stimgul&hed Testimony No secret society in the world stands higher in noble aims and charitable accomplishments than the Knights of I'ythins. That order is doing great good, and one ot its tmest institu tions is the Ohm Pythian Hmih at Springfield, Ohio, which is ably presided over bv Superintendent Le Fevrc ntid Ins wife, Mrs. Callie I. Le Fovre, the matron. The latter has recently written a letter, which will command widespread attention because of the prominence of the writer. It is as follows: f "Messrs. 11. Hooker & Co., New York Last year I used Acker's English Remedy at the suggestion of a friend, for a se.-ious. long-standing throat difficulty and extreme ly hard cough. Had used many well-spoken of prepara tions without relief. 1 can hone.-tlv say that Acker"s English Remedy removed the difficulty and " stopped the cough. ' I did not purchase tsr ncn mnw Minn tlirnr hot- ties, and at least one-half of the last is still on hand. I also consulted phy sicians with no permanent results." (Signed) Cau.ii: I. Lr. Fr.viu:. The friend to whom Mrs. Le Fcvre refers as having suggested Acker's English Remedy is Mrs. W. B. Chilton, wife of the president of the Troy Transfer Co., of Troy, Ohio, where this remedy has accomplished many other cures in Throat and' Lung Troubles. In conversation with an acquaintance Mrs. Le Fevre also said. "If you will call on Mr. "V. H. Schauss, a prominent china and art merchant of Springfield, Ohio, you will find that he, too, has had any amount of experience with Acker's English Remedy in his family, and thinks thev cannot keep house without it." Acker's HngliMh Kemeilv i sold by all ilrut;Kists under n positive guarantee that vour monev wi'l be refunded in case of failure ssc oc ntul $t a bottle in United States and Canada. In England, is. -d.. .. id., and 44. 6d. M'c authDtlzi the uioir tjuanmtce. II". 11. UUOiCUl: A CO., I'roprtctors, Xcw York, For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. CaLLIK I. I.E Fevke, Matron Ohio Pythian Home. rEKSO.NAi MENTION. Rev. and Mrs. V. B. Clifton left vester- I'mgrum if i:n tiTUiliiiiKMit. The following is the program of the day for MeMinnville, where he will ad- entertuinment to he eiven at St. Mary's dre?S the uradnatiug eh.ES of the Baptist Acodemv ThllrBllav, .,llm. l;;tlli for thl. ! benefit of St. Peter'p chureh of tins eitv. college. A. B Fai.ctuld and family moved here : iarHdo ltln.iew ;;,,,,, yesterdnv from -brass Mil ley with the "The Itanuer i intention ot msKiiig 1 lie uaties tueir future home. Nine Performers llauuer of the fcua." Youthful Pleasiues. .St. Mim'.s Orclicstm "The Music Hell" (Fairy Drama In Thrc; Act.s, act 1. Polka Uulup Duet ACT II. Piano Selection. act nr. Our DarlliiRV Drill. Albert Werther, who ha? been Biifl'er- inc for the past few dave with a severe 1 attack of rhetiuiatism, left on thip moru inc'E tioat for St.. Martin's springs. Serceant J. V. Tate, a strapping, fine yonna American volunter who was dis- iVmriHi! n fiiv rtnva m'fint SJnn nfl..r',rn,. thrJ in fl PI, i 1 i n. I Tlle Y,mn& Aristocrats Ce.lIH.UI CHlb nine IqlannV is in the mtv nr. his w..v ! l,'"OU"l Milltaire in A maj . -V. Clmpin, op. in tn vinit fniinl. nf l.rothi.r who rHsiilV Caught In His Own Trap. in the Upper John Day country. Ser- j ceant Tate looks the picture of uood i health. He say he ne'er was ill for a ' moment of his three years residence in fcaeied Tableau. the islands. HOIIN. In this city, June 8th, to the wife of John Miller, a boy. Denies Tluit He Wafc Jsotilic.l. The, JuneS, 1901, EniTOit CiiuoNici.e: Having seen iu the columns of your paper the statement that I was called upon to suppress the disturbance made Nkiv Antirtfptk- I'ouiid. Ann Auiiof:, Mich., June 7. An im portant antiseptic discovery upon which Drs. Grederick G Novey und Paul C. Freer have been working for over a vear in their respective laboratories, has just been made public. The new antiseptics are organic acid by peroxides. In a water solution, 5-1000 of 1 per cent of active oxygen derived from the hvperoxide is fatal to all bacteria. The hyperoxide which w a? used for the experiments in benz izluciisel, and this, as shown by experiments on dogs, can he taken bv a number of "young ruffians" about the Mays lot, and replied that I could j internally in large doses without poison do nothing as long as they remained on ' 0118 effect. The discovery may, it ip the sidewalk, I take pleasure in stating 1 claimed, lend to the further discovery of that the report is utterly false, us I have j tlllJ fundamental causes in an important been confined to my bed for the most of' fltilti of medical and nugical science. the time that the meetings were in pro gress, and furthermore I would not know one of the reverend plaintiffs if I were to meet him on the street. Let me also say that it is not the in tention of . the little police force of two Affray In Wyoming, Pikujiont, Wyo., June 7. Meager re ports nave been received of a shooting atfray ubout twenty miles east of here. From what can be learned, sev-ral ranchmen and cowboys went to the camp ii .:..: .v.... i....:- i ...Cu iu .,,K,U:u,;l,rM, j Q Bome BhlsephHri,,,rB, t0,d them tl,ey juiuit? meeting niiuiii biicu juitcuiiiuu to be disturbed. The nigbtwatch has the imsinens part of The Dalles to guard, and it is not hie duty to patrol that portion of the city in which the Mays' lot is situated but be will, at any time that tie be called upon, answer the wail of a disturbed citizen. The editor may inform the reverend gentlemen that there is a statute against the disturbance of auy religious in ee ring, and that the right course for them to pursue is to ewear out a warrant for the "young ruffians" and we will endeavor to serve them ae fast as they are placed in our hands. T. J. DniVKii. The Chuoniule will have no contro versy with Marshal Driver regarding the truth or falsity of what the minister in charge of the campmeeting on the Mays' lot eaid to it regarding his alleged com plaint to the marshal concerning the disturbances ut the meetings. The Ciibonici.e repeated what the minister said, and only what be said, and set down nothing in malice either against the marshal or against the "young ruffians" that disturbed the meetings, not one of whom it knows or cares to know. The marshal will be pleased to learn, however, that as soon as a little effort was put forth to suppress the disturbers it had its effect and for the past two nights they were conspicuous by their absence. Eorrou. Vucattou Hcliuol, At Sixth and Union streets on June oil a vacation school will begin. Ses sions I) to 12, 2 to 5, Specialties book keeping, shorthand, penmanship, free Lund drawing, higher mathematics, Instruction thorough ; terms easy. jl-lw Z. E. Fkkku. would have to yet out of that country, but the herders resolved not to comply with ttie request, and were immediately shot by the ranchers One of the herders was siiot in the arm and another iu the foot. After doing this the attacking party shot all the horses, killed several head of sheep and burned the wagons. The ranchmen and cowboys are undei arrest. "Collufcti Gem." A food piano (or sale, only $00; in perfect condition ; made by T. A. Stone & Co., of New York, and is a rare bargain. Also a Weber for $2."i0. .very one knows what the Weber piano is. We have an organ, only $15, made by Luring & Bluke, and a W. W. Kimball organ, used but a short time, ut $50. We carry the three high-grade pianos Kimball, Weber und Chickerim;. Me.NKFEE & I'AItKINH, The Dalles, Ore. Dyspeptics cannot be loni: lived be ciUBe to live requires nourishment Food is not nourishing until it is digested. A disordered stomach cannot digest food, it must, Kodol Dyspep sia Curo digests all kinds of food with out aid from the stomach, allowing it to rent and regain its natural functions. Its elements ure exactly the same hh the natural digestive fluids and it simply can't help but do you good. Clarke & Fulk'n V. O. Pharmacy. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets ure sold on positive guarantee. Cures heartburn, raising of the food, distress after eating, or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief, 25 cts. and 50 eta. Blakeley, the druggiBt. Subscribe for The Chhonioi.k Better than a Three-Ring CIRCUS GENTRY'S WORLD'S BEST Trained flnlmal snow THE DALLES, Wednesday, Ju ne 12 300 Elephants, Dogs, Ponies and Monkeys. The largest and best exhibition of the kind in the world. A herd of PERFORMING BABY ELEPHANTS. See the Sixty Pony Act, one of the many new features this season. T n T T Elephant and Pony I Fill i Rides to aii school Children after each performance. FARMERS, bring in the lit tle ones and let them see the GRAND STREET PflBflDE ! over half a mile in length. Remember the date, Wednes day, June 12th, one day only. I J. E. FALT & CO., V Proprietors a TIlC Qwl." v Purest Liquors for Family Use Polivorod to any part of llio Oily. mmH" ass hong Distance. 173 Second Street. J . - 1 ' THE CELEBRATED .. .G0M11HBIA BREWEfcY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product nf thiH well-known brewery the United States Health liepnrts for .lune 2H. HUH), says: "A more enpetlnr brew never entcml the hibratory of the United Stated Health reports. It ih ale-olntely devoid nf tint Hliuhtest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of the best of mult and choicest of hups. Its tonic qualities are of the high, est and it can be used with the urentest lien'llt and sat Infliction by old mid votini:. Its use can roiiHeientionwly be pieeunhed by the physicians with the eercuintv that a better, purer or iimro w holcHOme beverage could not posiiibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. F. S. GUWiriG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -111. I. It IN Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies AKunt fur r.uiiholl .v Co fjiKiMC", Tlirculiurn mill famv Mill. Cor. Second & Lanolin Sis, THE DALLES, OR. Telephone 157. Lone Ui-tniii'e 107!! Was CO wain Mill 'n L Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot pii km Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ""mill feed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- -iri "ElOllT ''"B u,,lr In manufactured ejcpreiH)y for family line ; every pack ih tMiurauteed to pve Hatisfaction. We null our imkkIh lower than uuy hotiHO in the trade, and if you don't think M call and net cur prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whea.t. Barley and Oats C. J. STUBLilJG UIIOI.KMAI.i: AND UKTA't. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive promot attention. Next door to Kirtit National Hank. THE DALLES, OREGON. Cloiidiill I'llinin :ta. I. one Dint. loin. J Young Black - flight Will make the season of 1901 at J3alch's Jiuni, J)ul'ur, Oregon. DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. BLACK NIGHT Ih a black Jack, foaled June 17, 1001 ! Iin'il ly J StovciiH, Howard county, Mo. Sired by Itlack Dan the Third, jnck ,mn , hiKh, and a No. 1 foal-netter : he by lllock Nlht the Second, and lu ' ,"cttl" Hlack Dan, nn imported jnck Irom Kentucky. Uluck Nljjht'fl dam, Cirwy J'nnet Hired by ComproiiilHe; he by Hickmun'H CoinproinlHo; hit) dam ly McKInn WuHhinKton j lid ihtiu by Napoleon, lid dam by JMuok Dan. TERMS: To iiiHiire, $15.00; by BeaHon, 10.00. Care will be taken to prevent accldenth ; but we will immune m) reBponelhllity. Money duo wli m" Ih known to be lu foul. 0. P. UAI.CII, MnnuKor. BALCH & JOHNSTON, Owners, DUFUU, OBEGOS. Advertise in The Chronic i