The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 14, 1901, Image 4

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    Rolling Mill Consumption
seven out of overy ten men who woik in rotting mills, Iron foundries and pla. f.ictoties illo
' of consumption. You know lioiv early in life tliee men ius awn v. Tlie uuul vinptum i a
luijsrlin:, iH.Tktcntni!h sometime .-hort and luiekini;, sometlmo' lianl and tlrv. ' The luitttnt
row.s weaker and thinner tiny by day. Death eventually eoniuer. The trouble i)me from
intense heat, and the constant intuillui; of the tine particle of dust and iron that till the air.
Tlu'M! )virt teles, under a microscope, show rajrwd, sharp oiIkcs, - litcli tear and mutilate tho
delicate liuini: of the throat and lungs. Perpetual sores are thu formcil, and here it i that
tin- genu-! of coneutntition find a place to feed and multiply. Acker's Knglish Itemed v as
direoveii-d in Knslaml. and is the only cure in the world for Kolliiij Mill Consumption. It
heals up the sores, stiviiBlhens the inurou membranes of the breathim; organs, permanently
ops the cough, builils up the constitution and Imparts visor to the whole lystcm. It must
either cure or It cou you nothing. One Untie doe.- wonders. Trv It. What it lias done for
Many others it Mill also do for you and your loved one?.
Sold at 50o. and Jl a lot tie tiimiiirliout the Vnlted State? and Canada: and in
Knslatid at Is. al.. i. 0d., 4s. (VI. If o ar,' not satisfied after buMug, teturn the buttle, (0
) our druggist, and get your money look.
ll'c authwixc Ux otwn jji-jra.iic, II , 11, UOOKHR A- CO., J'ropridors, .Yew l'urk.
For sale at Blakeley?s Pharmacy.
Miss Ann Smith, of Hood River, is
(linen Vt'iiri In llftt.
"Will wonders over cease?"
visiting for two weaks with Miss Mar- i 'he- frientlaof Mrs. L. Pea-e, of Lawrence,
den in this city
State Senator J. N. Williamson has
returned to The Dalles after an absence
of Severn! months.
Mr. and Mrs. M. ',. Donnell returned
last night from Portland, where Mr.
Donnell attended the session of the Ma
eonic grand lodge.
Mrs. A. J. Toltnie will leave tonight
for her home in Davton, Wash., to at
Kan. They knew she had been unable
to leave her bed in seven vears on ac
count of kidney and liver trouble,
nervous prostration and general debility ;
but. "Three bottles of Electric llittera
enabled me to walk," she writes, "and
in three months I felt like a new person."
Women suffering from Headache. Back
ache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan-
The People's Rational Famiiu Newspaper
To all old and now subscriber paying one year in advance wu oiler-
Tri-Weokly Tribune and Somi-Wookly Chronicle for S2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for SI. 50.
Published Monday,
Wednesday and Fri
day, In In reality a tlno
itud fresh every other
day Dally, giving the
latest news on days of
lsMtc, u ml covering
news of tits other Si.
It contains all impor
tant foreign cubic
news which appoint
in the l'ally Tribune
of same date, also do
medic mill foreign
correspondence, short
stoties, elegant half
tone Illustrations, hu
morous items, indus
trial information,
fashion notes, agricul
tural matters, and
Mitiprelicuslvoand te
llable tluauclal
market reiorts,
ttou price,
Jl.Ml per
Wo furnHi It with
Semi Weekly Cliront
clc for f.'.W) per year.
Published onThtir
day, and known for
nearly sixty .veins in
every part of the I'm
(til States a.s a nation
id family newspaper
of the highest elans,
for farmers and villa
gers. It contains ,il'
the most Important
general now of the
Itiillv Ttlhuur up to
the hour of going to
pte-t: an agricultural
department o the
Highest older, has en
tcrtiiinlng rending lor
rverv member ot tin.
fiimllv.oldand young
market reports which
are accepted as until
orlty by farmers and
lnert'iuiius, anil Is
clean, up-toil'iti. In
teiestlng and instruc
tive. Itewular subscrip
tion price, Jl per year
We furnish It with
eml-Wcekly tJImml
clc for $1.00 per yeir
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
tend the wedding of her sister, which choly. Fainting and Dizzy Spells will
occurs on the 26th inst. . j find it a priceless blessing. Try it.
Charley Frank and Al Neleotrreturned Satisfaction is guaranteed. G. C. Blake
yesterday afternoon from trip ley, the druggist. Only 50c. 3
to White river falls. The report hav-1 :
ing caught, in less than hours, o5 j Dvspeptics cannot be long lived be
tront, measuring fioin five and one-hun-1 caustJ t0 Iive require9 nourishment Food
dreilth inches in lengthto five inches. ' . . ... .
i is not nourishing until it is digested. A
ainke Gold jriues lay. i disordered stomach cannot digest food,
New Yoiik, June 13. A dispatch Kodol Dvspep
the Word from London says: The sia Cure digests all kindH of food with
British government has decided to levy j out aid from the stomach, allowing it to
250,000,000 on theTransvaal gold mines ! rest and regain its natural functions,
to pay half the cost of the war. j Its elements are ex telle the same as the
Sir David Barbour, former finance i natural digestive fluids and it simply
minister tor India, who was commissoned can't help but do you good. Clarke &
to report upon the taxable capacity of j Folk's P. O. Pharmacy.
these mines, advised Colonial Secretary
Chamberlain to levy $175,000,000, but
Mr. Chamberlain, aftet consultation
Black - flight
Will make the season of 11J01 at Jlaleh's Iarn,
J) u fur, Oregon.
BLACK NIGHT is a black Jack, foaled June t7, 1901; bred by. I. V.
Stevens, Howard county, Mo. .Sired by Black Dan the Third, a jack Hi hands
high, nnd a No. 1 foal-getter: lie by Black Night the Second, and he by Diincan'H
Black Dan, an imported jack from Kentucky. Black Night's dam, Gray Jt'imett,
sired by Compromise; lie by Hickman's Compromise; hit (lain by .MoKinn'H
Washington; 2d dam by Napoleon, lid dam by Black Dan.
TERMS: To insure, .$15.00; by season, $10.00. Care will bo taken to
prevent accidents; but we will assume no responsibility. Money due when mare
is known to be in foal.
with Lord Milner, increased the maxi
mum in the amount stated.
Barbour's report is awaited here with
the keenest interest in political and
financial circles.
This recommendation, wiien it becomes
I 'A Ipct rnnnttin :iirn fonil ivliicli 7 ntf
for breakfast would not remain on my
stomach for half an hour. I used one
bottle of your Kodol DvHpepsin Cure and
can now eat my breakfast and other
meats with a relish and my food is
thoroughly digested. Nothing equals
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach
known here, is certain to cause confer. ! troubles" H. S. Pitts. Arlington Tex.,
. 1 . 1 . I
nation among the Kaffir stockholders. U01 ".vmpeiu wire mgests wnat you
who fancied that the idea of taxing the eat
mines, which are mostly owned in
England, had been abandoned. As these
very gold mines were the real, under
lying cause of the war, many have
C. P. HA LOU, Manager.
Glarke & Falk'i l O. Pharmacv,
that their British owners
should hi made to bear a large share, at
least, of ite heavy burden.
'Collate Gem."
A fcood piano for sale, only 00; in
perfect condition; made by T. A. Stone
& Co., of New York, and is a rare
bargain. Also a Weber for $250. .very
one knows what tho Weber piano is.
We have an orscan, only $15, made by
Luring & Blake, and a W. W. Kimball
organ, used but a short time, at $50.
We carry the three high-grade pianoB
Kimball, Weber and Chickering.
Mknkki:k & Pahki.n.s,
juneS The Dallee, Ore.
A Itnglue. It our I iik Flood.
Washed down a telegraph line which
Chae. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la,, had to re
pair, "Standing waist deep in icy water,"
lie writes, "gave me a terrible cold and
cough. It grew worse dally. Finally
the best doctors inOakland, Neb,, Sioux
City and Omaha said I had Consumption
and could not live. Then I began using
Dr. King's New Discovery and was
wholly cured by six bottles." Positively
guaranteed for Coutfha, Colds and all
Throat and Lung troubles by G. C.
Bhikeley, the druggist. Price 50c. 5
Will Aid MucliliiliU.
Nkw Yoiik, June 13. Samuel Gom
pers, president of the American Federa
tion of Libor, has made this announce
ment to the Washington correspondent
of the Herald :
"The American Federation of Labor
will aid the International Association of
Machinists in every way within its power
in its contest for the nine-dour day."
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
A Faik. ,
A full line of Eaattnan Alois and sap
plies just received by Glarke & Falk.
j If you want to retain your hair you
j have to keep your scalp clean. .Soap
j will make your hair harsh, dry and
j crispy. Now we have two of the very
j beat preparations for cleansing the
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your hair soft ami glossv.
Price, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at FrazerV
barber shop, The Dalles. tf
Clarke & Falk'e flavoring oxtraclH are
the best. Ask vonr ur vr for them.
Subscribe for Thk Ciikonici.k.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in Htrengtheiiiug and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It lathe latest discovereddiBest
ant and tonic. No other nrcnarution
stimulates the tissues to destroy the can approach it in eillcicncy. It in
germ disease, hut allaya inflammation, ' stantly rellevesand permanently cures
cau,ea easy expectoration, gives a good ! rTO,P?,Pl'a' i?l?e " le.V.lS '
. . ., ; ; I Flatulence, hour btomach, Nausea,
night's reit, and cures the patient, xry Slck iieaaiiche, GaStralKhl-Cranipsatld
on a; bottle. Recommended many years allothcrresultSOf imperfect digestion.
ny all druggets in tlie world, ami poki PrlcoSOc.antlfl. LarRoslocontalns2Ktlraos
by Clarke & Falk. Get Green's prize i small8lto.Hookollr.rjaitiiyspepsliiii)HlleUree
lo8 It I'ay tit Ittiy tJlieuji'.'
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds '
is all right, but you want something
that will relieve ami cure tlie more se
vere and dangerous results of throat and
lung troubles. What sluill you do? Go
to a warmer and more regular climate?
Yes, if possible; if not possible for you,
then in either case take tlie only rem
edy that has been introduced in all civil
ized countries witli success in severe
throat and lung troubles, "Boschee's
German Syrup." It not only heals and ;
You will not have boils if vou
Clarke & Falk'n sure cure loi boilti.
Just Received
A full line of Fresh Printing and De
veloping Papers direct from factory.
Solio, Rox, Doko, Volox
and Aristo in all sizes.
Also a line of Plates in Cramer,
Crown, Seeds and Stanley.
Trays, Printing Frames,
Albums, Multigraphs,
And all accessories to complete the
outfit of either the amateur or pro
fessional photographer.
Our Kureka Combined Toning and
Fixing Bath is a dandy. Try it.
The A. E. C. Developer for plates,
films or developing papeis has no equal.
Enough for 35 to developed doznn plates
or 0 dozen Velox 4x5. Perfect blacks
and whites are guaranteed, if directions
are followed. Ask for the A. 10. C. De
veloper, ami see that you get the
We are prepared to compound any and
all of your own formula! and guarantee
At the old place, 175 Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Geo. O. Blakeley.
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makbs you eat, sleep
and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. Mete. andoOcts. Blakeley,
the druggist.
Experience is tlie best Teacher. Use
Acker's English Remedy in any case of
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded
25 cts. and 50 cte. Blakeley, the drug
gists. Eczema, saltrheum, telter, chafing,
ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are
quickly cured by DeWitt'a Witch Hazel
Salve. The certain pile cure. Clarke it
Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
For sprains, swellings and lamenesd
there is nothing so good as Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
For Bent Two rooms adapted to
light housekeeping. Apply at Mrs.
Eddori'a, Third street. ij-lw
For rent Two furnished front rooms.
Inquire of Mrs. E. J. Sylvester, Third
street. jl0-lw
May ivn, I
Kotlre Jh hereby Klven that tho IoIIowIiik
nanitil hottler Iihn llltxl notioo ol IiIh Intention
to rnako llnnl proof in iuporc of Ills claim, anil
that mild proof will be mh1u bclorc the Ut-Kiv
tor ami Kvcciver at Tho Dalles, Orexon on Mini-
Uny, July is, 1U0I, viz.:
Albert IV. Tumor,
of The JJallei, Oregon, II. K. No. 4'Jt 1 for IIjo
HY.ii ticc. 10, T. I H it. II K W. M.
lie namea mu loiiownm wiiiivuhvn in provu
hU continuous renlueacu Uxu and cultivation
oi miu uuai viz, :
ClurletiUoiuion.Charlca Hnitth, Walter Bcott
aud Imuic V, Matuey, all of The Dallen, Oregon,
ma)i JAY I', I.UUA9,lttlitcr.
'reccred by E C DcWtTT A CO.. Cblcaga
Sold by Clarke AFalk's P.O. Pharmacy
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hm-hy given that M. 'A. Donucll has
oeen amy iiiiiik-i u.xii'iiior ot uio lint will
nnd tustiimciltof Anil Luclilncer. ilecfustil.
All titThoiih having eliilms iiKnlnst tlx- t-itnti-
oi sain Aim LiicliliiKur a ro hereby nolllkil to
present Hie Minn- to me, verified mm by law re
iiilre, within lx moiithfi from the date of this
Dated at Dalles t ity this 7th day of June, l'l,
jiitin a. i'U.-.j,i,i,, i.xeeiilor.
Notice of Guardian's Sale.
Notlco Is herlhy irlven Unit under and by vir
tue of mi order mid lleeuso of sale, duly made liy
the County Court t if Wnseo (,'ouiity, hlate of
iireKou.ou mo ')in nay oi April, l'.KIl, Ihc mi
lersh(iied, KUardliiM of ilarlaiiini Ijieuy and
iltiuh Vlviiill l.aem . minor wards, will, from
mid ulter the 17IJI day n June, at private
hale, in the manner prescribed by law for the
mho ni rem proeriy ny exeeutors mmii hi I id I ii Is
trators, sell the following described rejil prop
erty, belougliiK to Kiiid minor wmtls, tJitvlt.
'I'heHli ofheo is, In Tp2 N, Jl II K, W. M.
Said sale will lie made i m mi the premises and
to the highest bidder for cash.
(iuiirdhin of Marlanna 1-ucey and Hugh Vivian
Laeey, minor wards, mil
Uuid Ollleu at Vancouver, Wash,,
ilay l.'l, I'.iiji.
Notlee In hereby Riven that the following
named hcttlera havu illetl uotleo ot Intention to
make :lnal proof in siipj,ort of their claims, and
that said proofs will Ihj mado before W. II, I'res
by, I'. H. Coiiimiaaioiier for Dlstriet of WinOiiin; (ioldemlale, Washington, on Saturday.
JiinurJth, l(it)lP viz'
UliarloM Wiehursliiim,
ol Kyle I. ,, Wathinqton, who made II, );. No,
U130 for the southwest ouarter of Kee. It, 'i'n. ii
N.. it. la W.M.
Who iiamtH tho following witnesses to prove
hi tontliiuoiis residence up:n aud cultivation
of said land', vl.;
Cornelius Hall, Thomas M. Whlteomh, Allwrt
T. Higby and Jamm O, Lyle, all of Klickitat
1'. O,,, Washington,
Viiriiellua Hall,
of Lylo I. 0 WanhliiKton, who niado . K. No.
IO.o.Vi for Hie southeast garter of 8ec. 10, 1 p, a
N K. 12 K, W. 1.
. Who names tuo following- wltnetsos to provu
bl continuous residence uixjii aud cultivation
of naldland, vl.:
Char lea WJembam, Thomas M. Whlteomh.
KIUII. llewHap(Uttiiieao. hyle.allof hylo V,
V., Waihlugtoii,
WW ' W, It, DUN1IAK, UegUter,
J. E. FALT & CO.,
1 A. . . J
Tne owl."
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Dolivorod to any part of tho Oitv.
173 Second Street. K
Phones: Til l.neal,
85S I .i)ii; DlHtitnce.
Of the proilnct of thiH wull-knou n hrewory thn Unlteil StatuH Health
UtipnrtH hir Jniii' UK, 1U00, Hityn: "A more Hiipuiinr hrew never entered
the Inhratnry oi the United KtateH Health ropnrtH. It ih ahfointely tluvohl
nf the h 1 i r 1 1 fl t trace of mliilteration, hut on the other liatnl in composed ol
the bent of malt ami choiceHt of Iioih. Ite tonic iiialltioH are of the high,
est niitl it can he lined with the ureateHt luinetlt and HaliHfae.tlon hy old and
yotinu'. itH UHe eait etmcniuiitioiiHly lie lirenorihed hy thu phyHiciiitiH with
"the cereainly that a hotter, purer or morn wlioleHome hoveraKo could not
poeailily he found."
East Socond Stroofc, THE DALLES, OREGON.
p. S. GUflfilNG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker,.
-di.a i.i;i: in-
Iron, Stool. Whoels, Axlos, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
AKOilt for ItllKsell .V. Co. KiikIih's, Thredmrs and Baw Mills.
Telephoiit) 157.
I. out Dirttance 107,'i.
Cor. Scuoud & Laogbliu Sis,, THE DALLES, OR,
Wasco w mm miii
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot rii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kind?
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S,ndMffLklia,
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
Q-ri jfl OUT ''"H '''0,,r lfi tnuniifacttireii expreeHly for famllj
tieii: every Hack in mitiranteed to ejvo eatiafactioi.
W'.i sell our cnwh lower than any limine in the trade, and if you don't think M
call ami not our priced mid 1m) convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t. Barley and Oatp
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to Firm National Hank.
1,'oiniou I'liniiK
I. one nut. loin.
IT ti.:c: I
Yellowstone Park Line.
H'lONK I'AltK.
SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Trttltu ieavtiTho Ihillu.t for l'rttuml aud
stitloiih at li1) a. in, and 3 p. in.
No, i.
I "Moo Depot, Firth and I sis
Kant ji till for Tiicoinii, , No,
Heattle, lllyiiiiin, (iray'Ml
Harbor and Booth ik-nd
point", Hiokiiiie, Knshx
land, II. ;., I'nlliiiaii,
MtlHfolv. lfuUlnu. Itnf 1
lllia A. ilfiilolliinipinliilnneoiin- (i:b0 1'. M.
try, lleleini, Mlnneiii.o.
IIn, Ht. 1'atil, Oiniilm,
KinuHit City, Ht. UiiiIn,
(!lllf!lllfl Hllll till Itillntul
No, 1, leHKt and hoiitlieant, No. a.
on i. I, "UUt h""l'l KlHt'H
li;ao r. M, for Taeoina and Keattlu 7:00 A.M.
and Intermediate puintHj
I'lillmaii llrjtelanii and toiirlut wleoiwra to
with Witt fiV vAnU
lMV.n,.l,l!Wl, ,r.Mln."; Un,0 ,,ul,ot coiinwitloini
limit irlnuliiil citluH.
iiuKKiiKe oiieoiiwi toilentliiatlon of tlcketM,
TUT lllllHtrut.Ml ,1,
,i ",, , , j ,,ih..,w.,wivii iHir iiiAvwri
tICkeU. lleeiilinr.niir riwiiruatlu utV, ..n .... ...
AmUtant Oeneral l'aeiitr Afient, Morrl
oii Street, coruer Third, I'ortuad Oregou,
Ia-hvo I'ortlainl
" Albany
Arrive Aaliland
" Hucrainentii . . .
" Han Kraiiclaco ,
n::mi.m 7:0PJ?
..laiii m 10:PW
.. ,';() plii 1;
. 7; III HO31"
Arrive OKdnn
" Henvur ,
" KiiiimiH City.
" (JlileuKo
',-r.nin J 1 ;4
Arrive Uih AniicleN ...
Kl l'ao
" Kort Worth
" City of Mexico .
" lliniHton
" New OrlemiH ...
" WiudiliiKinii...
" New York
7 ih II l
7.I.1 am
.. 1 .ii m
li:(l p in
,. il .-.HI II I"
,, ti-M a m
I limn in
.. (l-'i'iti I"
.. ii. it m
7:00 B
12-13 P""
riillman and TourUt cars ni "jji faMi
Olialr cam HiiorHinonto to WW, N
ami toiirlut earn to Chlcauo. Ht U"i
luaimand WtulihiKlon ,
ConiieotliiB t Han KrHiiclco with
uteaiiurili. iTnoa lor Ilonoliilti, Jl,
riUJIpphiwi, Central aud Botttli Auwni
8!o agent at Tho Dalle uttttlon, or
Ueueral l'aeuger AtvuU ww