The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY - - Jl'NE in, 1001 J. A. EBERLE. Leadings Monmrn Merchant Tailor, Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe, We have an excellent line of Spring Boltings, Pantings, etc., . which we are prepared to make up in the latest styles, and guarantee a perfect fit. Gen. liallington Booth insists that the controversy at issue between the two factions of the Salvation Army is as far from adjustment as that be - , .. tween the Boers and Britons. The Oregonian is just now suffer - ing from a violent attack of McKin leyphobia, greatly intensified by the president's recent announcement that j he would not accept a third-term I . .... .ill nomination if it were tendered him. It is to be hoped that the presi dent's recent prouunciamento has silenced for good the third-term talk, and that the McKiuley phobtns will tune their harps to another key. Jfo sensible person ever gave the matter a moment's serious considera tion. Good for McKmley, says the Al bany Democrat. He has come out with nn nmnhatin statement thai he , , , . . . . Round-trip rates via O. R. & N. from would not accept a nomination for aThe DaUe8i Tjcket8 on third term if tendered him. This isand thjrd Tuesdays during June, July, to the point and should shut the' August, September and October.good for mouths of such fcol politicians as I continuous passage going on date of sale. Heath and Grosvenor. I You can't beat a Salem girl. One of the smart guys who came to) Salem with the excursion last Sun day was talking with a belle of the Capital City and endeavored to tease her on religious questions by asking her if she believed the story of Jonah and the whale. "I don't know," she said, "but when I get to heaven I'll ask Jonah if it occurred." "But," said the funny man, "suppos ing he isn't there?" "Then," said the girl promptly, "you can ask him." Statesman. Postmasters throughout the United States have received orders from the department to discontinue the pay-' ing of money orders drawn on any ' other office than their own. Tor some time past as an experiment, certain authorized postmasters have been paying money orders drawn on any postofllce, when they were satis- lied that the orders were all right. This scheme has been found unsatis factory, resulting in much work and j confusion and some loss, hence the department discontinued it May .51. "Dann" Kmruett, the author of "Dixie," "Old Black Joe," "Old Folks at Home," and "Old Dan Tucker," is reported to be dying, in his lonely home high up on a hill top near Mount Vernon, Ohio. He is 80 years of ago, and death is com ing slowly to him by hbysical and mental decay; but his music will live through succeeding ages, and the atanzas wedded to his melodies will j , . , . im i bo household words when the hillock, that will soon mark his resting place has been lovoled by the hand of Time. Darwinism is the greatest thing in the world, according to Rev. Dr. Minot J. Savage, the famous Uni tarian divine. In a recent sermon the reverend doctor told bis congre gation that more than all the religions in the world the boliof that man derives his origin from "the ooze of the iirinieviil ocean shores" nnd that "the animals arc of our kin ns union as our brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers," has "lifted the level of all life into tlio sunlight of the divine." The idea of lifting o man into the "sunlight of the divine" by getting him to believe that he is brother to the jelly-fish, the clam, the rat, the skunk, the hog, is only n little less sublime in its conception than the more ancient tormula of lifting humanity by its Ijoot strops. Yet this man Savage calls himself a Christian minister and he is not generally considered a candidate for a lunatic asylum. Kate til Hum FrnncMco mill Itetiirn. TheO. E. & nTco. will make the following rates from The Dulles, Oregon, to San Francisco ami return (or National i Convention of Epworth League, July iri. turn : Via mil to Portland unci Q R & N 8teamer9 from Portland to ' . San Francisco and return, $23.60. Tickets on sale and honored on trains Tti tjIIuq ami on gtesiiiers from ; Portland only on Julv 11th and Kith. Returning tickets will be honored on i steamers sailing from San Francisco not I later than August 1st; final limit, Aug- 1 "st 190L Rate !ncludtf8 n,eals ml berth on steamers. Reservations for paenRerB goinc via 8teamer8 8hout, ,,e 'D,Bde "T ' L; kiwuw) w m a.sauaa hi. b wi f ' iVv II II) be required. All rail in both directions, via 0. R. & X. and Southern Pacific, first class, good for stop-over9 in Cali- fornia -s-50- Second clase' InnlmllnK berth in tourist sleeper in both direc- , . , m- . . lions, no etop. overs, .fL'o.oO. Tickets on I sale at The Dalles July loth and 10th, i and will oe honored by Southern Pacific on trains leaving Portland July loth and 16th, and on morning train July 17th ; good for return passage leaving San Francisco up to and including July 31, 1001. TicketB will not be sold good in one direction via rail and in another via steamer. For further information communicate with Jas. Ireland, agent, The Dalles, Oregon. m2l-jlyll Hate to fan-American Exposition, "etur" uam im"y ua-VB irom uaie 01 sale, stop-overs win ne allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can be made by apply ing to agent O. R. & N. Co., The Dalies, whereby tickets will be honored on lake steamers in one or both directions be tween Detroit and Buffalo. tf James, Agent HtrlkeH.A Itlcli Flint. "I waB troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous de bility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancas ter, X. H., "No remedy helped me un til I began using Sllectric Uittere, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever used. They have aleo kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles ; that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can ak,e t place .in our family." Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. 1 BUSINESS LOCALS. Some desirable city property for sale or rent For particulars call on Gibbons & Marden. alltf Paint your house with paints that ara . fllllv frtKirantuc.fl rn laat fllarls. A TTdllr haye t,jem We offer for a limited period the twice-a-week Chko.nici.e, price $1.50, and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50, both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions under this offer must be paid in ad vance. f For feiilri. A stylish black driving horse, very gentle. Also a nearly new open bugjty, harness, blankets, etc. Very cheap. Addrese, W. R. Rqc-kwkm., mU7d2w-w3w Dufur, Ore. The bilious, tired, nervous man cannot successfully compete with his healthy (rival- DWltt'a Little Karly Risers the famous pills for constipation will remove U)e muw q yoJr truu,jjM C)ark(j & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Dyspepsia can bo cured by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 2fi cts. Rlakftley the druggiit. Clarke & Falk have on tale a full line of paint and artist's brushee. A full line of Eastman films and sup pile just received by Clarke 6 Falk, NOLAN'S Profit-Sharing Association. The first monthly dividend has been distributed to the profitable satisfac tion of thirteen of my customers. The only regret is that I was not able to give a valuablo present to each of my customers. I think they all deserve one. On Saturday, July 6th, I will give awav two music boxen nno worth 7.51), playing (liht tunes, and one worth $7.50 ; a sack of sugar and a barrel nl Hour. I will give a cash rebate of $.1.00 to ousto mor paving the most money bv that date, and $12.00 to the one paying in the second Inmost amount. Un each Saturday, commencing on the loth of June and including .Inly Hth, 1 will, in ai dltinti to the two pros ents given each week, give a $1.00 rebate to the customor paying the largest amount during the week. Purchasers of goods in my linu will do well to keep in mind that 1 suit goods ns low ns thu lowest, ns well ns share the profit with my customers. Ttl. T. NOLAN. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened, this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Grafidall DEALERS IN fill kinds of UNDERTAKERS ,s EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funeral Supplies i(u't. Don't expect a "cheap" enameled utensil to last long. It doesn't. Don't think such a one can be kept clean. It can't. Don't believe the "cheap" enamel isn't steadily crumbling away. It is. Don't imagine in using such you're not eating the enamel. You are. Don't figure you are saving money buying the cheapest. You're not. Don't forget the "cheap" has but one coating of enamel. Just one. Don't fail to recollect that imported Stransky steel-ware lasts for years. Don't buy that kind if health nnd economy are of no consequence. Don't try to get the genuine else where, for it's sold exclusively by ml0-tf Mays & Cuowe. Danger, disease and death follow neglect of the bowels, Uao DeWitt's Little Early Risers to regulate them and you will add years to your life and life to your years. Easy to take, never gripe. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. A surgical operation is not necessary to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve saves all that expense and never fails. Beware of counterfeits. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. If anything ails your hair, go and see Frazer; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that tie makes a specialty of these goods. tf llon't Hun it In, Ju9t wot the affected pari freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a b'cotch remedy, and the pain iti gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday. Don't forget this. Drying preparatioiiH simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up tho nccretioiiB, which adhere- to tho mcmbrano and decom pose, causing a far nioro uorioiiH trouhlo than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. iug inhalants, fumes, nmokes nnd HiiuirH and uio that which cIcuiibch, soothca and hcala. Ely's Cream Pulm in such a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All drugm'sta uell tho COo. sizo. Ely Brothers, fiO Warreu Ht., N.Y. The Balm cured without pain, does not irritate or causo aneeintf. It flpreads iUolf over an irritated find angry surfaco, reliev ing immediately tho painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Halm you aro armed against Nal Catarrh and Hay Fever. niiajuiA ONI FOR A DOSE. Qll A UuralinfUlMbii41rtKwif. ZJESKZ A mof mat of tb UmU mm 47 U b ; it rou. mm will latlT MnpU f 1 bo lr YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of ubIiik so-called kidnnv remedies without any boneilt, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and bu forever rid of those dull pains in your back. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in thu kidneys" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nights made restful by the nee of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ot your druggist or sunt by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wayne, Indiana. M. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. & Barget Robes, Burial Shrouds Etc. White Collar Line. Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leavo Portland 7 a.m. Leave Astoria 7 i. m. Tiie Dalles-PorUand Route Str. BAILEY-G-ATZERT, DAILY ROUND TRIPS, Except Monday, Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m. Arrive The Dalles II v. m. Leave " 4 " Arrive Portland 11 " Meals the Very Best. Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. TIllH Knilto IlllH Mi (Irmiiluat Scenic Attractions on Earth. Landing and oflice Foot of Alder Street; both phones, M .151, Portland, Oregon. Ii. W. CRICHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. BO YLAR8' EXPERIENCE mm TRADE MARKS JeaiaNS COrVRIQHTB JtC. Anrono mniiu n akelrh and doicrlptlnn urn" qulcklr imreruln our opinion fro nliutlivr k' liivuntloii l probnolr iiulniubln. Coiiiiiiiinlcr tlonailrlctlycoiiQdeiillal. Ilaudliookon I'ateuli ji-nt froo. Ifldoit auenny fur iitcurlntr patxnta. rmei.ti taken uirouvh Muiin k Co. recelTM iptctalnotUt, without obarue, In tuo SckMdftc flmcrkaii. A handanmelr lllnttratad weekly, I.nmait cir culation of any aclemltlo Journal. Turmi, 03 a roan four montui, IL Bold brail newadaalern. MUNN i Co.3e,B' - New York t Just "What You extant. New identi in Wall Paper here. Such widt) variety as we are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Heat imita tion creton elleets at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Klegaut designs, tasteful colorings, youth for a small price, at our Htore on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. a?TJLTTrOCVT JOT ATJ L. Lane, (5i:ni:uad BiacKsmiin AN D Wagon and Carriage Work. f, Fish Brothors' Wagon. ITIliinrl ntir! Tnffnnnnn m.n,m 1 ffl e iiiuu aim juiiLuu. muuu m Y. Tie Columbia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTIJKKKH OK Pine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIF.D BBKF. ETC. J. K. HCIIRNCK, Prealdent. Max a. VoitT. CfUlllUI First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - ORECJON A General Banking BuBinenB transacted Depoaits received, subject to Kight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeda promptly roinitted on dav of collection. Hight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Now York, Ban Franciaco ant'. port 'and. DIKBOTOKa D. P. TllOMI'HON. J0. 8. BOHKKOK. El). M. WlU-IAMH, UKO. A. LllHK. H. M. Hkam.. FRENCH & CO BANKERS. Tranaot a General Banking Biminosf,. LetterH of Credit iwHiied availahlo in the EtiHtern HtateH. Bight Kxoliange and Telegraphic IranuferH Hold on New York, Chicago, Bt. LoiiIh, Ban Francieco, Portland Ore gon, Beattle WhhIi., and varioiiH poiutH in Oregon and Washington. Collections made ut all points on fav orable terms. mm mm The W. W. WiUon Co., Props. First-Class in Every IJespeefc fllKALH AT AM. IIUIJKH, Oysters Served in any Style. bT BvuouU St., The Dalit-, Or Jr il Horsesnoer -Oregon Short Line Union Pacific AND DKI'A in to II T1MK HCmiDUI.KH IIIOM TIIK DAI.I.KH. Aiuiivr. FROM ChlmiKo Porlliiuil HlHWlfll, ii-:x p. m. via lliuit IliKton. Atlantic ICxiirt'NN, l'.':0 ii. m. vIh Hunt ItlKl'Hi. Halt ljuke, Dunvcr, Kt, Worth, Oiinilm, Kim. NiiMCtty.Hl.Uinls, (jiu curd mill tint Hunt. 1 :0j p. ra. Hnlt IjiUo, Denver, I't. Worth, Oiiinhii, Khii nnN(Jlty,Ht.iiU,(;ii. chkii nail thu Hunt. I 5 a. m. Ht. 1'iiu) . Wullii WiilU, Ifuwutwi, VhhI .MhII, i HjMikiiiiu,Wiilliirt!,l'iil. UiUft li. in. , limn, Mliiiifiipiilln, Ht. VliiHlMi. . l'aill.lliilutli, Mllwmi liiiia. kw, UlitciiKuiiiit! i:.Ht. !l."0a, Bi. OCEAN AND BIVER 80HEDTJLE From I'ortlitiiil (All MiilhiK ilntcN milj.1 jeni to iiiiiiiinf.) I'or Han rrniicli'ii, Kail every fi tlayN. H-.m p. in. IWii. m. Dully exeunt Hmiiliiy, .:m p. in. Siitiirilny, Ui:iiil '. in. UmIiiiiiIiIh Itlviir. To Astoria mill Wny UinillliKti. 1:00 p.m. except Hlliiday, Dally Wllliiiniitti. Itlvnr. exrept ( ciiv. v. I 3 p. re. vxcent hin.iliiy. KiilfMti . Iini, !., .."wpt i;:0D ii. ni. anil NViiy-ljiiii'ilns. Huiidny. Tni'iliiy, Tlmrnliiy, Haliniliiy, 11:00 ii. m. I r p. m. Jliitidiiy, WiHliivuliy Hluny, Corviilllx mill Way IjiihIIiii;i TlieMluy, Wllliiiiiettn mill 3 3) p. in. Tlinrfilii), Viuulilll Klvnm. Monday, -!ml.r,,.l,J' "-'Km City, Day ton mill Weilnaflny " ii . ni im im4. r i iiiii v. lx.'IIVlt Uliuirlii ilully, II: 10 u. in. Hniiloi Klvur. Itlptirlu to ljwlxtiiii. 'LfAVO IjCIVlltOll ilally, .1:3) ii. hi, I'lirtien .K-nlrliiK to i; to Ucpiiner or iMiiniK on Cnlmiitilu Houthern vln IIIkki. oliould taue No lenvliiR The Dalles at 12 i"i p. in. iiinl:liic ilirei't connvetloiiH nt Heppner Junction nml IUkki. HettirnliiK niikliieillretitcnniit'ctlon at Heppner limetlon anil IIIkk ItlilNu, rlvitiK nt Thu Dallcx at 1:0.') p. in. I'nr (nrtliur partieillnm, call on nr mlilrei.i JAH. lltKliAN'l), Anent, The Outlet), Oriifon. Complete of Dm 8 at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings Tim time will Boon be hero when eeT stylish dressed man will want " , "f1, date (Spring Suit. Those aro tli lU patroiiH 1 am tailoring for. , and look over my Spring line ol humK All the latest novelties for 11)01. Suits to Ordor, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor- Nasal CATARRH In all Its iIrkm tuaro liuiilil bu cleaulluuiw. Ely's Cream lialin clcannci, lontUvH and ht'aU lliu dUcaaeil ineinlirauo. It ciircn catarrh anil drive awny a cold la tdo head lcky t .Mil rl Balm It placed Into too noiW oyer tho membrane and U abtorbed. mediate and a euro followf. It U m. not uroiluce needing. Large HUe, 80 ",, glita or by mail ; Trial BUe, JO ceaU J t MLY lHm'UKRB,e Warwo trt w Mll. I lilt F