The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 'fuESDAY - - - JUNE 11. 11)01 J. A. EBERLE, Merchant Tailor. Second Stre&t, opposite Mays & Crinre.: ' 3 We have an excellent line of Spring I Suitings, Pantings, etc.. which we are! prepared to mnke up in the latest styles, , and guarantee a perfect tit. , ( HOT SHOT FROM AN OLD L1NEU. The following communication to the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, from a Texan democrat and ex-rebel who voted the democratic ticket for forty three years, will bear repeating be cause it contains sentiments that tens of thousands of old-line democrats, 41 North and South, cherish in their I l,oses lllflt 1110 eminently wise in hcatt of hearts although they mav j Joseph's eye) holds the governor's never have put them into speech or!rcceiIt for llie U'ousnnd dollar bribe. actjon. And still the governor is silent, "I commenced reading your paper several years ago so as to get both sides of the political question, as any one must do to form an intelligent opinion on any subject. I voted the democratic ticket forty-three years. I didn't vote for Bryan in 189G. J didn't hunt for a crack m the fence last fall, but flew clear over, and voted tne repuuuean ticKet irom top ' , , to bottom. I regard the present I , , , ' , I down, as the biggest lot of dema gogues that ever cursed a party, and the greatest enemies the party ever, had. For twenty-four years after the war we shouted for several years i for certain issues, got into power, J The suits commenced by Attorney and can't remember a single pledge : General Blackburn against the old redeemed, thus, deliberately stated, ! school land board to recover for the betrayed and threw overboard every i defalcations of Geo. W. Davis, clerk man who stood for anything, in the j of the board, is without doubt a estimation of the people, threw down farcial proceeding. No one has any the strongest issues, "sound money j idea that the board is responsible for and expansion," we ever had. You j Davis' theft and the action corn republicans were simply sharp enough menced is simply a grand-stand play, to take up the issues and profit by nothing else. Baker City Democrat, them, so you don't deserve all the i credit, but you are right. 'llfL'x O II I " laughed for years at the poor old f g j0 OT LM6. populist heresies, and then entered , SSSZSZIESSSSSESSZZISi: their camp and stole all they had J except the subtreastuy, and would Portland-Astoria Route have taken that, but thought maybe I it contained dynamite. Now, Dave 1 Str. " TAHOMA," Hill and bis gang are praying daily I Dai,v Iound Xrip8 excopt Sun(ay. nnd nightly for inspiration to craw- , , , , , , . . I TIME CARD fish back to old democratic issues. !T, , n ., . I Leave Portland a. ji. Like many other old rebels, I have: Leave Aatorjtt 7 M, become impressed with the idea in i my late years that the party who assails the flag, courts or credit of this great country will and ought to go down in defeat. The greenback cr and pops tried it, the pops and popocrats joined issues and tried to heave it over the fence, and failed, and now where are they? Hence forth, now and forever, I am an American." UOV. UlJiili'fi SILENCE. "Why do not Oregon republicans, led by the Portland Oregonian, take up the cudgel in defense of Governor Gccr, and 'vindicate' him of the Plummer pennitcntiary superinten-! lnnf Ct 1 inn rn vim rfor (inlnrr f inm I ono end of the state to tbe other," asks tho Pendleton East Oregoniun. Why do they not, sure enough? Can it bo that Governor Gecr bus not a friend in .all of broad Oregon wboiknows tbe facts and will not come to tbe governor's defense? Can it be tbat tbe governor imagines that be owes nothing to tbe men who voted for him nnd urged hisolcotion, In the press nnd on the stump, nnd would be glad to support him ngiun ! if he would only olenr himself of jthis foul blot upon his character? j Can it be that Governor Gecr i imagines that he owes nothing to the part' that elected him to the highest olllue in the state, or that it dignity to brand a he, if it be a lie, ; ! an open and defiant contradiction? ' The editor of Tiik CiutoNiru: writes these words in sorrow, not in ; anger. lie was among the first of I Oregon editors to name Mr. Geor for the governorship nomination. He advocated his election in the press I and on the stump, and cast his ballot ! for him as one whom lie esteemed to j be an honest, manly, able man. Alas! the idol is shattered, and this man, whose distinguishing characteiistic is his aggressiveness, is as silent as the oravo when unrlcht and hnnnrnhln ... Al republicans, all over the state, are branding him as one who most dis- honorably and corruptly took a bribe ot a thousand dollars in a given case and then failed to fulfill the contract for which the bribe was taken, and who was cvcntuallj compelled to disgorge the mone' with another thousand dollars on top of it. Xames and dates and all particulars are given, even down to the minutia that Joe Simon (doubtless for pur. i iniflrr flmrmc flint If Irnn fit lnm fnr a place in the state burlap sack factory, rather than in the guberna torial chair. In the book written and published by Queen Victoria, she expressed the belief that she was a lineal de scendant of King David, the ancient 1 kmc nf Tsrnol. flnn nf tho nnnios nf 4, . , , , the crandson of King Ldward, the , T. , . . . , son of the Duke of lork nnd Corn- those who have faith In British Israel that when the boy's turn reign, he will be crowned David. comes to as King Tfie Danes-Poniana Route Str. BAILEY-G-ATZERT, DAILY" HOUND TKII'S, Kxcopt Monday, Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m. Arrive The Dalles if i ji. Leave " " 4 " Arrive Portland 11 " Meals the Very Best. Sunday Trips a Lending Feature. This Route has the Grandest Scuoic Attractions on Earth. Landing and office Foot of Alder Htreet; both phones, M 351, l'or Hand, Oregon. E. W. ORIOHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Agt. The Dalles, A. J, TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. NOLAN'S Profit-Sharing Association. The first monthly dividend has boon distributed to the profitable satisfac tion of thirteen of my customers. The only regret is that 1 was not able to give a valuablo present to each of my customors. I think they all deserve one. On Saturday, July 6th, I will give uwav two music hoxisoiio worth .f27 f0, playing eight, tunes, nml one worth $7.50; n uui'k of Hiiuar and a barrel ol Hour. I will give a cash rebate of .fil.OI) to custo mer paing the most money by that (lute; and $1! 00 to the one paying in the second largest amount. On each Saturday, commencing on the loth of .June and imdinliiin .Inly th, 1 will, In addition to tlm two prn onta given each week, give a $1.00 rebate to the customer paying the largest amouut duriiiK the week. Purchasers of goods in my line will do well to keep In mind that 1 Hell goods iih low as the lowest, hh well ae share the prollt with inv'cuatumers. Iff. T. NOLAN, Price, i :i PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Ktimer! owiiik schedule, schedule without Str. Regulator Str. "Iralda" DOWN. , I.v. Dalies nt 7 A. M. Tuesday Thursday Saturday. .. . Arr. Portland . ut i:S0 r. m. up. I.v. I'ortlimd lit 7 A. M. . . . Monday . .. WedneMlHy Kriilay Arr. Dalle a 5 I', K. Leaves CuscuiIhp fi a. in. Arrive Dalles 1U:I!0 u. in. Leave Dallee p. in. Arr. Caeeailes 7:30 ). in. Daily ex. Sunday. Excnreion ItnteH every Saturday hite bnlmon una incernieiliute poitite, oUc: Dalles to CuKcades, $1.U0. For an evenine trip take the "Iralda" at 'A p. m. to Hood Itiver and re- (' turn on the up boat. FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by the Steamers of the Ketrulntor Line. The (Vimfuttiy will endeavor to give Its piit rouH the best tervlce jiouilhle. For further Information address R' , Portland Office, Ouk-Htrect Dock. W. GrandaM Barget DEALERS IN -m- JjQJ)eSj fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. IinluM to l'un-AiiDirlL'iin KzMithiii, Rounil-tnp niti'H via O. R. A N. from The Dallee, f8l.H0. Tickets on Hnle lirnt and third Tueednyfl during .June, July, An'iiHt, Septeuilier nml October, ooil for continuous pnusne goint; on date of Hide, Return limit thirty iIuvh from duto of eule. Stop.ovcre will he nllowed weet of Missouri river or Ht. 1'huI on return trip within limit of ticket. ArrntiKementH can he made by apply- inK tougiiiil O. R. & N. Co., The Dullee, wlieret;y tlcKetB will be honored on lake Hteamer in one or both directioiia he tween Detroit and Huffalo. tf Jamhh Iki'.i.and, Agent Diin't ICnl) It III, JilHt wet the alleeted purl freely with Myflterioua Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, arid the pain in gone. Hold by Clarke & Falk. l'or Hnln. A ntyliah black drivinu horse, very gentle. Also a nearly new open buy, barney, blankets, etc. Very cheap. AddreHH, W. R. Roukwum., m27daw'w3w Dufur, Ore. DyHpopoIa can be cured by ualng Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Bold in handsome tin boxes at 25 eta. Itlakeley the druggist. Clarke & Falk have on sale a (all line of paint and artist's brushes, YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tin of uhIiik so-called kidnev remedies without any benefit, mm Linooln Soxuul Pills and 1m forever rid of those dull pains In your hunk. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidney" and have all your bladder and urinary trouble cured, and your nights i nu do restful by the use of nature's gteatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. $1.00 per box buy ot your tlruggiHt or sent I - ..i : ..1..: uy I li u 1 1 un rert:iiu 111 prii-i', mi mum uniivi, LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wayne, Indiana. M. '.. Dnnnell, Agent, The Dulles. Pioneer Grocer. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY- i of the HcKuIator Line will run a.s icr tliu fol- " the Company reserving the right to chiuiKe notice. i Str. Dallas City. i . 't DOWN I.v. Dulles at 7 A. la. Monday ! WVdnesduv Krlday 1 Arr. 1'ortlaud 1 at 4:30 !. m. up. I.v . I'nrtliind ,3 ut 7:00 A. I. S 1 lll'Mlll "2 Thiirnluv ( Hntiirdny i Arr. I)alle 4 at ! v. u. for pBrtien of five nml upwards: Dulles, '3 C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Agt. TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. ! The county court has instructed the' county clerk to place a warrant on tbe tax roll of 11)00 commanding me to col - lect the tuxew for eaid yeur by making eule, U necesHury, ol the property there in mentioned, nnd to return the roll in side of sixty (lays. I am Hworu to do my duty, and am aleo under bonds for Hh faithful per formance; therefore have no alterna tive but to obey the mnudalH of the court, and will immediately proceed to make out a lint of delinquenta anil ad- : i t f.. VUfl,BU l'ly Ktr,,v lOm-lwd.vw SbiiriH'of Wasco Co. disease and death follow the bowels, Uae DoWitt'e Danger, neuleet of Liltle Hurly Risers to regulate them and you will add years to your life und life to your years. Kasy to take, never gripe. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. The hllioiiB, tired, nervous man cannot successfully compete with his healthy rival. DeWitt's Little K.irly Itinera the lamoiiH pills for constipation will remove tbe caiiHH of your troubles. Clarke it Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. If anything alls your hair, go und see Frassor; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he makes a specialty of these goods. tf Clarke & Falk have received a carload of. tbe celebrated James E. Patton strictly nnr liquid paints Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your w 'cer for them. Just What Yoa uxsxnt. rfi 4fV VV ftp 3 New ideah in Wall Paper hern. Hud: wide variety an wn are showing never be fore graced a single Hturl:. Real imitii turn ernton elleetH at ordinary prieec. GikuI paperH at eiii'ap pupur jirieea. Elegant desiiriiH, tiiHtelul coluriiu:H, vouth fur a Hinall priec, at our Htore on Third Htreet. Aleo a lull line ol liouue patntH. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. ! L. Lane, (iKNKUAL Wagon arTO Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mctb, Phoue 159 F Tlie Cowia PacKing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKACTOKKI'.HOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON i)RIK.D BEKF. ETC. I J. 8. HCHKNCK, . I'renldfiU, .Max A. imit. t'llhlllul 'First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business tranHaeted POBits received, subject to Sight . n,itu . i or1,JIletK 1 CollwUonfl made and proceeds promptly luiunwi uu uuv ui i;uuui;iion. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and port land. DIHKOTOKS, D. P. TlIOMI'HON. JNO. 8. HOIIXNOK. Ed. M. WiMiiAMB, Gko. A. Likiiu. H, M. Bkai.i.. FRENCH & CO BANKERS. TrauBaot a General Banking BuBinoas, LetterH of Credit iasued available in the Kaiitern StaleH. Sight Kxchauge and Toleitraphic IraiiHferfl sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Sun KraniiiHco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle WhrIi., and varioua points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all poiute on fav orable terms. mm Bestauranf L. Y. Hong, Prop'r. First-Class in Every Respect MKALH AT Al.r. HOIUtH, Oysters Served in any Style. 87 Hecimil Bt Till) liWn, Or Biacksmnn Hoer R .OREGON Shorj iiNE and Union Pacific ns:i'.vitT TIMi: H(Mli:i)UI,K8 I'ltllM tiik dai,i,i:h. Aimivij VR0M !1!MK I'ort liiml Hpcoliil. lii'it i. in, vln Hunt liiKttm, Atlantic! Uxiiri-MS, H!i'i ii, in, vlu Hunt liiKtou, Ht. I'lllll I'llHt .Mull, V.'ib ii. in, vln H kimi). Hull Dike, pernor, Ft. Worth, Oiiinhii, K,m. HiiHClty.Ht IjiiiK(;i,. eiiKoiiiiil tin Cunt. l:Mn. Hull Liild), DcnviT, Ft. j Worth, Omiilm, Khii- hum City, Ht UmlMJIil. ciikii mid tlm Hunt. I 1 a. in. Wullii W'nlli,, UwlHtiiii, hjiokiuiu.WiilliiiMi.Fiiii. iiiiiii, MIiuii'iiikiIIk, Hi, I I'nlil. lMilutli, JlllHiili kin, CIiIcii;iiiiiii j;,iNt. '!:30n, o, OCEAN AND EIVER SCHEDULE From I'lirtluiiii, (All nulllliK ilatt-N hiiIj- ' Jl-Ct tlMjllllllim.) i 8:00 )i. m. 4 .CO p. m. For Knn FniiicUco, Hull isvury fi liny. Dally 'Xl'llllt Humliiy, x:lO ii. in. Hiitunliiy, 10:00 1 1. in. ' (JitltiiulilH Klvur. To Axlnrlu mill Way l.iinilliint.. 1 00 p. m. except fiumlar. j Dully I iixrmit Kuniiiiy. Wllliiiniitto It I vi-r. Orcunn City, NuuIiltk, bllll'IM, Illlll'lil'lllll'llfU, nml Siiy-UuuiliiKh. t 30 ji. m. wcept Hutiihr. t:W it. in. Tiie-day, Tliurfiliiy, Smiitdiiy, ti.uo a. in. I ). rn. Jlmiilajr, Friday. Corvnlllii ami Way IjiiiiIIiiks ' Ttnviliiy W'll luinnlln nml Vmiililtl lllviun I )t.m. I'loiri-iliiy, Jlnnilnjf, Mituriliiy, 7:i)0 a. in. OreKim City, Diiytiin nml Wwliuwuy U-lJllilllllKt. rimay. HnukK UIt.t. . 'l'iTe I;wjlon ltlpuriii to UwlHtoii s sutSul U'llVl' Klimria dully, .1:111 n. m I'nrtii'H .li'Klriiii; to ru to Ilfinmcf in IKiiiim mi i.oiiimijia niiiuiiern via iiiifK. nouia time .No. leiivlnK Tlie Duller tit p. m. iiml:lin: dlrci't ciinnectloiiH at llfppucr Junction nnd llli.'Ks. Itiitiirnlio: iiiiikliiKdlrit.'tciiiuiectlon at Hei)iiier liiuctlou and IIIkks ulthiN'u, 1, ar riving nt The Dnllex at l:u: p. m. l'or further particular, call on or mlilrita JAH. IUKI.ANI), Mint, The Dnlli'S, OrtKOn, Complete Cine of Drills at M. Z. DON NELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings The time will soon be here when HtyliHh dresiied man will want "P?", date Spring Suit. Those are d' ki,'u, ' patrons 1 am tailoring fur- a"?J' and look over my Spring line of huum" All tho luteal noveltieH for IDOL Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In all Ita ntnga tUcro lioultl bo clumillucis. Ely's Cream Balm dt'iuiiv8,iontlietiinillicAla tliu diwaaeil iiiuiiiliratie, It ciiruii cttUrrh and drive wuy a cold lu tUo hind iulckly. CJruHin Balm Ii placed into iu ' jflB over the meiuUraito and 1 iknotM- utcdlatu and a euro followi. It l 'j.Pflir not produce incoxlni;- I-'K filre "L-it. gliU Jr by mall 5 Trial Blo, 10 cenW t Ymk, M.V 1HK)TUKUH,60 Warren rli