The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 10, 1901, Image 1

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    k JDtlles
NO. 108
, '"v1; 'Miiii'' ww ".,
AVtgclable Prcparalionior As
similating llicFoodandRcgitla
ling thcSloinuchs and Dowels or
Promotes Digcslion.CheerfuF
ncss andRcsl-Conlains neillicr
Opiunt.Morpltiiic nor Mineral.
JonJcui Smf'
luxktlb Mo -StniwSrrtl
Jlffn'inu'nl -JhCtutanalrSoila
Cltnfitd Sugnr
Vftnliijrrrn flavor.
A period Remedy for Constipa
tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish
ncss find Loss of. Sleep.
Facsimile Stgiuilurc or
V- "J.
1'llNNlUII I'luy H J' llllllllllN.
Vancouvhu, IS. C, .hum 8. -The pre
sentation of the I'nHhion I'luy. postponed
on account of the heavy ruinfiill, waw be
gun this afternoon on t he Indian reserva
tion lit Chilli wack. Five hundred Smash
Indians, representing thirteen tribep,
and speaking seven different dialects,
were engaged in presenting the play.
TIih Indians Included 2000 Aborigines
from all parts of thu Pacific Count, all
wearing brilliantly colored eoBtmneB.
The solemnity of the occasion was marked
by thu peculiarly devotional demeanor
ut the Indians. Out-door altars had been
erected on the reservation, the altarH
entering into the celebration of the iin
press! vo HcuneH in the sacred procession
Four bourn were occupied in presenting
the scenes in the Hacied proceeston
Four hours were occupied in presenting
the scones of the life and passion of Ihu
Master, and thev were portrayed by thu
simple aborigines with touching rever
ence. Tlte Passion Flay wan solemn culmina
tion of the week of pilgrimrge to the new
Sacred Heart Church in Chilliwack.
Pontifical IiIkIi mass will be celebrated
by Bishop Dontenwill tomorrow.
Will Keoel No Alurw I. attorn.
San Fuancihco, June 8 The post
ofllce department has put a stop to the
uho of the mails by Letsou liuiliet,
of tnuny investment concerns, and who
has gained notoriety by his advertise
tnentB, in which he calls hiniBelf the
"Young Napoleon of Finance."
Postal Inspector Mayer, from Chicago,
recently investigated Balltet's White
Swan mine, near Baker City, Or., and
pronounced the property worthless. Bal
liet has ofllces in this city, and his mail
is very heavy. It Is now piling up at
the local postodiee, under tin order from
Washington that no more letters be de
livered to him, us he is alleged to be
using the mails to defraud. ISalliet has
tieeti indicted at Dee Moines for misuse
of the malls and his trial will take place
HeiiruNeututlvu 'touKUo I.euve.
HIM.HHOKO, Or., June 8 Representa
tive Tongue, accompanied by Mrs.
Tongue and their daughter, Mrs, A. E.
Realties, of Jacksonville, departed last
evening for California to meet the river
and harbor committee, which is en
route to the Pacific Coast, Representa
tive Tongue will meet the party at San
Diego, Mr. Tongue stated upon de
parture that he would use every eudeavor
to have the committee remain at least
" l III IiIimTiIUI Ull "'"' 1 1 1
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
three deys looking over Oregon 'and the
needs of its harbors and rivere. This
will be one day longer than contem
plated. Mr. Tongue will endeavor to
have the party leave for Puget Sound
Sunday evening or Monday morning, in
stead of Sunday morning, as intended.
DodM it J'ay to Ituy Cheap'.'
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right, but you want something
that will relieve and cure the more se
vere and dangetous results of throat and
lung trouble?. What Bhall you do? Go
to a warmer and more regular climate?
Yes, if possible; if not possible for you,
then in either case take the only rem
edy that has been introduced in all civil
ized countries with success in severe
throat and lung troubles. "ISoschee's
German Syrup." It not only heals and
stimulates the tissues to destroy the
germ disease, but allays inflammation,
causes easy expectoration, gives a good
night's rest, bih! cures the patient. Try
oni: hottie. Recommended many years
by all druggists in the world, and sold
by Clarke & Fatk. Get Green's prize
almanac. ' -
liner l.aagerN Nurprlaeil.
Cai'k Town, June 8. The British sur
prised two Boor laagers at difTerent
points in Cape Colony Thursday night
and captured forty-two prisoners and a
quantity of ammunition and supplies.
In a railroad wreck near Pretoria, June
7th. nine soldiers were killed and many
KlrlkoH A lCluli Flint.
"I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion ami nervous de
bility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancas
ter, N. H., "No remedy helped me un
til I began using Electric Bitters, which
did me more good than all the medicines
I ever ueed. They have also kept my
wife in excellent health for years. She
says Electric Bitters are just splendid
for female troubles; that they are a grand
toaic and invigorator for weak, run
down women. No other medicine can
takd its place in our family." Try them.
Only 60c. Satisfaction guaranteed by
G. 0. Blakeley, the druggist. 1
JCor Halt).
A number of choice family cows, full
blood and grade Jerseys. Apply to
tu23-tf Bingen, Wash.
A full line of Eastmau films and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Dressed spring chickens at the Stadel-
muu Commission Oo.'s 24-tf
An Exhibit From Grant's Pass That
Attracts Much Attention.
Grant's Pass, June 8. A telegram
received today from a representative at
BufTalo states that aside from creating h
sensation with her excellent mineral ex
hibit, Grant's Pass pine needles are re
ceiving an unusual amount of attention,
A carload of needles were shipped
several weeks ago by the Grant's Pass
Pine Needle Company, and the exhibit
iB now opon to the sightseers at BufTalo.
The exhibit consists chiefly of pine
needle wool, also "tobacco" and "cigars"
made of the same material.
As the name implies, pine needle wool
is the product of the needles of the Ore
gon and sugar pine, which are the natural
timber growth of the mountains of
Southern Oregon. It is manufactured
no where else in the United States, al
though the wool can be made from pines
growing in some parts of Europe. To
make the wool the needles are gathered
and brought to the factory where thev
are boiled in large vats, then worked
through machinery by a process w hich
takes out the fibrous growth from the
inBide of the needles. This fiber w hen
dried makes a fine quality of wool and
can be used for many of the purposes for
which the sheep's fleece is adapted. Its
principal use, however, is in the stuffing
of mattresses, although the manu
facturers claim that in a few years they
will be able to manufacture acoarte
cloth from the wool of the pine needle.
In the making of mattresses there is
nothing that can beat it. It never packs
or gets hard, and owing to the medicinal
qualities to be found in the needle these
mattresses make an ideal bed for nervous
people. The balsamic properties, never
lost in the pine needle wool mattress,
causes the sleeper to enjoy a rest be can
get from no other bed.
In color the wool is a dark brown, and
very coarse. To work the needles into
wool necessitates the use of the finest
machinery, so fine or uncommon, in
fact, that the first machine had to be
imported from Europe.
The pine needle industry is becoming
a most important factor in Grant's Pass,
around which the sugar pines are to be
found in abundance. With a growing
demand for the needle wool mattresses,
the gathering and working of the needles
is to become a great source of profit to
those who engage in it.
Illittortc State Conch.
Nkw Yohk, June 8. George Washing
ton's state coach has been presented by
Augustus Frey to the Ladles' Association
of the Union, the New York vice-recent
of the association being Mrs. TownseiuW
The coach, according to the history given
by Mr. Frey, was used by General and
Mrs. Washington on a journey which
they made from Mount Vernon to
Savannah and return. It was purchased
at the Philadelphia Centennial in 1876
by Benjamin Richardson, a brother of
the Richardson who won notoriety bv
building his "spite house" in Lexington
avenue, this city. Richardson drove in
the coach through the streets of Phila
delphia, At his death it became thu
property of relatives, and later paBssed
into the possession of Mr. Frey.
The upholstery of the vehicle is the
worse for time, but otherwise it is in
fairly good condition. It will be shipped
to Mount Vernon on Monday.
Ml-K, liotlia III KiiKlHHil-
London. June 8. Mrs. Louis Bntha,
wife of the Boer commandant-general,
arrived in Southampton I'M" morning 011
the British steamer Dunreagau Castle
from South Africa. She refused to grant
an interview, but a son of ex Secretary
of State Fischer, who accompanied her,
informed a representative of the As
sociated Press that Mrs, Botha was going
straight to London and later would pro
ceed to Holland and Belgium, Inn that
the date of her departure lor the
continent had not been fixed. Mr,
Fischer was unable to confirm or deny
the report that Mrs. Botha hud come to
Europe upon a peace mission, tie was
released on parole in order that he might
accompany her.
A 3-Day Sale of
Thursday, Friday
and Saturday.
12-?,-e, 15c and Kirjc goods
at special
Three Days Only Thursday, Friday
35c Mercerized Foulards limited quan
tity only; during this sale, per yd ...21c
Ladies' Turn-Over Collar
Ladies' Straight - Front
Fine Muslin Un
derwear Corset Covers of fine lawns,
in pink, tielio and blue; with pleats
and lace insertion front, finished in
embroidery headings and ribbons.
New Gowns low neck, el
bow sleeves; elaborately trimmed in
lace all-overs and silk wash ribbons.
Always pleased to
show goods J& JS
Reclining Hammocks
Some desirable city property for Bale
or rent. For particulars call on Gibbons
& Marden. alltf
Paint your house with paints that aro
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke t Falk
have them.
Why pay $1.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E.
Ration's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark &
Falk, agents. ml
We offer for a limited period the
twice-a-week Ciiuoniclk, price $1.50,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance. t
Catarrh Cannot lie Uureil.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it vou must take inter
nal remedies. Hali's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of tiie best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. end for testimonials,
F. J. Chunky A Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggistH, pi ice 75c.
Hall's Family PIIIb are the best. 12
"A tew months ago, food which I ate
for breakfast, would not remain on my
stomach for half an hour. I used one
hottie of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and
can now eat my breakfast and other
meals with a relish ami my food is
thoroughly digested. Nothing equals
Kodol Dvspepi-ia Cure for stomach
troubles" II. S. Pitts. Arlington Tex.,
Kodol Dyspepnla Cure diuests what you
eat. Clarke .i Falk's P. O. Pharmacy,
"The Doctors told me my ci.ugh was
incurable One Minute Cough Cure made
me a well man." Norris Silver, North
Stratford, N. II Because you've not
found relief f r a stubborn cough, don't
despair. One Minute Cough Cure has
cured thousands and it will cure you.
.Safe Hiid i-ure. Cbirke it 1'alk'fi P.O.
For sprain, swellings and lameness
therein nothing mo trood as Chamberlain's
Pain Halm Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the drugtrist.
Snl scribe for Tub Ohkonici.k.
Homo very choice things in dimities, organ
dies, mulls, lawns and piques in plain and
lace-stripe efleets, light and colored, also
black grounds, at the following special prices:
per 20c and 25c
jj C yard. at special
This is the right time in which to
invest. Complete stock to select
from and the entire season before
Wn show a very complete assort
ment of Hammocks at from 75c to
$7.50 each.
Do not buy a Hammock until yen
have seen our line.
are strongly made, closely woven,
deep valance and fringe, hardwood
covered spreader and pillow, dark
ground with bright stripes.
Itateti to Sail Frauelsco anil Itetiirn.
TheO. R. & N. Co. will make the
following rates from The Dalles, Oregon,
to San Francisco and return for National
Convention of Ep worth League, July
18-21,1901: Via rail to Portland and
O. R. it N. Bteamers from Portland to
San Francisco and return, $23.50.
Tickets on Bale and honored on trains
from The Dalles and on stenmers from
Portland only on July 11th and 10th.
Returning tickets will bo honored on
steamers sailing lrom San Francisco not
later than August 1st ; final limit, Aug
ust L 1001. Rate includes meals and
berth on steamers. Reservations for
passengers going via steamers should be
made in advance to insure accommoda
tions, for which a deposit of $5.00 will
be required. All rail in both directions,
via O. R. & N. and Southern Pacific,
first class, good for stop-overs in Cali
fornia, $28.50. Second class, including
berth in tourist sleeper in both direc
tions, no stop-overs, $25,50. Tickets on
sale at The Dalles July 15th and 10th,
and will be honored by Southern Pacific
on trains leaving Portland July 15th and
10th, and on morning train July 17th;
good for return passage leaving San
Francisco up to and including July 31,
1901. Tickets will not be sold good in
one direction via rail and In another via
For fm ther information communicate
with Jas. Ireland, agent, The Dalles,
Oregon. in21-jlyll
Mr. James Brown of Putsmouth, Va,,
over 90 years of age sulfered for years
with a bad sore on his face, Physicians
could not help him. DaWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve cured him permanently.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Eczema, Baltrheum, tetter, chafing,
ivy poisoning and all skin tnrtureh are
quickly cured by DeWitl's Witch Hazel
Salve. The certain pile cure, Clarke it
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Vou will not have boils if vou take
Clarke A Falk's sure cure lot boils.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by C'urke
& Falk.
A Poor Alllllouulru
Lately starved in London because he
could not digest his food, Early use of
Dr. King's New Life PilU would have
saved him. They strengthen the stomach,
aid digestion, promote assimilation, im
prove appetite, Sold by G, O, Blakeley,
the druggist. 5
Subscribe for Thk Cuuonioxb.
goods ... Per
XC yard.
and Saturday. .
15c heavy French Lawns 40 ins. wide;
navr, red, helio and nile: sale price ..5c
for Ladies
Just opened this morning
This particular stylo is
one which a number of our
patrons have long been ex
pecting. All sizes and widths are
now here.
40c quality Ladies' Fine
black Hose 3 pair $1
Just Received
A full line of Fresh Printing and De
veloping Papers direct from factory.
Solio, Rex, Deko, Yelox
and Aristo in all sizes.
Also n line of Plates in Cramer,
Crown, Seeds and Stanley.
Trays, Printing Frames,
Albums, Multigraphs,
And all accessories to complete the
outfit of either the amateur or pro
fessional photographer.
Our Eureka Combined Toning and
Fixing Bath is a dandy. Try it.
The A. E. C. Developer for plates,
films or developing papers has no equal.
Enough for 35c to develope t dozen plates
or (i dozen Velox 4x5. Perfect blacks
and whites are guaranteed, If directions
are followed. Ask for the A. E. C. De
veloper, and see that you get the
We are prepared to compound any and
all of your own formula; and guarautee
At the old place, 175 Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Geo. C. Blakeley.
To Fireintiu'n Tournament at llenuiier.
For the fireuien'j tournament at
Heppner June 11th, 12th and 13th, the
O. R. it N. Co. will make a rate of one
and one-third fare for the rouu 1 trip on
the certificate plan; provided, however,
fifty or more paying passengers of not
less than 50 cents each have been in at
tendance. Under these conditions dele
gates, or members of delegates' .family,
that have paid full fare to Hepp
ner, will be returned at one-third faro
on presentation of certificate to our
agent at Heppner on or before June 14th.
Certificates must bo signed by F.
W. RobertB, secretary, and will he is
sued only on any of the three days prior
to openiuu day of the meeting, includ
ing the latter. If total attendance does
not equal the requirements, holders of
certificates will be sold return ticket? at
regular one-way rates.
ui27-jl0 Jamks IitKiiANii, Agent,
A surgical operation is not necessary
to cure piles, DeWlU's Witch Haul
Salve saves all that expense and never
fails, Beware of counterfeits, Clarke A
Falk's P, O. Pharmacy.