The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SATURDAY JUNE S, 11HU J. A. EBERLE, Leadings unwrap Merchant Tailor, Second Stre&t, opposite Mays & Crowe, . . ... ,. . c. . l We have an excellent line of spring Suitings, Pantings, etc.. which we are) prepared to make up in the latest Btylts, and guarantee a perfect fit. , ! i THE DAVIS DEFALCATION. ; I 111 District Attorney George E. R0lind-trip rates via O. R. & X. from Chamberlain, of Portland, declines The Dalles, $S1.90. Tickets on sale first to take any part in an official capae and third Tuesdays during June, July, ity in the proceedings which Attor- ! AuPU9t September and October.good for . . . ! continuous pussage going on date of sale. ney-General Blackburn has insti-, Return Hmlt thirty ()uy8 fom (hUe of tuted against Ex-Governor Pennoyer, gue. Stop-overs will be allowed west of Ex-Secretar3 of State George Y. j Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip McBride and Ex-State Treasurer i within limit of ticket. Phil Metschan, as the former state . Arrangements can be made by apply , , , ' , , i ing to agent O. E. & X. Co., The Dalles, school board, for the recovery of w,u,rety tick wi be ,ionoml Qn ,nke $S0,9tf2.0G shortage in the accounts learners in one or both directions be- of Ex-Cleik of Board George Davis. I In a letter to the attorney-1 general Mr. Chamberlain takes the j ground that not onlv is the claim of w, . the state acainst these gentlemen i barred 03- the statute of limitations but whatever inav have been the liability of the board prior 10 Oc J ..... . I tober 23, 1880, the legislative act of that date, which expressly made it ; the duty of the clerk to "receive, j receipt for and make immediate pay-j ment to the state treasurer of all , moneys of the state for the sale of j snbnnl lnrwls." in tbft most nositive ! manner takes away from the board the direct mannirement of the funds mentioned and relieves the members of the board of such personal re - spousibility as is sought to be estab - lisued by this action. Mr. Chamber- lain therefore oelieves that in this ., . , , , .,,, case the state has no standing either in law or equity, and that the pro-) posed action will have no other result than to run up a cost bill of several thousand dollars against the , state, and thus throw good money i after bad. The truth is certain newspapers, for nurelv nolitical nurnoses, have kept nagging at the es-land board till they have forced the state into a law suit that can only have one result. There Is no court in Oregon that will hold men responsible for funds over which the law gives them no direct control when, as in this case, no guilty participation, on the part of the board or any member of it, in the commissions of the acts charged, is alleged or even suspected, j The trusts are an enigma. They have belied nearly every prophecy that has been made concerning them. The country was to go to tho bow wows under them, yet the country was never more prosperous; wages were to tall and labor become bcarce, yet the general average of wages was 1 never higher and labpr wan never ' more plentiful ; prices were to be . fixed arbitrarily and were to become excessivc,ytit the only really excessive prices are on the things produced on the farm and range. And now oomes Director of Census W, It. Merriam and knocks another proph ecy in the head. Tho manufacturing and meohanical establishments of the country were soon to be consoli dated into a few huge establishments that would monopolize all the busi ness in their lines. Mr. Merriam estimates that the number of manu facturing and meohanical establish- mcnts in tho country is G50.000, against ."00,000 ten yours ngo, nn extraordinary inctcnse in the great est trust ductule in our or the world's history of over 100 per cent. "Well amy Mr. Mcrrmm say of tho manu facturing statistics that show those results: 4,It can be safely stated that the results of tins inquiry will astonish even the most optimistic of our citizens." Itllll't. Don't expect a "cheap" enameled utensil to laat long. It doesn't. Don't think such a one can be kept clean. It can't. I Don't believe the "cheap" enamel : isn't steadily crumbling nwuy. It is. Don't imagine in using such you're 1 not eating the enamel. You ar.e. I Don't figure you are savins? money buying the cheapest. You're not. Don't forget the "cheap" hue but one coating of enamel. Just one. Don't fail lo recollect that imported Stransky steel-wure h8te for vears. , ... . Don't buy that kind if health and economy are of no consequence, Don't try to get the genuine elee- where, for it's sold exclusively by .., m .f m . ... r. n..r Hutu to 1'uu-AtiiurluHii Kxi(i8itini, tween Potioitand Buffalo, tf Jamks I it hi. and, Agent liin'c i;ui it in, Juat wet the affected part freely with I Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & ralk. Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head ache, indigestion and constipation. A tleliRhtful herb drink. Removes all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion or money refanded. 25 ctB Hmi 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist. rr sm. A BtyliBh wTlhTvinc horse, very gentle. Also a nearly new open buggy, harness, blankets, etc. Very cheup. Address, V. R. Rockwkm.. m27d2w-w3w Dufur, Ore. If vou want to retain vour hair vou I ,0 yonr fcoaP 1 will make vour hair harsh, drv and 1 cr,Bpyf we mvo tw0 of th; yery 1 be3t preparations for cleansing the ' scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It j wiI1 leave .vour httir soft and k1"v. i Price, Co and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's 1. . , r n s Clarke & Falk have on sale a full Hue of paint and artist's brushes. White Collar Line. r0riianCl ASt0ria Q"16 Str. "TAHOMA," Daily Round Trips except Sunday. TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 a. m. Leave Astoria 7 i. m. Be Dalles -Porllauff Route Str. BAILEY-GATZERT, DAILY ROUND TRIPS, .Except Monday, Cascade Locke, Hood River, White Salmon and The Dalles. time card Leave Portland 7 a.m. Arrive The Dalles '.i v. m. j Arrive Portland 11 ' Meals the Very Best. Sunday Trips a Leading Feature. This Route ban the Grandest Scenic Attractions on Earth. Landing and office Foot of Alder Street; both phones, M 351, Portland, Oregon. E. W. ORICHTON, Auent Portland, J. M. FILLOON, At. The Dalles, A. J. TAYLOR, Agent Astoria. NOLAN'S Profit-Sharing Association. The first monthly dividend has boon distributed to tho profitable satisfac tion of thirteen of my customers. The only rop-ot is that 1 was not ablo to give a valuablo present to oaoh of my customers. .1 think they all doservo one. On Saturday, July 6th, 1 will pivo awav two music boxes 0110 worth .t!7 50. jdaylni: nlpht tunes, hiuI ono worth 7.50 ; 11 suck of miunr and a barrel ol Hour. 1 w ill rIvm a cash relmU of $...00 lo ciihUc mw paini: tho moat motiev bv that datti, and $12.00 to the on.. payiiiR in tho tuicom hiWHt amount, un each Saturday, commencing nn the 15th of June and including .Inly Hth, I will, in uddition to thn two pres ents Kiven each week, give a $1.00 rebate to the customer paying tho largest amount during the week. Purchasers of goods in my line will do well to keep in mind that 1 eoll goods hb low as the lowest, an well aa share the profit with mv customers. M. T. NOLAN. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to snpply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy G-rocer es. GEORGE RUCH, IHJLKlllI !TH Str. Regulator Str. "Iralda" 5' " f- DOW.V. J I.v. Dulles 5' Ut 7 A. M. Tuesilny. . .. up. I.eaveB Cascades 0 u. m. '.'uta.'m! Arrlvu DrtlleB 1,)::t0 ... -M"inr Leave Dalles !! p. in. .WtdiK-xiHy Krlduy Arr. Ciieeadea i ;.10 p. m. Arr. Dulk-N u n r. m. Daily ex. Sunday. inurmuy Hnturilny. .. . Arr. Portland ut4:30 p. M. Excursion Jlatee every Saturday for While Salmon und intermediate pointe, For an evening trip take the "Jralda" at !i n. ni. to liood Kiver nnd re- turn on the up boat. I' FOR COMFORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, Travel by tho BteamerH of the Regulator Line. roiis mu won service ponsiuie. , I'ortland Ofllce, Oak-3treot Dock. W. Grandall & Barget DEALERS IN FoteS, fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Ete. The Dalles, Or. Your Fttcw Shows the Htatc of your feolins und the state of your health ad well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weulc and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases wiiere cheap Suntaparillas and so called purifiers fail ; knowing this we eell every bottle on a poHitive'gnarantee. Ulakelej the druggist. Danger, disease and death follow neglect of the bowels, Ujo DeWitt'e Little Early Risers to regulate them and you will add years to your life and life to your years. Easy to take, never gripe. Clarke & Falk's I'. O. Pharmacy. The bilious, tired, nervous man cannot successfully compete with hie healthy rival. DeWitt'e Little Early Risers the (anions pills for constipation will remove the caiiHH of your troubles. Clarke & Fulk's P.O. Pharmacy. If anything ails your hair, go and see Fru,er; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies. Remember that he makes a specialty of these goods. tf Clarke it Falk have received a carload of the celebrated James, E. Pattern strictly mire liquid paints Clarke 4 Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Aek your v er for them. YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of uslnc so-culled kidnev remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills und be forever rid of those dull pains In your back. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nights made restful by the use of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ot your druggist or Bent bv mail on receipt of price, in nlain wranper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. Fort Vyno, Indiana. M. '.. Donnell, Auent, The Dalles. Pioneer G-rocer. 1 REGULATOR LINE. .2 DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA NAY. G03IPAK Y 1 Htenmerh ol the UcKiilutor Line will run us jmr the fol- j .vcht'tlulo, tliu (,'ompiiiiy rourvliiK tliu rl'lit to cIiiiuko '! schedule without notice. j Str. Dalltis City. lie. '3 . . I'nrtlund 3 at 7.00 a. i. i TucMluy ? T)iur.duy ,! Hatiinliiy Arr. Dulles J ut ft I'. M. i DOWN I.v. Dulles ut 7 A. i. Monday WVilnusduy .. . Krlduy Arr. I'ortluiul ut 1:20 p. m. parties of five and upwards: Dalles, J f0c Dalles to Cascades, $1.1)0. The Company will endeavor to (;lve tt put ror iiiriner linoruiuitou audresx C. ALLAWAY, Gen. At. Un Kopt II In L.k, Twelve years ago J. V. Sullivan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched bis leg with a maty wire. Inflammation and blood poisoning set in. For two years he suf fered intensely. Then the best doctors urged amputation, "but," he writes, "I used one bottle of Electric Hitters und 1 1-2 boxes of liucklen's Arnica Halve and my leg was sound and well as ever." For Eruptions, Eczema, Totter, Hnlt Rheum, Sores and all blond disorders Electric Hitters lias no rival on earth. Try them. G. C. Blnkeley will guarantee satisfaction or refund money. Only 51) cents. ! TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. The county court has instructed the county clerk to place a warrant on the tax roll of 11)00 commanding me to col lect the taxes for said year by making sale, if necessary, of the property there in mentioned, und lo return the roll in side of sixty days. I am sworn to do my duty, and am also under bonds for its faithful per formance; therefore have no alterna tive hut to obey the mandate of the court, and will immediately proceed to make out a list of delinquents und ad verlise the property for sale. Roiikkt Kkm.y. 10iiflwd,m Kliorilfof Wasco Co. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts, and 50 cts. Itlukeley the druggist, Jast What You cuant. ffi h New ideiiB in Wall Paper here. Sucli wide variety uh wo are showing never be fore graced a single etoi-k. iteul imita tion cretoit effects ut ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Klcgant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store 011 Third street. AIho a full line of bouse paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. L. Lane, (iKNKKAL 1 : I, Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. L IM ani Me. Plume 159 1 Tie Columbia PacKing Co., mm PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANBKACTtJKKKBOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKI) BEEF. ETC. J. H. HCIIKNCK, i'runiileut. Ma a A. Voi.t, ('itHlllul First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Bunking Business transited DopoHits received, eubject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections mode and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, Han Francisco aui! Port land. DIHKOTOK9 D. P. TlIOMI'HON. JNO. 8. KCHKKOK. En. M. Williamh, Gko. A. Likiik. H. M. Bkai.i,. FRENCH & CO" BANKERS. Transact a Gunoral Banking BuuinoflR. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States, Sight Exchange und Telegraphic 'Iruusfers sold mi New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made ut ull points on fav orable terms. mm Besiaurant It. Y. Hons;, Prop'r. First-Class in Every IJespeet MUALN AT AM. HOIJtM. Oysters Served in any Style. H7 Bcuond 8t., Tho Dulled, Or BiacRsmnn ...AND... Horsesnoer OREGON Short Line Union Pacific AND DKI'AUT KOII Tilli: HCIIKIiri.KH CIUIM TIIK JIAI.l.KH. AllKIVr kiiok ClllctH,'!)- l'urtluiiil Hlieclllt. p. 111. VlH llllllt IliKtoii. Atlnutlii KxtirenN, l'J . 11. 111. vlti Hunt ltik'ton. st. I'nii r I'liNt Mull, y af. p. m. vln Hp kuliu. Hnlt IjiUo, IH'tivur, I't. Wurtli, Omnliii. knit HiihClly.Ht UiiiIb, Clil eiiRt. mill the Kiixl. 1 mi p. m. Suit I.nlsf, Ilciivur, Kt. niirui, Diiiiiim, Kr.n nun City, HI UmIh.CJiI. I ciirii unit tli(! KiiNt. I I I5n.m. WhIIii Wiilli., UiwlHtmi.i hiiikiiiiu,Wiilliicu,l'iil. ) 111 it II . M ill l.i'itlx.lis. Ht. I'inil.lMiliitli.Mllwmi j Wit), Clili'MCii mill KiiNt. OCEAN AND EIVEE 80HEDTJLE From lirtl itml . j (A A NIllllllR lllltl'H Nllll Jt'lll in lilmnuf ) For Hun I'mnrlwii, Hull uvury 5 tliiyH. b:oe 11. in. l:0Uun, Dully llXI't'jlt .Siiuiliiy, VIHl p. III. Siitunliiy, 111:011 p. 111. Dully UXCOpt nll'iiliiy. ;! 11111 litit !tlvtr. i,m . 1 p. in, 1o Ahturlii und Wiiy except lJllnllllKs, Kimiiny. U'llliiiin'lli 1CI 1 r. Ori-Rim City, Ni'tt Ihtk, Sllll'lll, llllll'IM'lllll'lll't', und ity-ljinrtliiKh, I i v. m. wept Suniluy. 0:0(1 it. 111. I Tiu'mluy, 1 'I InirMliiy, Siitiiiiluy, n.Li) 11. in. I ") p. m. Mntnlny, Weiliii'Mliy Irlany. ('orviillli unit Wny IjltllllllKH Tiii'mIiiv, u'ltiiuiiKtii. Mini ;i:mp.m, Tluirxtiiy, V11111I11II lllvorn. .Mmiiluy, j-iitiirility, orcciiii City. Duvton mnl Wc'Im-uiny 7.00 ii. in. WllJ JimllUMH, 1-rld.iy. I.euVi' Itlpurlii iliiily, 10 u. m. SiihIik Klrr. , I'WVe U!Y, I10I1 Ktpurlit to l.uwiMtoii. ilally, r.;Oii, in, I'urtii'N .li-NlrliiK to po to lluniuicr nr IKiiutMiii ('oluiiiliiiiiiiiithi'rii via IIIltk. Mliould i tuki- No. lt'iivltiK '1'he DiiHim ut Vi Hi ji. m. i in n I; 1 1 1 u dlrn't couiiuctloith ut lli'iiiier Junction I mnl HIkks. KotiiriiliiK iiiui'liiKillrirti'iiiiiii.'ctton I ut lli'ii)ini!r 1 1 tic tli in und IIIkkn ulth Ko, rivniK ut '1'liu DhIIuk ur l:0.ri p. m. l''or lurther piirtluiilurN, i:ull on or iuli!rcx JAri. lltl'I.ANll, AKWit, 'I'lie llulk'h, Orison. ft Complete of DruJs at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings The time will soon be here when everf HtyliHh dressed man will wunt u l'"f dale Spring Suit. Those aie the klnU "' patroiiB I am talloiing for ,?"!", . und look over my Spring line of hiW"'" All the lutost novelties for 1U01. Suits to Order, $IO.OO. John Pashek, The Tailor- Nasal CATARRH In nil ItH HtnKm thero thiiiilu lie clcuiiliiiuvu. i Ely's Cream liolm cleanen,iiootlii-n and henla Ihu dlneakuil iiiviiilirune, It curei) catarrh anil drlvuH mvuy a cold lu the head ijulckly. .. nnd Oreum Hulni Is placed Into tho "0,l ',',,,(, -over tho ineiuhraiio and I brbe- , ,p inedlatu and a euro follow. It U ot . jwf not jiroduco KiivoitliiK. Uro Hl.c, 601c"' glttn or lijr mall; TrUI HUe, 10 cent f ' M.V WKTUKUU,60 Wiirron Wreot."0