The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, June 04, 1901, Image 3

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A Clothing Event
that shows
our supremacy
Choice of 125 Hart, Shaff
nor tfc Marx high-grade strict
ly all-wool suits, in eassi
meres, homespuns and fancy
cheviots, identical suit as
shown at $10, $12 and $13.50.
Special One Week
& Marx
Monarch Shirts,
Shawknit Hose,
E. & W. Shirts, Collars Tailor
and Cuffs, Made
Arrow Brand Collars, Clothe9
American Hosiery Co.'s
Summer Undonveai
mm mm
jr i
coPYmoHT i so i
Three Specials
in Shirt Waists.
We have selected from our immense stock of Women's
Fine Shirt Waists three of the latest and daintiest, and
priced them so reasonably that selling will be rapid
for this week.
Our $5.00 quality includes four distinct styles
which wo offer at
Our 4 and $4.50 qualities will be offered at
Our $8.50 and $3.75 qualities will bo offered at
Make an earl- call to the department as the pretty
ones go -first.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Tl'FSDA Y JUNE 4, lftOl"
(J- -(i
Ice Cream
Ice Cream
At Andrew Keller's.
All Waco County warrautH reentered
prior to January S, 1HM8, will be paid
on priHMtatlnti at my oltlce, IntereHt
:tmii arttir May S54, 11X11.
County Treaiturer.
For Rent Two rootiifl adapted to
light housekeeping. Apply nt Mrs.
Kddon's, Third Btreet. 4j-lw
M. A, nnd M.I. Cook today filed in
thu oflioc of tlio county oleik, on two
'I uiirtH cluiniH situated in thu eaBt fork
of Hood river.
The members of the Fortnightly dub
art! requested to meet tomorrow after
noon, aliout 3 o'clock, at tlio residenco
of Mrs. Kd. Williams.
The Dogreo of Honor will give a uncial
Thursday evening ut the etnull K. of 1'.
hall. The members and fiiends nre
cordially invited to nttend. Strawber
ries and cream and cake for refresh
ments. Admission 15 cents.
The Sunday school picnic of the M. E.
church takes place tomorrow, nnd Hood
Itivcr lias been decided upon as the ob
jective point. The excursionists will
leave on the 7 o'clock bout and tickets
can be had in the morning near the bout
Mary Ellen Lease, tho noted agitator,
has filed u petition in bankruptcy in
New York. She gave her liabilities as
:i,247.r)5, and her assets at $2,293. 7.r
Thu petitioner says much of the indebt
edness is as indorser of mortgages given
hy her husbaud. Ex.
R. A. Laughlin, of Wapinitin, brought
to town yesterday seven head of 115.
Months-old hogs, which, at ft1 cento u
pound, brought him exactly $!)U.7C, ag
gregating 1000 pounds, or an average of
over 271 each. Ho sold them to the Co
lumbia racking Company.
The Dalles Assembly of United Arli
sans wjII entertain the Dufur assembly
tomorrow i Wednesday; night at the K.
"( J, hall. All visiting Artisans in good
"landing are curdlally invited to be
present. Refreshment, will be served
oiui a geueral good time is anticipated,
The river gauge at this place at 8
o'clock this morning indicated 30.7 feet,
a fall of only one-tenth in twenty-four
hours. The thermometer at that time
touched 40, and while it rained a little
here, there was a enow flurry on the
Klickitat hills that left them white for
llf an hour. '
A Kiddle correspondent in tlio Hoae-
burg Review writes that Mr. Keer, 99
years and 10 months old, of Cottage
Grove, has gone to his mine on the
Urnpqua, near Perdue. The old gentle
man, who is still quite active, thinks
that lie would not live more than five
years longer if he did not work."'
An Oregon editor dreamed that he
died and, of course, went to heaven and
there came upon a man in chainB fas
tened to a poBt. He inquired if it was
necessary to punish people that way in
heaven. "That man," said St. Peter,
"Ib a man from Oregon. We alwuyp
have to keep Oregonians chained up
awhile in order to keep them from going
As we go to press John Doe, an em
ploye of the Skibbe hotel, isr on trial in
the recorder's court on a charge of
assault with a deadly weapon. The
complaining witness is a Chinaman,
wiio is also an employe in the same
kitchen. The celestial daiin6 that Doe
threw a cod'ee cup at hirji which struck
him on the eyebrow, leaving an ugly
lump about the size of a bantam's egg.
Doe claims that the Cliinaman had at
tempted to carve lihn with a butcher
knife. 1
Secretary A. A. Keller, of the newly
organized lodge of Eagles, asks Tin:
Chuonum.k to correct a couple of mis
takes that were made in the published
list of the ollicers of The Dalles Aerie,
No. 15(5. Brother Al Nelson was elected
to the important office of worthy con
ductor, and to his untiring efforts the
organization of the aerio is mostly due,
The name of George CoinmingB, one of
the moit relive mc.ubers of the initia
tive team, wa, by some, oversight,
omitted from thu list of Portland Eagles.
Articles of incorporation were filed to
day in tho oflice of the comity clerk of
the Eastern Oregon Oil Company. Tlio
business of the corporation is to lease,
buy, sell and operate nil lands, to drill
and prospect for coal and oil and natural
gas and other minerals, to deal in coal
and coal lands and buy and sell tho same
and to mine coal to construct, operate,
maintain, buy and lease pipe lauds; to
acquire oil by any method and eel thu
same; to build, lease and operate re
llnuiiee, to manufacture benzine, lucine,
axle grease and all by products. The
principal oflice of the corporation is at
The Dalles, Oregon. The capital stock is
$7000, divided into seventy shares of one
hundred dollars each. The incorporators
are George T. J'arr, N. Whealiiou and P.
L. Krotzer.
On account of the cold winds and rain,
the Street Fair and Strawberry Carni
val, which was to have been held at
lllood River on the 4th, 5th and Uth, will
Ibe postponed for one week. There will,
therefore, be no excursion on the Regu
lator June (Uh.
: 4 ,it General Agent.
Clarke & Falk's flavoring extracts are
the best. Ask your r 'cer for thein.
The Middle Oregon Baptist Associa
tion, composed of the Baptiet churches
in the counties of Wasco, Sherman, Gil
liam, Morrow, Wheeler, Grant and
Ciook, will convene with the Calvary
BaptiBt church in this city tomorrow,
at 10 o'clock a. ni. A number of dele
gates and visitors is expected to be in
attendance at its sessions and remain
until after next Sunday. Rev. I. S.
Hawkins, a returned missionary from
India, will be on hand and deliver one
or more addresses. The introductory
sermon will be preached by Rev. M. M.
Bledsoe, of Arlington. There will also
be preaching at the church tach night
during the week. The public is cordial
ly invited to attend any or all of the
to fill the unexDired term
P. L. Kretzer and Bon, L. H., weThTh 0n motin the. ?"cort3er was 'nelrncted
town today from McKay creek, where
some ten miles south of Pendleton, Uma
tilla county, they recently struck, at a
depth of 10U feet, what they believe to
be a very encouraging oil prospect. Mr.
Kretzer brought with him samples of
the mud taken from the hole at various
depths, which are strongly impregnated
with parafine. As a result of the dis
covery a campany was incorporated
here toifay to develope the prospect.
Mr. Kretzer Bays the outlook for oil on
Fifteeu Mile creek above Dufur is as
good, if not better than on McKay
creek, and that boring will be com
menced in the latter neighborhood in a
few weeks. "
From the 15th to the 31st of May,
ultimo, Sheriff Kelly collected and
turned over to the county treasurer tho
sum of $35,104,08 in county and Btate
taxes. Of this sum the county gets
$20,035.40; Dalles City, $3,178.84 ; school
district No. 13, The Dalles, gets $4,011.
22; district No. 3, Hood River, $244.40;
district No. 20, Dufur, $348.25 and
Antelope district, $J81.5i). The tax roll
of 1900 calls for $105,000. Of this sum
there has been collected a total of $77,
000, leaving a balance delinquent of
about $28,000. Probably $10,000 of this
will be collected before the tax sale,
which will take place about Iba first
week in July.
E. O. McLennan, of Antelope, spent
last night at the Umatilla House on his
way homo lroin a business trip to Port-laud.
Mrs. Simeon Bolton and daughter,
Miss Vesta, left on the noon train today
on a visit to Mrs. Bolton's mother, Mrs.
OtJtrauder, of Goldeudale.
Mrs. II. W. Estes and two daughters,
Pearl and Grace, left on this morning's
boat to join Mr. Estes at the salmon
hatchery on the little White Salmon.
M. K. Monday School Kxourfrlon, Juuu O.
Notice Tickets for this excursion
must be purchased of the committee, as
they will not bo sold at the dock at leas
than the regular rates,
jl.iit W. O. Am-away, G. A.
Subscribe for Tun Oukonicxb.
City Council Proceedings.
The regular monthly meeting of the
city council was held last night in the
council chambers with Councilman
Frank Gunning in the chair.
A petition was presented by a large
number of residents on the bluff east of
Union street praying that cows be per
mitted to run at large in that district.
It was moved and carried unanimously
that the cow ordinance be suspended for
the present until public opinion backs
the council In enforcing it throughout
every part of the city.
The resignation of Charles Charnplin
as nigbtwatchman was tendered and ac
cepted. Paul K. Paulsen was appointed
to notify, in writing, parties owing the
city money on notes of hand that the in
terest on said notes must in future be
promptly paid when due, and that de
linquents be required to pay the amounts
owing by them within ten days.
The recorder was instructed to pro
cure and forward to the claim agent of
the O. R. & N. Co. all bills for medicine
and supplies incurred on account of Jack
AlliBon, a smallpox patient and an em
ploye of the company.
The city treasurer reported aB follows:
LMuy 1- -To available cash In gen
em 1 1 una
Receipts for the mouth .
H'rr'd from Unking fund
008 Mi
May 1-
By warrants Htued. ...
Interest on city bonds
.?i2i; io
coo w-
flSM Oil
iog io
T :;5s on
June 1 Available cash gen mini
An ordinance was read and passed
granting the Columbia River & Puget
Sound Navigation Company the right to
the tisu of certain lands on the river
ront for wharfage purpose at a rental
of $2 per month.
The following claims were allowed in
addition to regular salaries of ollicers :
J Julien, sawing wood $ 50
Mrs T J Driver, meals 75
Mays it Crowe, supplies 1 o"
Hansen Thoinsen, repairs 3 35
P F Durham, hauling 1 00
R G Brooks, wood 5 00
W A Johnston, supplies 2 15
II Clough, repairs 75
MaierA Benton, wood 5 00
L Pavette, sprinkling 2 00
L D Oaks, hauling 4 25
Chronicle Pub Co, adv (i 00
F S Gunning, repairs 3 15
Dalles Electric Light Co, light. . . . 15 05
J T Peters & Co, supplies 1 20
James McCav, hauling, 50
Robt F Boll,' reporting 8 45
J Julien, sawing wood 1 00
F Stone, labor 0 00
Times- Mountaineer, dog license
book 1 25
C J Crandall, registering letters. , 35
A A Urquhart, luhor 1 00
Seufert A Condon, telephones .... 10 00
Mrs T J Driver, meals 00
The recorder was instructed to poet
notices for the city election to he held
on the third Monday in June. The fol
lowing gentlemen were chosen to act as
judges and clerks of election :
Firet ward Judges, Ben Wilson, G A
Liebe, J L Thompson ; clerks, S S Smith,
Chas SehuU.
Second ward Judges, R B Hood, F
...The New York Cash Store...
138 and 142 Second Street.
The BARGAIN STORE oi the City.
Ladies' Shirt Waists.
Ladies' Shirt Waists.
We are now showing a full lino of summer waists in
percales, madras, lawns, etc. Our assortment was never so
handsome and attractive as this season.
We make a specialty of White Waists.
Call early and inspect this line, as we are sure wo can satis
fy the most fastidious. No trouble to show goods.
Have a Complete Stock of the Following Lines
Rubber Garden Hose, Ball-bearing Lawn Mowers,
Garden Tools of all kinds,
Large Stock of Fishing Tackle,
Rubber Bic3Tcle Tires and Full Line of Sundries,
also Bicycles rented and repaired,
Full line of Granite Ware and Tin Ware,
White Mountain Ice Cream Freezers,
Garland Stoves and Steel Ranges,
Day, B. & II., and Cleveland Bicycles.
Plumbing and. Tinning done at Lowest Prices.
Our Cord Wood and Grocery Departments
are complete.
Any orders entrusted to us on the above lines will "S
jZir have prompt attention. "tisi
We will meet any and all Competition.
We Positively Will Not Be Undersold.
l'HONES NO. 4.
H Wakefield, Henry Steers; clerks, J E
Uaruett, Sam Stark.
Third ward Judges, J Doherty, Jack
Staniels, George Reno; clerks, Ned
Baldwin, F Eurchtorf.
J. C. Egbert appeared before the
council and made complaint of a dan
gerous place on the road near the pow
der house, where It comes within a few
feet of the railroad track at a sharp turn
in the road, where it is impossible to see
any considerable distance ahead and
where tho road is hemmed in on the
side opposite tho railroad track by a
precipitous bluli' of rock. Tho matter
was referred to the committeee on
streets and public property.
No Celebration On the Fourth.
An liiillciimit CorrM)oiulent.
Tin: Dam.ks, June 4, 1001.
To Tin: Enrion:
I noticed in last night's Chronicle
your sarcastic, but most righteous re
mark on tho recent acquittal of Ex
Postm ister Hiddell in thu United States
circuit court at Portland. Now let mo
ask you, Mr. Chroniclo, why a some
what similar case, still nearer home, has
escaped the criticism of your trenchant
pen? Does the fact that Judge Hrad-
sliaw is a neighbor, and perhaps a friend, j
estop you from denouncing us it ought
to be denounced his action at the recent
term of circuit court in turning louse, on
a paltry iflSOO-hond, Ike Moore, a man
who had lain in jail for nearly three
months in default of $1000 lunula, for
being caught, red-handed, in a theft of
1000 pounds of brass cat-tings from the
O. II. & X. Co,, when at tho same term
of court a poor devil of a waiter, or some
thing of that kind, was placed under a
a $.r)0Q-bond for stealing .fl.ti'i worth of
cigars from a Hood River hotel? '
Mark my words, Mr, Chronicle, Ike
Moore will never miller a minute's pun
ishment fur his crime, He has a pull, and
no man with the proper pull need sutler
for any crime he may commit in Wasco
For Ini'auts and Childreu,
Tb Kind You Have Always Bought
&uature of &&(ffii&J&t4
The Dalles will not celebrate on the
coming Fourth after all. This much
woe decided last night at a meeting of
the Driving Association, and when the
reasons for this action are understood
the general opinion will be that the
association m acted wisely. Let it be
distinctly understood that this conclus
ion was not influenced by any lack of
funds for a fitting celebration. Tho
business men of the city subscribed
liberally ami there was plenty of money
in sight, but the soliciting committees
were again and again reminded that a
liberal contribution to a 4th of July
celebration meant less for the district
fair that will be held here in the fall,
and less for another street fair that
everybody seems to desire.
Now the dihtrict fair, with lit f loOO of
state money in premiums, mutt lie pio
videil for, and provided for in a manner
that at leant Mill not li?erace the town.
Tho grounds on the Catholic mission
have been obtained for this very pur
pose, Hut these grounds, to make them
av-Ulablo for the purpose must bo fenced,
s'teds for stabling purposes must bo
built and a grand stand erected. All
this costs money and tho business men
are perfectly willing to subscribe liberal
ly, but they naturally object to being
tapped too often. In a wotd, tho fair
must lie provided for nnd in connection
with it a street carnival similar to the
one we had last year.
The expense of a proper celebration on
tho Fourth would entrench on tho sub
scriptions to the fairs, and as we must
have the fairs and can do without tho
celebration, the Driving Association
wisely concluded that it waa best to de
vote all our energltin to that which will
give thu best material returns,
A full line of Kistiuan films and sup
plies just received by Clarke it Fitlk.
Subscribe for Tnii Ciuionil'i.k.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. ThlrU and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone 133. Local, 102,