The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 14, 1901, Image 1

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She Dalles
NO. 102
111) itt iMiitiHiiniii 'ii ti ti uTiii.iii "i imt'tiiiiiiii i
AVfcgclable Prcparalionror As
similating IlieFoodandRcgula
ling the Stoinuchs andBowcls of
Promotes Digcslion,Cheerfur
ness;mdRcst.Contains neillicr
Opium.MorplUne norluicral.
JSanfJiut Scrd -sIlx.A'mna
Jlfnrrminl -JliCaiteiwhSmta
rm Flavor.
Aperfccl Remedy forConslipa
Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ncss imi Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Siftnnlurc of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Gigantic Frauds Uncartlierl in the Army
in San Francisco Several Dealers
Are Arrested.
San Fkanuihco, Juno 12. General
Shatter and Colonel Muuh, inspector
general of the department of Ciiliforiiiii,
tin cl tho federal grand jury art' investiga
ting ninny reports of friiudH committed
in tliu onmmisHiiry branch of tins army
service in thin city. That thi'HO reports
ueoin to bo based on something more
Hubatantial than idle rumor is evidenced
by tho disclosures following tho arrest of
Louis Abraiu & Sou, dealers In second
hand clothing. Captain Seymour, of
tho local detective force, said today:
"Tho government Iihr unquestionably
been robbed for a long tlmo paHt, and I
believe the amount of the losses sustained
will roach into tho hundreds of thousands
of dollars."
Mujor General Shatter admitted that
thuftfl of clothing have been going on.
Ho claimed there was no shortage iu any.
department, however.
For months past various stores about
tho city have boon exhibiting signs:
"Government goods (or sale hero," und
advertisements have been crowded into
tho daily newspapers. This morning
the following advertisement appeared:
"Wanted 1000 men to wear government
shoes; $1 paid; 023 Howard street."
Inspector General Mauaand a number
of local detectives began, some days ago,
tin investigation which resulted in the
arrestof Louis Abram and hisson.Georgo,
for buying and soiling government nip
plies. Three big wagon loads of goods have
been taken to the hall of justice, and in
every instance the men from whom they
were seized have admitted buying the
(roods from Abram & Son. It Is also
stated that 200,000 pounds of grain tins
been stolen.
This afternoon Captain Seymour
elated that the government's ofllcers had
discovered large quantities of goods stolen
from the government. The goods were
stored in a warehouse south of Market
Subscribe (or Tiik CiiKo.Nioi.ii.
Katcn by CumilliulN.
Victokia, 1J. C, June II!. Ah the re
sult ol the publication of the storieH of
the presence of bubonic plague in San
Francisco, Dr. Abhburton Thompson,
quarantine officer at Sydeny, refused to
allow tho steamer Ventura to go to the
wharf at the New South Wules port, ac
cording to news brought by the Mioweni,
which arrived today.
From Guinea news was received via
Sydney of the massacre of Kev. James
Chambers and Kev. B. F. Tomkins and
fourteen native teachers by cannibals.
The w hites were eaten.
The scene of the cannibal orgie was
Been by troops tent out to investigate the
massacre, and a portion of a jaw and
thigh bones of the missionaries were
found, together with their hats and
portions of trousers which belonged to
Chalmers. Tho expedition punished the
natives, destroying their villages and
canoes. Some prisoners were taken
during an attack made by the natives on
the troops ho told the awful tale of the
Nt'Mt Into I.lvu CnulH,
"When a child I burned my foot fright
fully," writes W. H. Kads, of Jonesville,
Va., "which caused horrible leg sores for
1(0 years, but Buckleu'H Arnica Salve
wholly cured me after everything else
failed." Infallible for Burns, Scalds,
Cuts, Sores, Bruisea end Piles. Sold by
G. C. lilukeloy, the druggist. 2oe. 5
' MucArthur Coming Home.
Manila, June 13. Governor-General
MacArthur expects to leave July 1st for
the United States. He will sail on the
transport Meade for Nagasaki, and after
spending two weeks there will embark
on the transport Sheridan for San Fran
cisco. A I'oor Allllloiiulrit
Lately starved in London because be
could not digest his food. Harly use of
Dr. King's New Life Pills would have
Bttved him. They strengthen the stomach,
aid digestion, promote assimilation, im
prove appetite. Sold by G. C. Ulakeley,
tiie druggist. 5
dissolutionTof partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing
between John Howe and M. Curran,
under the stylo of Howe & Carran, has
been dissolved. M. Currau will con
tinue the business at the old stand aud
pay all dehtu of the late firm, and col
lect all accounts due said firm.
Dated June 12, 11)01.
4t M. CuiutAN.
Subscribe for Tiik Ohkoniolk.
Oregon Cannot Punish School Clerk
Davis Opinion of Judge Hamilton
Statute of Limitations Has Run
Against the Embezzlement by Davis
of About 31,000 of the State's
Sai.em, Jnne 13. Circuit Judge .7. W.
Hamilton, of the seco rd district, who
is holding court here in the place of
Judge Burnett, today advised the grand
jury that the statute of limitations has
run against tho crime of embezzlement
committed by George W. Davis in failing
to turn over .$31,000 of school funds,
received by him as clerk of the etate
land board. The grand jury presented
the facts to Judge Hamilton yesterday
and asked for his opinion. This proceed
ing was taken under a etatute which
authorizes the grand jury to state the
facts of a case, using fictitious names,
so that the judge may advise them as to
the law, The statement of facts was as
"The grand jury of Marion county, Or.,
duly and regularly empaneled by said
court for its June term, 1901, hereby
present to the above entitled court and
to your honor the following statement
of fastB which we have under considera
tion, and request your honor to advise
us aB to whether or not the person here
inafter named'has violated the criminal
Btatutes of the state of Oregon, and, if so,
whether or not Baid crime is barred by
the statute of limitations.
"We fiud that 'John Doe' was the duly
appointed, qualified aud acting clerk of
the board of commissioners for the sale
of school aud university lands and for
the investment of the funds arising there
from of the state of Uiegon, from August
1, 1891, to July 31.1895.
"That during said time the said 'John
Doe' embezzled aud converted to his own
use moneys belonging to the Bchool fund
of the state of Oregon, amounting iu the
aggregate to the sum of $30,952.00.
"That the said embezzlement and con
version to his own use occurred at differ
ent times during the terui of ollice of
said 'John Doe.' That the date of the
Orat embezzlement, as appears from the
records of paid oflice, was on January 1,
1892, and the date of the last embezzle
ment, as appears trom the records of
said oflice, was on July 1,1894.
"That on July 31, 1895, 'Kicbard Doe'
was duly appointed and qualified as the
successor in oflice to the said 'John Doe,'
and on said date the said 'John Doe'
turned the books and papers of said
oflice and money belonging to the above
named funds over to his successor iu
ollice, except the aforesaid Bum of $30,
952.00, which said sum said 'John Doe'
failed, neglected and refused to turn
over to hip said successor, and still has
the same in his possession.
"That said conversion was not dis
covered until about February 15, 1901,
on account of the false and fiaudulent
entries made iu the books kept by said
John Doe.'
"That the said 'John Doe has been a
resident of Marion couuty continuously
since the date of said embezzlement
until about the month of February,
In passing upon the question, Judge
Hamilton did not state whether the
statute beganv,to run from the time of
the taking of the money or from the
time the clerk went out of oflice, for in
either event the crime would be out
lawed. It is nearly six years since
Davis went out of oflice, and the crime
outlawed in three years. There will he
uo further proceedings of a criminal
nature against Davis, for nothing would
be accomplished thereby.
Men aucl Woineu Kquul.
Nkw Yokk, Juno 12. For some time
past the Mutual Life Insurance Coin
pauy, of New York, has been makinw no
distinction between male aud female
risks. It now insures women, whose
applications show them to be desirable
risks, on exactly the same terms aB men.
More than that: Hereafter the sexes
are to stand on an equality in yetting
employment in all the offices of the
company. The Mutual Life has re
turned more than $540,470,810.44 to
policy holders'.
has been set aside for the
opening day of our
A. M. W. ct Co. Special Sales never fail to draw a crowd but for this particu
lar event we predict a great rush, so be on hand betimes if you would secure your
share of the plums.
403 pair of Honestly tailored, perfect-fitting Trousers
in this lot. Trousers suitable for the banker, the butcher and the baker for the man
who wants " dress-up " clothes, and for the man who don't.
Striped Worsteds, Tweeds and Cassimeres,
Blue Serges and Black Clays j& j&
All sizes, from 31 up to 40 in the waist and in the lengths up to 30.
A pair of pants for every man in town be he short or tall, large or small, thick
or thin none are barred, all can profit by this great opportunit'.
If you are supplied for the Summer, it will pay 3'ou to prepare for tho cooler
days of Fall for there are plenty of heavy-weights, as well as medium and light
weights and nowhere else will your money bring you the returns it will hero.
These 403 pairs of Trousers are divided into two lots, as follows:
139 pairs, worth from CZf 204 pairs, worth from rff) f
$1.75 to .$3.25, go on jpieV-T $3.50 to $0.00, go on 5p"J
sale Saturday at a pair. sale Saturday at a pair.
No returns accepted no exchanges Extra charges will bo made for any
made during this sale. alterations.
A. IH. WILLIAMS & CO., The Dalles, Or.
Ctttttrrli Cannot lit. Cured.
with local applications, aa they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in ordijr to cure it vou must take inter
nal remedieB. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood aud mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians iu this country tor years, aud
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results In
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 7fic.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
I'luytiil Out.
Dull Headache, Pains iu various parts
of the nodv, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, FeverishueBS,
Pimples or Sores are all positive evidon
ces of impure blond. No matter how it
oecame so it must be purified iu order
to obtain uood health. Acker's Blood
Klexir has never failed tocure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
diseases. It is certainly u wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle oil a
positive guarantee, Blakeley, the drug
gist. Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints wheii you can buy James .
Patton'e sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark A
Falk.ugeuts. ml
Str. Regulator
SteamcrH of the Hcgulutor l.iito will run as per the (ol-
owwig feohcdule, tho Company rebervilig tliu right to uluuigu
buhmlulo without notice. 'j
Str. "Iralda"
i Leaves Cascades (1 a. m.
I,V'ut7 a'.'m! ! A"ve D,lea 10::1 a- '
Mnh'W Leave Dalles 3 p. m.
,'. t.'.Kri!lay Arr. CascadeB 7:30 p. m.
u 5 v. m. Daily ex. Sunday.
Str. Dalles City.
up. 3
Ia . l'nrtluiul A
at 7:0O a. M. i
I.v. Dalles
at 7 A. Si.
f. v.. ...... rri.r.iili.1.
.Ul'llllll I -J
Wednesday Thursday
Friday Stiturduy J
Arr. rortlanu Arr. Dalleaf
at 1:30 r. m. utof. m.s
C, I.v. Dalles
B at 7 A. M.
K Tuesday. . .
J Thursday , .,
i Saturday . .
k Arr, Cortland
CjUt 1:30 v. m.
E Excursion Kates every
White Salmon and intermedial
u turn on the up
3. Truvel by the Steamers of the Kegulatnr Line. Thu Company will endeavor to give Its pat
K rotib thu best service liossllile,
:, I'ortland Olllee, Ouk-Street Dock. W
Saturday for parties of five and upwards: Dalles, lj
idiato points, Sllc: Dalles to Cascades, if 1. 00. l
For an evening trip take the "Iralda" at II p. m. to Hood lliver and re-J
on the up boat. m
ne. Thu Company will endeavor to give Its pat- f
o. For further Information uddress N
W. C. ALLAWAY, Qon. Agt.
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