Greatest of All " Kvery one in Pan Antonio, Texas, says ihnt Acker's English Remedy is the greatest thing ever nut up tor roughs, colds, iistlinin, bronrhitis, croup and consumption. I jiave been using it over four Keith, F. W. Smith, 0. E. Johnson, T. NOTICE TO WATER-CONSUMERS. Olnrk ; T. H. Welton from Denver Aorie; I All persona using Dalles City water 15. FnrottL'h from Seattle Aerie: and A. ! 'or irriKathiR purposes between" the 1st j E. Nelson, from Whatcom Aerie. T. AlcNuiuee as captain of tlie team, and Louis Wagner as conductor, taught thu Entiles to tly, and some of tliem, it is feared, liavu not got to roost yet. The Portland Eagles left for homo on i the afternoon train, leaving behind j them a high impression of their courtuuy j and efllciency. ; Thu l'ulillu llulit. ! Washington, June 1. The monthly 'statement of tin- public debt, issued by 1 the treasury department today, shows ; that at the close of business May IJl, 11)01, i the debt, less cash in the treasury, I amounted to $1.0u-47l).494. which lea bles, and have vet to come across a case 'decrease for the month of $10,2GS,7()' wnuru ix, liiuni. t: iuih: uiur muu ihii'5 in years for all forms of throat and lung troll SOUTH and EAST via Souinern Pacific Co. Shasta Route TrHlliH IwiveThu Dalles (or Portland ami wny htiittonsi nt-lrJo ii. in. utul p. m. l.citvu Portland ' Albany Arrive Aslilnnil " Haermiii.-ntc) ... " Han KranetTo . . ssui a in . . .1'.::U a in ...Ui.tin in . .. fiiroi p in ... 7:if i m 7:0n p m a:M i in II toll 11 III a III h.15 a 111 our family, and neither my wife nor 1 have ever losta night's sleep because of throat trou bles among tlieehildren. I giu. that is more than any other family can say. Acker's .English Uemeuy isjiist as etl'ective for grown up people as for the young. It seems to go ftrnight to the place where the trouble lies in the throat and bronchial tubes and lungs. It soothes and heals the irritated tissues, loosens up the phlegm and mucus in the breathing passages, quiets the nerves, invig orates the constitution and stops the cough ing. My advice to parents is to always keep a bottle in the house It will be a constant safeguard against croup." (Signed) F. G.ZtMMKiiMVN San Antonio, Tex. This decrease is largely accounted for by the purchase of bonds for the sinking fund and the increase in the cash on hand. Tiie cash in tne treasury is re capitulated as follows : i Interest bearing debt $ !)'J-',02-l,-lS0 Debt on which interest lias ceased siuce maturity. . 1,410,170 Debt bearing no interest .. oSl,:S.'M,oY:i Arrive Ogdon " Denver " iCnnsa.i:ity. " Chicago ... fi: l"i a in ililXI a in ":'.'. a in 7 s Hi a in It-I ft a in ll;0" a in 7 ;'-' a in M.'M a in i Total $l,o74,S14,lW'j i ii ip iiiiiuinii, liuii c v Lt uuee iiui i mil miu , $770,6(!,7S9 in certificates and treasury notes outstanding, wiiich are oll'set by SolUatSSc.. wo. and r?la bottle, throushontthe United States and Canada ; ami in Knglanil.atls.9il..s.3il.. ?Ll,f,r. I " eill uuiount of cash on hand held battle to Vonr ilruffellt anil cifc vmir ninnov h.nb. 1 l ne casn in tne ire authorize the above Guarantee. If. II. HOOKER S: CO.. Proprietors, Sew For nale at Biakeley's I'liariniicv. l'KUSONAI. M KNTHIN, J. E. Adcos returned last night from a living trip to Portland. Mies Ann Mann is visiting relatives and friends in this city. Attorney 11. !'. Sinnntt, of Portland, made u flying trip to Thu Dalles yester day. Frank Galul, the hetp king of ihe Wapiiniia Fiat, is registered at the U mm ilia House. Mrs. E. H. French left .tin tho noon train on a visit to herold home in Ma-siicbnsetts and, incidentally, to the Pan-American exposition. Mrs. Richard Barter and Mrs. J. X. Leach, wilt' have been in attendance at the Z'fier-Huott wedding, returned to their homes in Portland on the after noon train. lor tneir retiempiion. l lie casn in treasury is classified ae follows: Reserve fund, gold . 150,000,011(1 Trust fund 770,('i03,7S5 General fund lu National bank deposi toriea 101,7G0,24 dav of May and the 1st dv of Septem bor, will observe the following rules and regulations: Persona will he permitted to use the water below the blun" on all even dayn, and above the liltill' on all odd days from ( o'clock a. in. until 8 a. in., and from (i o'clock p. in. until 8 p. in. The above rules must he tUrictly com plied with, anil any infraction of the above rules will Hiihjeet tho offender to a lino of $1, mid tho water will be shut oil' until paid ; mid for a second otl'eiice double the amount. Tlie following charges will be made : For one full lot oOxlOO. $1.50 per month. Each additional lot $l.L'o; half lot 76 cts. All persons using watt'r in closet or toilet will see to it that the water is shut oil' when not in use, or water will bo shut oil' altogether if allowed to run to waste. .1. 15. Ckosskn, Supt. Dalles City Water Works. nilliwd Rryinpf iiroiKiralions r.imply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions, which adhere to thu incmbrano and ducoin- poso, causing a far nioroKcrioiiH trouble tliau I tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry-j Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains iliR iuhalants, f limes, BUiokeB and ehuITh ' Olniir ears Sacramento to Ogilun und Kl l'iio and two that which cleanses, soothes and ; nvIIIuWntV.KV.llu11"0' " heals. Ely's Croam Halm is such a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head Cimiiwtlng t Hun Krmiclvo with several rnsilv nnil nlpn-mnllv A trial a'ir will bo steamship lines for Honolulu, .lap.iu, I hlna, maiiedRfor '""-. fiUo. bizo. Iilyllrothors, fill Warren Ht., N.Y. i Bee iigout at The Dalles station, or add.tss Tho Halm cures without pain, does not irritato or causo snoozing. It spreads itself . over nu irritated and angry surfaco, reliev ing immediately the painful intlammation. I ith Lly's Cream Jlului you aro aruiou against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fovor. J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors "The Owl." 9 y Purest Liquors for Family Use Dolivort'd to any purl of tho City. 173 Second Street, j 1 Phones: Til Local, 858 Long Dituuni't' Arrive 1-os Allgelfx .. " HI I'a-o " Kort Worth " City of Mexico . " Houston. . " New Orleans . . " Washington " New York . I :'M p m dim p m . ii::ni a in . u:iv a in . 1:00 u tit . C.:'J."i a m . tl: I J a in .l'J:t.'i p in 7:W a in ii:(K) p in i, ,:ui a m II .Vi H ill I .no a in i'i.'J'i i in li-10 a m lu -1: i m C. H. MARKHAM, (ieneral Passeiiiier Agent, l'orilauil, Ot Total .$l,170,07;i,4'JS Demand liabilities out standing S57,7o4.!)l)5 Cash balance. Awiinleil u Vain h:liilurlilp., June 2. John A. Van Gross, a student In the University of Oregon, bos just received notice that he has been awarded u scholarship m Vale university. A fmi mntitliu mrn fnnit 1 ut '",,,'1"'j for breakfast would not remain on my Htomacli tor nail an Dour. 1 used one bottle of your Kudo! Dyspepsia Cure and can now eat my breakfast and other meals with a relish and my food is thoroughly digested. Nothing equals Ivndol Dyppep-iu Cure for Htomacli trouble' H. S. Pitts. Arlington Tex., Kodol Dyspepsia Curi; dii!Hts what you eat. Clarke A Falk's P. O. Pharmncv. I I i'lni PaciDc .$ oit-',uyti,4iir) Yellowstone Park Line. Alts" Oiiie TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. The county court has instructed the county clerk to place a warrant on the tax roll of 1900 commanding me to col lect the taxee for said year by making sale, if necessary, of the property there- i in mentioned, and to return the roll in- Laudon, of the Western j side of sixtv davB. Acker's English Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and will cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Rlakeley the druggist. Subscribe for Tin: Ciujonici.k. THK DINING OAK KOl'TK 1'IIO.M I'OUTI.ANP TO THK KAST. , Till: ONLY DIItKIT I. INK TO THK YKI.l.OW KlONi: I'AUK imvi;, Union Depot, rirtbanil I sis akiuve. i f r" r-v rc r i .. .GOIiDfUBlA BHEWEHY.. AUG-UST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of thin well-know n brewery the Uniti'd States Ilealtli Reports for June 28, 1SI00, otiyM : "A more Hiipetior brew never entered the labratory of the United Stated Health reportH. It is aholutuly devoid of the Hllghtest. trace of adulteration, but on the other bund is coii;pnHed ol the best of malt and choicest of hops. ItH tonic (iiaIiihiH are of thu high, est and it can be lined with (be greiiteHt bomdil and satisfaction by old mid young. Its use can coiifoientiniiHly he prescribed by the physicians with "the cersaintv that a better, purer or more v liolenoiiio beverage could not posaijily be found." . ir r. , I rTITTTTl T ATT TT1 ft Tl TTI tuaac aocona ooroec, inn uiiijijxo, uxtnitjui. i F. S. GUiriG, ...Blacksmith, Horseshoer and Wagon-maker.. -DKAI.DT. IN- Iron, Stoel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies Auent for ItllKH'lt iV C() s KiiKlneM, Tlitesliers ami Hiuv Mills. Tolephune 157. Long DiHtunce 107!! Cor. Secoiiu & LaWn Sis., THE DALLES. OR. Union Telegraph Companv, lett todav for Portland, where she will join her friend, Miss Ojjlesbee, leaving tonight for IHiiraio. .Mrs. E. V. Cooper and daughter, of Independence, who have been visiting relatives and friends in this city for the pist two weeks, left today for an ex ttndeil vi-it to Walla Walla. G. W. Simons W. 15, Martin, W. F. sillier and Chester Gorrill.of the Pacific Bridge Company, of Portland, left this morning for While river on work con mected with the Wasco Warehouse Milling Company's power plant. liruntl Nimt lSlrilK. Saturday night a team of E igles from Portland Aerie, No. 4, under the superb leadership of Suite Deputy Grand Wor thy Presirlent, J. Lamont, were received by gentlemen comprising the charter lint of what is uow Tlie Dalles Aerie of Eagles, No. 150, with the band, and escorted to the Knights of Pythias hall, where a short meeting was held and nine members were admitted and initiated. Afterwards a social gathering of Eagles and charter liet members took place. The Dulles Eagles star! with a membfr?hip of sixty-eight, and a large part of yesterday was absorbed in initiating them. All bore their honors well, and show wings. Tho following officers were elected for the current year: Past President, C. P. Johttiisen; president, Otirf Patterson; vice-president, Al Everding; chaplain, F. W. Bkibbe; secretary, Ad Keller; treasurer, T. J. Watts; inside guardian, Chits, Frank, Jr.; outside guardian, G. E. GibBon. Trusteee Fred Guinther, Ctins. Stubling and Fred Lemke. The future meetings of the Eagles will be held each Sunday night at 8 p. m. until all the charter members are ini tiated and the many applicants admitted. I am sworn to do my duty, and am j also under nonof tor its laithiui per formance; therefore have no alterna tive but to obey tlie mandate of the court, and will immediately proceed to make out a list of delinquents and ad vertise the property for sale. Roiiukt Kki.i.y. 10m-4wdAW Sherill'of Wasco Co. Zim.. ..7.. uvimm Your faun Shows the state of your feelings and the state of your health as well. Impure blood makes itself apparent in a pale and sallow complexion, Pimples and Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling weak and worn out and do not have a healthy appearance you should try Acker's Blood Elixir. It cures all blood diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and so called purifiers fail; knowing this we sell every bottle on a positive guarantee. Blakelej the druggist. ONE FOR A DOSE. m-miro lmip:, I'riTent Hutu ---, ,l,;ri.y th. lllmij, ' ir 1' A'lai iiu.inil l,iiep9li. .i.,r- . , '-" ni'HiiTsnii norkp-fcrii. V-,coa-'i'ic,..i,tc-ilii'vi mm; l- r I ,,i X, PILLS NOTICE FOR I.A.NI) OFFICU PUBLICATION. Foml ('lianc'l I" 1'oIhoii. Putrefyiug food in the intestines pro- I duces efi'ecte like those of arsenic, hut Dr. King's Now Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubk-e. Only 1 'Joe at G. O. Blukeley's drug store. 4 Cutarrh (Juiuiut lie Cureil. adaptation to use of ' with local applications, aw they cannot I reach the seat of the disease. Cutarrh ie a blood or.conntitutional disease, and in order to cure it vou must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Cutarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure ie not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country tor years, and ie a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in After initiation and order of business curinu Catarrh. Head for testimonials, last evening the Eagles spread their wings and How toF. W. Skibbe's hostelry, where a royal banquet was spread and ready to be devunred by the Eaglee, who did honor to tlie occasion. Speeches were made by S. b. G. P., John Lamont, I). O. G. P. McNaiuee and the members of the initiation team of 'Portland Aerie No. 4, who made remarks highly com plimentary to the material of the order and the elected oflicors, and also to the home team for their superior work, pre dicting great success to The Dalles Aerie, No. 160, F. O. E. W. P., Otis Patterson presided at the banquet and announced the several toasts with appropriate speeches, which were heartily applauded. When the hour of midnight paised the Eagles withdrew to their roosts, where they are yet if they haven't "come off the perch." The members of Portland Aerie, No, 4, present were: 6. D. G. P., J. La mont, I). D, G. P..T. McNamee, T. J. Jones, Louis "Vaguer, 8. Fisher, F. E. I free. F. J. Chenev & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 7Ac. Hall's Family Pills are the bent. 12 Don't I. el Them (tull'or, Often children are tortured with itch ing und burning eczema and other skin diseases but Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, expels inflammation, leaves the skin without a tear. Clean, fragrant, cheap, there's no salve on earth os good. Try it. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at G, C. Blakeley 's drug store, 4 Dyspeptics cannot he long lived he cause to live requires nourishment Food is not nourishing until it is digested. A disordered stomach cannot digest food, it must have assistance, Kodol Dyspep sia Cure digests all kinds nf food with out aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain its natural functions. Its elements are exactly the same as the natural digestive fluids and it simply can't help bnt do you good. Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. AT Tub Dallks, Or., Jlay U7, nail. Notice Is hereby Riven that tin: following, niimut settler lias tlktl-uotli.-c ol his intention to make Until tirool ie mi priori of Ills elatiii, ami that mild jiroof will he ramie belore thu Heals ter nnil iteculver at The Dulli'i, Oregon on Mon day, July (s, 1U01, vi.: Albert W. Turner, of The Dalles, Oregon, II. K. No. I'JI for the av.'A fccc. io, r. i s i:. ti i:., v. .i He names trie following witnesses to prove rus continuous resilience upon anil uuuivauoii of salil land, vl. . Charles Gosou, Charles "initli, Walter Scott and liHiie C. Matuey, all ol The Dalles, Oregon. may!.j J A V 1'. l.I'CAH. Kenlstcr. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land OlEceat Vanemivi.-r, Wanh, Jlay 17, 1)01. Notice is hereby given that the following named settlers have Hied notice of their inten tion to make Html proof In support of their claim and that suiil proof will In; made before W. H, bresby, J. H. Commissioner fur District uf Washington, at his olliet In (ioldundalc, Wash., on rialtiriiaj, June'-'J, I'jni, vi.. Kl kitmili It. Ilylton, II. No, 0700, for thu N. KK4, VM NK( and NKh of HKJ-4, hco III, Tp 1 ,S, It 1.1 i:, V. !., who names thu following witnesses to prove Ids con tinuous rcsiduuc; upon and cultivation of said laud, vi. Orie K. Bhlpiioy, Corfu Horenscn, John llaf ;s o. i.y run, James l Wu.ih. ,yiu, nil of l.yle I'. O C'uillx SoriinsHN, II. i;. No. VMA, for the 3W;4 HK, Sec Pi, and Na of NK'4 and NKH of NW, Kte HI. Tp :i N, 11 12 K, W. M.,who iiame.s the fnllouing wit uesseh to Iprovu his continuous residence upon and cultivation o said laud, vl... Klkanah 11. Hyltnn.Orlc K. Hhipixiy, John Dul (rou, James O. I.yle, all of l.yle 1'. o., Wnsli, OrH) K. Hliliiy, II. K. No. VA'il. for tne (ruotloiml SWJf of NWU. fractional WU of 8W'C( mid thu of V( of Seel), Tp:i N, ft Pi K, W. M who names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his coiitlnuoiiH rest deuce upon ami cultivation of unit! laud, vl..; Klkanah Ii. Ilylton, Corllx Koruiiseu, John Dallron and James O. l.yle, ull ol I.yle P, O., Wash. mlh W. It. Dl'NIIAK, Ittglstur. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Isolated Tract Public Lund Salo. Notice Ik hcicby given that lu pursuance of Instructions from thu Coiuiulsf loner of the (leu eral I-and Ollice, under authorily vested in him by beotlon aiM, l.'.H, Kuv, Htat., as amended hy Ihuautol Coiitrees approved hehruary 'JO. 1HU3, we will pi(K.-eeil to oiler at public sa'e on .Satur day, the 1st day of June, next, at thu hour ol 10 o'clock a. 111, at this ollice, the following tract of laud, lo-wlt: NKH SVi'H Kec. IP, Tp 2 N, It 13 K, W. M. Any and all persons clahiilng adversely the above-deiurlbed ialiilu aro ailvlsed to lllu their claims in this ollleo on or before the day above designated lor tho commencement of tald sale, otherwise Ihulr-righlH will be lorleltvil I. H. Und Oince, Tho Dnlleh, Or., Aiir 17, 11)01. JAY I'. I.UCAK, Kegfsler. uprW) OTIH PATI'KltHO", llecclvur NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. J.ANI OKCICK AT V'ANCOllVKB. WmhIi,, April 17. mil I Nollcu Is hereby given that the following named tuttlor Unit lllcl notice ol his Intention to make Una! proof lu support of his claim, and that mild proof will be made before W. II. t'resby, United Htates (,'ommlssioncr for district of Washington, at his office in (loldeudtile, Wash., on Saturday, June 8, 1UI1, vl. : Joe Hlllookuin (IuiIImii), of Grand Dalits P. (,, Washington, wliomadu II. K. No. H7CH. for the HJ4 of N W'H of bee. itt lu Tp. I N, U 111 K. W. M. ilu names the following witnessed to prove his continuous rvulaeuoo upon aud cultlvutlon of said land, vl: UlllChHrley.Martln Hpedls, Jake Andrews and Occur Charley, ull of (Hand Dalits V, O. Wwtli, iipfJO W, It, DUNltAH, KettUter, No. Fast mall for Tai'oma, No. 1 Heattle, Olyinpia, (iray's j Hariior ami .Smith lluud points', Kpokiuic, Ko'-s I laud, II. C, Pullman, Moscow, U-wlstou, llllf 11:1S A. M. faloliiiniiminiugcoiui- I'. M. try, IluU'im, .Mlnneaiio- Us, Ht. l'aul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. I.ouis, Ciilcago aud nil points No. 1. east aud southeast. No.:!, l'uget Hound Express 11;: P.M. lor Tai'oma and .Seattle 7;00 A M and intermediate points Pullman lirst-class and tourb.t Nleepers to Miiilienpolls, Ht. l'aul and Missouri river points without change. Vostilmled trains. Ptiiou depot conncetlons in all principal citlu". baggage checked to destination of tickets, Kor handsomely Illustrated de-crlptive matter, tickets, sk'upiug-ear reservations, etc., eall oil or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant (ieneral Passenger Agent, !1Vi Morrl son Htreet, corner Third, l'ortland Oregon. NivnClT FOB PUBLICATION. 1'. S. IjuiiI Ollice, Vancoiivur, Wash., I Ma) 'JS, I'.Hil. t Notice is hereby given that lu compliance with tlie provisions of the act of Congress of June II, Ih7b. entitled "An act for the Mile of tint -l,;r lauds In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the public iaiul slates by act of August I. IK'.', Frank Htewart, of bone Hock, county of William, rttatu of Oregon, has this day (1 led lu this ottlce his sworn statement No 'ill.', for the purchase of the N V If of riee : in Tp No I N, K No 111 K, W. Jl., aud will oiler proof to sliow that the land sougiit Is more valuable for its timbor or .stouo than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish Ids claim to said laud before the liegister and Deceiver ol tills ollice at Van couver, Wash., on Wednesday, thu 11th dav uf August, l'J0l. Ho names us witnesses Homer V. Wood worth, (iodfruy I. Hmltli, It. Knburtson unit Harry .11. Harrett, all of Portland, Or. Auv ami all persons claiming adversely the abovu-dei-crlbeil lauds are reipu-steii to lllu their claims In this odiceou or before said 1 Ith day of August, laoi. Junl lot . II. Dl'NIIAK, liegister FRENCH & CO. BANKERS. Transact a General Banking Bufiineun. Letters of Credit issued available in tiie EiiHtern Stales. Siglit Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Sun Francicco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. mm Bestauraat WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers. If you aro in not'd of anything in our line, figure with us, for it will pay you. Wo operate a PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON WALTHEB, THE DALLES, OREGON. L. Y. Hong, Prop'r. first-Class in Every Respect MEAIiH AX ALT. IIOUKH. Oysters Served in any Style. 87 Second St., The DulAd, Or NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ijind Ullicu ut Vancouver, Wellington, Mil) l:i, I'.kii, Notlco Ih licrcbv glytii Hint tho follovvlug llHiued mjUIi.t Iiiih llltd nollcu ol li Ih luti.-iitlou In iiutku liiml prool lu mipi,rt ol IiIh oIhIiii, hiiiI Unit mild proof will Imj iniulo liufuru tho UtgUlcr mid Itcculvur of thu U, H, Uind Ollleo tit Vtiu t'ouvur, WiiHlilngtoii, oil Monday, Juno Ul, luoi, ViKi Alfrnd rnaoul, of I.ylo poHlollicc, WhmIi,, who mudo II. K. No. lo.'oo, for thu Miutlieuht (pmrU-r ol northwest rpiurtur, Houtli half of nouthwtiit ipuirtor, and nortlitMat (Uiirtorot inuthweit (iurkT oiuw. tlou ssj, towmhlp I north, niugu p.1 cunt, V, M, ilo ntimcK tlio following wltnviiii to prove IiIh continuous rnlduuuo uon mid cultivation of kHld lamli viz: Joseph BUvii, John Hpltzunbc-rKor, Jaiiu-m Kl hint nd Frank Keynoldn, all of Lyle 1', 0 W'Bulilngton, HUB W, It. UUNHAlt, Hvglhtr. Wasco Wareloise Mill H Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinde Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle- t.OTl Tflnnr ThiuFlour ih manufactured xpreoHly for uvu A U"L uhh : evrv Huck ie nuarauteed to give satisfaction. Wd soil our goods lowor than any house lu the trade, and if you don't thinnw call and get our prices and lie convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats C. J. STUBMNG. V. IIOI.KHAI.K AND IIKT.Wb Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. Next door to First National Bunk. ' O0111I1111 I'hono a, j' I.wiik UUt. 1001, "rue nu 1 cat ADrfiON