The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 15, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
SATURDAY - - Jl'XE 15, 19(1
Merchant Tailor,
Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe,
We have au excellent line of Spring
Suitings, Pantings, etc., which we are
prepared to make up in the latest styles,
and guarantee a perfect fit.
The Oregonian "Wednesday morn-
ing did not disappoint any of its u" u''"s
, , , berth on steamers. Reservations for
readers who are at all tamihar with pa8gen.,cre goini; via steamers should be
the disposition and course of political j made in advance to insure accommoda-
action which have guided its edi- j tions, for which a deposit of $5.00 will
torial utterances for some lime. ' he required. All rail in both directions,
i- i iit i i ii I v'a O. R. & N. and Southern Pacific,
Early Wednesday morning, two well- L. . , . .
J j first class, good for stop-overs in Cah-
known republicans of Salem were j fornia) 2850i Secoml c1hs3i im;llujinK
talking on the street relative to .berth in tourist sleeper in both direc
President McKinley's leitcr and I tions, no stop-overs, .f2o.50. Tickets on
what the Oregonian was likely to 1 flale llt Tm' Dalies Jl,1-V 151,1 a,ul 1Gth
, , and will ue honored by Southern Pacific
say about U. One of thom re-i . . , . .... ... ,.k. .
J on trains leaving Portland Julv lotii and
marked: "Oh, the Oregonian will , 1Gth, and on morning train July 17th;
simply say that tbe president Had
his ear to the ground and knew it
would be no use to run, so he backed
out." To show how well that man
knew bis subject, the Oregonian
columns wore scanned upon its
arrival and the following was found:
"Meanwhile it is reassuring to see
that the president's ear is on the j
ground with all its wonted alertness." j
And this also: "Mr. McKinlov '
, , i i . t i i , i
knows be coukln t be elected again.
" ,
It is doubtful whether he could have !
been elected in 189C, and certainly ;
he could not have been elected in
1900 but for the stupid and fatuous
course of the democratic party in its
adherence to Bryanism."
These clippings illustrate the dis- j
position manifested toward President
McKinley by the Oregonian at all
limes, which obscures its vision and
prevents it lruixi uisuuvuuul; u jji.usu- ,
worthy trait in his character or an
act of his that is entitled to generous ,je writeS( ,1rave me a terrib,e mM ,n(
commendation. But, so long as no- j cough. It grow worse daily. Finally
body expected anything different 1 the best doctors inOakland, Xeb., Sioux
from the Oregonion, all will be satis-! City ai,d Omaha said I had Consumption
i i i.. i and could not live. Then I began using
fled and pass by its criticisms aSir. .,. , ... ,
i Ilr k inrr'a ow I liannuuft' anil ttnu
another evidence
Of editorial Oys-
pepsia. Salem Statesman.
The Courier-Journal has only dis-1
gust for the secret traitors at home j
who are forever trying to discredit!
their country with her foes. It says:
"Cisneros, one of the members of
tbe Cuban Constitutional Conven -
tion, informs that bodythat he is in
receipt of letters from New York ad -
vising the convention not to accept
the Piatt amendment, and assuring
him that public opinion in the United
States would support the convention
in rejecting it. It is entirely prob
able that Mr. Cisneros bus received
such letters. Nothing has been more j
clearly shown in tho last two or three
., . ., i ,
ynars than that there arc d number
of Americans who arc always most
active whenever there is a chance to j
oppose their own country." I
. ,
The parliamentary register for
1890 showed that there was then
only ono potwalloper in all England. ;
One seeing the term for the first j
time might easily imagine that a
potwalloper was a species of ichthy
osaurus or some other reptile of a
past age. It will bo discovered up
on inquiry, however, that the term
"potwalloper" ia literally one who
boils a pot, and was applied to voters
in certain boroughs ot England,
where before the passage of there-
form liill of 1 832 tho qualification
for suffrage wns to have boiled (wnl
lopod) his own pot in tho nurish for
six months.
Mrs. Nancy 1$. Irving, of Chicago,
who has published n book intended
to prove that under the present social
conditions business cannot be con
ducted honestly, otters a reward of
$1,000 to the business or professional
mau who proves that he has done his
work for a month without lying.
Sumptcr has an ordinance which
is designed to prevent tho minors of
that religious burg from roaming
about after midnight. It's dollars to
doughnuts that it isn't enforced.
KatPf) to Hun KranclKCo mill Ilnturii.
TheO. R. & X. Co. will make the
following rates from The Dalles, Oregon,
to San Francisco and return for National
Convention of Epworth League, July
lS-'Jl, 1901: Via rail to Portland anil
0. K. & N. steamers from Portland to
San Francisco and return, .f23.50.
Tickets on sale ami honored on trains
from The Dallps and on ."tenners from
Portland only on July 11th and Irtth.
Returning tickets will be honored on
I steamers sailing trom San Francisco not
later than August 1st; final limit, Aug-
i mm !... i i
good for return passage leaving San
Francisco up to and including July 111,
1901. Tickets will not be sold good in
one direction via rail and in another via
For further information communicate
with das. Ireland, agent, The Dalles,
Oregon. mtM-jlyll
Hates to I'un-Auierlcaii Kxiiosition,
Round-trip rates via O. R. it N. from
The Dalles, fS1.90. Tickets on sale first
anu imru meeaaya "uung June, Jiuy,
August, September and October.good for
' . . ' t ,
continuous passage going on date of Eale.
Return Hnm thirly daya from (lllt(J of
gale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of
Missouri river or St, Paul on return trip
within limit of ticket.
Arrangements can be made by apply
ing to agent O. R. & X. Co., The Dalles,
whereby tickets will be honored on laKe
steamers in one or both directions be-
tween Detroit and Buffalo.
tf James Ireland, Agent
A UOBUiCi ItourltiR Flood.
Washed down a telegraph line which
i Chae. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la,, had to re-
nair. "Mtnnilini umiQr ripen in irv wntnr 11
wholIv cured by six bottles." P
j guaranteed for Coughs, Colds anil all
, Throat arid Lung troubles by G. C.
Blakeley, the druggist. Price 50c.
I'luyeii Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
, j of the body, Sinking at the pit of the T.naQ rtf rtmorlrn Pntrorlolin oaa
Pimplea or Sure8 are a! positive evidonl
! cee of impure blood. No matter how it
j became so it must be purified in order
!to obtain a health. Acker's Blood
Elelf irtl'a.a '"eve! failed tocure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
dleeaee3. lt , certainly u wonderful
! remedy and wo sell every bottle on a
posiwvo guarantee, uiaxeiey, me drug
gist. Htopiied Into I.lve (Joalt).
"When u child I burned my foot fright-
fully," writes W. II. Ends, of Jonesville,
Va- "wl)ich caU8e(' horrible leg sores for
oO years, but Bncklen's Arnica Salve
in. ,. ,
wholly cured mo after everything else
fnlleil.' Infallible for Hurns, Scalds,
Cuts, Sores, bruises and Piles. Sold by
G. C. Ulakeley, thw druggist. 2)c. r
Eczema, saltrheum, tetter, chafing,
lvy poiB(niini, am, ekln tortllreH ar0
quickly cured by DoWitt'H Witch Hazel
Salvo. The certain pile cure. Clarke &
Fttlk'B v 0haruiay.
For sprains, swellings and lamented
there Is nothing so good us Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For eale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and (unburn. Manufactured by Cares
& Falk.
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushee.
Subscribe for Tun Chkoniuuc.
NOLAN'S Profit-Sharing Association.
Tho first monthly dividend lias hcon distributed to tho profituhlo satisfac
tion of thirteon of my customers. The only rogrot is tlmt 1 was not able to
give a valuable present to each of my customers. ' I think they all deserve ono
On Saturday, July 6th, 1 will givo uwav two music boxes ono worth .f27.0, I'Mng eight
tunes, and ono worth .$7.60; a pack of sugar and a barrel ol flour. I will givo a caHh rebate of fl.Ul) to custo
mer paving the most money bv that date, and $'J.OO to the one paying in the second largetH amount, un
each Sa'turdav, commencing on the 15th of Juno and including July tlth, I will, In addition to the two preH
onts given each week, give a .$1 00 rnbato to the customer paying tho largest amount during tho week.
Purchasers of goods in my lihu will do well to keep In mind that sell goods as low as the lowest, as
well as share the profit with mv customers.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Orooer.
All kinds of
The Dalles, Or.
Funeral Supplies
Some desirable city property for sale
or rent. For particulars call on Gibbons
ii Marden. alltf
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke fit Falk
have them.
We offer for a limited period the
twice-a-week Ciikonici.k, price $1.50,
and tbe Weekly Oregonian, price ifl.oO,
both papers for .$2 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance. f
Dyspepsia can bo cured by using
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little
Tablet will give immediato relief or
money refunded. Sold in handsome tin
boxes at L'o cts. Wakeley the druggist.
"A few months ago, food which I ate
for breakfast would not remain on my
stomach for half an hour. I used one
bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and
can now eat my breakfast and other
meals with a relish and my food ie
thoroughly digested. Nothing eimals
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach
troubles" II. S. Pitts. Arlington Tex.,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you
eat. Clarke & balk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh j they dry up tbo becretions,
wliicu auhero to the jiiemurauo and uecom
pose, causing a far nioro Kerioua trouble than
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
iug iuhalauU, fumes, smokea and smiiTa
aud uio that which cleanses, eooILch and
heals. Ely's Crearn Halm ia mich ft remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily and pleasantly. A trial aizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All driitmstH noil tbo
COc. bizo. Ely J3ro titers, fit; Warren Ht., N.Y.
Tho Iialm curoa without pain, doefl not
irritate or causa micozing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry Burfaco, reliev
ing immediately tho painful inllauiination.
With Ely's Cream balm you tiro armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Ilay Favor.
Mr. James brown of Putsmouth, Va.,
over !J0 years of age suffered for years
with a bad sore on his face. Physicians
could not help him, DeWitt'u Witch
Hazel Salve cured him permanently.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
For sale or tent A house of J niuo
rooms on Ninth street, with two lots
and u nice little orchard. Apply to Dad
butts. junll-ld-ltw
The bilious, tired, nervous man cannot
successfully compete with bis healthy
rival. DeWitt'a Little Early Risers tbe
famous pills for constipation will remove
tbe cause of your troubles. Clarke &
Falk's P.O. Pharmacy.
Clarke & Falk baye received s carload
of tbe celebrated James E. Patton
strictly mire liquid paints
After vou tire of using so-called kiilnev remedies
without any benefit, use Lincoln Soxuol PlllBiind be
forever rid of those dull pains In your back. Discard
that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have
all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your
nights made restful by tbe use of nature's greatest
assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills.
Price, $1.00 per box buy ol your druggist or sent
by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper.
Fort Wuyno, Indiana.
M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles.
& Burget
Burial Shrouds
White Collar Line.
Portland-Astoria Route
Str. "TAHOMA,"
Daily Round Trips except Sunday.
Leave Portland 7 a. m.
Leave Astoria 7 i'. m,
The Daiies-Ponianfl Route
Except Monday,
Cascade Locks, Hood River,
White Salmon and
The Dalles.
Leave Portland 7 a. m.
Arrive The Dalles !l i i,
Leave " " 4 "
Arrive Portland II "
Meals the Very Best.
Sunday Trips a Leading Feature.
Thin lionta Iiiih the ( irniiilil
Scenic Attractions on Earth.
Landing and ofllce Foot of Alder
Street; both phones, M Url, Portland,
E. W. CRICHTON, Agent Portland,
J. M. FILLOON, Agt. Tho Dalles,
A. J. TAYLOR, Agent ABtoriu.
CO Yt;AR8'
trade marks
C0lVRI0HT8 iLil.
qulcklf ucerlln our opinion fru wlietLtir a'
In volition l prolmbly pulriilablo. I'liiniiiiinlcf
tlniiiiatrlctlycuiitldeiitlal. Ilmirlbiiokuii I'lilvuLi
Aiirono nruiiK n moirn ana aeicrlptloit iu
mtlroo. Ill
I'iltUl.tU t&
it Into. OWait niieiiuy fur necutlilir pultuu.
jitui.ta taken tbrouuli Jlunii ft to. rclvu
(Uu notice, without cbarue. In tbo
tpeetal nolkf
Sckurttk flmcrkari.
A hindtomelr lllnntraterl wnekly. I,rt cir
culation ot ny aolaiitlUn JuruaU Turnii, a u
yart four montlif , tl. Bold brull newniaaloM.
MUNN Co.30'D Hew York
Just What
You uuant.
New ideab in Will Paper here. Such
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graced a siuglu stock. Heal iniita-
i tion uretun ellectu at ordinary prices,
j Good papers at chean paper prices,
j Elegant designs, tasteful cdlorings, yourH
i for a small price, at our store on Third
street. AIho a full line of bouse paints.
ID. W. VATTSE, Third St.
L. Lane, is
(J, Wagon and Carrlago Work
E. Fish Brothors' Wnuon.
I ThM and JcITciid, Phone 159
Tiie coloiia Packing Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
-Max A. Voiit.
First National Bank.
A General Bunking business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Bight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on duv of collection.
H'mht and Telegraphic Exuhange sold en
New York, Han Francisco aiu! Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Huiiknok,
Eo. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likiik.
H. M. Bit a i.!,.
Transact a General Banking Business.
Letters of Credit issued available in
the Eastern Stales.
Sight Exchange ami Teleisraphlc
transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
Kt. Louis, Kan Francifeco, Portland Ore
gon, fieattlo Wah aud various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
mm MM
Tho W. W. Wilaon Co., Props.
First-Class in Every Respect
Oysters Served in any Style.
87 Bwjima Bt., The Dallfs, Or
Hoisestioer f
Shopj linE
and union Pacific
iiir p. in.
vln limit
V;t)n. in,
vU limit
Ht. l'nill
KriNt Mull,
'.f.Z'i ii. in,
VlH Hl(),
Hlt Ijike, Dimvcr, Kt
Worth, Oniiihii, Knu
uiiri) mill tho KiihI,
:0.')p. w.
I Halt Ijiku, llvnvur, Kt i
I Wnrtli, Omiiliii, Knn-!
I niiNCIty.Ht.lmls.Clil.1
ciigu mill tltn ICiiMt.
I I'm, rn.
WiiIIh Wall, liowlnlnii.i
mini, MIiiiicimiMn. Ht.
I ki, (;ill(!HK(illi(l Kanl.
!1:!W, tn,
From I'.irlliiinl.
(All KiillltiK (!ittc mill
Jciit llj CIlllIIKf )
Will every Ti days.
H;m , m.
1.0) p. m.
!-;Ui p. 1ii.
(.'iilimililii Itlvnr.
Vd Astorlii ii I Hi Way
1.00 p.m.
' p, in.
Ilnlly WllliitlinltK Itlvnr.
UXI'.Upt Mrrnrilll I'llv .n. V
I 0 p. rn.
RllMiiny, H,!..,,,. Iliilonm ..wC.Pt
r.:.'xl ii. in.
iiiiiI Wiiy-ljiniUiiKH.
n;W ii. m.
I W p. tn.
CiirviilllH mill Wiiy
ITtivliiy. Wllluiimttn mill .iMp.w,
i Tlitir'il'iy, Viuiililll Itlvnrx. Monday,
?""""" . (Iil-kiiii city, Dnytoii unit inewy
t .... i ii '. I j ill 1 1 tl irw i'llUJIY.
Nun Un
Ulpnrlii tu 1jwMton.
U: 10 ii. m.
I'nrtieM .leNlrliiK to ro tn lluntuicr or
iximt.s on Coliiuililii Hiititlicrn vln IIIkks, aliauli
tilltf No. ?, luiivlllg Tim ldilkM lit 1 :'..' p. tn.
mnkiiiK illriK't coiittntlnii!i at llciipnur Junction
mill IIIkk. ItiituriihiK niHkliiKdiri'Ctt'iMiiicctlon
nt Hi'ipiii-r luin.'tliiii mid IIIkkh wlthiNu, l, ar
rlvttiK ut 'Miu Dalluk hi l:0.Vi. in.
Knr furthur pnrticiilnrs, cull mi nr AiMrt's
Tlio iMllvx, UrvKOti.
Tho time will soon be here wlu' ,,vrf
Htylish tlresHed man will want an ii,,l.
date Hpring Suit. Those are the kind o
patrons 1 am tailoring for. Lome in
and look over my Spring line of Milting'
All tho latest novelties for 1101 .
Suits to Order, $IO.OO.
John Pashek, The Tailor.
la All Iti) ataum tliero
ilioulil bu clvuiiliuou. I
Ely's Cream Holm
clvannes, lootlicH anil liuaU
tlio illmtan'il nieiiibraiic.
It ciiren catarrh amldrlvea
way a cold la tlio head
rain Halm U plucod Into tbo notrli, v
ovr tlio uiemliruo and If baorbJ. "S,
liivillato ud a euro follow. It W not ilf'B
not produco iiwzlng. Urgo HUo, 60 wnt
Kilt .ir by null ; TrUl HUo, 10 cenl" rwb
H.Y IKtOTUKUS, a Warren Wwt.K