuwition at 10 o'clock a.m. on June, .t r ,e i- -t:,,, i,-,,,t i I'-Wl, before the resister and receiver at the the faithful of Kansas City about 1 cnttwi state i,,.i 0mrin 'ihcuaiies , oiexon. i'ii i. i Tin ,mfnc flm nrn 1 T'"! fc" 1(1 contestant hiivlni;, In a proper allida ' 1 ho Outlook." He quotes the pros-, vlt nitMj j,,, pj, H.t fortl) Uicli ,v,'llc)l kll0W i- i c f-,.m ' hat alter due dIllKencci;rKjial ervleo of this puuia ui (lujjuiui jjuvviiiiusui. m ;iotico cannot bo maUe, it ' oirecnii iiiai kuci i proper publication preme court will let it alone. But s hcri'by orderifl and - - . i ii- . ,.i,i,i i, c, 1 oirecieu wiiii kucii niuiec du k en ny tine ami fair to middling provided the su-, ,,r0IK.r pmjiicatiou. jav r. i.ui;a, isexmer. the supreme court will not leave it alone. Consequently the colonel III Ki NOT1UK FOR PURIFICATION. bald land, viz.: J.ani Omn; at Tin;, Oa., ) June:. I'M). ( ....II 1 !, iiiiiramo rinnrt . .NOIICO U lierellV KlVfll tllllt IllU follfUVlllL' nin uuv iv.yu mj, v. ,v named settler has (lied notice of his Intention to nlnnn 'Phn lihfptip? nf the neoillc niake final proof in siipx)rt of Ids claim, and alone. IIIO liocrties ui in- peup-, tlt bal(j vrl'm! wlll Jk. ,,,,i0 iisfonMJio HcKister are in danger but "the time will ! jJ,1,,''01111"1 come" beloved phrase of mclo- i i'rii .stookn. , , .. , .,,. ,,n i. of The Dalles, Or., If. K. No, .WJI, for thu NWJ drama! J.1 when the peoplo will be-t0(NWuofbee!'j7,Tpi n it i;ik w. m. i .i !..i. i.n -..' Ho nmnes the follnwliiK witnesses to provo his COmo ar0U8ed-and rigUt the wrongs , continuous residence ii.oii and cultivation of of republican doctrine." It seems to take a good deal to arouse the people but there is no doubt about the colonel. He is thoroughly aroused Qfty-two times a year and oftener. He stands upon the watch tower and works bis rattle. His alarm clock is making a monstrous potber. No body wakes up, but the colonel will Otmcr W. Cook, Alex. Kraser, It, O. ilrooks, I'harlus Hawsou, all of The Dulles, Oregon. Junli! JAY I'. I.UUA8, HeKlster. Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that M. '., Uonnell has been duly appointed executor oi the Ut wlll and testament of Ann Luchlnxer, deceaswl. All persons haviiiK claims axalnit the eitate of Mid Ann l.uchlnifer are hereby notified to prettntlhosamo to me, verified as by law re fill I red, within lx monttu from the date of this notice. Dated at Dalles City this 7th day of June, 11)01. Jun ii. Z, UOHHELL, KxecuUir. NOLAN'S Profit-Sharing Association. Tho first monthly diviclond luis boon distributed to tho profitublo satisfac tion of thirtoon of my custoniors. Tlio only rogrot is that 1 was not ablo to civo a valuable present to each of my customers. 1 think they all deserve one. tunes nier each ents On Saturday, July 6th, 1 will kIvo nwny two inusic hoxiono worth 'i1 , mid one worth 7.5l) : 11 Biu-k of munr nnd n Imrrel ol Hour. 1 win itivo ami. rmi un m .r...., ' pay Ins the most .lulu, ami t-.OO to tho unit paying in t no smiom mruem " '- Saturday, eominenein. on tho loth of Juno mid liuiluilmn July lUh, I will, in m ill ion 10 the two pros givon each week, give a $1.00 rebate to the customer paying the hirnust ninnunt ilurin. tlio week. rurchasers of hoocIb in my line will do well to keep In mlml that J boII kooiIb iib low as the lowest, hh well as share tho protlt with my ciutumera. INI. T. NOLAN. YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of ubIiik so-called kidney remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Soxmtl Pills and he forever rid of those dull pains in your hack. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain iu the kidneys" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nights made restful by the use of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Soxunl Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ot your druggist or sent by until on receipt of price, in nlain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. Fort Wnyno, Iiuliunu. M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The DalleH. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Just What Yoa uaant. rWA m 1 1 !tfTA xv ' ' '7. M rJI ' New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced u single Block. Kent imita tion creton eU'ecte at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Klegant deaigtiH, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our Btoro on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. ID. W. VAUSE, Third St. mm. c Oregon SHorT line and union Pacific IIXI'AKT roil (!liioK I'nrtlunil HlMfillll, Vh'iTi . in, vln limit hiKton, Atluntli! KXIIfl-HM, it. iu. vln limit liiKtim, Ht. IMllI Mull, UlSfi ). til. Via Hn-kiinc. timk .scm:i)t:i.Ks FIIOM Tine KU Uiko, Denver, Vt, Worth, Oiiinlin, Kan. iiM(;ity,Ht.lj.iiii), cm viiKi) mill tlio KiiHt. Kiilt I.iiku, Dvnvur, Kt, j Worth, Oiiinlin, i;H. , misClty.Ht UiiiIk.CIiI. ciiko mill tin' KuNt. 1 Walla Wullh, Uwlst.m, i niMiKiino.vt iiiiiit'u.l'till mini, MliiiioiiiMillH, Ht, ChUinitiiiiiiii llnst. AimiVK VR0H 1 :0ft l 15 . m. :i:.'S)n, a, OCEAN AND EIVER BOHEDULE Frinii I'ortliuiil. HUM p. III. Dully ; IVM'Cjlt Hiiiiiliiy, 1 h'.Ul . Ill, Hiitnnliiy, 1(1:00 p. in. Dnlly OXCDjlt Hiiiiiliiy, ;W it. in. (All KiillliiR iliiti-n null'1 join lo elnniKo ) Kor Ran rrnncUuo, Hall overy fi iIiij-h, I '.Oil m. (.'oliiniliht Itlvur. TO Astoria mill Way Ullllllllf(!i, WlllmiDittK ICIvnr. Ori-Kiin (llty, iVi'ivhiTK, Siilrm, Iinluiiuiiilt'Mii', mid N ay-IjuiiiliiKS. 1.00 p.m. except Himilay. 1 30 ji. m. except Huiidnjr. Tiii-Mlny, ThntMliiy, Hntiinlu) O.OUn. III. (NirvalllH anil Way IjindliiK I W . m. iloiiday, W nliiCMliy Krlilay. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shrouds Ete. L. Lane 1 9 1l (ii:Ni:itAi. 'j BiacKsmiifi ...AND... J Horses I 3 1 Tiu-Mlay, Wiliiiiiuitit, Mini :!.:! p. m, Tlmrxliiy, Viiinhlll lllvitrn. .Moiidny, Nitniilaj , (;ly Ii.jyt.m Mini Weiliiwuy 7. IX) ii. in. vj IjuiiIIiiks. lMy. I'IIVI-IM....rl.. ! ilnlly. :i : lo ii. in. HiinUn UlTitr. I'.liarla to biwlHtnn. I.csvu Unrliton tally, :)J ii. ni. I'lirtu-N .Itnlrltie to i-o to Ilermner or (KiiiitK mi Cnliiiulila Hontliern via IllifKS, Khatild tnkc No lenvliiK Thu DiiIIim at 1.:: p. m. mnhliiK' illrint cotiiivotlonn at lleppnvr Junction Mini KIkk- Itnttirnlnc inn k Iiik ill rcct connection at lli'iM'O'T Junction anil IIIkkh with (No, rivini; at The DalleMii l-.U., i. m. Kor further particular)!, enll on or wlilrvM JAS. IKKI.ANI), Axviit, Tile Diilli'M, Otiifi'n. mSESSSESSni REGULATOR LINE. 5 1 DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY I L Wagon and Carrlago Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. Third ani JctTcr'nn. Ptaue 169 i Str. Regulator Htinrnora nf tin Uiimlutrir Lint- wlll run jik i(r tlur fnl owtnK tcholnle, tho Compniiy rwervliiK the rlitht to climiKu tchcdulu without notice. 'J Str. " Iralda" . str. Daii8 citv. J i.uaveH uHbcauee n n. in. . nmi-K m- I.v. Dallen l.v . I'ortlaml ,3 & DOWN. 2 I.v Dalles li at 7 A.M. ar7 A.M. in. at7A. M v.' Tnesilay Jlonilay Lenvc DiiIIhh .'! ti. in Monilny f Thurnlay Weilnewlay WtilneMlay. n nniuiun, . .ruin, ..... w..ct'.ui.u . .- .... rniiiiy... U, Arr I'lirtlnml Arr lllll..u ' Irr 'i,rt I ., ml jj, at i,-30 p. m, ii a i m. Daily ex. Sunday. j at i-.m v, m. h Kvpiirflirm Rnlpn tivitrv Kiitnrrlciv fnr nnrlifiB nf fiu utiil itttuarflu nullua K Wliite Salmon nnd intermediate tminte, o()c : Dulles to Cuscudes, $1.00. b R' t l! ., .IT ,.1 ,, ... Tf 1 I 'H f, rur iiiiKvtMiinu inn uiko unj iraiun hi i i). in. to tioou uivor una re- n k' turn on the up boat. S at 7:im A. M. W TnoMlay j . TlinrMlay A Hatiinlay jj Arr. Dallt-H 'j lit.') 1', u. Ji .5 FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, C, Travel by tho Steamers of tho ItcKiilator Mnc. Tho Comimny will 'iiilu,ivor to (jive It pat k ron tho best tervlco jiosslblu. Kor fnrthur Information aililresH Portland Olllce, Oak-Htrect Dock. W. C. ALLAWAY, Con. At. ri.ify ii WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. If you are in need of anything in our lino, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All ordors ontrusted to us will have prompt attontion. Tie Columbia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAHUKAUTUKKKH OK Fine Lard and Sansages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON !)K1KD BKKF. KTC. J. ii. HCIIRNCK, I'reNlik-nt. ilA.X A. VOIIT. (Jashlui first National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Bunking Biminena transacted Dupoaite received, nnliject to Kilit Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on (lav of collection. Hiirlit und Telejrrat)hic Exclianjo Bold on New York, Han Francisco and Port land. DIH1COTOKM D. P. TllOMPHON. Jno. B. BoiIKNOK) KU. JW. WlI.LIAMH, GUO. A. LlKllK. H. M. Hkai.i,. I FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. Tranuaot a Gonoral Banking Euninciis. Letters of Credit isHtied uvnilulile in the KuHturn Htutes. Kiht KxchniiKe mill Teleirrnphlc TniiiHferH sold on New York, Cliicnuo, Ht. Louis, Bun Francisco, Portland Ore on, Seattle WuhIi,, and various points in Oregon and WnHhin'lon. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. mm mm THE DALLES. OREGON. The W. W. Wilson Co,, Props. Fifst-CIass in Every Respect MKAI.M AT AM, HUUItH. Oysters Served in any Style. 87 Hwoml Ht Tho DhIIvh, Or f1 Complete ir;e of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings The time will soon he hur' wlit-n fV HtvliHh dresHed man will wanti im "I11 . (late KpriiiK H"U. TIiohh an '""'""in patroiiH 1 am tailotinu for. " , and look over my Hprinir liin s"11"1 All the latest novelties for lmn. Suits to Ordor, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor- Nasal CATARRH In nil In Htacm there fhoiild ho clvmillnoiH. I Ely's Cream Balm clem,iootUcHMil lieali thu Ulciucil iiiuinlirime. It curcM catarrh ami drives awav a cold iu thu head quickly. .ji, Mrtwl' Cream Halm I. placed Into tho wwgMfci oyer the ineinhrane and ii abturbeu. ' mediate aud a cure followi. H U j'iPW not produ w nee.lui;. Urge HUt, w or lV mail ; Trial BUe, 10 cent ICV iHK)TUKUH,60 Wurreu Wf" 0?h