Stunning Corset Sale! White Summer Comet, pood quality, only 25c A Wrapper Sale of GREAT... Importance. Our stock of Summer Wrappers have not been selling as last as they ought to. The cold weather leaves us with stoeks that ought to have been sold by this time of tho year. Hence the great reduction. Wrappers made from the best standard prints, good line ol colors, at the following prices: $1.00 values, now .... 79c 1.25 " " 92c 1.50 " " .... $1.19 1.75 " " 1.39 2.00 " " . . . 1.59 2.25 " " 1.79 2.50 " " .... 2.00 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TIH'UMM V - - JUNE Hi, 1001 Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All H'uauit County ivarruntH rueiKtnroil irlur to .liuiuury it, I HUH, will lui pulil on rHmitutlou hi my otllcn. IntoritHt nuuHm art or Aluy "4, HMtt. .IOIIN P. HAittrSIIIllK, Uounty Traurir. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Entertainment At St. Mary's Academy tonight. Excursion to Hood River tonight. Californin apricots and peaches und Hoyal Ann chorrion for Hide at the Amurican market. jlH-2t A marriage license whb issued this morning to E. L. Boornuui und Florence Wheeler, of Hood Hiver valley. The best green groceries and dressed chickens und the best of everything in that line can always he hud at the American Market. l!ij 2t Oregon potatoes, that is to say Dalles potatoes, have been in the market ubout two weeks. They are now re tailing ut 11 cents u pound. A forco of men in tho employ of tho Pacific Bridge Company loft The Dalles this mormon for White river falls, to commence work on the Wueco Ware house Milling Company's electric power plant. S. W. Childors, of Columbus, is in the city looking uftor tho sale of tliiH sea son 'a clip of '10,000 pounds of wool, which arrived hero by rail from Grants this morning, and will probably bo dis posed of before leaving the care. From a letter from Mrs. A. K.Thoinp Hon it is leuriied that her daughter, Miss Lois, underwent a successful, tint very critical operation shortly after her ar rival at St. Vincent's hospital, und at last uccounts was getting ulong very sat isfactorily. The boat excursion tonight to the strawborry carnival at Hood ltiver ouuht to ho largely attended. The weather UiIh afternoon at this writing foiobodea a delightful trip so far as Jupiter PluviiiH is concerned, and the boat's ollicera und crew will do 'the rest. The Regulator will leave at 8:1(0 o'clock and return here about 11? :!i0 a. in. That was a pretty good specimen of an Irish bull perpetrated by Rev. Edward Curran in hia baccalaureate address to the graduating class of Fossil public school, when he referred to "the shrieks of the wounded and dying and tho groanB of the dead," No one but an PEKSE AXjXj GOODS IVT-A-IXKIEia Irishman could huve launched a gem like that without a ghost of a Binile. Fossil Journal. From Senator T. H. Johnston, of Du fur, who cauie to town th'iB morning, we learn that a heavy, steady down-pour of rain occurred in the Dufnr and Tygh Ridge country Tnceday night and Wednesday morning, lasting for ten con Eecutive hours, and completely saturat ing everything outdoors. The indica tions ure the rain extended over a wide territory, und enormous grain crops seem the inevitable result. The Marion county giand jury is re ported as having examined a number of witnessts witli a view to obtaining facts looking towards the indictment of Geo. W. Davis for the embezzlement of the state laud board. The intention of the district attorney is understood to bo to submit the facts obtained to Judge Hamilton for his opinion as to the statute of limitations and if the prosecu tion is barred the case will be dropped; otherwise an indictment may be pre sented. EXCURSION TO HOOD RIVER. The weather being more favorable today, it has been decided to run the excursion to Hood River tonight. The Regulator will leave at 6:30 p. in. and return at 12:;!0. Round trip, including admission to tho Street Fair and Strawberry Car nival, 50 cents. Tim carnival was a big success last night. The state grango ol Oregon, at its last session, held in Albany, passed a resolu tion opposing t tie government's appro priating money for the buildimr of res ervoirs and irrigating canals in tho arid lands of the West. This is about what could be expected of tho state grange of Oregon, comments tho Shaniko Leader, as all there is of it is in tho Willamette valley, whore it rains almost thirteen months in tho year, and a portion of that time they have to hunt around for their wells 'ith a pole. The remains of Richard Dumontier, tho young man who lost his life through injuries received in a railroad collision ut Mosior last week, were, by orders re ceived from his mother, disinterred from tho potter's Held this morning and shipped by express to Seattle. The boy's father left a couple of weeks ago for Alaska, und is not yet aware of his son'd death. The bereaved mother writes that her boy mat hi death on tho Hist trip he ever made uway from home. Messrs. 15. F. Laughlin, Jud Fish and T. J. Seufert have gone to Baker county in response to a letter received from tho superintendent of the Golden Eagle mine notifying the stock-holdorH that he had struck the main ledge lie had been tunneling after for some weeks and had found it rich beyond expectation. Three sucks of ore had been taken from the ledge that the superintendent estimated 5t MMYS. SPECIAL ONE WEEK Boys' Suits and Odd Pants. Hoys' knee pants, made with double seat and kneeB, the kind that never rips, regular 75e and (We values, special . n per pair 4UC Only two pair to a customer. Youths' suits, age 14 to in, cheviot and cassimere units in neat, dressy and durable fabrics, $5.50 and $0.00 flr values; special Jpo.yo Gnarantted strictly all-wool suits, double-breasted, with knee trousers, age 8 to 15; brown and grey plaidH and stripes; $:5.50 and $4.00 values, A -epecial 5p.4rO Vesteo suits, age ,rt to 8, silk faced coats, double-breasted vests and fancy shield, $?..00 and $.". 50 quality, aq Qn epecial p5.oU Special Sale on Tan Shoes. We will now and until further notice give a liberal discount on all our Tan Shoes. Perhaps you can afford to let this opportunity pass without taking ad vantage of it; but we doubt, it. Read these prices and pee if you can. Men's $."",.00 Tan Shoes.. .$3.50 Ladies' 3.00 Tan Shoes. .$2.00 Men's 4.00 " " .... 3.00 Ladies' 2.00 " " ....1.50 Men's 3.00 " " .... 2.25 Misses' 2.50 " " .... 1.75 Ladies' 'J. 00 " " .. 2.50 Misses' 2.00 " " ....1.50 HIST 2PIj.A.IJNr FI&URES. to he worth a dollar a pound. At this rate the ore would be worth between two and three thousand dollars a ton. Homer I). Angel returned to The DalleB vesterdav from New York, where he puBsed a term in the law school oi the Columbia University. On arriving here a letter awaited him from the sec retary of the council of the university announcing that on the 12th instant the degree of M. A. had been conferred on him for proficiency in political science, a branch of study that he had taken out side his regular law studies. This is justly considered a peculiar mark of honor to Mr. Angel, as only one other first year student was so distinguished. A Delightful 1'arty. Mrs. F. T. Sampson and Mrs. E. M. Williams gave a party Tuesday after noon for Mrs. Sampeou's two little daughters, Margaret and Francis, which proved to be a very delightful affair. The older ones played "Anagrams." The word ''nasturtium" was used, and Mies Erma Dawson carried home the first prize and little Dorothy Bailey the second. The smaller tots played a name that consisted of carryiug eight peanuts at a lime on a silver knife, from hall to dining-room. Fanuie Purlman succeed ed in carrying the most and obtained the prize. After tho games a most delicious lunch was served. - A great many of the young ladies' little friends were invited but all were not able to he present. Those present were: The little Misses Edna Kussell, Etta Farley, Myrtle Rordeu, Maude Kirby, Vtve Vaus, May Walthers, Geraldiuo Kelly, Laura Kurtz, Celia Gavin, Genevieve Fish, Helen and Grace Peters, Margaret and Geareau Wheal don, Irene Poling, Eva und Fannie Purl man, Dorothy B.iley, Wilma Donnell, Jessie Hostetler, Genevieve Nielsen, Hattie Longmeier, Lulu Eraser, Mar garet Tooley and, sister, Norma Dietzel, Rotta Taylor, V'Ona Guthrie, Carmei Bolton, Erma and Nova Dawson, Mil dred Markillie. A Snow Storm In .June, Snow began to fall at midnight Tues day, and by 7 o'clock on Wednesday morning it measured five inches on the level, It continued snowing until about noon, when a rain set in, which still continues. At Rldgeway, alout twelve miles west of us, snow is ten inches deep, and tho oarly hay, that was ready to givo way to the reapers, is now lying flat on the ground, At Antelope, six miles south, only about two inches of snow was on the Igrouud, while on the hills surrounding the town it is said tlioi snow was twelve inches deep. Shaniko Leader. Lost A gold fob chain, witli locket attached, containing a child's picture. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the office of Dr. Sanders, 10jun-4t WASH FABRICS ! Values from 10c np to HOc; only 6c per yard Boys' knee pants, good values at Jl5c, all sizes, 4 to 15; special, per pair - Q Only two pairs to a customer. ICC Three-piece suits with knee trousers, for boys age 10 to 10, made with double breasted vests, value $4.00. .. . Q special ip.oO Our two-piece double-breasted suits at $2.50 and $2 75, age 8 to 15, all QC go at this sale tor JpJL.oO Well made anil good looking two piece suits, our regular $2 and a. on $2.25 quality, go at Jpl.tfU 05c Shirts, 12 to 14 neck. . 49c 25c Caps at 18c WANTED A BRIDE- A Hood JUvur ltanchcr Muken a Novel 1'roposal. Romance has come into the life of Julia Torppia, spinster, in a most unex pected manner, says the Astorian. Julia ib blue-eyed, blonde and dimpled. In cidentally she looks after the culinary troubles in the home of J. T. Ross, of the firm of Rose, Higgins & Co. She is a plump little maid from the land of the Vikings who knows more of the lan guage of cupid than of the twisted and tangled mazes of Idiomatic English. But to the romance in question. Some where in the Hood River district, pre sumably in a lonely spot, dwells a bach elor, whose soul yearns for an affinity. Between yearnings he is occupied with the more prosaic task of cultivating strawberries for the Astoria market. His name of G. A. Sbirton, and accord ing to his own statement he has a good home, and be is authority for the addi tional information that he is willing to share it with a suitable mate. Opportunities for courtship apparent ly are rare in the Hood river country, so Mr. Shirton decided on a novel manner. In a box of luscious berries, the finest in the crate, he placed a note. And that note, though brief as to length, re cited that he was tired of single blessed ness and that his little dove cote needed a mate to make life that "grand sweet song" that one G rover Cleveland, dem ocrat, pictured married life. Ho rea soned with bachelor astuteness that it would be a good housekeeper that would secure the finest berries, and he wanted such a one. Alas for his plans. The berries were sent to Mr. Roes' home and the plump, dimpled Julia proceeded to hull them. In the bottom was a leaf torn from an pld account book. Now Julia has bare jy a speaking acquaintance with the English langunge and it was necessary jto have tho contents translated. When (it was made clear to her that'he wanted :a life companion Julia did what any other woman would have done under the circumstances she blushed. Her dimples deepened and the blood came and went in her rosy cheeks as she mur mured something in her native tongue, which was probably synonymous with 'that time-honored "This is so tudden." But Mr. Shirtou's hopes am in vain. Julia will not have him. She has other matrimonial plans and they do not fit hi with the strawberry ranch on Hood river. No answer was returned to the proposal und if this comes under the notice of Mr. Shirton he will understand that he is refused once and for all by Julia, But there are other maids, and affinities are plentiful. 'J'llK JtOKtOII liluomvr. The Boston Bloomers, champion lady baseball players of the world, will arrive here Tuesday, June 18th, ard give an exhibition on the old fair grounds at 2:30 p. m., the DalleB local club being ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Boys' fine ribbed, light weight, shirts and drawers, per garment 25C Boys' jersey ribbed, heavy .feilver grev, shirts and drawers, per garment. . . 25C Men's blue mottled, light weight, shirts and drawers, per garment. . 25C Men's white, blue mercerized silk stripe, ribbed, light weight, shirts and drawers, per garment 50C DON'T OVERLOOK WINDMILLS, PUMPS and RUBBER and Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. 17 you are in need of anything in our lino, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON.' their opponents. The Bloomer girls do not expect to draw crowds entirely on account of the novelty of being female players, but really put up a creditable exhibition of the national game. They travel in a private palace car and carry a canvas fence for enclosing the grounds, a iirand stand with a seating capacity of 2,000 and everything necessary to give a lirst-class exhibition. They have toured all the Western states, and have every where received good notices from the press, not only for their good baseball playing, hut aleo for their lady-like behavior. CASTOR I A For infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bough) Signature of DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Tho partnership heretofore existing between John Howe and M. Curran, under the style of Howe t Curran, has been dissolved. M. Curran will con tinue the business at the old stand and I pay all debts of the late firm, and col , lect all accounts due said firm. Hated June 12, 1001. It fli. uimitAN. "CotliiK" II Mill ." A cood piano for sale, only .fliO; in perfect couditiun ; made by T. A. Stone h Co., of New York, and is a rare bargain. Also a Webur for $250. .Svery ono knows what the Weber piano is. We have an organ, only $15, made by Luring & Blake, and a W. W. Kimball organ, used but a short time, at .f50. Wo carry the threo high-grade pianoe Kimball, Weber and Ohickerint:. Meskkki: & Paiikins, june.s The Dalles, Ore. Dressed spring chickens at the Stadel man Commission Co. 'a 2-i-tf WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone -133, Local, 102, 'r Men's and Boys' Summer Underwear. Wo have just o) oned tho best line of TTn der wear over shown in the city, and wo aro selling these goods at the lowest prices. Men's jerBey ribbed, heavy, silver grpy, shirts and drawers, per garment.. 48C Men's fancy striped, heavy ribbed, shirts and drawers, per torment. . .50C Men's itrey mixed, merino, shirts and drawers, per garment 30C Men's brown and ecru, lace weave, light weight, shirts and drapers, per garment 50C THESE BARGAINS. PIPE Garden Hose A Uaglng, ItoarlUK Flood. Washed down a telegraph line which Chas. C. Kills, of Lisbon, la., had to re pair. "Standing waist deep in icy water," he writeB, "gave me a terrible cold and cough. It grew worse daily. Finally the beet doctors inJOakland. Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said 1 had Consumption and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's New Discovery and waa wholly cured by six bottles." Positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds aud all Throat and Lung troubles by G. O. Blakeley, the druggist. Price 50c. 5 Why not spend the vacation at Ya q ii ina bay, where can he had excellent fare, good fishing, good boating, safe batlunt!, alluring rides aud rambles. The courses and exercises at tho summer school of 1001 at Newport will afford great variety of instructions, diversion and entertainment. No other resort otters equal altraclions and like advan tages. jnulMf Mrs. K. Carey, having purchased the millinery stock of Mrs, Harper at tho Bazaar, begs to announce that sho desires to close out the old stock during the coming week, at greatly reduced prices, when she will open with a fresh stock of the newest things in millinery aud ladies' furnishing u'oods. junO-lw Lost A fox terrier, 2 years old ; all white save the face, which is black ; tail closely bobbed. Answers to the name of Bob. Any information as to his where abouts or his return to Victor Mardeu will bo liberally rewarded. jiiul0-lt .Soiilo Bros., piano tuners, represented by Mr. Silua II. Smile, are making their regular semi-annual stop at The Dalles. Leave orders at Nickeleen's or Meuefee A ParkiiiB' stores. junK.12 For sale or rent A house of nina rooms on Ninth street, with two lots and a nice little orchard. Apply to Dad Butte. jiuill Id Itw When your hair appears dry and to huve lost its vitality it wants something to ivo it life aud vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets !u that con dition, We have the Crown of .Scifiice Hair rfSfettafa Grower anil C' counut CreamHflr Tonic. They will cure dand mil' and all ec tip diseases. For sale at Fr a iter's bar ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle, Subscribe for Tim Cuiioniclk.