The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 12, 1901, Image 3

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If n i I
Stunning Corset Salt!
White Bummer Cornet,
good quality, only 25c
A Wrapper Sale of
Our stock of Sunwier Wrappers have not been
selling as fast as they ought to. The cold weather
leaves us with stocks that ought to have been sold by
this time of the year. Hence the great reduction.
Wrappers made from the best standard prints,
good line ol colors, at the following prices:
$1.00 values, now .... 79c
1.25 " " 92c
1.50 " " .... $1.19
1.75 " u 1.39
2.00 " " .... 1.59
2.25 " " 1.79
2.50 " " .... 2.00
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
WEDNESDAY - - JUNE 12, 1901
Co) 1)
ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All U'hiho County wnrruntN rElntrid
prlur ti .luiiiiitry :!, 1KDK, will 1 l'iild
on prtmeiitittloii itt my utllue, lutoroNt
cuhh artor Aluy "4, 1110 1.
Uouuty TreHurr.
Abundance of duliuious crawfish nil
these duyH at the "Owl."
The Fortnightly will moot with Mrs.
J. M. Russell ThurBduy afternoon.
Senator J. N. WilliauiBon will deliver
the oration at Antelope on the Fourth.
Nearly threo-quartorB of u million
pounds of wool changed hands ut this
place in the hint twenty-fonr hours, at
prices ranging from 11 to 12 cents u
According to the latest advices re
ceived by Agent John Fitloon, tho Iiui
ley Gntzert will resume her trips be
tween Portland and The Dalles on tho
tuiiM mom..., iuhw.uij .,ww.....
At 9 o'clock this morning word came
over the long distance 'phone that there
was three inches of snow at Shaniko
and it was still snowing there, as well as
at Antelope, Bakeovcu and Sherar's
Bridge. N '
Gentry's Dog and Pony Show nrrived
hero this morning in its own special
train of cars between t) and 10 o'clock,
hut falling to find a suitable place
whereon to pUoh tho big tent, pulled
out in n couple of hours for Walla Walla.
Joseph K. Carey and Mamie Pitcher
were united in marriage last evening at
tho residenco of tho bridegroom's father,
Mr. John Carey, of this city, Justice
Brownhiii ofliolating. The young cou
ple will make their homo on n ranch in
tho Victor neighborhood.
M. A. Moody reports having sold in 24
hours over :il)0,000 pounds of choice wools,
chletly from the Antelope district, at 12
cents a pound. This exceeds any prico
paid for wool in any market in Eastern
Oregon this year, and confirms the well
established reputation of The Dalles as
the beat wool market on the Paciti
Articles of Incorporation were filed
Tuesday In the secretary of state's office
at Salem of the Little Deschutes Irriga
tion Company, (or the purpose of con
structing irrigation ditches from the
Little Deschutes river, to carry water
for household and domestic uses, water
log stock" and solorth. The hoadquar
aijXj goods 3vtyv.ni5:3Di3
ters will be at KoBsland, Crook county;
tho capital stock is $200,000, in shares of
$100, with D. A. Findlay, S. M. Findlay
and K. D. Bellore incorporators.
Among the wool sales that we have
heard of as having taken place yester
day afternoon and this forenoon is the
clip of Mose ClauBBen, of Klickitat
county, 50,000 poundp; two clips of J.
II. Smith, of Sherman county, 40,000
pounds; two clips of M. Heckler, of
Waplnitia, 30,000 pounds ; clip of Tom
Fargher, 40,000 pounds; two clips of
George A. Young, 200,000 pounds; two
clips of K. Ii. Hinton, 200,000 pounds;
clip of John Little, of Antelope, 75,000;
clip of Horace Fargher, 30,000; clip of
Tom Fargher, lio.OOO pounds.
A rather singular case was tried in
Justice lirownhill's court Monday. J.
Strain sued his niece by marriage, Mre.
Ina Corbroth, for $71, a sum he alleged
lie Rent her to bring her here from North
Carolina. Some time after her arrival
here in 1898 she got married, and in due
time a bad feeling appears to have arisen
between the Strains and the Corbreth's,
culminating in thip action. Tho theory
of the defense was that the suit was
instigated by spite, and tho jury also
took the same view and brought in a
verdict in favor of the defendant. It
was a singular verdict in more ways
than one, for there was no question of
Mrs. Corbreth's having received the
money, and it is even said that on the
first ballot the jury stood five to one for
the plaiutill'. Frank Menefee appeared
for tho plaintiff and N. J. Sinnott for
tho defense.
The oflicials in the county clerk's oflice
had a good laugh yesterday at the ex
pense of Judge George T. Pruther, of
Hood Kiver. George, as everbody
knows, was married many a long year
ago, yet on tho 8d day of this month he
solemnly placed his written acknowledg
ment and seal at tho foot of a document,
now and for all time constituting part
of the records of Wasco county, in which
ho dunies tho marriage relation and
proclaims himself a Binglo man. The
acknowledgment, which anybody can
see who ho desires, roads as follows:
"This certifies that on this !5d day of
Juno A. D. 1H01, before me, a single
man, in and for said county and state,
personally appeared the within mimed
John Doe," etc. Possibly tho judge
meant that tho other fellow wuh the
victim of single wretchedness, and not
himself, hut if so lie made a sad mess of
Tho result of the examination of
Marshal Denton in Justice lirownhill's
court yesterday, on tho charge of assault
and robbery :f Chin Sing, a Chinaman,
was his being hound over to appear be
fore tho grand jury in the sum of $300,
Dan Dairron, junior, and Louis Johob,
two mere lads, who were present and
participated in the assault, were exam
ined this afternoon and pleaded guilty
to assault. Daflroii, who seemed very
penitent for his connection with the
Boys' Suits and Odd Pants.
Roys' knee pants, made with double
peat and knees, the kind that never rips,
regular 7flc and 05c values, special A
per pair 4MJC
Only two pair to a customer.
Youths' suits, age 14 to 19, cheviot
and cassimere suits in neat, dressy and
durable fabrics, $5.50 and $0.00 re
values; special Ipo.yo
Gnaranttod strictly all-wool suits,
double-breasted, with knee trousers, age
8 to 15; brown and grey plaids and
stripes; $.",.50 and $4.00 values, aq c
special ps.4:0
Vestee Buits, age 3 to 8, silk faced
coatB, double-breasted vests and fancy
Bhield. $0.00 and $.'? 50 quality, Qf.
special p.oU
Special sale on Tan Sloes.
We will now and until further notice give a liberal discount on all our Tan
Shoes. Perhaps you can afford to let this opportunity pass without taking ad
vantage of it; but we doubt it. Head these prices and see if yon can.
Men's $5.00 Tan Shoes.. .$3.50
Men's -1.00 " " .... 3.00
Men's 3.00 " " .... 2.25
Ladies' 4.00 " " .. 2.50
ikt fxjAxjnt
affair, was fined $10; but Jones, also a
mere lad, who showed a more stubborn
disposition, was sentenced to twenty
five days in the county jail. Had these
boys been older it would undoubtedly
have fared worse with them. Deputy
District Attorney Wilson, in consider
ation of their tender age and that this
was their first offence, allowed them to
plead guilty to eimple aBsault. in hope
that their arrest and conviction, fol
lowed by a light sentence, might have a
more salutary effect on them than a
sentence to the penitentiary and a term
spent there in associations that would
tend to make them worse instead of
A ItltiKlni; Iiulomt-uient of the Wasco
County Candidate For United States
MarNhul Ity au Old Friend.
Kver since the name of Hon. W. H.
Dufur, of Dufur, was first publicly men
tioned as a candidate for United States
marshal he lias been the constant recipi
ent of complimentary notices from old.
time friends and acquaintances all over
the state. The following is taken from
Baker's Farmer and Stockman, and is
all the more complimentary as being
the proniptings of a friendship that has
its roots in au acquaintance formed
many years ago. The article is headed
by a very true picture of Mr. Dufur,
which we regret not being able to re
produce: It is evident that the press of Eastern
Oregon, more particularly the press of
that part of Eastern Oregon where Mr.
W. 11. H. Dufur lives, is earnestly de
sirous of securing for iiim the oflice of
U. 8. marshal, and we want to be in
cluded in the list of hie advocates and
supporters. We have known William
Henry Harrison Dufur for many yeare,
and take pleasure in espousing his ap
pointment to the above position, know
ing he is well qualified to discharge the
office creditably to President MeKinley's
administration, to the delegation in con
gress from Oregon, and to the entire
people of this, iiis adopted state. More
over, we are cognizant of his faithful ad
herence to the best interests of his
friends when in need of active, timely
and telling support. He is a man of
courage, of purest motives, sterling in
tegrity, devoted to his friends, and witti
ul u man of capacity a man of value to
his party and to his fiionds. Wo hope
lie will get the appointment.
Hon. W. H. H. Dufur was hum in
Willi.unstown, Vt., in 1S54. and is tho
youngest son of the late lion. A. J.
Dufur and Lois Dufur, His parents
moved with their family to Wisconsin iu
1855, and in 1857 his father was elected
to a seat in the Wisconsin legislature,
In 1800 his family emigrated to Oregon,
where young Dufur has since lived. He
resided in Multnomah county from the
age of G until he became 22,when he re
moved to Dufur, Wasco county, his
present homo,
Hie father was a member of the Ore
gon legislature, from Multnomah county,
in 1802, was president of the State Ag
ricultural Society, and assisted in its
organization. In 1870 was commissioner
for Oregon to the centennial exhibition,
His eldest brother, Hon. E. 13. Dufur,
was a member of the legislature in 1874,
and In 1890 was elected joint senator for
Wasco, Sherman aud Gilliam counties,
Values from 10c up to
30c; only 6c per y aril
Boys' knee pants, good values at :":,
all sizes, 4 to 15; special, per pair - Q
Only two pairs to a customer. loC
Three-piece suits with kneo trousers,
for boys age 10 to 10, made with double
breasted vests, value $4.00. .. . ao oc
special Jpxs.oO
Our two-piece double-breasted euits at
$2.50 and $2 75, age 8 to 15, all . QK
go at this sale tor Jp.oO
Well made and good looking two
piece suits, our regular $2 and a on
$2.25 quality, go at 5J1.5U
05c Shirts, 12 to 14 neck. . 49c
25c Caps at 18c
Ladies' 3.00 Tan Shoes
Ladies' 2.00 " " ..
. 1.50
. 1.75
. 1.50
Misses' 2.50
Misses' 2.00
and is now mayor of The Dalles, Oregon.
His other brother, A. J. Dufur, Jr.,
was first mayor of the town of Dufur,
which was named in honor of the Dufur
Mr. Dufur was married to Miss May
L. Alexander, of East Portland, on July
l, 1870, and is the happy parent of two
precocious children a son and a daugh
terAndrew B. and Blanche G. He is
an exemplary member of the A. O. U.
W., Woodmen of the World and the
United Artisans.
W. H. H , or "Harrison," as he is
commonly called, haB been a member of
the Republican County Convention since
1882, with one exception, which was in
1890, he refusing to serve on account of
being forest supervisor, and has been a
member of the republican county cen
tral committee most of the time since
18S2, and is at present. Was elected a
member of the legislature in 1882 from
Waeco county, being the youngest mem
ber of the houBe, and voted for Hon.
John H. Mitchell every ballot that was
cast. Prior to the laBt ballot, on the ad
vice of Senator Mitchell himself, ho
stated that while he preferred to con
tinue to vote for Mr. Mitchell, he con
sidered it 1)13 duty to assist in the elec
tion of a republican to the U. S. senate,
and that when his ballot would elect he
stood ready to change it for the sake of
the grand old party. When the time
came he was given that honor, although
there were five more on the floor clam
oring for recognition, and his ballot
elected Joseph N. Dolph.
In 1890 Mr. Dufur was appointed a
commissioner aud distributing agent of
the Warm Spring and Colville Indian
commission. Upon the commission fin
ishing its work, which was in June,
1891, the papers of his county compli
mented him highly for the satisfactory
manner in which he had assisted in con
ducting said work.
In August, 1878, he waB appointed
foreBt supervisor for the horticultural
division of the Cascade forest reserve
and the Bull Hun reserve, which office
he has discharged in a most creditable
manner; in fact, every trust reposed in
him has been faithfully and intelligently
executed, which fact, added to his do
voted fidelity to his friendB and his
courage iu assisting them, is the pri
mary reason the press of his immediate
residence lias so heartily espoused his
Kntcrtutiinieut ut St. Mary s Ai-uilmuy,
The teachers and pupils of St. Mary's
Academy wish to remind their friends
that the entertainment for St. Peter's
church debt will take place tomorrow
evening at 8 o'clock, and hope all will
be present.
1'nriido Kuvlew KnyUnuw, . Nine Performer
"This Haulier of the .Sen,"
Youthful Pleasures. .M. Mary's Otoliu&tia
"Tho MiirIo Hell' (1'iilry Drama In Thieo .SuU)
act I.
Polka inli Duet
i'Jauo .Selection,
act ill,
Our Purling). Drill.
Tho Young Arlhtooratb . . . (.'e!llluu Club
I'olouwUo MllltalroliiA innj ..V. Clwjilii, up. 1,0
Caught tu Ills Own Trap,
fiacrutl Tableuu.
LoBt A gold fob chain, with locket
attached, containing a child's picture,
The tinder will be suitably rewarded by
leaving it at the office of Dr. Banders.
You will not have boils if you take
Olarke & Falk'd sure cure for boils.
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE of the City.
Hoys' fine ribbed, light weight, shirts
and drawers, per garment 25C
13oy6' jersey ribbed, heavy ,Mlver grev,
shirts and drawers, per garment. . . 25C
Men's blue mottled, light weight,
shirts and drawers, per garment. . . 25C
Men's white, hluo mercerized silk
stripe, ribbed, light weight, shirts and
drawers, per garment 50C
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers.
If you are in need of anj'thing in our line, figure with
us, for it will pay you.
We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have
prompt attention.
Ladles' Cliumplou linns Hull Club.
One of the most exciting and interest
ing games of the season will take place
in tli is city on June 18th between the
LadieB Champion Base Ball Club of
Boston, Mass., and The Dalles local
The Boston Bloomers is the usual title
given this famous ladies' base ball club.
They are justly entitled to the same, as
they always appear upon the field, to
battle for supiemacy, dressed in tho
twentieth century garb the bloomers.
ThiB organization of female ball players
is the only ladies ball club in America.
The team waB first organized in 1893.
This is their seventh annual tour. The
club is under the management of Mr.
W. P. Needham, and they travel in
their own palace car. During the past
six years this organization of female ball
players have traveled extensively and
visited all the large cities in America
and both provinces of Canada. Tho
club has been strengthened from year to
year, each member selected for her abil
ity to execute and fill her particular po
sition in a manner satisfactory and be
coming a member of this, the champion
ladies' base hall club of the world.
Don't fail to see them.
Admission, adults o0 cents; children
125 cents.
('nituf;i) ltuii."
A good piano for sale, only $110; in
perfect condition ; made by T. A. Stone
k Co,, of New York, and is a rare
bargain. Also a Weber for $250. .'SvBry
ono knows what the Weber piano is.
We have au organ, only $15, imido by
Luring & Blake, and a W. W. Kimball
organ, used but a short time, at $50.
We carry the three high-grade pianos
Kimball', Weber and Ohiikerini:.
Mknein'i: A- Pahkin,
juni-8 The Dalles, Ore.
Dressed spring chickens at the Stadel
mail Commission Co.'s 24-tf
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly, Long
distance phone 433, Local, 102.
Men's and Boys'
Summer Underwear.
Wo have just opened tho best line of Un
derwear ever shown in tho city, and wo are
selling the?o goods at tho lowest prices.
Men's jerBey ribbed, heavy, silver grey,
shirts and drawers, per garment.. -48C
Men's fancy striped, heavy ribbed,
shirts and drawers, per garment. . . 50C
Men's erey mixed, merino, shirts and
drawers, per garment 30C
Men's brown and ecru, lace weave,
light weight, shirts and dravers, per
garment 50C
Garden Hose
A Ilagluc, lloaring Flood.
Washed down a telegraph line which
Chas. C. Ellis, of Lisbon, la., had to re
pair. "Standing waist deep in icy water,"
he writes, "gave me a terrible cold and
cough. It grew worse daily. Finally
the best doctors inJOakland, Neb., Sioux
City and Omaha said 1 had Consumption
and could not live. Then I began using
Dr. King's New Discovery and was
wholly cured by six bottles." Positively
guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all
Throat and Lung troubles by G. C.
Blakeley, the druggist. Price 50c. 5
Why not spend the vacation at Ya
quina bay, where can be had excellent
fare, good fishing, good boating, safe
bathing, alluring rides and rambles.
The courses and exercises at the summer
school of 14)01 at Newport will afford
creat variety of instructions, diversion
aud entertainment. No other resort
offers equal attractions and like advan
tages, jiinll-tf
Mrs. E. Carey, having purchased the
millinery stock of Mrs, Harper at tho
Bazaar, begs to announce that sho
desires to close out the old stock during
the coming week, at greatly reduced
prices, when she will open with a fresh
stock of the newest things in millinery
and ladies' furnishing goods. jund-lw
Lost A fox terrier, 2 years old; all
white save tho face, which is black ; tail
closely bobbed. Answers to the name of
Boh. Any information aB to his where
abouts or his return to Victor Marden
will bo liberally rowarded. junl0--lt
Soule tiros., piano tuners, represented
by Mr. Silas li. Soule, are making their
regular Beiiii-annual stop at The Dalles.
Leave orders at Nickelsen's or Menefee
& Parkins' stores. jun8.12
For sale or rent A house of nine
rooms on Ninth street, with two lota
and a nice little orchard. Apply to Dad
Butts. junll-ld itw
When your hair appears dry aud to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. We have what
the hair needs when it gets !u that con
ili'Kiii, We have the Crown of
Science Hair rfSft Grower and
Ccoanut CreamHjH' Tonic They
will cure dand mil' and all
sc ilp diseases. For sale at Frazer'a bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle,
Subscribe for Tim Ciiuoniclk.