distinguished Testimony No secret society in the world stands higher in noble aims and charitable accomplishments than the Knights uf Pythias. That order is doing great good, and one ot its nnest institu tions is the Ohio Pythian Home, at Springfield," Ohio, which is ably presided over by Superintendent Le Fevre aiul his wife, Mrs. Callie I. Le Fevre, the matron. The latter has recently written a lottcr, which will command widespread attention because of the prominence of the writer. It is as follows: Messrs. V. H. Hooker & Co., New York Last year I used Acker's English Remedy at the suggestion of a friend, for a seMou.v long-standing throat difficulty and extreme ly hard cough. Had used ninnv well-spoken of prepara tions" without relief. 1 can honcrtlv say that Acker's English Remedy removed the difficulty and 'stopped the . " i ..... I. ...... CUUIIU. 1 Ulll lull, imiuiuinv - - . ,., t...l.l.... !.,... or use more than three not- ' ties, and at least one-half of the last is still on hand. I also consulted phy sicians with no permanent results." (Signed) C .u.tr I. Li: Frviu:. The friend to whom Mrs. Le Fevre refers as having suggested Acker's English Remedy is Mrs. W. B. Chilton, wife of the president of the Troy Transfer Co., of Troy, Ohio, where this remedy has accomplished many other cures in Throat and' Lung Troubles. In conversation with an acquaintance Mrs. Le Fevre also said "If you will call on Mr. V. H. Schauss, a prominent china and art merchant of Springfield, Ohio, you will find that he, too, has had any amount of experience with" Acker's English Remedy in his family, and thinks they cannot keep house without it." Acker's KnglUh liemedv is sold bv nil drujKits under a positive Runrantei that vour nionev will be refunded in aise of failure e.. toe and $i a bottle in United States and Canada. In England, "1.. is. ul., and 4s. 6d. 1I authorize the abort guarantct. II". II. UUOKEi: it CO., l'rayriclori, iVetc York. For sale at Blakeley 's Pharmacy. d-deuatee and visitors took their depart ure for their various homos. A Trent For t lit- Children. Middle OreRou ItrtptiH AHiiclutliin. The Middle Oreuon I'.iipiist Associa tion met at Tne Dalles June 5th with 1 Calvary Baptist church. Delegates I were in attendance (rom twelve churches, and also a number of visitors. This was perhaps the best meeting the association has ever hold, hb it was a deeply spiritu al one and advance movements were made along lines of tiie different denum inatioiihl enterprises, 1 Hon. Timothy Brownhill, of The j Dalles, was elected moderator and pre- ' . .....1 .. 1.: 1 1 .. i..,. 1 1 tlltiir exhibitions here. Polite attendants E. &pi"ht, ot Grass a lev, was elected .... . ., .. .... , .. . , , " ' will look aftr the little folks who uiav cierK. The subject ot missions and education were the main issues brought before the I 11 is 1101 onen mat an aamtisemenr. 1 enterprise visits our city and gives the people anythiiiL' but the performance for j their nionev. But Prof. Gentrv has established a precedent as an exception and thereby made happy the hearts of 1 thousiinilp of little folks throughout the land, by extending to all school children I an invitation to ride 011 his pretty little ponies alter eaeli performance miring 1 wish to ride their choice of ponies. J Don't miss the gran I noon-day pnrade a treat within itself, over a half a mile in leiik'th and the prettiest moving picture ever witnessed. association, upon which there was great interest manifested. Rev. I. D. Brown i ..I. ......! nf ...... ..., I ,',,.,, Itie show is uilled to appear Wednes associ itional missionarv. Marshall Hill, 1 , , , , , i-ri rv n t t i 11 m day, June 12th. One day oniy. of The Dalles, J. M. Powell, of Mora, M. . M B ed-oe, of Arlington, and W. C. ; ssiiven Vour. in lied. Lacey, of Heppner, were elected as1 "Will wonders ever cease?" inquire trustees of the Middle Oregon Baptist ' tbe friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence, Academy for three years, and J. W. . Kan. They knew she had been nimble Mount, of Jackson, Tenneesee, to fill out : to leave ber bed in seven veare on ac- the unexpired term of J. W. Stockton, count of kidney and liver trouble, tru-tee. Ways and means were arrangnd j nervous prostration and general debility ; whereby it Is proposed to secure euffi 1 but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters cient funds from the field to make the ' enabled me to walk." she writes, "and success of the work in that direction an assured fact, the different delegates and visitors pledging" themselves to assist in the work in no uncertain manner. The report and results of the work accom plished in the academy during the last school year, under the able and efficient ' ley, the druggist management o Prof. J. is. hpight, were better than could ordinarily have been in three months I felt like a new person." Women suffering from Headache, Back ache, Nervouanesr, Sleeplessness, Melan choly, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is guarantned. G. C. Blake- Onlv 50c. 3 It was in a Pullman sleeper, and just 1 aiwiiuQ frrwit tliu I t-i (i 1 1 o I - r a iiiirt li ii-na expected, and the prospects forthefu-i. J ,. . . , .... . T . . . iiuuiiKijiue nine wum.ui ituu uer o year- ture are very bright indeed. It is with regret, however, that the friends of the academy will learn that Prof. Spight j lias hi-en, on account of ill health, com-1 pelled to resign his position as professor of tliH echool. The board of trustees have determined to secure No. 1 teach ers for the coming year so as to keep the wftwk nit n it u Tiruiiun fatatiflurfl ' . , ,. I went to market, this little" , T1 ., , . . . . toy foot, sir," said the indignant voice ariiev. of Pnrtlnnil. who is state eecre- 1 . ' . . .. , ...... , i, T 'of a woman tary oi misaiuus; Jiev. n . 11. amour ette, financial agent for McMinuville college; Key. L. W. Gowen, colporteur for A. B. P. .Society of Philadelphia;! i-iuym: out old buy. Early in the morning the two were laughing and playing together, and the good-natured bachelor smiled to himself aa he arose to dress. Suddenly a little foot peeped out from the curtains of the opposite berth, and with a twin- ' kle in his eye, the bachelor grabbed the j plump toe and began: 'This little pig That is nt voice The silence which followed ! could be heard above the roar of the , j train. Chicago Nuwa. Miss Carrie 0. Millspaugh, of Portland, representing young people's and women's work; Rev. I. S. Hawkins and wife re turned missionaries from India; Rev, J. W. Mount and wife, recently from Ten nessee, and others. One of the most interesting features of the meetings were the addresses deliv ered by Key. I. 8. Hawkins. Many other helpful talks were made by the Dull Headache, Pubis in various parts of the body, Sinking at the pit of the stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness, Pimples or Sores are all positive eviden ces of impure blood. No matter how it oecame so it must be purified in order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elexir has never failed toctire Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It is certainly u wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a Blakeley, the drui- miiiisters and delegates present. The next place of meeting is Hepp- positive guarantee ner, Oregon. j gist. Resolutions were passed tendering a Htiimt into i.i tumi. vote of thanks to the Calvary Baptist j 'When a child I burned my foot fright church and citizens for the generous fully," writes W. H. Eads, of Jonesville, hospitality enjoyed by the delegates j 'a., "which caused horrible leg sores for while here; to the local press for cour teaies extended, and also to the trans portation companies. The Sunday evening service was taken up by the young people from 7 o'clock until 8, afier which a large audience lis tened to Elder Mount in an able sermon frorr the text "For me to live is Christ." Tnen the association adjourned until Wednesday before tiie second Sunday in .June, 1002. The meeting cloied with singing, and the hand of Christian fel lowship was extended to Elder Hawkins, from India, J. W. Mount, from Tennes see, Elder Gowan, Boise, Idaho. Amid many nearly good wishes the 30 years, hut Bnckleu's Arnica Halve wholly cured me after everything else failed." Infallible for Burns, Kcalils, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles. Sold by G. C. Blakeley, the druggist. 2ou. 5 STATE TREASURER'S 4TH NOTICE bTAti: OK OllKDON, Tiieahui-.y Dkit,, i HALKM, .lllllt ft, i'Ml I Notice in hereby Kiven UiHt there ro now fuiiijH lii the UeiiMiry with which to rwlwm ull otiUUiidluK tato warrant drawn 011 thuxcii erul fund and endorsed "I'rekenU'd and not ild for want of fuiidh," prior to thin date; aUo to Kay ull wurruiitH drawn on the UUUi bculp outity Fund, and cudornod "'l'rejtitd aud not pull tor wunt ol (Hilda," prior to May I, HAM), and all such wairauU, properly cndoncd, will tie paid upon preiteiiUtlon at thU office, inlcrtat thereon ceashiir from and alter thin date. C'HAHLKH H. MOUitK, JunS'.'tw HUtcl'rcdurr. Better than a Three-Ring CIRCUS GENTRY'S WORLD'S BEST Trained Animal Slow THE DALLES, Wednesday, June 1? 300 Elephants, Dogs, Ponies and Monkeys. The largest and best exhibition of the kind in the world. A herd of PERFORMING BABY ELEPHANTS. See the Sixty Pony Act, one of the many new features this season. r n F P Elephant and Pony rllLLi Rides to all School Children after each perform ance. FARMERS, bring in the lit tle ones and let them see the GRAND STREET PARADE! over half a mile in length. Remember the date, Wednes day, June 12th, one day only. X J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors of . "The Owl." Purest Liquors for Family Use!) Polivorod lo any part of tlio Git v. PIiuiii'b: Til Loeal, KfiS Long Distance e 173 Second Street. y if THE CELEBRATED ...GOliUpIA BREWEKY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of tint product of thia wi'll-know n hruwury thu Unitfil Hiatus Health liaportH for .liiiic 2S, 11KI0, Hiiyn: "A tnori) Hiiptn lor hrmv m-vur entered tht lahratory (if thu Uintt'fl StatiiH lli'iilth roportH. It ih aliHiiliituly iliivolil of tin' Hliht"eHt traiit) of ndiiltnratiori, tun on tha othi'r hand ih conipoeHl ol the hfHt of malt and nhoiccHt of hopH. Itn tonic (iialitii!H urit of tint I1I2I1. uHt and it fan lit) iihim! with tin KM'iili'Ht licimlit and Hatinfactlori liv old Hntj yotinj!. ItH UHt' can conHciuntimifly he pri'Hcrihud Uy thu pli VHlcIann with thts ct'.reaintv that a ht'ttur, purtT or morn whohiHOini) Irnvt-riip) could nut poHHihly hit found." East Second Stroet, THE DALLES, OREGON. p. s. GuririiriG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -111.AI.1.1: is Iron, Steel, Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies I Aui'tlt tin Kumm'II .V Co I, nullum, Tlin-hlnTK mill biiw Mllli, Ttihiphoiii! 1 r7. l.oni: DiHtanrt. 107!! Cor. Second & Laneblin Sis, TIIE DALLES. OR. Wasco Wareoonse 1 Mil Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kind Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, TmuxISd Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- qti FlOUr '' l'H '''onr 1H tnanttfactiirud 'Xir'HHly lor famll; iiHi : uvtirv Hack ih pmrantucd to ivc Hiitiefaction. Wa bII oiir jroodH lowor than any Iioiihu in tiie trada, and if you don't flunk io call and t'Ht our pricH and ho convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t. Barley and Oatp C. J. STUBLilJG, WIIOI.KS.M.i: AND Itl'.TAM, Wines, Liquors Cigars 7 I Family Orders will receive prompt attention. 1 Next door to Firat National Hunk. 5' C!oiiiloit I'Iiiiih" 1.UHK ItUt. I OKI. THE DALLES, OREGON. t Young Black - flight Will make the Konson of 1901 at Balch's Jiarn, J Hi fur, Oregon. DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. BLACK NIGHT iH a hluok Jack, foaled Juno 17, HKU ; bred by - StaveiiH, iiowitrd county, Mo. Siri'd by lllmik Dan thu Third, n jt'l 1 hlKli, and a No. 1 fua.(ttfr : hn by Ulack Niulit thu Second, and l' by Voucn lllaek Dan, an iiiiporti'd Jack from Kiiiiiucky. Hlnck NIkIiI'h dam, Ciray J"""';' sirud by Coii.roinlHi); he by Hickman'B CoinpromlHa ; hi dam by McMw" WaoiiiiiKton; (i dam by Napoleon, ild dam by Ulack Dan. TPDMC . M' 1..... iirnn. i t... Ill lm taken to iiiniirit, ijiijaai; ny HeilHOIl, flW.IIU. UMr jirovont iicciduntH ; hut wo will aneunio no reBponslbHity. Money il when " id known to bo in foal. C. I UAi.UII, Manager. BALCH & JOHNSTON, Owners, DUFUH, OBK00N. Advertise in The Chronicle