The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY JUNE 7. 1901 J. A. EBERLE, Leading- mn Merchant Tailor, Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe, The proper thing for those who would improve the condition of life is to remove the barriers that make life hard, nnd not increase them. Walla Walla Union. . iiiM t We have an excellent line of Spring Suitings, Pantings, etc., which we are prepared to make up in the latest styles, and guarantee a perfect fit. A LAMENTABLE DECISION. The Salem Sentinel says: "It looks much ns if Hon. C. W. Fultou would give Simon a merry race for his scat in the senate a yenr from nest winter. The sincerity of the Oregonian's support of Simon is questioned, especially should Mr. Corbett decide to again become a candidate. But this Mr. Corbett has not yet done; neither has he said he would not be a candidate. Those who are in a position to know, give it out that Mr. Corbett will apply for the place himself. He realizes now that Simon tricked him out of it at the special session, and there is little reason to doubt but he will attempt nest spring to secure the nomination and election of candidates to the legislature who are known to be friendly to bis cause. The thing may develop into an interesting three-cornered fight. NOLAN'S Profit-Sharing Association. The first monthly dividend has hoen distributed to the profitable satisfac tion of thirteen of my customers. Tho only reirret is that 1 was not able to give a valuable present to each of my customers. 1 think they all deserve one. On Saturday, July 6th, 1 will give awny two miiBie boxes-one worth $27 tuneB, Bnd one worth $7.50; n eark of sugar and a barrel of flour. I will give a cash reimte of $.1.00 to t iner paving the moat monev bv that date, and 2 00 to tho one paying in the second hirgi-Ht amount, un each Saturday, commencing on the loth of June and including July Cth, I will, in addition to the two proa ents given each week, give a $1.00 rebate to the customer paying the largeHt amount during the week. Purchasers of goods in my line will do well to keep in mind that 1 sell goods as low as the loweet, ns well as share the profit with my customers. IKE. T. NOLAN. t mm. AND DKI'AliT KOIt OREGON Short line Union Pacific I TIMK SCHKDUI.KB I'HOM I TflE IIA1.I.KH. .. a YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of using no-railed kidnt'v remedies without any benefit, use Linooln Sexual Pills and be forever rid of those dull pains In your hack. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nights made restful by the nue of nature's greatest." assistant Lincoln Sexual Puis. Price, $1.00 per box buy ot your druggist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wratur. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wayne, Indiana. M. Z. Donnell, Acent, The Dalles. Just What Ybtt uaant. OIllCHgO- l'cirtliitul i I HlHSClul. I iw . m. VIA 1IUIII- ItiKtoit. Atlantic Kxpress, 12:00 it. in. vln Hunt Ington. to According to the telegraphed dis- j Sheriff Burgen, of Klickitat cotin patches the assembly of the United i ty, is probably the only office-holder Presbyterian church at De Moines, in the world who was ever known to la., has decided that no individual ( refuse to accept the salary allowed who belongs to a secret society sball him by la- because it was more be eligible to membership in that than he bargained for. Mr. Burgen denomination. If this is an accurate refuses to accept a recent advance in statement of the proceedings the bis salary allowed him by a decision members of that body are to be ' of the supreme court. And he isn't pitied for their lack of compieben- j running for oiiice either, for he is sion of the spirit of the Master they 1 serving his second term as sheriff aim to serve, says the Omaha 2sews. 1 and by the laws of Washington is The secret orders of the present debarred from serving for more than day are far too strong to be serious- j two terms in succession. It is per ly affected by tbe mistaken views haps neecfless to say that Mr. Bergen enunciated by the Iowa body. But is a republican. tbe church which thus aims to legis late a large and reputable class ofj citizens out of its councils is taking ! a step that will certainly react dis- j astcously upon itself. ' The secret societies of today, as a J class, are far from exerting an irre-' ligious or unbeallhful influence. -hb. r -vp- Won't. Don't expect a "cheap" enameled utensil to last long. It doesn't. Don't think euch a one can be kept ' clean. It can't. I Don't believe the "cheap" enamel I isn't steadily crumbling away. It is. Don't imagine in using such you're i not eatint? the enamel. You are. Many of them rank second to the Dont fignre you are Bavinij money churches in influence for good and ' buying the cheapest. You're not. their capacity for promoting the ( Don't forget the "cheap" haB but one welfare of the people. The social ' C0tinB ; enamel. Just one. , ... . , ... Don t fail to recollect that imported and philanthropic motives by which , Stranflky eteel.ware laste for yeflrB. most of them are inspired reflect the j Don't buy that kind if health and essence of true Curistianit'. The economy are of no consequence, principles on which they are founded j Don't try to get the genuine else areas immutable as the ten com-for it's sold exclusively by , mlb-tf Mays & Ckowe. mandments, and so long as they ., Hates to I'an-American Exposition. remain true to those principles they will continue to grow and prosper. Round-trip rates via O. Pi. & N. from It is presumption indeed for a re-1 The Dalles, ?S1.90. Tickets on sale first . , . , , ,, and third Tuesdays during June, July, ligious body to declare that men 7 .." J August, September and October.good for who band themselves together for continuoUB ua8Bn(je g0-mg 0D date of Baie. the relief of the unfortunates and to J Return limit thirty dayB from date of guard the widowed and the father-i sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of less from destitution shall be denied 1 Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip . . . ,. . .. within limit of ticket, the right of religious worship and : , . , . , tf S3 The "Bailey-Gatzert" The finest and fastest stermvheel boat on the Columbia Kiver Will Make DAILY TRIPS between The Dalle? and Portland, Mon days excepted, arriving here from Port land at 3 p. m. and returning at 4 p. m. JOHN FILLOON, Agent, TheTJalles, Oregon. lip A New ideiib in Wall Pr.ptir hero. Stirb i wide variety a? we are hhov.'in never be fore graced u Htnli Block. Keul iniiln tion creton ellVcta at ordinary priceu. Go(d papurs at cheuii paper pricen. J Klegaut deHicus, tiiBtefui colorintH, ytnue i for a small price, at our store on Third 1 street. Also u full line of house pnlntH. : D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Salt iJiku, Dunvcr. Kt. Worth, Omiilin, Knn mmClty.Ht.lmlN, Chl CIIRO and tlui Kust. Ht. I'nul KhnI Mull, u:ri li. in. Vlll HK-kiiliu. Snlt Uiko, Denver, Ft. Worth, OniHlin, Khii HHClty,Hl.Umlh,Cii. , CHgO 1111(1 tllU KuBt. 1 Wiilla WnlU, 1'wlHtnn,1 Mikmiu.WnllHcv.Ptill' i II1IIII, Minill'lllXlllB, Ht. , raul.Dulutli.Mllwiai ! koc, Chicago and i:Bt. Annivr. l ;o.' p. m. I l.r.a. a. s so a, m. OCEAN AND BIVEE 80HEDULE Prom rortlaiiil. H:I1 . in. (All Milling llHtfS Hlltl' I Ji'ct to chuuKU ) For Suit Friinolsco, Hull uvory fi (InjrK. L. Lane, 1 GENKKAL IBIID ..AND... PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to snpply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. HofMoei Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. I TM and Mown. Phone 159 association. A MIS FIT THEORY, i ing to agent 0. R. &. N. Co., Tbe Dallefi, i whereby tickets will be honored on lake i steamers in one or both directions be ; tween Detroit and Buffalo. tf Jamkh Iceland, Agent Tbe ideal and practical seldom fit. i Tl,,n nnn ilm.nlnil Tim TJ nV Charles Sheldon, for instance, wrote, Juflt wut heVffccted'part freely with a book, "Born to Serve," in which - Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, be beld out the beautiful ideal tbati and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & tbe serving maid should live as one Falk . A. . ., ... . . . , ,1 When vour hair appears dry and to of tbe family without being barred j bave ,0Bt itB vitalitv it' WBIltg 80fnotlljne from tbe society functions. His to give it life and vigor. We have what .. , . , ttie hair needs when it gets in that con- wife recently secured a new maid dltion We have the Crown of who had been converted to the I Science Hair uocoanut Cream Grower and reverend gentleman s theories, and win cure dand Wm rufl- and all D0 doubt tbe maid pictured the i scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer's bar , .. . . . . , ! her shop. Price 50c and 75c a bottle. plensure that was hers as she met her, beau in the parlor nnd gossipped : Mokt Tea Positively cures Sick Head. , , ., ,1.!, i , ache, indigestion and constipation. A over tbe family meal about less ideal , drmk Remmm M neighbors. But when tbe first meal eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect wa6 prepared and tbe plates were ( complexion, or money refunded. 25 cts set, sbe was told to remove tbe one j and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist, placed for herself, as it would be j r'JI.h!" impossible for ber to eat with tbe I A stylish black driving horse, very family. Then tbe dear, presuming I gentle. Also a nearly new open buggy, servant who bad believed that Mr.ine88. blankets, elc. Very cheap. . . . , . i Address, W. R. Rockwell, Sheldon was in earnest when ,mWiow.vSw Dufur, Ore. If you want to retain your hair you have to keep your scalp clean. Soap will make your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Now we bave two of the yery best preparations for cleansing the scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your 'hair soft and glossv. Price, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frarer's barber shop, The Dalles, tf Clark & Falk are. never closed Sunday, Don't forget tbis. wrote tbe book, bad a crying match with herself and resigned her position. It is well enough for ministers to preach bigb ideals for life and at tempt to get people to live up as near to those Ideals as possible, but it is a tin to preach ideal that are in practical aad only tend to make us discontented with our lot in life. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA KAY. COMPANY Tie Coluiia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUKA CTOKEKH OK Pine Lard and Sausages ,J LUIKIbUI D n A n U HAMS & BACON JRfF.D BEEF. ETC. Steamers of tho Regulator Line will rim us jcr tliu lol ow.tiK schedule, the Comjmny reserving the right to cIihuku schedule without notice. Str. Regulator DOWN. Lv. Uallcs U HI I A. M. i xjeimy- Thllrslnv ( Haturday. .. . Arr. I'ortland at l-.'JO P. M. r r UP. I'ortliilid mi 7 a. I. . Mondajr . Vedne0My . . Friday Arr. Dalles h b v. K. Str. "Iralda" Leaves Cafiuadee 0 a. in. Arrive Dalles 10:110 a. in. Leave Dalles 3 p. in. Arr. Cneeadea 7:30 p. m. Daily ex. Sunday. Str. Dalles-City. DOWN l.v. Dalle at 7 A M. Monday Wedtieaduy, ., Friday Arr. I'ortland ut 1:30 p. K. 3i .7 p. 3 I.v I'lirtlimil 1 ut7:M) a. M. Tin ..!.. Thursday A . ...Huturday 3 Arr. Dalles J ut 6 P. x ExcurHion Rates every Saturday lor parties of five and upwards: Dalles, White Salmon and intermediate pointe, 50c. Dalles to Cascades, 1.00. For an evenlne trip take the "Iralda" at 3 p. m. to Hood River and turn on the up boat. J. H. HCIIKNCK, President. .Max A. Voiit. Cashle) FOR COMPORT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, C Truvel by the Hteumcrs of the r.cfrulutor Line. The Company will endeavor to give its pat k nms the hest service possible. For further Information address . . y. m i I . f ! i 1 1 . ..I. .1. f a. . aii.a r r-i . riJtuium uiiiee, vak-oirvui ww, w . c. nLuannii uon. MKC First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking BuHineaB transacted Deposits received, aubject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompth remitted on dav of collection. J j MiKlit and lelotrraphic Erohanue aold en A ; New York, Han Francisco an;! port- 3 land. h 1 DIHKOTOWH i i D. P. Thompson. Jho. 8. Kohkkuk. rt!. j , Eu. M. Williams, Gko. A. Limti. 'J ! H. M. Bcai.l. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OIKce ut VunemiM.T, Wnsli, y Ntitfuc In hereby given that the following , Hon to make llnal priHif In support of thulr Vi"1.'," .""'. tl".'.t l"""f will be mndiitH'forit I. I I) 1 L . n. liOllHIUhHIIIIinr fur Htr ut r.f i U - . - . - - - - - . . 4J Grandall & Barget DEALERS IN "B- ObeS, All kinds of undertakers 'Burial Shroads Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. Th Dalles, Or. i WushliiKtoii, at his ollle. In (ioldendale, Wush., on tiaturdiij, Junoyu, luol, vln.; Klkunuli II. Ilylton, N hkt of bhj-fi dee III, 'f p 4 N, It 111 II, V. M , who names the following witnesses to prove (!i,u- iiuiioiih resHienco upon and ciiltlvutlou of said I lUIKlf VIZ ! one h, Hhlpiwy, Corllx Boreusen, John Daf Iron, Juines O. Lyle, all of l.yle I', u.. Wash. Uorllx (tortumnu, H. K. No. "J.J7H, for tho 8W',i HKL, Heo hi. and iTVWi'.1'1 V'" H'A, 21. Tp'lN It li k, , ,M who mimes thu followinil wit' liesses to (prove his eoiitlinious reslduiieii upon and eiiltlvtitlon of said lund, vU ' Kllcunuh II. Jlylton.Orl.' K. KlilpiMjy, John Jiaf. fiou, James O. Lyle, ull of Lylo IVO., Wiwli. Orle JC. HIilMinr. il. t.. HO, Advertise in The Chronicle. . !Uil, for toe fractional riwu nf vvvi-, in run iioiin rel vl.. 1 ..1. MXtm and Jmnen (7 EyieVuil J,? fl'S" ' W. K. PUNBAU, Kcglnter. Ucicy 'M'n "fvnlloii of suld laud, ii; 11 f S "y'1'"! Uirllx Hornnsen, Dully nxeeiit Suiiility, f.nt p. m. Xntlirdny, 10:1X1 p. 111. Dally exeept .Similiiy. liUX) a. 111. ColuniM Itlvrr. To Astoria mid Way-Ijiudliigs. U'lllumitt.i Itlvxr. Oregon City. New berg, Milem, Independence, and ttuy-ljitirilngs. liUOp. m. I IK) p, m. except Sunday. I 30 p, in. except Sunday. Tne.dny, '1 hursdiiy, Siitlinln) , moon. 111. TucMluy, Thursdiiy, hatnrdiiv, 7:00 a. 111. U'iivii Ulpurla dally, a:-iu a. m. Corvallls and Way-Utiidlngs I p. m. Monday, Wedneiilty Krlauy. AVIIIiimcttn unil ,'! Wlji, m, Vamliltl lllvrrs. .Monduy, Oregon City, Puvton and w eiliiefiny Wiij-ljindlngM. rrliluy. Niinkn Itlrr. Klpnrla to Kon lstou. Lesvo U'W'lKtOll dully, h :xj a. in. rartivM Jeslrlng to no to lleppner or lMiliitK on Columbia Hoiitheru vln IIIkkh, sliould tftfei' No. 2, leaving Thu Duller at 12 25 p. in. making direct eoimeotlons at lleppner Junctlim Hlid Illggs. Itetiirulug niHklngdlre'tcotiiiectli)ii at llejipner junction and Illggs with lNu, 1, ar riving nt Thu Dalles ut 1:05 p. m. For further particulars, call on or addrens JAfi. 1HKLANI), Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. Complete of at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings Tim time will hooii lie here when "W rityliHh dresHed man .will want un Ui-to date Spring Suit. Those are the kimlo' patroiiH 1 am tallorluK lor. Coiiih in and look over my Spring lin" tf SotlinKe. All thu latest noveltleH for )IH)1. Suits to Order, $IO.OO. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In .all Ha stages tutre thould bo clcaiimieif. EIj 'b Cream Balm cleaniM,tootlicsnd heal tho dUvuud iiiciubrane. It cures caUrrh and drives wuy cold In the head C'raitm Balm U placed lnl.tho nMlrll,iTT. over thu iiiombrona and la ahaorbed. mediate and a cure followi. It la not toWTzZ not produce aneeitlng. Urge Hlwi, 60 wnta " Klits ot by mall ; Trial HUe, 10 centa by fc .Y IHW rUBHH, 60 Wurreu Wfteli W "