The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 17, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JCNE 17, 1901
Leadingv- BunflBi'
Merchant Tailor,
Secoud Street, opposite Mays & Crowe,
Wo liatfa rt.y ovna)jnt Una rtf Cn.ttii. I
Suitings, Pantings, etc., which we are
prepared to make up in the latest styles, j
and guarantee a perfect fit. i
j rants. The law makes it a misde-
Nothing remains now of third-1 meanor for an employer to require
term possibilities except the renomi- more tuan ten uonrs- n tjay (ron,
nation of Grover Cleveland, says the j any female employe.
Globe-Democrat. Mr. Cleveland has J
already had three nominations, but) The voice of Col. Henry Watter
he has been president but twice, and son is still crying in the democratic
has never said that he would not run j wilderness for a fresh pack of cards
again. He is rather more than the ! and a new deal. Anaconda Stand
logical candidate of the party. Hejard.
is the only democrat elected to tuej The modem Elijah says that he is
presidency since the calamity of , afraW of n0 woimm but he hM n(Jt
.lames Buchanan m 1S5G. The m aj!l(e Uj0 acquainlnnoo of om.
failure of the party since breaking ! cooK say. ll)(J cll,cao JminmI
with Mr. Cleveland has been most .
sweeping. A hue republican ma
jonty in 189G was followed by one
still larger in 1900. The further the
democratic party drifts from Mr.
Cleveland the worse it is off. Stand
ing by him it is wrong, but without
him it is ridiculous. If the demo
cratic national committee should go
to Mr. Cleveland in a spirit of con-
trition and acknowledge that he is a 18-21, 1901 : Via rail to Portland and
democratic necessity, as proved by O. R. fc N. steamers from Portland to
the political history of forty years, Si,n F"cieco and return, $23.50.
, Tickete on sale and honored on trains
it would at least get out of the woods . -r, r n . ,
from The Dalles and on steamers from
and find itself on a traveled road. Portland only on July 11th and 10th.
The reorganizers in Missouri are Returning tickets will be honored on
friends of Mr. Cleveland and regard ' steamers sailing trorn San Francieco not
him as the most eminent man in the later than AuKuat let ; final limit, Aug
T, , - . .... . . .. i uat 4, 1901. Rate includes meals and
party. If he is not entitled to that ... . T) ,
1 J ( berth on eteaniers. Reservations for
station, who is? Of course, it will : paesepere goin via steamere etiould be
be proposed to nominate some other ' made in advance to ioeure accommoda
democrat in 1904, but the grim tactions, for which a deposit of $5.00 will
of the business is that only one b.e ired. All rail in both directions,
r, . t nil I via O. R. & 2s. and Southern Pacific,
'Grover exists. Olney wabbled over , rat . . . . . ..'
J first class, good for stop-overs in Cah-
to Bryan in the last campaign; Gor- fornia, 28.50. Second class, including
man, the oleaginous, has lost his grip j berth in tourist sleeper in both d i rec
oil his own state; Hill is too easily tioD8 n0 stop-overs, .f 25.50. Tickets on
impelled by panic to crawl up inl0 ale at The Dalles July 15th and 16th,
,,,., , , i and will he honored by Southern Pacific
Wolferts Roost and slam the trap. ' tran8leavIng Port,and JuIy ,5th and
door; but Grover is a husky block j loth, and on morning train July 17th ;
of granite, with two terms inscribed ! good for return passage leaving San
already and room remaining, as far I Francisco up to and including July Ul,
as heard from, for a third. As the ! 190I. Ti?ets wil1 "ot Bold fod n
... . one direction via rati and In another via
uemocranc papers oi late nave oeen , 8teamer.
much exercised about a third term,! For further information communicate
they can applv their remaining am- with Jas. Ireland, agent, The Dalles,
munition to a Cleveland boom, and'0"011' miil-jlyll
, Itates to l'au -American Kxi'oaitlon,
they cannot deny that the democrat-
ic party without Grover is simply a I Round-trip rates via O. R. & N. from
set of wheels without linchpins. ' Tno Dillee' 8llG0' Ticketa on sale first
land third Tuesdays during June, July,
Linn county, the banner popoiA"8.3t, September and October.good for
, . , , ' , continuous passage going on date of sale,
democratic county of the stale, that Ketnrn IWmt thiny dllVB from ,latB of
was held up during the last state Hale. Stop-overs will ho allowed west of
campaign as a pattern of everything Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip
that is excellent in local self-govern- i willlln li,,lU of tiL'kut-
. , s i , i ,n Arrangements can ho made hv applv-
ment, has just had to borrow U,-, . , h , T. . 1 ' "
. . mg to agent O. R. & N. Co., Tho Dalles,
000 wherewith to pay its state tax, ( wll(jrehy tIcket8 WU J(J honored on lake
while it has a delinquent tax list of i steamers in oiih or both directions he
100,000. If comparisons were not 'tween Detioit and Jtuirulo.
odious we might remark that Wasco tf Jamks Iukj.a.vd, Agent
county never had any use for the ; ranger, disease and death follow
popo-democratic foolery, yet it was j neglect of the bowels, Uae DaWitt's
able weeks ago to pay its state tax Little Early Risers to regulate them and
without borrowing money on interest, j V3" wM1 a,,d y" loyour l,foan(1 ll,e ,0
, ... ,, your years. Ivasv to take, never gripe,
while Its delinquencies on the tax roll , jarke & Falka P 0. Pharmacy.
of 1900 amount to only about 920,
000 out of ft total tax list of 100,
000. While tho pioneers were in session
at Portland a telegram announced
that "The proposition to consolidate
the Native Daughters with the Native
Sons was voted down." Served 'em
right, ays the Oregon Republican.
Tins matter, left to tho private de
cision of tlm two parties in interest,
will settle itself. The "consolitla-
i Hon" is practically assured, but it
J will not rrquirc a public vote and it
will proceed seriatim until all the
' Nntivo Sons and Native Daughters
, will have been duly and properly
Tin: Ciikonici.k owes an apol&gy
to F. II. Wakefield for having omit
' ted his name in Saturday's issue from
' the list of candidates nominated for
councilman. The omission was whol
ly an oversight. In transcribing the
names of the candidates from tho
; reporter's note book, air. Wakefield's
' name was inadvertently omitted,
j Tin: Ciikonici.i: regrets the omission
1 although, of course, it did no harm
to anybody.
A bill passed at the last session of
the Wjishinrrlnn Ipcrislntlirn. iirnviilinrr
ten urs a day for women clerks,
went into effect Friday. Besides
.. , , , , ,
other lines of vork. the law includes
women employed in n'orcantile estab
lishments, lauudries, hotels or restau-
A Vassar girl has just thrown a
baseball 170 feet all the feet lying
in the same direction. No casuali
ties. Minneapolis Journal.
ltatefl to Han FraucUco and Itcturn.
TheO. R. & N. Co. will make the
following rates from The Dalles, Oregon,
to San Francieco and return for National
Convention of Epworth League, July
Eczema, saltrheum, telter, chafing,
ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are
quickly cured hy DeVVitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. The certain pile cure. Clarke A
Fulk's P, O. Pharmacy.
For sprains, swellings and lamenesa
there ia nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
Subscribe for Tjik Chkoniclk.
NOLAN'S Profit-Sharing Association.
Tlio first monthly dividend has boon distributed to tho profitable satisfac
tion of thirteen of my customers. The only rogrot is that I was not able to
give a valuable present to each of my customers. .1 think they all deserve one.
On Saturday, July 6th, I will give away two music boxes-one worth 27.fiO. I''',1'1
tunes, and one worth $7.50; n sack of suirar and a barrel ol Hour. I will give a cash relmtti of fl.00 to i.uhi -iner
paving tho most nionev by that date, and .f-'.OO to tho one paying in tho seconi largest amount, un
each Saturday, commencing on tho 15th of June and including July lith, I will, In a ilition to the two pres
ents given each week, give a $1,00 rebate to tho customer paying the largest amount during the week.
Purchasers of goods in my line will do well to keep in mind that 1 sull goods as low as the lowest, aH
well as share the profit with my cuatoiners.
I have re-opened, this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
Grandall & Burget
All kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds
Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc.
The Dalles, Or.
Some desirable city property for sale
or rent. For particulars call on Gibbons
6c Murder). alltf
Paint your house with paints that aro I
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke v Falk
have them.
Wo ofTer for a limited period the
twice-a-week Cmto.s'ioi-K, price $1.50,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, j
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance. ,f
"A few months ago, food which I ate
for breakfast would not remain on my
stomach for half an hour. I used one
bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and
can now eat my breakfast and other
meals with a relish and my food is
thoroughly digested. Nothing equals
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach
troubles" II. S. Pitta. Arlington Tex.,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what yon
eat. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
lryiii preparations dimply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up tho secretioiiB,
which adhere to tho xueiubrauo and decom
pose, causing a far iioro KcriouH trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants, fumes, smokes and uuitln
and uso that which cleanses, eoothcH and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm ia such a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily and pleasantly. A trial si.o will bo
mailed for ID cents. All druggists noil tho
GOc.size. Ely Brothers, fif! Warren Hi., N.Y.
Tho Balm curat without pain, does not
irritate or causo snoozing. It spread!) itsoJf
over an irritated and angry purfaco, roliev
mg immediately the painful iullauiniation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Ilay Fever.
Mr. .Tfimpn Hrnu'n i( I'll i tirrmii li Vn 1
over 'JO years of age enllered for years
with a bad soro on his face, I'hysicianB
could not help him. DeWitt's Witch
Ha.1 Salvo cured him permanently.
Clarke A- Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
For sale or rent A house ofj nine
rooms, on Ninth street, with two lots
and a nice little orchard. Apply to Dad
Butts. juiill-ld-ltw
Tho bilious, tired, nervous man cannot
successfully compete with his healthy
rival. DeWitt's Little Early Itisers the
famous pills for constipation will remove
the cause of your troubles. Clarke A
Falk's P.O. Pharmacy.
Clarke & Falk have received a carload
of the celebrated James E. Patton
strictly on re liquid paints
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured hy C'artts
& Falk.
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brusbee.
After vou tiro of using so-called kidnev remedies
without any benefit, use Lincoln Soxual Pills and bo
forever rid of those dull pains In your back. Discard
that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have
all your bladder and urinary iron Ides cured, and your
nights made restful by the uso of nature's greatest
assistant Lincoln Soxual Pills.
Price, $1.00 per box buy ol your druggist or sent
by mail on receipt of price, in nlain wrapper.
Fort Wayne, Imlmuu.
M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles.
Pioneer Grocer.
White Collar Line.
Portland-Astoria Route
Str. "TAHOMA,"
Daily Kound Trips except .Sunday.
Leave Portland 7 .. m.
Leave Astoria 7 p. ji,
Tfie Danes Poniana Route
Except jMonday,
Cascade Locks, Hood River,
White Salmon and
The Dallea.
Leave Portland " a, ji,
Arrive Tho Dalles !i r. m.
Leave " " 4 "
Arrive Portland 11 "
Meals the Very Best.
.Sunday Trips a Leading Feature.
This Route has the Grandest
Scenic Attractions on Karth.
Landini: and office Font of Alder
Htreef, both phoned, M :i.r)l, Portland,
H. V. OUIOUTON, Aent Portland,
.1. M. FILLOON, Aut. The Dalles,
A. J. TAVLOH, Ak'ent Astoria.
i hade marks
Anvnno nutulhiu A ketch anil doarrlntlrin inn
onlcklv iiDi'urlaln our onlnloii fruu wlicllior a'
Invitation It probdDly imlcntablo, '.'iiiiiiiiiiiiIca
iioimiiricuyriJiinuvniiai. iiuimuooKuu rmcnti
unl tree. Oldest iiiiency fornwurliiK l)tnt.
1'atui.u taken tbrouvh llunn k Co, recelrw
n'rcmi , hii icc, w iiiiuui. tiunrnv, in iuu
Scientific Jftnerican.
A handiomelr llhitrtH weeklr. I.nrveit clr
tiiUlluu o( mir K leiitld" journal. 'I'vrinn, Hi
rtwri inur iuuiiiui, ti. oomuan naifiueaicrii.
(JO,30IDrdy,fj8W lOrlf
kw, OK V BU WMblulu'i, I). O
Jast What
Yoa cuant.
ir 7IH
II ' I
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety us wo are showing never be
fore graced u single stork. Kenl iniitu-
' tiim creton ellects at ordinary priceH.
j Good papers at cheap paper prices.
ICIegant designs, tasteful colorings, yourH
' for a small price, at our store on Third
I street. Alxoa full line of house paints.
ID. W. VAUSE, Third St.
L. Lane,
Wagon and Carrlago Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Third and Mg. Phone 159 '
Tne doiuuiDia pacKiog Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
M, x A. Voiit.
First National Bank.
A General Hanking Business tratiBacted
DepoaitB received, oubject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold no
New York, flan Francisco ant". Port
D. P. TllOMPHON. Jno. H. Huhknuk.
hi). M. WlI.MAMH, GKO. A. LlKlllt.
H. M. Bkai.i..
Iransuot a Qoueral Banking BiiHiness,
Letters of Credit Issued available in
the Eastern States.
Sight ICxchauge and Toleuraphic
IransferH sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francieco, Portland Ore
gon. Seattle Wash., and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
mm Mint
Tho W. W. Wilson Co,, Props,
First-Class in Every JJespeet
Oyatere Served in any Style-
7 Second Ht The DuWvh, Or
fe v jrm
Shot lime
and union Pacific
l'orilanil Hiiccliil.
IJ;'2.'i i. in.
via Hunt
liiKton. Atlantlu
VilMn. in.
vlii Hunt
TJMK 8C5iri:illJ,KH
TI1K DAl.l.lCH.
Halt Ijike, Deliver, l"t.
Worth, Otnutui. Kmi
HiiHCIty.Ht. I-iiuIh, Jhi-
1 .0" p. ni,
f Knit Ijike, Denver, Hi,
Worth, Oiniilm, i;Hii.
i HHH(;lty,Ht,U)UlH,C,
1'iiKti and thu Knit.
1 I ) a. m.
Ht. IMiil Walla Wall, l-oxvUton.
Hunt Mull, hMikiini',WiillHcu,l'nll-
'.crip. in. . mini, HliiiitMiMillN,Ht.
vliiripi- I'uiil.Dilllith.Mllwiiii-
kniiu. kiu, 'lilouK' ami KiDit.
From r.irthimt.
I (All nikllliiK ilatcs nub'
j Ject tiniliaiiKu.)
I For Han HrnncUco,
I Ball every 5 ilnys.
:(X) i. in.
I.W p.m.
Mill . III.
lll;U) i". in.
CoIuiiiIiIh Hirer.
I'd A.tturlu mill Way
I .) p. m.
U'lllitlii.itl.t Hlver.
Ori'irmi City, New hen;
Milein, liiilppemh-ni'c
mill Way-ljiiiiiliiKh,
I 31 p. m.
',:() a. in.
1 Thurnliiy,
, Siitiinl.iy,
I p. m.
K tin ay.
Curviillls mill Way
ll:Oi)il. in.
Siitiinliij ,
7 ) ii. in.
.1:10 ii. in.
Wlllitiuiitie mill , Sip. in
Vn mill 111(1 vert. Momlny,
Oienu Cltv. Dnytiiiiaiiil eiliiewMy
Wnj IjiiiiIIukh. rililny.
Himlm KlTiir.
lllparlu hi 1-owlsloii. ua.'JJ;
l'nrtivH .leilrtuc to r.o to Hemmcr or
luiillis on coimilDlii hoiinieril via IIIKK'wftliniili
nine No. .', leavliiK The Duller at 12..'.' p. m.
inaltliiK 'llre!t eonnectloiii at llepptier Jinicllon
mihI IIIkk. HetiiruliiK iiuiiiliii;(lire:t('oiiiiectloa
at lleppner Junction ami IUkic wltliNu. 1. ar
tlvtiiK at The Dalles at 1 :0,'i p. in.
For further particulars, call mi or Hililrci
Thu Dulles, Uiikuii,
The time will eoon he here when every
otyliHh droBned man will want an u"t'
date .Spring .Suit. Those aro the kill" 01
patroiiH 1 am tailoring for. Cuine n
and look over my .Spring line of Suitli)i
All tho latest novelties for 11)01
Sulta to Order, $10.00.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
In All ItH utauea thtru
lliuilld bo clettlllluetn.
KIj'h Croam liolm
cleaiiiea, iooIUch and lieila
thu dUuaitvil laoialiraue.
1 1 cnrvH catarrh ami drive
away a cold In ttto bead
. . iDrldi.
Cream Vaiin la placetl Into iUo nlr iff Wr
over tho membrane and la abaorbul. ,le
uiedlato and a euro followi. It la Bt ''fJIB
not produce aneelii. Largo BUe, 60 wnta M"
giitt .ir hy mail ; Trial HUo, 10 ceuta by "
iI.V IKKiTHKIta.fiO Worrtu Street, N"