It Has Never Failed Mr. C. S. Poaslce, the well-known druggist of Morgan City. La , is highly thought of in his neigh borhood because of his skill and care in filling pre set iptions. The best physicians tn the pla:e send their p.mcntsto lu- storo'whenever they can. Any 1 . ith M:. IVnsl -e miivsiivcui lie depended . b.-oi tl In n let. or to V. II. Hooker & w ,i -. rk City, p' o motors oi Acker's ICnglish i he savs. ' In'all mv nianv years' csperi- d tiggiiU, I l.ayentvcv handled n tnedi .1,1 nature lh..t gnve such complete satis'.s Hnj lisli Remedy for'l hroa j Troubles. I have sold hundreds of i and have yet to learn of a single case it t-.H-'n t cure, in i nets with a cor- r 11 at ts really mar- '. My wife does not r tnucn stock in inedi- T-AOy she has abs-olute 7 . . v m-dv. always having itpVM NA i rs v i. . AN UNPBECEDENTED OFFER! Tfie People's National Family Newspaper To all old and now mihscrihora paying ono year in advance wo nll'iir Tri-Weokly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00. Weekly Tribune and Somi-Weokly Chronicle tor $1.50. bu n Acker's Knglish K a- aer eitxnv in cibi1 tne ehil.hen are attacked by e ;p at n-ight. It is a ,;o itively harmless rem edy, as 'I can personally tes'ify. I know of a little girl who accidentally drank a whole bottle. She was, of course sick at her sto-'-.ach ior a short time, but the sickness passed away, and then the child was in b.-tter health than ever before. 1 can understand why Acker's English Rem edy is so efiieacious, because I am a druggist. It is not a mere expectorant, but a strengthening, invigorating tonic as well. While it heals the irritations of the mucous membrane, it also builds up the constitution and purifies thij blood. I endorse it absolutely." Sold at 25c, 50c. and$i a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada; an'd in England, at is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. II'c authorize the abovr guamntee. It". . UOOhJ'i: A CO., J'rjprictort, Xnr Yolk. For sale at Blakeley 's Pharmacy. NEW YORK TRIWEEKLY TRIBUNE. I'ulilMit'il Monday, Wiilnenlny mill I'rl tlny, Is In reality a llm ami Iresh cvi'ty-othcr-tiny linlly, glvliiK the liVloat news on days of is.Mii:, nml eowrliiR news of thu other It I'outi'.lns all linpor taut fori, cable nous wlileh nppc.irs In the lally Tribune of Mime date, nlvi do nu"ile and forelun coriesioudenre, short Marios elegant half tone Illustration:-, hu morous lionis-, Indus trial information, fashion notes, aurleul tural niatiets, and .omprehenslvoanil to liable financial ami market reports. Regular MibH'rlp tlon price, ?l..Mi per ear. We furnHli It with Hem! Weekly Chroni cle for f-'.W per year. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Published nuTliurs day, known for neatly M.ty years In eery part of the fill ted ritatcx as a lin'lini al family newspaper of the highest el.iis, lor farmers ami villa i;cr. It eoutalii-.i all the most Important general lirv. of the Dally Tribune up to the hour of KIHK piess; .ii aitrleiiltutai department ol tin liluhest older, has en terlainliiK rendlnt; fur everv member of the fainl'ly.oliland jouui,': market teports w hleh me accepted as autb orlty by lammis end iiierenaiits, ami Is clean, up to il He, In ieiesiliiK ami lustrue the. Iteirillar s-uhscrlp Hon price, $1 per year We furnish it with eml-Veel;ly (Jlironl elc for?l.-Vi per jear 9 Purest Liquors for Family Use 9 J. E. FALT & CO., Mt-opnotors TElG OWIb Polivnrod to any pari of tho Oily, PIioiidh: Til Local, 858 Lout; IMmunce. 173 Second Street. 1 w W r-1 it - r- I r nn A r r r-v m i t-i t- t.r r.nKH r i t .. .GOliUlWBlA BREWEHY.. Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Oo., The Dalles, Or ri;iiS()SAI, M K.NTl UN. Rev. 0. D. Taylor is eppiidini: a few days with his family on .Mill Creek. Attorney V. B. I'reeby, of Golilen dale, has benn in the city yesterday and todav on leeul ljupiuese. (Mu-stloli Al4 urtMl. Yes, Auuust Flower still has the larceal sale of anv medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers and uruinlmothera never thought of u-jing anything else for indigestion and biliougiies;. Doetora Hon. V. H. L5iji! and wife, of Wasco, ' were se.ucrt and they seldom heard of ( spent last niirit in the city and left lor ( nppendieitia. nervous prostration or j hnrni' mi tlif" nonn train. . i . .- n ,.. i . i neari iaiiure, fic. i ney iisimi aiiuhi Fred Smith, the well-know n stockman I Flower to eluin out the svstetn and stop of the Upper Heaver Creek country, ft,rment.llion of umliested food, regu Crook couinv, spent last night in the!, . , ,. ..... city on his way home from Portland. J lrttl3 1,10 tion of tho liver, stimulate the ! nervous and organic action ol the sys tern, ami that is all they took when feel ing dull and bud with heiidueh?s ami other aches. Yon onl nend n few doseo of Green's August Flower, in liquid Mr. John Sommervillo and family will leave tonight for Brannan, Idaho, where they will make their future home and where Mr. comtutrville is ennnired in the stock business. The Dalles people iiit ruiinlt runfal ftiii lna rtf futaiil who have made manv warm friends du'r' I form. 10 "k -vou eatish'ed there is inn their residence here of about two , nothing serious the matter with you. vear-. i Get Green's prize almanac. Clarke & " ! Falk's. 1 ""Its. Whltt. .11:111 Turned Vi-llnw. Tuesday eyeninK, June 18th, at The Great consternation was felt by the D.ules Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. James ,. ,.. . ..,., f ,, ,., Stewart, of Moro, Sherman countv. I (rienda oi M. A. Houarty of LexmuMon, nine-pound son. Mother and child do- wlle lh,.v saw ll0 WUB turnnii; yel- ing well. i low. His skin slowly chaiifjed color, also The Chronicle extends hearty con- I his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His Young Black - flight Will make tho season of 1001 at Ilalch'H .Ham, I Hi fur, Oregon. AUG-UST BUCHLER, Prop. Of t tin product of UiIh well-known brewery the United .Stub's Health Reports for June 28, 11100, tmyH : "A morn mipeiior brew never entered tho liibratnry of the United States Ilimllh reportn. It ih ulicoliituly tluvotil of the Hliyhtest trace of adulteration, hut on the other hand is cotnpoeecl uf the best of malt and eho'u:ent of hops. ItH tonic qualltieH are of the est and it ean be uhim! with the Krimtent IiiiiimIU mill HiitiHfiutdon hy old ami yniiiiK. Its use can eniifeieniioiiHly he prei'iTihed by the phyHicinnn with ihe cersaintv that a huttur, purer or morn svIioIohoiiiu huvenifju could not possibly bu found." Bast Sooond Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. Was Warenonse mil a, DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. BLACK NIGHT is a black Jack, foaled June 1". l'Jlll ; bred by J. W. Stevens, Howard county, Mo. Hired by Ulack Dan the Third, a jack Hi hands, and a No. 1 foul-getter: he Jiy Black Night the Second, and he by'h Black Dan, an imported jack from Kentucky. Bli'dt Nigl t's dam, Gray Jennntt, sired by Compromise; he hy Hickman's Compromise; his dam by McKinn's Washington; lid dam by Napoleon, lid dam by Black Dan. TERMS: To insure, iflo.GO; hy season, $10.00. Care will he taken to prevent accidents; hut we will assume no responsibility. Money due when mare is known to he tn foal. BALCH & JOHNSTON, Owners, C. J BALCH, Manager. Dl'Kt'It, OUF.GON. Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, aJ kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ori,u!LklrEED Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOTl FlonT ' n'H ','ollr ,H nianufaetured expressly for family "yjii- A XKJ 1X1 use ; everv caek is Kimranteed to give satisfaction, We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't trunk to call and get cur prices and bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whya,t, Earley and OatF gratulations and wishes Friend Jamie "many returns of the season." Demo-I'op l-'ln.-incleriiij;. The aftermath of Judge Barton's "economical administration" in Linn county, which win heralded in floods of big type throughout the state in 1900 to bolster the demo populiHt combination, is not all that the best citizens would desire, as will appear from tho following article in the Albany Heiald: "What is the matter with the finances of Linn county? About the first of the year the county borrowed of tho Albany banks $''3,000, it was said, for the pur pose of paying state taxes. Now at the June term of county court another loan of $44,000 is made. A year ago Judge Barton and Judge Palmer told the people that Linn county w.ib out of debt and nad sufficient revenue provided for running expenses for another year. Were they deceiving the people or has the county run behind 107,000 in a year? It is time the taxpayers had their eyes open to the situation. There is no cam paign on now, and the matter should he coolly and carefully looked into. If the truth was told a year ago, there has ! or rent been a big leak in the management of the country's affairs. There has been, in any event, so much covering up of true facts, so much irregular manipula tion and juggling with the people's money that the county ie now $07,000 in debt. Is it not time to call a halt?" I'laindealer. malady wns Yellow Jnuiidice. He was j treated by the beet doctors, hut without I benefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach utul Liver remedy, and he writes; "After taking two bottles I was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. White Collar Line. JastReceived Portland-Astoria Route Only 25c. Sold by G. C. Blakeley, druggist. the 11 j Siive Ttvo 1'iiim Dmiili. j "Our little daughter had an almost fa i tal attack of whooping cough and bron jchitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of ( Armonk, N. Y., "hut, when all other I remedies failed, we saved her life with I Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, ! who had Consumption in an advanced ! at-.iii' filjn licprl tliin u'nmlorfnl iiu.rl ici nr. "'".-I ..- ........v,..,.. and to day she is perfectly well." Dt-s-perate throat and lung di?e.i29 yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible foi Coughs and Colds. 50c and $1.00 bottles guar anteed by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. Trial bottles free. 0 Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Bound Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD A full lino of Freih Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. Sol io, Kcx, Doko, Yelox uiitl A risk) in nil sizes. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. 'JYavs, Print-in" Frames, Leave Portland 7 a. . Albums, nl altigraphs, ijiv v u iintoi iii , I' M ! TUB Dais-Poillani fiouis And all accHSorieH to complete the outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. BUSINESS LOCALS. Tho announcement is made that Michael Davitt ia coming to Chicago to start a new Irish national movement that ie intended to take the shine out of anything that Michael has ever been connected with before. The times are exceedingly ripe for such u movement over here for the rank and file of the Irish at home are too prosperous to give the movement the financial encourage ment needed to make it a go over there. Here everything is favorable to Michael's ambition. The Irish servant nirls have money to throw at tho birds, and the Irish-American laborer has a long fleece that the Irish professional agitator hasn't shorn to any appreciable extent for eov oral years. It is perhaps a little unfor tunate that the Auericans are not in the throes of a national campaign ; but in spite of this one untoward circumstance, there's millions in the raft for Michael if he kunws how to wo'k it right, and if Michael knows himself he thinks be does. Some desirable city property for sale For particulars call on Uibbons & Marden. alltf Paint your house with paints that nra fully guaranteed to Inst. Ciarke .. Falk have them. Wo offer for a limited period tiie twice-a-week Ciikonici.k, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under this offer must bo paid in ad vance. I Your ifuuti Shows tho state of your feelings and tho state of your health ad well, Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples nnr. Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Klixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillaa and eo called purifiers fail; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakiile.i the druggist. Why not spend the vacation at Ya qnina bay, where can bo had excellent fare, good fhhing, good boating, safe bathing, alluring rides and rambles, The courses and exercises at tho stun titer school of 1001 at Newport will afford great variety of instructions, diversion and entertainment. No other resort offers equal attractions and like advan tages, junll-tf Our Kuicka Combined Toning and I Fixing Bath is a dandy. Try ft. Str. BAILEY-G-ATZEKT. ' A. i;. C. Developer for, liliiis or developing pnpeis has no equal. DAILY UOl'ND TlliPS, F.noiigli for Hoe to developed dn.en plates Kxcept Morula-, ,,r ,(i I1""" VbIox 'lx5' l,la,:1H ' ' I arid whites are guaranteed, if directions hoannrlo T.noVc TT,1 BImi. i are followed. Ask for the A. I, C. D.i- wn.w.viw uuu vw, veloper, and see that you get the ! genuine. C. J. STUBMflG, W IIOI.KKAU: AND UKTAM. t IE- Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bank. n i t 1 1 i'Iimiii' 7 I'lini.- nini. mum. THE DALLES, OREGON, i White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m. Arrive The Dalles it t: m. Leave " " ! " Arrive Portland 11 " Meals the Very Best. Sunday Trips a Leading Feat lire. Thiri Itouto has the (.! rainiest Scenic Attractions on Larth. landing und office Foot of Alder Street; bqth phones, M !J&1, Portland, Oregon. Wo are prepared toconiponnd any and all of your own formula; and guarantee satisfaction. At the old place, The DalleH, Oregon. 175 Second Street, Geo. C. Blakeley. 0r.0UNNS PILLS ONE FOR A DOSE. . l:movn t'lmn'i'B. I'ripnt llllloiiaiifHsl'iirliy tliiilllootl, I 'ir-f ItrAilficiin inl llMii,.nl ' r "'tile Tln'y nclt tier urln.i,, i'....!.' flnr ... ..i t .....n - !. '' i.!" i i . , ". ' I 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 '1 IV tiulil hr 0r. r ' m fur K. W. CUICUTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Agt. Thu Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. UryiiiK1 ireimrutioiis simply duvol oji dry catarrh; they dry up tho uecrotions, winch adhoro to tho iiioinbrano and decora pose, causing n far moro Kuriouu trouble than tho ordinary form of cahirrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and huiiHh and uso that which clcausus, soothca and heals. Ely'H Cream Balm ia Huch a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists soli tho GOo.bizo. Ely Brothers, fit! Warren Kt., N.Y. Tho Balm curua without pain, does not Irritate or cause snoozing. Il spreads ilaolf over an irritated and angry surfaco, roliav ing irnuisdlately tho pain fid inflammation. With Ely's Cream .Balinjrou nro armed against Nasal Catarrh and Bay Fovcr. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially dlRests tho food and aids Nuturo in atronctUctilug and rccon atructlng tho exhausted dlgcstlvo or Cans. It is tho latest disco veredUlgest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in ctllcieucy. It in stantly rollevcuand pormanoutly cures Dyapopsla, Indigestion, Heartburn! Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Headache, Gastralgla,Cranipand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 500. and It. Largo alto contains SK ttrooa srnallaUe.lioolaUnboutdynpepsiaiDairdtr Proparttf by E O. OoVITT A CO., Chicago Sold by Clarke AFalk'nP. O. Pharmacy F- S. GlrWlflG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -itr.Ai.iu: in- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies AKtlit for Kimsoll A. Co,'h hriKlnen, Tlireslu; nml bau' Mill. Telephone 157. Long DiHtance 107:1. Cor, ScuoM & LaOl)lill S!s THE DALLES, OB, IT .1 TT n. SOUTH and EAST via irleraPici;souipacint6i Yellowstone Park Line. THK Dl.S'l.S'ti (!AH HOU'I'K I'ltOJI I'OUTI.ANJ) TO THK KAHT. THK O.N'I.V HlltKCT MNK TO THK VKI.I.OW- H'lONK PARK. uuvk. lUuion Depot, Filthand I stsj a.uuvk. No. 'i. KiiNt niiill f r Tn con i n , No. Hi'iittk', l)lyiiiilii,(iriiy'H , lliilljor nml Honth llcnili i points, bi.kiiii, IIiihk- i Imiki, ii, :., I'nlliiiuii,, .. .. . .. ?l,,"t'.''w' '-""I"'''"!. Hill-1 n:ia A. M, InlolliiiiipmlnliiK'i'niiii- 6;M I'. J, try, Ik'li'iui, illiincMiio. IIm, HI. I'iiiiI, Oimiliii, . KllllHIIM CIU' Wt I ,,i,u Clik'iinn inn! nil tiolntH itat nml hoiiili(.,iit. No. !i. . i... i. .. t. 1 "K01 tiiiiinl Kxpri'xs II, 1. 41, for 'liicniiiu nml Houtlloi 7;WI A. M. nml hiteriiicilliitu ixiliiih No. I, Shasta Route TrahiH IcavoTIm DiiIIch Inr l'orl!imandwtf htittiniiH ut l:i it. in. unit il I'. ) lx.'vo I'lirtlitnil " Alljiiny Arrlvu Aililiinit " Kiiiinniii'iito ... " Hun KriiliiliNL'ii Arrive OkiIiiii . fiiwipm h , 7. 1.1 pin 'JS,IU I'L'iiviir 7'i'im l-.. ....... i... i '.'i ii in '"'"". Uliloniro 7.l' m M.1!!!!.11!1."','! "ur?t",1l"S." l"1lft IWHirH t(l waSjout'rhH.o l","H"" mmmi 'vor points IIiikkiiko oliwikwt to ili'ntlimtlnn of tlfiliclN, iinJ!., M,,'M"nuly IIUnitiHttMlilotiorlpUvi'iimtUjr, write ",t'cl'1"K'CMr nervations, ut unll ou or A. D. CHARLTON, AufcUtnrit (lenerHl 1'awunmr Ajrcnt. m Morrl uniHtrcct.cotimrTlilril, I'niflmia Oremm. Arrlvu Urn AiikdIm " Kl I'iimi " Kort Worth.. " City of Muxivo , " HllllNtllll ' Nuvv OrU'iuiH... " WiinIiIiikIoii. . . " NuwVnrk C,:;ahi in !i:Mu m I, ui ii in , (l:'i1iiiii (i.r.'ii hi u.v- r c;aaB jiiiprfl A . i til i'nlliiiuii nml Toiirhit cnrH on )ie$L tUiutr ciirri Hiioriimonto to w'lV' . V. NtiwW .i-u ft,, f'lil.uiirii. Ml iiii." - I'll,,,, i'ii,n niiiiriiiiiuiiiu " ." ..i, nml tonrlntdiirH to ChlciiKii, Hi 1,u'" ifii nn una wiiHiiiiiKiiin. terert' Connwithitr ut Hn KrHiic!w?oiwlt JfhUl( hU'iiiiihIiIp linen for Hiiinilani, j i'"i Philippine, (Jontral ami uth Awuw Hco agent at Tho PhIIch ntntlon, of dd,,, C. H. MARKHAM. 0, Ooiiural Paongor Aitc rm"