The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 20, 1901, Image 1

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l)i Dalles
vol. xin
NO. 107
svr: n
iHUHHunm im miiiinTmiTii
AVfcgctablc Prcparalionfor As
similating IhcFoodandRcgula
ling (lie Stomachs andfiowcls or
Promotes Digcslion.ChcerfuF
ness atidncst.Contains neillicr
Opium.Morpliiae norliiicral.
TOT "Naiic otic .
ryr orOMJh&mJELPtTCIUin
IimJi.t Seal'
lloe!tlt Salts -
Jtppennml -JlifaitortiUrSoda
WnftArril -CinttfiiJ
hintitymti flavor.
Apcrfccl Remedy forConslipa
non , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ncss inul Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Sitfnnlurc or
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
All ollllltlMUH Will lt llllllllt HlMIU.
San Fkancihco, June 11). Jt in ex
ii!i'tu(t that all till! volunteers, number
in!; "oOO men, will arrive from .Manila
hufnre Juno 20.
Tin) transport Aztec arrived this
morning after a run of 32 dujH from
Manila and 24 dayH from Nagasaki. She
brought company IJ, of tliu Forty-second
regiment, Unitud Slates volunteers,
about 140 discharged soldiers und civilian
employes and five cabin piina'inei h.
There am (12 nion in company II, of t he
Tho Thomas, with part of the Thirty
eighth and Forty-ninth regiments, and
all of the Forty-seventh, in expected
next Saturday. The Ohio, with the
Forty-second infantry, Hhoiild get in
Sunday. Tliu Cull'ml, according to Iter
ouptain'fl calculations, should get here
with the Forty-first infantry on the, 21th
inet. 'Ihts Logan, with part of the
Thirty-eighth, Forty-third mid Forty
fourth, and the Grant, with tliu Forty
eighth und part of the Forty-ninth
infantry, are all scheduled to arrive on
the 2ft th inet., while the Kirkpatrick,
with part of the Thirty-eighth, Forty
tliirtl und Forty-fourth, will probably
arrive the next day.
The Pennsylvania, which urrived from
Munilu Monday, was released by the
governiuont today. It ie uuderHluod
that n!ie will make a trip to Nome.
Kirn ut Sinitli It !) (I.
South Bund, Wash., June ID. Three
atoro buildings were burned to the ground
today, entailing u lose of about $1000.
The fire caught from sparks falling on
the roof from a burning chimney. One
of the stores, belonging to W. II. Crioh
ton, of Sun Francisco, was vacant uud
uninsured. The store building occupied
by Martin Miller, u contractor, but be
longing to Levi Harris, wus uniiuured.
Miller hud $100 insurance on his tools,
His lose ie about .$400. The third build
ing, owned by Daniel Will, uud occupied
as a residence, wus insured for $U00.
Most of the contents of the building was
A (Jan Factory Ulomtl Ity h Triut.
La Oiiohhk, Wis., June ID. The entire
working lorce employed at the plant of
the American Can Company wue (lis-
charged today and the plant clobed. The
tin can trust recently purchased its
uuiineas. and will move it to Kansas City.
Huuierolt ami Mark Twnlu luvlted.
Kanhah Oitv, June 10. Vice Presi
dent Kooievelt and Mark Twain have
6oun invited to attend and addreeB the
celedration of the 80th anniversary of
Missouri's admission to the union in
this city August 10th. Mr. RooBevelt is
the author of a biography of Thomns II
Benton, and will be asked to take his
theme from the life of this Missouri
Stmiiuur'H l''nt Trli.
Pi. mouth, June ID. The Hamburg
American line steamer Deuteehlund ar
rived hero at 8 :15 today, havinir broken
her own record. She covered 3082 miles
in 0 days, 11 hours and 51 minutes, at
an average speed of 23 30 knots, her beat
previous record. Her daily runs weie
440,501,512, 542, 540, and 400 knotB,
none of which equals previous best days'
runs. Her best previous day's run,
made in August, 1000, was 552 knots.
Captain Alberts, her commander, in
formed a representative of the Associated
Press that tie had never said his vessel
would cover the distance inside of live
davs. No special effort to maintain high
speed was made.
The weather on the whole was favor
able to a fast passage. On the first day
out u light southeast wind was blowing
uud the seu was smooth. During the
siw'oni! flnv a strniiL' weaterlv wind blew.
The third day the eeu was very rough.
For tho rest of the passage fresh windB
und moderate seas prevailed.
The passengers seemed ignorant of any
attempt at record-breaking.
Matter of Party I'ollcy.
New Yokk, June ID. Henry D. Clay
ton, of Alabama, one of the democratic
leaders of the house, und a member of
tho democrutic national committee, is
quoted in a Washington special to the
Tribune us follows concerning thegenerol
movement in the South for the dis
franchisement of the negro:
"We of the the South are not afraid
to grapple with this negro question ae it
should be grappled with. Democratic
supremacy bus been maintained in the
South in spite of neitro suffrage, and that
eupremttcy will bo all the more secure
when the blacks ure wholly disfranchised
us are witness is Mississippi, Louisiana
und South Carolina. As to the reduc
tion of our representation in congress
anil the electoral college because of negro
dlsfrunchisHinent, I regard that us
political bluster pure and simple."
Mokl Teu positively cures Sick Head
ache, indigestion and constipation. A
delightful herb drink. Removes all
eruptione of the skin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money refunded. 25 cte
and 00 cte. Blakeley, the druggist.
General Shaftcr Says Matter Is Of No
Importance Asserts That the
Clothing Seized Represents Ac
cumulation of Articles Sold From
Time to Time by Soldiers . and
Washington', June ID. The war de
partment today made public two tele
grams relating to the commissary frauds
at San Francisco. The first is a message
from General Corbin to General Shatter,
asking for information on the subject,
and stating that "it is desirable from
every point of view that detailed facte of
any importance he given the department
before being exploited in the news
papers." General Shafter's reply ie as follows :
"Reference to your telegram today, I
have refrained from making a report re
garding clothing seized by Colonel Maus,
because the quantity was very small and
it appeared to have come from the same
man, a junk dealer who did bneinees
around the Presidio. The clothing had
evidently been sold to this peddler by
soldiers and recruits. The junk man
and his son have been arrested by the
federal authorities, and their case is be
ing considered by the federal grand jury
today. There is no ehorlace in any of
the departments here. The seized cloth
ing undoubtedly represents the accumu
lation of ai tides which have been sold
from time to time during the past year
or two by the soldiers who have paesed
through San Francieco.
"I do not regard tbiB matter as of any
importance, though it has been widely
exploited by the seneational newspapers.
However, the seizure of these articles
and the arrests made will have the effect,
I think, of discouraging the purchase or
sale of soldiers' wearing apparel in this
vicinity hereafter.
"Following is an exact list of the arti
cles seized: Blankets, 11 pairs; leggine,
5 pairs ; blue flannel ehirte, 48 ; blouse, 1 ;
gauntlet gloves, 2 pairs ; black calf shoes,
o5 pairs; tan and ruseett shoes, 53 pairs.
All these articles are now in the hands
of the proper departments."
Decide to Create a Third I'arty.
Kansas City, Juno 19. After an
ucrimnious discussion, tne leaders oi
seven reform parties, is session here,
decided today to formally launch u third
party, which will embody as many of
the elements of the opposition to the old
parties as possible. The meeting decided
to hold a state convention in Missouri,
to launch the party which will look upon
W. J. Bryan ae the party's leader. The
Missouri convention is to adopt a plat
form and principles on which the cause
of the party throughout the United
States i6 to be fought. A committee of
seven of each party represented were
chosen to perform the duties of the
executive comittee.
The cardinal principles of the new
party are public ownership of the public
utilities, control of the utility corpora,
lions, the initiative and referendum, a
graduated income tax, legal tender to be
issued In propoitiou to population, just
election laws, home rule for cities and
electiou of senators by popular vote.
J. H. Cook, chairman of the meeting,
eaid W. J. Bryan seemed to be the only
man who embraced the larger part of
the cardinal points from which the plat
form ie to be built.
"A lew inonthe ago, food which I ate
for breakfast would not remain ou my
stomach for half an hour. I used one
bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and
can now eat my breaklaet and other
meals with a relish and my food ie
thoroughly digested. Nothing equals
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach
troubles" H. S. Pitta. Arlington Tex.,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure diisests what you
eat. Clarke & talk's f. u. I'harmacy.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablete are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts.
aud 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
Clark & Falk are uever closed Sunday,
Don't forget this.
In this offering will be found representative pieces of some of this season's best
patterns in fancy Organdies, Dimities, Mulls, Lawns, ivc. Tho price will be just half
the usual remnant prices making a most liberal reduction, and one which will not
fail to move every remnant in stock earl' in the day. Come early.
Wash Suits j&
(." to 10 years)
Sailor Suite, made of per
cale, crash and duck, in light
and dark colors; nicely trim
med. Offer solid comfort to the
active small boy during these
warm days.
50c, 75c, 85c, $1.
Wash Pants
Crash, dack. percale.
25c, 35c, 50c
Straw and Crashes. Out of this great
assortment we make epecial mention to
day, o' the popular
Comes in a fancy rough and fine
smooth braids.
See window for the TYCOON the
coolest hat made.
for camping and
mountain wear.
All eizeaj 75c pr.
Catarrli I'uuum lte Cured,
with local applications, as thoy cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
ie a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it vou must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure ie not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country tor years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chenky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drrutruists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best
Whuff. Your Face Worth'.'
Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you
have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced
look, moth patches and blotches on the
ekin,-all eigne of Liver Trouble. But
Dr. King's New Life Pille give Clear
Skin, KoBy Cheeks, Rich Complexion.
Only 25 cents at G. C. Blakeley's Drug
Store. 6
For Male.
A stylish black driving horse, very
gentle. Also a nearly new open buggy,
harness, blankets, etc. Very cheap.
Addre68, W. K. Rockwki.l,
Dufur, Ore.
' Job Couldn't Have Stood It,
If he'd had Itching Pilee. They're
terribly annoying; but Buck len's Arnica
Salve will cure the woret case of pilee on
earth. It hue cured thoueands. For In
juries, Pains or Bodily Eruptione it's
the best ealve in the world. Price 25c
a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by G, C.
Blakeley, the druggiet. ti
"The Doctors told ma my couyh was
incurable One Minute Cough Cure made
ute a well inuii." Norris Silver, North
Stratford, N. H. Because you've not
found relief for a stubborn cough, don't
despair. Ohm Minute Cough Cure has
cured thousHinle and it will cure you.
Safe Hini euie. Ciurke & Falk's P.O.
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cte. and 50 cts. Blakeley
h druggiet,
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your w "cer for them,
An Old - Fashioned Celebration.
Music by the Band and Glee Olub !
Reading of The Declaration of Independence.
GRAND PARADE Patriotic, Military and Civic.
Log Rolling Contest $100.00 in Prices.
Greased Pole, Wheelbarrow Race, Etc, Etc., with
Liberal Prizes to Winners.
BICYCLE PARADE with Cash Prizes for the
Handsomest Exhibits.
You will not have boile if vou take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure foi boile.
$700.00 Display of FIREWORKS
Baseball Game-Dalles vs. Hood River
Cool groves and romantic hills and dells for tho lovers
of nature.
.Reduced rates by railroad and boats.
Gome everybody, and bring tho children.
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