.Stunning Corset Salel White Summer Cornet, cood quality, onlv 25c A Wrapper Sale of GREAT... Importance. Our stock of Summer Wrappers have not been selling as fast as they ought to. The cold weather leaves us with stocks that ought to have been sold by this time of the year. Hence the great reduction. Wrappers made from the best standard prints, good line ol colors, at the following prices: $1.00 values, now 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 u u u . u u a u u u The Dalles Daily Chfoiwele, MON l) Y - JUNE 10. 1901 Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TJtEASUIlER'S NOTICE. All Wnaoo County warrnntH rcclHturcd lrlor tu tHiiiiitry SI, 1HI18, will li puld mi irmitilittliin ut my oilier, Inti-ri'Mt fHN itrtnr Aluy "4, 11)01. .JOHN F. H AMI'SIlIUK, County Truwiurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Trim mod street hatB at cost at Mibb Haven's. The Epworth League district conven tion will meet in Goldendalo tomorrow. For rent Two furnished front rooms. Inciuiro of Mrs. E. J. Sylvester, Third street. jl0-lw A marrirge license was issued today to Wilbur I). Taylor and Sophrona Mont gomery, of Dufur. MiBH Katie DaflYon Iioh so far recov ered from uu uttuck of typhoid fever au to be able to leave the hospital unci re turn home. )r, Hello C. Ferguson has changed her office from the Vogt block to the hos pital. Dr. E. E. Ferguson still retauiB his oflice at the old place. In the neighborhood of 100 000 pounds of wool changed hands today at the Wasco warehouse at prices ranging from 10' u to 11 '.j cents a pound. - Lost A gold fob chain, with locket attached, containing u child's picture. The tinder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it ut the oflke of Dr. Sunders. 10jum-lt Millinery sale A lino of Indies' and children'B Mexican and outing hutB. .lust the thing for picnics, excursions, etc. J'rices from 50 cents to $1. Soulo Uros., piano tuners, represented by Mr. SilaH U. Soulu, are making their regular semi-annual stop ut The Dulles. Leave orders ut NickelBen's or Menefee & Parkins stores. jun8-12 Lost A fox terrier, 12 years old; till white save the face, which ib black ; tail closely bobbed. Answers to the nume of Bob. Any informutiou us to his where abouts or hie return to Victor Murden will be liberally rewarded. junl0-lt The governor of Washington has is sued a proclamation calling for an extra session of the legislature to "puss upon, confirm or amend the law relating to eapltal punishment." The legislature convenes tomorrow in Olympia. Lois Thompsqn,.daughter of Mr. and Mf. A, R, Thompson, -who vaa danger ously Ul recently of pneumonia, was taken today to St. Vincent's hospital to PEASE 79c 92c $1.19 1.39 1.59 1.79 2.00 A.iXj GOODS IVE-A-DEHtED undergo an operation for a slight gather ing of pub in the ubdominal cavity. No serious results are apprehended Captain Poliley, of the scow Hunker Bill, is probably the first skipper of a Columbia river craft who, in honor of old Glory, set aside, ue he did today, all tradition and precedent und hoisted her on the main mast, up, up, as near heaven bb the good Dutchman could get her. More power to Captain I'ohley's elbow ! The river ib still falling and was lower this morning by half a foot than it was when the Regulator passed through it for the lust time on the 20th. It is no surprise, therefore, to learn, just as we go to press, that both boatB passed through the locks today and that the transfer business, in all likelihood, is at an end for the year. A special dispatch to thePortland Telegram from Baltimore.Ald., an nounces that W. C. Curtis, of The Dalles, will have the degree of Doctor of Philosophy conferred upon him tomor row by the Johns HopkinB university. Dr. Curtis iB the son of'Rev. W. C. Cur tis, formerly pastor ofthe Congregation al church of this cyfy. lie was raised here from boyhood and was esteemed as u very brilliant young man. After June Hth it will be unlawful for any person In the state of Washington over hi years of age to liUDt or kill any game in the state without flrBt taking out a license to hunt in the county where the killing is done. The license fee for such huuting iB sfl per annum for each county for resident of the Btato and $10 for nou-residentB. The penalty for hunt ing without license is n fine of not less than $10 nor more than $1 Oil for each offense. A purty of timber cruisers for tne EaBtem Oregon Land Company left this morning by prairie sohooner for the Blue mountains, to be gone till probably October. The party consisted of G. A. Van Anda, R. S. Fisher, R. Omeag and Mr. Williums. James V. Martin, one of the members of the land company, will join the parly at Shaniko and proceed part way. Mrs. Van Anda will accom pany the party us far aa the hot springs near Canyon City, where she will re muin till her husband's return. Sing, a Cliinutmiu who has rented some fifteen ucres of land on Mill creek, wub robbed Saturday night about mid night. jiiHt aH he hud almost reached his home, by a party of six young fellows who heat the Chinamau unmercifully and left him unconscious, When Slug came to himself he found his money, amounting to $47.50, had been taken. Two of the young fellows he recognized and one of them, Moy Denton, was arrested this morning und the authori ties are after the' others; with a good probability of catching them. Jim Wright, the well-known sheep buyer, is in the city awaiting the arrival of 1500 heud of mutton fcheep from An telope, which he recently bought in St MMYS. SPECIAL OWE WEEK Boys' Suits and Odd Pants. Hoys' knee pants, made with double eeat and knees, the kind that never rips, regular 75c and t5u values, special . per pnir 4U0 Only two pair to a customer. Youths' suits, age 14 to 10, cheviot and cassimere suits in neat, dressy and , durable fabrics, .$5.50 and $0.00 ,A Q values; special Spo.yOj Gnarantted strictly all-wbol suits,. double-breasted, with knee trousers, age 8 to 15; brown and itrey plaids and stripes; $:.50 and $4.00 values, ,j,0 A -special 5pe.4rO Vesteo suits, age 3 to 8, silk faced coats, double-breasted vests and fancy shield. $3.00 and $3 50 quality, a0 Qr. special ptf.oU Special sale on Taq Sloes. We will now and until further notice give a liberal discount on all our Tan Shoes. PerhapB you can afford to let this opportunity pass without taking ad vantage of it; but we doubt it. Read these prices and see if you can. Men's $5.00 Tan Shoos... $3.50 Ladies' 3.00 Tan Shoes. .$2.00 Men's -1.00 " " . . 3.00 Ladies' 2.00 " " .. .1.50 Men's 3.00 " " .... 2.25 Misses' 2.50 " " ....1.75 Ladies' -1.00 " " .. 2.50 Misses' 2.00 " " .... 1.50 IN PLAIN 3ti:G-T73FL33S. partnership with John Little. Satur day he purchased 2000 head from D. P. Ketchum and a few days before shipped a whole train load from Condon. All were consipned to British .Columbia, where Mr. Wright finds amarket for about 00.000 head of Oregon she9p a year. The prices were $2 to $2.25 for yearlings and $2.75 for 2-year-olds. The action at law over the ownership of the Oregon King mine, which closed in the United stateB circuit court at Port land Saturday, waB decided against the company which consists of C. M. Cart wright, J. Edwards and P. J. Qarealy who, it is said, have spent the greater portion of $75,000 in developing property that the court now says is not theirs. The case will of couise be appealed to the supreme court, but, in the mean time, the law's delay will work a great hnrdehip on the promieing young mining camp of Ashwood. A new horse attached to the TJmatill i House express wagon got scared this morning at a paBsenger engine, while hitched in front of the hotel, and while the driver was temporarily absent broke the hitching chain and made a dash for Second street, and proceeding east was caught in front ol the postoflico by Ike Bunnell, of Centerville, who had mount ed his saddle horse and taken after the runaway. Fortunately the wagon brake was locked bo that the pace of the horse was naturally slower than it would have been had the wheels been free. The only damage done was a slight injury to Mutt Sherar's hack through collision with tho runaway, and the loss of a thimble from one of the hu be of the ex press wagon. i The uartv of Dalles people who gave an entertainment ut Dufur Saturday uight were more fortunate than the gen eral run of traveling companies, (likely the Dufur police were out of town) for, to tho eurprise of their friends, they drove to town about 2 o'clock yesterday morning, instead of wulking, us might be expecting. Probably tho presence of two tloctors and an undertaker in the party was suflicient to keep even a lot a creditors ut bay, und they report the best of treatmeut ut tho hands of the Dufur people; a largo audience, who were very appreciative, encouraging them with continued applause, and u jolly good time, In behalf of the Arti sans Mr. A. J. Brigham acted as ad vance ucent, and proved ti good hand at , tho business. They were entertained ut the IMfieen Mile House, where they found everything most satisfactory. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, !b8 Kind You Havi Always Bough! Bears the tftf uature of For Rent Two rooms adapted to light housekeeping. Apply at Mrs. Eddon'e, Third street. -Jj-lw W A S II FABRICS ! Value? from 10c up to :10c ; only 6c per yard Boys' knee pants, good values at :53c, all sizes, 4 to 15; special, per pair - Q Only two pairs to a customer. IOC Three-piece suitp with knee trousers, for boys age 10 to 1G, made with double breaBted vests, value $1.00. .. . oq oe special 5p.oO Our two-piece double-breasted euita at $2,50 and $2 75, age 8 to 15, all -i qK go at this sale tor p.oO Well made and good looking two piece suits, our regular $2 and .. 0rv $2.25 quality, go at Jpl.tfU 05c Shirts, 12 to 14 neck. . 49c 25c Gaps at 18c Itoll of Honor. Following are the names of the pupils of The Dalles public schools who were neither absent nor tardy during the term beginning January 20th, and ending May 31, 1901: i:ast him, I'Kimai'.y school. Mies Cbeadle's Room. Lorrence Anthony Helen Knectley Auburn Creightoh Claud Mullikin Maggie Davis Corl Mullikin James Ferguson Dalles McCartney Emma Galbraith Harold Sexton Willie Galbraith Victoria Thompson George Hockman Veda Weber Venon Weber , Miss Roberts' Room. Vinnie Alexander Frank Ferguson Henry Buchler Ona Galbraith Rose Callahan James Mullikin Myrtle Collins Albert Scherrer Susan Davis Lois Taylor COl'UT STltEEr SCHOOL. Miss Douthit's Room. Willie Fitzgerald Julius Keller Mies Elton's Room. Victor Blaeer Grover Keller Nema B rough Irene Palmer Jennie Harper Wallace WilliamB Roy Hendereon Ella Young Miss Thompson's Room. Jessie Blukeney Gilbert Kelley Ella Hanson Gertrude Longtime Elbe Johnson Fred Walther Ruth Warner. Miss Wrenn's Room. . Nellie Kaufman Willie Nitschke Genevieve Nielsen Newton Sexton Maude Weaver. ACADEMY 1'AHK SCHOOL. Miss Cooper's Room. Dora Eaton Doreen McAllister Gladye McAllister Harold Misel Mies Flinn's Room. Harry Healy Puul Kreft Earl Springer. Miss Roche's Room. Julius Cohen Clara Fender Ida Crowe Lillie Heckmau Dollie Davis Lawrence MeArthur Jiamona Drips Virgil Reno Miss Ball's Room. Carmel Bolton Mona Fargher Glenn Gushing Maude K'irby Mabel Rice. 111(111 .SCHOOL Ill'II.DIS'li. Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades. Lloyd Barzee Emilia Belat Edith (Jielghtoii Stella Crcighton Emrene Davis Lizzie Davit) (race Davis Alex Diithio MileB Fergueon Gorge Fitzgerald Blanche Fry Charles Fulton Retta Etldon Mabel Calhreth Anna Gilbreth Salina Ilalwht Pearl Holgate Hazel Huntington Nellie Jones Thursday Kent Bessie Nielsen Harry Nitsehke Bessie Hiddell Georite Richmond Jva Reno Jacob Scherrer Leona Sexton Cliil'ord Tyler Edith Tyle' Marshal Young Sadie Young George Vatise Alice Williams Bertha Ziegenhagen HKill SCHOOL, Male Barzee Kilvey Keleay Oscar Beck Sylpher Kent Vernon Cooke Nellie Roberts Ida Falmer Evelyn Kandrock Nina Guthrie Dora Sexton Georgo Keepers Hallle Rice Lulu Ward Subscribe (or Tim Cukonioi.k. ...The New York Cash Store... 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Ladies' Shirt Ladies' We are now showing a full line of summer waists in percales, madras, lawns, etc. Our assortment was never so handsome and attractive as this season. We make a specialty of White Waists. Call early and inspect this line, as we are sure we can satis fy the most fastidious. No trouble to show goods. WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. If you are in need of anything in our line, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON & WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. I'BKSONAL. MENTION. Mr. and Mra. Sam Wilkinson left to day for Heppner. John Morgan, of Albany, spent the past week here visiting his sister, Mis. L. L. McCartney. Mies Mamie Buchler left yesterday for California, where she goea to visit her sister, Mrs. Chas. Tibbets. Max Lueddemann, editor of the Ante lope Herald, epent last night in the city on his way homo from Portland, District Attorney Frank Menefee has been called to Condon on legal business and will leave for that place tonight. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wells left this afternoon for Portland to attend the wedding of their coubiii, Miss Ruby Welle. Mrs. Smith French was a passenger on the noon train for Heppner, where hIio will spend a week visiting with her friend, Mrs. Oilman. Mr. Levin returned from Goldendale Sunday, where "A Summer's Fancv" was presented Saturday night to a large and enthusiastic audience. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Kurtz and family have arrived hero from Weiser, Idaho, with the intention of making The Dalles their future home. Mr. Kurtz is a brother of Ed Kurtz, of tho Pacilio ex press ollice. MNillllK" 4 i tilll ." I A good piano lor saie, oniy .fnw; m perfect condition; made by T. A. Stone it Co., of New York, and is a raro bargain. Also a Welter for .f Every one knows what tho Weber piano is. We have an organ, only .flo, made by Luring & P.lako, and a W. W. Kimball organ, used nut a snort lime, at ym, I Wh carry the three high-grade planoe i Kimhall, Weber and Chickerinu. j Mk.NKKHU it P.UIKINS, , juiieb The Dulles, Ore. Experience is the best Teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy in any case of coughs, colds or croup. Should it fail to give immediate relief money refunded 25 ctt). and 50 eta. lilakeley, the drug gist. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third and Washington Sts, All orders attended to promptly. Long dietance phone 433, Local, 102, Waists. Shirt Waists. I'ruRruui or Kntertiilninont., The following is the program of the entertainment to be given at St. Mary'a Academy Thursday, June Kith, for the benefit of St. Peter's church of this city : l'nrado Iievlew KihjU'iimh Nine I'erformtT.s "The Hhiiirt of the Sea. Youthful I'lciisures. .St. -Mary'j. Orehestiti "The MmrIc Hell' (Kalry Dr.ium in Three Acts) ACT 1. 1'olkn (inlop Duet ACT 11. i'iauo Scleeilim. AIT in. Our DnrliiiK' Drill. The Youiik Aristocrats Ceclliim Club l'olmnlie Mllltaire In A niuj . Fr. Chopin, op. W CtiUKht hi Ills Own Trap. Sacred Tableau, A Uaunie. ICtiiiriiiK I'IihmI. Washed iIoh n a teleyraph Hub which Chas. C. K.lif, of Lirhon, In , had to re pair. "Standing wafcrdeepin iev water," he writes, "nave iiih u terrible cold and cough. It grew uuh dally. Finally the be?t doctors in0.kland. Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I had Consumption and could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles." Positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung troubles by U. C. Blakeley, tho druggist. Price 50c, 5 When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants pomothiuc to give it life and vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets In that con dition. We have the Crown or Science Hair dS2jrff5? Grower and Cocoanut Cream ejSgaT Tonic, They will cure daud 3rn!H mil' ami all tcalp diseases. For sale at Fraze r's bar ber shop- Price f0o and 7oc a bottle. Mrs. E. Carey, having purchased tho millinery stock of Mrs. Harper at tho Haz.iar, hes to announce that sho desiies to cIobo out the old stock during the coming week, at greatly reduced prices, when she will open with a fresh stock of the newest tilings ui millinery and ladies' furnishing goods. jnnfi lw A. I". .V A. SI. There will be a special communication oi Wasco Lodge, No. 16, A. V, & A. M., on Monday evening, June 10, 1001. at K o'clock. Work in M. M. degree. All members and visiting brethren are re. qUH'ted to attend. By order of the W, M. O. I). Doa.sk, Secy,