The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 11, 1901, Image 3

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    Stunning Corset Sulci
Whlto .Summer Corset,
pood qunlity,nnlv 25c
A Wrapper Sale of
Our stock of Summer Wrappers have not been
selling as fast as they ought to. The cold weather
leaves us with stocks that ought to have been sold by
this time of the year. Hence the great reduction.
Wrappers made from the best standard prints,
good line ol colors, at the following prices:
$1.00 values, now . ... 79c
1.25 " " 92c
1.50 " " .... $1.19
I 1.75 " u 1.39
2.00 " " .... 1.59
2.25 " 1.79
2.50 " " .... 2.00
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
JUNK 11. l()0t
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All We.o County tvarruiitx reElHtered
prior tu .luiiuury :t, IHtlK, will lie pulcl
on prmmiitnthiii ut my oilloe. Interem
iiouhoh rtr My 4. 11)01.
Oouiity TrHtirr.
Abundance of delicious cruwlifih nil
those dayH nt the "Owl."
A marriage licence was issued today
to Ana D. Gibbs and Minnie J'. Mosier,
of Kingsloy.
For Hale or rent A houeo of nine
rooniH on Ninth Htreot, with two lotH
and u nice little orchard. Annlv to Had i
Butts, junllld'ltw
Tho Lutheran Sunday school will have
an excursion tomorrow to Hood River,
leaving The Dalles by buot ut 7 o'clock
in the Morning. ,.
Aciuloadof lino BteorB, belonging to
i ul.!....i,il frimi tin. I.
stock yards last night to 'Jrontdale.
They averaged 1200 pounds each.
The coming Fourth will bo celebrated
ut Lyle, under the auspices of the Mod
ern Woodmen of that place. The cele
bration will be held in the grove near
the bout lundtng.
The river is still fulling ut The Dalle?,
us it is ut all points from which there is
any report in tho daily river bulletin.
Tho full hero in twenty-four hours is
eight-tenths of a foot.
George Carr, u logger from down tho
river, was arrested lust night by Oilicer
Paulsen and tiiiB morning pleaded guilty
to a charge of drunk and disorderly be
fore Jlecorder Gutes. IIo puid u fine of
Employes of tho White Collur Line to
day drove u lot of piles in the river near
the pluce where the Bailey Gatzert is
accustomed to hind. These will he need
for a lauding till the .river reaches, a
lower stage.
Yak mm Indiune brought across the
river, thie morning, about 400 head of
cay uses which they sold to the Linton
Cannery Company at $2.50 a heud.
They were moetly u very scrawny lot
that the reservation range is well rid of.
Why not spend the vaoatioti at Va
qulua bay, where can he hud excellent
fare, good fishing, good boating, safe
batbingi alluring rides and rambles.
The courses and exercises at the summer
school of 1901 at Newport will afford
great variety of instructions, diversion
and entertainment. No other report
ofl'erB equal attractions and like advan
tages, junll-tf
From Sam Thurman, who was in
Uood River yesterday, we learn that
while he waH there u lady resident of
the city, a Mrs. StrauBB, was hit in the
face with a baseball thut some young
fellows wore carelessly playing with on
the public street, and severely iujured,
being rendered unconscious for a time.
LaBt Friday morning Attorney SamN
Stark received a letter from J. 1). Dav
enport asking him to come to Moeier at
once, as lie wanted to see him at his
home ut 7:150 p. in. Samuel wim t,
finmv at-tfrr duty iiifti"Ti,t' "fi pa
tiently awaiting his client, when at
Hifcam 8 in come about thirty young peo
ple and reminded him that his birthday
had once more rolled around. After
playing many interesting games, straw
berries and cream were served, and later
the merry crowd dispersed leaving Sam
uel with many presents and well aware
of the fact that he is one year older J
Sam got back from Mosier yesterday.
Four arrests have been made of young
men suspected of complicity in the
assault and robbery committed on Shin
Sing, the Chinaman, on Mill creek Sat
urday night. These are Marshal Denton,
J. C. Craig, Dan DaU'ron Jr., and Lewis
Jones. Cruig is nu employe at the L. A.
Porter livery Btuble. Justice Brownhill
placed him under bonds of $500 to
appear for examination Thursday. The
were furnished by Mr. Porter,
and Cruig has employed W. II. Wilson
to defend him. In default of $500 bonds
each, Duflrou ami Jones are in jail
awaiting examination. Denton is hav
ing his examination in Justice Brown
hill's court as we go to pre's, with Judce
Bennett for the defense and F. W.
Wilson for the prosecution.
Jake Prahl, who killed Dan Maloney
in this city some live or six years ago,
was himself shot, but not dangerously,
at Glenwood last Sunduy afternoon, by
u young man named Hilly McGratb.
From the best information nt hand it
appears that the shooting occurred over
u dispute about range. Prahl has n
flock of sheep nn the shares, and young
McGrath, it is said, warned Prahl that
thorn would be trouble if ho brought the
sheep on the lands of McGruth's step
father any more. Prahl renewed the
oll'ense and McGrath tired at him with n
shot guu loaded with buck shot, one
shot taking etl'ect in Prahl's hip. Jt is
said Prahl did some shooting himself,
hut whether us the nggressor or other
wise could not bo learned. Prahl ar
rived ut Goldendnle Monday evening,
where an unsuccessful effort was mado
to extract the bullet.
Soulu Bros., plauo tuners, represented
by Mr. Silas U. Soule, are making their
regular semi-annual stop at The Dalles.
Leave orders at Nickeleeu's or Menefee
& Parkins' stores. jun8-12
A full lino of Kastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk,
5c MMYS.
Boys' Suits and Odd Pants.
Boys' knee pants, made with double I
peat and knees, Ihe kind that never rips,
regular 70c and tVn; values, special . n I
pur pair 4-UC
Only two pair to a customer.
Youths' euite, Age 14 to in, cheviot'
and caBsimere suits in neat, dressv and
durable fabrics, $5.00 and .ffl.OO .i.ou ana Q5 j
values ;
Gnarantted strictly all-wool suits,;
double-breahted, with knee tronserp, age
8 to 15; brown and grey plaids and
stripes; $:!,00 and ff4.0() values,
Vesteo suits, nge .'! to 8, silk faced '
coats, double-breasted vests and fancy j
shield, $.3.00 and $:. 50 quality, 0 Qr.i
special p3.oU
Special sale on Tan snoes.
We will now and until further notice give a liberal discount on all our Tan
Shoes. Perhaps yon can afford to let this opportunity pass without taking ad
vantage of it; but we doubt it. Kead these prices and pee if you can.
Men's $5.00 Tan Shoos.. ..$3.50
Men's 4.00 " " .. . :i.00
Men's 0.00 " " .... 2.25
Ladies' 4.00 " " .. 2.50
.St. Martin's Spring.
A Union county paper says there is a
well-confirmed rumor that the Hot Lake
springs, in Union county, recently
etianged bauds at the handsome price of
$05,000. ThiB reminds ub that we have
hot springs within a few hours ride by
boat from The Dalles that, it is hardly
extravagant to Bay, are the equal in cu
lative power of any springs on the Pa
cific coaBt, if not on the continent. We
refer to St. Martin's springs, in Skama
nia county. Rumor has it that not long
since an offer of $40,000 was tendered for
these springs and promptly refused, as
the owners have no deeire or intention
of selling ttie property.
Many of the cures effected at St. Mar
tin's are marvelous to relate. A lady
who lately returned from a two-weeks
sojourn there, who went to the springs
weak and emaciated from a protracted
illness, came back in robust health and
with the appetite of a plowman. While
she was there as many as forty-two per
sons from all points of the compass were
inmates of the hotel and were using the
water. She tells of a Portland lady who
at first had to be carried to the bath in
a litter and helped in and out, who, after
three weeks use of the water, was able
to climb the steep hill from the hotel
to the springs without assistance.
A big Swede, who had been helping to
float the light ship down at Fort Canby,
camo there witti rheumatism "in every
bone in his body," as he expressed it,
and almost helpless us u child, in u few
days was able to walk about with little
diilicultv. People came there every day
on crutches and litters, who, after drink
iug the water and bathing in it u few
timep, were ulmost invariably benefited.
Taking tho water internully acts as a
powerful tonic and creates un uppetite
that mukes the homliest und coarsest
fare sweet and pulatuble.
The accommodations at the hotel are
as good as in most ordinary second-class
hotels, tho table being supplied with uu
abundance of plain, wholesome, well
cooked food, ami the charges are quite
reasonable, only $1,125 a day for every
thing. Kvery visitor to the springs
comes away with u kindly word for
George Drescher, a sort of clerk and
mun-of-ul!-work, uu obliging, genial
young mun, who is ut tho beck und call
of evtry visitor at d who never seems to
weary in considerate and kindly atten
tions to nil who need his services,
Tho owners of the springs have never
spent a dollar in advertising tho virtues
of the waters, and most likely never
will, hut if these springs were a thous
and miles away and were a little better
known, they would be looked upon by
the people of Oregon and Washington us
ono of the wonders of the Pacific coast,
if not of the continent.
Dulles Ki-I'ottliimtler tu Luck.
It is better to be lucky than a Dalles
postmaster, II. II. Riddell, whom a
jury of his countrymen recently ac
Values from 10c up to
:U)c; only 6c per yard
Boys' knee pants, good values at :15c,
all sizes, 4 to 15; special, per pair - Q
Only two pairs to a customer. loC
Three-piece suits with knee troneerp,
for boys age 10 to 10, made with double
breasted vests, value $-1.00. .. . Q
special ipe.ou
0r,,ce (,oubIe.l)rPa8t(!d enll8 nt
go at thie sale lor $1.85
Well made and pood looking two
piece suits, our regular $2 and nr
$2.25 quality, go at ifcl.tfU
05c Shirts, 12 to 14 neck. . 49c
25c Caps at 18c
Ladies' 3.00 Tan Shoos. .$2.00
Ladies' 2.00 " " .... 1.50
Misses' 2.50 " " ... 1.75
Misses' 2.00 " " .... 1.50
quitted of a serious crime, has just won
for a client an action at law that will, in
all probability, put the snug sum of
$100,000 in the ex-postmaBter's pocket.
The caee is that of T. J. Brown and B.
W. Maddox against the Oregon King
Mining Company, which was decided
Saturday at Portland in favor of the
plaintiff's who were Riddell's clients.
Months ago, as the story is, Brown
and Maddox consulted Riddell with ref
erence to the action at law for tho re
covery of their mioe, now known as the
Oregon King, near the little town of
Asbwood, in northern Crook, and be
lieved to be worth a half million of dol
lars. The mine was at that time unde
veloped, and none of the parties named
had any conception of its value. Riddell
offered to take the case for half of what
could he made out of it ; that is to say,
for a half interest in the mine. Riddell
took into partnership Attorney Albeit
Abraham, of Portland, and after a trial
that lasted nearly a week, the mine is
declared the property of Blown & Mad
dox, which means that Riddell k Abra
hams are owners of the half of it.
The case will, of course, be carried up
to the higher courts, but Riddel' has the
advantage of having the first decision in
his favor, and there is a strong proba
bility that he will have the last one.
Uentry'M Aiihnnl Actor.
The coming of Professor Gentry's dog
and pony show may be looked forward
to this year with greater pleasure than
ever before, for it is stated by good uu
thoiity that the performance is all new
and strictly up-to-date. This attraction
has always been a great favorite here
und the engagement should, and doubt
less will be a profitable one.
Professor Gentry has always provided
good entertainments for his patrons,
and this season he has eclipsed all of his
former efforts in a most marvelous bit of
training that closes tho entertainment
in place of the old pyramid of dogs and
ponies. It is a highly exciting tiro scene,
liberally set oil' by the comical efforts of
the dog and monkey firemon while
saving the life und property of the in
mates of the burning mansion.
Tho professor is booked to appear here
tomorrow, June 12th, under u largo
water-proof tent. One day only.
For inlants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Siguuture of
If you want to retain your hair you
have to keep your scalp clean, Soap
will make your hair harsh, dry and
crispy. Now we have two of the yery
best preparations for cleansing the
scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It
will leave your hair soft and gloisy.
Price, 5 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's
barber shop, The Dulles, tf
...The New York Cash Store.
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARG-AIN STORE of the City.
Boys' fine ribbed, light weight, shirts
and drawers, per garment 25C
Boy6 jersey ribbed, hfuvy, silver grev,
shirts and drawers, per garment. . .25C
Men's blue mottled, light weight,
shirts and drawers, per garment. 25C
Men's white, blue mercerized silk
stripe, ribbed, light weight, shirts and
drawers, per garment 50c
RUBBER and Garden Hose,
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers.
If you are in need of anything in our line, figure with
us, for it will pay you.
We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE
REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have
prompt attention.
Dr. O. R. Rollins, of Grass Valley, is
reeistered at the Umatilla House.
A. M. McLeod, tho 'Goldendale mer
chant, is registered at the Umatilla
George A. Young, of Bakeoven, is in
the city, the guest of the Umatilla
Assessor .1. R. Rankin, of Klickitat
county, spent last night in the city, the
guest of the Umatilla House.
J. Harvey Smith, the Grass Valley
merchant, arrived here today to look
after the sale of two season's clips of wool.
Mrs. J. Robertson and daughter,
Maude, were passengers on the Dalles
City yesterlay from a week's outing at
Rev. U. F. Hawk and Presiding Elder
Warner left on the noon train for Gol
dendale to attend the Epworth League
convention and district conference ot the
M. K. church.
Mrs. Rogers, of Baker City, who has
been visiting for tho past two weeks
with her cousin, Miss Blanche Emerson,
returned homo today accompanied by
Miss Emerson.
Statu Fish Warden H. G. VanDusen,
of Astoria, is r'gitered at the Umatilla
Honey, li is said the warden is consid
ering the proposition of establishing n
salmon hatcherv at Sherar's Undue, on
tiiu Deschutes.
"'(iitiiK Hum."
I A good piano for sale, only ifliO; in
' perfect condition j mado by T, A. Stone
jit Co., of New York, and is a rare
bargain. Also a Weber for $230. "ivory
lone knows what the Weber piano is.
j Wo have an organ, only $lfi, made by
j Luring & Blake, and a W. W. Kimball
organ, used but a short time, ut $50.
I Wo carry tho three high-grade pianos
Kimball, Weber and Chickeriug.
, Memki:u & Pauicivs,
j juimS Tho Dalle, Ore.
Lost A gold tob chain, with locket
attached, containing a child's picture.
The Under will be suitably rewarded by
i leaving it at the ulllce of Dr. Sanders,
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone 433. Local, 102,
Men's and Boys'
Summer Underwear.
Wo have just opened tho best line of Un
derwear over shown in tho city, and we are
selling those goods at tho lowest prices.
Men's jersey ribbed, heavy, silver grpy,
shirts and drawers, per garment.. -48C
Men's fancy striped, heavy ribbed,
shirts and drawers, per garment. ..50C
Men's arey mixed, merino, shirt9 and
drawers, per garment 30C
Men's brown and ecru, lace weave,
1 its tit weight, shirts and drawers, per
garment 50C
l'roBrain or Entertainment.
The following is the program of the
entertainment to be given at St. Mary's
Academy Thursday, June I'M,, for the
benefit of St. Peter's church of this city :
l'nrado KvvlewEiiijlrman . . Ntnu Performers
"The ItHiimrof the Sen.''
Youthful Pleasures. St. Mary's Orchcstta
"The .Magic Hell " (Fairy Drama In Three Acts)
ACT l.
Polka (ialn Duet
ACT 11,
Piano Selection.
Our Darlings' Drill.
The Yimni? Aristocrats c'eelllan Club
Polonaise Militalretu A inn j.. ft. Chopin, op. tu
Caiid'ht in His Own Tra)p.
Saeieil Tableau.
A ltiiiL' Kimrini; l looil.
Washed down a telegraph line which
Chas. C. E.lis, of Lisbon, la., had to re
pair. "Standing waist deep in icv water,"
he writes, "gave me a terrinle cold and
cough. It grew v,niso daily. Finally
the best doctors inJO ikl-wid. Neb., Sioux
City and Omaha said 1 liad Consumption
and could not live. Then I began using
Dr. King's N'ew Discovery and was
wholly cured by six bottles." Positively
guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all
Throat and Lung troubles by G. C.
Blakeley, the druggist. Price 50c. 5
When your hair appears dry and to
have lost its vitality it wants something
to give it life and vigor. Wo have what
tho hair needs w hen it guts in that con
dition. Wo have & the Crown of
Scienco Hair $15 Grower and
Cocoauut Cream Tonic. They
will cure daud SHw rull' and all
K:lp diseases. For sale at's bar
ber shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle.
Mrs. K. Carey, having purchased tho
millinery stock of Mrs. Harper at the
Ha.iiar, begs to announce that she
deslies to close out the old stock during
tho coining week, at greatly reduced
prices, when she will open with a fresh
stock of tho newest things in millinery
and ladies' furnishing goods. juuO-lw
Lost A fox terrier, 2 years old; all
white save the face, which is black ; tail
closely bobbed. Answers to the name of
I! ib, Any information a to his where
auouts or his return to Victor Marden
will be liberally rewarded. junl0-lt
For rent Two furnished front rooms.
lniiiira of Mrs, K.J. Sylvester, Third
street. jlO-lw