Spitting Blood I tf rotiKlt a ureal ileal and spit I) I (mmI, a n (1 my neighbors in Dayton, .Ohio, whcro I live, said anion;; tlieni-.-elves that 1 h a d e o n -Miinniion, til- thottti they did not toil mo so to my face, tor fear of making mo despondent. I kept on conu'liin and trying ditl'or ent s-orts of medicines. but nothing seemed to reaeli my trouble until I not- hold of a bottle of Acker's Knulish Kcmedy. I prayed for health all tin time, and my prayer? were answered as mkiii as I began taking tliis celebrated linj: lish expectorant and tonic. Since my re covery 1 have told hundreds of sufferers from coughs, colds and weak limp! that Acker's English Remedy would cure them. Some of them won't try it. and it does seem to me terrible when anyone deliber ately reiuses to tie cureu. mere ought to be n law compelling consumptives to take it. Even if they don't care for their own lives, the public's welfare should be consid ered. Don't you think so too? 1 hope such a law will soon bo enforced." (Signed) Sins. lticitAimsoN. Hold at 550., COe. am! II a bottle. throiiEhoiit the t'nttM St.ites.ind LMnaila ; and tn KiikIahiI. at Is. sd..2. S.I., U.ed. If you an- not satHflcd after biiytnc. return tlw bottle to your druiglit and Ret your money back. 11 V anUiarizr the nfw- guarantee. Jl". II. UOOKEU A- CO., I'roprictors, Sen- 1'orfc For sale at Blakeley'e l'harmaev. I'eotiliar nntl rnrtlueut. l'KKHONAl. MENTION. Frank Malone, of Antelope, is regis tered at the European House. Senator T. H. Johnston and family will leave Monday for the eenator'n old home in Centerville, New Brunswick. Thev will visit Chicago and the Pan American exposition, and will probably be none three months. The senator hae not been at the piace of his birth since he left there twenty-five ve.irs ago. ItOKN. Thir morning, June 13th, to Sir. and Sirs. Henry Taylor, of this city, u son. Aim. Itntlia'a tVork. New YoitK, June 1'.'. Peace in South Africa, says the London correspondent of the Tribune, is still a cuckoo song, al though the cuckoos come from many quarters. The most effective peacemaker is probably the wife of the commander-in-chief, who has concealed her work in London and baflled the most enterprising newsgatherers. While there is no au thentic information, it ia generally be lieved that she delivered to Lord Slilner or to Sir. Chamberlain some message from General Botha and other Boer leaders and that Sir, Kruger has also been consulted. South African rumors respecting an exchange of cable communications be tween the Boer leaders ami Sir. Kruger are less credible. The surrender of a small commando at Pietersburg is en couraging the optimists to hope that the end is close at hand. The judgment of of the more experienced South Africans is that the war will drag along for Eeveral mouths and that the only result of pre mature peace negotiations will be the re newal of Boer agitation in England. U'lll KxpliMlua ISli; Charge. New Yohk, June 12. Three and one halt tons of dynamite are to be exploded under the Narrows between Fort Hamil ton and Fort Wadsworth. The dynamite was used in toipedoes during the Spani!i war as a defense to the harbor. After the war Slaj'ir H. H. Adams, of the Engineer Corps, instead of expiod lm.' ttie torpedoes, extracted the charges ami stored the dynamite. Major V. L. Marshall has advertised it for sale, but there have been no bids for it. Major Slareliall has therefore decided to sink the dynamite in casks of 500 pounds each into the waters of the NarrowB. Electric connections are to be made with the forts and the dynamite will be exploded by the touch of a key. When Slajor Marshall sets off his charge 7200 pounds of dynamite Htaten Island fisheimen ex pect to get a wonderful catch. Hoy In MUilng. O it En o.v Citv, June 12. A 17-year-old boy residing in Borings precinct, named Dniglas, has a desire to go to sea. As l.e has not been seen since Sunday even ing, the boy's father, C. N. Douglas, who was iieie this morning, is afraid he Albums, MllltigrapllS, haH snipped on some outgoing vessel. About a year ago the boy ran away from homo and was caught by the Portland police on board of an Engish sailing ves sel, an hour or two previous to her in tended departure. The fattier aaya that the boy is industrious, but is bent on taking a trip on a sailing vessel. Hot water, drawn from an artesian well, is used to sprinkle tho streets of Boise, Idaho. A Philadelphia resident recently con traded for the building of -"J- houses, to cost about $750,000. In the royal household of England n candle once extinguished may never again be re-lighted within the precincts of the palace. Tasmania instituted the colonial tabu lation of the conjugal condition of the people as unmarried, married, widowed and divorced. New Zealand has so many rapid streams and rivers that their water might be easily utilized to supply motive power for machinery. New York is building a statu hospital in the Adirondacks, to cost $100,000, where patients with incipient consump tion will be treated. One of the prerogatives of a Danish member of parliament is free service at I any Turkish bath establishment through out the country. New South Wales paid X7-lo,000 in iif- teen years for the destruction of over 24,000,000 noxious animals kangaroos, wallabies, dingoes and others. itie Midland Uaiiway uompany in England is fixing 00 as the ag limit of its staff in most cases; at 05 all, with very few exceptions, must retire. The cities of Dublin, Belfast, Cork and Limerick, with a total population about equal to that of Glasgow, contain less than a sixth of the population of Ire .land. Neveu Yearn in lied. "Will wonders ever cease?" inquire the f Mentis of Sirs. L. Pease, of Lawrence, Kan. They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven veare on ac count of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration ami general debility ; but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk," she writes, "ami in three months I felt like a new person." Women suffering from Headache, Back ache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Slelan choly, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed. G.C.Blake ley, the druggist. Only 50c. 5 Dyspeptics cannot be long lived be cause to live requires nourishment Food is not nourishing until it is digested. A disordered stomach cannot digest food, it must have assistance. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure digests all kinds of food with out aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain its natural functions. Its elements are exactly the same as the natural digestive fluids and it ejmply can't help but do you good. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. "A few months ago, footl which I ate for breakfast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour. I used one bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and can now eat my breakfast ami other meals with a relish and my food is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach troubles" H. S. Pitts. Arlington Tex., Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER! The People's National Family jtewpei To nil old utid now subscribers paying one year in advance we tiller Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00. Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50. NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY Published Monday, WerincMtiiy ami l-'rl-ilny, is In reality it line ntnl fresh every-nther-ilay Daily, giving the latest news on days of Instic, nntl cnvorhiK news of tlm other :!. It con tit I u nil Impor tiint foreign cable news which appears In the Dally Tribune of Ml 1110 ditto. ji1m ln r.u-tli' anil fntcicn loriipoiuleui'c, Miort stork, elegant half time Illustrations hu morous items, Indus trial Information, fashion unti'.s agricul tural matters, ami oomiirohuiislvc mill re liable financial ami market retorts. TRIBUNE. Hegular tlon price, car. Miliscrlp ?1.'iU per NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. J. E. FALT & CO., "Tlie OWL" Proprietors of We ftirnhh It with Sent I Weekly Chroni cle for J J.W) per year. Published onTliur.i day, innl known for neatly sixty years In i'ut.v p.irt of tho t'nl teil .Stater, iih a nation al family newspaper of the lil:het iiIum, for fatmer.s ami villa- Iters-. It I'lintiilns .ill j the most Important j Itetieral noun of tho I i.i IK- Trllimio on to the hour of lining to press, an iigrleulluiii' department of the Highest ouler, has eu tertaliilug leading for every member of the fiiml'ly.olilaml young , market report w hleh ate aeeepteit as until orlty by farmurx ami meieiiaut.s, ami It clean, tip-toilnte, In tetestlng ami in-itruc-the. Itegular subscrip tion prlee, f 1 per year. We furnish it with -eml-Weekly Chroni cle for-Jl.Mi per yeir Purest Liquors for Family Use i . ...... ,..,( ,r iiw. n.'i.. .i mi vui uw to tin,) tfci v wi wiu v. iiy. r Ilmll,'H' sMLonlr niHinnee. 173 Second Street, j r Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or Young Blaek - flight Will make the season of 1901 at J .1 Hilar, Oregon. ..l..l . ! Jitiuii h J mi n, DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. BLACK NIGHT is a black Jack, fouled .lime 17. J'JOl ; bred by .1. V. Stevens, Howard county, Mo. Sired by Black Dan the Third, a jack Hi liantla high, and a No. 1 foal-getter : ho by Dltick Night the Second, anil he by Uuiicuii'h Black Dan, an imported jack frotn Kentucky. IJlin-k Night's dam, Gray Jennett, aired by Compromise; he by Ilickinnu'a Compromise;; hie dam by Mclvitm'H Washington; L'd dam by Napoleon, lid dam by lilack Dan. TERMS: To insure, $1.").00; by season, I0.C0. Care will be taken to prevent accidents; but we will aesuine no responsibility. Money due when mare is known to be in foul. THE CELEBRATED .GOIiUjWBlA BHEWEKY.. AUG-UST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product nf thin well-know n brewery the United KtntcH HetiUli UeportH for .Itine K. HUM), says : "A morn tmpoiinr brew never entered the labrutory of the United StntuH Health reports. It ih nlmolutely devoid of the Hlightest trace of adulteration, but tin the other hand iH corr.pOHei! of the bi'Ht of malt and chnicctd of hopH. Iih ionic ttiulitieH are of the high est mid it can be iihciI with the ejeatcHt benefit and Hutisfaclion hy old and young. ItH use can coiiccientiuusly be prcsenlied by thu physicians with the cersaiut v that a better, purer nr more w holeaoinn beverage could not possibly he found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. F. S. GUfWIttG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -ni.Ai.nit i.n- Iron, Stoel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Auenl for Uui-sell .V Co. s S-.iiiilues, 'riireiliurh hiii! haw Mllln. Telephone 157. Lout: Distance 11)71!. Cor. Sccoiiil & Laudliliu Sis,, THE DALLES, OR, wn wnn Mill C. I'. r.AI.CH, Manager. BALCH & JOHNSTON, Owners, DUFUU, OUI'XiON. If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean, h'oap will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we have two of the yery best preparations for cleansing the scalp Egg and I'ine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and ulossv. Price, 23 and 50 cents a bottle, at FrazerV barber whop, The Dalles. tf You will not have boils if von Clarke & Falk's sure cure foi boils. take "The Doctors told me my ccufh was incurable One Minute Cough Cure made me a well man." Norris Sliver, North Stratford, N. H. Because you've not found relief for a stubborn cough, don't despair. One Minute Cough Cure has cureu thousands anu It will cure you Safe and sure. Pharmacy. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Clarke & Falk;flaTorinK extracts are the beat. Ask your t for tliem. 'Sabccribe for Thk Chboniolk. Just Received A full line of Freah Printing and De veloping Papers direct from factory. Solio, Rex, Deko, Yolox and Aristo in all sizes. Also a line of Plates in Cramer, Crown, Seeds and Stanley. Trays, Printing Frames, And all accessories to completo the outfit of either the amateur or pro fessional photographer. DueH It 1'ay to liny UlieiipV ' A cheap remedy lor coughs and colds is all right, out you want something that will relieve and cure the more se vere and dangerous results of throat and Iti uk troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular climate" Yes, if possible; if not possitile for you, ( then in either case take the only rem-, edy that has been introduced in all civil ized countries witli success in severe throat and lung troubles, "Hoscheo's German Syrup." It not only heals and 1 stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inflammation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures tho patient. Try o.s'k bottle. Recommended many years by all ilruguiHtH in the world, and sold 1 by Clarke & Falk. Get Green's pii.e almanac. 2 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. ItartlliciallydiResta the food andaldB Nature in Htruiigthening and recon structing tho exhausted dlgoatlve or cans. It iHthc latestdiscovereddiKest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in elllclency. It in stantly relieves mid permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Hour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crainpsand all other results of imperfect digestion. l'rlcoWc. andfl. Largo si to contains ttmoa small size. Hook all r.botit tlyspeiislurnullodf reo -cparcd by E C. DcVITT 6 CO., Crjlcag Sold by Clarke & Falk's I'. 0. Pharmacy 'J Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi rii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Tm" feed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- Qin FlOUr '"''H '0,ir lp manufactured expressly for family awij. 184). V)jrv Hack in guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any house in thu tratle, und if you don't thinks) call und gut cur prices und Ik) convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheo,t. Barley and Oats Executor's Notice. Sick Headache absolutely anil perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constitution and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, Notu. ih hmt.y ivcn tlmt Jl. z. Donuull lms aud happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or U-e" duly ai.poliiu.il e.xw uior oi the lat will . i r.r . ... , . iiuil tuttiime t of Ann l.uc i ml'it. i wcjimi . money uuck. -ocih. anuoucie. uiata'ioy, i Au ,.,,,, i.vi..l. nh.ims ,.t n... ,.....i I OI AHIIl Our Eureka Combined Toning und Fixing Hath ia a dandy. Try it. The A. E. C. Developer for plates, films or developing papeis has no equal. Enough for Son to developed dozin nlates or 0 dozen Velox 4x5. Perfect blacks and whites are guaranteed, if directions are followed. Auk for the A. E. C. De veloper, and see tiiat you get the genuine. We are prepared to compound any aud all of your own formula; and guarantee satisfaction. At the old place. The Dalles, Oregon. 176 Second Street, thu druggist. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Hemedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded 25 cts. and 50 cte. Blakeley, the drug giate. Eczema, saltrheiim, teller, chafing, ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are quickly cured by DeVVitt'e Witch Hazel Salve. The certain pile cure. Clarke &. Falk's P. 0. Pharmacy. For sprains, swellings and lamented there is nothing so good us Chamberlain's Pain Halm. Try it. For sale by Blake ley, the druggist. For Kent Two rooms adapted to light housekeeping. Apply at Mre, Eddon'a, Third street. -Ij-lw For rent Two furnished front rooms. Inquire of Mrs. E. .1. Sylvester, Third street. jl()-lw Geo. C. Blakeley. NOTICE eOH PUHMOATTON. JuNUfmiCK AT 'X'JIK IMU.KN, Or., May B7, IU01. I Notice Ih hereby eivcu that the following named vettler liatt filed notice ol Ids Intention to make final proof In uportof Ids claim, aud that Haiti proof will be made bcloru tliu UikIh ter (tint Keeciver at Tho Dulles, Oregon on Mon day, July b, lWI,.vlz.: Albert W. Tumor, of Tho nallua, Oregon, II. K. No. 4'JUfortlie HK'4 Hoc. 1U, T. 1 8., It. 11 K W. M. Hu narnen the ollowlUR wltueakva lo prove bin coatinuoiiH reldeiico upou and cultivation of Midland, viz.: (Jiiarlex Oonaon, C'harloa fltnltli, Walter Scott and Imuio C. Matney, all of Toe Dalle, Orecoii. inayyj JAV 1', l,Ut!Ab,I(tlter. ,im 1 .11 c 1 1 1 1 1 if -I" iiro liereliv not lied In I tiresen t tliu same to me. verilli'il i.k liv lmv n iiuiriil, wltliln six inoiilhn from tliu iliituof this notice. IMUil at Dulle-i City till 7th ilny of I him-, juns M. A. I)ONM-:i.l., I.xeculor. Notice of Guardian's Sale. Notice Ik herthy kIvcii lliat umler ami ,- ir tuc of an order unit litem-'- of bale, dulv mii'ilo Iiy the County ''ourt of Whk-o County, htale of (Iri-Kon, on tliu Wtli day of Ai.rll, llll, tin- un ilerlneil, Kuanlliiu of Muriiiuim Ijieey mnl lluli Vlvoin I.hc.', minor wards, will, from iiml idler the J7Ui day of Juno, 1W1, at prlvalo sale. In the manner prctcrltx-il hy luw foi tliu Miluofreal property hy e.et'Utora hmiI hiIihIiiU tratorM, K'll tho foltoniiiK iluni.-rlheil real prop erty, heloriKliiR to mild minor wards, to-wlt: ThvHI of Wee P,in Tp iti, H 11 K.W. il. Balii mile will ho tnailo Upon the premUes ami to the hlKheat bidder for cash. IJ.VTIIKKINU I.ACKV, (inardlmi of Marlaiinii iMi-uy ami llii);h Vivian I jteoy, minor warda. mi " NOTICE FOli PUHI.IOATION. I-iikI Ollltuat Vaneoiivi-r, U'asli,, ilny HI, 111-'), Notice Ih hereby nlven that thu followlni; named rottlcra have liltil uoiico ol Intention to make Ilnul proof In mi . port of their ( IiiIiiih, ami that Milil iuooIh will bu mailo l;foie V. , rt!!l. hy, L'. H. CommUiiioner for Dlsttletof WathhiK tou.at Oolileiulale, WanhliiKton, on Kutiirdny, Juno'.-Jtli, lmil, vl.i " UliarlM Wiokoraliuni. ol l.ylc P.O., Wathlnijtoti, wliomailo II. ' No. (mo for lho aouthwokt quarter of fcec. 15, Tp. !l N., H, lm K,, W, M, Who uaim-M tho followlni? wltineh to prove Ida contlnuoiiH residence ii:u ami cultivation of nil.l laud, vl.: ConichUM Hall, Thomah il. Whltcomh. Allxjrt ,'HlHli? I'!'1 imuv ' ''y'0' 8,1 Ht KUcKltiit I', 0.,,VsliliiKtoii. Uurnalliia Hall, of I.vlo '. 0 WnnliliiKton, who made II, K. No. W.0M1 (or Uiow)uilit'at quarter ol Sec. 15, Tp. 3 it. VI Ytti Yi M. Who uainua tho following wltuenea to pfovo bin eontliiuotiH residence Uou and cultivation of aald land, viz: Cbitrlo Wlcaernbam, ThomaaM. AVIilicomh. KUall. lUweitaud JameaO. Lyle, all of Xy ?i I" 0 WMlllllgtOil. ' mis W. R. IJUNIIAIl, KegUWr. C. J. STUBLiliNG, I I c. B, ft ! iiiii,i;s.m,i: and nirrAM, Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Nest dour to Fimt National Hank. Conitoi. i'Ihiik- -,;;u, 1.0111: mm. lniti. THE DALLES, OREGON. J T ii n a(i- inneni niimi! soyita pim. ... 1 Yellowstone Park Line. THK DlNINti (JAK UOUTK KKOM I'OKTI.ANI) TO THK KAHT. THK ONLY IlIitKCT MNK TO THK YKhl-OW- HIONK 1'AltK. SOUTH and EAST via IIP Shasta Route Tnil iih leave The Dallea for Portland aud T atatlouN at l;v'.i 11. 111, ami il p, m- wive, No, 'i. I union Depot, Fiiihaudisis AltatVK. No. Kastmail for Tiicoma, , Seattle, Olympln, (iray'H naroor anu hoiiiii lleuu POIIItH, Hpoknuo, IlllSH- laud, II. ;,, Pullman, JIOM'IIW. UihIhIiiii. Ilnf. 11:15 A. M.'riilollUliipuilulUKt-oun-itry, Hulemi, Mliiueiiiai.j lln, Ht. I'alll, Ouialia, (Kannis City, Ht. UhiIh, ;t,hlciiKij and all polntH1 No, I, lea.t ami houlhea'tt. I'tllri-t Knmul .-v.ri.Uu lliao I'. M, for Tacoina and Heattlu 7:00 A. M. and Interimillato anla ! fi;60 V, M, No, II, i'ulhnaii flrnt nlaxa and lourUt aleoimra to V:mit,c,.ai,Hgo ,'rt"U",, i'"'"0"rl IlugKaKo oheokwl lo ilentluallon ol tlokctn. "5U) ,lt:-''JK cr roMjrvatioua, Uj call on or A. D. CHARLTON, Amlttaut General J'amenmr Awent, 2M Morrl )i.Htret, corner TlilrJ, I'oXid Oregon. luivo 1'ortlanil H::)ain " Albany I'J.Mam Arrive Axhlnnd 12::uam " HaeramenK fi:0Dpin " Han KnuicUco 7,lpi' Arrive OkiIou " llenver " KniiHaaClty. " Chluao Arrive Uia AiikcIom " Kl I'awi " Kort Worth " City of Mexico , " Houatou " New OrleaiiM ., " WanliliiKtou ... " Now York ft Wain UilHla in 7.W a in 7, l.'i it 111 ,. l.'MV ul ,,:() pm ,. li;iHlai , "C.VilllII ,. ;(llllll ., it :iliam ., li.l.'am .W.U I'M 7:0) pn jo: l;5W 'J;(llW 7ilttW y;U0 a W 7:00 B 0:4.1 a ,2-UpBi I'lilhimn Hint Tourlit cara 01 KbKftfO, Chair cara Hauramouto to f'11'," Ne"' aud lourUteara to Chicago, Ht Willi, p leaiiNHiid WttNliliigloi). CniiiientltiK at Han KrancUco wltli f toamtlilp ITiioa lor Honolulu, W?i " I'hIUiipluca, Contral aud Boutli Amc Boo agout at Tho Dallm aUtloa, of ,d"1 C. H. MARKHAW. Ueuoral . MARrirlftwi 1'aa.eugor Age, fotlW