The Dalles Daily Chronicle. WEDNESDAY - - - JUNE 5. UK)1 J. A. EBERLE. Leadings itw Merchant Tailor, Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe, kid," but like all healthy infants it is full of infantile vigor. Here arc home specimens of the yellow prattle the Telegram hurls at its yellow mother, the "Sew York Journal. The occasion is the Journal's announce ment of a couple of Harlem small pox patients said to have been cured by prayer. The Portland yellow kid infant calls its Journal mother n "liar, a cheat, a fakir, a traud, a newspaper montebank, & journalistic swindler and a detcstiblc deceiver of the public that supports it!" It characterizes the Journal's statement ns "reeking, rotten journalism; as the product of & fraud and journal istic fakir," and winds up by saying that "the story as told by Mr. Hearst's paper is a damned lie." The Journal is bad enough, the Lord knows, but it is doubtful if it ofteu got off anything worse than this. For a time. to business fellows will FOR about thirteen years I have devoted more time to politics than to business. The result is that my business has suffered. ,at, least, I propose to devote more tiaio and lees to politics, provided the other let me. During these years some features have come into practice among business men that were not con sidered proper or necessary at that time. Among them is the scheme of profit-sharing or giving to some lucky customers a valuable present. 1 propose to do something in this line myself. For each fifty cents paid to me for goods fur nished I will give the customer a numbered coupon. On each Saturday at 9 p. m. I will glvo away two presents one, h year's subscription to any $1 period ical desired, and the other, one copy of some of the famous pictures neatly framed, the customer can also make a choice of ttiese as there are a number to be given awav before supply Ih exhausted. In ad dition, evervmonth I will give several , valuable pri'S ents. On June flth the presents will be a fine Bible, h Webfter's International Dictionary, one year's sub scription to a $ periodical and one Hoys' 1(V,?'" Set. The presents to bo given away on July nth win be'announced later. I hone to confine mvself in these presents to ar ticles in mv own line so that I will not interfere with eule of goods in other lines. In addition 1 will give a dividend each month to the person who has pur chased the most goodB from me. On Jane "tb this will be $5.00. You do not have to purchase fifty cents worth at one time to get a dividend check, iib I issue certificates of sale for less amounts which can be exchanged for dividend check when they amount to fifty cents. If clerk does not give you checks or or certificates when you make T UAI All a purchase, ask for them. HI. I . flULHtl We have an excellent line of Spring SnitiDgs, Pantings, etc., which we are , prepared to make up in the latest styled, and guarantee a perfect fit. FATE OF A TYPICAL Til VST. i NOTICE TO WATER-CONSUMERS. All persons using Dalles City water for irrigating purposes between the 1st day of May and the 1st day of Septem ber, will observe the following rules and regulations: Persons will be permitted to use the water below the bluff on all even davs, and above the bluff on all odd days The annual report of the United 1 from 6 o'clock a. m. until S a. m., aild ei . n i u n a from b' o'clock p. m. until S p. m. States Rubber Company, made pub- The above rul(?g mugt be ricl)v com. lie recently, is a good illustration of plied with, and anv infraction of the what a trust may expect when it flne 0f n. and the water will be shut off i seeks by monopoly lo extort undue until paid; and for a second offence " .i o t . i double the amount, profits, says the Courier-Journal. The followinc charces will be made: The report shows that the net earn-, For one full lot 50x100, $1.50 per month, j ings of this d0,000,000 corporation A persons usin", wa'ter in clogBt or for this fiscal year were only $02,-! toilet will see to it that the water is shut , , ,. . , off when not in use, or water will be uOo.o, about one-fourth of 1 per,BmU ofr ltot:ether if allowed to run to cent on the outstanding preferred waste. J. B. Chores, . , , ... . ,, .. Supt. Dalies Citv Water Works, stock, and nothing at all on the com- i ml-3wd YOUR KIDNEYS. After vou tire of using so-called khlnev remedies without any benefit, use Lincoln Sexual Pills and be forever rid of those dull pains in your back. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have all your bladder and urinary troubles cured, and your nights made restful by the line of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Sexual Pills, Price, $1.00 per box buy oi your druggist orsont by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO., Fort Wayne, Indiana. M. Z. Donnell, Agent, Tiie Dalles. Jast What You uuant. The "Bailey-Gatzert ltateii to I'uu-Auierlcuu Kxpoltlon. mon. Yet the preferred stock is entitled to 6 per cent dividends, I .... , A . . . , I Round-trip rates via 0. R. & N. from which have heretofore been paid.,-,. ,, ' nft ,. , 4 , 1 1 The Dalles, Sl.90. Tickets on sale first The company has been in existence , and third Tueedays during June, July, nine years, and began with the prac- (August, September and October.good for ttcal control of the industry. It was i continuous passage going on date of sale. not satisfied with moderate profits, ! Return lim,t thirt-v da-ve fro date of . , ! sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of but made such radical advances in . ,. r ui .: I Missouri river or at. Paul on return trip prices that competition sprang up on within limit of ticket, every side. Last year it was wittily Arrangements can be made by apply obeerved that the trust was "holding j ins to agent O. P.. & X. Co., The Dalles, an umbrella over the trade," mean-1 wnerefc"' tickets will be honored on lake , . . , A . steamers in one or both directions be- ing that it kept its prices so high that ( ween DetroU and Bnffal0i the independent concerns sold the ' tf most of the goods at slight reduc-! tions. An attempt was made to buy James Ireland, Agent then; up, but this failed, and then a combination was proposed, to which the outside concerns would noi listen. Competition has been in creased, not lessened, by consolida- JJou't. Don't expect a "cheap" enameled utensil to last long. It doesn't. Don't think such a one can be kept clean. It can't. Don't believe the "cheap" enamel isn't steadily crumbling away. It ie. Don't imagine in using such you're tion. I he same results will iouow not eating the enamel. You are. with other trusts if the wi3er policy Don't figure you are savinir money of sivme the consumer a share in buying the cheapest. You're not. , . ,. i i Don't forget the "cheap" has but one' " I coating of enamel. Just one. not prevail. Don't fan l0 recouect timt mported Stransky steel-ware lasts for years. II 4 Wifi kl TO -OREGON Short Line Union Pacific jjjjjjUjjjjM IP nzi'AHT , TIME SUHEDUI.KS " THE DALLES. ClllCNgU- Portland KtHclaL 12:2." p. m. Suit Iiko, Dnnvcr, Ft. Worth. Onmliii. kn. nun City, Ht.Umifi, Chl- vla Hunt- uiiko und tlii! Kuxt. iiiriou. Atlantic KsnrcNK, l'iifiO n. in. via Hunt IiirUxi. Ht. l'lIU) KMNt Mull, !i:'J.r)I. in. Via Hlo-kiuiu. A1UUVK 1 :06 p. m. 'Salt IjiWo, Denver, Ft. I Worth, Omnliu, i;n. , , MHCIty,8l.UulH,C'li. 4 Jdl cuk) and the Kant. , ' Wallu Wullh, IxiWlntnu,1 MKIUIO,tt IlllHlHJ.rilll , man, MIiiim'iiikiIIb, Ht. I'uul.DuluUi.MIlwuii , kit), ClilciiRoand Kaht. ,'! .:ioa a. OCEAN AND EIVER SCHEDULE From I'urtlmul, The fmc?t and fastest sternwheel boat on the Columbia River Will Make DAILY TRIPS between The Dalles and Portland, Mon days excepted, arriving here from Port land at 3 p. in. and returning at 4 p. m. JOHN FILLOON, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. Ml' I r New idtiiih in Wall Paper here. Pncli wide variety an we ate showing never be fore graced a single stock. Keal imita tion cretori etlects at ordinary jiricuH. Giwd imjiers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tanteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of uoubc puiuts. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. L. Lane, H:00 i. in. Dully exeeiit rfimdiiy, !: v. in. riiituriliiy, p. in. Jinlly Siiiuiiiy, Ii'IKI ii. ill. (All shIIIiir dnlcK null Jcct to uhuiiKc) For Sun rrinralxco, Hull every 6 dayH. ('nl tiinlilit Itlrrr. To ANtorla mid Wny LitndliiRb. Wlllumiittn lllvrr, Ori'KOll City, NcvtlMire, hnlrni, I i)tlit!iulutii-c, mid iiy-IjiudlliKK. I:0Dp. m. I 00 p. m. Sumliiy. I p, tn. vxrcjit SuiiUny. Tni'-'diiy, 'riiiitKdiiy, Situtiliiy, r. :W) u. iu. Corvullis mid Wny IjuiiIIiikh I M . tn. .Moiirfny, i'dni"i(lijr Ktlaay. Tuiwlny, VillMini'tt hiiiI m, TIllUNliiy, Vimililll ItlvKrx. Monilajf, .Snturilii) , f).,.on flti- f iiii-im m.ii WudlieMlr.v 7:U)h. in. win Ijii.iiinirM h'rldy. Klimrlii ' dully, ' U:4U a. in. CiENEKAL THERE IS MORE OF THEM. Don't buy that kind if health and economy are of no consequence. Don't try to get the genuine else- Is for publishing "Indignant's" j where, for it's soid exclueively by in 3'esterday's issue, containing mlG tf Mays & Cnowi:. A subscriber takes TheChiiokh le to task letter strictures on the administration of j oon-t itub it in, Wasco county justice, with special! Juat wet the affected part freely with reference to the continuance of Ike My-terioua Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, Moore's case aud his admission to bail in the paltry sum of 8300. I aud the pain is gone. talk. Sold by Clarke it PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Bull AN Daa Horseshoer SiiuU. Itlrrr. , lA'MO U"vlton IMpurlu to U'M'lutoii. K JOn'a! rurtiw dfhlrlnc to po to Upmpikt or i iKinits mi Uoliiiulilii hoiillit.'ru vlu IIIkkk, Hhoula tutu No. 2, Il-hvIhk The Duller ut 12 :Ti . n. mnkliiK dlm:t connaUloiiK ut Ilcjiptior Junction hiiiI IIIkkii. KutiiniliiK nuikltiKdirvcteimnecttcm ut lli'piiiur Junction mid lllix wlttiiNu, 1, ar- I riving at The Dallv nt 1:US . in. ! Kor lurtlu.T purticulurh, cull on or Hildri'ss J JAS. 111KLA.N1), AKi-lit, Tin- Dnlloh, Oia'on. Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TiiM aufl JeffGnn. Phone 159 The CiutoNicLE has no apology to offer for its action, and is not in the least sorry for what it did in the premises. When Ths Chko.nicle cannot afford to publish the truth it bad better wrap the drapery of its couch about it and lie down in tin eternal sleep. "Indignant's" protest was just and timely. Justice in Wasco county, Eur Sain. A number of choice family cows, full blood and grade JerBeys. Apply to J. A. Hkndeeso.v, mL'3-tf Bingen, Wash. When your hair appears dry and to have lost its vitality it wants eomethinc to give it life and vigor. We have what the hair needs when it gets in that con I dition. We have the Crown ofj Science Hair (fSftafc Grower a n d j Cocoanut CreaniHujr Tonic. They ! will cure dand ruff and all I m numerous cases scalp diHeaeee. For sale at Frazer's bar-: delightful herb drink. Removed all eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect complexion, or money refunded. L'o ctB , and 60 cts. lilakeley, the druggist. Kor Snlfi, A stylish black drivine horse, very during the last quarter of a centurj-, bur HllI'- Price 50c and 7ou a bottle. j has been a ridiculous farce. , Moki Tea positively cures Sick Head- j,v-m. i. lmc nomnnnl i ache, indigestion and constipation. A , Alll. .IMU a.w.VMM. .www.- . I .1 . 1 T L. . ..I 1, t- .1 i- T. . lection of numerous cases where men were not only notoriously guilty of crimes against the law, but were actually adjudged guilty in the courts who, because they had a pull i with the legal authorities, never gentle. Also a nearly new open buggy, suffered for a moment for their j harness, blaukets, etc. Very cheap. .crime.. The record is an ugly one ! M W. It. Hookwku., , u i i t ii . . . . I m'J7dL'ww3w Dufur, Ore. and would not look well in print, but it is available nnd If it is very badly 1 1 uya WRnt t0 retain, yat ha,r y .... i i I uvc iu Keep uur mcuid uieaa. noap wanted can be produced. ... . . . . , crispy. Now we have two of the yery beat preparations for cleansing the scalp Egg and Pine Tar Shampoo. It will leave your hair soft and glostv. Price, 25 and 50 cents a bottle, at Frazer's barber ahop, The Dalles. tf Subscribe for Tn Cuuoniolk, YELLOW KIDK AT WAR. When the "yellow kids" get after each other, newspaper literature be comes picturesque. The Portland Telegram is only an infant "yellow x g Str. Regulator ! DOWN. C. Lv. Dulles S nt 7 a. M. hi Tuesday ... . C, Thurwlay . . . E Huturduy . . . jv Arr. Portland B at 1:30 J. it. Str. " Iralda' Str. Dalles City. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA KAY. COMPANY I Htcnmorw of the KeKUlutnr Line will run hh icr the !ol- S j owing kchfdulc, tho Compuny rekurvltig thu rlfiht to cIiiiiikc 'a schedule without notice. s i ...a Trie coiumDia PackiDQ Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANOKACTUKKRB OK Fine Lard and Sausages Cure's of BRAND HAMS & BACON JKIKD BEEF, ETC. J. H. HCIIKNCK, I'reMldent. Max A. OUT. Can hi ei up. Leaves Cascades 0 a. in. down 'V'ut7 "'."ii ArrlV(5 I)a,l(iB 10:110 m' .aV7 A?""" Jiondny . . . Weilneduv. l-rldny .. Monday f.eavp T)allfN 'A n. in. , Wedno-dHy , . . hrlduy ftrr, oiihi:ttut!c i ;,tv p. m. Arr. DulleH II 5 l'. M. Daily ex. Sunday. CP. 'fl l.y . Portland ,3 nt7'.m a. M. i . . . Tuusdny 'j . . . Tlitimdny ,3 . .Katurdnv B ' Arr. Portland Arr. 1)iiIIi:h 3 Tvvr-nrninn KxImh nvurv Sntnrdiiv for nnrlii'H nf flvn mill nnu'arrlu. Hulluc 5 jj; White Salmon and intermediate points, f)0c Dalles to Cascades, $1.00. ' 4 k' For an evening trip take the "Iralda" at !l p. in. to Hood Jtivor and re-'lj turn on the up boat. 'i J'OR UOMFUKT IDUUWUMY AND FLjEASURE, 'a y Travel by the Htenmers ol the Hegulator Line. The Cora pony will endeavor to give IU put ! rmiH the nervlce iiokhIIjIc For further Information uddrexH ii...intwi rffiiA ntii'.Qi-... riiL i V. C. ALLAWAY, Gen. Afe't. irlwi w t ri jr t.jri.Trg.TlwlwS Yt r r r tiirly fl CrandaM Barget DEALERS IN -r- fjoj) illl kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds Funeral Supplies embalmers Etc. The Dalles, Or. . C Advertise in The Chronicle, First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Depouite received, subject to Hiybt Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Hlelit and Telegraphic Exchange sold u Now York, San Francisco and port land. OIRBOTONS D. P. Thompson. J0. 8. Hchkwok. Eu. M. WIM.IAMB, Gko. A. Likhk. H. M. Bit At. i,. NOTICE FOii PUBLICATION. Land OIRce nt Vancouver, Wimh, .... , , . , May 17. 1WI1. Notice U liereliy kIvimi that tlm lollowliitf liaiued Hett urn luive Died notice of tliulr Intiin tlon to iniiKc lliml iiroof iu HUiiport ut tliulr eliiliii and that Mild proof will in. iniido lieforo 1 V "''Vi 1 H. CoiniiUHNloiier for DlHtrlctof UiihliliiKtmi, nt IiIh otllci. Iu (loldenilale, WmhIi., on Haturday, Juuoi!, 1UOI, viz.: Klhuouli It. llylion, II. i:. So, U7IJ0, for the NU Sl'M, SIM and NKS of HVM. 8W. ill, Tut N, tfa tf. 'j',?, X iianieH the follow log wltiameH to tirove lilt con tinuous renldenco upon and cultlvntloii of mild lltlMlf ViZ Orle K. HhliiiHjy, Corllx Koreimuu, John )af iron, Juiiivk (). i,yl, all of I.yle p, o WnVh. (lorllx hormmrn, II. K. No. j;i7rt, for the rtV'4 HKL. Keo ri inul 'ViV''1 n;k! f n w s& 'i i !? nJ K 12 h, W, M who niiineH the followliiK Wit' nceH tolprove III eontluiiouH rusldeute tiiiou und fiultlvatlonofiildlHiid, vl. 1 Klkanah II. llylUui.Urlu K. HIilpiMiy, Join, j)f. (roil, JumcH O. I.yle, all of I.ylo p. o WuhIi. Orle It. Hliiiumv. -H. K. No. tuM.'for tno (ruitliimil 8W u of NWi: nfi '. i VJi&.Z. h V wo iiiuneii the (ol- Ueneo upon and cultivation of ',irl u I 'T l;km.ah 11, llylton, Corllx Hiireuie , Jo tin Wwhl" "C'H " Ly,e ' o( Lyli 1'. o" ,,,,h' R. UfNllAll, HcKlNtcr. r Complete of Drills at M. Z. DONNELL, THE DRUGGIST. Spring Suitings The time will soon be here when W'l stylish dressed man will want an up-Wj date Spring 8uit. Those are tlio klui fi .,niv.,u i ..... .. fur. Louie in I ii,iifiin A iiii biiuviuih ..... - , ! and look over my Spring line ' 'tinKe' ! All the latest novelties for 11)01. ! Suits to Order, $10.00. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In oil Its tflf;es tliro Mould ho cloauliuoii. Ely'a Cream Bain clean o,oothtitnd livala tlio dlwascd iiieiuliraiic. 1 1 ciireH catarrh and drives away a cold lu tUu head mllr.klv. -- ,.n, melM CruHin Balm Is placed Into mo n' rfofo. over the tnembrono and Is aWrbe'k 1 mediate aud a cure follows. It U 0' "'"'"J not produce sneeisliiK. Urge HUe, 60 cent! " glit. or hy moll , Trial BUc, 10 conU f fc iltY IHWTUBUS, 60 Warteu Wiw'i ,e" ' A jrMsaf Mm 0