The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY - JUNE G, 1901 J. A. EBERLE, Leading-- Merchant Tailor, Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe, prominent Sherman county banker, in which the lady, who is now on a visit to the Emerald Isle, is made to j say in a letter that "nothing short ot paradise can compare with Ireland." ' The editor, who must have smelt the peat reek himself, on its native heath as it were, accounts for this prcdilec .' tion for the tight little islo by saying i thai "the smell of the potheen is I answerable for this; it casts an in j descnbable glamor over foreign whiskey." It is the lot of the real newspaper men and women of Oregon to be grinding out copy for the printers while the journalists of the state arc gallivanting towards Buffalo to at tend the alleged National Editorial Association, in which real editors are as scarce as hens teeth. We have an excellent line of Spring Suitings, Pantings, etc., which we are prepared to make up in the latest styles, and guarantee a perfect fit. There is no sentiment in com merce. In spite of the Spaniards' recent hatred of the "Yankee pigs" the business between Spain and America will this vear exceed that "We are glad the supreme court de- of any year since 1S33 cided right, aa3's the Brooklyn Eagle, speaking of the recent decisions. Otherwise it might have been put in a position, b re-enforcements, to reverse its course. We would it had decided aright by a larger majorit'. , NOTICE TO WATER-CONSUMERS. All pereons using Dalles City water for irrigating purposes between the let day of May and the let dBV of Septem ber, will observe the following rulee and regulations: Persons will be permitted to use the i. ..l . i. i.i..n- .. 1 1 i But one suffices for effect, ann carries Rnd ftbove the blu. on odd dlve' effect to the full. A tribunal, tool from 6 o'clock a. in. until S a. m., and i , . . i , -I from G o'clock n. ni. until S u. in. largely affected by reactionary m- The above rules mim be Strictly com. tellects, will be freshened from time J plied with, and any infraction of the . .. , , ,,, i above rules will subject the offender to a to time with contemporary blood in , fine of $1 H1(J tl)e w'aterViU be shut off ths order of nature. This nation is 1 until paid ; and for a second offence . -r i .u ai . t double the amount. too graliGed at the affirmance of its, The fo,owjnp clmrppR will he made: purpose to be impressed by the nar- For one full lotoOslOO. $1.50 pc month. row escape of the court from the; A1 n8 U9- W(ter iucIosetor consequences of the error of trying to arrest that purpose. The decisions of Monday informally annul the in famous Dred Scott decision, which was the reliance of the reactionaries. The judges that annulled that decree I toilet will see to it that the water is shut off when not in use, or water will be shut off altogether if allowed to run to waste. J. B. Ckossek, Supt. Dalles City Water Works. ml-owd Uou't. Don't expect a for slavery and against the inherent , utensil to last long power of nationality wrote them selves a large fame. The judges . c'ean-,t-. . .i ... Don't tuat iearuu iu uu au ureaieu lur themselves need of a large forbear-1 ance and shall have it. "cheap" enameled It doesn't. Don't think such a one can be kept It can't. believe the "cheap" enamel isn:t steadily crumbling away. It is. Don't imagine in using such you're not eating the enamel. You are. j Don't figure you are saving money ' buying the cheapest. You're not. Don't forget the "cheap" has but one coating of enamel. Just one. Don't fail to recollect that imported Stransky steel-ware lasts for years. Don't buy that kind if health and Company would J economy are of no consequence, raft of logs from . Don't try to get the genuine elBe- The Puget Sound Lumberman thus disposes of a very improbable, not to say impossible scheme, all the foundation for which rested on news paper talk: The statement that the Iiobertson Raft build and tow a the Columbia river to China has I w"ere. Ior 11 e S01U exclusively oy been copied at home and abroad. Itj mlG tf Mays ACkowe. reminds one of the Irish lawyer, de- j Kte" to Ex,.o..ti... fending a man on the charge of Round-trip rates via 0. R. & N. from murder. The lawyer told the court The Dillee, $81.90. Tickets on sale first that he would establish three facts: i and third Tuesdays during June, July, t. . . i i . iii.. i. 1 AuguBt, September and October, good for First, that his client was dead drunk . , . , , ' . continuous paesage going on date of sale, at the time of the murder; second, ' Return HmIt thirty davB from date o that at the time of the murder his j 8ale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of client was miles from the place where j Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip it was said to have been committed; within limit of ticket. , Arrangements can be made bv applv- third, there was no murder com-! agent O. R. & Co., The Dalles, mitted. Now after all that has been ; whereby tickets will be honored on lake printed and the danger to navigation j steamers in one or both directions be thoroughly ventilated, Captain Rob-i tween Detroit and Buffalo. JAMES XUELA.VD, Agent ertson makes the statement that his corrpany never intended to tow a raft of logs to China. tf The Portland Oregonian cribs from the Spokesman-Review a list of somewhat forceful and Uou't Itub It Id, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. When your hair appears dry and to accurately have lost its vitality it wants something J ... :t,. .i w.. i...,. ...i.. descriptive expressions used by the , th haIr rieedfl whmh it Jn tlmt con. Post-Jntelligencer in describing the dition. We have the Crown of r -ii.i ..,u Science Hair rfSfefllSfa Grower and Oregonian's brutal assault on Mrs. Cocounut CrwxiSjr Tonic. They McKinley. These it seems to con-' will cure dand WMm ruff and all i u t ' scalp diseases. For sale at Frazer'a bar- aider as a sort of "offset. Let us , ber Bh Price 60(J an( 75(J B bottle illustrate. A street-corner loafer NOLAN'S Profit-Sharing Association. The first monthly dividend has boon distributed to the profitable satisfac tion of thirteen of my customers. The only regret is that 1 was not able to give a valuable present to each of my customers. 1 think they all doservo one. On Saturday, July 6th, I will give away two music boxee-one worth $'27.50, playing elglit tnneB, and one wortli $7.50 ; a sack of suuar and a barrel of flour. I will give a cash rebate of $.1.00 to cuHto ,nw paving the most tuonev bv that date, and $2 00 to the one paying in the second largest amount, un each Saturday, commencing on the loth of June and including July (1th, I will, in addition to the two pros entB given each week, give a $1.00 rebate to the customer paying the largest amount during the week. Purchasers of goods in my line will do well to keep in mind that 1 BelltHoodaB '2W ""UiHiPF081' B8 well as share the profit with my customers. M. T. NOLAN YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tiru of uslnc so-called kidnev remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and be forever rid of those dull pubis In your buck. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" und have all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nights made restful by the tine of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ol your druggist or sunt bv mail on receipt of price, in tiluin wratutnr. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. Fort Wayno, Indiana. M. Z. Donnell, Agent, The Dalles. The " Bailey Gatzen" The finest and fastest sternwheel boat on the Columbia Kiver Jf8 0 Jast What You uaant. f to t Will Make DAILY TRIPS to to between The Dalles and Portland, Mon days excepted, arriving here from Port land at 3 p. m. and returning at 4 p. m. w Jm AND DXI-AUT rou CliinnRo rurtliiiul Spocliil. t'i:2ft t. in. vIb Hunt Ingtou. c Oregon Union Pacific TIME 8:HKIU1.K8 CHOM THE DAU.KS. 8lt Uiko, Henvcr. Ft. Worth, Oniiihn, kail NMMCIty, 8t. IhiIh, Chl oiik autltli( KiiKt. Kxiwhh, 'SIt Uko, Denver, Ft. vii. Hunt- I nan City, 81 . UjuIn.CIiI. ltlRtOII. t'1"'0 ull(l 11,0 l-Ut. Ht. l'HIll r !l :'.'.') p. Ill Via MK- KHIIU. ft. l'anl WalU WalU, Uwlntoit. -HKt .MhII, Hpokano.Wnlliicc.l'nll. i :'.'.') p. in. mini, MlnuouiMillK, Ht. I'HUl.Diiluth.MIHvmi kit), Clilwico and Knot. FB0M 1:06 p, m. 4:ria. m. iwtoa. m. OCEAN AND EIVEE BOHEDTJLE Prntii r.irtUiDl, H:00 p. m. (All MlllllIK lllltCK Mlb iuct to ('hiiiiL'f 1 l Fur San Pnuii'Inco, Bull every ft iIhj-k. 1:00 p. m. I CiiliiinliU Ulrt-r. I in 11 y t!X('l!llt ()Oliiii To Astoria mill Way kiuimliiv, lJUiillliKk. 10:00 p. in. New idetih in Wall Paper hern. Such I wide variety us we aie showing never be ; fore craced a single stork. Heal iiuita i tion cretiiii ellocts at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices, j Klegatit desigtis, tasteful coloringB, vours for a Bmall price, at our store on Third ! street. Also a full line of house jiuints. 3!D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Dally CXt'Ulit ill Ii'. Allium, IlKlL'IMSIIlk'IICC, ami n ay uumiiiKh. WlllMinntlt. Klvxr. Ori'non (Mty, NelMrBt I .W p. m. except Huinioy, I so p. m. except Sunday. Tiiewlny, 'lliurwliiy, Satiliiluy, UM) a. in. CorwilllN iiiul Way I 'M p. m. Mniiday, Wt'Ulii'vliy FrlUay. Ttii'wluy, Wll'luiiMitti. hiiiI a so p. m. TliurMttiy, ViiiiiIiiii KIvhih. Mimilny, Satliriluy, 0,.,,,, (.jty l)ytni mill WeUneHiny .:00a.m. VuJ iJimiUK, rrlUny. to to to to JOHN FILLOON, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. to to w c- - a tol I. I .anp : & k 5 -3 joi I P. HI.-VI--I1 At. fl I fa w w 9 r. iiinnv nmirn in b Q, kimi:i Vlllllll S UlUUAUUllll i flnrsRsftner 1! f uuiuuuiuui Y Itlparla ilitlly, :i:40u. m. HiiHkti ItlTt-r. Ulpurla to l-vwlxtou. Leave U'Wlnton dully, h :jj a. m. I'artlcH JeKlrlliE to ro to llenimer or iKiintK on Columbia Koutlieru viu IIIl-ck. uliould l take No. i, IcnvliiK Tlio Dalle at Viva p. m. ninkliiK direct vonncctloiiK at llejipner Junction Hint ItlRKh. ItuturnliiR innkliiKdIrwiteiimioHlon in iieppner juiiotloii ami jiikrh with jNo, I riviliK at Tlie Dalles at l'O.'i i. m. li ir fllrthir iinrtlrMilitrK. fll mi nr mldrtHii I I .1 b I II V I A V 11 A ( The Dallcx, Oregun. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened, this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. !, Wagon and Carriage Work. !, Fish Brothers' Wagon. !' Third and Mn, Phone 159 pjcrvnp&Tczzcrmrxy iaiaa, A.Ai--yATyAyi nn-r- addresses indecent remarks to a lady passing bv. A friend of the lady's husband, happening to be chastises the wretch and probably uses his tongue as well us his boot. The castigated vagabond swears lustily. Yet the two men are scarce ly on the same moral piano. That, however, is not true of the Portland and the Spokane newspapers. They are twin brothers in thought and method, and sympathy flows as natural between tLem as bilge-water from the lower bold to the pump. Seattle Post-'Intelligencer. Moki Tea pouitively cureH Kick Head ache, indi'b'OBtion and constipation. A delightful horh drink. Removes all nnar, ' eruptions of the Hkin, producing a perfect ' complexion, or money refunded. 25 cte and SO cte. ISIakeUty, the druguiet. Str. Regulator 1 REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA SAV. COMPANY fiteiimeri! of tlio Regulator Line will run hh jicr the fol- owuib huht-diilu, the Cunijiuuy rcNurvIne tlio rlutit to uliungu 'J hc!;elulf without notice. '4 - r ' K UOW.N. K Lv, Dulles E nt a, x, R Tueiidiiy. . . . P. TIiihmIhv , ,. , A rr Portlntirt K Ut I ISO P. M. Str. "Iralda" up. Leaves Cuficadee 0 a. in. Str. Dalles City. I.v. Portland ,i,fln.nain.'m. ! I.v. DiiUch lit. A. II. ,'" y"'"-" , Ht 7 a. . Moiiiluv I.uuvi. flnlloa !t ii. rn .Weilnei'OHy . ,4 on . ...Krldiiy Arr. CHecadee 7:30 p. in Arr. Dullen T. , . u 6 p. m, , Daily ex. Sunday. Monday. Weriiiundiiy,.., Friday Arr. i'ortliiiid ut 1 :uo p. m. A Sherman county paper contains perwnal relating to the wife of a J'nr Half. I A atylinh black dri vine horse, very I gentle. Also a nearly new open husny. harnoae, blankets, etc. Very cheap. Address, V, 11. Hockwkm., m27d2w-w3w Dufur, Ore. Ifyoa fient to retain your hair you have teufeaap yonr scalp clean. Koap will mak.'"your hair harsh, dry and crispy. Tnow we have two of the yery beat preparations for cleansing the scalp Egg and Fine Tar Shampoo, It will leave your hair soft and glossy. Price, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Fraeer's barber shop, The Dalles. tf up l.v . Portlund J IIV A. l. Tuesday j . . . . ThiirMlm n Huturduv 3 Arr. DalleH 3 IU U V. M. (A P KxcnrRion JtateB every .Saturday for partien of five and npwards : Dalles, 9 E White Salmon and intermediate pointu, HOc: Dalles to Casuades, f 1,00. h For an evenlni: trip take the "Iralda" nt !5 n. in. to Hood Itiver and re- S W turn on the up boat. V FOR OOMPOBT ECONOMY AND PLEASURE, ii' ' C, Truvcl by the HteumerK of tlio ItCKiiltitor Line. '1'ho Comimiiv will ondenvor to give ItH jmt- .... ....... . I.X.I.... ... ii.i.. L..- ....i .... .i. ' k ijiin uiu wxi ruiviui; jiunniuiu. fui iiiiiuur iiiiurjiiiidifii ituureH , Portlund Otllee, Onk-8trct Dock. W. C. AULA WAY, Con. Atft. me Colombia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANOKACTOKKKB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIKD BEEF. ETC. I J. iu HCHKNCK, Preoldeut. -4 i l 1 1- - - J. I . . .i.j Crandall & Barget DEALERS IN -- fill kinds of undertakers , Barial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. : Th Dalles, Or. Advertise in The Chronicle, .Max A. Voot. CmmIiIui First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A Genoral Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Stent Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds prompt); remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold in New York, San Francisco ant' port land. OIWBOTOK8 D. P. Tjiomphon. Jno. 8. Schknuu. En. M. W ii.liamr, Gko. A. Luiik. H. M. Bbai.i,. NOTICE FOR I'UBI.ICATJON. Lund Olllceul Vitiicintivor, WuhIi, v ,i . . . -N,,iy 17, 1WU. .no ., , i ii l,urV," IV,M", ,lll,t tlll) folluwIliK mined sett urn Imve llled nntlee ol their Inttui tlon to make Uniil iituor In Miiiport of tlioir "'Hli ml mill proof will lie iiindo ticfon! y . II, I renliy, U. 8, (.'omiiiiNxloiKir for HlMtrlot of W iihli iik ton, at IiIh oilliiH In (loldenditlu, WuhIi., on Hiitnrdiiy, .lunic.'ii, w, viz.- KlfcKiiHli It. Ilylton, II. Ii. So, 11700, for tlio ti',. Ki:4, HKL N,u ami SKJ4 f BKJi, Kw ,'tt, Ti. t N, It'lil K V AI,, who liiuneii tlie IoIIiiwIiik wltiiUHM-H to iirovn IiIh oon JhiimuhreHliloiiiiuupoii und (iiiltlviitlou of nuld Orle K. HhlpiKiy, CorlU KoreiiKuii. .lolui )nf. Iron, Jamub U. I.yle, nil of I.ylu P. 0 WiihIi. Uortlx hurnimnu, II. K. No. 0:"K, for tin.- IHW'f HK1-.. tier III hiiiI H 12 h, W . AI., who niiini'K tlio followlnB wit! S;,.SV!'&V,J!.IX,W!! ic i is .. .. .. i . I. . ; ". r ' (fon, Jiimea Orle K. Hlii.n.av H. i.. o,, (or tiid frantloiiHl riWU ui nwi- mI 'wit neiiJ & t"ZiZ doiiou upouHiidoiiltlviitloi. of mild i ,d, vI? UiUlrou m,d JumeH o. l.y(!, ,,i f i,yi0 j., & ,lllB' W. K. Dl'NIUK, Itet'lHtgr. Klkiimili II. llylton.Orlo K.' Hh Jul 111 llnf ea O, I-ylc, nil o( Kyju I1. o WuhIi, Complete of Dms at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings Tlie Unit) will soon ho hurt) wlien uver? HtyliHh drcHHtid man will want an up't0j date HpriiiK Suit. Those are the kin ?' patrons 1 am tailoring for. Cojao in and look over my Sprinj; linn of .Suitings All the latest novelties for 1001- Suits to Order, $IO.OO. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In oil Uu etac: there liould bo tleniillnew. Ely'v Cream Balm clituiM),nntlieflUiid heal t liu dlaeutid tuoiiihruue. It cures catarrh und drive way a cold lu tlio head ,i,"c",J . ii. mud CJrMia llaliu a placed Into the noatrlH, WJTJ over the .iiiciiibraiio and la abtprbed. mediate and a euro (ollowa. It I not drying hi.. no otnU '"" gUtn or hy mall j Trial Mac, 10 coiita U P"; fc 01m r-revto wjtol