The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 15, 1901, Image 4

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From a Pastor
run into tlto disease if thoy know it,
neither in it pleasant to be quarantined
from thi) outside world. .So t he best
way to get ulonc with u town thtvt In
cortinuully shipping us the smallpox is
to leave her entirely alone. Two doses
within 11 year is giving us the disease, n
little too often."
" 1 am the pastor of the llaptist Church at
J'ort .li rs is, N Y., ami sometimes am called .
upon to take part in evangelistic work away
irom home, run long
aw I went to Sandy
Creek, K. Y., which is
swept by the damp j ioh it fay t imv t:ii'ni'.
a had rough, and he-1 18 rtl1 nS?lt. ut you want something
came so hoar.-e that I 1 Unit will reliove and euro the nioro se
eould hardly , veru ,uui dangetoiis results of thtoat and
I'oiig ! Im,R tro,,We- NVI,ilt 8h"" V do? Co
It win not oidv to a warmer and more regular elimato?
idistre-iiiL'in a I Yes, if possible: if not possitilo for you,
bodily sense, I then in either case take the only rem
ind extremely i ,i n,, i,., ,.,... i.i n .,i..ii
The People's National Family Newspaper
enter the pulpit
in this condi
tion. I had
heard of Ack
er's Fnglish Kemedy and, after service, 1
l)omih'.i bottle and beaantakiin: it. The next
night my throat was nearly well, and I deliv- j causes easy expectoration, gives a good
oredmy -ernion without diiliculty. In a few ' night's rest, and cures the patient, 'i'rv
ized countries with success in severe
throat and lung troubles, "Uosohee's
German Syrup." It not only heals and
stimulates the tissues to destroy the
germ disease, bill allays inflammation,
days I was thoroughly cured. 1 conceive it to
lie my duty to benefit mankind physically as
well as spiritually whenever 1 can, and am
Blad to write these words in praise of this
rrand old medicine. Those with sensitive
throatsand those wdiocatch cold easily should
certainly take Acker's English Remedy."
(Signed) Rev. Kzua Tnnr.v Sankokd.
Sold n!25o.. Me. ami tl n. bottle, throucliout the t'nlfpil
States ami Canada; and in l:nclanJ,at Is Sd.,2s.3J.,
18.6.1. If yon are not g.Ulsfleil after biiyhiK, return the
wttle to your druggist ami Ri't your moiiey basi.
II V authorize tl)t nmir guarantee.
). it. llOOKZli dV CO., 1'n'pnttort, Sew York.
For sale at Blakeley 'a l'harmaev.
.1 D Wnitten was in town
from Kinnsley.
Mrs. Colonel Everson, of Bandon,
Coos county, formerly Mrs. Canlield, of
the Dulnr neighborhood, is in tiio city.
Mrs. Henry Mivhew, wife of the
Kingsley hotel keepet, arrived here last
night from her former home in the far
East, briniing her mother with her on
a visit for the benetit of her health.
Miss Mvrtle Ruffe returned to her
home in Silverton Wednesday. Miss
Bofl made many warm friends during
her stay in The Dalles, and they will
ever remember her with kindly thoughts.
The I! loonier- Win.
The Bloomers win. Our team goes
down before the maidens, and their
effort to rise is fruitless. One of the
worst defeats of the ball season. Our
boys outclassed by the ladies. The
home nine, after the first beginning,
which turned out a whitewash, was sud
denly attacked with spring fever, ami it
so completely overcome them that it was
impossible for them to get hold of the
ball. Talk about batting! Those Bos
ton girls knocked that ball all over the
diamond. The lady in the box had an
eastern outcurve that t lie boys were un
able to lind. The game resulted in a
score of -1 to '2 in favor of the Bloomers.
Ttie lady ball team conducted them
selves as good as any theatrical com
pany that ever visited Fairfield. They
acted as ladies and were a credit to some
of the so-called gentlemen that attended
the game. Fairfield Daily Journal.
Ailveitlaed Letters.
oxi: bottie. Recommended many vears
by all druggists in the world, and sold
by Clarke & Falk. Get Green's prize
almanac. -
Seven Yoiiri In lied.
"Will wonders ever cease?" inquire
the friends of Mrs. h. Pease, of Lawrence,
Kan. They know she had been unable
to leave her bed in seven veare on ac
count of kidney and liver trouble,
nervous prostration and general debility ;
but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters
enabled me to walk," she writes, "and
in three months I felt like a new person.'
Women suffering from Headache, Hack
ache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan
choly. Fainting and Dizzy .Spells will
find it a priceless blessing. Try it.
Satisfaction is guaranteed. G. C. Blake-
ley, the druggist. Only oOc. o
Coltaj; Omui."
A pood piano lor sale, only .fOU; in
perfect condition; made bv T. A. Stone
it Co., of New York, and is a rare
bargain. Also a Weber for .fJoO. Every
one knows what the Weber piano is.
We have an organ, only if 15, made by
Luring & Blake, and a "V. W. Kimball
organ, used but a short time, at $50.
We carry the three high-grade pianos
Kimball, Weber anil Chickering.
M K.viu'Ki.' & I'akkins,
juneS The Dalles, Ore.
Htrlkf, A lilcli Find.
"I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion and nervous de
bility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancas
ter, X. II., "No remedy helped me un
til I began using Electric Bitters, which
did me more good than all the medicines
I ever used. They have also kept my
wife in excellent health for years. She
says Electiie Bitters are just splendid
for female troubles ; that they area grand
tojic and invigorator for weak, run
down women. No other medicine can
take its place in our family." Try them.
Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by
G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. 1
To all old and now subscribers paying one year in advance wo offer-
Tri-Weokly Tribune and Semi-Weokly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weokly Tribune and Somi-Weokly Chronicle for $1.50.
IMihllMietl Monday,
Wednesday iiml Krl
diiy. U in reality a line
and fresh everyother
day Dully, Riving the
latest news on days of
Ismic, and covering
news of the other :t.
It ccmtiiliis nil lniior
taut forUmi ealile
now which appeals
in the Dally Tribune
of sumo ilatc, also tin
medio and fotclun
coiuiiondelico, short
stork'!', cIcKant half
tone Illustrations hu
morous Items, Indus
trial Information,
fashion notes, imrlcnl
tilral niattois and
oomprclit'iislviMind rr
liable llnancliil anil
market repot t.
lion pilec,
JI..7I per
We furnish It with
Semi Weekly t'hront
cle for ? per year.
1'uhllslicd on Thins
day, known for
nearly Mxty yearn in
cry part of Ihe I'ni
led State as a nii'lon
id family newspaper
of the highest class,
for fanners and villa
Iters. It contains all
the most Important
general news of the
Dally Tribune up to
the hour of koIiik to
press: ,n lunlcullurai
department of the
IdKhi'st order, has en
toitiilnliiK tending for
everv member or tin
famlly.oMaud young
market leports which
nte accepted as until
01 Ity by farmers and
mereimnls, and Is
clean, up to d ite, in
ierc.MIng and liiMruc
Iteunlar subserlp
tton juice, $1 per yeai.
We furnish it with
'cml-Weekly Ohrnnl
cle for ?l.!.t) per year
E. FALT & CO.,
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered (o any part of Hie Oily.
173 Second Street.
fil Local,
88 Long DiHtnnce.
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
Blaek - fiight
Will make the season of HUM at Jaleh's Darn,
.1 Hi fur, Oregon.
BLACK NIGHT ie a hlack .lack, foaled Juno 17, 15)01 ; hre.l l.y .1. V.
Stevens, Howard county, Mo. Hired hy Hlack Dan the Third, a jack Hi hands
high, and a No. 1 foal-getter: he hy Muck Night the Second, and he hy Duncan'H
Mack Dan, an imported jack from Kentucky. Mack Night's dam, (iray .lennett,
aired by Compromise; he hy llickman'H Compromise; hia dam hy MeKinn'e
Washington ; 2d dam hy Napoleon, lid dam by Hlack Dan.
TERMS: To insure, $10.00; hy season, $10.C0,
prevent accidents ; hut we will assume no responsibility,
is known to bo in foal.
Of the product of thin well-knoun brewery tiio United Ktiites Health
UeporlH for .Juno 2K, 15100, tuyn: "A more mipoiior brew never entered
tho labriitor,y of the United StatOH Health ntportH. It ih atioluiely ilevoid
of tho Hlighteat trace of ndiilteration, hut on the other hand is couiposeil of
the bent of mult and ehoiceat of Iioh. Ite tonic (UalltieH are of the higd.
est and it can ho need with tho greateal lienellt and HiitiHfaetion hy old mid
young. ItH use can confoientiously he preHoribetl by the phyHlciaiis with
the ce.ipiiintv that a bettor, purer or more whnli'Home beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Socond Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
F. S. GUfWlflG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
-iii;.m.i:i: is-
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Agent for I! in. sell A. Co.'s i.rnilnes, '1'hicslicrx ami Haw Mills.
Telephone lf7.
Long Dirttance 10711
Cor. Second's Lausblin Sis,, THE DALLES. OR.
Care will be taken to
.Muncv due when mare
C. T. I'.ALCH, .Manager.
Dl'l'l'Ii, (;UHCi()N.
Which Will
In, I'nr Tlielr Dun ISenellt
If llfilvil.
Following is the listof letters remain
ing in the postoflice at The Dalles un
called for June 15, 1901. Persons
calling for tho same will give date on
which thev were advertised:
Cooper James I
Darling, Stella
Friend, J E
Foss Lei in
.Johnson, Minnie (2)
Killiam, Frank
Mettler, John
Mathews, b
Buck, Geo
Caili-e, V H
Fowler. H J
Faust, Richard
Hadley, Harrison
.1 u ii n eoti , D
Lifc'ht, Henrv
.Mathiaf, Will
McUonald, John D I'lukham, Lt
Shefinan & Linn Taylor, Arthur
Tavlor, Kav Tuttle, Hannah
Tuttle, E K Wall, Andr J
Webb, Harrv (2. Webber, C F
White, Thomas
J. M. I'attkuson, P. M.
Albert Toiler ClioHan.
Bufimlo, N. Y., June 14. In the
National Editorial Association today the
law committee precipitated a warm
debate by submitting a report in favor
of excluding from the malls all news
papers that give premiums. John A,
Sleicher, of New York, led the opposition
to the report, which was finally adopted.
Albert Tozler, of Portland, Or., was
elected president. The next convention
will be held at Hot Springs, Ark.
"Smallpox has broken out at Carson,"
says the Skamania County Pioneer.
"The U-year-old baby of Win, Hollis ia
down with it, and Dr. Schroeder has
pronounced the disease undoubtedly
smallpox. County Commissioner Ed
Hollis is looking after the caeo and will
do all he can to prevent the spread of
the disease. The disease was brought
up from Portland in a lady's clothes, so
we understand. This is the second time
the disease ha been shipped into this
county from Portland, and we are get
ting heartily tired of it. The authori
ties in Portland should make an attempt
to stamp out the disease instead of try
ing to cover it up us they have been do
ing. If (he does not try to do some
thing to atop the spread of smallpox
soon Portland will lose her trade with
this section. People are not going to
Why not spend the vacation at Ya-
quina bay, where can be had excellent
fare, good fishing, good boating, safe
bathing, alluring rides and rambles.
The courses and exercises at the summer
school of 1901 at Newport will afford
creat variety of instructions, diversion
and entertainment. No other resort
offers equal attractions and like advan
tages, junll-tf
If you want to retain your hnir you
have to keep your scalp clean, ffoap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the very
best preparations for cleansing the
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your hair soft and glossv.
Price, 23 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's
barber shop, The Dalles. tf
Don't Kill) It In,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and tho pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
"The Doctors told mo my cough was
incurable One Minute Cough Cure made
me a well man." Norris Silver, North
Stratford, N. H. Uecauso you've not
found relief for a stubborn cough, don't
despair. Ono Minute Cough Cure has
cured thousands and it will cure you.
Safe and sure. Clarke & Falk's P. O.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures conntiuation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. 25 eta. andSOctu. Blakeley,
the druggist.
Experience is the best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Kemedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup, Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded
23 cts, and 50 els. Blakeley, the drug
gists. For Hui.
A stylish black drivinc horse, very
gentle. Also a nearly new open buggy,
harness, blankets, etc. Very cheap.
Address, W. Ii. Rockwell,
m27d2ww3w Dufur. Ore,
You will not have boils if vou take
Olarke & Falk's sure cure foi bolls.
Hefore buying any tombstones or any
cemetery work come and see Mr. Co-
mini. Don't let any one bluff you with
their slick talk. They know nothing'
about the business and run down the
poor mechanic. They try to make you
believe that their work is durable. He
fore you give your order let Mr. Comini
take you out to the cemetery and show
you what kind of work he puts up and ,
give you his prices for similar work, i
fiuure on vour work. Van will lind by
asking any one who has had business
dealings with Mr. Comini that all of his
work is of first-class quality, just as he
represents it to be, and that hia prices
for euch work are very low.
It is not necessary to Bend for stone
from other places, there is stone here in
The Dalles that will stand until tho
judgment day. Sandstone crumbles.
Danger, dieease and death follow
neglect of tho bowels, IJ30 DoW'ilt's
Little Early Hieers to regulate them and
you will add years to your life and life to
vour years. Easy to take, never gripe.
Clarke & Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
Dyspepsia Cure
1 Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
.Headquarters for Feed Grain ot 2 11 kin
I Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind?
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, s?!?1
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
fr"Q FlOUr '''H '''""r 1H manufactured exprecsly for family
1 jxt. J- xisu.0. IJBH vtrv pack iH guaranteed to give satisfaction.
I Wrt sell our goods lower than any house in tho trade, unci if yon don't think M
I call and get our pricea and lai convinced.
! Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t. Barley and Oats
Diaests what you eat. I
luartificlally digests the food audaltlfl
Nature ia strengthening uud recoil-,
8tructing the exhausted digestive or-1
pans, it is the latest, oiscovereuutKesi
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in olllclency. it in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
t be in a hurrv to give your order, ' wrapepsiu, inuiKebwun, iicariuuni,
. . . . , , ' Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
first give Mr. Comini a chance to , sick ieatachef GaStraWa .Crampsaild
auoiner results 01 miperiecDUiKcstion.
PrlcoMc.andll. Largoslzecontalns2K times 1
small sire. Hook all r.bou t dyspepsia mulledfreo '
rccarsd by E C. DcWITT ft CO., Cblcaga
Sold by Clarke & Falk's P O Pharmacy
A surgical operation is not necessary
to cure piles. DoWitt'e Witch Ha.el
Salve saves all that expense anil never
fails. Beware of counterfeits. Clarke A
Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy.
Mar 1WI. i
Noll cat Ih hereby Riven that the ollowinn
uarnul hcttlur Iihh lllcil notice of IiIn intention
to makd Until proof In nipport ot ti Ih claim, mill
tlmt mild proof will he mii ill) iH'Inrii the Keels
turunil Itccclver at The Uulluy, Oregon on Mon
day, July H, I'M, vU.
Albert W. 'l'liruor.
of '1 ho Dalles, Oregon, II, K. No. 4'JCl fur lliu
HK'4 lice. 10, T. I ti., I!. 11 K., W. M.
He limned the fnllowliiK wltntuhen to prove
IiIh continuous rufcldcncu upon uud cultivation
of fcalii land, vi. :
Cliurk'h (iosHon. Cliurli'H Knilth, Waller Scott
uud Uhho C. Mutnty, nil of Tho Dullua, Orcioii,
iauyi JAY l l.UOAB.Ktglucr.
Executor's Notice.
Notice Ih hereby given Hint M. Domiell Iiiik
been duly ioliitud executor ot thu lutt will
uud'tvitaineiitof Ann laichhiKer. dvceaxud.
All lierMMK IimvIiikcUIuih uKHlimt the eitntc
of mill Aim J.uclilnKcr are livrebv uotllled to
prcatnt Iho miie to inc. verified Ruby Uw re
iUlrod, within tlx mouth from thu date of UiIh
Dated at Dalles City thin 7th day of June, 11)01,
JunS U, '., lJONKhl-( Kxevutor.
Just Received
A full lino of Fresh Printing and De
veloping Papers direct from factory.
Solio, lox, Doko, 'ohx
iiml Aristo in all sizus.
Also a line of I'lateH in Cramer,
Crown, .Seeds and Hlanloy.
'J'rays, I'rintiug Frames,
Allnims, MultigrapliH,
And all accseorieH to complete the
outfit of either the amateur or pro
fessional photographer.
Our Kureka Combined .Toning and
Fixing Bath is a dandy. Try it,
Tho, A. E. C. Developer for platec,
films or developing papers has noeiial.
lCnough for to developed doen plates
or fi dozen Velox 4x5, 1'nrfect blacks
and whitoH are guaranteed, if directions
are followed. Ask for the A. H. C. De
veloper, mid see that yon get the
Wi are prepared to compound any and
all of your own formaho and guarantee
At the old place, 175 .Second .Street,
The Dallen, Oregon.
Geo. 0. Blakeley.
UnraoTO I'laiplen, PraTtot
VXIU llUUIIII anil ll.anan.r.
A IIIOVrlllnt i thu i;,..T. T .71 .T""
K ...... .
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Bank.
Condon I'Iiiiiik 't'.l i
Long 1111. Hill I.
5 r Kir t.r
tut riAi i cc nornnN
rib. Lnuku wrikw."
T I y ,f!, SOUTH and EAST via
NOl'llieni PnCllli: Souiriern Paciuctt.
Yellowstone Park Line.
1 a
Shasta Route
Train, leave Tho Dalles for I'nrllaiiU uud
hUIIoiih at I; 2.' i a. in. and '! l.
No. -I.
i Union Depot. Firthand I sts
: Kitstmull for Tiicoiiiii,
I Heattle, Olymiila, (iiay'N
I Harbor and Hoiitli lu-ml ,
untH, Hioknnu, ItosM-!
I land, II. (!,, I'lillmiin,
MOM'OW, lAiuUton, lluf i
11:15 A. M.lfiilolluiiiiiiiiilim'ciiiui. fi;M) V, M,
I try, Hull mi, Mlnni'iitm-1
IIh, HI, I'iiiiI, Omaha,'
nnunnn i.iiy, ni. IX)IH,
t;iilcuKo noil all pointH1
eat and Miiillu'imt, No, it.
1'iiKut Hound Hxpromi
for Tiicoiiiii iiml Hcalllul 7:00 A. M.
and liitermiillMtu potnm
No. 1.
lll.'W 1', II.
J'lillimiii llrit clMhH and lourlit Nleoimrii in
wllliout chHiw;.1''1"1 m"' iUhM,url 'vnl
i V Vi'.f A r.Hl ",,,'m k'lM)t fonnwitloiw
In all principal cIUuh,
KKHKo oliikwt todestlnalloii of tickets,
ib r,''MJ1",H"1"'cly I'limtiaUitduMjrliiUveiiiatUjr,
wrl to lut'l,l'Ker rem-rvutlous, etc., call ou or
on atrcet.cortier Third, I'ortluud Orcoii.
h.Wil ia
It ia
U'livo Portland
'' Ajhaiiy
Arrlvo Aulilmwl 1 .'li It 111
" Kiierameiito ....
" tiau KraucUeo ..
rim p ia
7. Kip ia
Arrive 0doii
" Denver ,. .r.
" KaiiiMiH(:ity.
" C'iilcttKo
Arrlvu litu AiiKelea ...
" HI i'HKO
Fort Worth
" Olty of Mexico ,
" Hoiuton
' New OrlwiiiH .,
,', l.'i a in
11:00 a in
i Joaia
7.lni ia
I :W p in
li (0 p ia
a ia
y.Mn in
COlii ia
a ii a ia
(i.l.'ii ia
New York.... W.Hl'W
7:00 m
1'iillman and Toiirlt earn K llKi ffO.
OliaircarH Httorainenln to ,el"?ii, W0'
and tourUt earn to ClilcaiK". l
leaiiH and WathliiKtoii. .
in. ieM"
at Han Fraiic ,"" cblw
.Um.l.l. line for Honoliilu,
l'hUIi)lueii, Central ami Booth Aniens
Bee agent at Tho JMIIoh utatloii, or i