The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY lun tic might be n lake of fire to keep out foreign goods." The foreign JUNE 10. 1901!l(lc 01 llie Limed Slates tins year - - v-r will reach 2,:500,O00,O0O, a sulllcient r a T31T3T7',R T J proof that the Dingley tariff is somo- Merchant Tailor, thing quite different from a policy of isolation. Hon. Geo. E, Chamberlain con tinues to have a level bead, lie Second Street, opposite Mays I Crowe,; refuses to bring suit against the board which fixed G. W. Davis , bonds, as required by the ntlorncy 1 general, knowing that he could not J recover. Perhaps it would serve , them right if they had to pay, but j that is not the question. Albany Democrat. We have an excellent line of Spring ( Suitings, Pantings, etc., which we are I prepared to make up in the latest styles, 1 and guarantee a perfect nt. I During eleven months of the fiscal ' year the income of the government j has exceeded the expenditures by j 5S,r8S,G95. The country is in I good shape for the reduction of war , taxes on July 1st. Don't. Don't expect a "cheap" enameled i utensil to last long. It doesn't. 1 Uou't think such a one win be kept SIC TRAXSIT GLORIA AG U1SALDO clean. It can't. Dou't believe the "cheap" enamel Aguinaldo, the "Washington of i isn't steadily crumbling away. It is. the Philippines," has so thoroughly Doi,,t imagine in using such you're shamed his eulogists by his meek not eating the enamel. You are. uou't ugure vou are savins: money submission to capture and ; buylllB the cheapest. You're not. truckling interviews since, that the pympath of rhetorical heroics not been wasted upon him recently, says an exchange. It has begun to dawn upon the minds even Don't forget the "cheap" has but one has , coating of enamel. Just one. Don't fail to recollect that imported Stranskv steel-ware lasts for vears. " rinni v,. ti..., t.:.,.i ;f, ...,.i I JU U t. IJU wint, 11 llCllbl! 1111U of those ' t 1 I ecoi10my are 0f no cousenuenee. Americans who oncejlauded htm that Don't tr to get the genuine else- sold exclusively by May & Ckowk, be was ridiculously overrated as patriot, soldier and statasman. and the sounder judgment of todav 1 where, for u ! rulG-tf IS ' Dyspeptics cannot be lonir lived be- most emphatically confirmed by the I cause to itvo required nourishment Food revelations from Murat Halstead's study of the Filipino archives. Among the documents which were captured at Malalos in 1S89 are letters which prove that the sham is not nourishing until it is digested. A disordered stoimich cannot digest food, it must have assistance. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure digests all kinds of food with- out aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain its natural functions. champion of independence never 1 ItB elements are exactly the eame as the h,n,lnM,l Hint, nnllov r,f flnnHn M,ur"' u"iBme au,u" will ll Birapiy 1 J . can't help but do vou good. Clarke & dealing winch he pursued in the i Faik.e P 0 pllBrmacy. . norlint atrnnrrrlo orroinot Qnnin Tt , . . , 4 will be remembered that while Le If you want to retain your hair you have In keen vnnr Hpaln nlnnn. Snan was posing as a patriot he accepted wi make your ,iair harsh dry and bpanish money and left the islands, crispy. Now we have two of the yery So it seems that after the battle of be3t preparations for cleansing the Manila and before the capture of the a!p-Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It , ,..!! will leave vour iiair soft and glosBV. - ' "jo I Price. Co and oO cents a bottle, at I razer'e opaniaras nanus, tie Kepi up a barber shop, The Dalles correspondence with General Au- c. . t. . ; r r . 1 Sick Headuche absolute y and perma Kusim auu wruie ut uia ucmic iuiDeDt)v cur(.(1 bv U8ir,K Moki Xea A save Spanish sovereignty in the Philippines from shipwreck. When tf pleasant herb drink. Cures conntination and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep he was taking part, supposedly, in , an" napKpa a?n" or " 1 1 " monev back. 2o ctB. andoOcts. Blakeley, tbe siege of the capital, he was ' the druggist. authorizing the convoy ot supplies to tbe beleagured Spanish forces. On tbe very day that Admiral Dewey gave him 7000 guns to be used against those forces, he invited the Spanish governor-general to enter Subscribe for The Chuo.vicle. White Collar Line. into a contract with him for their' mutual advantage. Plainly if there was a Filipino j cause to excite the enthusiasm of lovers of liberty this renegade's re- ' Portland-Astoria Route Str. "TAHOMA," . I 1. M. I Daily Kound Trips except Sunday. latiou to it was that of a Judas, j time card And, lacking loyalty and honesty, l Leave Portland 7 a. m be lacked everything else thut is Leave Astoria worthy of admiration. A poorer! specimen or a general never ran j away from his Woops. The single distinction that he won in the Atner-' ican conflict was that of a sprinter. ' In the tactical skill and the leader- g-j, BAILEY-Gr ATZERT suip that inspires on me Dalies-Portland Rome the battlefield be was entirely deficient. He would have been a poor roan m the ranks even because he was unquestionably a physical coward. As for his states manship, it is clear that his only alternative for treachery wns the absolutism of a dictator. The history affords us a true measure of the vulue of bis present prpfesslons, which should count for nothing. At the same time it is not necessary to impose any very severe punishment upon htm because he is now a wholly contemptible figure. Somebody having made the wild charge that President Mclunley is an ultra protectionist, tbe Boston Journal remarks: "To find ultra protectionism it is necessary logo away back to the days of Thomas Jefferson, who wished that the At- DAILY KOUND TKIPS, Except Monday, Cascade Locks, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 A. . Arrive The Dallie !$ v, m. Leave " " 4 Arrive Portland 11 " Meals the Very Best. Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. This Koute lias tbe Grandest Sceuic Attractions on Earth, Landing and office Foot of Alder Street; both phones, M 351, Portland, Oregon. E. W. CRICHTON, Agent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, Agt. Tbe Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. i NOLAN'S Profit-Sharing Association. The first monthly dividend has been distributed to the profitable satisfac tion of thirteen of my customers. The only rogrot is that J was not able to give a valuable present to each of my customers. I think they all deserve one. On Saturday, July 6th, I will pire awav two music boxes one worth $27 00, playing uipht times, and one worth $7.50; a sack of minor and a barrel ot Hour. I w ill give a cwdi relmtii of $:U to cut-to-nier pavinc the most money bv that date, and $2.00 to the one paying in the second hintest amount. Un each Satnrdav, commencing on the 15th of June and including July 0th, 1 will, In addition to the two preo ents given each week, give a $1 00 rebate to the customer paying the largest amount during the week. Purchasers of goods in my line will do well to keep in mind that 1 sell goods as low as tho lowest, hb well as ehare the profit with tnv customers. Iff. T. NOLAN. i YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of using so-called kidnev remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and be forever rid "of those dull pubis In your back. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in tbe kidneys" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nights niHde restful by the use of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ot your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in nlnin wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. Fort Wayne, Indiana. M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dulles. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. CI A'l'A". M.1 A'l A l'A';TA,tXTA"'A'l' I A .TATA72m Str. Regulator t7"l REGULATOR LINE. mure iiadti tvn f. ternim vnr rmmivvi 1nULiLu, 1 UIULrtlMJ Ui rbMVIUrt Ll. UUJH rUU -a Steiimcrs of the Kcjjuliitor Line will run s jicr the nil owing schedule, the Comjmuy reserving thu right to cIuiuku '5 Fchodulc without notice. 'jj : 4 Str. "Iralda" Str. Dalles City. DOWN. g I.v. Dalles i lit 7 A. M. r Tuesilny. . .. - Thursday j Saturday . . . . g Arr, Portland fj at 1:30 P. M. up. Leaves Cascades 0 a. m. "va.". Arr,ve Da,k'8 10::t0 ' ... MoiKluy Leave Dalles 15 p. m. .. . Friday Arr. CuecadeB i :.j0 p. m. Arr. DalleH , a 5 r. m. Daily ex. .Sunday. JlOW.V I.v. Dalles at 7 A. M. .Monday . .. WHllltSMlllV Friday Arr. l'ortlaud at 4 ;'M i: i. Iff l. , l'ortlaud ,3 III ( ill A. n H j ueniiiy 'j Thursday J riatiirdav Arr. DalloN at.') v. u. Jast What You diant. f - New ideas in '.Vail Paper hero. Sucli wide variety hb we are showing never be fore graced it ningle Htnrk. Real itnita tion creton eflects at ordinary prictiH. Good papers at client) paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full Hue of bouse paints. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. L. Lane, 1 1 AND DKI'AHT FOIl (Ulll'HKO. l'ortlaud Hpeclal. li:i'i. m. via Hunt Ingtoii, Atlantic HxpreHN, 12;M a. in. vlh Hunt lllRtOII. Ht. Paul I'HMt Mall, V.'JI, p. in. via HM U 11 in:. .OREGON SHoir line Union Pacific TIM K SI!HKOUU:b 1'IIOM tub dai.i,i:h. Halt l4iki, Denver, Ft , Worth, Ouiiilia, Kim. oanClty.Ht, litiin.Chl L'iiro mid the Kant. Holt IjiIio, Denver, Ft Worth, Oinnlm, Kim. nnK(;ity,Ht UiuIh.ciiI. CiiKii ami the Kant. WhIIu Wnllh, iAiwlHtoii, hiiokHiic.Wiillaoe.l'ull. in a n, MitincaiKiIlN, Ht. riiul.Dultith, Milwau kee, Clil'ii;intml Kant. arrive FROK 4 15 n, ra. 3;:i0a. m. 00EAN AND BITER S0HEDULE Krmn I'ortluml. MX) i. m. ihiib- ItXCtillt Sunday, jstffi p. in. Sutiiriliiy, llhmi p. in. (All HiiltliiR ilatfH xiih Ject to chuugc.) For f-'an rriuiRlnco, Hull every f dayh. Clll lllllllll, Itiver. To Astoria and Way ljiidlni;i. Dully IVlllHiiiiiUx Itlvrr. lZl'L Otxou City. NimlierK, riiimiiij, halciu, lliili'peiiilciici-, trim u. in. im, iVay Uiiirtllii-s, i;oo p. m. I, co p. a, exwn hunday. I 'Si p. m. except Hunday, Tiiediiy. 'riiurfilay, Hatutda , iUUOii. in. CorwilIlN and Way luiiidlngH I "O p. m. Mmiilay, Wviltiindiy Kilaay. TtM-Mlay, IVlMliini'ttn Mini I! I'lmrMliiv. itnil.iii iiivh... wt.;.i.. ....... , ........... ..ii.iuaji Nitiirdiiy, ().,, city. Dayton anil Wi'dJieway . :IXJ it- ill. I ji l-.lfla.- "Ill i-uiiuiui;, ...;. i';uv''. Kmiki, KITr. , 'lte Uljmrlu U'Hlnton 'll'llia. in lllpiirlu to U-rtihton. H .y'Jj; (iKKKICAI. BfacKsmiin ! l'iirtti-i .IcHlritii: to nt to llciuiiier nr lMimts on Columbia .Southern via lllusrs. ahonld tuKe .So. 2. leavinu Thu DiiIIim at 1J ::'.' u. a. . iiinkliiK dlrtcl fimiiectlniih at Uciipiicr Junction and i)li:i;h. ItetiirnliiK maklugdlreetcoiiiiectlon at nciipner piucdou ami iiikkn wlthtNu, riving at Tin: Dnlle at 1:05 p. in. F-ir lurtliiT iiarticularii, call on or nililrcii ' , !(. ',. The DalleH, Own. .AND... Horsesnoer Wagon and Carrlago Work. ' Fish Brothers' Wagon. Tvvnnrfllnn Ratpa Pl'flrv Sntllrrlnv fnr nnrtifm n( fivi. mill nnit'nrilu Ti.llua jj bite Salmon and intermediate points, nOc Dalles to Cascades, fl. 00. j T- .. ... , 1 .. ... . . . n ror an evening inn taKe me "iraiua" at p. m. to tioou Jiiver and re- r . .i i . H H l-uill uu inc up uunv. Third and JgHgod. Phone 159 : FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, C, Travel by the fiteamern of the P.eRUlator Line. The Company will euileavor to give Its put- 5 M roiiK the bedt service jHjislhle. For further Information uddresx y , J'oruana umce, uat-Bireet uukx. w. U. all A WAY, Gen. Agt. ,1 Grandall & Borget DEALERS IN FjoteS fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Ete. The Dalles, Or. Ttie coluniDia PackingDo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF j MANUKACTUKKKH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. ! J. K. HCHKNCK, . 1'rcMldeut. Max A. out. (.'iihhlei ItutoH to run-Aiimrluiin KxliOHItlmi, Round-trip ruteH via O. R. & X. from The DtlleB, 81.90. Tickets on Hale HrBt aud third TtieHilayH during June, July, August, Septeinher and Octolier.Kood for continuous pitHHiiu'o goiiiK on date of aale. Return limit thirty days from date of cule. Stop-overe will be allowed weHt of MiBHonri river or St. Paul un return trip within limit of ticket. ArrttngemeutH can he made by upply in to aueiit O. It. &. N. Co., Tiie Dallen, wherety tlcketu will be honored on lake Bteamera in one or both directioiid be tween Detroit and Iiutralo. tf Jamkk Iiti:i...s'i), Agent lloii't Kuti It Jn, Jtiflt wot the all'ected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain in gone. Sold by Clarke & Fulk. For Hitlti. A Btyliah black driviim horse, very gentle. AIho a nearly new open buggy, harness, blankets, etc. Very cheap, Address, W. K. Rockwkm,, m27dL'w-w3w Dufur, Ore. DyspepBla can be cured by ualng Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at 25 cts, JMakeley the druggist. Clarke & Falk have on sale a fall line of paint and artist's brushes, TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. The county court has itiHtructed the county clerk to place a warrant on tbe tax roll ot HI0O commanding me to col lect the taxes for said year by inr.kinn uulu if fiuouiiati rv n ( t tin .mi.uvf tt fr 1 iuu j in mentioned, and to return the roll in- i at A i i( uivlp flnvu I am Hworn to do my duty, and am iiIbo under IioikIr for itB faithful per formance; therefore have no altemu- tit'M t- tn riliitv till, fnniiilnlit fit I In, court, and will imtriediately proceed to I make out a lint of delinquents and ad l vertiae the property for Bale. Uonuitr kui.i.v. lOm-lwdAw SlierlH'of Wiihco Co. Danger, diBease and death follow neglect of the bowels, Uue DeWitt's Little Early Risers to regulate tlittin and you will add years to your life and life to vour years. Easv tn take, never gripe. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. The bilious, tired, nervous man cannot successfully compete with his healthy rival. DeWitt's Litlle Early Risers the famous pills for constipation will remove the cause of your troubles, Clarke & Falk's P.O. Pharmacy. If anything ails your hair, go and see Frasser; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies, Remember that he makes a specialty of these goods. tf Clarke & Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly nnre liquid paints Clarke di Falk's flavoring extracts are the beat. Aak your gr -cer for them, jflfst national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON 1 A General Banking Business transacted ' Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. I Hiifbt and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Han Francisco and vort- land. j DIKBOTOK8 , D. P. Thomphon. Jno. H. Houkhoic, I'iU. M. W1I.MAMH, GKO. A. LlKUK. H. M. Bkam.. FRENCH & COT, BANKERS. . Transact a General Banking Businosn, Lettere of Credit inmied available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic transfers Hold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San FramiiHco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wand., and varionti points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. WW Restaurant Complete of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. L. Y. Hong, I'rop'r. first-Class in Every Respect MKALH AT AI-T. IIUUItN. Oysters Served in any Style. H" Beeoiia 8t., The Diilleii, Or Spring SuitingvS The time will soon be here when everV MyliHli dreHHiid man will want an up-i date Spring Suit. Those are the kiwi"' patrons 1 am tailoring for. e'" and look over my Spring lint" of biiitwge. All the latent novelties for 1H01. Suits to Ordor, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH la all Its tK tUero liuulil uu clvuiillucif. Ely's Cream Balm (luaiueRoiitliiiH mid liuul tlio dUeoauil imimliratio. It cure coUrrli nil drive wny a cold lu tUu Uuud iii!L u Ureum Halm li lilaccd Into tbo n0trlI,1Tr or tbe membrane and If abnorbed- Vf-j wodlatu and a cum followi. It U P w not produce anceliiK. Urge HUe, 60 gU or by mall; Trial SUo, 10 cunt" JV.j, tt.V IKtOTUUHH, 63 Wurrun Wrwtii'w K. ASM -Mm