The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 19, 1901, Image 1

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    l)c Dalles
NO. 10G
'"ii itinmiiihtHMi. (lima. tin
AXfcficlable Prcpnralionror As
similating IticFoodandRcgula
Ung tlic Stomachs aiulBowcis or
Promotes Digcslion.Cheerfur
nuss andRcsl.Contains neither
Opiuni.Morphiue nor Mineral.
Ts'ot Hail c o tic .
Uotfitllt ,Ma -
JtyximiMl -
lit CatbatalrSotta
flanfitd SUmr
Wuktytrm rtmvr.
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipn
Ilon , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions Jcvcrish
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signnturc or
H.Y-Govenior of Michigan Passed Away
Last Night Ills Son Was at His
London, Juiih 18. Ex-Governor
Hnseti iS. Pingree of Michigan, died here
tonight lit 11 :;)5. 1 1 in koii was tint only
omt present at tho time. Tin. attending
doctors loft Mr. Pingreo'a bedside at
about 11 :IG, promising to return Klinrtly.
H. S. Pingree, .Jr., who had been watch
ing at his father's side for four duvn, and
who has not removed his clothes durint!
tho time, noticed a sudden change in his
fatlior'H condition. lie liad hardly
reached the patient's bedside when Ills
father diud puacufully without warning
and without speaking a word.
Young Pingree baa wired to his
niothor and his tniulo in tho Uiiitod
Statue not to comu to London. Tho body
of tho Into Mr. Pingree will bo embalmed
and takou to his homo.
Tho diagnosis made by London apeoial
iatH of tho cancerous affection of the
intestine, from which Mr. Pingree suf
fered, loft no hope for tho patient's
recovery. Toward tho oud of hia illness,
Mr. Pingree fuirorod great pain, and
weakened rapidly. Ho was unable to
retain iiouriHhmont. Hin mind, however,
remained fairly clear. During tho whole
of Tuoadtty lie was practically kopt alive
by injections of strychnine and drugs
administered to lesson his pain.
IYxiuik KiiukcxiI In a Alan Hunt.
CmoAdo, Juno 18. A Hpeoial to tho
Tribune fiom San Antonio, Tex., Bays:
Five hundred citizens of Southwest Texan
tiro engaged in a man hunt, a party of
Mexican outlaws being the quarry. A I-ro-idy
there lias been a tight between
Toxana and MoxicaiiH near Belmont, in
which one Mexican waa shot to death,
one was hanged and one wonuded. The
one was hanged in an effort to make him
divulge the whereabouta ol the loaders
of the band of Mexican outlawa.
The man hunt Is tho result of three
murders within the hint few clays. The
viotiniB were Sheriff Moms, of Kansas
county; Sheriff Robort M. Glover, of
Gonstales county, and Tony Suhnabol, a
wealthy ranchman. Large poBeos of
determined men headed by the sheriffs
of Travis, Haya, Bee, Falle, Bastrop,
Korr, Kendall, Starr, Atascoa and a
i5i. II tfiMMilll , . iiTiIifT, i Srff.ln,-,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
number of other counties aro out bunt
j ing for the murderers. In addition to
theeo numerous sheriffs' posses.a number
of citizens' posses have been organized
' and aro scouring t ho country for the
j fugitives. Mayor Emtnett White, of
Austin, ia also in the field with a largo
I poaae. Gov. SayerH today directed a
detachment of atate rangers to join in
the pursuit, and altogether there ore
over 600 men out aearching for the
Mexican murderers.
CrBv 111 of Nuurry; Scorpions on Dnuk.
Ni:w Yoick, Juno 18. A diapatch from
Philadelphia to tho Times says that the
trans-Atlantic steamship Crown Point,
'from Philrdelphia to London, fell in
with tho German bark Planet, lite decka
of which wore swarming with scorpions,
tho captain and crew of which were sick
itli scurvy, tho firat officer dead and
tho second ollicer too ill to take part in
the navigation of tho vessel. This was
May Mill, in latitude -10 U5, longitude
Hi III). Second Odicer Bryant, of the
Crown Point, was put in charge of tho
atrickon bark, and wor ed her into
Quoonatown Harbor May 2Sth. Captain
Buskenueth, of the Planet, waa atrickeu
May 12th with ectirvy. Ho waa oueon
HL'ioua when tho Crown Point fell in with
the bark. He did not regain conBeioua
nesa, and died before tho bark reached
Queenstown. The aeeoud ollicer died
rultrnt Hut nf luiiRr.
Washington, June 18. Drs. Johnston
and Uixey held a consultation at tbe
White House this forenoon, at tho con
clusion ot which Dr. Johnston pro
nounced Mrs. McKinloy out. of danger
and convalescing. Ho said there may,
of course, bo a recurrence of her trouble,
hut for the present tho danger is past.
Dr. Johnston aaid that the blood
all'ection had disappeared entirely. Dr.
Uixey, although evidently euoouract'd
hv tlie improvement in Mra. McKmley'y
condition, waa aoinewhat more conaorva
live in his statement than Dr. Johnston,
lie thought it scarcely safe to say that
she is entiioly out of dani'or, as her
condition ia satisfactory, her improve
ment being atoady.
It is expected that the President and
Mrs. McKinley will bo able to leave for
Canton by July 1st.
Moki Tea positively euros Sick Head
ache, indigestion and conatipatlou. A
delightful borb drink. Uomovoa all
eruptions of the akin, producing a perfect
complexion, or money reiunaeu. so cm
mid DO cte. Bhikeloy, the drugglet.
ft Jf- In
f Use
Condition of Affairs Alleged to Exist in
Washington Tacoraa Attorneys
Declare That in Repealing the
Hands Law the Legislature Has
Made a Bad Matter Worse.
Tacoma, June 18. There are leading
attorneys of Tacoma who declare that
the Btate is now in a worse condition in
the matter of its capital punishment law
than it was before the special session of
the legislature. They go to the extreme
of declaring that no ciininal who is
guilty of murder during the three months
following Juno 12th, or until the new
capital pnuishment law enactsd by the
special session becomes operative, can
be hanged, and incidentally they assort
it will be safe to murder during that
period, so far as tho state statutes are
able to inflict punishment.
In brief, their contention is:
1. Tho Ramls law passed by the
regular session of the legislature repeal
ing the capital punishment law. ,
2. The constitution of the state pro
vides that law shall go into effect, ninety
days after the date of adjournment of
the session at which the law was passed.
li. Juno 12th, the date of the repeal
of the Rand law by the special session,
was ninety days after the date of the ad
journment of the regular session, March
M, which passe 1 the law.
4. The KandB law became effective at
midnight Juno 11th, replacing tbe old
capital punishment law, and it becoming
the capital punishment law, of the Btate
until the afternoon ot June l'Jtb, when
it was repealed by the special session
and a new law passed.
5, The new law provides that the old
capital punishment law, which had been
eliminated from the statutes of Wash
ington a few houra before by the repeal
ing force of the Rands law, Bhould be
the capital punishment law of tho state
until the new law became operative
ninety days after the date of the ad
journment of the special session.
G. Criminals cannot be executed
under the old law, because it does not
exist, and as this is the only recourse
mentioned for punishment of murderers
and for the murders which may bo com
mitted during the three months follow
ing the ndj mrnment of the special
pession, according to the saving clause
in the new law, murderers will have im
munity from punishment, unless they
meet their end at the hands of mob
llluuk Horn in Dj-lug.
Pendlkion, Or., June 18. Black Horn
is dying from the effects of two wounds
received during a chase Saturday night
after Chief of Indian Police Brisbow had
attempted to arrest him and John Some
thing, and they had attacked Brisbow
with murderous iutent with knife and
The two made their escape to the
mountains, leaving Brisbnw lying uncon
scious with his head battered into a
jelly. Joe Parr and Jack, another police-
mail, iired upon the desperadoes under,
ordera from BriBbow, the chief. At the
time it waa thought none of the 6hot8
tood effect, both Indiana getting away
on cay uses into the mountains.
The report came yesterday that Black
Horn hail been shot while resisting ar
rest by the pursuing band. The fact is
Black Horn was found in a canyon
wounded unto death, with a bullet hole
in his riht aide and another in tho thigh.
He is not expected to live through the
Partisans of Black Horn and Some.
thing, the Yakima, now rush to their
defense, and allege that Brisbow was not
conducting himself as an officer should ;
that the shootiug was duo to hia indis
cretion in enraging tho two Indians bv
arrogance and insults. If Black Horn
dies, t':o serious question of murder will
be raised, and the chief mav face a court
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets aro Bold on
nositivo guarantee. Curoa heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. 25 cts.
I and 50 cte. Blakeley, the druggist.
Wait for our
Great Remnant Sale
of . . .
Next Saturday.
will appear
New Straw Hats
Catarrli Cauuot lie Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrli
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it vou must take inter
nal remedies. Hali's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country tor years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best, tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tho two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drruggists, price 7fic.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
WliHt'x Your Face Worth?
Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you
have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced
look, moth patches and blotches on the
skin,-all signs of Liver Trouble. But
Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear
Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complexion.
Only 25 cents at G. C. Blakeley's Drug
Store. 6
For Sale.
A stylish black driving horse, very
gentle. Also a nearly new open buggy,
harness, blankets, etc. Very cheap.
Address, W. R. Rockwell,
m27d2w.w3 Dufur, Ore.
lob Couldn't llavi) Stood It,
If he'd had Itching Piles. They're
terribly annoying; butBucklen's Arnica
Salve will cure the worst case of piles on
earth. It has cured thousands. For In
juries, Pains or Bodily Eruptions it's
the best salve in the world. Price 25c
a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by G, C.
Blakeley, the druggist. 0
"The Doctors told ine my ccuyh was
incurable One Minute Cough Cure made
mo a well man." Norria Silver, North
Stratford, N. II. Because you've not
found relief for a stubborn cough, don't
despair. One Minute Cough Cure has
cured thousands and it will cure you.
Safe and sure. Clarke & Falk's P. O.
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cougli at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
rotnnded, 25 cte. and 50 cte. Blakeley
t druggist,
Clarke & Falk'e flavoring extracts are
the beet. Ask your gr cer for them.
Wo will continue to ivo extra values in Men's
Trousers during this entire week. Saturday's rush greatly ex
ceeded our expectations and every customer was greatly pleased
with our assortment at these special prices,
$1.50 ad $2.95
An Old - Fashioned Celebration.
Music by the Band and Glee Club !
Reading of The Declaration of Independence.
G-RAND PARADE Patriotic, Military and Civic.
Log Rolling Contest $100.00 in Prices.
Greased Pole, Wheelbarrow Race, Etc., Etc., with
Liberal Prizes to Winners.
BICYCLE PARADE with Cash Prizes for the
Handsomest Exhibits.
$700.00 Display
Baseball Game-Dalles vs. Hood River
Cool groves and romantic hills and dells for tho lovers
of nature.
Heduced rates by railroad and boats.
Come everybody, and bring tho children.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
will be as popular as
ever in Men's Suits
this summer.
It is cool, com
fortable fabric to
wear and ours be
ing made right, are
very dressy.
Coats and trousers
New Straw HatP