The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 05, 1901, Image 4

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    I Maniac Thought Hn Wan th Pope. SOUTH and EAST VIH Q '9'j0 W0 99' WP
From a
eerve for the ensuing year, president,
Harry Curtis ; vice-president, Alice Boll ;
Maniac Thought iln Wan th Pop.
Vi'n- Vmir .limnd A ftlattntnh tn (hn
M J9 ImWsn 8ecretnrv- Viriliu Cooper ; and trnoBtirer, i Journal and Advertiser from Rome says :
M mrnrn mWmmmm Constance Wheuldon. While the Pope was at work in hie
A. M. 'OS. private room, a maniac made hits way
niiij- Mntrt'i-t uii imiirs l'lirtimiii lioiiiw 1 into thu anle-rooui and shouted, "The
SOUTH and EAST via
"My attack of nnller'f. Asthma was very
bad. "I was afraid to he down at nicht for
fear of Miiotlierini;. 1 couldn't get my oreatli.
Xo matter it all the
doors and windows
in the house were
open, it seemed as
if there u no air
and that 3 must
purely smother to
death. Mr. 15.
Loup, of this city,
called my attention "sA
to Acker s I.ticlisu
Ueinedy for Throat
nnd Limp Trou
bles. 1 thousht lit
ile of it but b.Hipht
n bottle in i'i- hopes
.that it mifil.t la p
me a little. It pave
mc wondertul re
lief, and the second
bottle cured me
comnlete'.v. My re-
Lave hot had the slightest return of my old Meale the very beat the market can ' San Fkancisco, June 4. -The ecui
enemy. I consider Acker's Knplish Remedy afl0rd, and onlv 'Jo cents. ' mittee appointed by the Methodist intn-
ny lonp odds the best medicine in the world ". , .n ,!. . . , ,. .,
for hackiiic cotiphs. aithma and bronchitis i are 10 "ortlund one way .l.o0, and isters to acquire into the true condition
It completely masters those stubborn di round trip $2 50. i from a moral and ethical standpoint of
5 "LaA iVanK.??a,l.e.w "'HP lloe to I T.andine and office foot of I'ninn street. I the soldier and the surrounding at the
Souitt Pacific Co.
j We wish to announce that the fle Pope ia dead. 1 am his successor; Rive
' and newlv-equipped fast steamer Hailev ' me lnu urown !"
'Galzert has been placed on the Portland". I The noble yuards on duty seized the
Dalles route as a strictly excursion boat ! intruder and prevented him from pene
and to enable tourists and the people of ! tratiiiR the Pope's chamber, lint the
Oregon and Washington to make the j 'lllBr lul llt'nrii llu' ehont. Ho
round trip by daylipht on the Columbia ordered that thu man be arrested. Ue
river, through the Cascade mountains, j turned out to be Valentino Paterno, a
on the following schedule: relipious fanatic. Ho was taken to a
Leaving Portland at 7 o'clock everv j lunatic asylum,
morning except Mundav reaching Cas- Ilow' hu P1,se',(1 the gatekeepers, guard
cade Locks at 1L m., stopping at Hood j ""d ualictv " from the outer
River and White Salmon and arriving j "te of the Vatican to the very door of
at The Dalles at I? p. in.; starting back , 'he I01''8 room is a mystery as yet mi
at 4 p. m. and arriving in Portland at 10 explained.
ID( jtriiiiKtMiiirss hi i rt'Hiu iii.
Shasta Route
Trains leave The Dulles (or Portland ami way
stations at 4:i a. m. ami it t. in.
U-nve I'ortlaml
Arrive Ashland
" Saerauiento...
" Sn Francisco
. S ::a a m
. fj a m
7'PO i in
lU'Wp 111
.li:Ki a in 11 Si)n in
. ftUHi ji m I a in
. 7 : !' 1' in s !" i"
Arrive OriIoii
" Denver
" Kansas City.
" Chleaitn ....
Arrive Uis AtiKclea . .
" Kl I'aso
' Fort Worth
" City of Mexico .
' Houston
" New Orleans . .
" Washington . .
" New York
f' l.'i a m
'.1:00 a m
T :'J." a in
7 . IS a m
. . 1 :V0 t m
i in
. . r.:Wl a in
.. !i:.Vi a in
. . I :W a in
. . r :-'." a in
. . I'i : I-' a in
. J'J: i:i Ji 111
11 15 a in
yam ii in '
7 '.Vi n in I
U..S0 u 111 '
7 'Ma m
fi: )i m
(,:m a 111
!) .V a 111
1.00 a in
li i i 111
li II 111
li!' i:i l in
J. E. FALT & CO.,
Proprietors IJIJjq Qwl,"
Purest Liquors for Family Use
Delivered to any part of tho City.
Phones: Til Local,
85S Long Distance.
173 Second Street. y
be incurable. If sutlerers will just try a sin-1
pie bottle, it will prove every word 1 have . P
Miid, and more too." (Sicned.)
John 1. Elliott.
Commander John Mesarah l'o-t, "o. V.Y2,
2'ortland, M.ich.
Sold at 25c.. fW. and $1 a bottle, throughout
the United States and Canada : and in Knp
land. alls. 2d.. 2s. :U1.. Is.Cd. If you are not
satisfied after buying, return the bottle to
your drussist, and pet your money back.
HV nulhn'ixe thf ukm- ijiinrrmjr.
. H". 1L MOOEKi: CO., I'roiiritturj. Aiw furi.
For sale at Biakeley'e Pharmacy,
hone, long distance 591. Presidio military post since the govern-
If you desire to take a trip for pleas-1 ment closing of the canteen, has brought
tire, lor grandeur for everything that j in its report. It wbb ascertained by per
eye or heart could wisli and that no ! sonal investigation, so the committee re
other part of the world can furnish, go j ports, that the number of saloons and
for a ride on the Bailey Gatzjrt, make the degree of disturbance in the vicinity
up a party of your congenial friends and of the post have not increased.
. together pass the most enjoyable day of
your lives.
Very Cordially Yuurs,
i27-dw2v White Link.
I Pullman and Tourist cars on both tni'tis
'Chair cars fricriiineiito to Oititen and Kl I'aso.
i anil tourist cars to Chicago, St Units, Now Or
leans and nstilUKtou.
ConniH'ttnc at Han I'raiielseo with several
steamship lines (or Honolulu, Japan. China,
Philippines, Central and .South America.
tfisj uncut at The Dalles station, or add.lss
(ieueral fassoneer Agent, 1'ortiiind, Or
Alumni lie-t nlon .
The fifth annual reunion of the
Alumni Association of The Dalles High
ectiool was held last evening on board
the Regulator, which j mrneyed down
the river to Memaloose island and re
turn, leaving the dock about 9 o'clock p.
in., amid the shouts and laughter of the
re-united students.
After cordial greetings and renewing
of old acquaintances, the company gave
theme dves up to the fea9t, which was
most enjjyable and refiected much
credit upon thn management and dis
cretion of those who had charge of the
Trie meeting was called to order by
Edward D. Baldwin, president of the
association, and the usual routine busi
sie! was transacted, after which the
worthy toastmaster, Mr. J. S. Landers,
tipoke of the past, present and future in
an interesting manner, takinc ttie con
stancy of the majestic Columbia as a
lesson and inspiration to a!! who have
looked upon its broad expanse.
The address of welcome by Miss Mar
tha Whealdon was certainly commenda
Drjiii preparations simply devel
op drv catarrh: tiiev dry up tho secretions.
which adhere to the membrano and deconi-I hour work day so laboring men would
l'roliiilil.v H .1 ok...
Pirrsisriio. Pa., June S Moderator
Werin, of the Reformed Presbyterian
synod, has received a telegram from the
"Association of Chicago Labor Unions,"
asking the svnod to pray for an eight-
Of the product of this well-known brewery tho United States Health
Reports for June 'S, 1900, says: "A more snpeiior brew never entered
I the labratory of the United Stales Health reports. It is absolutely devoid
l of the Hlight'est trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is composed of
the best of malt and choicest of hops. Its tonic qualities are of the high,
est and it can lie used with the greatest beipdlt ami satisfaction by old and
voting. Its use can conscientiously lie prescribed by tho physicians tj
the cersaintv that a better, purer or inoro w holesonie beverage could not
possibly lie found."
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
MnTitliopn Dnnifin""""""
11 U IMUHblllb'
pose, causing a far more serious trouble than
tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid ait dry
ing inhalants, fumes., smokes nnd snuffs
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Halm is mich a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily and pleasantly. A trial sizo will bo
mailed for 30 cents. All druggists Eell tho
50c. size. Ely Brothers. ;"C "Warren St., 2s.Y.
Tho Balm cures without pain, does not
irritate or causo sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surfaco, reliev- I
mg immediately tho painful lnllammntion.
not have m hold meetings on .Sunday to
devise means to secure it.
Werin said he thought the telegram
was meant for a j ike.
1'lrv in Grain I'lflils.
Los Bands, Cal., June 4 A disas
trous yrain firr is raging in the valleys
of the foothills about eighteen miles
southwest of Los Banos. A high west
wind is carrying the fire rapidly south-
The flames
With Elv's Cream Balm youaro armed ,.. , i ,i i.
. v- , i i iTT T. t'UBlcut unn u tue: limine:
b 1. probably have destroyed 20,000 acres of
Catarrh Cannot, lie Uurtnl.
with local applications, as they cannot I
! reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh ,
is a blood or constitutional disease, and :
in order to cure it vou must take inter-!
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is !
taken internally, and acts directly on :
' the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's ,
grain and feed at this time.
Duos Jt I'uy to 11 ii- Clii'iip'.'
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds
is all right, but you wunt somethiug
that will relieve and cure the more se
vere and dangerous results of throat and
lung troubles. What shall you do? Go
to a warmer and more regular climate?
Yellowstone Park Line.
rilONK I 'A UK
X.KAVK. Union Depot. Fifthantl I Sis aukivk.
No. 2.
Catarrh Core is not a ntiack medicine
It was was prescribed bv one of the best ! Yti9. if possible; if not possinle for yon
physicians in this country tor veers, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
then in either case take the only rem-
! edy that has been introduced in ull civil-
! of the best tonics known, combined with I ized countries with success in severe
the best blood punnere, acting directly throat and lung troubles, "Uoschee's
On the niUCOUS surfaces. The perfect Rrmn Svrmi " Tt nnt nnlr bi'als mill
ble and showed a thinking mind, besides combination ot the two ingredients is Btim,at(.B ,,. ,:PH1I(.U to destroy the
a soirit of welcome was expressed which what produces such wonderful results in 8t,luula us tue t,eBI ,e t0 estr0 .tl,e
a spirit of welcome was expres,eu which ; cn,.; catarrhi Send or testimonials, . perm disease, but allays inflammation,
the incoming class cannot treat liKHtly. free causes easv expectoration, gives a good
The response to this address was to have ; F ClIE!fEY & c Prol)a . To.edo 0. nluhfB rest, and cures the patient. Trv
Sold by drruggists, price 7oc. , ON1, hottle. Recoaimended many vears
Hall's Family Pills are the host. 12 ; ov ai drtiCLMste in the world, and sold
jvl tareeu s
been given by the president of the class '
of '01, Mr. John Cooper, but on account
of iline-s was omitted. However, it
was generally couceled that a spirit of
gratefulness and fellowship existed, as
was expreesed by other mere hers of the
"Reminiscences" by Miss Ola 2Cor-
Fitst mall (or Tiii'iitnti,
i-euttle, Olymjilii. t.ruy s
Hiirbor nnU iMititti ilenil
points, npukiiiu!. Hoib
liinil, It. C, I'tilliiimi,
Moemv, lA-'wItton, Hill
11:15 A. Jt. fiilnHilliiiiuliiiiii:emiii fi;M) 1'. M.
try, Hulviiii, Mliint'uiH-
liH, Ht. 14111 1, Olllllilll,
KiuiMiih CUy. .St. IjiiiU,
CiitctiKn mill nil jiolntu
No 1. eiit mill Houtlieimt.
Puuet .-oiiml hxprcs
11.30 1'. JI. for Tiieoiim mill M-iittle 7;CO A JI.
mid tuterinedliiiu )iiiiiii.t
...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker., 1N-
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
Acenl fur Itlinsell iV Cn s I.tiKlnes, ThrenlierH mill Hnu-.Mills.
Telephone 157.
Long Distance 107."
Cor. Scuoud & Lanolin Sts, THE DALLES. OR.
bv Clarke & Fa!k.
Don't Let Xliuiu hulVur.
Often children are tortured with itch
ing and burning eczema and other skin "A few months ago. food which I ate
diseases but Bucklen's Arnica Salve i for breakfast would not remain on un
heals the raw sores, expels inflammation, j stomach for half an hour. 1 used one
leaves the skin without a scar. Clean. ! "Ottle of your Koclol Dyspepsia Oure and
man was ably given and the whereabouts (raKrant) cbeiip therta 110 BalvtJ on
of absent members graphically told. earth Bg K00(1 Trv u Cure BUaru,,teed.
Miss Hill responded to -Now" in her 0l)lv G c Blakelev's. drug store. 4
usual pleasant manner, with words oi i
encouragement and poetic thought.
A'ucutlnu Schnnl.
Mr. Gavin spoke of the changes, At Sixtll and Union streets on June
wrought in the High school and its , a vacation echooi wiu begin. Ses
pupils; of the passing of time and the Ljone y t0 12 o t0 5 Specialties book
wonders ot its workB. 'keeping, shorthand, jieiimanship, free-
I 1 . in .....n Inl 'tnflM H'n.fia r I '
r.couragement and hearty welcome
from Dr. Doane, Judge Liebe and Mr.
Ntff, all of whom are highly esteemed
as friends df the alumni.
Jarl Sanders responded to "Why I
Chose the Law as a Profession," with
pleasing humor and the comic appropri
ation of tiie historic maxim "Charge !
Chester, Charge!" with reference to the
monetary consideration involved in the
Dayton Taylor provoked shouts of
laughter with a fow congenial words and
several interesting anecdotes.
Ortha Waters, class of '01, Bpoke in a
hand drawing, higher mathematics.
Instruction thorough ; terms easy,
jl-lw Z. E. Fkkku.
Food CliunctKi tn l'.ilniin.
Putrefying fond in the intestines pro
duces effects like those of ursenic, but
Dr. King's New Life Pills expel the
poisons from clogged bowels, gently,
easily but surely, curing Constipation,
Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all
Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only
25c at G. C. Blakeley's drug store. 4
Danger, disease and death follow
neglect of
the bowels, Uae DeWitt'e
Little Early IJiaers to regulate them and
charming manner of the pleasures of the j you will add years to your life and life to
vear iust past. your years, e-bhv io tune, never gripe
w - n i r. I.".
Virgtlla Cooper spoke ot the fraternal
can now eat my breakfast and other
meals with a relish and my food is
thoroughly digested. Nothing equals
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for stomach
troubles" H. S. Pitts. Arlington Tex.,
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digestb what you
eat. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
An imported Blue Grass, Kentucky
Jack, weighs 1040 pounds in moderate
flesh and stands over lifteen hands high.
Can be seen at Ward & Robertson's
stables. m 15 lmw
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
bonds existing in the alumni and the
old familiarity of days gone by when the
foreground was held by the pioneer class
cf D6.
Others responded pleasantly, and the
time sped too swiftly as the leaves of
time rolled back and the members
seemed to eay in the thoughts of the
poet, "Men and women are only boys
and girls grown tall ; hearts dont change
much after ull."
The secretary read a communication
from Miss Elizabeth Bonn, who is now
in Portland.
Most of the members of the present
.alumni, which numbers nearly 100, were
present and by their smiling faces told
of the spirit of youth and good cheer
existing in the association.
As the boat was landing the company
went to the parlor and sang "America"
after which farewells were said.
The following officers were elected to
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet givee immediate relief. L'5 cts.
and 50 cts. Blakeley, the druggist.
The bilious, tired, nervous man cannot
successfully compute with his healthy
rival. DeWitt's Little Early liisers the
famous pills for constipation will remove
the cause of your troubles,
talk's P.O. Pharmacy.
Subscribe for The CiihONici.K
IjiikI Ollicc at ViiiH.'ouvi-T, Washington,
May i:i. lwtl
Notice ih hereby Riven that the following
uttmed outtlcr liux tiled notice of hin Intention tn
miike final proof in Mipuort of his elulin, mill
that hhM proof will be nuide before the ltegihter
and Itceeiver of the U. h. hand Office at Vbii
couvcr, WriHlilnittoii, on Jlonduy, June '-'I, l'JOl,
Alfred 1'utical,
of I.yle vostotlicc, WhhIi., who made II. K. No.
!0,'JW, for the southeast quarter of northncxt
quarter, mnith half of Mouthivcit quarter, mid
northcuMt quarter of southwest quarter of sec
tion i, township I north, range i'J eiiHt, W. Jt .
He numui the following wltiie.ieH tn prove his
continuous reniduuci: ujioii and cultivation of
said land, viz;
Joseph Hllva, John HpltcnhurKcr, James Kl
lard nd Frank ltuynolils, all of I.ylu I'. U..
ml5 W. It, Ul'NHAU, liegister.
l'ullmmi tirxt and tourlrt slwion to
Minneapolis, St. l'auliiud Missouri river point
without change.
Viisttbukit 'rains, t'ulnil depot connection
in ail principal i-Ult.
Ilaggagc cheeked to destination of tickets.
hnr handsomely illustrated dceriptlve matter,
tickets, Bleeping car rerorvatlous, etc., call on or
Assistant General Passenger Agent. iV Jtorri
son .Street, corner Third, Portland Oregon.
Transact a General Banking ButunosB.
Letters of Credit isHtied available in
the Eastern States.
Sinht Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold in New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wah., and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
MM Resiaurarn
Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain oi pii kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ?iS! L FEED
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTl FlmiT '"H Xf manufactured expressly for family
A XVIAA tHH. Hverv Hack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Wa sell our gootls lowor than any house in the trade, and if you don't think to
call and get cur prices and lie convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oatp
L. Y. Hong, Prop'r.
First-Class in Every Respect
Oysters Served in any Style.
87 Second Ht., The Unlles. Or
RninTe Plmpln, PrnTtnt
lllli.jujoe.., I'urilj thuUiuod.
uuiv iieauune anil iiIID(U.
a muTHijunt uf ctm IxiwvU "t I- n inir
...,... "nun h
iwinil Ulliecat Vancouver, Wash,,
Jtay 1901.
N'otlri; In hereby elveu tlmt the (ollou'iiiir-
uauiel setllers have Hied notice ot intention to I
make hiial (iroot in supiori oi tnuir eiaiins, ami
that said ptools will ie Hindu Ixjloie W. It, Pres.
by, I . H. Commissioner tor District of Washing,
ton, at (ioldeudale, Wellington, on haturday,
Jiinu'.Jtli, l'.Kll, viz
(JliarlitH WloknrMliMiu,
ol I. vie I O.. WHshiuutoii. wlio made II. K. No.
Clarke A i UliO lor the H')iithvut iliarter ol bee. If, Tp, !J
.n.. it. r-' r.., w. 3i.
Who nanus tlie (ollowim; witiiesses tn jirove
his continuous residence iiisu and cultivation
of said laud, vi:
Cornelius Hall, Thomas Jt. V hitcomb, Albert
T, llfKh)' and Janic-i O, l.ylc, all ol Klickitat
'. O,,. Washington,
Uiiruollua Hall,
of I.vlo 1'. O., Washington, who mudc! II. K. No.
10,0.Vi for the southeast iiuarter of rite. 1!, Tp. it
N.. It. W K., W. M.
Who nimiex the followluK wltnese to prove
bin contlnuoiiH resldouco umjii and cultivation
of null! hind, viz:
Charlea wlciersham, Tliomas M. hitcomb,
KIU II. Hewett and Janitu U. Lyiv, ull of I.ylc ',
U WMhliib'tou,
mis W. U. UUNIlAlt, ItcgUter,
jn at ure in Btrengtnenma ana recon
utructlng the exhausted dlgostlve or
gans. It Is the latestdiscovcreddlgest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approacii It in etllciency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Hour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Oastralgia.Crampsand
all other results ot Imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. snd tl. Largoslzocontalns 8tt ttrooi
mallilte. iiook all r.bout dysiepsla raulledtre
Prepared by E. 0. OcWITT A CO., Cblcago
b'old hy Clarke & Talk's P. O. Pharmacy
Notice of Final Settlement
The uiiderrii;;iied liavlnt,' Hied his dual uc
count as administrator ol the estate ot Clmrles
Grodt, deceased, the County Court of Wasco
(.iiuuty, Oregon, hi an order made nnd entered
.May 'JI, 1WII, has uiMjnted Jlouday, July 1,
lliiil, at the hour of p. m. of said day, as the
limu and the county court room in Dallui City,
Wasco County, Oregon, us the place for thu
heariuir of said final account anil of any objec
tions thereto, If any there be. All lairsons in.
tercnted In said estate are hereby untitled to
II, u any objections they may have to said ac
count mi or heforu said last-named date,
Paled May '.'1,1 Ml.
Administrator ot the Kitute of Charles Orodt,
Deceased. uuyVn
k'Msri-v aVjtt jeri.' t a-i a rAt At
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive promot attention.
Next door to Firm National Hank.
tlmilliili I'limif. Hilt,
l.iillC lUt. 1011 1.
Digests what you eat. IBlaek - Niaht
It artificially digests the food and aids i JJ
Will make tho season of 1901 at Balch's Jiarn,
Dufur, Oregon.
BLACK NIGHT in a lilack .lack, foaled June 17, 1001 i l'"'1 1,' J'
Stovenn; Howard county, Mo. Sired by Itlack Dun tlio Third, a Jack 10
liiKh, and a No. foal-getter ; lie by Hlack Nlht the Second, and he hy Dui'M"
Ulack Dan, nit imported jack from Kentucky. Bluck NIkIiI'h f-ir"-v Je,"."e ',
Birod by ComnroiiiiHe; ho hy liiekiiian'H "CotnproiulHO ; hie diiui hy McWn"
WaalilnKton ; L'd dam by Napoleon, IM dam by lilack Dan.
TERMS: To iiiHiire, tl&.OO; by ficanon, $10.00. Care will uken'
pnivont accltlentH ; but wo will amiiue no ri'Bpoiin!bility. Money duo when
is known to bo in foal.
C. P. 11AI.CH, Manager. DUJ-TK, 0BEGS'
Advertise in The Chronic