i ill I of' Advioe at a Druggist " It is proper, I think, Id let other know nbout tin popiilurit, mul virtues of Aekor's .Kiifilisli Ileiuedy tor Coughs, Colds mul Con sumption. Pro in t ho moment 1 le:iin lmnd litif'it.itsold rapidly, mul t h e Mil 1 es keep p row ing sill Hie time us fast us people u 11 il o u t what u rivr in a rkablo preparation it is. The patNfartton -i t srives is universal. Our best eit izens use it nnil say it is the lie.t thiiiR for throat mul Inns troubles they ever saw. Mr.S. II. Cul ver, one of our prominent townsmen, says .Acker's Knpli-di IJeuietiy i. tlie only niedi nine that helped his chronic eouijh of many years' standing. At first it save relief, mill now , after takiiiR a few bottles, he is wholly cured. 1 buy it by the Kros at a time, and my sales are larger on this one medicine than on any other in my store It is u great pleasure for me t o feel t hat while I am prosper iiir I am aNo doing so much good to the com munity in selling such a crand medicine" (signed II. 11. Douoias, Westiield, X. Y. Sold at 2.H.iW. and $t a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada ; and in Kng land, at Is. 2d.. '2-. lUL.-ls. (id. Ifyouarenot satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. UV aulhorizr ttir arr wiunin'r. IX. UOOKKi: A- CO.. I'mvnctors, Sctv York. For ualt ivt Blakuley'e Phtirmuev. Clirauti!r cki-teh of B Noted lliiutir. "No sketch of the pioneer era of this conntv is complete without a reference to 'Parson Billy Adaing,' preacher, law yer, journalist and all around literary athlete. " -mid Hon. C. K. Moores in tin addre-p dnlivered at Dayton, Oron, June 5th, at the annual reunion of Yum hill county pioneers, referrinc to Dr. 0. L. Adams, of Hood River. He was fa mous in our early journalistic annuls under the noniS'iie-plume. of 'Juniue' and 'Brakspear,' and as the Whit; editor of the Oregon City Argus. A descend ant of Ethan Allen, and eoluterally re lated to John Adams, his acute mind and independent character was manifest in boyhood. At Bethany College, Vir ciniti, under the famous Alexander Campell, he tool: high honors as a scnolar and was rated the best writer in c.iil-ge. Leaving college, lie married and started in life in the Mississippi va v, with a threadbare suit of blue jaiiB nnd a puree of $112, of which $15 wae furnished by his wife. After n checkered experience lie decided to set out tor Oregon. "President Campbell, hearing of his plans, wrote him saying: "la there not laud enough in Illinois for your talent and enterprise without buryiuj yourself and faiiiilv in a wilderness among sav agee?' He replied: 'Illinois is not big en 'Uifh nor good ennugli for me. My soul hungers for something Illinois can not, give. In Oregon I expect to find what I desire.' To Oregon he came, reaching it only niter many hardships. His money was exhausted when he had reached Oregon City, and he borrowed $2 and paid all of it for ferriage across the river, except ten cents, which he lost through a hole iu his pocket. Thereafter hie career -reopened in Yamhill. Here he traded his wagon for ten Spuuish cows, whose increase kept him in meat for years. In 1S-1S-I) he opened one of the first school in this county, his hoy scholars coining to school iu buckskin suite and mocca sins and his girl scholars dressed in ehirtinc, colored in tea grounds. These girle in after years had a creditable share in building up the pioneer com monwealth, and among the moccasin footed boys were Dr. L. L, Rowland, afterwards state superintendent of pub lic instruction, John R. McBrlde, after wards a member of congress from Ore gon, and later chief justice of the atate ofjldaho, and George L. Woods, famous as a campaigner and as governor of both Oiegon and TJ.ah. "Although still living, Adams has for almost a generation lived in compara tive retirement. During the ten years closing with the civil war he was a jour nalist and campaigner, the veritable storm center of the bitter political strife then raging in this atate. lie, as editor of the Argus, Dryer, as editor of The Oregonian, and Hush, as editor of the Salem Statesman, were a famous Jour tulistic trio, whose trenchant and vigor ous editorials gave us what was long known as 'the Oregon style" of journal ism. In one of the initial numbers of thn Argus George L. Woods, the future governor, is advertised as 'our traveling agent in the counties of Yamhill, Wash ington and Polk.' In one of bis early editorials Adams denounced the dona tion land law as one cause 'why schools were so few and so poor, as tbe land was bald in such immense tracts a mile square usually that a school district could not support a decent teacher, nor could tbe legs of tbe children support tbe strain oi carrying their owners to far to tchool.' " Ilnn't. Don't expect a "cheap" enameled utensil to last long. It doesn't. Don't think such a one can be kept clean. It can't. Don't believe the "cheap" enamel isn't steadily crumbling away. It is. Don't imagine in using such you're not eating the en.unel. You are. Don't figure you are savin money buying the cheapest. You're not. Don't forget the "cheap" has but one coating of enamel. Just one. Don't fail lo recollect that imported StratiBky steel-ware lasts for years. Don't buy that kind if health and economy are of no consequence. Don't try to get the genuine else where, for it's sold exclusively by mlG-tf Mayh & CitowK, Dyspeptics cannot be long lived be cause to live requires nourishment Food is not nourishing until it is digested. A disordered stomach cannot, digest food, it must have assistance. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure digests nil kinds of food with out aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain its natural functions. Its elements are exactly the same as the natural digestive fluids -and it simply can't help but do you good. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Seven Yenr In llvil. "Will wonders ever cense'.'" inquire the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence, Kan. They know she had been nimble to leave her bed in seven years on ac count of kidney nnd liver trouble, nervous prostration nnd general debility ; but, "Three bottles of Electric I5itters enabled me to walk," she writes, "and in three months I felt like a new person." Women suffering from Headache, Back ache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melan choly, Fainting and Dizzy Spelts will find it a priceless blessing. Try it Satisfaction is guaranteed. G. C. Blake- ley, the druggist. Only 50c. 5 It was in a Pullman sleeper, nnd just across from the bachelor's berth was a handsome little woman and her 15-year old boy. Early in the morning the two were laughing and playing together, and the good-natured bachelor smiled to himself as he arose to dress. Suddenly a little foot peeped out from the curtains of the opposite berth, and witli a twin kle in his eye, the bachelor grabbed the plump toe and began: "This little jug went to market, this little" "That is inv foot, Bir," said the indignant voice of a woman. The silence which followed could be heard above the roar of the train. Chicago News. I'layeit Out. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter how it became so it must bb purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has nevei failed toctire Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly u wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Plakeley, the drug cist. Stepped Into I.lvti Couln. "When a child I burned my foot fright fully," writes W. II. Ends, of Jonesville, Va., "which caused horrible leg sores for SO years, hut Btickleu's Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else failed." Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Bruiees and Piles. Sold by G. C. Biakeley, the druggist. 25c. 5 Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money 'refunded 25 cts. and 50 cts. Biakeley, the drug gists. Sick Headache absolutely and perma nently cured by using Moki Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation nnd indigestion, makes you eat, sleep and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 cts. andoOcts. Biakeley, the druggist. For Rent Two rooms adapted to light housekeeping. Apply at Mrs, Eddon's, Third street. 4j-lw STATE TREASURER'S 4TH NOTICE Ktatk ok Okkoo.v, Tiikamuky Dkit,, Halkm, Junes, I'JOl Notice Is hereby Riven UiHt there, arc now funds in the UcMMiry with which to redeem nil niitntainlliiK' state warrnntH drawn on the vw eral fund mid endorsed "Presented mid not p'llil for want of hinds," prior to tills date; ill to to ia all warrants drawn on the HtAte bculp bounty Kund, and cudom-d "Presented and not paH lor want of fimdn," prior to Ma 1. 1WX). and all such winrautH, properly cwlorml. will be paid upon prcneiitiitloii at tliU olllce, intercut thereon ceasing from and after this date. CIIAKI.KH S. MOOKK, Jmi.V.'tw unite TreiMirer. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I;anij Omen at Vanccuvkk, Wash,, April 17, Ml I Notice it hereby Klven that the following named kettler haa Hurl notice of IiIh Intention to make dual proof In mipportof his claim, mid that nald proof will he made heforu w, n, i-reanv. uuitwi B tales ;ouin u oner lor inir ot of WuHhlUKtou, at hlx otticu In (Joldendalc, Waaii., on baturuay, June , iuui, viz,. Joe Kllloukum (IimIIhii), of Orand Pal lea I', Q Washington, who made If. K. No. SIM. for the. 8 of MVJ4 of Kce. l lu Tp. I N, K 13 K, W. Jl, lie uame bu following wltnevk! to prove bU contluuouH residence upon and cultivation of wild land, viz: lllll U...Hn C..,t l.l.n Ami ........ ...I 0car Charley, all of Orand IMIItsa f. O. Wuh, aprUO W. It. UUM1UK, Utcr. Better than a Three-Ring CIRCUS GENTRY'S WORLD'S BEST nil Animal snow THE DALLES, Wednesday, June 12 300 Elephants, Dogs, Ponies and Monkeys. The largest and best exhibition of the. kind in the world. A herd of PERFORMING BABY ELEPHANTS. See the Sixty Pony Act, one of the many new features this season. P Q P r Elephant and Pony I Fill i Rides t0 all school Children after each perform- ance. FARMERS, bring in the lit tle ones and let them see the GRAND STREET PARADE ' over half a mile in length. Remember the date, Wednes day, June 12th, one day only. J. E. FALT & CO., Prorotors TIlC Owl." 5 Purest Liquors for Family Use$ Delivered to any part of the City. 1 ,IHI,U8, wisLmiil DiHiiinc.e. 173 Second Street. rwwww-w WW w ww-w t-iir - t i t-nn A-rr-n inc. ULLCDHrtl LU i .. .GOIiUlWBlA BREWESY.. AUG-UST BUCHLER, Prop. Of Hid product "( thiH well-known lirewory tin; United Slutey lleiilth Iioporte for .lune l!8. 11100, imyH : "A nioro attput inr brew never entered tlit) lulinitury of tlm United StuteH llealtli ruportH, It ih iiln-olutely dovaid of the HliuliteHt tr.ieo of iiilnltoriition, lint on tlm otlmr Iwinil iH coui posed of the lieHt of mult nnd elioiceht of liopa. Hh tonic (initliliitH urn of the hidi cHt nnd it nun 1m lined with the yrimtcHi lienollt nnd mUlHfae.tion hy old nnd voiinn. I tn uho fun eoiiyeientiouHly lie precenhed hv tho pliVHieiuiiH with the eernuintv tlmt n hottor, purer or mure w linluiiomo Imvenign could nut pouHihly he found." East Socond Stroot, THE DALLES, OREGON. ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -1 i: a 1. 1: it in Iron, Stoel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Aueut lor Unwell A. Co ' l.itKlltvn, '1'lirtliern null Hnvv .Mills. Cor, Second & Lamin Sis, THE DALLES. OR, Tiiloplioiio 15". Lonir DiHtinieii 107!!. Wffi fl Warelie Ilii Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain ot fii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, oixKo Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- Q"r T'lO'llT' ''"H 'u,ur ,H iniwiufniittin'd !xpr!iHly for family nun: nverv nuek iH i:uiinmtf(Hl to pive nutin(action. W'i bdII our pooiln lowur than nny Ihiiiho iu thu trudu, und if you don't tliinkio cull und yet our priceo und ho convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats !$ I A' '"A-1 tAT Al f ATATA MTJkTATATArAfi, A A fAIAIAt Jk' rAI'A t ATA A1 AtATM? C. J. STUBhlG, 5' II()M:ka1,K AM) ItKTAM. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First Nutiomil Hunk. THE DALLES, OREGON. CimkIiiii I'Iiiiiio iiH-i. I. one Hint. HUM. Young Black - flight Will make tho season of 1901 at Balch's liarn, J3ufur, Oregon. DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. BLACK NIGHT Ih u liHck .luck, fouled Jmiu 17, 11)01 ; bred by J-' KlnvuiiH, Ilowiird county, Mo. Sine! by Hliick Dun tlm Third, jurU W l'n(J' hiKli, und u No. 1 fonl-itttttcr : hu by Uluck Night tho rk-uoml, ami ltt hy Uunc Hbiiik Dun, mi importud jck from Kmmicky. lilnck Niulifn (lain, tiray Joiin. Hired by ComproiniHii; ho by Hiukuiuu'u ComproinlBo ; Ititt duui by McKinn WuHhlnKton; d (lain by Nupolou, lid dum by Ulnck Uan. TERMS: To iummt, ir.()0; by suuHon, HO,00. Curn will ImUkw-0 prevont acuiduntH ; hut wo will uuhuiiio no responsibility. Mony duo is known to bo in foul. BALCH & JOHNSTON, Owners, 0. P. BAl.OH, ManuKer. DUI'UK, OllEGON. Advertise m The Chronic