Stead This, Consumptives "From the way my wife coughed for six months, I knew she had consump tion. She showed it in her face, too, and her body wasted away to a mere skele ton. After she got down in bed the doctors couldn't do any good. 1 called iu both Dr. T. A. Shannon and Dr. N. L. Hawsen, each of whom is a lirst-elass physician, but they had nothing that would roach the trouble in her lungs. My wife's father came to see her one day, when she got very low. He lives in Cedar Lake, Wis., while we live in Uice Lake, Wis. .He said he knew what was needed, and made me get a bottle of Acker's English Remedy for Consumption. 1 went to Schmidt's, our local druggist, and got a bottle, and it helped her right away. She took eight '50c. bottles, and they put her back on her feet and made her as sound and well as any wo man in town. She has taken on llesh again, she doesn't cough, and' if any one who doesn't know the facts was to be told she was so death with consumption, lie wouldn't believe it. My wife docs all her housework, and at night sleeps as sotmdlv as von plense. Her stomach 110 longer gives her any tioublc at all. Mavbe vou doubt what I am telling. If so. I advise you to see J. N. Schmidt, the" druggist who sold me .Acker's English Remedy for Consumption. . He'll tell you the same thing. He says Acker's English Remedy is wonderful in all throat and lung troubles: that it is sold on a guarantee to cure, or monev returned, and he never vet had a bottle come back to his store, although he h'as sold hundreds of them. " My name 13 Luther Bedell, Rice Lake. Wis." Acker's English Remedy is sold by atl drtifruists under a positive ffuarantec ti. Vc.r "loneV "I" Je refunded in case of failure. 33c, sec and $1 a bottle in United btates and Canada. In England is. jd -s. 3d., and 4s. 6il. We authorize the atove guarantct. II". . UOOtex: CO., I'ropriciors, .Xm- Vork. For sale at Blakeley's Pharmacy. VEKSONAI. MENTION. SOUTH and EAST via MUs Isenhere, who has been teaching in district No. 11, on Mill Creek, closed J her school lat evening nnd left for her j home at Hood River this afternoon. I I .1. T. Harper ha returned from a trip through the Yakima valley, where he' found ho many attractions that it is his intention to move his fatitil v there he- tore tnanv'mnnthe. mm Pacific Co. Shasta Route Tritns leave The Dalles for Portland and way stations at t.i .1. in. ami i, m. Cnimtieiiceitittut Kxurclaeit. I Leave 1'ortlnnil 8: SO a in Albany tt! :30 am The following is the program of the commencement exercises of The Dalles High school, which take place tonight at the Vogt opera house, commencing at S :lo o'clock : , . , , , . Arrive Ogdon Selection Orchestra i Denver The Highest Architecture Hessie V. Snipes " KmiwixCtt-. The Kacc the lmlex of the oul Ada Hell 1 " Un,-"c I'luno tjulo .... Emlllo Ctoseu A lleminisceuce The Itattleof M-unbon 1 Arrive Los Angeles Arrive Ashland 12:St a m " Sacramento AiOO i m " San FraucUco 7:4b ji m 8:15 a m 'J:00 a ni 7:-Jo a in 7:15a in 7:03 j m lU:50t m 11:30 a m I a m b:15 a di 11:15 a m j :00 a in 7:45 a in M a m . John Cooper Double Quartet Dream of Long Aso ... .Boys of High School j Florence Nightingale and Her Woik ' liesste Jl. Lddoa 1 Clnmnrous Labor Knocked With Its Hun dred Hands at the Uoldcn Gates of the Morula;; Dora i.. Sexton 1 Overture Masaulella . I Loto Kel.By and Koscmnry HilUvin I Abraham Lincoln, the Kiiuncip.itor I Porter T. Frlzell ' Solo' I'tva In the Charming Month of May, Marguerite Kinersly Ju Rose Without a Thorn . Hannah V Schtrabe Tlie Monroe Doctrine Volney C. Dnvtr 1'iano Solo La Caiafanella .Mis Alice M. Hall The following members of the class were ex cused from speaking. The Suggestive Element In Art Itostinary M. Udldirin A Rolling Stone Gathers Xo Mom Illanche Emerson The Value of the Study of fc'wriish Classics Uesslu t . Vogt , lircaduud llread-Makiug Ortha Waters 1 jeseiuuiiun ui iJipiuzuas Jumi waviu j Double Quartet School-day Memories I Hoysol High St-hool .... 1:20 tm El 1'nso C:tX) p m Fort Worth G:: a in City of Mexico 9:55 a ni Houston 1:00 a in New Orleans (5:45 a in Washington 6:12 am New York 12:12 p in 7:00 a m G:C0 p m t'r.SO a in y:55 a m 1:00 a m ii:45 p in i'r 12 a 11 12 1.; p m Pullman and Tourist cars on both trains Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and El Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago, St Louis, New Or leans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with several steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America. See agent at The Dalles station, or add. us C. H. MARKHAM, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Or 1 111 lien mum iiiiiiiiiii ill II I in rrf 1 1 nil 1 mil 11 inn 1 1 11 1 xiui luujiu x uuxxxu: Yellowstone Park Line. Found At The Dalles nurseries, a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles. -Owner! can nave tne same uy eaiiini at tuis ; THE DINING oak itoi'TE fuom oflice. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orncx at Vancouvkk, Waih., 1 April 17, 1101. Notice Is hereby given that the following Mined settler hus tiled notice of heriiitention to make final proof In support of hercliilm, and that said proof will be made before the Itegister and Kecelver U. S. land otliee at Vancouver, Washington, Saturday, June 15, 1 '.Ml, viz.. HiuaI-ko, widow of Skamlah, jr., (Indian) now deceased, who made homestead entry No. 0013, of the E'.: of the 1 Ef4 and Ixit :i of bee. Hi Tn 2 N, It UK', W. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud viz.: Hill (Indian), Johny (Indian)and Tim (Indian) each of the Columbus. Wash., and William 8 pedis (Indian), of Grand Dalles P. O., Wash. aprJO W. It. Dunbab, Hegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. XjANh Office at Tun, Oim,,i May 11, 1'jOl. 1 Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make liiial proof In supxut of his clim, and that said proof will be made be fore the register aud receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, 00 baturdny, June 'A', I 'All, viz: Prank Koiirrte, of Mosler, Oregon, H. E. No. (775, for the SVi4 Sec. :r, T. 'J N It. VI 1'.., W. M. Ho names tne following witnesses tn prove his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of said laud U'. D. J. Hoberts, Kidney llrlggs, John Leiulngcr, Calvin Dunlgeu, all of Mosler, Oregon. JAV I'. LUCAS, ml 5 Uuiuicr. TO THE EAST. THE ONLY DIP.ECT LINE TO THE VELI.OW fi'IONE PAKK LEAVK. Union Espoi, FirtnaEilSis NO. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Laud OiUceat Vancouver, Washington, May la. ltwi. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled nolicu of his Intention to makelinal proof In supwirt of his claim, and that said proof will bu made before the Hegister and Kecelver of the V. S. Land Otlico at Van uiuivcr, Washington, oil Monday, June ''), 1901, Viz: Alfred I'mscuI, of Lyle M)itofllce, Wash,, who made H. K. No. 100(5, fur the southeast quarter of northwest quarter, south half of southwest quarter, and northeast quarter of southwest quarter of sec tion ZS, township 4 north, range 12 east, W. M, Ho uames the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of Mid laud, viz: JoaepbBllva, John Bpltzenberger, Jsrues El ls rd mid Frank Keyuolds, alt of Lyle 1'. O.. Washington. inl5 W. K. PUN11AK, Hegister. No. 2. Fast mall for Tacoma, fPeattle, Olympla, Gray s Harbor aud South ISeud points, Spokane, Koss laud, it. C, Pullman, , Moscow, UiMlstou, Hu f 11:13 A. M. faloHiimpminiugcoun- 3;30 P. M. try, Helena, MlnueHiM)- ills, Ht. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, Ht. Louis, 1 Chicago and all nolntH No. i. east and southeast. Puget Sound Express 11:30 P. M. for Tacoma and Seattle 7;00 A. M. 1 and intermediate points No. 3. Pullman first-class and tourist sleepers to Minneapolis, Ht. Paul and Missouri river points without change. Vestlbulcd trains. Union depot connections in all principal cities, liaggago checked to destination of tickets, For handsomely lllusuatcd descriptive matter, tickets, sleeping-ear reservations, etc., call ou or write A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. 455 MorrI sou Street, corner Third, Portland Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'. S. Land Olliec, Vancouver, Wash., J May2S. l!)l. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June a, !S7, entitled "An act for tho sale of tlm bu lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada aud Washington Territory," as extended to all tho public laud states by act of August I. 1M2, Frank Stewart, of Lone Hock, county of Gilliam, Htato of Oregon, has this day Men in this ottlce his sworn statement No. 4.' 12, for tho purchase of the NVV J of beo 13 In Tp No 1 N, K No in K, W. M., and will oiler pioof to show that the laud sought Is more VHluuble for Its timber or stono than for agricultural purposes, aud to establish his claim tosnld laud before the Hegister and Kecelver ol this ollico at Van couver, Wash,, on Wednesday, the llth day of August, 1901. He names us wltuesses. Homer V. Wood worth, Godfroy I. Smith, it. F. Kobertson aud Harry M. Harrett, all of Portland, Or. Any and ull persons claiming udversely tho ubovo-desenbed lauds are requested to tilu their claims in this oflice 011 or before said llth day of August, 1901. JunMOt W. It, DUNHAIt, Hegister. Yoa will not have boils If yon take Clarke & Falk's atue cure (or bolls, Subscribe for Tuk Chuomolk, NOTICE TO WATER-CONSUMERS. All in reoiis uing Dulles City water (or irriitatiuK purposes between the 1st day of May mill the 1st tiny of Septum bur, will observe the following rules nnd reculiitioiiH : Persons will be permitted to use the witter bulow the blnll' on all even (lays, anil ubovu the bind' ou all odd days from 0 o'clock a. 111. until S a. in., nnd from (I o'clock p. m. until 8 p. tn. The above rules must bu strictly com piled with, and unv infraction of the above rules will subject thu ollendur to a tine of $1, and tho water will bu shut oil' until paid ; and for u second oHencu double the amount. Tho followinp oluirne8 will be iniulo : For one full lot oOxlOl). $1.50 pur month. Kadi additional lot $l.'2o ; half lot 75 cte. All persons using water in closet or toilet will see to it that the water is shut oil' when not in use, or water will bo shut oil' altogether if allowed to run to waste. .1. 15. CitosHr.N, Supt. Dalles City Water Works. ml ilwd Catarrh Cannot Ho Ouri'il. wtth local applications, as thoy cannot reach thu seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it vou must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure jb taken internally, and nets directly on the blood aud mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by one of thu best physicians in this country lor years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two mgrediunts is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. .1. Ghknky k Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggists, price 7iic. Hall's Family Pills are tlm best. ' IU lryili; proparntions simply devel op dry catarrh; they dry up tho secretions, which ndhcro to the menibrano and decom pose, causing a far more scrioua troublo than tho ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, funics, smokes and buuIIh aud mo that which cleanses, kooHiob and heals. Ely's Cream Jalm is such a remedy aud will euro catarrh or cold in tho head easily aud pleasantly. A trial Bizo will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tho oOc. size. ElyUrothers, fit! "Warren Ht., N. Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritato or cause snoozing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry nurfaco, reliev ing immediately tho painful inllammation. With Ely's Cream Halm you nro armed , against Jiasal Catarrh aud Hay lover. Iton't Kill) It In, Just wot the all'ected part fruulv with Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy, and the pain is gone. Sold bv Clurl-.u & Falk. Clarke it Falk's flavoring extracts arc .the best. Ask votir uT cer for them. TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS. Thu county court has instructed tho county clerk to place a warrant on the tax roll of 11)01) commanding me to col lect the taxes for said year by making sale, if necessary, of the property there in mentioned, and to return the roll in side of sixtv days. I am sworn to do my duty, and am also tinder bonds for its faithful per formance; therefore have no alterna tive but to obey the mandate of the court, and will immediately proceed to make out a list of dflimiuents aud ad vertise the property for sale. IJoiiuiiT Kki.i.y. lUin-'lwd.uv SheriU'of Wasco Co. ul Cullies Night Alarm. "One night my brother's baby was j taken with Group," writes Mrs. .1. C. I hiiiilur 'if (IriMiiiiilitn. ICv.'Mt HlilMlied It would strangle before we cm Id uet 11 doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always i;eep it 111 the huusu to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. oO and SI. 00. Trial bottles Store. J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors a "Til Owl." Purest Liquors for Family Use Delivered lo iiny piirlof tlio City. 1 hones. JJ)SL1n;-"i1i; I)iHllul(,LI 173 Second Street. 5 . - - free at (1. C lHakeley's drug A full line of Eastman films aud sup plies just received by Clarke & Falk. J''r Nuhi. A stylish black driving horsu, very gentle. Also a nearly new open buggy, harness, blankets, etc. Very cheap. Address, W. 11. JiorKwm.i.. tnUTd'Jw-wIUv Dufur, Ore. Vou are much more liable to disease when your liver and bowels do not act properly. DeWitt's Little Karly Risers remove the cause of disease. Clarko it Falk's P. O. Pharmacy. Dyspepsia can bo curud by using Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets. One little Tablet will give immediate relief or money refunded. Sold in handsome tin boxes at -." cts. Ulakeley the druggist. rittbscribe for Tun Cukonujm:. FRENCH &CO BANKERS. Transact n General Banking Buaiuess. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. C.I.. I." ........ .,.,,1 rp, .1. ,.l.:.. i;iib jvai.iiiiii)ii ichki iiii 1 Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, j St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and various points in vjreou nun UHiiiiiginii. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. U Resiaurani S THE CELEBRATED ! .. .GOkUjWBm BEEWEfcY.. AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop. Of the product of this well-kmm n brewory tho United States Health liuports for .lune S. 1000, says: "A moru supiii ior brew never entered the labratory of the United atates Health reports. It is abHolutely duvoitl of the slightest, trace of adulteration, but on the other hand in I'mupoaeil of the best of malt and choicst of hops, lit- tunic qualities are of tho high, est and it can be used with the greatest benellt and satisfaction by old nnd voting. Its line can eoii-cientioiiHly be prescribed by thu physicians with the cereaintv that a bettor, purer or more wholesome beverage could not possibly be found." East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON. 'i V'' v v5 F. S. GUrWlftG, ...Blacksmith, Horseslioer and Wagon-maker., -Di;Ai,i;it is- Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies AkciU for !ttivelt ,V Co.'s r.liKlnes, 'l lirr.xlicrv anil Htuv .Mills. Telephone 157. Long Distance 107.'!. Cor, Second & LaiMiii Sis., THE DALLES, OR, OHE FOR A DOSE. Itcmnvo I'imp'm. 1'roTPnt OiHo-1-npi.i, I'nrifjr t w lJin.jrl. f)irh-Clr.enTi?i.,,"'i.,.",w4" pc" rfl7 ,J "- i nil. ?!,". hJ, '-riP-' nor abkrn. To con- -chaldiirdruirrfmUR.tKj;;.:,, C0 Phiia o PILLS L. Y. Hong, Proji'r. First-Class in Every Respect MKAI.S AT AM. HOMCH. Oysters Served in any Style, f7 Second St., The Dulles, Or i ... 7 C. J. STUBliIG, MIIOI.HH.XLK AM) KlITAM. Wines, Liquors Cigars Family Orders will receive prompt attention. 4 5 3 4 4 : 7 Next door to First National Hunk. Con, i, mi rinini' :::m, i.iiiii: Hint. tool. THE DALLES. OREGON. ,1 , s 1 9 ( r I t ( r x i ' '( j t V TllfkllHV C, TlmiMluy C Hatunlitv Arr. rorllHud r i DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA NAY. COMPANY cm-nnn-m 111 iiiu iu;uiiiiiir i.iuu win run "i jKjr ineioi- jl iiwiiiB (.ciitd u if, uiu i-ompiiny rchervuig mo riKiii to cliniiRe isciicdiilu without notice. Str. Regulator Str. "Iralda" I)ow. uallch lit 7 A. M. I.v UP. Leaves Cafecaden 0 a, in, Arrive Dalleti 10:.'(0 u. in. Leave Dallen II p. in. tr. Dntlnn f'lfv 3 - '7 i al U'JO r. m. I.v. 1'oriliinil hi 7 a. M. . Jloinliiy . KrlOny Arr. Crteeadefi 7 ;,'!0 p. in. Arr. Uallt-H i 6 r. u. Daily ex. biinuay. DOWN I.v. DllllCH tit 7 A. M. Monday Wednendiiy,., , Krldny Arr. l'ortlaiid at t:ao i n. in- iA . I'ortliiiid A it iipii a, n, it 'l uekday 3 ... Tliurwliu- J hiitiiiday j Air. DhIIum 3 ulfi v. Kxcnrfiion iiateu every .Saturday for parliefl of five and iinwarde: Dalles. 5 White Salmon and intermediate points, ulJc; Dullea to Caecades, $1,00, A k tor an evening trip take the "Iralda" at II p. m. to Hood itiver and re-I VU... UU Ml' UUflH C, Travol by the Stcnmvrx of the Kegulator Mac. The Company will endeavor to ulve iti tint- M K rons the bent crvlco pomilblo, For further Information addrena l'ortUtnd Office, Oak-Strcct Dock, W. C. ALLAWAY. Gen. Agt. ri'ort WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklis, If you o.vv in need of anything in our lino, figure with us, for it vi pay you. We operate u PLUMBING-, TIN and BICYCLE REP AIHI SHOP. All orders entrusted to us will have prompt attention. SEXTON WALTHER, THE DALLES, - OREGON. Wasco Wain ilu ft, Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters tor Feed Grain ot ?n kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds Headauarters for Bran. Shorts. ?V?tMXD Headquarters for "Byers" Best" Pendle ton JvlOIlT TliiH Hour ih manufactured exprenHly for larauj wvu. d. vu HHH. HniTy ()U),k iB KUuriultJ0( t0 Kjv Hatiafaction. Wi) Boll Olir iroodH lownr Hum unv limiuu in lu irmlu mwl If vim don't tllinkN call und uot our prtuea and lx convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats BREED for SPEED, SIZE and STYLE EDMUND S., Bay Stallion, 4 yours old; height 15.? hands, woight 1050 pounds. Sirod lv Zomhro. 2:11. ihn hnKfc son of MoKi noy, 2:1 -.. uin, llrldtiHtnaid, y Boxwood, son of Nutwood, Bneond urn, I. dam of Ad Alone 2 2:20. by Ukuland'H Abdullah, boii of HaiiibieWB lird dam, Prunella, by Alliainlira, hou of Manihrlno Chief U. itable, Tfc First dam land Oiiuon. il Ian 10, Third dam .v ..l':,,,UND S. will make the Hoanon of 1001 Ht L. A. Porter'a livery b w..,,vR, i arum iur tne oeason, tpu. j jan30.dw4mo For furthor partleulare see FRED FISHER, Proprietor rUriiwnr.;w.w.M.ifiwMiWiMiii;.iiirtiwii