The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 17, 1901, Image 1

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vol. xni
NO. 104
.iiti.iiiiTiiiiTrTiiiiiiii.itriUiiiik;'ii i..
Vc'gcJable Pr cparalionftr As
similating IticFoodandRcguIa
ling Ihc Sloinachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digcstion.Checrfi
ncss and Rcst.Contains neilltcr
Opium.Morpliinn norlincral.
jNot "Naiic otic .
ISmifJiui Seal '
sllx Smnn
Sertt f
Hfirnninl - u.
lit rertctuUrJakt
rmud. itMr
m rnw.
Apcrfecl Remedy forConstipn
rion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile .Sttfnnturc or
exact copy or wrapper.
Seventeen Judges Appoin ted In Courts
uf the First Instance Possibilities
of the l'liiliiiine Lumber Trade.
Manila, .linn 13, Colonels Infant
and Giiiavura, representatives ot General
duties today Binned tins iniini) of their
principal to un agreement to surrender.
I'ndor terms of this ugreeim nt, General
Cailk'H ia to assemble his men nt Bantu
Cruz, Luguiia province, us j uickly ae
j.ossiblo, and there surrender himself
and his command to the American
ntithorities. The exact number of hia
force is uncertain, tint there will prob
ably be more than fiOl).
For more than a year pnHt General
Cailles has commanded the insurgent
forces operating on the eaat Hide of Bay
Luke. He is said to he a French half
caste, and durijig the last revolution he
uequired u reputation for vindiotivunoss
and cruelty. The society of Mundu-Cuts,
whose practice it was to aHsasainato and
bury alive those of their eountyinen who
accepted American sovereignty when-
over the hitter fell into their hands,
operated with the cognir.inco, if not (he
Hiipport of General Gaillee. At ohm time
Gaillea ottered a reward of $10 for the
hoada of all Americans brought to him,
and more recently he ottered a reward of
tlO.GOO for the head of Captain Edward
N Jones, Jr., of the Eighth infantry.
Since the capture of Agninaldo, Cailles,
who was one of the lew insurgent loaders
who did not surrender under the terms
of amnesty, has been persistently pur
sued by the American troops. He was
declared to have been wounded in one
engagement last mouth and negotiations
for hia surrender have been going on
with General Sumner for some weeks
past. He was declared to be an outlaw
by the American authorities, and this
fact, which meant that he could not
expect to enjoy iaimiiiiity for hia pant
deeds and violations of honorable war
fare, but would have to stand trial on
the many charges against him, doubtless
compelled him to prolong hia resistance.
The members of the federal party ad
vised him to surrender, but this ho per
sistently refused to do until be saw that
bis capture was inevitable.
Cailles was a man of considerable in
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the t
ft i)f In
Nv Use
For Over
Thirty Years
(liu'iice with the Filipino people and an
aggressive fighter. He kept bio followers
well in hand, his syptem of mobilization
being excellent. In the mountains of
Lnguna province, where Cailles practical
ly confined bis operations, lie had many
advantages over 'the American troops
frequently sent to dislodge him, und
rendered their efforts futile. He is
credited with the Sinalomen afl'air of
last year, in which u few American
trnoiis were badlv cut up. loeintr.inore
than r0 per cent of the number engaged.
Cailles at one time declared himeelf to
be Aguiunldo's successor. He and Gen
eral Malver were the only two trouble
some insurgent leaders remaining in
runt win
Ketlt e.
IT). The Tribune
I Ni;w oisk, June
I will uiiv tmimrmu' '
... . .
"Senator i'latt will retire from the
United States senate at the end of hia
term, in March, 1903. Mr. I'latt ia feel
ing better und stronger than usual, and
his determination has not been hastened,
it is understood, on account of poor
health. It ia expected by his friends
that he will make public some day this
week hia reasons for laying down his
ofliee at the end of the term."
Woolloy'H Trl Around the World.
Cuic.uio, June It!. John G. Woolley,
prohibition candidate for president in
1 11)00, started tonight on a trip around
the world for the purpoee of collecting
data on the liquor tratllc, preparatory to
issuing a book on the reaulta of the pro
hibition movement. Mr. Woolley will
sail from San Francieco on the steamer
Mariposa June 20th. At Honolulu ho
will endeavor to organize a party.
Toi'KKA, Kan .June 10. Ex-Congressman
H. S. Peters, ot Kansas, today re
ceived a dispatch calling him to Wash
ington, whore he will be tendered the
office of pension commissioner, succeed
ing H. Clay Evans. President McKin
ley has had under consideration the
names of ex-Congressinuu Blue and
Peters for this position.
W hut's i'our Fcu Worth?
Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you
have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced
look, moth patches and blotches on the
skin,-ull signs of Livtr Trouble, But
Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear
Skin, Hosy Cheeks, Rich Complexion.
'Only '2o cents at G. C, Blakeley's Drug
Store. . 0
Subscribe for Tim Ouuoniohc.
Divers Find Only One Body in the
Korthticld Six Persons arc Miss
in" Magistrate Denounced the
Running of Old Boats.
New Yoick, June 15. After more than
twentv-four hours' search for dead bodies
in the Staten Island feery-boat North
Geld, after her collision with the Jersey
Central ferry-boat Mnuch Chunk, Friday
evening, only one body has been found.
How many othet fatalities resulted from
the accident is a mystery, faix pereonB
are still reported misBing. The body
found is that of Jere V. Wright, teller of
the Oriental bank, of this city, residing
at New Brighton, S. I.
Divers wont through the ferry-boat to-
duy, but found only the body of Wright.
It is impossible to tell whether any other
pereoiiB were drowned, and their bodies
washed out into the river. Half a dozen
horses and wagons were taken out of the
sunken vessel by wrecking crews, aided
bv diver e. The boat was being partly
broken up by the tide, but she will be
raised tomorrow or Monday, and it wae
Bttid she can be repaired.
In the court proceedings, when the
magistrate held Captains Griffin, of
the Mauch Chunk, and Johnson, of the
Northfleld, he denounced the running of
old boats and endangering the lives of
hundreds of people. The two captains
were held in $2300 bail each for examina
tion June 25th, and were bailed. Each
claimed lie wiib not to blame for the ac
cident, and Captain Griffin stated that
he had sent word to the Statep Island
ferry authorities at different times that
boats were run out of their elips too
quickly. The Jersey Central Ferry Ccm
puny had nothing to say about the ac
cident, but Staten Island Rapid Transit
officials, who own the Northfield, Had an
investigation and exonerated from blame
all of its officials and employee. The
Central Itailroad officials are investi
gating, as are the police. The govern
ment, through the local board of steam
boat inspectors, will hold an examina
tion next week.
StU'K Astoria Hallway.
Aktokia, Juno 15. Mrs. Ella Scott, of
The Dalles, has brought suit in the
circuit court against the Astoria & Co
lumbia River Railroad Co., to recover
$5000 for the death of her husband, the
late W. M. Scott, a locomotive engineer
employed by the railway company. On
the evening of January 12, 1001, the
westbound passenger train ran into a
landsldo near Rugby's hole, about thirty
miles east of thiB city. The engine was
thrown into the Columbia river and
Engineer Scott was drowned. The com
plaint filed alleges that the accident was
caused through the negligence of the
defendant in the construction, operation
and inspection of its tracks. The plauitifl
is represented by Bennett & Sinnott, of
The Dalles.
riiiKrett'M Condition Critical.
London. June 10, 1:35 a. m. A con
sultation of physicians in ex-Governor
Piiigree's room at midnight evidenced
the acutenoss of his illness. Every effort
has been extended to check the exhaus
tion from which he is suffering, and,
while the physicians declare that Mr.
Pineree has iairly held his own today,
they are unable to say that lie anywise
improved. The question now is whether
his natural physical strength will enable
him to withstand the exhausting strain
oi the last few days. The patient was
sleeping at 1 o'clock. A further con
sultation will be held at 9 o'clock this
morning. That Mr. Pingree's condition
is critical cannot be denied, and his
physicians do not disguise their appre
hension, though they ure still hopeful of
a favorable result.
The uartiiershin heretofore existing
between John Howe and M. Curran,
under the style of Howe Uarran, has
been dissolved. M. Currap will con
tinue the business at the old stand and
pay all debts of the late firm, and col
lect all accounts due said Urui.
Dated June 12,4001.
4t M. Cukiian.
Don't Hub It 111,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
Wait for our
Great Remnant Sale
of. .
Next Saturday.
will appear
New Straw Hats
Caturrli Cannot I!e Cured.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ib
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one- of the best
physicians in this country lor years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggiBts, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best
Question AiiHwereri.
Yes, August Flower still has the largest
sale of any medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
never thought of using anything else for
indigestion and biliousness. Doctors
were scarce and they seldom heard of
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
heart failure, etc. They UBed August
Flower to clean out the system and stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
nervouB and organic action of the sys
tem, and that ia all they took when feel
ing dull and bad with headaches and
other aches. You only need a few doees
of Green's August Flower, in liquid
form, to make you satisfied there is
nothing serious the matter willi you.
Get Green's prize almanac. Clarke &
Falk's. 1
Dyspeptics cannot bo long lived be
cause to live requires nourishment Food
is not nourishing until it is digested. A
disordered stomach cannot digest food,
it must have assistance, Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure digests all kinds of food with
out aid from tli" stomach, allowing it to
rest and regain its natural functions.
Its elements are exactly the Biime as the
natural digestive fluids and it simply
can't help but do you good. Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
I'at ton's Bun proof paints for $1.60 per
gallou, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents. tnl
You will not have boils if you take
Clarke & Falk's sure cure tor boils,
Wc will continue to givo extra values in Men's
Trousers during this entire week. Saturday's rush greatly ex
ceed our expectations and every customer was greatly pleased with
our assortment at these special prices,
$1.50 -a $2.95
owing bclii'dtile,
M'hcilulu without
Str. Regulator
Str. "
S I.v. Dulles
D' Ht 7 A. M.
v Tnewliiy
4 Saturday
C Arr. I'ortlnnd
at4:ao r. m.
Leaves Cascades fi a. in.
Arrive Dalles 10;30 a, in.
I.V. l'ortliind
111 7 A. M.
,. ...Monday ,enve Dalles 3 p. m.
Kriday Arr. Cascades :30 p. m
Arr, Dalles 1 ., .
h 5 r. m. Daily ex. Sunday.
Ivv-piirfcinn Ijtri HVrv SHtnriliiv fnr
jj White Salmon and intermediate points,
For an evening trip take the "Iralda" at 3 p. in. to Hood River and re-,8
X turn on the up boat. 3
U'f 1 U f If 1M U'f 1 U'f If 1M
rt. Travel by the Steamers of tho KeKiilntor Line.
m rous die nest servieo ixiKsiuiu.
C, Portland Office, Oak-Street Dock
Land OUtcout Vuueiiuver, Wash.
May 17, l'JOl.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named tettlera have Hied notice of their inten
tion to make liual woof in support of their
claim and that tula proof will he made before
W. II. 1'reshy, U. 8, Commissioner for District! of
Washington, at his office In (iolileudalu, Wash.,
ou Saturday, Juno 29, l'JOl, U.:
Ulkuiiuli It. llylton,
II. !:. No. 'J700, for thu Ni UE'4, SKJf NHJf and
NKh of SKU, See To i N, It i:i K, W. M who
names tho following witnesses to prove ills con
tinuous residency upon anil cultivation of said
land, vi.-
Orie 1C. bhipiicy, Corllx Sorensen, John Daf.
frou, James O, l.ylo, all of l.ylu 1'. U Wash,
Corllx Sorttnstiii,
If. !:. No. 0378, fur the SWM SK!j, See, 111, and
N'j, of N K'i nd NKtf of MV',i, See 21. Tp It N,
It U K, V. SI who names thu following wit
nesses to 'prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of said laud, viz
Klkanali II. llylton, Orle K. Shippcy, John Daf
frou, James O, l.yle, all of I.ylo I'. O., Wash,
Orle K. Hliliiey,
H. K. No. Wol, for tho friuUiomil 6WU of NV'4:
fractional W',.-. of SW's and tho SKh of .-V'4 of
.SecO, Tptt N, ft 13 K, v, M who names thu lol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuous real
deuce upon and cultivation of said laud, vl.:
Klkanali II, llylton, Corllx Boruiiseu, John
Dull'rou and James O, l.yle, all of l.yle 1. O.,
uilh W. B. DUNHAii, KvgUtcr.
Kor Mm1.
A stylish black driving horse, very
gentle. Also a nearly new open buggy,
harness, blankets, etc. Very etieap,
Address, W. It. Rockwell,
ui27d2w-w3w Dufur, Ore,
pa lr
will be as popular as
ever in Men's Suits
this summer.
It is cool, com
fartable fabric to
wear and ours be
ing made right, are
very dressy.
Coats and trousers
New Straw Hats
of tho ItCKUlator l.tne will run bh per the fol-
tho Gomiuuiy reserving tho right to change '3
Str. Dalles City.
I.v. Dalles
at 7 a. m.
Arr. Portland
at 1:30 1'. M.
I.v . I'ortland
ut7:00 a. m. jJ
.... Tuesday J
. . . , Thursday !
Saturduy j
Arr. Dalles J
at 5 e. M.
nnrtipn nt fivw mill tinwnrilnt Irtllpfl. 3
50c; Dalles to Cascades, $1.00.
1M V a IVI I 1 Ul U A Ul I U U' V
Thu Company will eaileavor to cive Its pu
ror iiirinur uiioriuaiioii aauress m
C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Ag.
Land Office at The IHm.kk, Or.,
Juno 7, l'JOl. t
Notice is hurebv given that thu following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
maku Until proof hi support of his claim, and
that said proof will hu miido bsforu thu Iteglster
and Heceiver at The Dallus, Oregon, on catur
day, July 2U, l'JOl, vU.;
I'red Stockll.
of Thu Dalles, Or,, li. K. No. fisHl, for tliu NW
of StV't oftie(!.'J7,Tp I N U 13 K., V. M.
Hu names thu following witnesses to prove hit)
continuous residence upon und cultivation oi
said laud, vl.:
Osiner W. Cook, Alex. Krascr, It. C, llrooks,
Cliailus itiiwson, all of Tho Dalles, Oregon,
Juul'J JAY l. LIU AS, Heglster.
I'mtki) States Land Offick,
May It, l'JOl. I
A sufficient contest affidavit huviug been llletl
in this office by O. August ErntUlst. contest
ant, against lionie.-tcail entry No. (1121. made
April II, Ifr-Jf, for WL. NW'li Sco 33 und EJS NKJi
Seu Hi, Tp 2 N, It 12 E, by Klley J. (ilit, eon
testeo, In which it is alleged that said Klley J.
tiirt law from the llth day of April, 1SU7, up to
Die present date never liven on tliu place, nover
estaiilished his residence thereon, und that he
has abandoned the tract. And that the alleged
abandonment Is not due to defendant's employ
ment in thu military or naval servicu of thu
United States said parties aru hereby notified to
appear respond ami oiler evidence touching
said allegation at 10 o'clock a. nt. on June &i,
l'JOl, before thu register and receiver at the
United States land office In Tliu Dulles, Oregon.
Thu said contestant having. In a proper uludu
vlt, tiled Muv I, l'JOl, set forth facts which show
thut utter duu diligence pcrsonuUurvlcu ot thU
notice eauuot bo made, ft hereby ordered and
directed that such notice be glyeu by due tutd
protier publlcutluu.
tal5 JAY V. LUOA8, KegUtcr,
Subscribe for Tiik Ciiuoniclk.