PEMSE & MAYS. All Goods Marked In Plain Figures. kt Summer Heats Come flom and lot it. bo over so trying, you will find the storo cool and eomfortable to shop in, you will also find a multitude ol summer comforts and necessaries at prices that will make your visit both a pleasant and profitable one. : : : : Linen Fabrics for Shirt Waists and Dresses. Tlio lot covers everything in the house in thiB linn, from tliti plain linen ekirting to tho firm lappet stripe linen batiste. Goods running in value from lljo to .'10c, Sale price, 10c per yd. Extraordinary Values in Duck and Pique Skirts. Tho huuhoii Iiiih not opened on these goods ytit, unil horn we arts making prices we have hereto fori: inatli) in Augnst. Thi'Htoi:k is divided into!! lotH. Regular 75c and $1.00 Skirts, SALE PRICE, 58c Regular $2 and $2.25 Skirts, SALE PRICE, $1.25 Regular $3 to $6 Skirts, SALE PRICE, $2.93 One More Reduction for this week only. All the odds and ends of WASH FABRICS in Organdies, Dimities and Fancy Cotton CJoods. In the lot will 1)0 recognized 20c, 25c and oOc sellers. Price for this week, 5c pep When in tho storo look at our 5e Summer Vests rhoy are hot weather gar- fur ladies, ments. Mn: L - wrmr i ! SPECIAL.... Im)orlod French Balbriggan, in )lain and fancy colors; per gar 50e See display in windows. Alpaca Coats $1 50 to $5 lilue Sorgo Coats, unlinod $3.00 to $7.00 Outing Suits coats and pants, $8, $10, $12 Monarch Negligee Shirts $1.25 to $2.00 Shawknit Hose 25c Arrow Brand Collars... 2 for 25c The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Stroot. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. The Dalles Daily Chronicle, 'JTKSDA Y ()- JUNE 18, 11101 G8 Ice Cream unci IceCroam Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All Vui!ii ('iiiuity wiirrimlH iticlHl tirml prior ti .Iiiiiiiurj- :i, IKIIK, will li) pulil on prtiHtintut Inn nt my olllito, Iiuirnt i'hunoh itftur.tlny 4, 11101. IOIIN I". IlAMl'.SIIIHK, Comity Tri'iiHiimr. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Menofeo A Parkins yiieturday Hold to I'uther Hronsgeest n iiiniiifiuutit Weber piano in fancy English oak, one of the bum make of upright pianoH in the nmrkot. Loo Steers, of Supine, Grant county, arrived at tho Wuseo wurohoneo yester day with a load of wool belonging to Alex. McIntuHli, of Grindstone. Mr. Steers will return with u load of mer chandise and supplies. Tho secretary of the interior linH atliruiud the decision of the general land oflioo, denying tho application of Will iam C. Caldwell for ru-payment of pur chase money paid by him on onfili entry for u quarter section tract in The Dulles laud diHtrict. Adjutant Murion Eviuih, junior Htall' cecretury of tho North Pacific Division of tho Salvation Army, will he with the local corpH tonight. Miss EvanH iH on her farewell tour of tho diviRion, having been nppoiutud J. H. socrotury for the Michigan chief dlviaion. Everybody is. cordially invited. Tho Boston HlooinorB duly arrived in town this morning, and their car is fiidetracked at the foot of Washington. Ah all tho business Iiouhuh agreed to close at 2 o'clock to give the employes a eliunco to see the base ball gamo Tin: goeH to press an hour and a half earlier than usual. Tho ladies of the Good Intent Society invite their friends to a miilenninmr "veiling's ontertalnineut and social in the biisement. of the M. E. church Fri- 1 u y night, A good entertainment is being prepared, as well aa an enjoyable dure. Tho basement in nlwaya cool, and the Indies will serve ice cream and cake. Go and onjoy yourself. One of the contests on the -lth of July at Albany will boa very latighuble swim ming match between eight or ten men. They will start In tights and swim to a r)(t, where they will put on stove pipe bats, swim back and put on their pants, cross again and put on their coats, then Win and get an umbrella, which thoy will raise and swim back with, tho man getting out first with his umbrella being these countries for three years atleast, tho winner. It will afl'ord an immense and in any event, but both came back sight of sport. j yesterday and they came to stay ; and if 0. L. Puquet, of Wapinitia, came to anybody Iiiih a nice little hofne he wants town yesterday with a bunch of twenty-1 to part with be might fiud a customer five head of yearling steers recently i by conferring with Mr. Morgan. The purchased on the Warm Spring reserva- j Ciiiionici.i: heartily welcomes Mr. and tion by Henry Phirman, for the Colum- j MrB. Morgan back to God's country, bia Packing Company. They cost about ' VVe have been sort of lonely since Seth $25 a head, which Bhows conclusively , went away. lie was about that your Warm Springs siwash knows with tolerable accuracy what a steer is worth. The fountain in front of the United Status land otlice should be attended to now that the warm days have come when a drink of water is peculiarly re freshing, especially to the dumb brutes. Tho fountain lias been for a long lime clogged up and utterly useless. In the several basins are little greenish colored liquid pools, from which even ttie thirsty dogs turn away. What is known as the big trestle on the Paul Mohr portage, a little above Big Eddy, not having been anchored to the ground when it was built, was float ed by the recent high water in the Co lumbia and fell over on its side, every bent of it being so moved save one. The trestle is (100 lent in length and about fifty feet in bight at the middle. It is believed that the timbers are badly wrecked and twisted. ""' A Gilliam county paper boasts of a resident ol that county who has a turkey gobbler that is hatching out a setting of turkev eggs, after having driven the; mother turkey from (he nest. That's' nothing. Endorsby, in this county, has a resident who owns a gobbler that iB hatching out a setting of hen's eggs, after having driven the hen from her nest. Tho Endersby man is Hill Hob ortson, and he has tho further distinc tion of raising liens that once in a while lay throe or four egga without drawing their breath. We copy tho following from the' Greeiishurg, Indiana, Standard, a paper, by tho way, that was established by M. Dounell's grandfather in 18:15 and is still owned and conducted by a rela tive of tho family: "J. P. Thompson received by express on Monday a Colum bia river salmon, forty-two inches long and weighing uh many pounds, It arrived in Hpleudid condition, packed in ice. This is no doubt tho first fresh (alinon ever 'landed' in Greonsburg the hist living representative of the populist party in this connty, and they, in their time, contributed so much to the gayety of this part of the political vineyard that we alwayB wanted Seth to eort of stay here for seed. Some time ago a well-known San FranciBco attorney, who prides himself upon bis haudling of Chinese witnesses, was defending a railway damage case. Inetead of following the usual questions aB to name, residence, if the nature of an oath were understood, etc., he began : "What is vour name?" "Kee Lunir." "Von live San Francisco?" "Yes." "You mibbie God?" "Mr. Attorney, if jyou mean do I understand the entity of our Creator, I will simply say that Thursday evening next I shall address the Statu Ministerial Association on the subject of the 'Divinity of Christ,' and .shall bo pleased to have you attend." Needless to say, a general roar of laugh--tor swept over the court room at this csleyer sally, and it was some miuutes, much to the discomfiture of the lawyer for the defense, before order was restored and the examination proceeded upon or dinary lines. Kiiivd ity VuiiiiiiiN. Liist. Sunday night, says the Fossil Journal, unknown vandals, to the num ber of ten or twelve, rode through a bund of sheep belonging to Shown Bros., which were camped near where Hock creek empties into Crooked river, in Crook county. As they lode, tho lawless gang fired about, a hundred shots into the sheep, killing" five and crippling manv others. The herder, It. E. Scott, was awakened by tho commotion and saw the men ride away. Prior to the shooting, a warning notice had been pinned on tho herder's tent. Tho Bheep were on government laud, many miles from tho so-culled forbidden ground of the Beaver creek settlers, and the outrage has aroused great indigna tion among the sheepmen of central nr is rt, . Wheeler county wno Ftfnimer their Bheep homo of thi j th(U villjultyt 'j', Hheepmen have direct irom me iuuiovih uome oi um'j,, tlllU vicinity. The sheepm salmon. It was a present irom a cousin, 0 int(,ntiQI1 Qf takim? their flni-kn hwhv there and are organizing to meet force, Martin Donuell, of The Dalles, Ore gon. It was divided and nine persons drew a piece each of the mammoth, toothsome fish." It has happened as I'm: Ciiuoxici.i: predicted. When Soth JVIorgan unci his good wife sold their comfortable home on Three Mile, with the intention of taking up their residence in the Sound country or in the Willamette valley, Tin; Ciuto.Nici.u told Seth that they couldn't hold him over there with a log chain. They were to try one or other of which thoy have n legal right to do. It is probable tho end of the ail'alr is not yet. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between John Howe and M. Currun, under the style of Howe & Carran, has been dissolved. M. Currun will con tinue the business at the old stand and nay all debts of the late firm, and col lect all accounts due Bald Arm, Dated June 12, 1901. 4t M. CUJtltAN. Indians Must Obey tlio !,:nc L. P. Quimbv, the game and forester warden of the state, lately viBited Wal lowa county for the purpose of endeavor ing to settle the controversy between the eettlers and the Indians over the question of the latter's practice of hunt ing and fishing out of season. To a Baker City reporter Mr. Quimby ex pressed the determination to put a stop to the practice. He had come to the conclusion that often the depredations of Indians were due to negligence or wilful disregard on the part of the agents on the reservations. For instance, he found in Southern Oregon that Indians outside of the reservation had a permit to get deer bides, although the season for deer was closed. This agent, who was in charge of the Warm Spring reser vation, bad no authority whatever to iseue such a permit, and merely mieled the Indians so that they went forth and violated the law, believing that they bad absolute authority to do so. Mr. Quimby states xhat this agent s in trouble over the occurrence, and that bo will make it a business in tho future to determine the attitude of agents wher ever Indians are found killing game. i. J . Furl)' Klecteil .Muynr. The city election of yesterday resulted in tho choice of G. J. Farley, independ ent candidate for mayor, over W. A. Johnston, the regular nominee, by a majority of 37. The only other contest was for coun cilman of tlio first ward, where ,F. W. I,. Skibbe ran against tiie regular nominee, J. M. Toomey, and notwithstanding that Mr. Toomey, when lie heard he was opposed, promptly announced his resignation, the people kept voting for him and he was elected by a majority of "0. The vote stood 98 for Toomey and 08 for Skibbe. The vote for mayor in the various wards was as follows: First ward JohnBton 107; Farloy 5. Johnston's Men's and Boys' Summer Underwear. Wo have just o oned the best line of Un derwear ever shown in tho city, and we aro selling these goods at tho lowest prices. Hoys' line ribbed, light weight, shirts Men's jersey ribbed, heavy, silver grey, and drawer?, per uurment. 25C Hoys' jersey ribbed, heavy, silver grer, shirts and drawers, per garment. . .2SC Men's bine mottled, light weight, shirts and drawers, per garment. . 25C Men's white, blue mprceri.ed silk stripe, ribbed, light weight, shirts and drawers, per garment 50C shirts and drawers, per unrment.. 48C Men's fancy striped, heavy ribbed, Bhirts and drawers, per garment. ..50C Men's irey mixed, merino, shirts and drawers, per garment 30C ecru, luce weave, aud drawers, per 50C Men's brown and light weight, shirtB garment DON'T OVERLOOK THESE BARGAINS. WINDMILLS i PUMPS and PIPE, arden Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. Jf yon are in need of an'thing in our line, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a REPAIR SHOP. prompt attention. PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE All orders entrusted to us will have SEXTON WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. I'KKSO.VAI. JUKNTION. Fred Lempke left on the noon tiain on a snort visit to an old friend in Sher man county. Mrs. C. E. Hagun, of Colfax, spent tho day in The Dalles, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Young. Miss Lillian Snell came down last night from Arlington and went back to day on the noon train. George A. Youn, of Bakeoven, who has been in the city for nearly a week, left for home on the noon train. Mrs. M. T. Nolan wont to Portland on this morning's boat, accompanied by her daughter, Alice, and Maggie McNeil. Frank Cram will leave here about tho first of the month for Lewiston, Idaho, where he has accepted a position in a largo store. IJ. F. Laughlin, Jud Fish aud T. J. Seufert returned this morning from it visit to their mining interests in the' Greenhorn district. . - J Misa I ,i In Iilakeney arrived home last evening from a few weeks visit with lelatives In J'ortlHiid, and was accompa nied by Miss Katherine Ciow, of Cali fornia. W. Lord was u passenger on tho noon train for Khaniko, Ho was accompanied by II, 11. .Miller, assistant general freight agent of the 0. It, & N., and M, Mac Conjtiodale, traveling freight agent of the sumo company. Mrs. C. Irwin, accompanied by her son and daughter, Clarence and Myrtle, left this morning for St. Martin's When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants something to give it life and vigor. We have what tlio hair needs when it gets In that con dition. We have ; tho Crown of Science II a i r dSt&sfeSjife Grower and Cocounut Cream Eszx&r Tonic. They will cure (land raiftn mil' and all scalp diseases. For Bale at Fruzer's bar ber shop. Price 50c and 7oc a bottle.. For rent Two furnished front rooms. Iuquiro of Mre. E. J. Sylvester, Third street. jlO-lw A full line of EiiBtman films and sup plies just received by Clarko & Falk. Dressed spring chickens at tho Stadel man Commission Cn.'s IM-tf Clark A Falk aro never closed Sunday. Don't forcet this. iLt ........ 1 1 1 t lt majority . aeconti waru-raricy lSi ; Snril)L,8. wwl0 ,mt)H Clarence will Johnston 84. Farley's majority -l.'i. receive benefit, bo lnivhiL' sud'ered for I eomu time with rheumatism. I j A surgical operation is not necessary to cure piles. DoWitt's Witch Hazel ' Salvo saves all that expense and never fails. Beware of counterfeits. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. The Kind You Have Always Bought i.ZZSiri Third wardFarley 111; Johnston 78. Farley's majority 110. Total majority for Farley 37. CASTORS A For jjilants and Children, Bears the Signature oi If anything uile your hair, go and see ! Fruzor; he's the headquarters for alii hair remedies. Remember that he ' ., ,,..!!... ,. . I....... 1 .1 I Wanted A position at any kind of honorable employment by u single man of 25 years of age and of steady habits, Apply to C. J. I'attpu. jl5 2t Subscribe for Thk Chuonici.k . delightful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, pioducing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts ' and 50 cte. Hlakeley, the drugget. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on u positive guarantee, Cures heart-burn, raising of the food, distress ufter eating, or uny form of dyspepsia. One little tablet glvee immediate relief, 25 cts. and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist, Clarke A Falk's Savoring extracts are the beet. Ask your tf x-er for them. BALDWIN OPERA HOUSE Monday Evening, June 24ih. Grand Free Phono-Stereo Entertainment mvuN n v Tin: Head Camp, W. of W. Under the Auspices of the Camps of tho Camps of tlio Pacific Jurisdiction. An evening with Perfected Woodcralt and with the liefal Musicians of the country. Children are debarred from attending, us the entertainment will be of no inter est to them. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long diatunce phono -133. Locul, 102.