The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 18, 1901, Image 4

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    Asthma's Clutch
Tlio Millorer from Asllitnn is constantly
wliceziii;, paspini;, hacking and clearing
tin1 throat. When a sdortn approaches,
when there is n cloud of dint, when
a room is bcliiR swept,
lats only a
loli Couldn't llavx Htiioil It.
If he'd hud Itching Tiles. They're
terribly nnnoyini:; but Hneklen'a Arnica
Salve will euro the worst case of pili'H on
earth. It has cured thouiinil. For ln
inrtna Pilltia fir lliltttlv tOrll ittlittitt ft
the heat salve in the world. Price
or when there is a nail i (l box.
otior, urcatmiif: ne
1'otnc.i most dltllcult.
Often it .-ecins as
though .someone was
elutehinf the
sufferer by
t he t It v out
with a terri
blegrasp.The choking sen
sation is al
mcst unbear
a i) 1 e. T h e
trouble Mime-
Cure minranteed. Sold by G
Hlakeley, the drimuipt.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon tor
the County of W.nco.
W. Inlr Hilt, rialntilV.
licorge Gntdncr, Dci'omlnnt.
lly ittue of nn exccutlou'lssucd out of the
above cntlt'ed court iu the above cause, itntcil
May 11. 1001, uiui to tnc illtcctcil, upon n luile-
meat rciHlcif.l anil entered tu .vnia court anil
VMIIIIV.'UItU- . . .,., , ... ....
fitv in iiihm Mini .n-.iin ' 1 " " " " Mini.-, ioji, iii invor hi
lew minutes ami again w i.i.tMii tin,m-,.n.i ,,.ii,, i:..,-..,:.,,-,i
iiailgS Oil IOr IlKlll.Y U.l)9. -IUU1U IS lllll, uim
safe thin? to do, and that is take Acker's
English Ucmcdy for Throat and Lung Trou
bles. Juh wnat this medicine accomplices
is shown by the following letter from Mr. N.
1 1 . Andrews, a prominent resident of Spring
Held, Ohio, who writes :
" U'. II. Hooker d- (!., AVic York :
'Gentlemen. 1 1 affords mo a great pleasure
nor. ilefciulniit. for SOT ;!.', with intcret thereon
at the late of cig'it jer cent er milium from tlio
snhl l'Jtli o.iy of June, l.VU. 1 did, on the ltitli
day of May. t.K)l, after 1 ln.d wade itllisont
search for and hud been nimble tosuitlsfv the any part thereof, out of the
personal property of m!d delendant, levy uium
as the property of said defendant, the following
lands situated In said county, to-wit:
lieclnnlui; at a point on the Columbia river
twenty feet below the mouth of Ilcrtriiu creek
and on the fractional northeast quarter of r-cc-
Vll.ll t 111,11. 1 . IV..tull. - ............. ....... ...
, .I..,, i i. ...... -..s...wi ,,.. tlon six, township two north, range eielit east
lu"?. r-"" 1 iuu.i i I I thence southerly up said creek and tweiitv feet
mediate and permanent relief from throat, Wcst thereof with the meanders ami banks
bronchial and asthmatic, troubles bv using thereof to the south lino of svetion six- tlu-net
Vi'L-or' Viii'Hsh RimiiihIv tikrn strictlv ac- ' we,t "long said line to lie,' half-mile post
Ackers i.niisn iuniui. takcti stricuj ac thoncc norlh through middle of section six to
corning to direction u, is a uiessiug iu . til0 Columbia river; thence easterly up the Co
The People's National Family Newspaper
To till old ntiil now subscribers paying one year in advance wis oiler
Tri-Weokly Tribune and Sorni-Weokly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weokly Chronicle for $1.50.
Published Monday,
Wednesday and Fri
day, Is In reality a lino
and fresh evcry-otlier-duy
Dally, giving the
latest news on days of
Issue, a ii il covering
news of the other :;.
It contains alt Impor
tant foreign cable
news which appears
in the Pally Tribune
of same date, also do
mcstle and foreign
correspondence, short
stories, elegant half
tone Illustrations, hu
morous Items, iiiduv
trlal information,
fashion notes, agricul
tural matters, and
comprehensive and re
liable lliiauclal and
market reports.
Sold a t C5c.. We. and Jin bottle, throughout tlio fulled
statu ami Canada; and in Kngland, at Is. I'd.. Is. rid., i
4S.CM. If youare not SAllslleil alter buyins, return ilia
bottle to your urussist ami get your money tuck.
IIV anlhorizt Hie aboiv guarantre.
H'. . UU0KJ:J: A- CO., 1'rcprutort, Xm Voii-
For sain at Ulakelev's I'liarniiicv.
pi nee of beginning, and belli:
of (the southeast quarter ami noriliemt
Ideal l'lace for
The Miinnif
TesiehBrx to Spend
r Jlmiths.
Several college presidents and other
leading educators throughout the state
havo organized a seaside eumnier school
at Newport, oti the Eastern plan, com
bining recreation and culture for educa
tors during the vacation teason. This
appeals to the public because it will be
effectual in improving the schools and
tha teachers, who will be ultimately re
warded for their efficiency. There will
be several courses of study offered cheap
enough for anybody and good enough for
Accommodations the very best can be
secured at surprisingly low prices. Fa
cilities for camping aro all that could be
desired. A number of our teachers are
arranging to take advantage of this
splend.d opportunity, and any others
who tiny desire to do so may obtain all
information necessary by calling on Miss
Micheli, who was thoroughly informed
regarding the matter by Prof. J. IL Hor
ner, who was in the cay yesterday in
tho interest of the (school, which com
niences July 17th, eontinuinc until Au
gust 14h. Mr. Horner called at Tiik
Ciikonicle office anil handed us the fol
lowing program for the lecture course
commencing August 2d and lasting ten
davs :
Physical Culture-Prof. Robert Krohn, of Port
land. ieclal classes, for business men, teach
ers, women and children.
C'ollese of Music Doctor Z. M. Purvin, Salem.
ormal Course Prof. Frank Itigler, of Portland
Painting and Drawing V. 11. Hollins, of Koiton
Eteuozriphy In .Six Weeks Prof. Henry Sheab,
of 1'UIlumuth.
Amateur Photography Under competent In
structors. Elocution and Oratory Miss Grace Holmes.
Hrtneipal liolraej College of Oratory, Portland
Course in General Histny President W. U
Ilawley, of Willamette University, Salem.
Germun Prof. Itcrnays, of Albany College.
Uible Study Under the direction of eminent
divines. Free.
Other chutes have been provided for.
Excursions and seaside attractions
evory afternoon.
Hoard $3.50 per week to $2 per day.
Special railway rates will be offered,
Save Two Ft out Death.
"Our little daughter had an almost fa
tal attack of whooping cough and bron
chitis," writes Mrs. V. K. Haviland, of
Aruionk, N. Y., "but, when all other
remedies failed, we eaved her life with
Dr. Kiui;'e New Diecovery. Our niece,
who had Consumption iu an advanced
stage, aleo used this wonderful medicine
and to-day she is perfectly well." Des
perate throat and lung diseassB yield to
Dr. King's New Diecovery as to no other
medicine on earth. Infallible foi Coughs
and Colds. 50c and $1.00 bottles guar
anteed bv G. C. Hlakeley, the druggist.
Trial bottles free. 0
lumbia river
quarter of section six. township two north.
ranee cli ht eat, W. M containing 1 1!) Sr, uxi
acres. Also that piece or paicel of laml kiown
a the souin na:i donation taiiti claim ot it, (,,
Atwell and Mary Juno Atwcll, his wife, Notifi
cation o. toil, and being p.irtof sections one
and twelve, In townshiti two north of ranite
seven east, and part of sections six mid seven,
township two north of range eight east, and
containing eighty acres of laud.
And 1 will, on Sntti'day, the tilth day of July,
I HKU, at the hour of U o'clock p. in., at the front
door of tho county court house of said county,
I in Dalles City, Oregon, sell at public auction,
i subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for
: gold coin ca-h in hand, the above described
lands to satisfy the said judgment, interest,
costs and dlsbuisenients and accruing costs.
Dated Dalles City, Or., .Iiinelj, moi.
UOll- in KKIXY,
junt-'i Slier!!!' of Wasco County.
tlon ptlce,
I..VJ per
We furnish II with
Semi Weekly Chroni
cle for ?i(X) per ear.
Published nuThttrs
day, nail known for
nearly sixty years Iu
eery part of the Till
ted States as a nation
al family newspaper
of the highest class,
for farmers and villa
geis. It contains .ill
the most Important
geneial news of the
Dallv Tribune up lo
the hour of going lo
press: an agricultural
department id the
highest older, has en
tertaliiing leading for
cverv member ot the
f.imlly. old mid youiu.
market reports which
ale accepted as until
otlty by f.irmeis and
mercuaiit.s, and Is
clean, up to d ite, in
'eiestlng and Instruc
tive. liegular snlwrlp'
tlon price, $1 per jear.
We furnish It with
,SenilAVvkly Clironl
clc for ?I..M per year
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
V. S. Laml OlHce, Vancouver, Wash., ;
May iiwi. s
Notice is hereby given that tti comi'iance
wllh the provisions of the net of Congress of
June S, 1S76, entitled "An act for the sale of tim
bjr lands In the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," astoxtended
to all the public land states by act of August I.
Isoj, Krunk Stewart, of Lone Itock. countv of
Ullliain, State of Oregon, has this day tiled in
this oatce his sworn statement No 231.', for the
urehase of the NN H of ice is in Tp No I N, It
l.i h. w. M.. and will otter nroof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for Its
timber or stone than for agricultural nuriioses.
and to establish bis claim to said laud before
the Keglster and Itccelver ol this olheo at Van
couver, W ash., on Wednesday, tlio 11th day of
August, 1901.
Ho names as witnesses: Homer V. Wood
worth, (iodfrcy I. Smith, It. !. Kobeitsoa and
Hany M. Ilarrett, all of Portland, Or.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to Hie their
claims in this oflice on or before said llth dnv
of Auaust, 1901.
junl lOt W. n. Dt'NHAR, Keglster.
Black - Hight
make the He:i?on
of MJ01 at r.ak'hV J'.ani,
Why not spend the vacation at Ya
quina bay, where can be had excellent
fare, uood fishing, good boating, safe
batlnnu, alluring rides and rambles,
The courses and exercises at the summer
school of 1001 at Newport will afford
great variety of instructions, diversion
and entertainment. No other resort
offers equal attractions and like advan
tages. junll-tf
"The Doctors told me my cough was
incurable One Minute Cough Cure made
me a well man," Norris Silver, North
Stratford, N. H. Because you've not
found relief for a stubborn cough, don't
despair. One Minute Cough Cure has
cured thousands and it will cure you.
Safe and sure. Clarke & Falk'e I', O.
Acker's English Remedy will stop a
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
refunded. 25 cts. and 50 etc Hlakeley
the druggist.
hand Vancouver. Wash.,
May l.J, 1301.
Notire Is hereby given that the following
named serlem have tiled notice ot intention to
make ilual proof in support t their claims, and
that said proofs will be made before W. Ii. i'res
by, I'.S. Commissioner for District of Washing
ton, at Gohleiida'e, Washington, on Saturday,
Jmieirjlh, HOI, viz
Clinrlos WicKt.TSliain,
of T.ylc P. O., Washington, who made II. J-;. No.
'MM for tho southwest quarter of ccc. 1C, Tp. a
N.. It. 1J i;., W. M.
Who namt-8 tho following witnesses to prnvi
his continuous residence up:n aud cultivation
of said land, vU:
Cornelius Hall, Thomas M. Whitcomb, Albert
T. Higby and James O I.yle, all of Klickitat
P. O., Washington.
Cornelius Hall,
of I.vlo V. O., Washington, who iiue'c H. K. No.
lJ,0.Vi for the s(Mithvast ouaiter of Sec. 10, Tp. .'!
N.. It. l'J K., W. M.
Who names the following wltnetses to prove
his contliiuouR residence upon and cultivation
of said laud, viz:
Charles W icuersham, Thomas M Whitcomb,
Klls Ii. Ilewett and James u. I.yle, all of I.yle !'.
O., Washington.
ml.rj W. It. DUNDAli, ItegMer.
Notice of Guardian's Sale.
Notice Is heriby given lhat under and by vlr
tueof an order and license of sale, dulv muiK- by
the County f'ourt of Wasco t'onnty, .State of
Oregon, on tho lioth day of April, V.U Die un
dersigned, guardian of Mariaiiuu hacuy and
Hugh VI viiin hnce, minor wards, wilt, from
and after the I7tn day of June, l'.KJl, at private
sale. In the manner prescribed bj Jaw kir the
sale of real property by executors ami adminis
trators, sell the following described real prop
erty, belonging to sall minor wards, to-wit:
The SKK of see Jt, In Tp 2 N, it 11 K. W. M.
hald sale will b' made upon the premises and
to the highest bidder for cash.
Guardian of M mlanim lacey and Hugh Vivian
J.acey, minor wards. mil
General Mill Work.
Hansen & Thomsen
Manufacturers and Dealers iu
Sash and Doors, Rustic, Flooring,
Pino Lumber, Mouldings, Etc.
.. .Of All Kinds .
Third Street. The Dalles, Oregon.
BLACK NIGHT is u black Jack, foaled Juno 17, 1001 ; bred by J. V.
Stevens, Howard county, Mo. Sired by Black Dan the Third, a jack 10 hands
high, and a No. 1 foal-getter: ho by Black as iyht the Second, and ho by Duncan's
Black Dan.un imported jack from Kentucky. Blnck Night's ilnin, Gray Jennett,
sireil by Compromise; he by Hickman' Compromise; hit) dam by iMcKiim't)
Washington ; 2d dam by Napoleon, .'id dam by Black Dan.
TERMS: To insure, $15.00; by eeatori, $10.00. Cure will be taken to
prevent accidentt: ; but we will assume no responsibility. Money due when main
is known to be in foal.
J. E.
"Tne uwL"
Purest Liquors for Family Use 3
Polivorud to any part of llio City.
I'lionem fil Local,
868 I.oni: Dimitiit'.e.
173 Second Street. 1
Of thu product of thin vvell-kiioHii browiiry tho United Slates Health
UiiporlH for June US. 11)00, cayH : "A more Htiputior brew never-entered
the labratory of thu United Hlatea Health roportH. It ih ubsoluiely ilovolil
of tlio Hliuhtest trace of iidiillurution, but on the other hand Ih composed of
the beat of malt and choicest of hup. ItH tonic qualities are of the hieh.
est and It can bo used with the greatest bunetlt and HaliNfaciiun by old n,Mj
youim. Its use can eonsoiimtioiiHly lm preHiniliuil by the physicians with
tho cereuintv that a bottur, purer ir iiioro wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
...Blaoksmitlt, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
-ni;.i.i;ii is-
Iron, Steel. Whoels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Acent (or ItiiMioll .V Co. - I-.iikIik's, 'I'lireihers mill haw Mills.
Telephone 157.
Lon Distance I07.'l.
Cor, Second & LanEbltn Sis, THE DALLES, OR,
C. 1. BALCII, Manager.
& JOHNSTON, Owners,
Chicken Lice Conqnsred.
Carbolineum : Avonarius.
Tlio most efliclutit Wool 1'renervliiB
1'Hiut xUo u Ituiuety uKuintt
Chicken Uco. Its iiiilieatfou to In
ildo walls of poultry iiouHex will per
uiHiiently exUrnaluiito all lice. He
mils healtliv elilckeiiB, jaeuty ol
eifKH. IV tlte for circulurn uiid ptlcvu.
Mention IIiIh pujay,
Jos. T, Peters & Co.,
NO TICK i'Oll i'Ulil.ICATlON.
LawdOffick at Tjik Dali.ks, Or.,)
May '.'7, I
Notii'e it hereby ttlven that the followii n
liamtfl settler Jihm llleil uotiee ol hit liiteutton
to make final proof le Mipportol hl elnlin, ntut
that said proof will bo ramie before tlio l(tvf
lerund Itccelver at The Ii.illes, Oregon on Men
(lay, Julys, VM, vi.
Allxtrt AV. Tiinior,
of The. JJiilles, OreKon, U. K. No. I'll.; for llu
HK' see. 10, T. 1 K., It. 11 K., W. M.
He mimes the following v ltiieHos to prove
his eontiiiuuii'" lesidence upon and cilltl vatico
of Mid land, vl. :
ChiirleN fiosnjii. Clnirles iulth, Waller J-eott
mat Isiuie C. Matney, alloi The UuIIl", uieKnii
raityi'J JAY r. I.IJ(;.,Heclter.
NOTICE KOU I'UliLICATlON. Offick at Tiik Dali.ks, mm.,)
Jiay ii, iwji. s
Iioticc !s hereby Kiven that the lollowlne- ;
Uiuiied ccttlur liliil nollee of Ills Inteu ,
tlon to inn ko Una! proof in i-iipiwirt of his
cl-dm, and tmit niht proif will be iiimle Ir--
lore toe remtvr mid reeeler in ine iMiie.
Oregon, on buturday, June l'juj, viz.
Prank ItolMTt, '
of Mosler, Oregon, II. I.. No. 77j, for tin HW1 , (
ec. :).', -l . i K. Vl J'. w, Jl.
Ho iiMines tuo followluu wlt'ieiiei to prove ,
lilHCOtitinuoiiH residence upon, and eilltlvatlou
of hald land vl. .
I). .1. Koberth, Sidney Ilriairs, John l.eiiiliu,'er,
Calvin Iliiulireii. all of Mo-Ilt. Orcein.
JAY V. i.iii;ak, 1
ml", lto!iicr. j
KTATI; OF OllKOOS, TltnASUKV Dlil'l'., I
.lkm, June j, Jtiat. i
Notice I hereby kIvuii thut there iim; now
funds In the treasury with which to ludcciu all
oiitsUndluK sUitu warrantH drawn on tliujieii
cml fund mid endorsed "Presented and not p lid
for want of funds," prior to this dutc; also to
imv all wairimts drawn on the Hthle Hcnlp
bounty Kiltul, and endorsed 'I'rcHeuteil mid not
pall lor want ot funds," prior to May I, UHM,
ami all such warrants, properly endorsed, will
be iald upon presentation at thin ollice, Interest
thereon ceadiiK froia'aml after this date.
;iiAi',i.ics h. mooki:,
Jun.VJtw Hutu Treisnrer.
Ijind Ollice at Viincoiiver, Washington,
May l;l. lmil.
Notice is hereby itlven that the following
nuined settler has II led notice of his Intention to
make final proof iu snpi ort of IiIh claim, and
thut N'llil profit will be iiuide beforo the Keithter
mid Itecclver of the U. H. Land Ollice at Vmii
coiiver, Wuslilnnton, on Monday, June 'Jl, I'.)),
Alfred I'uitcal,
of I.vlo postolllce, WiikIi., who made II, K. No.
I (;,'.' H'., for the southeast fpnirter of northwest
iiarter, boiUIi half of southwest quarter, and
'northeast quarter of Houtliweat (piurter of see
tlon ISJ, tosvuithlp I noith, riiiiitu l'J east, W. M.
lie uair'CH the following witnessoM U, prove Ills
continuous rcblflcnce uiu ami cultivation of
said land, viz:
Joseph tjllva, John Hpltzenbcri;cr, .lames V.l
lard i.nd frank Kcynolds, all ol I.yle l'. O..
liU5 W. It. DUNIIAIt.lteirlsler.
Notice of Final Settlement
Tho liiiftersliruiHl havlmr llleil his fluid ne
eount as udmlnlHlrator of thu citato of (,'liailes
(irodt, OeeciuuiJ, the County Court of Wasco
County, Orenon, b an order lnado auileutercfl
May 'Jl, It'll, Iimh npoliiU'd Monday, July I,
IDOi , at the hour of 'i p. in. of suld flay, as thu
time uiid the county court room In Uulkn city,
Wiihco County, Oreiron, nn thu place fur llio
heariiur of nuiil llnul account ami ol any objeo
Hons thereto, If any there be. All K;rsons In
ter cited iu Mill citato aro hereby uotllleU to
II. u any obJecllotiH thuv uiay have to Halt! ac
count on or beforo said lant-itumcd date.
Dated May VI, l XII.
Ailmliiliitrutor of the Kutate ol tliirlva Uroflt,
DtvcsswJ. Iiiayifi
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
loartificially diRcats the food and nitlu
Nattiro iu Htrcnthutiiug and recon
structing tho exhausted dlKostivc or
gans. It Isttic latestdiscovcreddiKcst
I ant and tonic. STo other preparation
i can approach It in etllcicticy. It in
! stantly rellevesaud permanently cures
i Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
: Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, GastralKia.Crnnipsarid
all other results of imperfect digestion.
1'rlcoEOc. andfl. LnrgoslzocontninsBM times
small slzu. JiookaUr.tKmtfiy.speiislauiiiiieilfreo
, --epared by C C. Dc'ITT ft CO., Crjleaaa
I Hold by Clurko it Knlk'n 1'. 0 I'n urmiiuy
Just Received
A full lino of Fruflh 1'riutinn ntid l)e-
vulupiii(r 1'apnrH direct fiom fuutory.
Molitj, lcx, Doko, ruk.v
and Arislo in all si.os.
Alan ii linn of Platen in Cramer,
Crown, fjeede anil fitunloy.
Tniyfj, rrinting -Framos,
AlhuniB, lMultigraphs,
And all nccueoneH to couiploto tb'.:
outfit of oitber tlio utnsttuiir or pro
fcriRional pboto(;raplior.
Cur Kureka Combined Tonini; anil
KixiiiK Ibttb is it dantly. Try it.
Thu A. K. C. Doveloper for plutee,
fl I in h or (lvolopimt papeiH ban no etiunl.
Knoiutb forilOf to developed dozen nlatea
or II doison Velox 4xf. J'orfeot blacks
and whituH aru yimranteeil, if direction
aro followed. Auk for tho A. K. C. De
veloper, and eeu that you et the
Wo are prepared to compound any and
all of your own formula; anil mmrunteo
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pll kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, iuxD
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOU lOUr 'Niifl Flour ih iimnufiictunMl i;xpn?(ey for family
iiuii, uiui i niu r in filial tuiici-w in y,i tjituaittvui
We sell our noodn lowur tban any liouiii; in the trade, and If you don't think
j call and uot our pricea aud be convinced.
! Highest Prices Paid for Wlioa.t. Bcirley and Oats
At the old place,
Tbo DalleH.Oreuon.
175 fseconil iStreot,
Geo. C. Blakeley.
gte! ilLLu
."." w" "III nidi rnnin Ir
W BVMiUUrUfgllt, UfJ u .
ken. To tun.
rul' line for
I C. J. STUBlilflG,
Wllfll.liH M.i: .'.Nil llliTAM,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to I'irHt National Hank.
i.'iiiiiioi, riniiix i
i.fini: nut. loiM.
HT x"L Tl "C SOUTH and EAST via
iiifflP lit mm mm
Yellowstone Park Line.
I Union Depot. Fittbana I sts
11:13 A.M.
No, 1.
11 ;30 P.M.
Ktwt mull for Tiieoiim,
Keuttle, Oiyiiiln, liruy'N
Umljor uiui Hiiutli Hi-nil
liulllU, Hinkiiiif:, ItosH
liiuil, II, ;., I'uIIiiihii,
Moseoiv, biwlnloii, Huf
riilolluiipiiilnliiKeoiiii try, lleltuii, Mlniieapo.
IIn, HI, I'm II I , Oiiuiliii,
Kunnis ;iiy, HI. Uiiiu,
UlileiiKfi mill nil poluiH
eut unit Miullit'uit.
: I'uirut hfiunil Kxprexs
lor Tiicoiiiit mill Honttlu
unit Interiiuilliitu pointH
BJ60 r, M.
No. 8.
7;00 A. M.
I'lillimui flrnt-cluNH mm tourUt HleoK.-rH to
MlnneMiMillH, Ht. Paul unit MUnourl rlvor point
wltliout elmiiKc
VoHtlliulwi triiliiH. Union ilepot cnniiectloiu
Iu ull principal citum,
JIhkkhko (ilieekiil to ileitlimtlon of tloketx,
Kor iiiiuilKfiiiiely llliiHtiuteilfluHorlptlveiimtter,
wrlto HloJ,,"K'c"r fuviitou, 9to Cttu ou or
AHaUtHiit fiunurnl I'awwiiRsr AKont. 2U Morrl
doii Htteet, corner Third, I'ortliind Oregon.
Shasta Route
TriiliiK leuve Tlio KhIIuk fur I'tirlliliid ud
ntntleiiM lit l;i ii. m. mill :i p. in.
U'ttvo Portland m:tnm
" Albany ij:Wnm
Arrive AnIiIiiihI UiiClnm
" Hiieramifuto ruwipw
" rian Krauelheo 7!i)'
Arrive (k1ihi
" Denver ,
" KiuiNiiMClty.
" Clilcuifii .....
Arrive Um AiiKOlen
Kl Patifi
Kurt Worth.
" lllty of Mexico
ft. IS a W
j:iki a in
7 :'." li i
7 l.i a m
I "jo m
HoiWin !'' J"
New Orleaim .. ,i
Wm.hli.Ktou ''Hum
New York IJ.UI""
. .h trtldl
I'lillmnn mill TnurUt ear ini El1
OhalrearH Haoramento to ;ltl" X 0''
mill Iniirlnf ! ti I'hlcuiIO. Ht l"""
mid toiirlwt earn to Chleaxt),
lealiK nun waniilUKtou
VOIlllVlIIIIK Ul OBII r I Hi" . -, n
HU'Hinslilp ITiUMi for Hoiinliii .
I'liUlppliiOH, Ceutroi nud boutli Amu
Hvo Hgeut t Tbo Dttlltw Ntatlon, or '