PEASE St MKYS. A Clothing Event that shows our supremacy absolutely. Choice of 125 Hart, ShatT nor it Marx high-grade strict ly afl-wool suits, in cassi meres, homespuns and ianc' cheviots, identical suit as shown at $10,$12and 13.50. Special One Week $8.85 Hart, Schaffner Monarch blurts, . , Shawlcnit Hose, W&M E. &, W. Shirts, (hilars Tailor and Cufl's, Made 'Arrow Brand Collars, Clothes American Hosiery Co.'s Sumnier Underwear. r I If 1HH M COPYRIGHT I DO I MART, LCHAFFNIH CHICAQO Three Specials in Shirt Waists. We have selected from our immense stock of Women's Fine Shirt Waists three of the latest and daintiest, and priced them so reasonably that selling will be rapid for this week. Our $5.00 qualit? includes four distinct styles which we offer at $3.90 Our 4 and $4.50 qualities will be offered at $3.35 Our $8.50 and $3.75 qualities will be offered at $2.80 Make an early call to the department as the pretty ones go first. AXjXj GOODS AIA.Xl.KZ:i3 I INT ZCXjAIU 3PIG-XT3R.33S. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WK UN ICS DA Y - .1 UN E 5. 1901 Ice Cream and IceCream Soda At Andrew Keller's. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All U'aacu Couuty warrants relittered prior to January :t, 1KDK, will bo paid on presentation at my office. JntoreKt ciiHxtiH arttr May !i4, 11)01. JOHN K. HAMl'SIIIUK, County TruaHurer. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Miss Taylor's kindergarten cloaed yes terday with a picnic at the academy ground?, which was greatly enjoyed hy her regiment of little tots. I'rof. C. 11. Deems, of Boyd, and Miss Mabel F. O'Brien, of Dufui, were united in marriage June 1, 1901, at the home of .1. W. Jenkins in Hood Kiver, I!ev J. W. Jenkins officiating. Mrs. C. Van Orsdoll, grand guardian of Women of Woodcraft, will deliver the unveiling address at Sunset cemetery, for the Woodmen of ttie World, on Sun day, June iUh, at 2:30 p. m, The Children's Day exercises of the Congregational Sunday school will bo held at 11 o'clock next Sunday, the regular hour for church service, instead of at the usual Suuday school hour. Quite a nice cio.vd of young people and a liberal sprinkling of elders left oh this morning's boat for Hood Kiver on the Sunday school picnic of the M. 13. church. Jt is hoped they had a pleas ant day and pleaeant trip. In the suit to be tried in Portland to test the constitutionality of the law pro hibiting barber shops Jbeing open on Sunday the point will be raised that the! word "harboring," need in the law, does not exist, and therefore expresses noth ing. At 8 o'clock this morning tlie river gauge at this place indicated 30.8 feet above zero, a rise ol one-tenth feet in twenty-four hours. The Daily Jiivor Bulletin says : "The river at The Dalles will remain nearly on a stand during the next day or two." On next Wednesday the Sunday school of the Kv. Lutheran church will go on an excursion trip to Hood Kiver. The fare per boat la 10 cents for children and 30 cents for grown people. All children below f years of age free. Ah many of our Lutheran people as possi ble ought to go and take their children with them. The Antelope Herald learrrt that the Cherry creek country was recently the scene of another disastrous waterspout. Mr. James Connolly, who suffered a large ibis from a similar source lasi year, was damaged even worse this time. The Herald's informant stateB that Mr. Connolly's entire farm was flooded and badly washed, bis crops be ing almost totally detroyed. An appreciative audience greeted He v. G. W. Muckley at the Christian church last evening. The speaker held the at tention of the audience for over an hour presentating the merits of the work of the board of church extension in a very vivid manner. He will speak again to night at 8 o'clock. The address will be more of a sermon than last evening, and the public is cordially invited. An exchange Bays that if a newspaper man knew how many knocks he received behind his back he would adopt an other calling. Njt so. The newspaper mau who succeeds expects to be ma ligned by every law breaker, swindler and hypocrite, every carping critic and every lover of notoriety who is ignored, and, in fact, by all persons who do not agree with him in public and private,, matters. Ab the No. 1 passenger train was this afternoon passing a point a little west of the mess house, near Celilo, an Indian woman and child were throwu from the frightened horse, they were riding and, falling on the track in front of the locomotive, were iiiBtantly killed. Cor oner Butts was immediately summoned and had not returned from the scene of the accident at the time of going io presB. The directors of school district No. 12 met yesterday, and after transacting the regular business of the cession decided that The Dalles sch-iols should resume business on the second Monday, being the 9th, of September. Ah was deter mined a month ago all tho teachers have been re-engaged save one, and she was let out because there were eighteen teachers for seventeen places and one liad to go. Tho Middle Oregon Baptist Associa tion convened with Calvary Baptist church this morning, according to ap pointment. Something near forty dele gates and vi6itors had reported at noon, and others are expected to arrive this evening. Temporary oflicers were elected and reports from the various churches were read during the day. Tonight at 8 o'clock the annual introductory ser mon will be delivered by Kev. M. M. Bledsoe, of Arlington. Heavy rains and high wajor last week played havoc with some of the ranches and roads in the south ia)f of Wheeler county, according to the Fossil Journal. Allen & Oakea are the heaviest losers. On Bear creek Tuesday they lost fifty head of sheep and eighty tons of hay, and the alfalfa iu the big field on their Bridge creek ranch was completely in undated with three feet of water, which carried away quite a stretch of fence, Hall fell aa large as marbles. An East Portland man who returned home from Shanlko Monday night, telle the Telegram that the Deschutes coun try, through which he was driving Sat urday and Sunday, was visited by a terrific storm Sunday. A waterspout burst on the range, and the Deschutes river rose 12 feet in 20 minutes. A log was carried through a house, but fortu nately no one in the structure was hurt. The country was swept by torrents of water, and there were bad washouts at several places. The people of Dufur are to have a treat Saturday night, when the com pany of young people from The Dalles will visit their little city and repeat the entertainment which so delighted Dalles people at the Baldwin a few weeks since. The trip ib in the nature of an outing as much as anything, and as one of the leading lodges of that place has guaran teed their expenses, they are not anx ious concerning finances. They will leave in the early afternoon and return by moonlight. If Dufnrites and their neighbors know what is in store for them they will all plan to attend. The Pacific Bridge Company of Port land will commence active operations on the Wasco Warehouse Milling Com pany's power plant at White river falls next Wednesday. A force of mechanics will arrive there Monday and pitch camp for a stay of four and a half months. By Wednesday morning the management expects to be able to put to work between twenty and thirty la borers, who will he paid the best wages current for the class of work in which they will be employed. The foremen expects before many days to need be tween forty and fifty men. In addition to the work on the power plant at the falls another crew of men will start to work about tho same time on the pole line between The Dalles and the falls, commencing at this end of the line. On this job five or six laborers can obtain employment for a short time digging holes for the poles. I'KKSONAI, MK.Vi ION. M. P. Isenberg, of Hood Kiver, spent last night in the city. P. Conroy and J. Nugay loft town this morning to look after their business in terests on C herry creek, Crook county. (!. W. Horgue, sheriff of Linn county, was in town today on his way to Prine villo for a horse-thief who is imprisoned there awaiting his at rival. NOTICE. On account of the cold winds and rain, tho Street Fair and Strawberry Carni val, which was to have been held at Hood Kiver on the 4th, Oth and 0th, will be postponed for one week. There will, therefore, be no excursion on the Kegu lator June 0th. W. C. Al.l.AWAV, 4 'At General Agent. If anything ails your hair, go and see; he's the headquarters for all hair remedies, Kemember that he makes a specialty of these goods, tf Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are the best. Ask your w cer for them. Another Compliment to W. H. II. Dufur. Moxta villa, Oie., June 4, 1901. To the Editok: Having read in your valuable paper, as well as a number of other papers, articles in favor of Hon. W. H. H. Dufur for United States marshal, I desire, as one of his G. A. R. friends, space for a few words. For the past three years I have been very intimately associated with Mr. Dufur on the forest reserve, being one of, the rangers under his supervision. As an official he is always a gentleman, prompt, methodical, and very efficient, commanding the respect of his superiors of the Department of the Interior as well as the subordinates under him, and in fact all that he comes in contact with on the reserve. As an associate in the mountains he is a genial companion, leady to do his full share of work of any character, and a jovial chum round the camp-fire at night. He has a great respect for all defenders of our flag and, in short, is a right good fellow. Should the appointment of United States marshal come to him, the office, in my opinion, would be ad ministered with credit both to the state and himself, and no one not per sonally interested would be better pleased than Yours truly, W. N. Moitsi:. The writer of the above letter is bet ter known as Colonel Morse, late adjutant-general of the department of Oregon, G. A. K. Ennon. A I'roper AHBUHftiiieut Hilling, Tin: CniiONicLi: reported some time ago that Assessor C. L. Schmidt had discovered 9700 acres of lands that had been deeded by the state to several par ties, but had never been placed on the assessment roll. As a matter of fact, no less than 21,110 acres of land in Wasco county has been sold by the state and never been assessed. Somo of those landB were sold a score of years ago, but because final payment on them has not been made, they havo never been he seseed. And yet Home of them are worth 50 an acre, and from that down to 2. Of the land sold but not deeded, and therefore not heretofore taxed, J, 009 acres are in tho Hood river valley, 4000 acres in the Mnsier district, L:!(il acres in the Dufur district, 3,000 in the Kings ley district and 7,300 in the Antelope district. Tn most instances a mere trille of the purchase price 1ms remained unpaid for ninny years, apparently be cause the interest on the deferred pay ment, is very much less than the tax would be, Mr. Schmidt, however, intends to make this deferred payment business unprofitable in the future, Following the best available legal advice, he will tax the lauds in question without re spect to whether final payment hat been made and a deed issued for them or not. The value placed on them by tho assessor will, iu each case, be the ...The New York Cash Store. 138 and 142 Second Street. The BARGAIN STORE of the City. Ladies' Shirt Waists. Ladies' Shirt Waists. Wo are now showing a full lino of summer waists in percales, madras, lawns, etc. Our assortment was never so handsome and attractive as this season. We make a specialty of White Waists. Call early and inspect this line, as we are sure we can satis fy the most fastidious. No trouble to show goods. WINDMILLS 1 PUMPS and PIPE RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. If 3'ou are in need of anything in our line, figure with us, for it will pay you. We operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON & WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. value of the purchase-equity, or tho dif ference between tho amount already paid to the state and the present value of the landSj Program oT Kiitertuliiinent. The following is the program of the entertainment to be given at St. Mary's Academy Thursday, June 13th, for the benefit of St. Peter's church of this city : I'urndu Hcvicv-.'('H!tn., .Nine Performers "The Haulier of the Sea." Youthful Pleasures St. Mary's Orchestia "TlioMiigic Hell" (Fairy Drama In Three Acts) ACT I. I'olkft Gnloj Duet act II, 1'iauo Selection. ACT III, Our Darling's Drill. The YmuiK Allstncriits Ceelllan (Mub 1'oIoiihIm! Milltaf ru In A uiaj. . Chopin, op. ,',n Caught in Ills Own Tmii. Pnereil Tableau, NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notice is horeby given that the trustees of the M. E. church, of Grass Valley, Oregon, will receive bids for the carpenter work on the M. E. church building, according to plans and specm- cations, at the oliice of J. If. Smith & Co. The trustees reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids. Bids will he closed on .Ml lie J.ttli, at o p. in. i v order of the board of trustees. 'jun! 7 J. II. Smith, See'y. A 1 1 en I Inn Olieloi'M An informal reception will bo given Mrs. Van Ort-dull, at Fraternity hall on Saturday evening, .hunt Htli. All women of woodcraft remember the date. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Fhe Kind You (lave Always Bought Bears tho Signature For Kent Two rooms adapted to light housekeeping. Apply at Mrs, Eddon's, Third street. -Ij'tw Clarke & Hulk hayo received a carload of the celebrated James E. Patton strictly mire liquid paints A full line of Eastman films and sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk, Dressed spring chickens at the Stadel man Commission Co.'s 24-tf Special Sale on Tan Shoes. We will now and until further notice give a liberal discount on all our Tan Shoes. Perhaps you can all'ord to let this opportunity pass without taking ad vantage of it; but we doubt it.' Read these prices and see if you can. Men's $5.00 Tan Shoes . .,$3.50 Men's 4.00 " ' . 3.00 Men's 3.00 " " .... 2.25 Ladies' -1.00 " " .. 2.50 Ladies' 3.00 " " .. . 2.00 Ladies 2.00 " " 1.50 Misses' 2.50 " " 1.75 Misses' 2.00 " " . 1.50 Pease & Mays. WM. MICHELL, Undertaker and Embalmer Cor. Third anci Washington StH. All orders attended to promptly. Long distance phone 133. Local," 102. TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. The county court has instructed tho couuty clerk to place a warrant on thu tax roll of 11)00 commanding me in col lect tho taxes for said year hy making sale, if iHTt'SHaiy, of the property there in mentioned, and lo return the roll in side of sixty days. I am sworn to do my duty, and am alto under bonds for its faithful per formance; therefore havo no alterna tive but to obey the mandate of thu court, anil will immediately proceed to make out a lint of delinquents and ad vertise the property for sale. lioniciii' K i: i i y. lOm- lwd.iw Sheritl'of Wasco Co. Acker's English Itemed' will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hour, or money refunded, 25 cts. am) fit) etc. lllakeloy thu druggist. Clarke & Falk have on sale a full Hue of paint ami artist's hrusher, I co cream and ice cream soda now on tap at A, Keller's. allltf Subscribe for Tun Chuonicmc,