l)eDnllco VOL. XIII THE DALLES. OREGON. TUESDAY. JUNE 18. 1901. NO. 105 t ' " ' i.nmitniTt itHXiit.i.tT iHhnTr.ijTihUMyi' ' 'umm III"! CASTOR 'H'lll ' HtrlilllliHIHIIIIIIIIII iMiHIilltlllH AVfcgdable Pr cparalionforAs similating UicFoodandRcgula ling (he Stomachs andBowcls or Promotes Digcslion.CheerPuI ness and Rest.Conlains nellhcr Opiunt.Morpliinc norIiiicral. KotNaiicotic. Art vfOttlDrSAMUELPtTCHER Jmipcui A'ea tUx.Srnna - ItfKktllf.UtS- jitxiv Srttl t Vtifirnnutl -111 CerbamlrSoia HitmStmJ- Cmfud.Umr m ruivr. Apcrfccl Remedy forConslipa Tlon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms ,Convulsioiis,Fcvcrish ness unci Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. 3 ii. t-AAwl CDFr Or WRAPPER. Ill v sum CONTINUES TO GAIN HEALTH Mrs. McKinlcy's Condition Steadily Grows Better President Will Remove Her From Wiisliingtion Soon .Hid Remain Away During the Heated Term. Washington, June 17. Mir, Mc Kinloy'e condition continues to improve and there was no consultation of physieiiina tit tho White 1 Ioobo today. Surgeon-General Sternberg, one of the consul titin physicians, loft for lliu Philippines todiiy, and Dr. Pixey did not consider it necessary to cull in Dr, Johnston, theuthor consulting physician, If the present improvement goes on it is expected that Mrs. McKinley will bo able to travel soon after July 1st. Tlio president will thou accompany tier to Canton, where the Molviu'oy homo hiia been mado ready to receive hur. How long tho Preaidont and Mra. McKinley will remain in Canton will depend upon the benefit Mrs. McKinley receives from liur stay at hur old homo. Aftor alio hue boon thoro tor eoinutitiie, if tho weather Is oppresHivulv warm and her physician recommends a chance, the president probably will take her to some quiet place in the inouulaiiiH or at the seashore. In any event, when the president departs for Canton witli Mis, McKlnley, early in July, it will bo to remain away from Waahingon for the remainder of the heated term, lie might return for ti day or two once or twice during the summer, but lie will not again take up liia abode at the Whitb House until Fall. Chicago Hervai)t Olrls to Form a Union Chicago, Juno 17.- Union labor a to take a hand in the servant girl problem in Chicago. It iiue been decided by the local branch of the Woman's Inter national Label League to start a vigorous crusade for tho organization of the thousands of girls whoso work is in the homes of Chicago, The announcement of the league' decision was made on the floor of the Chicago Federation of Labor by Miss Sophia Becker, of Shoe Stitchers' Union, and was received with applause by the delegates to the assembly, Mies CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THI CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW VOI1K CITY. Becker told the delegates in the federa tion that committees have been np pjiuted mid that tbo work of organizing the union will begin at once. The union will announce a regular scale of wages. An eight-hour day will be declared in vogue, witli extra pay for holidays and overtime. The number of nfternoonB which each servant girl may have for recreation each week alpo will bo stipu lated. It wap estimated that there are more than 00,000 girla and women in Chicago willing and eligible for Hub new movement. Tti-y will work in pymoatliy with afliliuted organizations of female labor. ilolniiiK tint liner. Ni:w Yomc, Juno 17. Tho situatiou in South Africa in far from satisfactory just now to Englishmen, auys the Tribune's London correspondent. It la believed that the Booth are gaining many recruits from tho Dutch districts of Cape Colony, and in spite ol Mr. Chamberlain's calm assertion that the embers of war are only smoldering, it looks very much as if they had burst into flame. A question will shortly be put in the liberal benches in the house of commons as to the proposed suspension of the constitution in Cape Colony. There ie a general belief that Mr. Chamberlain and Lord Milner will hesitate before taking this step. Ltwyers are of the opinion that the ouly way it can be legally accomplished would be by an act of parliament, and in the present state of public business the government will scarcely care to invito opposition on such an issue. What'H Your Fusi Wortli? Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin,-all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King's New Life Pilla give Clear Skin, Hohv Cheoks, Rich Complexion. Only 25 cents at G. C. Blakeley's Drug Store. 0 Mlntir Murilortiil HI Wife. Butte, Mont., June 17. William M. Brown, a miner employed in the Specu lator mine, this morning murdered his wife by cutting her throat with a razor, Hiid then made an unsuccessful attempt at suicide by gashing his own throat from ear to ear. Mrs. Brown, died in stantly, and the murderer is now in the hospital, with a prospect of recovery. Jealousy is the supposed motive for the crime. Subscribe for Tint Ohuoniolk. STEWPAN OF GOLD NUGGETS Product of Two Weeks' Work by Two Josephine County Minets. Gb.vnt's Pass, June 17. A strike like the one recently made by Scribner and Henderson, two prospectors from the Wolf Creek district, Northern Josephine county, would create a great stampede in Nome or Dawson, but excites only passing interest in Grant's Pass. Saturday morning the two prospectors came into this city from their claims on Wolf Creek, bringing witli them their earnings for the preceding two weeks. Into the new banking house the lucky men walked and handed over a stewpttu of gold to the cashier for weighing and exchange. The glittering nuggets and dust, reposing in the scalepan, tipped the beam at a weight requiring $1100 40 in coin as .exchange. That was good money for a few days' work, and Scribner and Henderson, who have made aeveral similar visits into the Pass of late, and who are from the EaBt, con sider Southern Oregon a land far from being despised by the goldseeker. The rich lind is that of a pocket or leader, traced from an old "worked-out" mine. The old mine was originally worked some 20 or '25 years ago, and was deBerted aE a bad proposition. The two prospectors bonded the property, com menced work, and in croBscutting, struck a new lead, on which the pocket was found. Two pounds of pure gold were removed in two pans, and the $1100 40 were the fruits of but four or five days' work. The claiin is situated on the divide south of Wolf Creek, in the im mediate district of the Greenback mine. Like the several rich claimB and work ings in this district, the gold is found in coarse nuggets, adhering to white quartz. ThiB, together with many other recent strikes of a similai nature, has caused a rush of prospectors to the Mount Reuben and Northern Josephine districts to re search and dig deeper into the so-called "worked-out" mines. Will KlKlit to JJeatll. Dknvku, June 17. Commandant W. D. Snyman, of the South African re public, ia in Denver on a lecture tour, the proceeds of which are to aid the Boer prisoners. "The struggle in South Africa is not a race animosity," said Commandant Sny man. "It is an awful war, a political war, brought about by political gamblers and speculators, and ao long as they have life the Boers will fight for their liberty. Our wives and daughters will pray and fight with us. Mothers send their sons into battle with a prayer. Widows and orphans are suffering, yet believing that God will bring them finally to victory." Your Fucu Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples ana Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and .vorn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Saraaparillas and so called purifiers fall ; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positivejguarantee. Blakelej. the druggist. Mortulity Jtutu High. London, June 17. Replying to ques tions iu the house of commons, Mr. Broderick, the war secretary, said there are 40,2'J9 persons in the "concentration camps" of the Transvaal and Orange River Colony, The deaths in these camps for the month of May numbered 08 men and women, and 318 children. The announcement of the mortality was received with groans from the Irish members and cries of "Scandalous." Mr. Broderick added that the authorities are arranging for the release of the women and children who have friends to receive them, but the governmeii' could not undertake to locate them in isolated places. Uou't Hub It In, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, aud the palu is gone. Sold tiv Clarke & fi Wait for our Great Remnant Sale of . . . WASH GOODS Next Saturday. Particulars will appeai later A. New Straw Hate Catarrh Cannot Ite Cured. with local applications, ae they cannot reach the eeat of the disease. Catarrh ib a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it vou must take inter nal remedies. Hali'B Catarrh Cure is takeu internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in tb'iB country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surtar.es. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., PropB., Toledo O. Sold by drruggi8ts, price 7c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Question Auawered. Yes, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion and biliousness. Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and atop fermentation of undigested food, regu late the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the sys tem, and that is all they took when feel ing dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doees of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. Get Green's prize almanac. Clarke & Falk'a. 1 Dyspeptics cannot be long lived be cause to live requires nourishment Food is not nourishing until it is digested. A disordered stomach cannot digest food, it must have assistance). Kodol Dyspep sia Cure digests all kinds of food with out aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest ami regain its natural functions. Ita elements are exactly the same as the natural digestive fluids and it simply can't help but do you good. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Why pay (fl.76 per gallon for inferior paints when vou can buy James E, Pattnn'e sun proof paints for $1.50 per gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark & Faik, agents. ml You will not have boils if vou take Clarke (c FalkN sure cure for boils. Wo will continue to givo extra values in Men's Trousers during this entire week. Saturday's rush greatly ex ceed our expectations -and every customer was greatl' pleased with our assortment at these special prices, $1.50 a $2.95 M. WILLIAMS & I I. Str. Regulator Str. "Iralda" Y DOWN, A Lv. Duties 5(' lit 7 A. M. r: Tuesday Leaves Cascades 0 a. m. I down LV'n!"TlH. Arrlvo 1)alleB Monday , Tuiivh OuI1ih Thursday . .. u.i.t. .......... 1 v Saturday . . . . P Arr. Portland p at l::M i'. m. ..Friday ' Arr. Cascades Arr. Palleb . . a 5 p. m. I Daily ex. Won rbiiin l?itpfl Hvnrv Kiitiirduv for ........ ...... j - -j C White Salmon and intermediate points, K For an evening trip take the "Iralda" at p. m. to Hood River and re- fl turn on the up boat. C t7i"vt nrr.rtT3r-orr cinvrnrr a vrr tir paottdli S C, Travel by the Steamers ol tho Hcgulator Line. U roiiH thu best service iiohblhlo. S. Pnrtliinrl fllllpo. OaW.Streot Dofik r W. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office nt Vancouver, Wash, May 17. 1W1. Notice Is hereby given that tho following named tottleis have Hied notice of their Inten tion to make Dual proof in support of their claim ami that said pioof will be uiiido before W. H. Presby, l S. Commissioner for District of Washington, at tils ollicn iu (loldendale, Wash., ou sjatuiday, Junu'.'u, 1001, vl.; Klkuuah It. Ilylton, II. H. No, U700, for tho N$ NK!$, SF.'.i NF.! and NKJi of iV.'4, Swl :11 N' K '''' K il" wlll) names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon aud cultivation of said limn, vi.: Orie K. fjhlppey, Corllx Sorensen, John Daf. frou , James O. l.yle, all of J.ylo 1'. O,, Wash. Corllx Soieusen, II. K. No. 1M7S, for the SW4 SEH, Sec lit, and N'i of NK'iandNKU of H, Heu Sl.TpiiN, K li K, W. M., who mimes the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation of said laud, vl.. ; Klkauah II. Jyltou,Orlo K. bhippey, John Daf fron, James O. l.yle, all of I.y'.o P, ()., Wash, Orlo K. Sliliuy, II. K. No. y.)l. for tho motional SW'f of NWi-fi fractional WU of HWli and tho 8K& of sW'i of See t, Tp a N, ft 18 K, W. M., who names tho fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz.: Klkauah It. ilylton, Corllx Sorensen, John Datl'ron aud James O, l.yle, all of l.yle 1', ()., Wash. nils W. K. DUNUAK, Register. For Nal. A stylish black driving horse, very gentle. Aleo a nearly new open buggy, harness, blankets, etc. Very cheap. Address, W, R. Rockwell, m27d2ww3w Dufur, Ore. pa ir Striped Flannel will be as popular as ever in Men's Suits this summer. It is cool, com fartablo fabric to wear and ours be ing made right, are very dressy. Coats and trousers $8.75 GO. Now Straw Hats REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY Etcamers ol tho Itcgulator l.lno will run ns per thu fol- 3 oiTitig bchnlule, tho Company reserving thu right to change a Fi'hetiulo without notice. 3 Str. Dalles City. : up. 3 rtlauil A 9 A, H. 1 10::i0 n. m. I ,VtV7 ""m?S I.v . I'or at 7:00 'A n. in. Monday Wednesday.. Tuesday S , . . . Thursday (a Saturday 7:.10 p. in. Frill,, v . Sunday. Arr. Portland at 1:30 r. m. Arr. iiaues at 5 l. M. rtnrtipR nf tvn mill linivnrilnr T)rtll0n. , .......... ..... , 50c; Dalles to Cascades, if 1.00. Jj 1 Tho Company will endeavor to give its put For further information address C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tub Dalles, Oh., Juno 7, P.l. J Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make dual proof iu support of his claim, ami that said proof will bo made before tho Register aud Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Satur day, July JO, HWl, vl.: I reil Htockll. of Tho Dalles, Or.. II. K. No. ftHI, for tho NWJ of NVUofSec.'.'7,Tp 1 N., K LI K W. M. Ho names tho following witnesses to provo hlK continuous residence upon aud cultivation of bald laud, vl,: Osmer W. Cook, Alox. Fraser, It. O. llrooks, Charles Itawsou, ail of The Dulles, Oregon. Junl'J JAY V. LUCAS, Register. CONTEST "nOTICK. United States Land Office, j May 11, PJ0I. ( A bulllclcut contest nlllihivlt having been filed ill this olllco by O.August Kniqulst. contest ant, against home-lead entry No. 0121. made April 1 1, Ih'Ji, for W!.. NWH See :13 and KH NEJi See Tp - N, H 'i K, by HI ley J, (Hit, eon testeo, in which it Is alleged that bald HlleyJ. (ilrtharf from tho llth day of April, l'J7, up to tho present date never been on the place, never established his residence thereon, and that ho has abandoned tho tract. Anil that the alleged abandonment Is not duo to defendant's employ ment In tho military or naval service of tbo United Stated said parties are hereby notified to apiear respond and oiler evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on June?.!, luoi, before tho register aud receiver at thu United States land olllco in The Dalles, Oregon. Tho said contestant having, in a proper alllda vlt, tiled Mu 4. 1U01, set forth facta which show that alter due diligence lH;rsonal tervlce of thin notice cannot bo made, ft hereby ordered aud directed that such notlco be given by due aud proper publication. . . ' mis 1 JAY V, LUCAS, Register. Subscribe for The CiiBONiCLh,