The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 14, 1901, Image 3

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    Stunning Corset Snle!
White Summer Corset,
good quality, only 25c
A Wrapper Sale of
Our stock of Sum trior Wrappers have not Loon
soiling as fast as they ought to. The cold weather
loaves us with stocks that ought to have boon sold by
this time of tho year. Hence the great reduction.
Wrappers made from tho best standard prints,
good line of colors, at the following prices:
$1.00 values, now . ; . . 79c
1.25 " " 92c
1.50 " " .... $1.19
1.75 " " 1.39
2.00 " " .... 1.59
2.25 " " 1.79
2.50 " " .... 2.00
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Fill DAY - - .JUNE 14, 11)01
()- d
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All Wunnii County ivnrritlitH rElntrl
prior to .Ittiuiury !!, 1H1IK, will 1 ulil
on irnnntittloii ut my olllce. liitorcMl
fiouHDK artnr Aluy "4, 1110 1.
Uiiilllty TrenHiiriir.
The Bailey Gutzert will resunio her
regular run Tuesday, June 18th.
California apricots and peaches and
Iloyal Ann oherrleu for Bale ut tho
Americun market. jl3-2t
The best green groceries mid dressed
ohickeiiB und the best of everything in
that line can nlways bo had at the
American Murkot. l"j t
If you hud u dozen pairs of uxtra pants
you would nave none too many. There
fore, go where your money will do
double duty. side ut A. M. Williams
& Co.'s tomorrow.
The Stndelinati Commission Company
have sold their business to the Columbia
Commission Company, with the excep
tion of the coal mid ice department.
The business will still be conducted ut
the corner of Third and Washington
streets. '
When it's men's fine trousers worth
from ifll 50 to $0 for .$2.05, wo say it's
time to investigate. A. M. Williams &
Co. will give you that chance tomorrow.
Got there early !
Fred W. llurrie wus brought lioro last
night from Hood ltlver by Deputy Con
stublo W. A. Iaenburg, under urrest for
soiling whiskey to Indians. Ho was ar
raigned tills morning before United
States Commissioner T. A. Hudson and
hound over to tho United States grand
jury in the sum of $200.
A maea meeting has boon called for
tonight ut the court house to nominate a
candidate for mayor, city treasurer and
one water commissioner ut laruo, und to
determine where meetings shall bo held
for nominating counoilmen mid water
eoininisBionura for ' tho several wards.
The meeting is fixed for 8 ;!!0 o'clock.
If you lived in Zululand you could
afi'ord to neglect this opportunity, but
every civilized man within reach of
A. M. Williams & Co. 'a store should
attend tomorrow. Men's trousers ut
great reductions are the attraction.
G. W. Fender, of company L, U. S,
volunteers, returned to The Dalles yes
terday after an absence of two years in
the Philippine islands. Mr. Fender,
A. M. Williams GX
liko many other volunteers, believes
tiiut tho islands ure immensely rich in
natural resources and only needs Ameri
can enterprise to mitke them one of the
richest heritages of tiie world.
The M. E. church people on Saturday
last sent ofT the money to make the last
payment on the mortgage on their
church. When the papers come back
the church will have a bee and burn the
mortgage. Rev. Frank Spaulding, dur
ing his pastorate, bus raised $743 tow
ards paying for the building. ISesides
this, a furnace has been placed under
tho church that cost about :fH0. Hood
River Glacier.
The mass meeting of citizens, which
la to bo held tonight, will nominate a
candidate for mayor, treasurer und water
commissioner ut large. There have
beon several numes mentioned iu con
nection witli the mayorality. The
friends of W. A. Johnston, who luitj
served several terms in the city council
will present his name for that office this
evening. The name of G. J. Furley hnB(
ulso been mentioned. C. J. Cruiulull
for treasurer und J. P. Alclnerny for
water commissioner ut large ure spoken
of us cundidutes. " -
The bulk of the strawberry crop Iiub
been shipped, says the Glncier. Ship
ments for the season reached high water
mark Monduy, June 10th, when ubout
:!,000 crates went out. The season has
been favorable for the crop, und proba
bly liner berries, taken us u whole, were
never sent from Hood River. There
bus been some complaint of ruet and
blight in places, but where the patches
were well cured for the ciop generally is
all right. The output will be groater
than laBt year. Prices have kept up
well, and ut this date berries are worth
$1.75 to $1.00 in Hood River. The lurg
est picking in one dov, except in the
Davidson ruit uo. s nig paicnes, was
made by G. D. Katineer, lBt Monday,
when he brought, in 150 crates.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Bi&uuturo of
Why not spend the vacation at Ya-1
quinu bay, whore can bo had excellent
fare, good fishing, good boating, safe'
bathing, alluring rides ami rambles, t
Tho courses und exorcises at the Bummnr
school of 1001 ut Newport will Hlford
great variety of instructions, diversion
and entertainment. No other resort
oilers equal attractions and like ndvan-
tages. juiill-tf
"The Doctors told me my cough was
incurable One Minute Cough Cure made
mo u well mun." Norris Silver, North
Stratford, N. H. Because you've not
found relief for a stubborn cough, dou't
despair. One Minute Cough Cure has
cured thousands and it will euro you.
Safe and sure. Clarke ft ralk'e P. O.
5t MMYS.
Boys' Suits and Odd Pants.
Roys' knee pants, made with double
seat and kneee, the kind that never rips,
regular 7Ge and 05c valnee, special . n
per pair 4UC
Only two pair to a cuetomer.
Youths' suits, age 14 to 10, cheviot
and cassimere suits in neat, dressy and
durable fabrics, $5.50 and $0.00 Qr
values; special Ipo.yo
Gnarantted strictly all-wool suits,
double-breasted, with knee trousers, age
8 to 15; hrown and grey plaids and
stripes; ..'5.50 and $4.00 values, ,0 . -special
Vesteo suits, nge 3 to 8, silk faced
coats, double-breasted vests and fancy
shield, $3.00 and $3 50 quality, aq nr
special Jpo.oU
Special Sale on Tan Slioes.
We will now and until further notice give a liberal discount on all onr Tan
Shoes. Perhaps yon can afi'ord to let this opportunity pass without taking ad
vantage of it; but we doubt it. Head these prices and see if you can.
Men's $5.00 Tan Shoes.. .$3.50
Men's -1.00 " " 3.00
Men's 3.00 " " .. . 2.25
Ladies' '1.00 " " .. 2.50
At SI. Mary's Academy.
The yearly exercises at St. Mary's
Academy have always been of a high
order and very entertaining; but in our
opinion the program of last evening far
outshone all previous ones. The ar
rangement of the numbers gave u pleas
ing result never before attained. We
deBire to congratulate the management
upon the delightful manner in which
the program wub rendered throughout.
The first number, entitled "Parade
Review," was a piano selection played
in a charming manner by nine young
ladies. A patriotic selection, "The Ban
ner of the. Sea, "was well sung by the
boys of St. Joseph's school. The boys
dieplayed much vigor in this song.
St. Mary's orchestra rendered the third
number in a more than pleasing style
and fiiiich, after which the crowning
feature of the evening came in "The
Magic Bell," a fairy drama in three
acts. The young ladies who took part
in this number did credit to themselves
and their instructors. The whole action
of the play went witti a snap and energy
seldom excelled by the professional peo
ple we have seen.
Between each act n splendid musical
number was given. The number ou the
program entitled "Our Darling's Drill"
was just what the name implied, u drill
and song by the little girls, which was
one of the best features of the evening.
The Ceciliun Club, which is entirely
composed of boys, rendered "The Young
Aristocrats" in a very creditable man
ner. Their work was doubly appreciated
in view of the fact that these boys have
only been studying iu this branch dur
ing the past term of school.
After a selection by six young ladiet
on pianos, the laughable sketch "Caught
in His Ow.n Trap" was well given by
fiye boys. A good moral wub pointed
out in this number.
A sacred tableau by the young ladies
and little girls brought the entertain
ment to a close. That most impressive
of all songs, "One Sweetly Solemn
Thought, " waH tho theme, the solo be
ing well sung by Miss Genevieve Fish.
KKiiiriulM'i- llin llumr.
The original Boston Bloomers, ladies'
champion base ball club, who are mak
ing an extensive tour of this country,
traveling in their own ppecial private
car, will play the most novel, interest
ing and exciting game of ball with The
Dalles team that Iiub ever been witnessed
in tills town. This club of lady ball
players has cuused thousands to applaud
and marvel ut their wonderful playing.
Tiie BoBton Bloomer Girls are without
doubt the greatest club of ludy base ball
p'ayeis ever organized, and are in no
wuy connected witli any other so-called
Bloomer club. The Boston Bloomers
under the management of W, P. Need
ham, has been successful for the past
aix seasons touring the northern and
western countries, Their remarkable
success during the short time they have
Values from 10c 11 p to
150c; only 6c per yard
Boys' knee pants, good values at 35c,
all sizes, 4 to 15; special, per pair .
Only two pairs to a customer. XoC
Three-piece suits with knee trousers,
for boys age 10 to 10, made with double
breasted vests, value $4.00. .. . aq oc
special po.oD
Onr two-piece double-breasted euitB at
.?s.ou arm .t- to, age n 10 u, an Q
go at this sale tor JpJL.oO
Well made and good looking two-
ng two-
piece suits, onr regular $2 and
$2.25 quality, go at
05c Shirts, 12 to 14 neck. . 49c
25c Caps at. 18c
Ladies' 3.00 Tan Shoos .$2.00
Ladies' 2.00 " " ... 1.50
Misses' 2.50 " " .... 1.75
Misses' 2.00 " " .... 1.50
been in this part of the country is only
a continuation of the former success they
have met with everywhere tneyhave
Visited. Ladies can attend this' game
without any fear of being offended, as
nothing will be eaid or done that would
shock the most fastidious.
The game will take place at 2:30 p.
m. at the old fair grounds and will be
enclosed with a large canvas fence, in
cluding plenty of Beats. Admission to
grounds, adults, 50 cents; children 25
Hood Hirer Strawberry Carnival.
About 150 persons went from here to
Hood River last night to attend the
strawberry carnival, leaving at 8:30 and
returning at about 4 o'clock this morn
ing. The trip would have been very
much more pleasant to a large majority
of the excursionists if about a score of
The DalleB young bloods tad stayed at
home. The main unpleaeant feature of
the excursion was the presence of a
number of voung fellows who went
aboard half shot and got completely
paralyzed ou Hood River whiskey. It
has just come to this that if any future
excursions of a similar nature are to
be made enjoyable for self-respecting
people, these young hoodlums, who are
well-known and could easily be named,
must be left at home.
The Hood River peop'edid all in their
power to make the visit of the excursion
ists a pleasant one. The strawberry
carnival, which gave occasion to tiie ex
cursion, was gotten upby the Christian
Endeavor of the Congregational church
and was arranged to last two nights.
The proceeds were to be devoted to the
improvements of the grounds surround
ing the church edifice. The receipts of
the first night netted about $50, and
those of last night were probably more.
Hood River misses and matrons
served ice cream and Hood River Btraw
berries under the shade of oak trees
that would make Longfellow's Village
Blacksmith's chestnut tree ashamed of
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of the long-establiehed and practiced
custom, ard at the request of citizens, a
mass meeting of citizens of Dalles City
will be held in the county court house
in Dalles City at 8:30 o'clock p. in.,
June 14, 1001, for the purpose of uoni
inating u mayor, treusurer, a water com
missioner at large of D.illes City, and
for the purpose of ar-auging for meet'
ings in the different wards to nominate
councilmen und water commissioners
the night following.
Dated at Dalles City June 11, 1901,
K. B. DtiKUit,
Mayor of Dalles City.
Mr. James Brown of Puttmouth, Va.,
over 00 years of age suffered for years
with a bad sore on his face. Physicians
could not help him. DeWitt'u Witch
Hazel Salve cured him permanently.
Clarke & Falk'a P. O. Pharmacy.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Boys' fine ribbed, light weight, phirtB
and drawers, per garment 25C
Boys' jersey ribbed, hpavy,fcilver grev,
shirts and drawers, per garment. . -25c
Men's blue mottled, light weight,
shirts and drawers, per garment. . -25C
Men's white, blue mercerized silk
stripe, ribbed, light weight, shirt? and
drawers, per garment 50C
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers.
If you are in need of anything in our lino, figure with
us, for it will pay you.
We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have
prompt attention.
A Great BARGAIN in
.Japanese Silk..,
20-inch Japanese "Wash Silk...29c per yd
24-inch " u " ...43c per yd
The above two lots aro positively tho best bargains in
the silk line ever sold in this city. Thoy are splendid goods
for Waists and Children's Fine Dresses. Wo have it in all
colors and black. Why pay 50c or even 00c for tho same
goods wo oiTor at '13c.
The Place to Save Money.
Mrs. K. Carey, having purchased the
millinery slock of Mrs, Harper at the
Bazaar, begs to announce that she
' desires to close out the old stock during
, the coming week, at greatly reduced
' prices, when she will open with a fresli
! stock of the newest things in millinery
' and ladies' furnishing goods. jnii0-l w
! Lost A gold fob chain, with locket
attnehed, containing u child's pictuie.
I The tinder will be suitably rewarded by
I leaving it at the otlice of Dr. Sanders.
Dressed spring chickens at the Studel
man Commission Co.'s 24tf
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone 433. Local, 102.
Starts To
Men's and Boys'
Summer Underwear.
Wo havo just o onori tho best line of Un
derwear over shown in tlic city, and wo are
selling these goods at the lowest prices.
Men'B jersey ribbed, heavy, silver grey,
shirts and drawers, per garment.. 48C
Men's fancy striped, heavy ribbed,
shirts and drawers, per garment. . . 50C
Men's grey mixed, merino, shirts and
drawers, per garment 30C
Men's brown und ecru, lace weave,
light weight, shirts und dravers, per
garment 50C
Garden Hose
Second Street.
Lost A fox terrier, 'J years old; all
white save the face, which is black ; tail
closely bobbed. Answers to the name of
Hob. Any information us to his where
abouts or his return to Victor Marden
will be liberally rewarded, junlO-lfc
Soulo 15ro9., piano tuners, represented
by Mr. Silas U. Soule, are making their
regular senii'iinunal stop at The Dalles.
Leave orders at Niekeleen's or Menofeo
A i'arkiiiB' stores. jun8.12
For ealo or lent A house of nino
rooms on Ninth street, with two lots
and a nice little orchard. Apply to Dad
Ilutts. junll ld Itw
When your hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
ttie hair needs when it gets Sn that con
d'Miin. We have ' the Crown of
Science Hair tfmiffib Grower and
C. coanut CreamKH Tonic. They
Mill cure daud mil' and all
H-.lp diseases. For sale at Fruzei's bar
bur shop. I'rice 50c and 7ou a bottle.
Subscribe for Tun Chiioniclk.
- morrow.