The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 07, 1901, Image 4

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Do You Cough ?
' 1 en' I Hoil 1 'i hko everybody cl.o.
AVlu 11 1 .audit (.old, ljur-t let italone, think
ing it woi.'d
cure iti-lt in
n few (inv ;
o o u h i n p
and s-iittititr
of mucus
home times x
lasted sev- w.
eral ww'i.s. 9- i
l.ii tTnr ,i 1 Tl '
while tiuO ,Jfvln
trouble I t j ? IB y
would M'd- LvTt
ways no- l flf --''"
ticed lmw- I I.
over, 1 1 a
rach cold v as vorc than thcone before. My
throat iit'cnu-vl tn pet weaker, and the least
change in the weather .started the coughing:
ncain. The last cold was the most evere of
nil. I was really frightened. Cough drops
and home treatment did no pood. A friend
told me about Acker's Implish lletnedy. 1
pot a bottle, and you never saw the like of
the way it acted, ltefore the bottle was gone
1 wa. well. My throat felt as strong and well
as could be. Since then I have had no more
trouble. I think Acker's Kuplbh Kemedy so
strengthens the delicate lining of the throat
that it easily resists the changes in tempero-
mn nndlf tMlitil.llliflliwi-illatitllttntl lit Willi "
IIVItLillV Ullltln Ji VitsJ i4llifMM
(Sisned) Cahkie Schwab,
"ol Gold St.. lirooklyn, X. Y.
Sold at ""ic, oOe. and ?1 a bottle, throughout
the United States and Camilla ; and in Knp
and, at Is. 2d.. 'Js. Sd 4s. Gd. If you are not
satisfied after buying, return the bottle to
your druggist, and get your money back.
H authorize Ihe abort pxia-antee.
P. U. UO0KEK A- CO., 1'roprictors, Sao lork.
For aale at Blakeley's Pharmacy.
Postmaster Spaumme, of -Goldendale, ,
is in the citv. j
tl.. T..- In...t.:. l...a fn tTlllitn 1
'ii"c .iiiii uuuiiiu imr kiii i.u a time., in t.unh u tiimi nf cnV-nnl nt flint .
M r ..,) Mr P W mtiirnp.1 I
here ia-t night from u week's sojourn in
Senator T. H. Johnston, o' 1 ufur, wie
a passenger on tiie early tiain ttiic morn
ina lor Portland.
Mr-. C. A. Borders and children left
tlii- mi'rniiig on a two-weeke visit to
friends in Sherman county.
Arthur Stublin. and George Campbell
haVH returned from attending a term of
the tate university at Eugene.
Mrs. Emnrv Oliver and children re-
ttun-il to Portland this afternoon, after i
a ten dnj visit with tier parents.
Mrs. M. P. Muichie arrived in the
civ yesterdav from North Yakima, and
wil siifiid some time viaitinir her par
entB, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Sylvester.
Rev A. I Goodiriend, of Dallas, Polk
county, s as in .own today on his way
hiuiif'frotu Goldendale, where he was
inviifil to deliver the Memorial Dny
Mrs. Amanda Thornbury iirrived on,
the boat Wednesday eveninVto visit her
danphters, Mrs. T. A. Hudon and Mrs.'
O Kmerslv, and to met tier 'ister,
Mrs. Cathrine Elliott, wio arrived from ;
K-ntuckv a few dae fto and intends to j
mute htr Ulture notue in i lie idiieK. .
t I r (s ...nriimii uauuui ectu nci -iciui
for fortv vears.
Ilulleh I'ulillc hchouli.
Following ie the report for the quar
ter (5 weeks) ending May 31, 1901.
lUwl JIill Primary. , . .
MUf. C eudle 1A.2A.SA l Vo 13
Miss Kobert 4B.-IA and 5A 31 3S :a(
court sireci.
MUs Dnuthit .. ..
MKs Elton
ill-n 'I hump-on
Mi so Wrenn
Academy Park.
Miss CoojKir
Mice Flinn .
Mm. Hoche ...
High .ichwt.
. ...1st 'M 2r 21
... .'.'d U .VJ I'J
... TM .V), li) I?
1th, ."i 19 M
.. .1st vi : S7
..'JA-:iB ft 31 31
. . lA-G H l ffl
nth 19. W, 31
Mrs.naiav.-in ..
Miss U I'.iiitonl .
Mi T. lllntoul
6th, 7th, bttl lTfejIGlIl.VJ 15
Mis Miehull . .. .1
. A'. VtjKirlmtnt.
Miss Hill j
Mr. Net! . . i H .V ss
1 -O 1
.!701f.U6O. 70 i
Number of days of school, 24.
Per cent of attendance on number bb
longing, 94.
School holidays, Mbj- 30tli.
J. b. L.NI)Kllh,
The county court has instructed the
ounty clerk to place a warrant on the
lx roll of 1000 commanding me to col-;
lect the taxee for said year by making
Lntu ifnuiwuarv nf i i.rimrv flinrf.. .
bale, If necessai , ol tne property ttiere-
in inentioneu, anu o return tne rnu in
side of sixty days.
J am sworn to do my duty, and am
also under bonds for its faithful per
formance j therefore have no alterna
tive but to obey the mandate of the
court, and will immediately proceed to
make out a list of delinquents and ad
vertise the property for sale.
lOnMwdAW Sheriff of Wasco Co.
To Teat the Iaw.
Tacoma, JuneO Judge Knell today,
refused to issue the death warrant for
. . , . ri. v
tie execution of Eben L. Boyce, the
...ifu innnlumr fnr f Iih niunn lint linilnr
wife-murderer, lor me reason mat unuer (
the law no date could be fixed within i
.... . .. .. , , .,
thirty days from the time, nor could the ,
sheriff execute the writ within that time, i
Under the provisions ol the Rand law,
effective June 14th, tbe execution mutt i
take place ot the Bute Penitentiary. The
prosecuting attorney gave notice he
would appeal to the supreme court for a
I writ of tunnknto directing the court to
' sign the warrant. Th court waived the '
usual four days' notice, and it is ex-
I ..... .1 1 ...III I. . .... 1 1.. u.c appeal ......c urpue,, ... i
i the
supreme court tomorrow. Ih.s " ,
brine up the whole question as to
Whether the omission of the saving clause ,
Tliis will
in the Hand law relieves from execution
murderers in this state now awaiting
B''uU"C0, -
G.-i-r i o,.u.i.rHt.. i.t linker.
B.vkkk City, June 6. A telegram was
received here today from Governor Geer, '
saying that he will attend the r-onrth of
Ju y celebration here anil deliver an ad-
dress. This was in answer to an invita- j
tion extended to the governor by the j
, committee, urging him to come to linker. ,
Receipt of the news has caused much ,
enthusiasm, as citizens in this part of j
the state seldom see their state otlicials, 1
and especially the chief executive.
It Is NllW Collllll'l ItlltlllH, j
Ci.kvi:i,an1), 0., .hine G. Senator M.
A. Hanna has been appointed n colonel
on the o Hie ml stall' ot General Iliiesieur,
, . , . I s, , ,
, . , . , , .
centlv mustered into the Grand Armv of
' , , ... . .
the Kepahlic as a member of Memorial
Post iu this citv.
Notice is iierebv given that the
trustees of the M. . church, of Gruss
Valley, Oregon, will receive bids for the
carpenter work on the M. R. church
buildin., accordiiiL' to plans and specifi
cations, at the office of J. H. Smith &
, Co. The trustees reserve tne right to
I accept or reject any or all bids. I5idt
will be closed on June loth, ut ( p. m.
uv or,ier 0f l)ourtj ,,f trustees.
jun3 7 j
II. Smith, Sec'y.
T") in Mr
disease and
the bowels.
death follow
ueieci ui me ihiwcib, ljo jren in t
T,l 'sers to regi.mie uu
T I . . I.. TT" 1 Tl ! I . t .1
you wi" u(ltl veius to your life and life to
vour vears. r.asv to take, never gripe.
Clarke & Falk'e P. O. Pharmacy.
The bilious, tired, nervous man cannot
successfully compote with his Lealthy
rival. DeWitt's Little Earlv Kisers the
, .,, , ..." m,
famous pills for constipation will remove
the cause of vour troubles. Clarke
Talk's P.O. Phnrmacv.
If anything ails your hair, go and see
Frnznr! b'fl tbn " beiulnnartors for nil
,air remedies. Remember that
) makes a specialty of these goods.
! Clarke & Falk tiaye received a carload
1 of the celebrated JameE E. Patton
1 strictly oure liquid paints
Clarke & Falk's flavorinc estracte are
the best. Ask vonr c cer for them.
Clarke Jc Falk tmve on sale a full line
of paint and artist's brushee.
Kor Salii.
A number of choice family cowe, full-
blood and grade JerseyE. Apply to
. J. A. Hk.vei:on.
. Rim-en Wash
I". h. Ijind Ollice, Vancouver, Wash..
May li.v lUOl. i
Notice i.s hereby given thnt in compltunee
with lite provision', of the act of C'oinrro.s of
June 3, lsTh, entitled "An act for the Mile of tim
tur lands in the states of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended
to all the public land states by act of August I.
Frank Stewart, of Uine I'.ock. eountv of
Gilliam, ritate of Oregon, has this day tiled in
this orhce his sworn statement No 'iilt, for the
purchase of the N Vt i( of ec 15 in Tp No 1 N, K
No 1.: K. V. M,, and will oiler proof to show
that the land som:ht is more valuable for its
timler or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said laud before
the lleister and lleceiver ol tills ollieoat Van
couver, Wash., on Wednesday, the 11th day of
August, lWl.
He names wit:ieses- Horner V. Wood
worth, (nKlfrev I. .Smith, K. K Itobertsou uud
Harry .M. Ilarrett, all of Portland, (Jr.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
atxive-descrilH d lands ure reipiesteil to tile their
claims in this oflieeou or twfore said llth day
of August,
junMOt W. It. lU'NUAK, lleglster.
I.ANnOfnci: at The Dai..'.ks, Or.,i
May J7, lwn. i
Notice is hereby given that the followlng-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof iu supiort of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Itegls
teraud Itecclver at The Dalles, Oiegou on Mon
day, July h, 1B01, viz.r
Albert W. Turner,
of The Dalles, Oregon, II. E. No. umfnrthc
SE'4 Bee. 10, T. 1 h., It. 11 E., W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence uiou and cultivation
of said land, viz. -
Charles liossou, Charles fmlth, Walter heott
and Isaac C. Matuey, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
may-) JAV 1'. l,rCAH,Helater.
w f: . n Cl-nnvrHa-n'R Snip
01106 01 ijrTiaraian S Eaie
Notice Is heriby given that under and by ir
tueof an order mid license of sale, dulv made by
t,ie County Court of Wasco County, Htate of
()rHKOIIi ' tht. .j,-)tll ail.. of A,,r)I( pjoi, tin. iin-
dersigued, guardian
oi j.arii
Marlaniia Jjtcey and
Hugh Vivian Iicej , minor wards, will, from
ami after the I7th day of June, 1U01, at private
sale. In the manner prescribed by law for the
sale of real proiierty by executors and adminis
trators, sell the following described real prop
erty, belonging to said minor wards, to-wit.
The KKi4 f fee In, III Tp 2 N, K 11 E. W. M
Haiti sale will he made upon the premises and
to the highest bidder for cash.
(iuardian nf Marlannu lucuy and Hugh Vivian
Ijieey, minor wards. mil
I.aud Omen at Vahcouvkk. Wash,, )
Anrll 17. 1W)1 1
Notice is hereby given that the following
...I . .!... l...u lllwl w.nil,.. l.l. I..l...ilt...i
liouiii nuiiiui ttua 111174 iiijiii.v 111 hip ii t.;u 111111
to make final proof in support of .)us claim, uud
'at said proof will bo made before , II.
WeJlbyi p'1(wi tiMvll commissioner for district
of Washington, nt Ids ollice in ooideudulc,
Wash., ouButurday, June , 1101, vis:.:
J() KllVcku; (,,,,
(,f orand DalUs I. o WunhliiKUiii, who made
f fjffi SJi of isW olfeec.n., in
lie nlnneh the following; wline-we to prove
discontinuous residence ujon and cultivation
of said land, viz;
UlllCharley, Martin fipedls, Juke Andrews and
0car Charley, all of Grand Dulles P. O. Wash.
apfJO W, it. DUNIIAU, Heglster.
commanuer - in - ctuei 01 tne ttrami Army)
f . I ... 1 1,1 ;. . n, U.,.,.... .a,... ,IUr "
urtlntiil Kooio
i i e wish 10 uniiiiiiiice uihi wie one i
' mill iiKU'lv.pmiiiimxl fnnt ntimnr lliillov .
1I . ..." .1. ... . !.... I
. I f I
0lUzort j j ,,Hml oil tllU Portlulld
nes roiilo as stnotly escnrmon boat '
nml t) unab,u ourlMB um, lhu ,8 ()f
0r(1,,. WM,llnBton to make the'
j rm)d trip bv (luyight on ll)U Cohimhfa
U)U ClBCado ln0UnUhl9,
ion the following schedule:
J uuvlt,K iort1U),i at 7 O'clock every
. morning vescept Mondav), reaching Cae-
vmc i,wkB ut i stopping at Hood
nvar ,, White Salmon and arriving
nt Ttiu Dalles at V, p. in.; starting bttcK
Bt 4 p. ,. iuui arriving in Portland at 10
p. m.
Meale the very best the market can
uftord, and only 'Jo cents,
i.-iue to Cortland one way $l.n0, and
round trip S'J oO.
Lsuiding and ollice foot of Union street.
'Phone, long distance i!U.
If you desire to take a trip (or pleas- 1
ure, lor grandeur for everything that
eve or heart could wish and that no
other part of the world can furnish, go
. WlHUt IUI .
on the Ilailey Gatv.irt, make
nil it inriv ui uui uuiili'iiiiu iiiviiiu: umi
I , . . n . t
i together pass the most enjovable day of
i ,.
vour lives.
Very Cordially Yours,
27-dAwL'w VVuitk Link.
lon It l'y to lluy t'lu-np1.'
A cheap remedy lor coughs and colds
ie all right, but vou want something
blllll I III I U I I V. V. I1IIVI V.HI I. VIII- 1H L.V
vere and dantreious results of throat and
luni; troubles. What ehall vou do? Go
to a warmer and more regular climate"
i Yes, if possible; if not possinle for you,
then in eitiier case take the rem
edv that has been introduced in all civil-
ixen coiiiiirieu win. oiieeuae hi neverc
throat and lung troubles, "Hoschee's
" German .syrup.
It not only heals and
stimulates th tissues to destroy ttie
germ disease, bill allays inlliimmation,
causea easy expectoration, gives a good
night's rest, and cures the patient. Try bottle. Kecommended many years
bv all drtiL'L'ists in the world, and sold
Clnrk(j Fu!k Gel Gree,i' prize
! fmnnau "
' ,
Catarrh Camiut lt. Ournil.
with local applications, as they cannot
' reach the eeat of the disease. Catarrh
! ie a blood or constitutional disease, and
j iu ordor to cure it von must take inter
nal remedies. Hairs Catnrrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of the best
phyaiciuns in this country tor veers, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the beBt tonics known, combined with
the beat blood purifieia, acting directly
on the uiucoiife purfacea. The perfect
combination of the two ingrediente is
F. J. Chkxey & Co., PropH., Toledo 0.
notd ov iirrujiKisis, price oc. i
Hall'e Family Pills are the b'st
Don't l.ut Tlmiii fiullcr.
Often children ure tortured with itch
inc and burnitm eczema and other skin
diseases but Bucklen'ri Arnica Salve
heale the raw sores, expels inflammation,
leaves the skin without a scar. Clean,
fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on
earth-as good. Try it. Cure guaranteed.
Only LMc at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. 4
Yatiitlon (school.
At Sixth and Union streets on June
I!d a vacation scfiuol will begin. Ses
sions U to VJ, '2 to 5. Specialties book
keeping, Ehorthaud, penmanship, free
hand drawiug, higher mathematics.
Instruction ttiorough j terms easy.
jl-lw Z. E. Fiski.i:.
Dryiiijr propiinitioiiK Bimply dovcl
opdry catarrh; thoy dry nt) tho becrctions,
which adhere to tho membrane and decom
pose, causing a far moro soriouB trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry-
iug inhalauU, funics, Hinokcs nud snuffH
and uso that which cleanses, soothes and '
hcala. Ely'H Cream Balm is Hiich a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head '
easily and pleasantly. A trial two will ho i
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho
COc. size. Ely Urothors, fit! Warren St., N. Y.
'Tho Balm cures without puin, does not
irritate or cause (iiienzing. It spreads itnolf
over an irritated and angry mirfaco, rolicv- i
ing immediately tho painful inflammation.
Wifli T-'lv1!! ( Irf-nm Ititlm vmi ftrn nrTrmrl
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay rover.
.... .. ..i .... ...i , ....
n lew monins ago, ioou which i ate
, . , , . I, . :
for breakfast would not remain on my
Htumach for half an hour. I used one
bottle of your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure und
can now eat my DreaKiast ami otner
meals with a relish and my
loci i
thoroughly digested. Nothing equals
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach
troubles" II. S. Pitts. Arlington Tex.,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you
eat. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmacy,
Acker's English lletnedy will stops
cough at any time, and will cure the
worst cold in twelve hours, or money
.refunded, 20 eta. and 00 etc Ulakeley
the druifgiat.
An imported Blue Grass, Kentucky
Jack, weighs 1040 pounds io moderate
flesh and stands over fifteen hands high.
Can be seen at Ward & Kohertson's
stables. inl6 lmw
iiaiiey cintsert on ttaUen.rn
... ..... ,,. ,
SOUTH and EAST via
Souinern Pacific Go.
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Pallc- lor I'ortlaml ami way
Ktittlon at !;-; 11. in. nail : , ta.
Leave I'itrtliuiil.
Albany .
s:ui 11 m
. 1'J.oO II 111
7 -m p 111 !
10 fx) i 111 j
11 :Wa in
i,:t' h in
s 1 a m
j Arrive Ashland
U:iSl a m
fi:m p ta
T:l.' in
Sacramento . .
Siia Krnuclicu
Arrive OriIihi
Denver . .. .
" KitiiMiKtilty
" Clilcimo
Arrive Us AnKeU" ..
" Kl rno
" Kurt Worth .
" City of Mexico .
" llllUhlOII
" New tirliims
' WashtiiKtcm
" New York
1 :20 i in
IVU) in
r.:m u in
!i:.Vi a in
1:111 a in
C.lVi n in
(: I.' n in
I'J Ul p in
T:(Olt in
tl IH) 1 1 111
r. .'Jl a in
'.i a in
MM i a in
r i' p in
i. a in
l-t:t ) in
iillimi'i iitul Tniirlst iiirs on tioth trains
1 oimlr curs Mtcramcntn to UbiIcii ami IU I'ano, i
ami iimrisi i at? in i tin mwi iiui.-i, -
leans and Washington.
('onneetliic at Han KraimlTo with oevcral
Meiimhlp Hues tor Honolulu, Jnluin, China,
l'hlllpiilues, Central ami South America.
r'ee iiRent at The Dalles htatlon, or mid. I (m
Cieueral Passenger Agent, rorttaml, Or
Yellowstone Park Line.
Muvi:. Union Oepol, Filtbautl i sts akkivk.
No. 8.
11:15 A. M,
No. I.
11;30 1. M.
Fast mull for Tacimm, No.
Seattle. Olympln, lira W
ilartior anil South Hcml
jiomt.-i, Hinkaiii', litis
limit, II. C, I'lillman,
.Morrow, !. lhtnu, lluf
ftilull utii iiiiuliiK conn-' ,'0 1'. M
try, Helena, .MtuneaiiO'
llh, Ht. I'aill, Omaha,
Kalinin City, Ht. l.oiils,
Chicago ant! all point
east anil MiutheaH. N" .i.
I'uuot hound Kxiirei-s
(or Taeomii ami Seattle 7:00 A M
ami luteruietliati.' iiiulk
riillmun llrst elaih and toumt hk-oH-rn to
Mlntieaiiollh, rit. I'atilauit Mlsiourl river omt
ivithout ehaiiKe.
VojitlfouUil trains. I'tilon ili'jioi eoiinwtlons
in all principal eilie".
llaKsaue checked to (lestltiiitinii ol tickets.
Kor liamlsomely llluntiated deerlpnve matter,
ticket, HleeidUK-ear reierviitlniis, etc., cull ou or
Assistant dunernl 1'i-encer Aitent. V MorrI
miii atteut.enriier Third, rorlland OreKon.
& HQ
j Transact a General Banking Business.
I Letters, oi ureuit issueu uvaiiuuie in ,
I the Euatern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic j
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, Sun Francisco, Portland Ore- j
gon, Seattle WuhIi., and various points :
in Oregon and WitHhineton. i
! Collections made ut all points on fav-1
orable terme. j
mm Besiaurant :
L. Y. Llong, Prop'r.
First-CIass in Every Respect
Oysters Served in any Style.
h7 ik-cond Rt The Dalles, Or
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests whut you eat.
Itartificiallydigests the food und aids
' mature in Btreogcneniug aua rocon-
' nl it.l Inn 4Via nvlidlllltfin nliffillllvn nt.
'imni. If, IhMip lntPHt.rllscnvcrffifllircHt I
, B"r"' v;" : " Vt h7 .r.JT-ii7
I ant and tonic. JSo otlier jireparation
can approach jb ln oHIulcucy; It in
, stantly reUevcsand pcrtuuncutly cures
Dyspepsia, inuigesiion, lieartuurn,
, ?' "uVt ' r. .r , t,""l""J
' . ri A 1 -k - I
- lot.horrTn, tinf 1 nn' Mn
all other results of Imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. and ft. LarRosUocontatriBBWtlrooa
''.'.Dared tit E O. OcWITT A CO.. Chlcaaa.
Hold by Clarke & Falk's P, O. Piiarmacy
Notice of Pinal Settlement
i in; iiiuii'rHiK ii'ii iiHvuiL' i lieu nii ni nn.
count iih iKimiiilatratoruI tlioextatool (JlmrlcH
l.riMlt. rlKCiiklil. tint Cnimti' d.urt ,f 11'..
Coiiiitv, Orovon, In mi order iiiiulu nml ciittircil
Muv 'Jl, IWli Iihh uioliito(l Motidny, July ,
luul, at the hour of a p. m. oi hmIiI day. iih the
tlmu uud tlio county court room in Pttl ui City,
Wmsco County, OreKon, iih tlio pliico lor Uiii
Iicurmir of onlil flnul uccoillit ttuil of iiny obk-c-
tlous tliuroto, II any tlivru Iw. All pumoiiH In-
tor c led in Hum eawin nro Hereby notlllcil to
li.e uuy oliJwitloiiK tliov may luivu to oulil uc
count on or before mild lunt-tiHiiitU date.
Uutctl May 1 Ml,
Ailmliiliilrutor of tlio Katuto of Churlc Urixlt,
I)ttLfd. mayvb
1Tlli on HmmiSi a li
Mil i in r a i; ii 1 1;
E. FALT & CO.,
Purest Liquors for Family Use 3
Dolivored to finy part of the City.
I'honeH: 51 Local,
S5S Long Distance.
used a in o no a in w
7 a in T J.i fi in '
'.'.oDiiiu v'v'y' -''''' WWm- --'W.
Of the product of thin well-know n brewery the United Status Health
Keports for .lune S, 1H00, hh-h : "A more eupoi lor brew never entered
lhu labratory of the United States Health reportH. It in abmiluiely devoid
of the Hllghtest. trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is compoei'd of
the best of malt and choicest of hops. ItH tonic qualities urn of the high,
est and it can be ued with the greatest benollt ami satlsfaelion by old and
young. Its use can conscientiously be prescribed by the physicians with
the cersainly that a better, purer or morn wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
...Blacksmith, Horseslioer and Wagon-maker..
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Agent lor Hunsvll A. Co. I.UKliiek, Thre.iherK ami Saw MM.
Telephone 157.
Loin: Distance 1117;!.
Headquarters for
Headquarters for
Headquarters for
Headquarters for
Headquarters for
ton Flour
We sell our floods lower than any hoiiHe in the trade, uud if you don't ttnaku
call and uet our prices and be convinced.
; 1 Highest Prices Paid for
C. J. STUBblfia
WineSp Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention,
Next door to
Condon Pinion
I.oo J.lNt, I oil 1 .
Jk jl v. x x v
Will make the season of 1901 at Baleh'n Jiarn,
J3ufur, Oregon.
BLACK Nir.WT l.lH..t .l.,..Ir fnl..,l .Inn 17. 11)01 . h' ll'J'
umn-u mumin ,(M,ndi
vene Howard county, Mo. Hired
... ,.
lllack Dan,
high, and a No. 1 foal-getter: lie bv lllack Night the Second, iuhi "u v , ,,.
an imported jack from Kentucky. Jlluck Night' dam, uf .
sired by CompromiHe; lie by Hickman's Compromise; his uiiui v) ",v
WaHhington; Ud (lam liy Napoleon, ltd
l-ii.t.o. iu niHiir .io.uu;
prevent ncci'dentd ; but we will hhhuiiio
is known to be iu foal.
I '
C. P. 11A1.CII. Manager
I "ivu, ..lanager.
Advertise in The
"Tne owl."
173 Second Street.
-DK.M.I.I! 1S-
Cor. Scuond & Lanebltn Sts . THE DALLES, OE.
Mil d
Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Feed Grain oi?nkin
Rolled Grain, an kindf
Bran. Shorts, S?t?ix
"Byers' Best" Pendle
This Hour is manufactured exjiressly for family
use ; every Hack is iruaranteed to cive Batietactiot.
Wheat. Barley and Oats
First National Hunk.
- MirrW
j x x x '
by lllack Dan the T.Mr. , J , -
dam by lllack Dan.
i .i.iwi 1...,. u'lll Lfl
ny season, fiu.uu. vn. - t$
no respoiislbllity. Money due W
& JOHNSTON, Owners,