The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY - - Jl'NE 10. 1001 J. A. EBERLE, Leading, men whose one object should be to send the committee buck to Wash Merchant Tailor, ington with the idea firmly implanted Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe. !? m,nd ih ;ho rf0 of wuuuuu Mnuuij vyi. j Kastcm Oregon are determined upon We have an excellent line of Spring Suitings, Pantings, etc.. which we are!"om me wanes unu on stemiere irom prepared to muku up in the latest styles, Portland only on July 11th and Kith, and guarantee a perfect fit. i Returning tickets will be honored on mmmm mmmm ' steamers sailing from San Francisco not . " ' later than August 1st ; final limit, Aug- A CllYING-OUT XUISAXCE. 1 net 4, 1901. Kate includes meals and i berth on steamers. Reservations for At the moment when a city elec I passengers going via steumers should be tion is fresh in the memory of the ' made in advance to insure accommodu people of The Dalles it is pertinent I t'na, for which a deposit of $5.00 will to call attention to a provision of , bf re"ied AH rail in both directions, ... , ,. via O. K. Is. and Southern Pacific, the city charter that each succeeding ; fir9t c,ag8i for 8top.ovura in Cll. city election for the past ten years furnin, $2S.50. Second class, including has, to a greater or less extent, proved to be pernicious and sub versive of good government. "We 4 .l. !., . l. . 1 !. Icls:l lu luu l,JUL l"aKK9 lUB j selection of the marshal and recorder. in the hands of the mayor, by and with the consent of the city council. : ThkChkoxici.k has no thought of j .... , .... . i criticising the otbcial acts of any ' been appointed in this manner. It is no thousht of comnarinc them -hi. .i.rt ti. n. u i. , , J by popular vote. Ihey may hove I been better or worse for aught that concerns us at this moment. The one fact that is open and notorious in connection with the present method is that in nominating j a mayor and council and in voting i for them their qualifications are too frequently ignored and they are sup . , t i ported according ns they are under- J stood to oe in favor of or opposed , to the appointment of certain persons j for marshal or recorder. Hence it has come to pass that in a very true sense as regards a large number of voters the ballots are not cast so much for the mayor and councilmen as for the men they are supposed to be in favor of for these two appoint ive ofllces. Thus the interests of the city are lost sight of by man' voters and made subsurvient to the much less important consideration : Who shall B. ' lf , , 1 Salve eaves all that expense and never be marshal or recorder? Then when j faiB. Beware of counterfeits. Clarke & the election Is over the mayor-elect j Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy, is besieged with petitions asking for,' subscribe or Tiik Cmomlu. this or that one's appointment tn these oflices, and these petitions are, I CONTEST NOTICE. like all other petitions, frequently! L'NITKI "'mi'i" iw"CE' ( sinpd merolv to oot rid of an im- ! , A M'flicient content nfllilnvit hnvniK Loon llicil aimu mtrcij to gLi nu ui an im-,ln thU omco by 0 AUK,m j.;r,(uut.contet- unrfiinntP nnnlimnt nnil nvn in nn "K"'''1 horiu-teufi entry .S'o. 0121. mwio poriunaie applicant aim nie in no Apr u lb,J7i ,or w,a Nw gt ,nmi(1 Kia NJ, sonep nn pvidoncp nf thp's ' Sec 1I' r.' ?' K, by Itlley J. (ilii, iron stnsL an lviuuiil oi iuc uppucaui a teitw. In which it Is hWl-kkI Unit tulil luiey J filnpss for thp nfllfP hp sppks nor ti I irt has from tlio 11th day of April, isy", up to inilLbh lur iiil uuiLL &1.1.KH uur liiiL-prei-untilatmieverbmioii tho plaeo, ixivcr witupss lbfit Hip sifnprs ilpsirp him uuhllshed hlH rolilt'iicc thcrt-on, unit Unit lm witness mat. me signers ucsire nim ,msulMI1(lollC(1 th(, trH(;ti Aml that tho aUvKcll to opt tho ofilce In some cases it ' tJet is not duu to dcffiKiuiit s fj;iply lo gt-l tut oillCL. ill soiliu Lasts " i inent in the jnllitnry or niivl fcurvlee o the is morolv n nuestion of who has the 1 i'"ltiritates mM p.irtl(Mre hereby notliied to 13 mi-ruy a qutsnuu ui wuu lias uiu , plH.r reS),ond uud oiler evidence toiichlnif lnno-PQt nptllinn- m nthpv words who I hal11 "Hwitlon ut 10 o'clock n. in, on Jnne'., longest petition, in ouiu wonis, wiioij. MuK tll0 u.Khtt,r ,, rtWVur t ihi hm dnnp iho rnnqt rnstlir.c to f,0i , . ... signatures Tho whole business is a sham and fraud and nuisance, and the charter ought to bo amended at the first opportunity so as to again place the election of marshal and recorder in the hands of the people, where it belongs. The Pendleton Kast Orcgonian of last Monday devotes its ontiro edi- in nr. nfTnrf In ImnrilLO I muni ojrai.ii in mm wimiv u..v the minds of Ka9torn Oregon "busi ness men, bankers, farmers, profes sional men, business women, laborers, all,' with tho imperative need for the permanent improvement of our big natural water thoroughfare, tho Columbia river. It calls attention to tbe increased value that has been added to every pound of farm prod ucts marketed at Tlio Dalles by reason of the construction mid open ing of the Cascade locks, tuul insists that the members of the house com- ! niittec on rivers ami harbors, who ' will soon visit this section, should be met by courteously insistent business having an open river, and that the men or party that refuses this just demand will hear from the people at the first opportunity in no uncertain tones. ItuWN to Situ Frrtiiclooo mill Keturii. The 0. K. & N. Co. will mnke tho following rates from Tho Dulles, Oregon, to San Francisco nntl return for National Convention of Epworth League, July 1S-21, 1901 : Via rail to Portland anil O. K. it N. steamers from Portland to San Francisco anil return, $23.50. . . ' . ""V'u"u'cu u" . " berth in tourist sleeper in both direc tions, no stop-overs, $25. 50. Tickets on Dale at The Dalles July loth and 10th, j and will be honored by Southern Pacific on trains living Portland July loth and iGth, and n morning train July 17th ; good for return passage leaving San Francisco up to and including July 31, 1901- Tickets will not be sold good in "e direction via rail and In another via qt(,.impr For further information communicate with Jas. Ireland, agent, The Dalles, Oregon. in21-jlyll "A months ago. food which 1 ate for breakfast would not remain on my atomach for lmlf nn hour 1 used one bottle of vour Kodol Dvsnensia Cure and can now eat my breakfast and other meals with a relish and my food is i thoroughly digested. Nothing equals ! Kodol Dvanena'm Core for ptnninnh troubles" II. S. Pitts. Arlington Tex., Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Danger, disease and death follow , v . ,. . . TT ...., neglect of the bowels, Ujo DeWitt's Lilte EarIy Hier8 t0 regnate them and you will add years to your life and life to your years. Easy to take, never gripe. Ularke a .talk's r. U. fharmacv. Eczema, saltrheum, tetter, chafing, ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. The certain pile cure. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. For sprains, swellings and lamented there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggist. A surgical operation is not necessnry tnnilm rtilfea HuWitf'o W...I. ITnvul Lnitea hwtts nimi onieo in lho Uiiiies, Oroi?oii im. haio eoineiiiHiii niivuiK In a nriiix.Tutllilu vlt, tiled Mav I. !IW1. ket forth acts which khow lliat alter duu UllleiiciMH.T.-oii.'il ervleo of this notice cannot bo mmly, It h heieby ordereil and uireciwi uiai kiicn nuneo ix! Klveu hy duo and jiroper publication. mi' jay r. i.ucas, Kelster. NOTIUK FOIt I'UllI.ICATiON. Land Ort'K'K at Tin:, Ok., t Juno 7, l!)l. ( Notice in hereby Klven thut tho following' mimed hCttler has Med notice of hlx Intention to miiko llnul proof In mpport of Ills claim, and that kald proof will be lyado bsforo tho HeKlttor utid iteeelver ut Thy Dalles, UrvKOn, on ftutur day, July , vl.: I'rul StoelUl. .f..'.v. V.' .:' t'-'.' ''!! V!0 ' " 4 n( 1 .11... f r t.1 k'- r.J .1 , (j oi bee. .7. 1 p 1 i., 11 1.1 lv,, V. M, Ho Uume.H tho follnwlliu' ultlie.ikCH lonrovn IiIk continuous rukldeuco uiou uud cultivation of said laud, viz,: Owner W. Cook, Alox. Krukor, It. 0. Urookf, Chalks Itawnou, all of The Duties, Oregon, Jiinl'.' JAY l l.Ut'AS, HesUter. Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby ulven that M. Z. Donnell has been duly appointed executor ol tho lut will and teitameiit of Ann LuchliiKer, deceabeil. All iKfrhOHB huvIiiKClaluiH auulimt tho estate of Mid Ann I-uch Differ are hereby notllled to preneut tho saiuo to me, verllled an by Uv re liilreil, within ix month, from tho date of this notice, Datwl at Dalles City thin 7th day of June, 1001. Juub M. .. D0NNK1.L,, KxecuUir. NOLAN'S Profit-Sharing Association. Tho first monthly dividend luis boon distributed lo tho pro.ilublo Hiitisliic tion of thirtcon of my customers. Tho only rogrot is tlnit 1 wits not able to give a valuable present to each of my oustoiners. 1 think thoy all deserve one. On Saturday, July 6th, 1 will give away two music boxen on worth $l!7.r.t). playing eight tunes, and one worth $7.50 ; n ouck of nimur and a barrel ol Hour. I will give a cash rebate nf if.I.OH to ciiHto mer paving the most money by tbat datu, and $11.00 to the one paying in the second largest amount, wn each Saturday, commencing on tho 15th of .lune and including .luly Itth, 1 will, in m illtimi to the two preii ents given each week, give a $1.00 rebate to the customer paying tho largest amount (luring tho week. Purchasers of goods in my line will do well to keep i" mhul that 1 sell goodH as low as tho lowest, kh well as share tho profit with my cuHtumers. IKE. T. NOLAN. J PIONEER BAKERY, I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Cratidall & Barget DEALEKS IN RobeS, fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles. Or. Str. "Iralda" J.eavea Cascades (5 a. in. j Arrive Dalles lOiliO a. m. ' Leave Dalles It p. m. Arr. Cascades 7;ll0 p. m. D.iilv ex. Sundav. Str. Renulator s '-- -- - down. I.v. Dalles at 7 A. M. fc; Tuewluy Thuwluy a Sfttiirduy. .. . h' Arr. Portland P at l:S0 v. m. ur. I.v. l'ortl.nul at 7 a. m. , . . . Moiulay . WciliieMlay KrMay Arr. DalleH it 6 r. M. N te Excursion Kates every Saturday j. lute hulinon and intermedial!) points, K For an evenlnir trip take tho "Iralda" at !5 p. m. to Hood ft' turn on the up boat. FOR OOMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, fi. Travel by tho Steamers ol tho ItOKiilator Mne. r. lima uiv uva,rvuil Jiywioli;. C, Portland Ofllce, Oak-Street Dock. W. , M .. J.. w......W.fcW . T fcW.fcT WINDMILLS, PUMPS and RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. If you aro in nood of anything in our lino, figure with us, for it will pay you. Wo operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON & WALTHER, THE DALLES. - - - OREGON. YOUR KIDNEYS. After von tirn of using so-called kidnev remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and be forever rid of those dull pains In your back. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have all your bladder and urinary trouble! cured, and your nights made restful by the uo of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Soxuul Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ot yourdriiguist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in nliiin wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wiivno, Induum. M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dulles. n REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA KAY. COMPANY-! Steamers of tho IteKulutor Line will run hh per tlielol ow.iiK t.chtilule, tlio Company rm-rviiiK the. rlKht tn chaiiKu tchedulu without notice. Str. Dallas City. DOWN I.v. Dulles ut 7 A. H. Moniluy . . . . WedneMluy.. , Krlilny Arr. Portland ut 1 :") I-. M. nr. I.v . Portland . ut7:l) a. M. Tuenlay .. ThurMlay Saturday Arr. Dulles j III .1 1'. H (1 I for parties of five and upwards : Dalles,' oDc Dalles to Cascades, if 1.00. Hivor and re- Tho Company will endeavor to elve IU imt- HI I II I wivr IJJIUdUUllUII uuiiru.ii C. ALLAWAY. Gon. Atft. .fcT.I.T fcWll.g.l.Tll.tI.T fcW fcT HIT hT-MLlUi PIPE Just What Yoa txtant. i New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such tviilii vurii'lv ilh vh iiri iihowlmr nevitr ! j fore graced "n single Htoek. Rent iinita- I tion criitnn etlecte at ordinary prices. tiootl imiierH at chean naner nrircH. Klegant deaigiiB, tasteful colnriugH, ynurtt 1 for a Hinall price, at. our Htore on Third ! street. Also a full line of house paints. !D. W. VAUSE, Third St.! Lane, Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish BrothorB' Wagon. Tbird and Jeffcr'nn. PH0HC159 l - --- Be Cowia PacKing Co., PACKERS OF JjPORKand BEEF ilANUKACTUUKKHOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD BISKF. F.TC. J. B. HOIIRNCK, , i'reiildem, .Max A. Voiit. (JuhIiIui iipPst Rational Bank. X THE DALLES - - - OREGON j A General Hanking Hubuiobb transacted DopooitB rucuivml, nubject to Sight j Drnit or Check. Collections inatle and proeooils promptly , roniltted on duv of collection. I Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold no New York, Ban FranclBco utu! "ort j laud. DIKKOTOK8 I). P. TllOMHHON. Jno. H. Bohkmok. K. M. Wii.iiiAMH, Gito. A. LiKiiic. H. M. llKAI.I, FRENCH & CO BANKERS. Transact u General Banking BiifiinoHs. i I.ctterH of Credit inmuA iiviilluhlo in the KiiHtern StutcH. Siulit Kxiihange mid Toli'itrnphic I'lriuisjferH sold on Ntiw York. fliii.iun St. LoiiIh, Sun Kntnciwco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wiwli., mid varioiiH poinln in Oregon and Wnahiiigion. CollectioiiH made at nil pointH on fav orable turinu. mm Besiint i (ii:Ni:itAi. ' BiacKsmnn 1 ...AND... ; Horsesnoer The W. W. WiUon Co,, Props. Fipst-Class in Every Respect MKAI.N at Al.r. IIOUKH. Oysters Served in any Style. 87 Bwoml St., Tlio DulkN, Or OREGON Shout Line and union Pacific JIKl'AUT ion TIMK KCHniWUCB 1 FIIIIM I TIIK DAI.I.KH. AHIIIVE FROM OhleiiK" I'urtlimil Hioclnl. 2-:l' . in. vlii Hunt hiKtoii. Atliintle Kxiirvox, V1:M II. III. Vlli lllllll liiKtnn, Ht. l'nill .Mull, if.'i't i. in. Via Ho kimu. HU ImVv, Denver, Kt. Worth, Oniiilm, kiin niH City, Ht.bmlN, (Jin eiiKo mill the Kant. 1 :05 j. m. Halt Ijilte, Denver, Kt. Worth, Oniiilia, Kim. NIIHCIty,Hl.IHlls,C. l'iikii unit the Kant. Wiillu Wullii, U'wlHton, MltilieniioIlN, Ht. t'mil. HuIiMIi, Mllwnii koe, Clilt'iiKOiuiil Hail. I ii. in. 11.. 'Mr ra. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE From I'.irt Imnl . (All NilllltiR dates Milt Jent to (ihuiiKe.) S'.DO p. 111. t'Wji. in. Knr Hun Krimclfccn, Hull every f ilayn. Diilly exeunt tliiliiinlilii Klvur. Tn Asturla anil Way Siimliiy, .'- .(ii i. in. ' Satlirilay, I 00 p, m. except fcimilay. 1jiiiiIIiik. lll'.oi . III. Dally except hutiilny, C. ("I a. in. WllliuiHitlK Klvur. Oregiin City, Ni'wIhtk, hiileiu, Iliiluieiiilem:e, iitul rt iiy-IjuiilliiKs 1 nip. w. except Himdny, 1 1 W' ''J!' I Ip. m. Miiiuliiy, Wnlni'Hliy Krlilny, CurviilllH nnil Wuy IjiiiiIIiikh , Siiiuiil.iy, !'"!" " Tilevilay, TlmrMliiy, Snluiilin , 7 Jn. in. WIlliiuiKttit mill , ,TH ji. rn. Vitiillllll lllvnrH. Mimilay, (Iickiiii City, IMvtimuiu! olncMiiiy Wh IjiiiiIIiii?.i tlMny. U'ave Itlparla tiilly, .1 HI ii. in. Hmiloi Klvur. Itlparla to Unvliton. I.envo 1;hIiIoii ilally, i ii. m, 1'nrtieH .lestrlm: to rn to lleminer or iHjiilt nn Cnlitiillila Hniitliurti via IIIkki, nliouM i take Jwi. leiiviiiu 'I lie Dalles at l'j.i'i p. m. makliiK illrn't coiiiiectiniiN at lleppncr Junction i nnil IIIkk. ItettirnliiK iiiakliiKilirwieniiiiectlon ai iiepimer lunetlim anil iiikkn with iNu, rlvniK at The Dulles n t:U5 p. in. 1'iir f ii r Hit! r particulars, eall nn or mlilresi JAH. IKKl.AN'll, Aui'iit, The Dalle, Olexeil. ft Complete of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings The time will hooii he hurt' when 'l-'rV hivUhIi dreHHi'd man will want an P't"f dale Spring Stilt. Thone are tin) ki'"" 0 patroiiH 1 am tailoring lor. 1 and look over mv SnriiiL' line of .SultiiJB8 ! All the latent novelticH for I'.mi. Suits to Ordor, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH 111 All ItH BtftJ-tM tllrO tlioiilil no clcaulluuta. Ely's Croim Balm clciumcs, iootlitH anil heali lliu illnuaiicil inviiilirana. 1 1 curtiM cAtirrh unit drives way a cold lit tUu bAil mm Creinn lluliii Ii pUccd Into the nM,Jll,' T. over tUo incmlirAiio and I Autorlwd. ,tc""-0l niedlito sud a euro followi. It U not MVS not jiroduco idvozIiik. HUe, 60 centi gliU or Iiy null ; Tritl HUo, 10 cnt hf mtii. U.V IHWTHEHS, 60 Warreu Wrti i