The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 12, 1901, Image 4

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Proprietor Lyooum Stoatl Oymtsr Pmrlor,ofRoohmmter, N.Y.
Obtainod $2,000 Life Insurmnoo Polloy.
My business as proprietor of the Lyceum Shell Oyster l'nrlor, 245 Mam
ster, IS. ., writes mt. diaries v. liuucoeK, "was so connmng
My doctor told :uc I'd havo to leave the store
street. Rochester
that my lungs became affected
and ro to work at some
thinjioutdoort;. He said
my lungs were in bail
shape, and 1 knew it
just as well as lie did,
"The trouble had been
growing on me for a
long time. Like most
other people, 1 tried to
make myself believe
the trouble was not ill
the lungs. I called it
r.tmn.'ieli trouble or ner
vous disorder, but I 'lMssi3
kept coughing, spitting
and wasting away right
along. I lo.u in weight,
falling from 140 to 115
pounds. Somehow or
other. 1 got hold of Ack
or's linsrlish Rcmedv
for Throat and Lung Troubles, and after taking it according to directions, I was
as well as any man in New York State. I was healthier and stronger than be
fore I took the cold which came so near killing me. I now weigh 150 pounds
ten pounds more than ever. After recovering, 1 applied for a life insurance
policv. When the doctor began examining me, I was afraid he would discover
that inv lungs had once been affected, but he didn't. I passed all right, and
was pronounced in a first-class condition. If that isn't proof of the most posi
tive kind that Acker's English Remedy is a great medicine. I don't know what
vou call proof. I give it my warmest endorsement. My address is given above.
Anyone who wishes may write me personally about my case."
Sold at 25c, 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada;
and in England, at is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. 6d. If you are not satisfied after buying,
return the'bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
We autliorUc tltr aboir guarantee. II. Jt. HOOKEI! & CO., lrojirictors, .Vtif York.
For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy.
II I 2
Uphill JifcesN
Hnnni nix., 'y
Mr. and Mre. M Z. Donnellare eniov
in: a short visit in Portland.
C. A. Heath, the Grass Valley mer
chant, ie in the city visiting friends.
Mis Myrtle Michell left on the Iralda
this afternoon to ppend a few weeks
with her cousins at Stevenson, Wash.
T. A. Hudson went to Sherman coun
ty today to adjust the loss of V. E.
Miller, whose dwelling was recently de
stroyed by lire.
Otis Svvinje has returned to The
Dalies after spending four months in
Portland under the care of physicians,
who have succeeded iu making a well
man of him.
The family of C. H. Curtis, who have
resided in this city for the past two or
three years, will leave in ttie morning
for the Sacramento valley, where they
will make their fit tare home. They will
Cnlbertson are in Arizona examining a
j big copper mine they are thinking nt
buying. The stock of the Empire State
Idaho company is selling in New York
for a premium, and passes as silt-edge
collateral on Wall street. Patrick Clark
is the controlling owner of the Traders'
National Bank, of Spokane. Charles
Sweeney is the controlling owner of the
Exchange National. Tiiese are the lead
ing banks of the city.
The People's Naiional Family pper
To nil old and new subscribers paying one year in advance wo oiler
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50.
rubllsliiMl Monday,
Wednesday and 1'rl
dny, Is In tcnllty n lino
mil fresh cvory-otlicr-day
Dully, (jlvlnc the
latest iicwh on days of
Issue, and covering
news of the other :).
It coiiteitis all Impor
tant foreign ruble
new?, which nppMra
In tho Dally Tribune
of same date, also do
incttli) and foreign
roriespondoiMT, short
stories, elcpaut half
tone illiitratloiis, hu
morous. Items, Indus
trial Information,
(atlilim notes, agricul
tural matters, and
comprehensive mid re
liable tlnaneial and
market reorts.
Kegulnr Mtlnorip
llon price, ?1..')U per
We furnhh It with
Scinl Week I v Chroni
cle for JJ.U) per cur.
I'lihllibed onTburs
lay, u;id known for
nearly sl.xty yeais In
ecry part of the Pul
led Stales as it nation
al family newspaper
of the highest elass,
for farmers ami villa
gers, It contains all
the limit Important
genetal ne. of the
Pallv Triblilie up lo
the hour of going lo
press: .in agricultural
department of the
Highest older, has en
tertalulng rending for
every member nf the
fiimlly.oldaitd young,
market leports w hleh
ati' accepted as auth
ority by farmers and
meienauts, and Is.
clean, up-to-ditc, In
tcrcHtiuguud Instruc
tive. Itegnbir subserlp
lion price, 11 per year.
We furnish It with
oml-Wei'kly (Jhroul
ele for -MM per year
J. E. FALT & CO,
"The Owl."
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of tho City.
173 Second Street.
PIioik.'h: fil Local,
858 Lung DiHitinr.e.
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
Value of the Philippine.
Nkw YoiiK, .June 10. In an article in
the comini: isaue of Lealie'd Weekly,
General Frederick D. Grant will gay
that the value of the Philippines to the
United States cannot be overestimated
"It will," General Grant says, "in
crea?e with the development of the
islands and the growth of our commercial
travel overland, sioini: by way of Prine- j standpoint, but is remarkable also ue a
villeand Klamath Falle, and expect to strategic basis in times of war.
be two months on the road. I "A man with a small income can build
hokn. i tip a competence there more readily
Thi morning, to the wife of Hubert j than in this country and the Held is full
Mava Jr., of Antelope, a daughter : . of onnortunUv for the industrious and
the thrifty. The soil is capable of sup
porting threa times the present number
weight 10.,' pounds
Mother and child, at last accounts,
were doing nicely. The Chkonici.k ex
tends hearty congratulations.
Which Will
ho Vtir Their Own ISeiiolit
If Heeded.
Before buying any tombstones or any
cemetery work come and sue Mr. Co- i
mini. Don't let any one blufl'you with !
their elick talk. Thev know nothing)
about the business and .run down the j
poor mechanic. They try to make you !
believe that their work is durable. Be-1
fore you give your order let Mr. Comini 1
take you out to the cemeterv and show
you what kind of work he puts up and
give vou bis prices for similar work.
Don't be in a hurry to give your order,
but first give Sir. Comini a chance to
figure on your work. You will find by
asking any one who has had business
dealings with Mr. Comini that all of his
work is of rlrst-class quality, just as he
represents it to be, and that bis prices
for eueh work are very low.
It is not necessary to send for stone j
from other places, there is stone here in
The Dalles that will stand until the
judgment day. Sandstone crumbles.
A ttHveie American Luu,
Manila, June 10. Two hundred in
surgents were encountered by Capt. W.
A. Willielm, of the Twenty-firs; in
fantry with fifty men of that regiment
eiz miles meaat of Lipa in Batangas
province. The insurgents were defeated
bat their loeses have not yet been re
ported. Yates' troop of the F,rat cavalry
is puraniiig them.
Lieut. Anton Springer of the Twenty
first infantry was killed, and Lieut. Lee,
of the engineer corps was shot in the
bead and bowels and eoon died. Capt.
Willielm was wounded in the shoulder
and Lieut. Charles H. Ramsay, of tho
Twenty-first infantry was shot in the
left side. Both are seriously wounded.
Two sergeants and one private were also
seriously wounded.
The American officers were planning
to attack a'force of insurgents which were
ahead nf them when they were fired
on from one aide.
of inhabitants, and of doing it much
better than they are now supported,
when there are better facilities for trans
portation. Another Koer Surrender.
London, June 11. General Kitchener
reports lurther surrender of Boers in
Northeastern Transvaal. The dispatch
save: "Commandant Van Hensi.urg
has surrendered with his commando at
Pietersburg. One hundred of iiis men
came into the British lines, others
5'o!. iulants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bough!
Bears tho
Signature oS
Black - Siight
Will make the season of 1U01 at Mulch's Jarn,
JHifur, Oregon.
BLACK NIGHT is u black .lack, foaled June 17, 1001; bred by. I. W.
Stevens, Howard county, Mo. Sired by Black Dan the Third, u jark 10 hands
high, and a No. 1 foal-getter: lie by Black Night the Second, and he by Diiuc.iii'h
Black Dan, an imported jack from Kentucky. Bluck Night'H dam, Gray .Jennett,
sired by Compromise; lie by Hickman's Compromise; hit) (lain by McKinn's
Washington; 2d dam by Napoleon, od dam by Black Dan.
TERMS: To insure, .'fl.'j.OO ; by season, $10.C0. Care will he taken to
prevont accidents; but we will aseuine no responsibility. Money due when mare
is known to be in foal.
.. .GOItllJWBlA BBEWEfiY..
Of tlin product of thiH well-known brewery tho United Status Health
Buporle for June l!8. 1!)00, miyH : "A more mipeiior brew never entered
thu labratory of the United Statim Health reports. It ih iilionlutely ilovolil
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is etmspoaeil of
the best of mult and ehoiemU of hnpti. J t h tunic UalltieH are of the high,
est and it can he lined with the greatest benefit and Hatitdaetiiin by old mid
young. Its use can ruuHnieutinutily be preHcnbed by thu physicians with
the cersaintv that a bettor, purer or morn wholesome beverage could not
possibly be (omul."
East Second Streot, THE DALLES, OREGON.
p. S. GlWlflG,
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker..
-ni.Ai.mi in-
Iron, Stoel. Whoels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Audit (or l'.tiiscll A Co.'ji I.iikIiicn, Threshers mill haw Mills.
Telephone 1137.
Long Distance 10711.
Cor, Second & Lausblin Sis,, THE DALLES, OR,
Wasco Wni
C. P. BAI.CH, Manager.
DL'J-Ul:, OBl'XiON.
Dyspepsia Cure
Maws Ureatail Heuiatlun In Hpuhane.
Sfokank, Wash., June 11. News of
tue suit was rumored over the city to
day, anil creal,4yaeii8tion. Neither
of the leadlnjt garea i m Bpokane.
Patrick Clark U At the Rulehjh hotel,
New York, bat will atari for home next
Thursday. Oharlea Sweeney and F. R.
Don't expect a "cheap" enameled
utensil to laet long. It doesn't.
Don't think such a one can be kept
clean. It can't.
Don't believe tho "cheap" enamel
isn't steadily crumbling away. It is.
Don't imagine in using such you're
not eating the enamel. You are.
Don't figure you are savin money
buying the cheapest. You're not.
Don't forget the "cheap" lias but one
coating of enamel. Just one.
Don't fail to recollect that imported
Stransky steel-ware laete for years.
Don't buy that kind if health and
economy are of no consequence.
Don't try to get tho genuine else
where, for it's sold exclusively by
mlfl-tf Mays & Ckowk.
The partnership heretofore existing
between John Howe and M. Currun.
under the style of Howe & Carran, Iihh
been dissolved. M. Curran. will con
tinue the business at the old stand and
pay all debts of the late firm, and col
lect all accounts due said firm.
Dated June 1L, 1001.
4t M. COilltAN.
Iiiin it 1'ny to Ittiy Olicap'.'
A cheap remedy for congliH and colds i
i-t all right, hut you want something
that will relieve and cure the more se
vere and dangerous results of throat and
lung troubles. Whut shall yon do? Go
to a warmer and more regular climate?
Yes. if nossible: if not nossiiile for you. .
then in either case take the only rem- DlQCStS Wh&t VOU Cdit
edy that lias been introduced iu all civil-' ItartiDciallvdiceststhefoodaudaldo
ized countries with hiiccojb in severe , Nature in HtrotiBthcuing and recoil-
throat and lung troubles. "Boschee'e , Qtructlng tho exhausted diKCSt ycor
i, i. . i i i 1 1 fjans.1t Jsthc latestdlscovercddiKestr
German .Syrup." It not only heals and ntanci to,lic. Ko otlier preparation
stimulates tho tissue to destroy the , can approach it in oillcicncy. It in
germ disease, but allava inflammation, 1 Stantly relicve.satld pcrmaiiontly cures
causes easv expectoration, gives a good J fJyapepsla, Indigestion, Heartburn,
, : . .i ' ,. ".... Flatulence, hour btoniach, Nausea,
night's rest, and cures the patient, .ry Si(jk Headtt'onC( Gastralla.Oranipsand
onj: bottie, Recommended many yearb all OthurresultSOfluaperfeCt digestion,
by all druggists in the world, mid sold prCo50c.anrt81. Larffoslzocontalns2K times
by Clarae & talk, bet Green s jri.e , smaUaUo.Uookallr.txMitUysiMip.slaniHiledfree
almanac. 2 J;ccared tj E G. Dc'.wITT A CO., Crjlcagor
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot p 11 kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kindf
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, s? iSSt
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
FlOUr 'mH ''a,nr IH umnufactured exprensly for family
use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Wa sell our goods lowor tlian any house in the trade, and if you don't think ee
call and got our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Whea,t. Barley and Oats
Sold bv Clarke &Fi1I:'h l O. Pharmacy
Executor's Notice.
Notice Ih lii-rcliy Blveii tliut M. '., hniiuull Ims
lAt-n oiny iipoiiii(.'ii o.xcciiinr ol the lt will
mill teitimii'iit of Ami l.i iclil ntri-r. iltvL'iici!.
All iicrrons IihvIiik rlnliiiK iiKnIimt tliu t'nilu
01 ulil Aim I.ucliliiKcr lire ImtiIiy notified to
present the Dime to inv. vurllleil im hv Ihiv re.
V.vmtL,,,..., ip f i. ,.. 'lVu,.i.r ilu,. I 'I'liii-'l, within tlx niontlis from the ilntuof HiIm
Acker's Knglisti liemedy iu any case of ! ''"'J'1 l . city tlil 7th ilay of June,
Sick Headache absolutely and perma
nently cured by using Mold Tea. A
pleasant herb drink. Cures countiuatioii
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep
and hanny. Satisfaction guaranteed or
money back. L'octs. andoOcts. Blakeloy,
the druggist. i
If you want to retain your hair you
have to keep your scalp clean. Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy, Now we have two of the yery
beat preparationa for cleansing the
ecafp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo, It
will leave your hair soft and gloisv.
Price, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer'e
barber shop, The Dalles, tf
Subscribe for Tiik Chuonici-k.
coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to
give immediate relief money refunded
25 cts. and 50 eta. Blakeloy, the drug
giste. Kczeuia, ealtrheum, tetter, chafing,
Ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are
quickly cured by DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve. The certain pile cure. Clarke A
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
For sprains, swellings and lamented
there is nothing so good us Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
For Bent Two rooms adapted to
light housekeeping. Apply nt Mre.
Kddon'u, Third street. -Ij-lw
For rent Two furnished front rooms.
Inquire of Mrs. K. J. Sylvester, Third
street. jl0-lw
i.AttuOrniiK at Tiik, Or,,)
May T,, linn. (
Notice Ih hereby Klven hint the following
n aml Dottier Iihm llltil notice of Ji Ih Intention
to make, liiml r.rwif In niiort of his claim, mid
Hint alil proof will Iki mhiIo beforu tliu JIiuIh'
lerunil Kctclver at Tliu Uulleo, Oreiion on Mini
Uuy, Julyb, 1WI,vIa:
Albrt V. Xurner,
of The UaUiM, Oickon, JI. K. No. 4'Ji;i for tliu Ht-c. 10, T. I H., it. 11 1-;., W. JI.
lie nauiua tlio followliiK wltneien to prove
ills continuous rutlitciice u-on tmd cultivation
of kald laoil, viz.:
(JtinrleH fJofcuon, Uharlt Hiultli, WnlU'r Kcott
anil Uaau V. Matney, all nt Thu Unlit, Oregon.
mayiW JAY 1 I.UCAB.Utgliter.
Notice of Guardian's Sale.
Notice Is herihy (,'lvun Unit iinijer mill liy vir
tuuof mi order mid Hcuiiko of itiilc, dtilv inailo by
trio County Court ol Wum-o County, Hlale of
OreKou.on tliu a'dli duv of Aiinl, I'.mi, the mi
dcrili!iicj. uiiiirdlau of Miirliiiiini Ijwuv mwi
HiikIi VI vIhii I.hcu, minor wiirds, will, from
mid lifter the 17tliilny of June, I'.ioi, lit prlvnte
side, in tliu muniicr prcecrllicil by biw for Hie
miiuoi rem properiv liy e.xccuiorK iitiil iiiliiilnls
trntors, kcII tliu followliiK ileKorlbtd real prop
erlv, buloiiKlui; to Mild minor wards, to-wit:
The HKM f uo IH, In Tp i N, K 11 15. W. JI.
bald hale will lx' mndo upon tlif preinUes and
lo the bidder for cash.
(iiiiirdliin of Murlmiiial-iiccymid HiikIi Vivluii
baccy, minor wards. mil
iJitid Otllco nt Vancouver, Wash,,
....... . lit, lom.
Notleo U liercbv Klvcn tliat tlio fnllowlug-liiiiiii-d
(cttlers have 1 1 led uotlcu ot Intention to
make ,'luiil proof In support of their claims, and
that Mild proofs will be madu befoic W. It, i'lcs
by, I'. K. C'oinmUHloner for lllstiictof Waohlnit.
ton, at (ioldeiidalu, Wuililniiton, on batiirday.
Juiiuiioih, luei, vl..
UliurlcN IVluKumliuin,
ol f.ylo P.O., W'Hiihliitoii, who madu II. I;. No.
'JUOfor thoKouthweiit ipiarter of hce. 16. Tn. a
N.. It. 1'.' K., W. M. 1
WhoimiiMHUiofollowliiK wlliimca to prove
Ills contliiiioiiN residence upcu mid cnlllvatlon
of Mild laud, vl'
Cornelius Hull, Thomas JI. Whltcomb, Albert
biliH',y I'!" .,"",0 ' tt" 01 Klickitat
1. 0,,,NV(ishliiuUiu.
tloriittllu Hull,
of I.vlci I1. 0., WHshhiKton, who lilai'o II. K. No,
mvvirortho foiilhtatiiuiirU.'r of Hvc, 10, Til a
r. K 11 K.i W M.
, Who naiuen tho JoIIowIiib wltnciswa to urovo
Mb continuous rwlueiico upon and cnlUvatlon
of taldland, vU;
S1'?."?? wJosewujnnf ThowiHi JI. Whltcomb,
Kill i II. JtiwtiU and Jauieu O. Kyle, all ol Lyio -O.,
mt5 W. It. PUNJIAU, UegUtor.
w iiiibi.sAi.i: and i:i:tam,
Wines, Liquors Cips
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next door to First National Bank.
Condon I'linne U.'ll.
I.oili; l)Ut. 101)1.
HT lL Tl 'C SOUTH and EAST via
Shasta Route
Yellowstone Park Line.
TrHlns leave Thu Dalles for I'ortUud ami '
statloiiH ut I ;.'.') a, in. unit .'I p, m.
No. V.
11:15 A. JI.
No. 4.
lljao 1'. JI,
union Depot, Firihand I sts AillllVK.
I Kast mull for Tacoiim, No.
IHeatthn Olympla, (iray'h
Harbor and Houtli Itend
linauts, Hpokauo, llo,s-l
laud, II. v.. i'lillman.:
Moh'ovv, Utwlston, lliif-l
fnlolliimp niluliiK conn- r;WJ 1', JI,
try, HcK im, Jlluueaisi.
lis, Ht. Caul, Oinalia,!
KaiiMis City, Ht. UhiIs,
('lilcaKo and all points
eiikt and Koillheat. I No. a.
1'iiKet Hound KxpreN!
uir iiicoma mid Healllo 7 ;00 A. JI.
Iiillmnii flryt-clMHH anil tourlut sleopurN lo
with" ut,'cm,,,Ko l",,,m"1 M,HM"" river poh.U
wrllii "lot','1"K,(mr rwo'vatloiiH, tus call on or
A'.l!ul,,l,(,5''"ufrt, i'w?r AKnt. m Morri
on Htrciit.eoruur Third, I'ortUnd Oregon.
U'livu I'ortlaud :'' "
" Albany r lajaniua
Arrive Ashland u::Hiim
" Haoianieiito rnWip'"
" Han Kraiiclsco 7.l."'l'i
ArrivoOKdon f.:I.Mun
" Denver 'J;(n) a in
" KausaHtilty 7 'Wain
" OhIuaKo 711111
Arrive Los Angolas ...
" Kl I'nso
" Fort Worth
" City of Mexico ,
" lloiuton
" New Orleans...
" WasbliiKtim .,
" NuwYork
I :) p III
lijWI p m
ii,;ain in
;A'ia m
, l;()niii
7 :'!'
7;00 B
l!:liiH" "Jf5
I'lillmim mill TourlHt cars on ",1nEipi,
!hnircara Haiiramouto to Ogilu" , u,i 01-
mil liiilrUlnnnliil'lillolHI. Ht 1IUI ''-
leans ami Waiihiiigtoii.
and tourist oars to Uhlengo, Ht lmi
,Connitlng at Hhii Kranc Uco with K
hUiiiiihIiIii lliios.for lloiiolnlii, JM; v"
l'hlll.iluei, Uonlral ami HaH Aint'e
fleo ngout at The Dallw stntlon, or kM
Qonoral .
. I'uMuiigor Agati W""""'