The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY - JUNE 3, 1901 J. A. EBERLE, Merchant Tailor, Second Street, opposite Mays & Crowe, We have an excellent line of Spring Suitings, Pantings, etc., which we are prepared to make up in the latest styles, and guarantee a perfect fit. Mary Ellen Lease has gone into bankruptcy after having talked several political parties into the same state, remarks the Salem Statesman. If Filipinos are to be American citizens, it is advisable to teach tltctu the national hymn as early as pos sible. Man' of them hold that it is "A Hot Time in the 01(1 Town," sajs the Globe-Democrat. "Parting your hair in the middle is a sign of degeneracy,'' declares Prof. Starr, of Chicago. How about the fellow who has to part his hair at least, what he has left of it with a towel: asks the Walla Walla Union. A poor idiot out in Illinois must have lain awake nights, says the .Lyre, to compose this: "I knew a young lady from Michigan, to meet her I never should wichigan ; she'd eat ot ice cream till of pain she would scream, and she'd order another big dichigau." Just as The Ciikonioli: antici pated ! One William Jennings Bryan, a one-horse lawyer of Lincoln, Ne braska, has decided that the supreme court of the United States is a natural born fool or words to that effect and is completely under ths thumb of Mark Hanna ami a small bore politician known by the name of William McKinley. Reform has struck Antelope, ac cording to the Republican, which informs us that on complaint of one of the Antelope matrons the four saloon-keepers of the town were arrested the other day on the charge of allowing gambling to be carried on in their places of business. Three of the four pleaded guilty and were fined $25 each. The fourth waved examination and had not been tried at last accounts. Now that a United States jury has declared that Ex-Postmaster II. II. Riddell is innocent of the crimes charged against him, Tin: Cmtosici.K insists that action should be nt once initiated to oust Jerry Patteison from the postolllcc and, if possible, to imprison for life Judge Robert Mays and Congressman Moody us the chief conspirators against the character of a most estimable and innocent gentleman. The liaker City Democrat protends to believe that the recent decision of the United States supreme court, in the matter of Porto Hioan duties on sugar, was made at the suggestion of the sugar trust, which, the Demo crat says, "contributed largely to the republican national committee at the last two presidential elections." If the Demoorat will kindly tell Tin: Ciikokicm: where it gets its proof that the sugar trust is in any way interested in free sugar from Porto Rloo, this paper will be more than pleated to publish the information. There is hope that the flat money lunacy is in oourse of being aban- ill cloned by tlio democracy for nil time when such nn invotorntc democratic sheet ns the Eugene Guard publishes under editorial sanction the follow ing: "That-paper money is nothing but a promise to pay was demon strated by the death .of Colonel James G. Miner, nn assistant secre tary of the confederate navy during the civil war, at Medford, Ohio, the other day. While he died in pov erty, one million dollars in confeder ate money and bonds were found iu his trunk." ICntcd to l'un-Amertcmi Exposition. Round-trip rates via 0. R. it N. from The Dilles, jsi.DO. Tickets on sate first and third Tuesdays during June, July, August, September and October, good for continuous passage going on date of sale. Return limit thirty days from date of sale. Stop-overs will be allowed west of Missouri river or St. Paul on return trip within limit of ticket. Arrangements can be made by apply ing to agent 0. R. & N. Co., The Dalles, ' whereby tickets will be honored on lake i steamers in one or both directions be I tween Detroit and Buffalo. ! tf Jamus Iuki.and, Agent Don't. Don't expect a "cheap" enameled utensil to last long. It doesn't. i Don't think bucIi a one can be kept clean. It can't. j Don't believe the "cheap" enamel 1 isn't steadily crumbling away. It is. Don't imagine in using such you're not eating the enamel. You are. Don't figure you are siivitn: money buying the cheapest. You're not. Don't forget the "cheap" has but one coating of enamel. Just one. Don't fail lo recollect that imported ' Stranskv ,-teel-ware lasts for years. j Don't buy that kind if health and j economy are of no consequence. 1 Don't tr to get tin genuine else ! where, for it's sold exclusively by mlti tf .Mays & Citowi:. Don't Kill) It lit, Just wet the affected part freely with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke & Falk. Kor Mult). A number of choice family cows, full blood and grade Jerseye. Apply to J. A. Huxdekko.v, m2o-tf Bingen, WaBh. I. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in etticiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Oastralgia.Crampsand all other results of imperfect digestion. Price SOc. and tl. LargesUocontalnB2V, times small size. BookaUtiboutdyspepsiamalleUiree Prepared by E. C DcVITT 6 CO.. Chicago. Sold bv Clarke &Falk'e I' O I'lmnnacy I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i Land Office at Vajccouvek. Wmh., ( , April 17, l'JOl. 1 1 Notice Is hereby Riven that the followlnc I named settler hus lllid notice of her Intention ! to mulcc final proof In support of her '!nirn, nml I that wild proof will bo made before the Ketrlster i nml Receiver V, tj. land olliec at Vancouver, Washington, Saturday, June 15, 1901, viz. ! Sl'UHl-kO, j widow of Skaniinh, jr.. (Indian) now deeeaKd, who marie homestead entry No. '.015, of the V.'i of the VM and Uit:iof tec. 10 Tp .S', K 11 K, W. M. Hhu namei the following witnesses to prove I her continuous residence upon and cultivation I of mid land viz.: I lllll (Indian), Jolmv (Indlaiuund Tim (Indian) ! each of the rolniiibui., Vnh , and William j spedl Indian), of (fraud Dalles 1. O,, Wash. I aprlM W. It. I'UMS.w:, Kcglktur. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. I.anij Orncr. at Thu Dalle, Oii,, A) ay 11, l'.wi. ( Notice is hereby (riven that the following named pettier has filed notice ol his inten tion to make final proof in hupport of his citim, arm mm sum prooi win oo mane be fore th'i reKieter mid receiver at Tho Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, June i.', ItMl, viz: Frank KoUnrU, of .Mosler, Oregon, II. K, No. .773, for tho HViW Hec. itt. T. J N.. it. Vi K.. W. 11. Ho names tno following witne&K'S to prove ins continuous ruiujeiice upon, and cultivation of said laud viz: U. J. Jlob'-'rts, Sidney Ilriwt-, John Udulnger, Calvin iJiiuigeii, all of Hosier, Oregon. JAY I'. l.UOAH, ml.' (Counter, Notice of Final Settlement The undersigned having filed his final no count as administrator of the citato of CimrJes (irodl, deceased, (he County Court of Watco County, Oregon, In an order made and entered May 'it, has appointed Holiday, July 1, 1D0I, at the hour of 2p rn. of said day, us tho time and the county court room in Dalle City, Wuwo County, Oregon, as the place for the heurmir of aald llnal account und of any objec tions thereto, if any there be. All pernoiis In. tereMed In ald etato arc hereby notified to fl.e any objections thev may have to said tie. count on or before said last-named date. Usual ilay it, I All. (JIIRI8 DKTIIMAN, Administrator of llio Katate of Charles Urodt, Deceased, jnayV5 FOR about thirteen years I have doyoted more time to politic than to business. The result is that my business litis Buffered. For n time, at, least, I propose to devote more timu to business and Ibbs to politics, provided the .other fellows will let me. During these years some features have come into practice among business men that were not con sidered proper or necessary at that time. Among them is the scheme of profit-sharing or giving to some lucky customers a valuable present. 1 propose to do something in this line myself. For each fifty centB paid to me for goods fur nished 1 will give the customer a numbered coupon. On each Saturday at 0 p. m. I will give away two presents one, a year's subscription to any $1 period ical desired, Hiid the other, one copy of some of the famouB pictures neatly framed, the customer can also make a choice of these as there are a number to Crandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS rf5 EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. DEALERS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplies The "Bailey-Gatzert" The finest and fastest stern wheel boat on the Columbia River Will Make DAILY TRIPS between The Dalles and Portland, Mon days excepted, arriving here from Port- land at 3 p in. and JOHN PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. ( t ( r Htwirncrs ritt'.llir i)iimI li to tiohcfltilo without Str. Regulator ur. i Leaves Cascades 0 a. in. I DOWH. I.v. Dalles I,V,7 a.'m! Arrlvo I)allt'H 10::, ' . . . .Monlay j henvo Dulles 11 p. ni. Kriiiayj Arr. Cascades i ;.(0 p, in. Arr. Dallt-H . a s i'. m. Daily ex. .Sunday. H at 7 a. M. fy I uusuay , iiiuiMiay ( rlaturilay. ., . ' Arr, I'ortlaiul atl;yOP. u. ' KxRitrsion Jtittes every Saturday for purties of live and upwards: Dalies, S j White Salmon and intermediate points, oOe ; Dulles to Cascades, $1,00. jj Y For an evening trip take the "Iralda". at !J p. tn. to Hood itiver and re-'3 i turn on the up host, 3 '( i FOE OOMPOET BOONOMT AND PLBASUEE, Xt t, iravci uy me nitamtrs oi wo neguiaior k roiiH mo bent nervicc poMiuie. V - ... l'ortuna omcc, oaic-Htreet Uocx. w. Advertise in .be given away before supply is exhausted. In ad dition, every month 1 will give several valuable pn-H-ents. On June 5th the presents will ho a fine Hlhlu, a Webster's International Dictionary, nun year's siih pcrlption to a I periodical and one Hoys IhoIiii Set. The presents to bo given away on July (Uli win be announced later. 1 hope to confine myself in those presents to ar ticles in my own line ho that I will not interfere with Bale of goods In other lines. In addition I will give a dividend each month to the person who has pur chased the mqst goods from me. On Jane nth this will be 5.0l). You do not have to purchase fifty cents worth at one time to get a dividend check, as I issue certificates of sale for less amounts which can be exchanged for dividend check when they amount to fifty cents. If clerk does not give you checks or or certificates when you make U T UAI kfi a purchase, UBk for them. III. I . IIUuMIl Robes, Burial Shrouds Etc. YOUR KIDNEYS. After von tiro of tiaiiii: po-enlled kiilnev remedies without uny benefit, UHe Lincoln Sexual Pills and lie forever rid of those dull puinB In your hunk. Discard that old fogy idea of "pain in the kidneys" and have all your bladder ami urinary troubles cured, and your nights made restful by the" use of nature's greatest assistant Lincoln Soxual Pills. Price, $1.00 per box buy ot yourdrujiisist or sent by mail on receipt of price, in plain wrapper. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY CO.. Fort Wayne, Incliium. M. '.. Donnell, Agent, Tim Dalles. rV- rfir fV jrf returning at 4 p. m. FILLOON, Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. REGULATOR LINE. DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA BAV. COMPANY i of tho Uvgulator l.ino will run as jut thu fol Mm f 'iinii.nno rjiunriilin. vlittit in nti,.in. notice. n Str. Dalles City. DOWN I.V. DllllCH lit 7 A. tl, Monday Wednesday,.. Friday Arr. Portland ut 4 :'M v. M. l. . I'ortlaiul J at 7:(KJ A. M. j Tiichday ; 'riiurfdity Haturday j Arr. Hallux iitTi r. if. " ... 4 too i.oinpany win enqeavor to give UN pat- f or lurtimr iniormatlon addrc y C. ALLAWAY, Qen. Agt. The Chronicle, t P. Just What You uuant. New ideaR in Wall Paper hero. Such wide variety as we are Hliowing never be fore graced a single stock. Heal imitii j tion creton ellectB at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Pilegunt designs, tasteful colorings, yours ' for a small price, at our store ou Third street. AIho a full line of house pitints. i D, W. VATJSE, Third St. NEW LUMBER and WOOD YARD. We have on mi If it lull Hue ut EoheIi and Dressed Lumber Mouldings, Braokets, Laths, Sbinglos, Windows, Doors, OAK, FIR AND SLAB WOOD Which we will sell nt live and let live prices. (live iin a trial and no will Uout you right. G-ILBRETH & SON Third mill Fmlnrul Ht. Lane, OKKKUAl. Wagon and Carrlago Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and Mcon, Phone 159 Ttie Goluiia PacKing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANUKACTUHKHBOK Fine Lard and Sausages Gurersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIKD UEKF, KTO. J. H. HCHBNOK, President. Max A. Voiit, C'ttHlliU) First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREOON A Geneml Banking Buaineea transacted Deposits received, aubject to Biirlit n n ti Draft or Check. Collections made aud proceeds promptl? o, v.emJ 00 dv of "oUeotion. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange iold on New York, flan Francisco and orl Sand. Ed. M. Wiuum, Gao. A. Libbr. H. M. Bkall. ihh k). nil1 Iff Biacksmiin Horsesnoer .OREGON Short line and union Pacific IIZI'AUT FOIt Chicago Portland Hpcclal, llvl'i p. in, via Hunt lllgtllll. Atlantic Hxprcss, Vi;ut a. m. via Hunt ington. Ht. I'aul Kast Mall, v:a p. m. via Htm kiiue. TIMK .HCIIKDUI.KB I'llOM T1IK DAI.I.IIB. AURtvr. fhoh Halt IJike, Dunver, Kt, Worth, Omaha, Kan hum City, Ht.lmls, Chi cago mid the Kast. ':0f)p.ra, Halt Ijike, Denver, ft. if. ...i. i i... . itwitn, wiiiiiiiii, I. till NiiMCIty, HI. I .mils, Chi cago mid the Kast. 1.15 a. m, Walla Walla, UiwlHtou, Hiokiiiio,Vnllaoo,l'iil. iiiti it . Minneapolis, Ht. :U0a. ra. i inn, Milium, oi ii wnu keu, Cliluagoiiml Kast, OCEAN AND EIVEK SCHEDULE Prom 1'iirtlHiiil. (All millluK (latex niiIi jvut to cluuiKo ) Kor San Kriiudxco, Hall every fi daya. KiOO i. Ill, !: li. ra. Dully I'.XI'ujlt Hiiiiiiay, h'.tll p. 111. Hatunliiy, 111:110 ). in. Dally l)XCUlt htimlay, tliiliunlilu Itlviir. To A storlii utul Way l.iindliiKH. l:ip. m. oxcept Hiinilay. WIIIuiiDittK Klvnr. (ircKoti (Mty, NewlierK, , Kali'lll, llidi!i(ilidi:iici', and SViiy-lJiiiiiliiKs. I :ra p. m. t'XCfpt Hllliilny, li'.IMI a. 111. Tui'Mliiy, Tliurdiiy, Satuiday, I p. m. .Mimdny, Wciliuwiliy Friday. CorvnllU and Way ljlllllillUK. u;w a. in. Tuesday, WlllKiimtm nml :i a) p. m. TliurKilay, Vmiililll lllvtirn. .Mimilny, Hitiirdaj , ciivKiin City, Dayton mid WtUiuwiay 7;W)a. in. Vll 4iiidlilK. MW U'avi1 Khuirla dally, .'1.10 a. in. Hiiuktt Klriir. lilMVO dally, H:;Jn.m. ltlparla to l.i;vltim. 1'nrtiL'H .ividrltiK to ro to iK'nnner or iHimtH on Ciiltiiubla Hmillii.'rn via JIIkkh, ahoulil take No. 'J, luavliiK The IlalliM at 1:'.V p. in, iiinkliiK illri-e t coniiuetioiiH at lliipimer Junction mid IIIi;k. lleturuliiK iiiiikliurdlrttt'iiiiiicctlon at Huppuur Juiietlou and HIkkh withiNo, 1, ar rlvitiK nt 1'lie UuUch at l:u,ri p. m. Kor lurtimr parttnularN, call on or addresN JAH. IKKI.A.Vl), AitiMit, Tliu DalleH, Ortyon. Complete of Dm at i i i i M. Z. DONNELL, ! THE DRUGGIST. i Spring Suitings Thu time will soon he hero when stylish dressed man will want an V10' date KpriiiK Suit. Those are the kind m patrons 1 am tailoring fr. Cojne in and look over my Spring line of Smttng' Ail thu latest novelties for 1101 . Suits to Order, $IO.OO. John Pashek, The Tailor. Nasal CATARRH In nil Its itnKH tliero diimlu ba clcuuliuutM. Ely's Cream Balm cleaiiM!i,iootliciiiftnillK'l llio dUcoucu iiiuiiiiirune. 1 1 ciireii catarrh nml drl vei way a cold lu tho head (Ireum Bwlm la placed Into too notj WJ uj. over tlio ineuibraue and If abaorbeil. medlaUiaiiilaciirefollowi. It li not d'y not iiradu ineeslnK. Urgo HUe, 60 cenU " gl.ti .ir by mail -, Trial BUo, 10 centa by fc W.Y WWTUK1W,60 Wurru Strwt.W